Tropical Paradise Or Is It: Lapsus Mentalli

Story by joenarianBlessed on SoFurry

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#2 of Tropical Paradie Or Not

We continue from the beautiful scenery of dusk coming in after good day filled with new things.

Time pauses. Suddenly a scene appears inside the mind of the lector (reader)... Yes, you!

As we may know many don't like the dark. Others like the dark to do what they usually do, but do not like the dark itself. Others simply like dark... Tany doesn't like darkness (dusk) to come unless she has electrical light to be in. That is the only way you find her in a dark place.

Time continues and we appear in front of the door of the newly bought house, which we now know that was previously abandoned by their previous owner. The sun is setting and it is getting a little chilly. The wind in the tropics is humid, therefore the cold is felt more than in other places that are not in the tropics.

Tany: "Daniel"

Dan: "Yes honey?"

Tany: "As much as beautiful as the sun is..."

Dan: "...mmhhmmm?"

Tany: "We have no electric lightning!! In a few hours WE WILL BE LEFT WITH OUT LIGHT!"

Dan waited for a second while Tany calmed down and let go all she had to say. Afterwards, "In that case... ", he said, "We do what people used to do back in the day...". Tany, curiously grinning, "Oh I am desperate to know what is it that people used to do back in the day..."

Dan: "Tany, we go to the bathroom"

Tanry: "Uhuh?"

Dan: "We get really comfortable"

Tany: "Uhuh?"

Dan: "Really, really comfortable"

Tany: "Uhuh?!"

Dan: "Really, really, really..."

Tany: "Will you please stop that and say what you have to say!!"

Dan, having focused himself once again, answered, "Mmmmm. You know(*pauses for a second*) we should inaugurate this house", a great big grin fills Daniel's face as he seems to be concocting something in his mind. Tany seems to be a little impatient. Suddenly she says: "I think I know what you are thinking about." A grin starts to appear onto Tany's face. Dan's face relaxes as he says:" Yes, we should go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a brighter day for the both of us! Besides, we have to do many things tomorrow." Tany twitched for a second, like if she would've had a nervous tic in her left eye for some time and it showed now.

Tany: "Sleep? Is that it? Sleep!"

Dan: "Pretty much it." (with a relaxed and looking all wise-like)

Tany: "Sleep!!" (An expression of annoyance in her face and her tail flicking mad like if she where wanting more, but not being able to have it.)

Dan: "Yup, sleep. That is what people used to do back in the day; at least where I come from. However in other places..." (A certain, known expression filled Dan's face.)

Tany found herself at what she had not expected doing in a certain position: going to sleep (Tany is frowning). Although the couple is new to this place, Dan feels very used to the feeling of being there. Tany, however, was not used to the place, nor the feel, nor the people, nor what ever she had in her mind right now, for that matter.

Tany came from a very well doted family, economically that is. She had never imagined herself living in such conditions. She looked at Dan in such envy, for he "slept like a baby" while she had to take the stress out of her mind before going to sleep. Although, one thing is certain: dan loves her and she loves dan too. At high-school she used to tell her friends how she would marry this unique fellow that would treat her well and love her and have lots of money and live in a mansion. Indeed she lived in a mansion with an extremely soft puffy bed with fluffy pillows and servants that would serve her and be there for her every need and whimper, yeah right. For now she would have to dream about it... in a sleeping bag on the floor, in a house without windows and doors where the only thing she ever imagined she would have was staring straight at her while asleep. He wasn't rich nor famous, but he does love her and he treats her very well, regardless of what anyone would say about him.

In a corner of Tany's mind she remembers herself before her recent wedding with Dan. She was nervous and, in a certain sense, frightened, although she did not know why. She loved Dan and Dan loved her too. However, she feared of how life would be with Dan. She also remembered her life with their parents and close family, in which she used to have many things she wanted accessible to her. She was not as happy in those times as she is now with her new husband, the love of her life.

Tany gets up from the floor and moves to the door and goes outside. The moon was full of light and splendorous wonder filled the sky with a blue haze. It was beautiful. The house might not have windows nor doors, but it did not really need them right now. The moon rising from the mountains, casting its reflection upon the small rippling rivers; listening to the voice of the sea and the ocean meeting themselves upon the shore... This is life. Nothing else mattered now. For a moment she didn't envy Dan anymore, instead she was glad she could see this very pleasant view. After a while of simply looking at this very special view: 'I wish It would stay like this all night', thought Tany. Out of the blue, Dan suddenly appears from inside the dark house and joins Tany. "Beautiful, isn't it?", Dan asks. Tany comes out of the trance she was in, yet she does not return the answer. All is silent except for the "coquiing" of the "coquis", the cricketing of the crickets, the whistling of the grass making chords with the whistling of the wind through the mountains and the singing of the shore, which seemed to be making choir with the rivers above. The moon was what lighted that illuminated the stage, yet she was the main part of the stage itself. Right now, Tany and Dan where the public of such grand spectacle, under the light of that beautiful blue haze.

Dan sighs and so does Tany. He puts his arm around Tany, providing comfort and warmth; the night was cool, but not cold now. Tany smiles wider, now she had everything. It was a moment of true happiness; the one only found in stories, so people say; achievable in real life as well, as we could see. "So Tany", started Dan, "Do you like it here?"

Tany: "It's peaceful" (She looked refreshed when she said it)

Dan: "Even though there is no light?" (Said Dan smiling)

Tany: "We have our light right here, in front of us."

Dan: "So, did you learn to make lemonade from lemons?"

Tany: "At first I thought it was going to be scary, but, come to think of it, I kinda like it without light"

There was a silence. Dan's face turns to a posture similar to that of a concerned, but serious face; much like that of a person who wants to teach something to someone and that person needs to repeat things a gazillion times in a katrillion different ways to the person who he wants to teach (quatrillion people, meaning a thousand times a trillion); obviously, the person who has a lot of patience. The silence was interrupted.

Dan: "When I was a child (pause) my mom and dad didn't have much money to afford electrical services. Back then there was: going to sleep early, or choking onto the "beautiful" gasses emanating from a gas lamp. He used to say: "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man strong, healthy and wise". I used to go to sleep early so I could help my dad early in the morning. I helped him in the field until it was time for school. If I did, he would give me the first milk of the day after the the cow's young drank, of course. I also helped him with the crops. We were poor, but we were happy. We were poor, but we were united. Wherever one went, all of us would be there to help and we were a family of seven."

Tany: "SEVEN?!" (she said after processing what Dan said)

Dan: "I believe that, out of all I said, you only heard the "family of seven" part. (Pause for a second) I think we should go to sleep. You are already "processing" slowly." (Dan chuckles with a big grin)

'It is sad', Tany thought, 'but it is true, I am already sleepy'. With deep sadness in her heart Tany left the grand spectacle before her eyes, but she continued hearing the well composed symphony. Inside the house she goes to the sleeping bag and lays herself down head first. She fixes her tail before entering the sleeping bag, so that it doesn't end up hurting or stuck in the zipper. Dan reaches down to her and tucks her in, giving her a quick kiss in the mouth before getting up. She returns the kiss, but on his forehead, closes her eyes and lays herself back down to the floor, picking her hair on the way. Dan goes to his sleeping bag, praying before going to sleep. Tany interrupts the silence i the house saying "Good Night Dan. I love you". "I love you too Tany" said Dan.

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Author: To all those that do not know what a coqui (Eleutherodactylus Coqui) is: they are a singing tree-frog (very small, yet cute) native to Puerto Rico; small frog-like creatures with big, round eyes and body-wide mouths.Their singing has inspired many of the puertorrican music; it is considered a pest in Hawaii'. They make a sound pronounced like this: Koh Kee (without pronouncing the "h"). Usually colored yellow, green, gray, brown. A cave version of the coqui was found. Said coqui contained no eyes, but an antenna-like extension and a pallid white skin color. Actual title of the series is: Tropical Paradise Or Is It?

Torpical Paradise Or Not: New Beginnings and New Findings

With their tails pinned up they moved themselves to what was left of the border of the house. The space was limited, yet it was still well used for that matter. Suddenly, a yelp left Tany as she experienced something she would have never guessed......

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