How Triagonee gets away from being a pervert... and gets lots of ladies for it!

Story by Shinnjacob on SoFurry

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Hello ladies and gentlemen of SoFurry! Welcome to another one of my Triagonee Dragon stories! Today, I'm going to show you how Triagonee Dragon, my OC, gets away with... pretty much anything! From peeking at a ladies' panties, underwear, boobies, asses, peeking at the girls locker room, to groping them, and flirting with them! That's right, I'm going to show you how Triagonee is going to get away with being a pervert... and having a lot more ladies lusting after him as a result! Yes, he's kind of a Gary Stu... shut up! I write what I want! Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Triagonee Dragon has been getting more and more ladies lusting after him, and after his extremely ticklish muscular body. As he got more ladies to stay at his house, Triagonee got an idea. Since the ladies were lusting for him, how about HE gets to act the pervert to the ladies? That's what he's going to stick with today!

Viewer 1: Wait, what?

Viewer 2: You're shitting me, right? You're just going to write him as a desperate pervert wanting to get tickled or bang some ladies? How pathetic can you make this character?

Fuck you, viewers! I do what I want! I write what I want! I write any stories I want! You can't do anything about it!

Viewer 3: Fuck this, I rather watch Twlight than read this.

OAH!!! Fine then! Watch Twlight then! I don't give a shit!

Viewer 4: Well, shinnjacob! How are you going to make him a pervert, and let him get away with it, and make him have lots of more ladies?

Well, I'll show you how it's done! As Triagonee decided to walk in town, he was smiling and having his eyes closed. He stopped when he saw a young white female fox, looking like she's 22 years old, wearing her orange shirt, and a short blue skirt, and wearing her sneakers as she seemed to walk on the streets, and then stopped when she dropped her bag, and kneels down, showing her panties to Triagonee. He looked at it and was surprised, as he felt some erection on his pants. ''O-Ooooh my... I... I really wish I want to stare at it... or grope it, but I-I'm afraid I might get slapped or somebody might call the police on me... shinnjacob, what shall I do?''

Hmmm... well, Triagonee, you're going to grope her butt, then she will let you do it, and then... well, I think you'll know what will happen next. *Triagonee blushed* ''W-Well, okay... here it goes!'' he gulped and walked closer to her panties, kneel down, and as he reached his right hand to touch her butt, she was still trying to pick up her bag, right before she felt a hand on her ass. She looked back to see Triagonee touching it as she looked shocked, and he looked away with his eyes closed. Then, she started to grin evilly. ''Well well... a pervert in town wanting my ass, huh?'' Triagonee opened his eyes and looked at her in fear. ''Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes, ma'am! I'm sorry!'' he said. ''Sorry? Hehehehehe, oh, you don't have to say sorry for anything! In fact, how about we go somewhere private...?'' she whispered.

Viewer 1: What the fuck?

Viewer 2: That's it? ... That's how Triagonee gets away with it? That's just a fucking pervert getting something he doesn't fucking deserve!

Viewer 3: What a rip.

Viewer 4: So that's how it's going to be? With situations like this?

Viewer 5: I bet she's going to beat his ass in somewhere private!

Hold it, viewers, there's more. Anyway, Triagonee looked at her in shock, after what she said. ''W-WHAT!?!? Y-You're ok with this?'' ''Yep! Btw, what's your name?'' she asked. ''O-Oh, um, it's Triagonee,'' he said. ''I see. Say, Triagonee... let's go to my house for some more fun, what do you say, sexy perv?'' she flirted as Triagonee jumped up in excitement. ''YEAAAY!!! I would love to!'' he said as she held his hand. ''Good.''

Viewer 6: Oh great, now it's shinnjacob going for the usual unoriginal tickling situation that will result in Triagonee getting-

QUIET!! You're going to spoil the surprise! So anyway, when Triagonee and she got to her house, she open the door, but not before she grinned evilly at him again. ''Oh yes, I forgot, Triagonee, as you enter... I want you to strip naked, except for your underwear, then I want you to wear a karate suit. I have one in my closet,'' Triagonee blushed more and giggled. ''W-Well, ok,'' he said as they both entered, and Triagonee stripped all of his clothes except for his underwear, revealing his muscular appearance to her as he walked to the closet, and she got horny just by looking at him.

''W-WOW!!! So this perv is a hunk too!? Well, I'm about to have lots of fun!'' she thought, as Triagonee opened the closet door, besides her couch, and then grabs one of the karate suits, and wears a tattered white karate gi with the sleeves torn off, and a white Hachimaki, but with no karate pants to cover his underwear under the loincloth with a black belt. She looked at him and grinned more evilly, licking her mouth lustfully. ''Well, how do I look?'' he asked. ''You look even sexier! And now,'' she said as she turned around and stripped her short skirt and her pants, revealing her bare ass to him, as he got even hornier and his penis got more erect.

''O-Oh my!'' exclaimed Triagonee. ''You like it, perv? Now, I like to play a game for you,'' she said. ''R-Really? W-What's that?'' ''It's called... Sexy Karate! It's where you're a karate fighter, and you have to defend yourself against a perverted lady, trying to defeat you with her ass, flirtation, and all sorts of seduction techniques.'' She explained. Triagonee blushed and was curious to see what kind of game he might be playing. ''W-Well, ok. So... what am I going to do?'' ''You're going to pretend fighting! You will miss me, and let me attack you with my techniques!'' Triagonee was surprised and blushed red. ''W-Well, hehehe! O-Ok then!'' he said getting himself into a fighting position. ''Hehe, that's good...'' she said, stripping herself to only her pink panties, as she grinned seductively. ''Now let's begin!'' she said.

And now, the screen turns into a Punch Out-like gameplay, where he, as a player, being in a third-person perspective, going against the foxy lady. He has himself into his fighting position, then, like a video game, he karate chops with his right hand, and then she counters it with multiple kiss on his face, as he moved his head back, with his eyes closed, and mouth open with a smile, and a expression, looking like he has been defeated but enjoying it, and his body glow blue, the instant she attacked him, and him going, ''Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah!''

Viewer 1: What the hell is this?

Well, haven't you heard of Crossed Swords?

Viewer 2: Crossed Swords? No, I don't think I have.

Well, basically, it's a Neo Geo game, where you play a knight, trying to stop creatures rampaging through the enchanted land of Belkana, and you have to fight the demon warlord, known as Nausizz.

Viewer 3: I see.

Yes, so basically, he's in this style of game, and this foxy lady is the female Nausizz, and she's now attacking him with her ass! ''Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah!'' And then, she stopped and giggled as her taunt, then Triagonee tries a karate chop from his left hand, then she started poking his belly with a fingernail, and he moved his belly slightly back while going, ''Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah! Oah!'' and then came a kiss on the head, and then the fingernail on his belly, and a buttcheek on the head, while Triagonee lets her do it for 2 minutes, until he fell himself down to the ground, and she giggled some more, then the sign says: ''Game over!''

Then it goes back to the normal world, where Triagonee was on the ground, with his eyes closed and smiling.

Viewer 1: ... Well that was weird.

YES!! ... And I love it!

Viewer 2: ... You're weird.

I KNOW!! Anyway, the foxy lady kneel down and straddle him, grinning teeth bared. ''Looks like you're all mine now, karate dragon!'' she said, before starting to tickle his armpits with her fingernails, making his eyes open and laugh in joy. ''AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HEY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU'RE A TICKLER TOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!?!?''

''Yep! I am! I only do it to the people I fall in love with. Plus, you look extremely ticklish, so I'm going to have more fun with you!'' she said, as she continued her tickling rampage. As she continued the tickling, she started to strip his karate clothes off while tickling his belly, leaving him only his headband and underwear. Triagonee looked at himself while laughing and blushed. ''OHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHOHOHOHOHOHOOH YES!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOW I FEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEL MOHOHOHOHOHRE HELPLESS!!!'' She then started to grin really evilly. ''Oh yeah?'' she said, before moving to his bare feet, and then grabbing his left foot and using her one fingernail to tickle it, making him laugh and squirm in delight.

''How about that, huh? Does that make you feel more helpless, babe?'' ''Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Ohohohohohohohohohohoh yes, honey! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!'' This made her grin more evilly, using all her spidery fingernails to torture his feet, which made him laugh loudly. ''AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH YES!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT'S IT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!'' ''Hehehehe, so the naughty pervert IS extremely ticklish! As well as his poor feet!'' she teased, as she grabbed his left foot and used her tongues to tickle it, making Triagonee laugh even harder...

And so, after the ti-

Viewer 1: Woah woah woah, that's it? You couldn't try and make it longer? And you couldn't try to make this repetitive?

Hey, at least it wasn't repetitive as Twlight.

Viewer 1: Fuck you, Twlight is awesome and you know it!

*Sigh*... Ok, whatever. Anyway, after the tickling, she stopped to give him a breather. He was breathing heavily and sweating, and his feet were red and covered in saliva. ''Well well well... I had a lot of fun tickling you, pervert! But now... I have something else to show you,'' she said as she got on top of him and grinned seductively at him. ''Do you love women's butts, butt pervert?'' she asked. ''Huff... Oh yes, babe... Huff... I do...'' She turned around, and then slooooooowly removed her panties, revealing her bare ass to him as he blushed red and she wiggled the fat, sexy buttcrack for him. He felt a huge erection going in his underwear. ''Well, honey, what do you think?'' ''OHOHOHOH!!! It looks super sexy!'' he said as she looked at his erection in his underwear, and she used her hand to remove it, revealing his bare erect penis as he blushed redder and she giggled.

''I see! So you really are the ass pervert, aren't you? Well it's time to punish you!'' she sing sang, putting her butt closer to his dick, and then using it to stroke his dick, making him rolled his eyes in pleasure as he moaned and laid down. ''O-Ooooooooooh... OOOooooooaaaaaaah! Oh, honey... your ass is surprisedly warm!'' ''Are they? Hehe, good. They're warm enough to punish the ass-pervert like you!'' she teased, stroking his dick faster and faster, producing more and more sexual moans.

Viewer 2: Why is this the fucking same thing!? It's always, ''Ooooooh I'm pleasured!'' or ''Hahahahaha! I'm being tickled!'' or some shit?

Because, that's the way I roll, bitch! Lol!

Viewer 3: Can't you just come up with something original?

I would... buuuuuuut, I need some advice on how to make my writing less repetitive at least.

Viewer 4: Ok, why not just make less repetitive words then?

Well... uuuuuuuuh.... Uuuuuuum

Viewer 4: You don't know any other words, do you?

Fuck u! I write what I want! I do what I want! You can't stop me!

Viewer 4: *Sigh*...

Anyway, as Triagonee moaned louder and louder and louder, his dick started to stream some pre-cum leak, as she giggled some more. ''Oooooh, does the pervert wanna cum?'' ''Ahahahahaha! Oooooooooh yes honey! OOoooooh! OOOOOOOOAH!!'' ''Cum for me, pervert. Cum for your mistress!'' Triagonee tried doing so, as he was about to scream as bursts of cum squirted into the air, staining her buttcrack and his chest for a few minutes as he sighed in relief and she backed away from his penis. ''Hehe, well well... the pervert made a mess on by ass!'' she teased again. ''Huff... That... was awesome!'' he exclaimed. ''Was it? I think so too,'' she turned back and straddled Triagonee. ''Say, babe, how about I get your phone number,'' ''O-Oh! My phone number? O-Ok, it's...*Whispers his phone number to her right ear*''

''Ok, got it! Oh, forgot to introduce myself as well! I am Sarah. Nice to meet you, perv!'' she said. ''Nice to meet you too,'' he said as Sarah helped him stand up. ''If you ever see me walking in town or anywhere else, feel free to touch my private parts anytime you want to! I look forward to it...'' she said, kissing his cheeks as he blushed and giggled. ''Hehehe, oh thank you!'' A few minutes later, Triagonee was now taking an exit, with his clothes on, as she and Triagonee waved goodbye. ''Wow... maybe being a pervert may not be so bad after all!''

Viewer 1: It's official, guys... Triagonee is a Gary Stu pervert who gets away with everything!

Fuck you! Anyway, Triagonee! The next target for you is to touch a female tigers buttcrack. ''Oh, um... o-ok! *Gulp*'' he said as he continue to walk, until he spotted a female tiger, who appears to be brown, and wearing only her loincloth, consisting of feathers, and she has big boobies and big wiggly asses as well. ''O-Ooooh my! O-Ok, h-here it goes!'' he said as he walked closer to her, and slowly moved his hands closer to the butt, and then touched them, making her jumped a bit, as she looked behind her and saw Triagonee closing his eyes. ''I-I'm sorry, ma'am! I couldn't help myself!'' he said. ''Oh, hehehe! That's alright. It's my fault for wearing and dressing so provocatively, so go ahead and touch anywhere you like!'' she said. ''O-OH!! O-Ok ma'am. B-By the way, why do you dress like that?'' ''Oh, this? Hehehe, well the truth is... I'm from a Tickle tribe, or rather an all-female tickle tribe that is prideful of dressing only in their loincloth, and pleasuring and tickling men,'' she explained, making Triagonee blushed red and smiled.

''R-R-R-Really? W-Well in that case, you wouldn't mind if I strip to my underwear, would you?'' he asked. ''Hehe, of course not! Do as you like!'' she said, as Triagonee happily stripped himself to his underwear, as she looked at him and her eyes glowed green, along with her evil grin. ''Ooooooh! Sexy muscular hunk! My favorite!'' she said evilly as Triagonee looked and giggled. ''Hehe, oooh my! Looks like I'm in tr-AAAH!!!'' Triagonee jumped, as he felt some female hands underneath his underwear, and touching and groping his bare ass, and he looked to see some random female blue wolf wearing short skirts and a red shirt grinning seductively. ''Hey babe, nice ass,'' she said. ''O-Oh! Um, th-GAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HEY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT TICKLES!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!''

The female tribe tiger was now tickling his armpits, chest and belly as her eyes still glowed green and her evil grin grew teeth bared. ''Hehehehehe! Sexy ticklish men! I LOVE THEM!! MUST TICKLE MORE!!!!'' she said. ''Oooooh, you... looks like it's time for me to join the fun!'' the female blue wolf said, stripping off his underwear, before pulling out a feather and using it to tickle his dick, making it erect as she decided to tickle his buttcrack with her fingernails as he laughed loudly. ''AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOH THIS IS GREAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT!!!''

''Sexy men! Tickle sexy men! Heh heh heh! YES!!! SEXY MEN LAUGH!!!'' the tribal female tiger said. Well would you look at that?

Viewer 2: Oh, I saw it... and you lack any character skills, and how to write a good female character.

Lol! U mad bro? Ok, let's jump to an hour later, after Triagonee experienced two ticklegasms, as he walked with his clothes on again. As he decided to walk on the streets again, he spotted another female tiger, whose skin color is red, as she appeared to be texting someone on her phone. She was wearing a blue pants, with a yellow shirt and a blue shoes. Triagonee smiled and walked closer to her and cleared his throat. ''U-Um, excuse me, m-ma'am?'' he said, getting her attention. ''Yes, sir?'' ''U-U-Um, I-I uh, my name is Triagonee, and uh... I-I couldn't help but find you attractive. C-C-Can I see your... *Gulp*... panties and bras?'' he asked, and she grinned evilly. ''Alright, what's in it for me?'' ''W-Well if you do it, I'll let you tickle me in my underwear, and you'll invite your friends to do that to me as well!'' he said. ''Hehe, alright!'' she said, slowly stripping herself down to her black panties and bras, making Triagonee more horny again, and he felt some boner in his pants.

''What do you think, honey?'' ''O-OOOH!!'' he said as he touched her bare ass, making her shocked for a bit before giggling. ''Ooooooh you naughty naughty boy!'' she teased. ''OOoooooooh baby! I love you so much!'' he said, before he felt some fingernails taking off his pants before he froze and looked at and looked behind him, revealing to be a female red lizard with red shirt and blue pants grinning seductively. ''Hey naughty boy. Nice to meet you,'' she flirted. ''U-Uuuuh, w-well uh... OH!!!'' He looked to see a female fox wearing a police uniform with a stun gun. ''Hey sir. You're looking for trouble?'' she said, promoting him to raise his hands up. ''N-NO MA'AM!!! I-I'm just uh... well...''

''Officer, this perv was asking me if I could take off my clothes off for him being tickled, and me and him agreed!'' the tiger said. ''Oooh... is this true, sir?'' she asked. ''Yes ma'am! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!'' he laughed, as his shirt, pants and shoes and socks are being taken off by the female tiger, lizard and police officer as fingers scattered all over him as they all grinned. ''You naughty boy! You're under arrest! But I'm not going to handcuff you, instead, I'll punish you with tickling!'' the police officer said. ''AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Y-YES MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAM!!!''

Viewer 3: Wow... not even a female police officer can arrest him just for THAT!?!?

Yep! I'm a God! I write what I want! And do you know what else? After the third encounter, Triagonee decided to go to the gym, and peaked at the ladies in the girls locker room, and he got caught, and got tickle tortured into orgasm as a result, then they let him get tied up to the locker, allowing him to stare at more ladies panties and bras and asses and boobies. Then, he decided to touch the private parts of some hot-blooded muscular female dragon. The result? More tickle torture and fucking him! Then he decided to walk to the streets again, then he encountered another female fox, who looked at him and grinned seductively, then decided to take off her short skirts to show her panties and ass to him.

And finally, he decided to stare at the female horse's ass and panties, while she was waiting in line for an hour, then decided to walk away quickly, but little did he realized, she caught him staring at her, and gave him tickling and sex!

Viewers: GARY STU!!!!

Viewer 1: That's what he is! A Gary Stu who's perfect and a ladies' man!

Viewer 2: This is worse than writing a kindergarden fanfic!

Viewer 3: I rather eat some shit and drink piss than sit through this!

Too bad, viewers! You're going to read this, whether you like it or not! Because I'm a writer! And you can't stop me!

Viewer 4: *Dial phone* Hello? ... Yes, we have some dumbass writer who thinks he knows how to write shit.

U-Uuuum, uh ANYWAY!!! After that, Triagonee was getting tired and decided to head on home, where his ladies were waiting for him. After sleeping with him for the night, Triagonee challenged on Felicia, the female character from Darkstalkers, to a karate match, where he's in his underwear and handband, and in a Crossed Swords like gameplay. ''So Felicia, think you can defeat me?'' he said. ''Hehe, you bet! Let's do this!'' First, Triagonee tried a karate chop, but Felicia dodged it and used her one claw on his head, and he goes, ''Oah!'' then he tried another karate chop, and Felicia licked his face twice. ''Oa-oah!'' then he just stood there, not doing anything, letting Felicia use her tail attack on him as she giggled. ''Oa-oa-oa-oa-oa-oa-oah!'' and then, he let her do licking attack on his head and a claw attack on his belly, as he enjoys the feeling of defeat.

''Oa-oa-oa-oa-oa-oa!'' ''Hehehe, he's really enjoying himself, isn't he?'' Morrigan said. ''You got that right. I never even played Crossed Swords, and yet, watching Triagonee getting himself dominated is just sexy to watch!'' ''Oa-oa-oa-oa-oa-oah!'' And then he let himself fall to the ground, and Felicia straddled him, licking his face as he closed his eyes and smiled. ''Game over!'' came the sign.

Viewer 4: Ok, I already got a better writer. You can go now!

NO WAY!!! I'm not going until I come to inform everyone that I hope they enjoy this story, and I hope they leave a comment, thought, criticism and suggestions to the story in the COMMENT SECTION BELOW AND- *Security officers came in and try to take me away* DON'T FORGET THAT... GRRR!!! THERE WILL BE MORE TRIAGONEE STORIES COMING UP AND-OWOWOW!!! NOT SO HARD!!! ANYWAY, THIS IS SHINNJACOB SIGning of.......

Viewer 1: YES!!! The stupid writer is gone! Now we can go ahead and write this story!

Viewer 2: But how are we going to do it?

Viewer 1: Well... we can uuuuh... write a Twlight story?

Viewer 3: Fuck Twlight.

Viewer 1: OAH!!! What the fuck did you just say?

Viewer 3: I said fuck Twlight!

Viewer 1: SAY THAT AGAIN!!!

Viewer 3: Fuck Twlight!

Viewer 1: *Triggered* THAT'S IT!!! TIME TO GET ERASED FROM EXISTENCE!!! *Viewer 1 typed that Viewer 3 gets erased* HAH HAH!!! YES!!! NOW I CAN- *Viewer 5 typed to erase Viewer 1*

Viewer 5: HAH!! NOW IT'S MY TURN TO WRI- WA- HEY STO- *Viewer 4 typed to erase Viewer 5*

Viewer 4: HAH!!! Now that nobody is here to stop me... um, which style of writing should I choose? *No no, that's not it...* _italic. Doh! Wrong again! *Bold! AAAAH!!! NO NOT BOLD!!! ATAGH * _ ITAS Grrrr...

Viewer 6: Um, dude, let me handle i-



Triagonee Dragon's Naked Experience With the Ladies.

It was an exhausting day for Triagonee, after he finished his usual news reporting job, and now he gets to enjoy his weekend off. Triagonee decided to go for a walk, so he decided to go wearing his usual news outfit, as his smile appeared. Walking was...

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The Foxy Thief's Ticklish Punishment.

It was nighttime, and Stacy felt like she wanted to sleep. As she walked to her bed naked, she yawned and stretched out her arms as she went to her blanket, and wrapped it around her as she slept on the pillow. ''I can't WAIT to tickle more males...

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Tickle Heaven: Issuvi.

War has already begun. War cries of Argonians and their enemies as they charged at each other. Issuvi was one of them, as she used one of their spears, trying to overwhelm them, but felt her legs being grabbed, then being pinned down, as fingers...

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