Artistic Inspiration

Story by eddiew on SoFurry

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Note; for weird reasons this was marked as a draft submission... I say weird because I never knew about the feature, let alone turned it on for an ancient story! Hopefully this is now visible again.

A gentle feline finds his life changed forever when he gets to know his artist class model.

Typical Disclaimer

This story is a work of erotic fiction, featuring anthropomorphic (furry) characters. If that disturbs you, don't read it. Any resemblance between characters portrayed here and people or characters elsewhere is both unintentional and coincidental.

Written over the space of about 10 days, and based in a university setting of unknown location, this remains one of my favorite pieces, and attempts to incorporate friendship, romance, humour, and erotica in balanced proportions.

If you have comments, or suggestions, by all means email me. I don't bite unless provoked.

* * *

Artistic Inspiration

Chapter 1 (Monday)

Kerry sighed as the new class came in. Yep, same old mixed bunch as last year, she noted expressionlessly. Mostly the same age as each other, as was to be expected for any given class in a university, but a wide range of species covering canine, feline, rodent, and two humans, one male one female.

She watched as the students took their places in the seats that had been arranged in a half circle in front of her chair. Some talking and laughing, some silent, absorbed in their own thoughts, others giving her curious glances. A tall wolf whistled at her and gave a wink, and she stared at him coldly as his friends laughed. Kerry sighed inwardly. There was always someone in each class who made a fuss the first time they were asked to draw a nude model.

Of course, there were those who were genuinely here to practice drawing, but they seemed to be fairly thin on the ground. Well, that was the hazard of posing nude for an art class, she thought. There were bound to be a goodly number who were just there to leer. At least they tended to drop out before they had time to disrupt the rest of the students.

She waited impatiently as the lecturer told the class that they were here to practise figure drawing. Like they didn't already know, Kerry thought irritably. She'd been introduced to them last week (clothed at the time), and there was a large notice on the door warning anyone who might be offended not to enter.

"And of course," the lecturer continued. "One of the figure drawings that you do over the next three weeks will be graded as part of your final score for this module." That got some attention, and the whispering swiftly stopped as papers and pencils were readied, the students realising for the nth time that an art module actually involved examinable work. Kerry often found it amusing that so many of them could get a full two months into a term before really taking this in.

At the lecturer's cue, she nodded and slipped out of her robe, settling herself in the chair at the centre of attention, the soft material cool against her pink skin. Looking around, she returned a few gazes. The wolf again, a smirk on his face until he dropped his gaze as Kerry returned the stare calmly and without the slightest hint of embarrassment. A female leopard, meeting the young woman's eyes by accident, and hurriedly looking away, a pink flush spreading beneath the fur of her cheeks. A male bobcat, without a trace of expression on his face, meeting Kerry's gaze with nothing but a slight nod of acknowledgement before examining her face and posture, his pencil making light marks across his sketchpad.

A male feline, hard to judge his species on first glance, his fur a rich yellow tan, blushing as Kerry looked at him, smiling shyly for a few moments before dropping his gaze to his paper, his pencil moving aimlessly over it as he tried to draw something he hadn't possibly looked at long enough to remember. Amused, the young woman watched the top of his head until he raised his eyes again, giving him a smile as his eyes met hers again, trying to let him know that it was acceptable for him to look. He swallowed and seemed to pick up on the silent message, as his eyes looked her up and down for a few moments, before he touched pencil to paper, his eyes flicking rapidly between her and the graphite tip.

Kerry listened interestedly as the art instructor made his way around the class, leaning over shoulders, offering comments and advice. When he got to the yellow cat, he said nothing, merely looking over the feline's shoulder for a few moments, and patting him lightly on the back.

The rest of the hour passed very quietly, and as the clock's hands reached two o'clock, the class broke up, most of them leaving a lot more quietly than they had entered.

"Thank you, Kerry," the instructor smiled, walking up to her as she put on her robe again. "You'll be here on Wednesday as well?"

"Of course," the young woman smiled, brushing her hand through her blue dyed hair, her green eyes sparkling in contrast.

"Good, good," the panda nodded, jamming his hands into his pockets, causing his trousers to strain across the front of his wide stomach. "I shall see you then, then. Have yourself a good afternoon, Kerry."

"Oh, I'll try," she smiled. "But its gonna be too rushed for much fun, I need to check out some stuff in the library and get some of my pile of coursework shifted before my big date tomorrow."


"Yeah," she grinned. "My housemate introduced me to this really nice guy, and we arranged dinner tomorrow night."

"Well, good for you," the panda said. "Yes, very good..." he continued absently, barely noticing that Kerry had already left, shutting herself in the walk in closet so that she could dress properly. Funny how many models did that, he mused as the realisation hit him.

* * *

"Oomph," Kerry gasped as she staggered backwards, several books falling from the pile she had been carrying.

"Whoops!" the feline responded, reaching out swiftly and managing to grab the wayward books in mid fall, balancing his own pile of reference materials in one hand and leaning precariously to one side. He teetered on one leg for a moment, his flexible tail waving madly until he regained his balance.

"Nice catch," Kerry commented, sitting up on the floor.

"Sorry about that," the feline said sheepishly, putting both piles of books down on the front edge of the shelf behind him and offering her his hand. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Nothing hurt but my pride," the young woman muttered, as she was pulled to her feet. For such a slim person, the feline had a lot of strength, she realised. "Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?" she asked, looking at his face.

The cat blushed, a rosy pink tint appearing behind the white fur of his cheeks. "I, um... was in the art class this afternoon..."

"Oh yes, that was it," Kerry said, walking past him and collecting her books from the shelf. "How did you do?" she asked.

"Um, not very well..." he said, avoiding her gaze, and taking his own pile from the shelf. Kerry noticed they had titles like 'How to draw: people,' and 'Figure sketching made simple'.

"Oh," she said. "Well, it's only a matter of practise, I'm sure, and I'll be modelling over the next few weeks too."

The feline blushed again. "Um, yeah, so I heard... I'm Scott," he quickly shunted his books to his left hand and offered his right.

"Kerry," she took it, smiling. "You don't sound like you're looking forward to it," she said, a touch hesitantly.

"Erm, oh, no, I mean..." the feline struggled for the right words. "It's not that I don't enjoy looking at - I mean drawing - you... I'm just... not very good at it," he finished, lamely.

Kerry giggled, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her eyes. "You'll work it out, I'm sure," she smiled.

"Yeah, maybe," Scott sighed. "What were you looking for?" he gestured to Kerry's books.

"Probability theory," she said, looking grim. "I took a couple of maths electives, just cos I thought they might be useful. Wish I hadn't bothered now..."

"If you're struggling, I could take a look through it with you some time," the feline offered. "I'm pretty good on probability."

"Really? That would be great," Kerry smiled. "I can use all the help I can get with these, and none of my friends from bio were dumb enough to take anything maths related. Damn things are costing me more effort than the rest of my degree put together!"

Scott chuckled ruefully, leaning against the shelves. "Yeah, I know that feeling," he said. "Joint physics-computer science myself. Thought I'd take an art elective to get away from it for a bit. Boy was that a mistake," he looked glum.

"Not that much of an artist?" Kerry asked, sounding sympathetic.

"Not through want of trying," the feline shrugged. "I can draw, kind of. Not all that well, but I can get the basic point across. And I enjoy doing it too, it's just... when someone looks at my picture, and grades it, it really takes all the fun away."

"I think I understand..." Kerry said, not sure she did.

Scott nodded absently for a moment, then shook his head. "If you're not rushing off anywhere, do you want to take a look at those now?" he nodded at Kerry's books and the rough roll of course notes she had tucked under one arm.

"Oh, yeah, ok then, if you're sure you can spare the time," she smiled as he led her over to a table by the window.

Scott was, Kerry soon realised, more than "pretty good," with probability. He was very good, and very good at explaining it too. She wondered why it was that none of her lecturers had such a gift for putting things clearly into words.

"So its not that hard at all," she said as they reached the end of the worksheet she had been given at her last lecture.

"Nope," the feline shook his head. "Not in the least. For the most part, the secret to maths is not getting scared off or confused by the notation. Remember it in words, and you'll do OK," he smiled, and she smiled back at him.

"Oh, heck," he said, looking at the clock on the wall. "I'm sorry, Kerry, I gotta go to a lecture soon. If you want to ask me anything, here's my email," he jotted the address down on the corner of a piece of paper and tore it off."

"Thanks," she smiled. "You've been a lot of help, Scott, really. I'll see you in the art class on Wednesday?"

"Um, yeah, guess so," he went pink again.

"I'll try to give you an easy angle to draw from," she said cheerfully, giggling as he stammered, apparently unable to find anything to say.

"I better go," he finally managed, making a somewhat hasty dash for the checkout counter, taking his books with him.

Kerry watched him leave, then glanced down at her notes. She was pleased to see most of them still made sense, even without the helpful feline looking over her shoulder. As she began packing up the loose papers into her folder, she noticed one of Scott's books seemed to have found its way underneath.

"So You Want To Draw People," she read, looking at it. Leafing through it, she found numerous sketches of people of various races, in different poses, showing how to build up the basic shapes and contours, right through to filling in the details of their faces and clothing. "Might as well take it out for him," she muttered, adding it to the top of her pile of books.

* * *


"I'm sorry, Mr Greenshoot," Scott sighed. "Its not that I don't appreciate you keeping the room open for me this late, but I don't think its getting me anywhere," the feline looked downcast.

"Now then, now then," the panda made his way over to the desk, brushing aside several screwed up balls of paper. "Ah, not at all, Scott, not at all, I see a marked improvement." Well, it wasn't entirely a lie, at least some of these seemed to have the limbs in the right configuration...

"But they're nowhere near what I should be able to do!" the feline protested. "I know I can do better... I just... can't!"

"I'm not sure I understand," the panda sat down on the edge of the desk, which creaked alarmingly under his not inconsiderable backside.

The feline sighed again. "Neither do I," he confessed ruefully. "Neither do I. It's not that I don't want to draw, its not that I'm not trying, or not looking, or anything else... it's just not working," he finished angrily. "No matter how hard I try, it's just not working for me," he leaned forwards until his head rested lightly against the table.

The panda patted his shoulder. "Now, now, don't get like that. You're no talentless wonder, you just need a little practise is all. I suggest you take the rest of the evening to yourself, have a drink, try to relax a little, come back to it fresh tomorrow. There is such a thing as trying too hard, especially in art."

"Yeah, maybe," Scott sighed, somewhat resignedly shovelling up the copious sheets of paper from the table and dumping them unenthusiastically into his art folder.

"That's the ticket. Now go relax and enjoy yourself." He watched as the feline left the room, looking resigned. "And try not to let yourself down," he said quietly as the door closed.

* * *

"And then," the fennec said animatedly. "The defender came in with a crunching tackle, like he was going for Peterson's ankles more than the ball, and Peterson jumps, flips forward over him, lands just behind the ball, and keeps right on running! Never seen anything like it! Um, Scott?" he prodded the feline's arm.

"Hmm, what?"

"Earth to Scott?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tom," Scott apologised. "I've just got things on my mind is all," he sighed softly and stared into the middle distance.

"I'll say you have," the cheetah across the table commented. "You've bought all the rounds since we got in here," he winked cheekily, and the feline frowned.

"Harry, you're a git," he announced thoughtfully.

"Don't worry," the cheetah chuckled. "I'll get the next one in." He stood up and headed for the bar.

"So what you thinking about?" the fennec asked.

"Oh, just work," Scott mumbled, looking into the dregs of his beer with a slightly forlorn expression.

"Uh-huh..." the canine eyed him. "So what's so bad that you're drowning your sorrows?"

Scott made a non-committal noise. "Just general stuff, mate, you know how it is. Getting a bit on top of me really."

"Ah," the fennec nodded knowingly. "Yeah, I know the feeling, that astrophys' module has got me snowed under..."

"Really? I didn't think it was that bad," Scott shrugged.

"Yeah well," Tom grumbled. "You always did have a head for maths..."

"Maybe," the feline looked grim. "Just wish I'd stuck with that instead of going for something 'easy'..."

"Ahh, so you're grumpy about the art module?" the cheetah sat down, depositing three pints of beer onto the table.

Scott looked embarrassed. "Yeah," he mumbled.

"Hey, no shame there mate, you're up against people who do nothing but all day, remember?"

"Yeah, I guess so..." Scott looked dubious.

"Anyway, I struggle to draw a square, so you're doing a hell of a lot better than I would," Tom gave a lopsided smile. "Hey, I love this song!" he changed the subject suddenly, looking up at the large projector screen, nodding his approval.

Several songs later, the cheetah stood up. "I better be going," he said. "I really need to get an early night tonight."

"Yeah, me too, to be honest," the fennec stood up as well.

"Ok guys, see you later," Scott sighed.

"You not coming?" Tom tilted his head to one side.

"Nah, not just yet..."

The fennec and cheetah eyed their friend a moment longer.

"You ok?" Harry asked, looking thoughtful.

"Yeah, fine," Scott presented a brave smile. "You go, get your sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Hmm, if you say so..." the fennec headed for the exit, glancing over his shoulder as the cheetah followed him.

* * *

"He stood me up..." she realised. Having been sitting in the restaurant section of university's bar for over an hour, wearing her best tight black dress, Kerry finally accepted the inevitable. "Bastard," she swore loudly, standing up, snatching up her handbag, and glaring at the vixen behind the bar as the vulpine tried to give her a sympathetic look. She ignored the half dozen people who looked at her curiously.

"I don't believe he stood me up," Kerry muttered under her breath as she strode out of the eating area and into the smoky main bar, her heels thumping against the tiles. "Double scotch," she barked, slamming her bag down onto the wooden bar top, rummaging in it for her purse. "A single malt one. In fact, make that two doubles." The young panther behind the bar looked at her for a moment, then hurriedly served her order, skipping over several people who had been waiting longer after one look at her expression.

"Thanks," the young woman said tersely, knocking the first drink back in one swallow, causing eyes to widen on either side. "Bastard," she muttered again to nobody in particular, picking up her handbag and the second drink, and turning to look for somewhere to sit down for a moment. Seeing nothing obvious, she headed for a dark corner where one of the light bulbs seemed to have blown.

There were no free tables, but one was occupied by only one other, a feline, slumped over, his head resting on one hand as he stared into his beer.

"Mind if I sit here?" she asked, taking the seat even as he shook his head. She looked at the feline in the dim light for a moment before recognition hit.

"Oh, hello, Scott."

"Hi," he mumbled, not really looking at her.

"What's up?" she asked.

The feline sighed. "I'm thinking about quitting the art class," he said quietly. Kerry noticed his speech was slightly slurred, and wondered how long he had been there.

"Why?" Kerry's eyebrows drew together.

"Cos I'm gonna fail it anyway, no sense in sticking around making a fool of myself..."

Kerry sighed. "Yeah well, making a fool of yourself seems to be the order of the day. Mind if I take a look?" Kerry asked, gesturing to the feline's folder.

"Sure, go ahead. Keep it, if you like, I don't need it anymore. I'll tell Mr Greenshoot that I'm quitting the module tomorrow."

Kerry frowned slightly, but lifted the folder, opening it, and pulling out a goodly number of A4 and A3 sized sheets of paper. Sketches, colour drawings, landscapes, buildings, furniture, one of the other people who modelled for the class (clothed), and a few things that looked like pseudo-technical doodles. She leafed through them.

"These are all pretty good," she said. "There's a lot of people can't do this well who don't worry about passing."

"Doesn't matter," the feline said quietly. "Gotta pass each section of the module separately."

"So what here is going to fail?" Kerry asked, her eyebrows rising.

Scott looked at her for a moment, before reaching into a side pocket of his backpack, and tossing half a dozen screwed up balls of paper onto the table, cursing as one landed in his beer. He fished it out, looked at it without opening it up, then dropped it into the unused ash tray.

Curious, Kerry flattened out one of the balls of paper. It looked like a figure sketch, roughly... the proportions were about right, anyway, but something didn't seem right, and the posture seemed both strained and undefined at the same time. There were no fine details, not even fingers. She opened the other balls of paper, finding something similar.

"Oh..." she said, realisation dawning on her.

"I'm sorry," the feline mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

"Why sorry?"

"It seems like some kind of insult, I guess," he said, shaking his head. "Its not meant to be. I mean, I wanted to draw you... I just... couldn't." Kerry couldn't be sure in the dim light, but she thought he was blushing.

"You were probably just a bit nervous," she said, trying to sound reassuring. "A lot of people get like that the first time they draw a nude model."

The feline muttered something under his breath and his blush deepened.

"What, girls make you squeamish?" she raised an eyebrow. "They could probably arrange a male model if you'd feel happier..."

"No, no, no, no," Scott waved his hands to stop her. "I'm not... I mean, I like girls, I want to draw girls, I mean, to draw you... I mean..."

Kerry chuckled. "I get your point," she smiled, and he nodded, looking relieved.

"Its not easy though," he said, his face falling.

"Oh nonsense," Kerry said. "Trust me, its harder being the model," she smiled.

"Heh, yeah, well..." the feline rubbed a hand across the back of his neck.

"If you think otherwise you're welcome to trade places," she stuck her tongue out, and he laughed.

"Right then, it's a deal, you turn up tomorrow and draw, and I'll not try to switch places with you."

Scott sighed, wondering quite how this human female had so swiftly turned around his firm decision to leave the module. Still, he should at least try again, at least once more. After all, there were five more sessions left, and any of them would count as the coursework...

"Deal," he said, nodding, smiling sheepishly.

"Good. Now I'm going home, and I suggest you do the same."

Scott nodded, stood up, took one step around the table, tripped over his own feet and fell over.

"Hey, you OK?" Kerry asked, leaning down.

"Ow..." the feline said, levering himself to a sitting position. "That hurts... I think..." He touched the back of his hand to his nose and came away with blood in his fur. "It will tomorrow anyway." He giggled for no obvious reason.

Kerry fished in her handbag, finding packet of tissues, and pulling one out. Kneeling next to the feline, she dabbed it against his nose. Thankfully there was little blood, and no obvious damage.

"Come on," she said, helping him to his feet, and picking up his art folder. "Grab your bag."

He did as he was told, following her out of the bar, weaving from side to side somewhat as he walked. She grabbed his elbow to keep him on course, discovering as she did so that the surprising strength in his slender form made him very difficult to push around.

"Where do you live?" she asked, briefly wondering if she should just sit him down somewhere and wait for him to sober up enough to take himself home.

"Erm..." he turned around, causing them to revolve on the spot several times before settling on a direction.


"So, how're your other modules working out?" Kerry asked, just for conversation value as they walked.

"Pretty good," he nodded, and she smiled. "Damn good, actually," he went on, "But its not polite to brag," he giggled. "Do you know the problem with computer science, though? The real killer?"




"Lack of."


"Left here," he turned four hundred and fifty degrees, and started down the street, Kerry hanging onto his elbow, trying to keep him on the pavement rather than let him walk down the middle of the road.

"So you don't get to meet a lot of girls?" she prompted.

"Nada," he said. "Zero. Zip. I think you're the first I've talked to in a month..."

"Yeah, well," Kerry muttered. "Sometimes having plenty of the opposite sex to talk to isn't worth the hassle."


"Let's just say I thought I was wearing this dress for someone else," she grumbled.

"Oh. Sorry." Scott paused a moment under a lamp post and looked at her. "For what it's worth, you look good in it."

Kerry found herself blushing for the first time since she had encountered the feline. How stupid to blush when she was fully clothed, and to have no problem when naked in a room full of art students...

"Thanks," she smiled, and shoved him into continuing onwards.

"Um, Kerry..." the feline said as they walked past the edge of the park near the university.


"Could you, wait here a moment?" he said, disengaging her hand from his arm. "I appreciate the company, but there's something I really gotta do..." he hurried across the narrow band of grass and vanished into the shadows under a clump of trees.

"Doi..." the young woman covered her eyes with her hand, and turned to look out into the middle of the street, glad that it was February, and thus already dark, especially in the unlit park. She wondered again why she wasn't just walking away and leaving him to it, then realised he had given up a good portion of his afternoon to help her.

"Sorry about that," the feline trotted up behind her, nearly tripping over a blade of grass in the process.

"No problem," she muttered, grabbing his tail to stop him walking into the road. He fell back to walk beside her, showing only a slight tendency to veer off to one side.

"Just down the next road," he said. "Where do you live anyway? Shouldn't I be walking you home...?"

"You can do that next time," Kerry said wryly. "Besides, its not far." Actually, it was about half a mile, and the other side of the university campus, but the last thing she needed was Scott insisting on walking her home. It was a kind gesture though, which beat... she didn't even want to think the name, suffice to say that that bastard had lost whatever chance he had. She wondered why it was so hard to find nice men.

"This one," the feline pulled her through a gate, and into the tiny front garden of a terraced house. Kerry noticed no lights were on.

"Nobody home?" she asked.

"Live alone," he said, trying to fit the key in the lock, and repeatedly missing. Kerry sighed, taking it off him, and opening the door. "Its two flats," he continued. "Other guy hardly ever sleeps at home."


The stairs took some negotiating, at least they did for Scott, but they finally made it to the top, with the art folder having made only one unexpected descent downwards. Kerry assisted in the opening of another particularly tricky lock.

The main room the door opened into was surprisingly neat for a single male, one sofa and one armchair. She could see a small kitchen off to one side, and a door to what was presumably the bedroom.

"Gonna be OK now?" Kerry asked, trying to hold him still long enough to get a look at his face.

"Be fine..." he mumbled, slumping down onto the sofa.

"All right. Get some sleep, and you keep up your end of the deal tomorrow, OK?"

The feline grumbled.

"I mean it," Kerry wagged a finger at him. "You don't show, I'll drag your fuzzy ass in next week and you can sit naked in the of the room while I draw you."

Scott grumbled again, but nodded.

"Right, see you tomorrow." Kerry left, making sure the Yale lock locked itself as she left.

"Well karma," she said to the air as she exited the front door of the house. "I hope you were watching, cos you owe me now. No more duff dates, OK?"

* * *


"Urgh..." Scott rolled over, and landed on the floor.

"What the...?" he looked blearily about him as he stood up, working the kinks out of his back and glaring at the sofa. Water, he decided, shuffling towards the kitchen, stubbing his toe on his art folder.

"Ouch! Aww, nuts..." memory flooded back.

"Oh, nice one, Scott, nice one," he muttered to himself. "Bloody great, you prat." The feline bumped his head against the door of the wall-mounted cupboard unit, then picked up a glass and filled it from the tap. Cold... Wet... Better. Time? Ten to eleven in the morning.

"Oh no," he groaned. Ten minutes to get to the next art class, and he didn't dare miss it. In something of a rushed panic, the feline practically flew into his bedroom, grabbing fresh underwear, socks - not a matching pair, but never mind - trousers and shirt, trying to exchange each for the dirty item of clothing in the right order. Breakfast? No time. A quick pit stop in the bathroom, stuff a couple of pencils into a pocket, and out the door, grabbing his art folder on the way.

"This was not worth it," he grumbled to himself as he jogged up the road, wishing he had remembered a coat. "This bleeding module was not worth it!"

* * *

"Nice of you to join us, Scott," the panda remarked as the feline jogged into the class, only two minutes late.

"Um, thanks," the feline blushed as the class chuckled. He shuffled over and settled into the seat at the end of the half circle. Kerry gave him a small smile, and he returned it, looking sheepish, and wishing his head would stop hurting. Now... he took out his sketch pad, located a pencil, and looked at the young woman in front of him, who was now definitely giving him a look which said he had only just avoided putting his own bare butt on display next week.

It was, he realised half an hour later, even harder to draw a nude model when you knew her personally. Not only was he having almost no luck at all with so much as her basic shape, but he was now also worried about offending her by making a mistake. He sighed and bit the end of his pencil as he erased her left hand for the seventh time, having finally realised that it was misplaced, as well as misshapen.

Chapter 2

"What was that?" Kerry shouted through the door.

"What?" Scott opened it, then stalked away to stare out of the window.

"You walked out!"

"I know I walked out!" the feline exclaimed angrily, turning to face her.


"Because there is no point in me being there. I can't draw, let's just admit it and move on."

"But I've seen your other work, I know that's not true. You know that's not true."

"It is true, though. I tried, I really did. Hell, I went through four pages before I gave up. I just can't do it, and it's going to cost me my degree, all because I took some stupid art course on a whim," he sat down, his head hanging low.

"Not true, you can fail two modules per year and still pass."

The feline shook his head. "I'm doing good at nine of the modules, but I'm struggling in two others," he confessed. "I need this to get through." He swallowed.

Kerry sighed. "All right, look, I'm sorry I shouted." She sat down on the arm of the sofa.

"It's ok," he said softly. "I know it must seem like a real insult to have someone up and walk out on you like that..."

"Nah, you aren't the first to do that, you won't be the last either, I bet."

"Really?" he lifted his head slightly.

"Really. I've had people bolt in the first minute before now."

"Yeah, but they're just the ones who can't take the idea of a nude model."

"Can you take it?" Kerry asked, simply.

"I think so, yes. I didn't run out first time."

"You blushed a lot," she smiled.

"Yeah, well..." Scott trailed off, avoiding her gaze.

"I don't fidget or something, do I?" she asked.

"No," the feline laughed. "Not at all. It's not you, really. It's something about me." He hung his head again.

"All right, then we have two weeks to work out what and sort you out."

"We do?"


"Don't you have things of your own to be sorting out?"

"Yup, but I have a good reason. Two, in fact."

"What?" the feline looked mystified.

"Well for one you're damn good at maths," she grinned. "And to be honest, I could really use your help. I figure maybe we could help each other. And for the other... I think you might be here to help me straighten out my karma."

Scott blinked. "What?"

"Simple," Kerry said. "I don't believe in coincidence. I reckon there's a reason I bumped into you in the library, and a reason I sat down next to you last night, and I think it's to sort out the bad karma I've been living with recently."

"Bad karma?"

"Yeah. Not sure what I did, but I've not had a lot of luck recently. Heck, do you know in the last year, I've had two dates? Two, that's it. And you know what else? They were assholes, both of them. Not that I spotted this in time of course, oh no, karma takes Kerry along for a ride to teach her a lesson..."

Scott's eyes widened as the monologue continued.

"I think I find the nicest guy in the world," Kerry was continuing. "He's neat, kind, he works out every day... We go out for dinner, and he's real polite, pays for the meal, walks me home, doesn't try to get in my knickers..."

Scott blushed slightly, but Kerry didn't notice.

"So I'm there the next day, thinking how well its all going, how much I'm looking forward to seeing him again that night. So I spend two hours getting ready for dinner that night, somewhere really special, he says to me on the phone. And eventually he turns up at my door, I tell him to wait a few minutes, he says now, I say wait, and he hits me." She shook her head at the memory. "Nearly cost me a tooth, son of a bitch..."

The feline winced, not sure what to say.

"And as for bastard number two, well, he never made it to dinner number one," she sighed, then looked apologetic. "Sorry, I'm ranting aren't I?"

"Nah, it's OK," Scott smiled. "Believe it or not, its helpful to be reminded that I'm not the only person with problems."

Kerry chuckled. "Yeah well, with a bit of luck, perhaps we can both help each other. Now, I got a couple of ideas that might help you, but I've got a lecture soon too, so I'd better be going. If you've nothing better to do," she reached into her handbag and located a copy of a small glossy magazine. "Pick a picture in that, and draw it."

"Um, OK..." the feline sounded dubious.

"Good. I'll email you my timetable for the week, you tell me when you're also free, and we'll sort out lunch or something. In the meantime," she pointed at the magazine.

Scott nodded mutely, barely noticing when she let herself out. "A Littlewoods sale catalogue?" he mused. "Well, I suppose it does have a lot of people in it..."

* * *


"Ah, so he is alive," the fennec commented as Scott sat down next to him.

"Yeah, mostly," the feline wrinkled his nose.

"Heh, that good?" Harry asked from the next seat along.

"I'm knackered," Scott said, stretching. "Was up till about two working on drawing..."

"Ouch," the cheetah winced.

"Ow," the fennec raised his eyebrows.

"Exactly," Scott muttered. He might have gone on to say something else, but the arrival of the lecturer forestalled him as the room fell into silence.

* * *

"Hi there," the feline touched Kerry's shoulder lightly.

"Eep!" the young woman jerked up from her notes, coffee sloshing over the table, some of it splattering onto her cream coloured turtleneck sweater.

"Sorry," the feline winced with a slight sense of déjà vu. "Erm, hang on," he strode over to the napkin dispenser on the table at the side of the coffee bar, grabbing half a dozen and hastily returning to the table as Kerry scrambled to keep her notes out of the hot liquid.

"Sorry about that," he said, mopping at the sodden table. Having removed most of the spillage, he lightly patted at her sweater with the remaining clean napkin and she giggled.

The feline looked at her. "Is it that funny?" he asked, crouching next to her chair and dabbing at her side as she held her folder and papers above the still damp table.

"No," she wriggled. "But I'm ticklish there!" she twisted away from him.

"Oh, sorry," he said, blushing. "I think that's got it, anyway," he continued, standing up. "Sorry," he said again, after dumping the soggy napkins into a nearby bin.

"Oh shush, no harm done," Kerry favoured him with a smile, and he returned it sheepishly, taking the seat across the small round table. "Now, where was I?" she mused, putting her large ring binder down on the plastic surface again and leafing through the loose pages. "Ah, yes..."

Scott peered at Kerry's upside down notes. "Set theory?"

"Yep," she sighed, and muttered something under her breath.

"It's not that bad," the feline smiled.

"You heard that?" Kerry's eyebrows rose.

The feline shrugged. "Good ears," he said, tapping one with a forefinger, turning them from side to side a bit as if to demonstrate and making the young woman laugh.

"I shall have to remember that," she said. "I can see its not easy to keep secrets from a... uh... I do beg your pardon, but what race are you, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Kinda hard to tell, ain't it?" the feline looked embarrassed. "I guess my family tree kinda got a bit muddled a couple of generations ago," he looked at the floor, his cheeks red beneath the fur.

"Hey," Kerry reached out and touched his arm as it rested on the table. "It's OK."

"Its not a good status to have," he sighed, shaking his head.

"Why?" Kerry asked, curious. "I don't see why it would matter..."

"Just... trust me, there are some people who don't like it. Its not even supposed to happen. Having a mixed couple produce a child is unlikely, but to have it happen more than once in any given family..." he trailed off, then continued suddenly, "Not to mention it screws up things like my birth certificate, my student ID card, my driving license... All the things they like to list your race on."

"Oh," Kerry dropped her eyes. "Well, whatever people class you as, I like you," she smiled, lightly stroking the fur on his forearm.

He smiled. "Thanks," he said simply. "Anyway, where were we?"

"Set theory."

"Oh, yes. Anything in particular?"

"Well for a start all these silly double lined letters are a pain in the butt..."

* * *

Over an hour and several cups of coffee later, Kerry was nodding happily.

"I don't get it," she said, looking at the feline. "Why is it that you explain this stuff and it's so simple, but my lecturers leave me pulling my hair out?"

Scott shrugged, smiling.

"Well, whatever it is you do, thanks for doing it," she grinned at him. "I think I can actually handle this lot now." Kerry carefully sorted out her copious notes, clipping them neatly into place in the binder, before sliding the whole thing into her backpack. She looked out of the window.

"Since it's not raining, I think I might go for a walk in the park, you'd be welcome to come..." she said, standing up.

Scott thought briefly, didn't come up with any lectures or lab sessions he needed to be in for a while. "Sure," he smiled.

The corridor was pretty crowded, a consequence of that strange tendency for people to move from one activity to the next exactly on the hour (not to mention that was when the lecture timetables ticked over). Scott found himself briefly separated from his friend in the crush, and waited patiently for her by the exit.

"Aie, cold!" Kerry exclaimed, stepping outside a few moments later, the crowd dispersing around her, heading off in multiple directions.

"Not that bad," Scott said, looking around. Most of the morning's frost had melted, but the air was still cold enough that his breath left a cloud of steam in front of his face.

"Yeah, well, I don't have fur like yours," the young woman reminded him, fastening the buttons up the front of her padded coat.

"Oh, sorry, if you'd rather go back inside..." the feline apologised, realising he did have a certain natural advantage with respect to cold weather.

"Hell no, I need to be outside for a bit after that," Kerry finished fastening up her coat, eyeing the rather feeble looking sun as it considered heading back towards a horizon it had never really got far away from.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the university's park was not particularly crowded. Here and there could be seen the occasional student, but they were invariably hurrying along to wherever they had to get to. Kerry noted wryly that the two classic student expressions were in predominance once again: worried, and totally out of it. She wondered, not for the first time, if she weren't the only student at this university who didn't make a habit of turning up to lectures either late, or under the influence, or sometimes both. She noticed Scott looking around curiously.

"Don't come here much?" she asked.

"Not really," he shrugged. "Bit out of the way for me."

This wasn't much of a surprise. The park area was on the very edge of campus, and was rumoured to have once been a graveyard. The presence of a very mausoleum-like building in the middle, not to mention the fact that the paving stones for the path seemed to have numerous names inscribed on them, had a strong tendency to perpetuate this rumour. It was odd, Kerry mused, how this didn't bother some people in the least, but there were those who would entirely refuse to set foot on either grass or path.

She led the feline around to the paved area at the back of the mausoleum, to where a small stone bridge spanned the gap between the banks of a stream that ran through the park. Where it came from, and whither it went, were mysteries, as at each side of the park it vanished into an iron grilled opening. Kerry strongly suspected that it was artificial, but it was a nice touch, nonetheless. Well, it was in summer anyway. Now, in the depths of a cold February, it was looking somewhat feeble, the shallow water surfaced with a thin skin of translucent ice.

"So, how did the drawing practise go?" the young woman asked, sitting down on one of them wooden benches that ran along the bank of the stream.

"Oh, um, that," Scott sat down next to her. "Not so good," he looked unhappy.

"Can I see?" Kerry asked, holding out her hand.

"I guess..." the feline said hesitantly, passing her his folder. "Not that there's much to see. New stuff is all on top." He looked away, an expression of embarrassment crossing his face as the young woman opened the plastic folder and leafed through the new sketches.

"These aren't at all bad," she said, smiling. The basic form was pretty good, she thought privately, but they did seem somewhat... lacking, in detail and life. "Sticking to humans I see," she added.

"Yeah, well," Scott found himself blushing. "I figured that was where I needed practise..."

"No nudes?"

"I was working from a Littlewoods catalogue," he pointed out and she giggled.

"Fair call I guess. Would you mind if I try something on you?" she asked.

"Go ahead," he said, curious.

"Ok," she located the catalogue at the bottom of the folder, and flipped through it until she came to the underwear section, selecting a page where a single image was the main content.

"Take a look at that, tell me what you see," she said, passing the catalogue over to him.

"Um, a woman in underwear?" he said uncertainly.

"Describe her to me," Kerry pressed.

"Ok, erm, she's blonde, slim, has blue eyes. She's sitting on a sofa... she's smiling... erm..." he ran down.

"Alright, tell me more," the young woman said, looking at the feline.

"She's, ah, wearing underwear?"

"No, look. Really tell me what you see."

"I am telling you!" Scott frowned. "I have told you... I don't understand what else you want me to do."

"Just relax, and look," Kerry said gently. "Don't generalise, or make assumptions about what you see before you've looked. Imagine I have never before seen a woman in underwear. Tell me everything about her."

Scott looked again, his eyebrows drawing together. "Her bra and, um," he coughed slightly, "pants are black. She's leaning back, her legs are raised and laid out along the sofa... her left arm is draped over the front of the arm of the chair... her hand is hanging down quite loosely..."

"Tell me about her left hand."

Scott blinked.

"Go on," Kerry prompted, smiling. "Trust me."

"Ok... her left hand is relaxed, open but bent a little. Her fingers don't all curl the same, her forefinger is quite straight, the others get more curved. Her little finger is curled at almost ninety degrees to her palm... actually, you can just see a little of her palm, you get a foreshortened view of where it meets the undersides of her fingers. You can see a tiny crease where her little finger joins her hand... There's a little shadow by the knuckle of her forefinger, and highlight along the edge of the tendon there. Actually, the back of her hand doesn't quite run straight, I never noticed that, it's a slight curve..." he looked up. "I think I understand."

"You do?" Kerry smiled.

"I could sit here for hours describing this one picture..."

"You do," she grinned.

"But... how...?"

"Something I read once," Kerry smiled. "One of those books that really makes you think, I'll lend it to you some time. I think the most important lesson it taught me was that everything large is made up of many, many small parts. Until you can look at something, and see all those small details, you haven't really seen anything, all you've done is formed a generalisation in your head."

Scott was nodding. "Right, I'm with you. You think I've been working off a general picture in my head, rather than from what I'm looking at in front of me."

"Have you?" Kerry asked.

"Well, yeah, kind of," the feline admitted sheepishly. "I just didn't realise it until now," he blinked and looked around him with the expression of someone seeing the world from an entirely new perspective. Kerry watched him for a few moments, smiling as the feline's expression changed as his gaze wandered around the park. She followed his eyes to where he was looking.

"A wall?"

"No... it's a wall made of bricks... individual bricks. They're all different from each other..."

Kerry laughed.

"What?" the feline looked at her.

"Sorry," she chuckled. "But you sounded so surprised."

"I... guess maybe I was," he confessed. "Someone once classified me jokingly as a 'born engineer'. I didn't understand then, but I think I'm beginning to. It's very tempting to file things away mentally as, 'this is one of these, and they're all the same, predicable, and controllable,' and to think you know everything about an object because you've compared it to one you've seen before..." he trailed off again, looking around him.

"And that," Kerry leaned over and spoke quietly into his ear. "Is exactly how I feel after you've talked me through some maths problems."

They both laughed.

* * *

"Hi Kerry, 'sup?" the vixen asked as Kerry locked the door of their shared house behind her.

"Not a lot," the young woman said, shrugging.

"Luke called for you."

"What? Oh no, what about?" Kerry sighed. "He blew his chance, that's the end of it."

"He sounded really sorry..." the vixen poured hot water from the kettle into a mug, mashing the teabag around in it with a spoon.

"Yeah, well, I should hope so. Leaving me in the middle of the bar like that, sitting there like a complete lemon," Kerry flopped down onto the sofa as the vixen walked around from behind the breakfast bar to join her. The vulpine was slim, as were most of her kind, with gentle curves in all the right places, complimented by the soft swish of her tail as she walked.

"I guess guys just don't go for me the way they do for you, June," she sighed.

"Nonsense," the vixen stuck her tongue out. "I think you should give Luke another try."


"No, really, I mean it. He left his number, asked you to call him back."

"Fat chance," Kerry folded her arms.


Kerry looked at her housemate, eyes narrowing.

The vixen looked sheepish. "Well, he's got this really nice fox friend... I was hoping we could work something out with the four of us...?"

Kerry sighed. "Meaning you're too chicken to have a night out with him on your own?"

"Uh-huh," June nodded. "Plus if there's me and Jason along too, Luke ain't gonna do another no-show."

"How you figure that?"

"Simple, he's a guy, and it'd look way un-cool of him to leave you waiting again. And guys hate looking un-cool," she grinned.

"I see..." Kerry paused and considered. "I have a feeling I'm gonna regret this..." she sighed, and the vixen whooped in victory.

"Right, you're on, Saturday, eight, cinema, be ready."

Chapter 3 (Saturday afternoon)

"So he's already a no-show?" Kerry sighed.

"Sorry, Kay," the vixen looked sympathetic. "If I'd known, I'd have kept it to just you and me, girls night out..."

"It's... ok..." Kerry grumbled, gritting her teeth. The fact that it didn't feel ok was something she wasn't about to admit.

"You could still come..."

"June, there is nothing worse than being the only single gal in the middle of three happy couples."

"Well, I could see if we can find someone for you..."

"No!" Kerry exclaimed, viciously stabbing at the TV remote. "Absolutely not. Your choice of men leaves a lot to be desired."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" the vixen looked indignant.

"You know exactly what it means," Kerry gave vent to some of her irritation. "It means you have a knack of finding short term pretty boys who're only after you for one thing."

"At least I find something," the vixen shot back, frowning.

"Yeah, the dregs."

"Jason is not a dreg," June protested.

"Fine, why don't I go out with him tonight?" Kerry stuck her tongue out.

"No way, I ain't gonna go out of my way to get you another date just so you can moan at me when you blow it. Besides, he's mine."

"Blow it? I didn't have chance to blow that last one! He stood me up, remember?"

"Yeah, well..."

"Besides, I can find a date if I want," Kerry glared, still irritated. "I just have higher standards than you. Hell, if all I had to do was meet your standards, I'd have no problem finding a date by tonight."

"Right, it's a bet!"

"What?" Kerry blinked, suddenly realising she had been speaking more out of anger than out of sense.

The vixen folder her arms. "You go do that. Get out there, shake your money maker, see if anyone in the art class wants a closer look at the goods."


"Well, however you wanna do it," the vixen grumbled. "If you think you can do better than me, you go ahead and do it, otherwise stop moaning about the guys I find, whoever I find them for."

Kerry wagged a finger at the vixen. "I..."

"Alright, I'm sorry, Kay..." June said more softly.

The young woman wagged her finger a few moments longer before subsiding. "Yeah, me too," she said. "But do you know what?"


"I've been looking forward to seeing this film, and I'm not gonna miss it because some jerk decided to stand me up again... even if he did give me advance notice. And you know what else?" she continued, feeling like she was on a roll.

The vixen's eyes widened.

"I'm gonna take your bet too. I'm not letting this spare ticket go to waste, not after I had to go buy it. 'I'll pay you back,' my ass..."

"Alright," the vixen smiled wickedly. "What's the stakes?"

"How about we say... winner buys the loser a pizza after the film?"

"Deal! Hey, wait..."

"Ah, too late, you said deal!" Kerry grinned.

"No fair, you win either way," June stuck her tongue out.

"Of course," the young woman favoured her friend with a lopsided smile. "A gal's gotta have a backup plan, ain't she?"

* * *

(Saturday evening)

"Kerry?" the feline opened the front door to the house in some surprise.

"Hi, Scott," she grinned a slightly sheepish grin. "Mind if I come in?"

"Sure," he stepped back, letting her enter, closing the door behind her. He wondered why she was wearing that black dress again.

"Um, did I interrupt you in something?" she asked, noting he was wearing nothing more than a pair of shorts and looking somewhat hot and sweaty.

"Hmm? Oh, I was exercising," he said, following her up the stairs.

"Yeah? What you do?"

"Got a small weights bench and a rowing machine."

"Nice," Kerry commented as she went in through the door to his apartment. There was soft music playing on the stereo system, and a collapsible rowing machine on the floor.

"So..." Scott started, feeling slightly awkward standing in front of her in only his shorts. "What can I do for you?" he asked, heading for his bedroom and grabbing a t-shirt.

"Um, I was hoping I could ask a favour..." Kerry said, hesitantly, standing in the middle of the room, next to the thick faux-sheepskin rug.

"Oh, what's that?" Scott pulled the t-shirt over his head, feeling less self conscious as it settled into place.

"It's something nice you do for someone," she grinned and he chuckled. "No, really," she went on. "I have a bit of a problem..."

"Still set theory?" the feline asked, perching on the arm of the sofa.

"No, it's... a little more personal..."

Scott's eyebrows rose, and he tilted his head to one side.

"I kind of need to borrow you for an evening..."

The feline looked at her blankly.

Kerry sighed. "I had a date for tonight," she confessed. "Had being the operative word, and now all my friends are going out to see a film, and I don't want to get stuck there as the only single person in the crowd, and I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come with us because I kind of made a bet that I could find a date, and I know you're single, and I thought maybe you wouldn't mind pretending to be with me tonight so I don't look like a complete ass." She took a deep breath, and smiled apologetically.

Scott blinked several times as the monologue continued in a rush.

"I know it's kind of rude," Kerry said. "But it would really help me out."

The feline smiled. "Then sure," he said. "But aren't your friends going to wonder why you would pick me for a date, rather than someone your own race...?"

Kerry shrugged. "Let them wonder."

"Fair enough," the feline nodded. "When?"

"About half an hour..." Kerry bit her lip and looked apologetic.

"Ah... Then... I should shower," Scott said, heading for the bedroom. "If you're ok to wait...?"

"Yeah, sure," Kerry smiled.

"Right, be done shortly..." he hastily grabbed a towel and padded into the ensuite bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror as he got into the small shower. "Everyone always said you were a pushover," he muttered to himself. "Guess they were right. Still, it's been a while since you got out, could be fun."

Kerry had settled onto the sofa and was leafing through one of the books from Scott's collection by the time he exited the bathroom. She looked through the doorway at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry," he said, flushing and pulling the towel tighter about his waist. "I'm not used to having someone watching me."

Kerry shrugged. "Well, I figure you've seen me in the buff, only be returning the favour."

"Um, yeah..." the feline looked dubious as he nudged the door between them gently closed. He looked at the ceiling for a moment and wondered what he was getting into.

* * *

"Well that was interesting," the vixen commented, closing the door behind her.

"Yes..." Kerry said absently, setting her handbag down on the coffee table.

"Though I still reckon you must have cheated," the vulpine stuck her tongue out.

"Cheated? Moi?" Kerry gave a look of mock innocence. "Not a bit of it," she sniffed.

"Well, I have to admit, I think you found a nice guy there. He's a bit quiet, but nice enough, and paid for everything instead of going Dutch." June flopped onto the sofa and groaned as she leaned forwards to remove her shoes. "These things are killing me..." she muttered.

"Well, if you will pretend to be a size smaller than you are," Kerry grinned.

"Hey..." the vixen gave a look of mock hurt. "Maybe I should give these to Scott, he looked to have small feet," she suggested jokingly.

"Well I bet he could fit in them, but I don't think red's his colour somehow..."

"Ah well," the vixen shrugged. "You can't always find a guy with big feet," she looked consolingly at Kerry.

"Big feet?"

"Sure. You know what they say about the size of his feet," the vixen winked, and Kerry rolled her eyes.

"I'm not after him for that," the young woman frowned.

"Really? What are you after him for then?" the vixen asked. "Anyway, I never figured you for one to go outside your own race, so what is with Mr Kitty?"

Kerry shrugged, trying not to blush. "I dunno. I just... like him... I guess."

The vixen looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Girl, I do believe you do," she said.

Chapter 4 (Monday)

"What happened to you?" Tom asked as the feline sat down.


"I thought you were meeting us at the pub yesterday?" the cheetah asked.

"Oh, crap..." the feline winced. "I forgot all about it, I'm sorry guys, something came up and it slipped my mind..."

"Ah, see, the rumour is true," the fennec said conspiratorially, leaning towards Harry.

"What rumour?" the feline narrowed his eyes.

"You were seen," Harry grinned. "And you know how word spreads around here."

"So, who is she, what's she like?" Tom prodded.

Scott flushed. "Oh, just a friend..."

"Just a friend...?"

"Yes, just a friend," the feline frowned, then turned his attention to the front of the room as the lecturer finally won the battle with the projector screen, completely missing the look his friends aimed at each other.

* * *

Scott bumped his head gently on the table. Better, it was definitely better than last time, but... He glanced at Kerry again, feeling himself flush as he tried to look closely at her as she had taught him to do with other things. It didn't help when she looked straight back at him and winked impishly.

* * *

"So, how'd it go?" Kerry asked, plopping herself down in the seat opposite the feline.

Scott made a non-committal noise and continued with his sandwich, a slight frown on his face.

"Ah," the young woman nodded. "Like that then."

"What's the topic this week?" the feline asked, nodding to Kerry's collection of books.


"Normal distributions and stuff?"

"That's the one," Kerry smiled wryly. "Think you can help?"

"I can but try, oh fair damsel in distress," Scott grinned.

"Hey, I ain't no damsel," she protested.

"Oh, that must be me then," the feline shrugged.

Kerry giggled. "Well, you did look rather distressed earlier," she said.

Scott looked away. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I'm not used to having pretty nude girls look at me."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Kerry reassured. "I'm not a pretty girl," she stuck her tongue out as he looked at her.

The feline blinked. "Of course you are," he said simply, reaching out and turning one of the maths books towards himself. "Now, lets take a look at the statistics chapter shall we?"

* * *

"Holy burritos, Batcat, you've saved the city again."

Scott smiled. "I don't think I've ever heard of a city being saved by mathematical statistics before..."

"Well, you saved me then, happy?" Kerry chuckled.


"Good. Park?"

"Park," Scott nodded.

"I should say thank you for Saturday night," Kerry said as they entered the largely deserted park.

The feline flushed. "My pleasure," he mumbled. "I enjoyed the film, and the company."

Kerry looked at him. "If you want me to pay you back for the food..."

"What? Oh, no, don't be silly."

"Sure? I didn't really plan on bankrupting you as well as taking advantage of you..."

"Nah, don't worry about it, really. I'll let you buy next time," he winked.

"Next time?" Kerry raised an eyebrow as they sat down on a bench.

"Well," the feline coughed. "I was kind of hoping... maybe... you'd like to do that again some time... maybe with a few less ultra-chatty people... say just you and me..." he stumbled nervously over the words. "I can't believe I just said that," he said, wincing.

"I can," Kerry smiled. "And I'd like that."


"Yes, really," she chuckled. "I do consider you a friend if you hadn't noticed. And you're right that it would be nice not to have June nattering in my ear all through a film."

Scott smiled.

"Anyway, art young cat, art!" Kerry folded her arms.

"Oh, yes, of course," the feline jumped slightly, and rummaged around in his folder, producing several sheets of paper as well as the faithful catalogue.

"Oooh, better," she said. "Much better. This one really looks more lifelike." She paused. "I notice they're all well dressed," she said, looking at him. The feline avoided her gaze. "I thought you might have gone for some from the underwear section, a little closer to what you're doing in class?" He didn't answer her, still not meeting her gaze. She looked thoughtfully at the side of his face as he carefully regarded the middle distance.

"It embarrasses you, doesn't it?" the young woman asked suddenly, and he jumped.

"What? Erm, no, I..." he looked at her. "A little," he confessed, his ears lowering, his eyes sliding away from her face.

"Why?" Kerry asked, curious. "Is it me?"

"No!" the feline replied earnestly. "No, not at all," he continued. "You're... very... nice... I guess its me," he sighed. "I guess drawing naked people bothers me a little."

"There's nothing wrong with it, you know," Kerry said gently. "You're not drawing anything obscene..."

"Yeah, well..." the feline looked uncomfortable. "I guess the whole nakedness thing gets me a bit. Heck, I know how I'd feel having someone draw me, somehow it doesn't feel right to do that to someone else. Especially someone like you," he flushed and looked away.

Kerry blinked. "You make it sound like I dislike modelling," she said.

"Don't you?" Scott asked, looking up in surprise.

"No," the young woman shook her head, her blue hair bouncing slightly with the motion. "I wouldn't do it if I felt bad doing it."

"Oh," the feline blinked. "I kinda assumed you did it for the money..."

"What, you thought I would sit myself up there because it's a quick quid?" Kerry's eyebrows drew together.

"I... I thought that was why all models do what they do..."

"So you think I'd take any job like that that paid money? 'Jiggle your jugs a bit more for the camera, luv.' What do you think I am, some sort of cheap working girl?" she thumped the feline's art folder into his chest and stood up.

"No!" Scott said quickly. "Please," he said as she turned away from him. "Kerry, I never meant to insult you... It's just..."

"What?" she turned back to look at him, something in his voice compelling her to stay.

"I... I'm sorry, really. I guess I just never really thought about it," he said quietly. "I... I know how I would feel, is all. I know I'm not much to look at," his gaze dropped from hers. "I guess I should have known it couldn't feel that bad, even be enjoyable. I just... I have no idea what it must feel like to be considered attractive," he said, meeting the young woman's eyes for a moment, an almost plaintive expression on his face. "I guess it makes it hard for me to imagine being comfortable with people looking at me. It's bad enough just around the university. You get all sorts of people here, coming in from pretty much anywhere in the world, and its better here than anywhere else I've been, but..." he trailed off.

"But...?" Kerry prompted, not at all sure what else to say, her anger gone as suddenly as it had appeared.

"But nobody wants to look at a half breed," he said quietly, his gaze on the grass between his shoes. "Let alone a mixed up mess like me. It's hard for me to imagine what it must feel like for you," he said, looking up at her suddenly. "To feel attractive. To feel that people aren't made uncomfortable just by you being who you are. To know who you are..."

"Scott..." Kerry sat down next to the feline again.

"I'm sorry, Kerry," he whispered. "I'm sorry I implied that you would model like you do if you felt bad about it. I'm sorry if it sounded like I thought you were anything like a...."

"Scott..." she said again, reaching out to brush his cheek with her fingertips, and he flinched away, ducking his head to the side.

"There is nothing wrong with who and what you are, Scott," she said quietly.

"It's funny," he said softly, thoughtfully. "How easily those words come to people sometimes. But then you take a look around, and you realise that it's not true. Look around you," he said, his voice hardening slightly. "I see one lion, one wolf, one squirrel, one otter, and one human, in this park. People nature intended to be. And I see me, the million to one blip on the statistics, born to a mother of mixed parentage who by all rights should have been sterile, and who only found out she wasn't when..." he closed his eyes before continuing.

"When she and my her husband were walking home one night and were attacked. The attacker broke her husband's back, and raped my mother. Two weeks later, the cougar who by all rights should have been my father, was pronounced as confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life, and my mother was pregnant. What love had failed to do over the five years of their marriage, brute force did in a few minutes."

The feline opened his eyes and looked at Kerry. "There is something wrong with what I am. I'm an accident, born of an act of violence. I was never meant to be here."

Chapter 5

Kerry looked at the feline, shocked into silence. She watched as Scott hung his head, his eyes closed. Scott sniffed a couple of times in the silence that followed.

"I disagree," Kerry said quietly. "I don't think you're an accident. I think the fact that your grandparents beat the odds with your mother, and then she beat the odds with you proves it. If you were not meant to be here, Scott, you wouldn't be. I have a feeling your mother would agree with me."

The feline looked at her with a sad smile. "My mother abandoned me to an orphanage shortly after I was born. The lion who raped her had committed a string of murders and assaults, and she felt that she could not be a part of raising his son. I think she was afraid I would grow up to be like him."

"But you didn't," Kerry said gently.

The feline looked at his shoes again. "It's been close sometimes," he said softly. "There are times when I can feel so angry, I almost think I can understand what drives a person to kill another. He started when his wife betrayed him, you know. I checked up when I was old enough for the orphanage to let me see the records. He'd lost his job, and returned to find another male with his wife. I think it must have broken something inside of him, turned him so angry he didn't care anymore. Sometimes, I think I can feel that part of him in me. The part that might break if I'm not careful."

Kerry reached out a hand, rested it on his shoulder. "I don't believe you are capable of hurting anyone," she said softly.

"Even though you know what I am?"

"Because I know something more important. I know who you are. You're kind, and gentle, and intelligent. You've gone out of your way to help me, and you never asked anything in return. You have a bookshelf containing three fantasy series, and at least five romantic comedies in your video collection. You are not a bad person, and your bloodline can have no influence on that." She slid along the bench until he could put her arm around his shoulders.

"Where we came from is not important," she whispered gently. "It's who we choose to be that matters, and there is nothing wrong with who you have chosen to be." Smiling, she leaned closer, planting a small kiss on his cheek.

Scott looked up. "You really don't mind?" he asked hesitantly.

"I hadn't even considered your parentage until you brought the subject up," Kerry shrugged with her eyebrows. "And now that you've told me, I still don't care," she smiled. "And before you ask," she continued, tapping his nose with her finger. "Yes I would still like to go see another film with you some time."

Scott blinked a few times, not sure what to say. He said as much.

"Then don't say anything," Kerry laughed, handing him a tissue.

* * *


"You were right," Kerry said, flopping down into the chair opposite the feline and opening the can of diet cola he had ready for her. "He hit us with exactly the stuff you were on about on Monday."

"Yeah? Any problems?" Scott passed her a cheese salad sandwich.

"Not after I started tuning him out and looking through the notes we made," the young woman grinned. "Good lord but that man could be on the Olympic boredom team," he put on a false baritone. "Hello, my name's Alex Jacobson, and if wallpaper could talk, it would say 'Hello, my name's Alex Jacobson.'"

Scott laughed.

"Don't joke about it," Kerry sighed. "I'm thinking I might start skipping those lectures..."

"I wouldn't," Scott advised, taking a swig from his carton of semi skimmed milk. "Soon as you do, Sod's law says he'll change the topics you're covering..."

"Yeah, I guess so..." Kerry said, stretching her arms up over her head, her fingers laced together. She looked across at the feline and grinned wickedly. "I don't suppose you have a hand held computer game or something I could take to the next lecture to kill the time?"

"No, not really," he chuckled. "I have a laptop, but that's kind of hard to play on without people noticing."

"How about if I hold it under the desk...?" Kerry looked plaintive.

"Can't be done," Scott shook his head. "Believe me, there's times I've tried," he winked, and she laughed.

"Guess I'm not the only one with dull lectures, huh?"

"Let's just say that your 'wallpaper' would make some of mine seem interesting," the feline rolled his eyes.


"No kidding... I fell asleep eight times in one lecture..."

Kerry giggled.

"No, really, I only woke up because every time I dozed off my nose hit the desk... You don't have to laugh like that," he added, eyeing his friend as she leaned back in her chair, giggling madly.

"Sorry," Kerry giggled, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. "I just liked the mental image."

Scott gave her a lopsided look.

"So, did you get any more drawing practise in?" Kerry asked, recovering herself.

"Yeah, I did," the feline nodded.

"Can I see?"

"Um, not here..." the feline glanced about the room as if expecting to find somebody watching him.

"Ohhh, you mean..."

"Um, yeah," the feline reddened.

"Well good, about time," Kerry smiled. "But you're right, this isn't the place," she chuckled. "Though it would be tempting to watch people's reactions, especially if you brought the reference pictures," she grinned.

Scott laughed weakly.

"You can come back to my place, if you like," Kerry said. "June's always out on Wednesdays."

"Ok," the feline nodded, standing up and taking their sandwich packets over to the rubbish bin.

* * *

"Nice," Scott commented as they stood outside Kerry's house.

"It looks nicer outside than in," she shrugged. "I think the renting agency did it up a bit for their photos." She fought with the lock for a moment, muttering until it stubbornly gave way to the pressure of her key.

"Well, it's a little... white..." Scott commented, following her through the door. "But it looks... erm..."

"Like we just got burgled," Kerry said, sounding exasperated. "Damn that vixen's messy sometimes..." she picked up the six or seven odd shoes that were lying just behind the door and threw them into a pile in the corner of the living room. "Have a seat, if you can find one," she went on, raising an eyebrow at the collection of clothes, pizza boxes, and DVDs that were strewn about the lounge.

Scott picked his way gingerly among the litter, aiming for the sofa. Kerry giggled as she watched the feline move a pair of knickers off the seat, his face red.

"If you're lucky, she just did her laundry, if not..." she let the thought rest as the feline hurriedly put the underwear down on a clean corner of the coffee table.

"Relax, will you?" Kerry said as she quickly tidied the room, eyeing the feline as he sat stiffly on the edge of the sofa, nodding as he settled back against the cushions.

"Tea?" she asked as she seemed to gain some form of victory over the mess.

"Please," the cat nodded, and Kerry hurried behind the breakfast bar, dumping three takeaway boxes into the bin as she went.

"So, what have you been drawing?" she asked as she filled the kettle from the tap.

Scott jumped as if he had been poked with something sharp. "Oh, um... well..."

"Nudes?" Kerry enquired, rummaging in the cupboard for clean mugs.

"Yeah, guess so," the feline looked at his knees.

"Well?" the young woman put the mugs down next to the kettle, and went to sit next to the feline while she waited for it to boil.

The cat coughed lightly, swinging his art folder up onto his knees.

"Are you... sure you want to see these?" he asked, hesitating as his fingers rested on the catch.

"Well hell, cat, I've had you draw me nude three times now, you think I'm likely to be offended by looking at pictures?"

"Um, yeah, guess not..." he said, opening the folder, and passing her several sheets of paper.

"Hey, these are pretty good," she smiled, looking through the half dozen drawings.

"You think?" the feline brightened.

"Yeah, I do. You're doing much better with proportions now. I always thought it should be easier to draw someone without clothes..."

Scott rubbed the back of his neck, looking at his knees.

"You're still missing off a few important details though," she said, eyeing the feline.

"Um, well, I figured I can add the rest when and if needed..." he coughed.

"I think you should be putting them in," Kerry said firmly. "Until you do, you're never going to get your drawings quite right, and you're running out of classes to perfect them in."

"I guess..." the cat looked embarrassed.

"Hey," Kerry said, catching his attention by snapping her fingers in front of his nose. He looked at her. "What you are missing off are perfectly normal features of females, and not just human ones, we all have them. Actually," she giggled and leaned closer. "I guess as far as nipples go, you have them too. I'm assuming they're somewhere under all that fur?"

The feline blushed and nodded.

"Right then, so what's the problem?"

"I... it just seems..."



"Good," she winked at him. "If you can draw a picture of a nude that people find sexy, then you're doing it right," she smiled. "Well," she added as an afterthought. "In this case I suppose it's a case of making a picture that humans are going to find sexy. I suppose it's not much of a guideline for you..." She frowned. "I can see how that might make things harder..." she mused.

"I do find you sexy..." the feline said, then slapped his hand over his mouth as he realised what he had said.

"Really?" Kerry looked at him.

"Um, well... yeah..." Scott looked uncomfortable. "Sorry," he added.

"Sorry? Don't be sorry," Kerry smiled. "I take it as a compliment." She stood up and moved over to the kettle as it belched steam. Did she take it as a compliment, she asked herself? The answer came back very quickly as yes. Did it bother her that it came from the mouth of a feline? Hell no! He was undeniably a nice guy, and he did have a certain appeal...

"So, you still up for a film tonight?" she asked, returning with two mugs of tea.

"Yeah," the feline nodded, taking the mug and quickly moving it around in his hand so he could hold the handle rather than the hot sides.

"Good," she smiled. "So what's it to be, the sci-fi film, or the rom-com?"

"Well, I figured Saturday's film was pretty sappy, so..."

"Sappy?" Kerry exclaimed. "I nearly had to go to the toilet to stick my finger down my throat..."

"Sci-fi it is then," Scott chuckled.

* * *

(A classic 'you had to be there' moment)

"Erm, oops," Scott said as they exited the cinema.

Kerry looked into his face, and went into another fit of the giggles, leaning on his arm for support.

"I can't believe we got a month ban from the cinema," she said between laughs.

"I can," Scott said sincerely. "But I'm sorry, if they don't want people to laugh, how about some plausible special effects?" he chuckled.

"Oh God, I nearly choked on my popcorn when that first one came on screen," Kerry stopped and sat down on a bench, the bright neon glow of the cinema behind her leaving her face shadowed.

"Yeah, and then when they got the straw, and, and..." the feline couldn't finish the sentence as they both started laughing again.

"Not a straw," Kerry corrected, struggling for breath. "A 'brain extractor'!"

"Yeah, I hear you can buy them in packs of twenty from Tesco now," the feline said, and Kerry cracked up again, leaning her head onto his shoulder.

"Do, do you want yours with curls, or with the bendy bit?" she gasped, and his head dropped to rest against hers as he creased up with laughter.

"We have to do this again," Kerry said, pressing the top of her head against the warm fur of his cheek.

"Ok, but only if you know another cinema," Scott chuckled.

"D'oh," Kerry screwed her eyes shut. "Well, we'll just have to rent a film next time."

"Ok, but let's make it something better than that, please!"

"Well I don't think we could find worse!"

Scott nodded. He wondered if they shouldn't be making their ways home, but couldn't find any good reason to stand up. Besides, Kerry was warm against his flank and the night air was cold...

* * *


"Sorry I'm so late," the feline apologised, settling into the chair opposite Kerry.

"No problem," she smiled. "Though your milk might be a bit warm."

"Ah, never mind," Scott shrugged.

"What kept you anyway?"

"Computer lab overran a bit," he said apologetically.

"Ah, technology and delays, I figure they go hand in hand," Kerry smiled, and the feline nodded.

"Funny isn't it?" he said. "They say that all the technology we have is supposed to make our lives easier and more efficient. If that's true, why are people getting more and more stressed as the years pass?"

Kerry shrugged.

"Because," Scott said, leaning over the table with the air of someone about to confide a secret. "People will always want a service at the fastest speed possible. When people relied on hand written letters and the postal service, the best turnaround for any office job was four to five days. Nobody had to panic when something arrived, because by the end of the week was good enough. Now, an email arrives, and people scramble to respond within minutes. The boss doesn't want a report by the end of the week, he wants it before lunch."

"You sound like you've got experience in that."

"Yeah, I did some evening and weekend work while I was at college," the feline admitted. "Pretty low level stuff, big corporate building full of computers, and guess which schmuck got to keep them all running?"

"I think I have a pretty good idea," Kerry smiled, sipping at her coke.

"Yeah, I do have 'minion' written on my forehead, don't I?"

Kerry laughed. "Naw," she reached out and ran her fingers across the soft fur. "I think it may be in Braille," she winked and lifted her cola can.

"Yeah, it matches the hazardous waste warning on my butt..."

Kerry snorted into her cola, and looked up coughing.

"Oh I dunno, it looks like a cute butt to me," she grinned.

"But you wouldn't wanna touch it," the feline stuck his tongue out.

"I might," Kerry returned the expression. "Besides, I figure you owe me at least a glimpse by now," she grinned.

Scott blushed.

* * *

(Friday night)

"Come on, Scott," Kerry said, standing up.

"No, really," the feline protested. "I don't dance well..."

The young woman pinched his nose lightly and pulled.

"Alright, alright!" he stood up hurriedly and followed his friend onto the dance floor.

How did he end up doing this, Scott asked himself. No rhythm, no coordination, and no talent. He sighed and tried to move just enough to count as dancing. Kerry looked, he realised, fantastic on a dance floor. Despite turning up in worn jeans and a t-shirt, she moved with confidence and grace, her arms held high, a grin across her face.

Looking at the feline for a moment, Kerry reached out both her hands and grabbed his, pulling him into the motion.

Scott couldn't help but smile and be caught up by Kerry's enthusiasm, and he soon found himself worrying far less about how people might be looking at him, and simply moving to the beat, following the cues from the music, and from Kerry herself.

Three songs later, they both retreated back to their table, tired, and hot.

"Don't dance well my ass!" June exclaimed as the pair sat down.

"What?" Scott looked at her, his eyebrows raising.

"You're not half bad, cat," Kerry grinned, taking a sip of her drink, which seemed to have an unnecessary number of slices of lemon floating in it.

"I'm not?"

Both females giggled.

"You're not," June admonished him. "In fact," she stood up and grabbed his hand off the table, tugging him towards the dance floor, leaving Kerry looking after them as Scott shot her a look of helplessness over his shoulder.

* * *

"Oh hush," the vixen said. "I only borrowed him for a few dances."

"More like half the night!" Kerry sat down on the sofa, looking slightly miffed.

"Ah, what's a few dances between friends," June grinned ingratiatingly.

"Knowing you..." Kerry eyed her suspiciously.

"What, you're afraid I'm after him?" the vixen blinked and sat back in her seat.

"Are you?" Kerry asked, bluntly.

"Does it matter to you? He's not the right race for you, you know."

"Nor for you..."

"So I'm open minded," the vixen shrugged. "What can I say? And no, I'm not after him. Geez, you really are sensitive about him you know."

"Yeah, well..." Kerry felt herself blushing.

"You really do like him, don't you?" the vixen pressed, smiling.

"I'm... not sure," the young woman confessed. "I mean, I like him as a friend, he's a nice guy, and I like having him around, but..."

"But?" the vixen leaned forwards, grinning.

"But... I don't know," Kerry said, sticking her tongue out.

June leaned back, clasping her hands over her knee, looking smug.

"Stop looking at me like that!" Kerry jabbed a finger at her housemate.

"Like what?"


"Only when you tell me what you're thinking," the vixen grinned wickedly.

Kerry sighed. "He is nice," she confessed. "But I don't know if I could... I mean, he is a feline..."

"Nothing wrong with cats," the vixen commented.

"Maybe, but I was never as... um..."


"Good a word as any. As you."

"True," June nodded. "But there's a first time for everything. Don't black mark him just because he's not human."

"Just..." Kerry raised a hand. "Don't push me on this, ok?"

The vixen made a gesture of surrender and got up, walking around the back of Kerry's sofa. "I wasn't trying to push you," she said, resting her hands on the young woman's shoulders, leaning down to talk into her ear. "But I do think he's the best shot you've ever come up against since I've known you."

Chapter 6 (Saturday)

"Pub?" the cheetah's voice came down the phone before Scott had even said hello.

The feline chuckled.

"No, sorry, Harry, not tonight, I've got things to do."

"Aww, man... They've got a two for one night on and all..."

"I bet Tom's up for it," Scott smiled.

"Yeah, but it's not so much fun. I'm beginning to worry we look like a gay couple when there's just two of us..."

Scott laughed. "Don't suggest things like that," he grinned. "Or I might just have to send a bunch of flowers to your table to complete the image."

"You wouldn't dare!" the cheetah sounded horrified.

"Oh, I would," Scott assured him. "But I wouldn't do that to you," he continued.

"Phew..." Harry sighed. "So what are you up to, anyway?" he asked.

"Oh, this and that..." Scott said evasively.

"Ah, something with her again then..."

Scott opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, and still failed to find anything to say.

"Well, good luck to you, mate." Scott could hear the cheetah's wink. "I'll catch you Monday." So saying, the cheetah hung up.

* * *

"Hi Kerry, not early am I?"

"A little, but I'll forgive you," Kerry smiled, stepping back and letting the feline in.

"Something smells good," he said, sniffing the air.

"Only a couple of pizzas I'm afraid," Kerry looked apologetic. "I was never much of a cook."

"At this point, I would have settled for a packet of crisps and an apple," the cat confessed. "I don't think I've eaten since breakfast."

"Busy day?"

"Assignment due on Monday, wanted to get it out of the way."

"Ah," Kerry nodded as she sat down on the sofa. Scott eyed the other sofa, which was piled high with takeaway boxes, coats, and shoes.

"You can sit here you know," Kerry patted the seat next to her, smiling.

The feline sat down, a little hesitantly.

"So, what do you feel like?" Kerry asked, indicating a shelf full of videos.

"Oh, I didn't realise it was multiple choice," the feline smiled, standing up again and moving over to the shelf. "Wow, you like Disney too?"

Kerry laughed. "Used to, haven't watched any for a while to be honest." Scott's face fell slightly. "But I wouldn't mind," Kerry chuckled, standing and walking over to him.

"What takes your fancy?" she asked. "Atlantis? Little Mermaid?" she giggled as he looked at her. "The Big Cat King?"

"I've never really been fond of the ones with quadrupedal animals in..." the feline looked uncertain.

"Why not? I know it's silly to think of them like people, but you know those cats are somewhere in the ancestry of all you felines. Mind you, I can't say I'm too proud of my ancestry... big hairy things," she shivered slightly.

"I must admit, I think that nature did a good job of refining you," Scott smiled.

"Flattery," Kerry tapped his nose with a finger. "Will get you everywhere. It will also get you The Big Cat King," she grinned evilly, and took the DVD off the shelf. "It's not that bad, really," she reassured, catching his dubious expression.

"Well, ok, if you say so..." he sat down again as the young woman dropped the disk into the player.

"Oops, that'll be the pizzas," she said as a buzzing noise started somewhere in the kitchen area.

It wasn't long before they were both settled in front of the television (an old model, but surprisingly large), pizzas and drinks at the ready.

"And here we go," Kerry said, pressing the button on the remote control, and flicking off the light.

* * *

"Scott?" Kerry paused the DVD, flicked the little table light on, and looked across at the feline. "Are you all right?"

"Fine," he mumbled, looking away from her.

"Scott?" she said suspiciously, reaching out to touch his arm. "Are you crying?" He didn't answer.

"Aww, Scotty," she moved up close, leaning against him and putting her arms around him. "You silly thing," she murmured into his ear.

The feline looked thoroughly embarrassed. "Sorry," he said, dabbing his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Its ok," she said softly, resting her head on his shoulder. "I felt a little sad first time I watched it too." She eyed the unhappy looking cub on the screen.

Scott sniffed, putting an arm around Kerry to pull her closer. "Sorry," he said again. "I don't usually get this way, dunno why..." he trailed off.

"Because you're too kind hearted for your own good?" Kerry asked, looking at him.

"I just have a soft spot for animals," he said, avoiding her gaze.

"Damn big spot," she smiled. "Ready to go on?"

"Yeah, sure," he leaned his head until it rested against hers and she hummed happily.

"I must bring you here more often. You're definitely the warmest cushion in the place," she giggled.

"Ah then at least I have one job I can excel at," he chuckled.

"Yeah, but you need more padding," Kerry grumbled. "Your shoulders are all bone..."

"It's to help support the weight of my head," the feline nodded.

"That full of bone too?" Kerry giggled.

"Bah..." Scott conceded defeat with as much grace as he could muster, and Kerry started the film again.

* * *

"Well, goodnight then," Kerry smiled as she let the feline out of the front door.

"Kerry, I..." he turned on the doorstep and looked at her, his voice fading.


Scott looked uncomfortable as Kerry paused and regarded him.


"Yes...?" she raised her eyebrows, smiling.

"There's something I want to tell you," the feline said hesitantly. He swallowed, then continued in a rush, "I really enjoy spending time with you."

Kerry blinked. "Thank you," she said, after a pause. She looked at him for a moment, his yellow fur standing out bright in the orange glow of the streetlight, then leaned down from her vantage point at the top of the step and kissed him on the nose. "I like spending time with you too," she murmured, a hand reaching up to stroke of one of his ears.

Scott purred, his eyes half closing.

"Go home," Kerry giggled. "And get some sleep," she let go of his ear, and gently nudged him in the chest.

"Yes ma'am," the feline saluted, bowed, and left, leaving Kerry chuckling as she closed the door.

"Oh very well said..." Scott muttered to himself. "That was what you meant, wasn't it, oh yes, you bloody fool..." Grumbling, he continued down the road, pulling his jacket tighter around himself.

* * *


"Oh stop pining," the vixen muttered, dropping down into the sofa opposite Kerry.

"I'm not pining," the young woman protested, looking indignant.

"Well, stop sulking then," June stuck her tongue out.

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are! Just cos your boyfriend has something more important to do than be with you."

"He's not my boyfriend," Kerry frowned.

"Yet," the vixen chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" the young woman folded her arms.

"Nothing to get defensive about," June raised her eyebrows. "It's the first time I've seen you like a guy this much in a long time."

"Who said I..."

"Nobody, but you're not exactly a closed book when it comes to how you feel about people you know."

Kerry opened her mouth as if to speak, but said nothing.

June giggled. "There's nothing wrong with you if you do like him, you know," she said gently.

"But he's a cat!" Kerry said, more loudly than she meant to.


"And what? What else do I need to say?"

"Race isn't all that's important. Just tell me whether you like him."

"I..." Kerry hesitated.

"Do you like him?" the vixen pressed.

"Well... yes..."

"Hah! I knew it!" June whooped. "I knew you liked him. Have you kissed him?"

"Sort of," Kerry avoided the vixen's gaze, blushing.

"Sort of?"

"Not on the lips... muzzle... whatever," the young woman confessed.

"Aww, you got plenty of time for that," June smiled.

"Will you stop pushing me?"

"I'm not pushing you," the vixen protested. "If I was, I'd tell you to go round to his house and kiss him until his face stretches."


"Kerry, I'm your friend," June reminded her. "I'm here to give my opinions on things I think will be good for you."

"And you think Scott would be good for me?"

"Girl, I think he is just what the doctor ordered," the vixen raised an eyebrow. "And hell, if you don't get in there, maybe I will," she grinned wickedly.

Chapter 7 (Monday)

"Hi, Kerry," Scott said, looking up as the young woman exited the art classroom.

"Oh, hello, Scott," Kerry smiled. "What are you doing down there?" she asked as the feline rose from his spot against the wall of the corridor.

"Waiting for you," he said, falling into step with her as she continued down the hallway.

Kerry giggled. "You couldn't wait until our coffee break later?"

"No, I have to talk to you now," he said urgently.

"All right," Kerry nodded. "But you'll have to talk fast, I have a meeting in five minutes."

"It's ok, this will only take a moment," the feline increased his pace, stepped in front of her, and she looked at him in surprise as she nearly ran into him.

"Kerry, I think... I know... that I am very much in love with you," the feline said, stumbling over his words in his haste.

"Oh, Scott..." she said softly, not sure how to respond.

"I know," he hurried on, his ears falling. "I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it, and sooner or later I knew you were going to realise it, and I wanted to tell you now so that I could promise you that it won't affect anything. I promise, I would never... try anything, think anything even, that you wouldn't be happy with..."

"Scott!" Kerry interrupted, smiling and holding up her hand.

"Yes?" the feline's expression gave them impression he was expecting a slap around the face.

"Hush up," Kerry giggled, lifting her arms, putting her hands on the back of his head and pulling him forwards into a soft kiss.

The feline's eyes went wide for a moment, then half closed as he relaxed, the sudden realisation that Kerry was not angry with him, pleased even, making him feel weak as her lips pressed against his own. He purred, his arms wrapping around her body, holding her against him. After a few moments, he felt her hands lightly nudging at his chest, and he loosened his grip.

"Well," Kerry giggled, looking into his eyes. "Not exactly the place I'd have chosen for a romantic first kiss, but I think I'll let it pass."

Scott blushed as he suddenly realised that they were standing in the middle of the art department's common room, and the approving cheers of the students around them were just beginning to fade.

Scott tried to think of a good response and failed. Instead, he settled for grinning like an idiot.

"Scott?" she said softly.


"I still have that meeting to get to..."

"Oh, yeah, right," he let his hands fall from her sides.

"I'll see you soon," she smiled, then turned, waving and blushing as she left the room.

"Well, I'll be..." Scott murmured, still standing in the middle of the common room, his bag and his art folder on the floor at his feet.

"Cigar?" someone asked, holding a packet of them in front of him.

"Don't smoke..." he mumbled.

"Wouldn't worry," the bobcat grinned. "They're chocolate. Have two," he said, fishing them out of the pack and pressing them into the Scott's hand.

"Thanks," the feline said absently as the other walked away, shaking his head and smiling. "Oh, crap," he said as his watch started beeping urgently. Gathering his things, he hurried off towards the physics department.

* * *


"Scott," Kerry sighed as she settled back onto the sofa. "You are a wicked, wicked cat," she frowned at him for a moment, then relented, smiling. "But you're a fantastic cook."

Scott's chuckle floated out of the kitchen, around the sound of washing up.

"You're not one of these guys who likes their women overweight, are you?" she asked him as he came into the living room a few minutes later, with two plates and a box of sticky looking cream cakes in his hands.

The feline laughed. "I don't believe you would ever be fat, Kerry," he smiled. "You're not built for it. Besides," he added as an afterthought. "If I get you addicted to my cooking, then I can always start bulking things out with dog biscuits if you start looking a little round," he winked. Kerry waited until he had set the plates and the box down on the coffee table, then threw a cushion at him.

The cushion impacted right between his eyes, bouncing off, and apparently knocking him off his feet to land flat on his back, eyes closed, and unmoving.

"Scott?" Kerry paused.

"Scott?" she moved to kneel next to him.

"Scotty" she laid a hand on the side of his head. "You ok?"

No response.

"Scotty?" she leaned down towards him, an expression of concern spreading across her face. "You ok?"

"Boo," he said softly, opening his eyes as her face hovered in front of his.

"You rat!" Kerry sat up, picked up the cushion again and battered him repeatedly with it.

"No," he said, laughing as the soft assault continued. "I know I have a mixed heritage, but it's a hundred percent feline nonetheless."

"All right, you..." the young woman paused in beating him with the cushion. "What is a cat with a bad rep?" she asked.

"I dunno," he shrugged, still horizontal. "I think we're all too soft and fuzzy to get a bad name."

Kerry giggled, and reached out a hand to stroke the side of his face. "Well you sure are," she hummed. "My cute little kitten," she smiled, and leaned down again to kiss him softly, smothering his response.

"Anyway..." she said as they broke the kiss. "What's the film for tonight?"

"Well, I'm very tempted to say the Lords of the Rings," he grinned. "All of them."

"Good gods, why?"

"Because then," the feline sat up, and leaned forwards until his nose touched Kerry's. "I get to keep you here for nine hours."

Kerry giggled. "No way," she said. "I for one have classes to attend tomorrow, and so do you. Look, I'll cut you a deal," she said, watching his fact fall slightly. "One every night, for three days. How's that for a compromise."

"I think," Scott smiled. "That you're finding excuses for me to cook for you."

"Damn, you rumbled me," Kerry chuckled.

"But it's a deal nonetheless," the feline winked. "I'd have agreed at double the price, you know."

"Yeah, I know," Kerry stood up. "But that would be like kicking you when you're down."

Chuckling, Scott got up, and headed for the video shelf at the side of the room.

"Mind if I use your bathroom?"

"Of course not," Scott nodded absently as he searched for the title he wanted.

"Thanks," Kerry disappeared through the door to the feline's bedroom, heading for the ensuite bathroom. "Aww, you have plushies!" she called out.

"Um, yeah," he coughed as she appeared in the doorway holding a battered pair of soft toys. "Had 'em for years..."

"Aww," Kerry cuddled the toys for a moment longer, then returned them as her bladder demanded attention.

"Scott?" she called out through the closed bathroom door a short time later.

"Yeah?" he stuck his head into this bedroom in time to hear the whoosh of pipes as the toilet flushed.

"Why do you even have an electric shaver?" she called through the door when the noise had died down.

"Well, um..." the feline blushed as the door opened and Kerry stepped out. "You humans aren't the only race that has longer fur in some places than others..."

Kerry giggled. "How neat," she smiled. "I like a neat man," she patted him on the cheek as she passed. "Especially when they keep themselves soft and fuzzy all over," she looked back over her shoulder and winked.

Scott's blush deepened.

Chapter 8 (Tuesday)

Scott eyed his friends as he approached the table.

"Why are you clapping?" he asked, suspiciously.

"Heard about yesterday," Harry gave a lopsided grin.

"What? How could you..."

"Rumours, my friend," the fennec nodded sagely. "Nothing moves quicker than juicy gossip on the grapevine."

"Bah," Scott flopped into the seat opposite, picking up the beer someone had bought ready for him.

"Oh don't grump about it," Tom admonished. "After all, we'd have worked it out sooner or later."

"Yeah, well... maybe I should have said something..."

"Nah, your business is your business, bud," Harry swigged from his pint. "You're all right to keep it quiet if you prefer to."

"One thing I do want to know," the fennec wagged a finger. "Why a human? I wouldn't have figured she was your type..."

Scott's eyebrows drew together. "Race has nothing to do with being my 'type'..." he said slowly, thinking as he spoke. "Kerry is... beautiful. Through and through, everything she does... everything she says..."

"Ooh, he got it bad," the cheetah nudged the fennec.

"Ah, c'est l'amore," Tom said, adopting a false accent and widening his eyes as he looked at Scott.

"Oh stop it," the feline grumbled, trying to hide a smile.

"So when you seeing her next?" Harry grinned.

"Dunno," Scott shrugged. "Tomorrow," he continued.

"You dunno, but you know it will be tomorrow?"

"Something like that..."

The cheetah raised an eyebrow.

"We... share a class," Scott confessed.

"Ah, the art one?"


"She any good?"

"Hell yeah..." Scott said quietly. "Hell yeah..."

* * *


"Hi, Scott, it's me."

"Oh, hi, Kerry," the feline put down his pencil, moved the phone to a more comfortable position against his ear.

"How's it going?" she asked.

Scott eyed the paper in front of him. "Not so bad, not so bad..."

"You don't sound convinced," Kerry informed him.

"Yeah, well. I can't say as I'm doing any better than I did in class yesterday, but I'm not doing any worse, and Mr Greenshoot did say that it would get me a pass. I'm not too worried."

"So why you practising at all?"

The feline sighed. "Well, I just feel that I could do better, if you know what I mean. I know this is about the best I have done, but I don't feel like it's the best I can do..."

"Well, I'm sure you'll get there." Scott could hear her smiling encouragingly. "Anything I can do to help?"

Scott chuckled ruefully. "Afraid not. I've got everything you've said committed to memory, it's just a case of making sure I stick to it, and see if I can't work out what I'm missing."

Kerry nodded thoughtfully, even though she knew he couldn't see her.

"I better let you go," she said. "If you're busy, I won't keep you hanging on. Good luck."

"Thanks, Kerry," Scott smiled. "It's appreciated. And Kerry...?"


"Um... thanks," he said again, blushing.

"Uh-huh..." she sounded suspicious. "You're welcome, Scotty. I'll catch you later."

"Ok, bye..." the feline heard her hang up, and did the same.

"Right, missy," he eyed the half-formed drawing on the paper. "What is it you're not doing, hmm?"

* * *


"Hi, Scott," the young woman smiled as the feline opened the door. "The guy downstairs just got back, he let me in. Sure looked surprised to see me coming up here..."

"As am I," Scott's eyebrows raised. "Why are you...? Are you alright?" he asked, ushering her inside.

"I'm fine," Kerry smiled.

"Oh, good. Erm..."

"I thought of something I could do to help you."


"Well," she said, perching on the arm of the sofa, dropping her rucksack on the floor. "I know you're practising your figure drawing, but I thought you might do better if you get some practise in with the real thing." She giggled at his expression. "I brought a bikini," she stuck her tongue out. "I figured it wouldn't change my overall shape, should be close enough to tomorrow."

Scott wrestled with his eyebrows, which seemed to be trying to escape the top of his head.

"What? You can't tell me that would make you nervous..."

Scott chuckled at his own hesitation. "No, I guess not. You sure you don't mind?"

"Nah, I got nothing better to do. Mind if I change in your room?"

"Sure. Just let me get my drawing things first?"

Kerry nodded, picking up her bag and throwing it over one shoulder as she followed the feline into his bedroom. She bent over his shoulder as he gathered the papers and pencils together.

"These are really good!" she exclaimed.

"You think?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Hell yeah," Kerry smiled. "You have no idea how far you've come in three weeks!"

Scott flushed as the young woman patted his cheek while smiling encouragingly. "I'll, um, put the fire on..." he said, scuttling out of the bedroom, his arms full of papers, his pockets overflowing with various grades of pencil, both colour and graphite.

"Ooh, good idea," Kerry nodded as she closed the door softly behind him. She looked around for a moment, half surprised once again at the total lack of posters of female models on his walls. Any other male might be expected to surround himself with dubiously tasteful, semi-nudes, but Scott... she spent a few moments considering the large poster of some random nebula. Turning, she looked at the poster on the opposite wall, a large feline, feral, quadrupedal, a step down on the evolutionary tree from Scott perhaps? Then again, she chuckled internally as she removed her sweater, what wild animal ever had such a mixed heritage? Not that she minded, the end result was smart, gentle, funny, and decidedly cuddly.

She glanced into the mirror at the side of the room as she removed her jeans, studying herself in only her underwear. Is this how Scott sees me? she wondered, then she giggled, realising she was possibly wearing more than he had seen her wearing in the recent past. She wondered if she looked strange to him, furless, tail-less... On the up side, she continued the thought, it must be easier to get in and out of pants without a tail. One less button at least...

She found herself looking into the mirror again, studying her build, almost as if she were the artist. Slim, but not too slim, softly shaped, but not particularly rounded, especially not in the places she wanted to be rounded. Kerry sighed softly, her hands instinctively running up and down her bare flanks. Well, perhaps she wasn't perfect, but from what she could tell, Scott didn't seem to care, and that thought brought a small flush of pleasure to her cheeks.

She looked for a few moments at the bikini she had brought with her, and her face creased into a thoughtful expressions.

"Where would you like me?" Kerry asked as she left the bedroom.

"Hmm?" Scott didn't look up from his drawing board, a frown across his face as he compared his drawing to the print out he had been using as reference.

"How would you like me to pose?" Kerry giggled.

"Oh, anywhere," he said, making a small adjustment to the drawing's left arm.

"OK," Kerry settled herself into a kneeling position on the rug between the sofa and the fire. "How's this?"

Scott looked up. It took him a moment to work out that Kerry wasn't wearing the promised bikini, and several more than that to say something once he did.

"Um..." the feline found himself unable to meet her gaze.

"Yes?" Kerry grinned.

"I thought you were going to wear..." he started, his cheeks red.

The young woman shrugged. "Well," she smiled. "I figure you've seen me nude before, and you'll have to tomorrow anyway, so why not make things a little more realistic for your practise?"

"Erm, yeah, ok..." the feline mumbled, and she laughed.

"And stop looking away from me," she admonished good naturedly.

"Sorry," Scott said, trying not to blush and failing miserably as he looked at her. She looked back at him calmly, without a trace of embarrassment, and somehow this helped him immeasurably. After all, if she wasn't embarrassed, why should he be? And, to be fair, how was this different to the times he had drawn her in art class? Exactly, he thought to himself, as he slid off the sofa to sit on the floor.

"Kerry?" he said quietly, his eyes instinctively studying her figure.

"Yeah?" she smiled at his increasingly relaxed attitude to the situation.

"Thanks," he smiled, meeting her gaze for the first time since she had walked into the room.

Kerry smiled.

* * *

"I think..." Scott said, a little slurred around his tongue as it stuck out from the side of his muzzle as it often did when he was concentrating, "that that's about the best I'm going to do..."

"Oh good," Kerry smiled. "My back is killing me..." she mumbled quietly.

"I'm sorry," Scott looked ashamed. "You should have said, I could have..."

"Nonsense," the young woman held up her hand. "I wasn't about to interrupt you, you looked like you were on a roll."

"Well, actually..." Scott glanced at the paper in his lap, then back at Kerry as she leaned forwards onto all fours and crawled towards him, looking at the upside-down drawing.


"You like it?" Scott asked, his ears perking up as he turned the paper so she could see better.

"That is really, really good!" she said, nodding and looking up at him, blushing as the feline suddenly leaned forwards and nuzzled her nose with his. He flushed as well as she looked at him.

"Sorry, it's a cat thing," he mumbled, and she giggled, leaning forwards to touch her nose against his again, making them both smile.

"Any chance of a drink?" she asked.

"Sure," Scott nodded, pushing his drawing board to one side as Kerry sat back on her heels. He stood up and moved into the kitchen, having to fight not to steal extra glances at her as she stood up and stretched luxuriously, her soft skin gently shining under the bright light bulb.

"Hot chocolate?" he asked from somewhere near the sink.

"Wonderful idea!" she answered.

When Scott returned to the living room, it was to find Kerry sitting on his bean bag, which she had moved to rest against one wall, her feet resting on the rug which she had pulled across to join her.

"Thanks," she said, accepting the hot mug and sipping from it.

"Um, you could dress if you like..." Scott said uncertainly.

Kerry giggled. "What, I'm making you uncomfortable?"

"Not at all," Scott bluffed.

"Good, cos I figure you can get at least one more in tonight."

"Oh... ok," the feline smiled, aware that his expression was verging towards an idiotic grin, but not really caring.

"You warm enough?" he asked, sitting on the floor at the far end of the rug and sipping his own drink.

"Plenty," Kerry nodded, then giggled. "And you look way too warm," she smiled.

"Yeah, well, fur and gas fires... you don't really need both," Scott shrugged.

"Feel free to take your shirt off," Kerry winked, and he flushed. "I don't mind," she went on gently, seeing the look on his face.

"Really?" he asked, his expression hesitant.

"Nah, course not," she smiled.

Scott paused, the set his mug down. After all, if Kerry could be totally naked in front of him, why could he not at least take his shirt off in her presence?

"Ready?" she asked, as he pulled the drawing board over to him, looking somewhat less overheated now in only his shorts.

"Sure, whenever you're comfortable."

Kerry grinned wickedly, leaning back against the wall, putting her hands behind her head, and spreading her knees a little further than shoulder width apart.

The feline swallowed. "That's... not a pose I've drawn you in before..." he said, his eyebrows apparently fighting for which one could rise the highest on his forehead.

"Yup," the young woman grinned. "That's why I want you to look now. Who knows, I might just pose like this tomorrow," she winked.

"Um, yeah..." Scott wasn't quite sure where to point his eyes.

"I don't mind you looking, Scotty," Kerry's voice was gentle, not wanting to put him off. "But if it really bothers you, I can change..."

"No..." the feline sounded hesitant. "It's... ok..." he swallowed again, feeling his heart race as his eyes tracked down from her face, over her soft breasts, down her flat stomach...

"Kerry?" he asked.


"Please ignore me if this is rude, but... didn't you used to have more fur?"

Kerry blinked, then giggled.

"I kinda took a cue from you," she said, finding herself blushing. "It kinda feels nicer like this. Do you like it...?" she asked hesitantly.

"Yeah! I mean... I never really got a look at you like this... um... ah... oh shoot," he mumbled, realising he was lapsing into incoherence. He tried again. "It's very... neat..." he said, holding his breath as he waited for her reaction.

Kerry laughed, and he smiled in relief.

* * *

"How are you doing?" Kerry asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the feline's flow.

"Not bad..." he said, sounding non-committal.

"Which part of me are you on to?" she asked.

Scott went pink. "Um... your b-breasts," he stammered, making her giggle.

"If you need a closer look, it's ok," she said gently. "Half the point in having a live model is that you can get a better idea of her shape."

Scott blinked. "Do you know..." he said thoughtfully. "I have never even thought of that?"

Kerry chuckled. "You'd be surprised how few people do. There's nothing wrong with using all the angles of view you can though."

The feline nodded, crawling forwards across the rug, pushing his drawing board in front of him, settling cross legged a few feet from Kerry's legs.

"Better?" she asked.

"A little..." he said, sounding uncertain.

"What's wrong?"

The feline paused. "To be honest, I can't get your nipples right," he said, looking away.

"Do you have my outline right?" Kerry asked gently.

"I think so," Scott nodded, and she dropped her arms, leaning forwards and holding out her hands towards him. Hesitantly, he took them, and was drawn even closer, his drawing board being pushed to one side as he moved.

"Something to notice," she said gently as he came to a stop just between her knees. "Is that it's very rare for them to point straight forwards. I've watched a lot of artists try to draw exactly that and struggle, because it's not what they're really seeing. You remember how I taught you to look at the small details, without assumption?"

Scott nodded, his hands somehow finding their way onto her knees as he knelt in front of her. He looked at her soft breasts, admiring again the gentle roundness, the soft lines.

"Yeah, I see..." he said quietly. "There's an angle, it meets..." he lifted his hands, used his fingers to trace lines in the air. "At your spine," he looked up to see her nodding and smiling. "And runs out at about... oops!" As he tried to judge the angle, his finger inadvertently brushed her right nipple, and he pulled his hand back quickly, looking up at her face.

Kerry smiled gently. "It's ok, Scotty, I don't mind," she said softly, taking his hand in hers and bringing it to rest lightly against her breast again, letting it rest for a moment before letting go. "See?" she smiled. "Now, where were you?"

"Um, yeah, an angle of about..." he used his hands to estimate, the tips of his fingers barely touching her pink nipples, his hands following the directions they pointed in. "I think I see..." he said quietly, dropping one hand to fumble around on the rug for his drawing board. Locating it, he turned slightly, unthinkingly resting it across Kerry's left thigh as he quickly pencilled in the positions he had been seeking, his hand guiding the graphite across the paper with newfound certainty.

Kerry giggled and stroked the back of his head. "Looking good," she commented softly.

"Thanks," he smiled, looking up at her. "I think you are one of my better subjects," he beamed.

"Actually, I meant you," she giggled, leaning down and kissing his forehead. "You look cute when you're concentrating."

"Oh... um..." the feline utterly failed to find the right thing to say.

"Go on," Kerry chuckled. "Finish her," she nodded at the drawing.

Scott nodded, looked at the drawing, looked back at Kerry.





"I'm not very good at..." he trailed off, and she giggled, looking at the drawing and seeing the last remaining detail that needed to be finished. Putting her hand on the top of his head, she shoved downwards. "Just look, see, and draw," she said, finding herself blushing slightly as his head finished up between her knees. "Just like you have been doing."

Scott nodded, swallowing as he looked closely where he had hereto been very careful to only let his eyes glance past before. Soft, pink, and delicate, the slightly forward hunch of Kerry's hips gave him a clear view of her most intimate places.

Kerry continued blushing as she felt the feline's eyes studying her, his drawing board resting across his knees, his pencil skittering across the paper in even, confident moves. She kept her hand resting on the top of his head, lightly scratching the fur.

Scott's eyes flicked between the paper and Kerry. It seemed to be getting hard to concentrate, and he blinked, rubbing his eyes with the back of one hand. Without really meaning to, he leaned a little closer, the gap between them lessening with each beat of his heart...

Just a few more pencil strokes... there... he slowly put the drawing board down to one side.

"Kerry...?" the feline said softly, uncertainly, his nose only a few inches from her soft skin.


"What... what should I do to make you happy?" he asked, sounding plaintive.

Kerry sighed warmly. How come it had taken so long to find a male who would ask that simple question? "Whatever you think is right, Scott," she said gently, her fingers scratching him lightly behind his ears. Would he? Oh please let him find the courage! Please let him feel as she did, please... her breath caught in her throat as his muzzle made a soft contact against her, a small kiss being planted on her lower belly.

The feline continued to plant soft kisses on Kerry's stomach, ready for any sign that he had gone too far. She moved both hands to stroke his ears, and he relaxed slightly, gently kissing the soft skin, nuzzling her lightly, letting the soft fur of his muzzle and chin brush against her.

Kerry moaned softly, her knees spreading slightly in an unspoken invitation, and the feline accepted it, dropping his head, small tongue lapping at the skin where her thighs met her body, not quite making that contact he was sure she wanted.

"Scott..." Kerry whispered, her heart beating ever more rapidly as the anticipation built within her.

As if taking this as a cue, the feline moved his head more centrally between her thighs, lapping gently over the soft folds between her legs.

"Ooh..." Kerry moaned softly, wishing she were built to purr, and giggling when Scott did exactly that as if he had read her thoughts.

The gentle motions of the feline's tongue as he explored her, combined with the soft vibrations of his purring quickly had the young woman panting, her back pressed against the wall, her bottom pressing into the beanbag as she hunched her hips forwards, trying to give him easy access.

Scott listened carefully to her breathing, to the way she gasped slightly when he touched specific places, wanting to please her more than he had ever wanted anything else. He raised his hands, lightly stroking her thighs as he lapped at her softness, brushing the soft fur of his wrists over her smooth skin.

"Just... just there, Scotty," Kerry gasped softly as his tongue grazed over the front of her entrance. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply as he followed her instructions without hesitation.

The feline couldn't help smiling as he tended to his human lover, his tongue exploring new textures and tastes, his heart thudding in his chest, wanting to bring her as much pleasure as he could, now and for a long, long time into the future. He purred constantly as he lapped gently at the softly salty skin.

"Oooh, Scotty... do you have any idea how good this feels?" Kerry moaned quietly.

Scott didn't answer, just smiled more broadly and continued his soft ministrations.

"Uh..." Kerry's legs shivered slightly, and she gripped his ears a little tighter.


The feline used one forefinger to gently explore the back of her soft opening as his tongue lapped at the front.

"Ummmmmm..." the young woman sighed, feeling the tension building inside her.

Very gently, the feline lifted one of her legs, draping it over his shoulder, his softly furred cheek continuously brushing against her inner thigh as his tongue continued its gentle motions against her soft folds.

"Uh... Scotty..." one of Kerry's hands found the fingers he rested against the back of her entrance, running along it, gripping his wrist and tugging lightly.

Compliantly the feline pushed against the soft skin, feeling her open up around him, warmth and wetness squeezing down on his fingers from all directions. He purred richly as he felt her begin to press her hips up against his muzzle, in time with the gentle motions of his fingers.

"Scott... Scotty..." she gasped, feeling the tension reaching the limits of what she could stand. "Oh, Goddess!" she moaned, her head pressing back against the wall, the hand on his wrist pulling his digits as far into her as she could. "Scott!"

The feline's heart raced as Kerry pulled his head tightly against her, her legs trembling, her nails scratching gently through his fur. She moaned softly, her hips pressing up to meet his muzzle and hand, her soft tunnel squeezing down on his fingers with a strength that caught him by surprise.

"Oh, Scott..." she murmured softly, slumping as the pleasure receded.

The feline looked at her for a moment, then dipped his muzzle, lapping softly at her again.

"No, no," she put her hands on his cheeks and lifted his head gently. "No more, not just yet... can't... take it..." she panted. Sliding her leg off his shoulder, she leaned down as he moved up, pulling him into a gentle and loving kiss.

As they broke, she pushed him back gently, giggling. "I think you need a towel, you drippy kitty you," she smiled, brushing her fingers over the damp fur of his muzzle. He licked her fingers, making her laugh at the tickly touch as she stood up. "Now you stay there," she said, winking as she headed for the bedroom on slightly unsteady legs, returning a few moments later with a clean towel from the stack she had noticed on a shelf.

Finding the feline still on all fours, kneeling but with his hands flat on the floor, she knelt down next to him, wrapping his entire head in the towel and rubbing vigorously for a few seconds while he laughed.

"There now, much better," the young woman beamed, pulling the towel off the feline's head.

"You ok?" she asked, feeling a sudden need to be sure she hadn't pushed him into anything he was unwilling to do.

"Feel great," he answered, grinning.

"I'll say you do..." Kerry hummed, running her hands over the soft fur that covered his back and chest. "I can only envy the girl you must have practised on."

Scott flushed. "Um, actually, I've not practised that on anyone," he mumbled, and Kerry blinked.

"But you must have had girlfriends before, right?" she asked.

The feline shook his head, cheeks rather pink.

"Never been intimate with a girl before?" Kerry's eyebrows rose, her lips parting slightly as she looked at him.

Scott shook his head again, still blushing.

"Aww..." Kerry's expression softened. "Aww Scotty... if you'd said... I'd have..."

The feline looked at her, then reached out to embrace her. "I wouldn't have wanted it any other way," he whispered softly, snuggling the side of his face against her cheek.

"Aww..." Kerry didn't really know what to say as she hugged her feline lover. She kissed him softly on the cheek as they disengaged. Moving around behind him, she wrapped both arms around him, her hands petting him softly, exploring every inch of his slender feline chest, making him purr warmly

"Feel nice, Scotty?" she murmured softly into his ear, pressing herself against his back.

"Yeah..." he murmured, relaxing as she embraced him, enjoying the feel of her hands stroking gently over his stomach. His ears perked up as he felt her tug gently at the waistband of his shorts.

"You're shaking..." Kerry said softly, hesitating.

"Sorry," Scott apologised. "I'm a little nervous..." he confessed.

"Don't be," she murmured gently. "You're ok with me, I promise. You don't have to do anything you don't want to." She nuzzled her nose into the fur on his neck, moving her hands up to caress his chest and stomach again, hoping to relax him by slowing the pace.

The feline purred as the young woman stroked her hands over his front, his head leaning backwards as she kissed his neck softly.

Kerry kept up the gentle petting and stroking until she felt the feline relax in her arms, kissing his neck and shoulder repeatedly. "That's right, Scotty," she whispered into his ear. "Everything's all right," she nuzzled the back of his ear reassuringly. "Ready to move on?" she asked, her hands sliding down his front until her fingertips touched the top of his shorts again. He nodded, and her hands moved to his hips, encouraging him to rise onto his knees, leaning more of his weight onto his arms. He swallowed nervously as he felt her unfasten the button over his tail.

"Ok?" she asked softly, wanting to make sure she wasn't pushing him too fast.

"Ok," he nodded hesitantly, looking back over his shoulder.

Smiling, she gently tugged his shorts down to his knees, carefully sliding them under each one in turn and off over his feet, leaving him in only his under shorts. Leaning over his back, Kerry cuddled the feline gently, snuggling against his soft fur as he purred under her. Moving back, she ran her hands down his thighs, curiously exploring his feline physique. She tickled the pads of his feet, and he giggled and shivered.

She moved around to his side, one hand stroking along his back, the other moving underneath him to his chest. He purred warmly at the relaxing touch, sighing softly as she ran her hands down his arm, lifting his hand, caressing the palm. She moved around to his other side, kissing him softly as she passed in front of him, before repeating the process on his other flank.

"Don't be nervous, Scotty," she said gently, noticing he was still shaking slightly. "Take a few deep breaths for me?"

Scott nodded, closing his eyes and doing as Kerry asked.

"There you go," she murmured softly, leaning down and kissing the tip of his ear. "Everything all right so far?" The feline nodded again, smiling.

With one hand on Scott's chest, Kerry ran the other down his back to his tail, circling the fluffy and flexible appendage in her fingers, running her hand all the way down to the tip, dragging it to the side as she did so.

Remembering something she had learned over the course of her degree, she moved her hand back to the base of his tail, wrapping tightly around it, squeezing hard, her fingers working over the underside where it vanished into his underwear.

"Unf..." Scott commented, and Kerry giggled.

"Feel good?" she asked.

"Oh yeah..." he found himself panting slightly.

"It should, you've got a pretty big nerve cluster just a little further down, should be on the edge of it here," she pressed her finger up close to the cloth of his under shorts, moving her other hand down his chest to his stomach, stroking lightly at the fur near the edge of the waistband.

"Uh, Kerry..." Scott began.

Kerry paused, then giggled as she noticed the rather obvious tenting of the material at the front of his underwear.

"Those a little restrictive?" she asked, smiling, and he nodded looking sheepish.

Letting go of the feline's tail, Kerry moved both hands to unfasten the button just above it, then slid one hand down to the waistband of his shorts as they ran under his body.

"Still ok?" she asked gently, and he nodded, less hesitantly this time.

Kerry smiled, and pulled the waistband of the feline's under shorts downwards, then tugged them back over his bottom and down his thighs, working them under his knees as before, and tossing them across to the other side of the room. She giggled softly as the feline instinctively moved his tail down between his legs to cover himself.

"It's ok, Scotty, just relax," she murmured, moving her hands across his back and chest again, keeping her eyes on his as he looked back over his shoulder. "I won't do anything you aren't happy with, it's all right..." she soothed.

Scott found himself unable to do anything but relax under the gentle pressure of Kerry's hands, his head dropping slightly as he purred his appreciation. She slid one hand down his back, caressing across his bottom, being careful not to threaten him back there, sliding her hand flat until the edge of her palm contacted the underside of his tail. She wrapped her thumb around the base of the fluffy appendage, squeezing it gently.

Scott inhaled rather sharply, and she petted his stomach soothingly.

"Good kitty," Kerry giggled, her hand sliding progressively lower down his belly.

The feline gasped as Kerry took a gentle hold of his pink length, the contact to two of the most sensitive places on his anatomy making him shiver slightly. She squeezed gently in both places, and he made a small noise.

"Scott?" Kerry raised an amused eyebrow. "Did you just meow?"

"Um... no..." the feline looked away, then gasped softly as Kerry moved her thumb to caress over the tip of his arousal.

Smiling, Kerry released her double hold on the feline, moving around to kneel behind him. She put her hands on his hips and tugged him backwards until he was kneeling in front of her again, his back pressed against her breasts as she looked down over his shoulder.

"Very nice," she commented, reaching one hand around his hips to caress his pink flesh.

Scott blushed. "I'd be more impressive if I was a full lion," he mumbled.

Kerry smiled and nuzzled his ear, her chin on his shoulder. "If you were a full lion, I for one would find you much more intimidating, and a lot less attractive." She slipped her free arm around his chest and squeezed him gently. "Not to mention I'd be afraid you were too big for comfort," she giggled.

Kerry's hand began curiously exploring his feline anatomy. Of course, she realised, he wouldn't have a foreskin, but a sheath that could contain his entire length, or at least it could when he was relaxed. The biologist in her wondered if one were a derivative of the other.

Scott bit his lip as she began a gentle motion along his arousal, her fingers moving from the edge of the soft fur of his sheath to the very tip of his length. Kerry slipped her other hand down to gently cup his softly furred testicles, and he made the noise that wasn't a meow again, making her giggle.

Scott's hands searched for purchase as Kerry increased the pace of her intimate massage, and he settled for resting them on her hips as she pressed against his back. Realising she was kneeling over his tail, he hoisted it up, making her ooh in surprise as it contacted everywhere from the lowest point where she pressed against him, right up to her shoulders, and over the back of her head, still with a clear foot to spare as it draped over her face.

"I can only think of the uses that thing has..." Kerry giggled, settling into a steady rhythm.

"Not... uh... as many as you might hope," Scott panted. "Actually it... gets in the way a lot. Not nice to... get it trapped in lift doors, for one..."

Kerry laughed. "Aww, poor Scotty," she murmured into his ear, then returned her attention to her ministrations.

"Uh, Kerry..." Scott shifted slightly, his breathing uneven.


"Could you... ease off there please...?"

"Sorry, is that uncomfortable?" she loosened her grip a little, slowing the pace of her intimate caress.

"No but... I think the milkman is about to make a delivery," the feline gasped, his hands moving to her wrists, trying to stop her.

Kerry laughed, quickly removing her hands from his length. "Well, that's about the cutest way I've ever heard it said," she nuzzled the side of his neck. She waited a moment while he panted, shuddering slightly, his eyes squeezed tightly closed.

"Ok?" she asked, and he nodded.

"Just got a little close to making a mess for a moment there," he said, blushing as he looked over his shoulder.

"Sorry," she nuzzled his neck again. "Next time you say to back off, I'll be quicker about it." Putting her hands on his shoulders, she encouraged him to lean backwards, and he followed the motion, straightening his legs, curling his tail back under him until he was lying flat on his back on the rug, Kerry kneeling at his side. She stroked his chest for a few moments until he settled, then swung herself across him, straddling his thighs.

"You know, I'd usually be asking you to put on protection about now, but I guess it's not a problem with you..." her hands stroked his hips. "Milkman still ready to deliver?" she giggled.

"I think he's hanging around at the end of the street," Scott said, looking a little sheepish, and she laughed.

"Then I better open the door and let him in," she smiled, shuffling forwards, raising her hips, gently moving his length into position with one hand while the other stroked his stomach soothingly.

Scott gasped as he felt her press down over him, her body opening up to accept his, warmth squeezing down along every millimetre of his length.

"Ok?" she asked as she settled comfortably into his lap, her breathing quickening slightly.

"Oh yeah..." the feline murmured.

Kerry held her arms out to him, and he sat up into her embrace, wrapping his arms around her back, her breasts pressing tightly against his chest.

"I can't believe nobody's done this with a sweetie like you before," she murmured, her lips near his ear. "Not that I mind," she smiled, kissing the side of his face.

The feline purred as she began gently rocking her hips against him, sliding one hand down his back to grip the base of his tail as it curled under his bottom.

"Where's the milkman at?" Kerry murmured softly, smiling.

"Pretty much at the door," Scott confessed, squeezing her tightly against him.

"What's the delivery today?" she giggled.

"Uh..." Scott gasped. "From the feel of it, about two pints..."

Kerry laughed, caressing the feline's back and the base of his tail, murmuring soft encouragements into his ear as she felt him tense up.

Scott saw stars on the backs of his eyelids as he squeezed his eyes shut, his chin pressing onto Kerry's shoulder as he felt the pressure between his legs finally reach its peak, and release itself into the beautiful young woman in his lap.

"That's it..." Kerry murmured softly, pressing her hips hard against his, feeling the warmth flow from him. "That's it... good kitty..." she eased him backwards gently as she felt him come down from his peak, settling on top of him as he laid back onto the rug.

"Feel good?" she giggled.

"You have no idea..." he mumbled, and Kerry chuckled.

"Yes I do," she said, winking, and pulling him into a gentle kiss. "You made sure of that, remember?"

Scott smiled, hugging her as she lay on top of him, and they snuggled together warmly, basking in the warmth of the fire and their love.

It wasn't more than a couple of minutes before Kerry looked at the feline.

"Ready again already?" she raised an eyebrow.

Scott smiled. "I guess a leonine heritage does have its advantages."

Kerry grinned. "I can see you're going to be a lot of fun, as well as cuddly," she giggled. Sitting up, she slid backwards, looking at his arousal. "Well, let me think how we can put this to best use," she said, smiling.

"Well for one," Scott sat up, and touched a finger to her nose. "I would suggest somewhere softer than the floor."

Kerry giggled, and stood up, nodding and holding her hands out. He took them, and allowed himself to be led into his own bedroom, nudging the door shut as he passed. Kerry pushed back the duvet, and settled back onto the mattress, smiling invitingly as the feline crawled up her body.

She reached down between them as her lover approached, and gently guided him into her, sighing softly as his furry warmth pressed down onto her.

"Ooh, Scotty," Kerry murmured, arching her back as he slid into her.

"Kerry..." the feline murmured, nuzzling at her neck. "I love you," he said, with deep sincerity in his voice.

"And I love you," she said softly, stroking his back and raising her legs until her heels rested on the backs of his thighs, her hips rocking in time with his thrusts.

It wasn't long until Kerry was panting underneath her lover, his steady entry and withdrawal, his warmth, the gentle rubbing of the fur around his sheath against the little nubbin at the top of her entrance, the way his soft chest fur kept brushing over her nipples, the nuzzles he applied to her neck, and most of all the constant vibration of his purring conspiring to push her towards her peak at ferocious speed.

Her climax arrived almost unexpectedly when Scott moved his tail, pressing it up tightly between her legs, the warm and tickly sensation against the back of her entrance providing exactly the stimulus she needed, and she moaned softly, pulling her lover down against her. The feline purred richly as he felt his lover climax, tightening up around him, hugging him hard. He nuzzled her neck, waiting until he felt her relax before resuming the rhythm, now pressing himself into her with new urgency.

"Nearly there, Scotty?" Kerry panted softly as the cat moved his body against hers.

"Yeah," he gasped. "I think the milkman forgot to deliver the cream."

Kerry giggled, pressing her hips up to meet his thrusts for the few moments it took for him to reach his peak, drawing him down as she felt him tense and release inside her, whispering soft words to him as he pressed his muzzle against her neck.

The feline blinked as the waves of pleasure slowly died down.

"Kerry?" he said softly, nuzzling her cheek.


"This wasn't just a dream, was it?"

She pinched his buttock and he yelped.

"Oh good," he said. Reaching down, he located the edge of the duvet, drawing it up to cover them both. Kerry reached out and turned off the bedside light.

"Now get some sleep," she whispered tenderly. "You've got a big day ahead of you."

She heard him chuckle.

"After tonight," he said softly. "I feel like I could draw you perfectly from memory, let alone if you model for me."

Purring, he rolled off her gently, and pulled her against his chest. Kerry smiled, snuggling against her lover, and swiftly finding the peace of sleep in his arms.

Chapter 9

"Well, thanks for trying not to wake me," Kerry chuckled, a little ruefully.

"Sorry," the feline apologised, settling back under the duvet quickly, realising there was no point in trying to sneak back into bed anymore.

"It's ok," Kerry put her arm across his chest. "When you gotta go, you gotta go. And now that I'm awake, I gotta go too." She kissed him on the cheek, rolled across him making him grunt, and padded into the bathroom.

"I know you're still awake," she said softly about half an hour later, reaching out an arm to flick the bedside light on, blinking in the soft glow.

"How?" the feline sighed.

Kerry giggled. "Because you're trying to be polite," she said, reaching down and running her fingers along a sensitive part of his anatomy that was making itself more noticeable by the minute, and which Scott had been trying to angle his hips to keep out of contact with Kerry's thigh.

Scott inhaled sharply at the contact, then let it out in an apologetic chuckle.

"Sorry about that," he mumbled, flushing.

"Don't be," Kerry smiled. "I'm sure we can find some use for it, since neither of us are sleepy," she continued, rolling onto her back, guiding his hand to rest on her chest.

"I thought you were the one telling me to get some sleep earlier," Scott chuckled, his fingers gently exploring the contours of her smooth body.

"You aren't getting to sleep any time soon with that," Kerry giggled, moving her hand to rest between the feline's legs, squeezing him gently as he pressed up against her flank.

"Probably true," Scott nuzzled her cheek. "What do you suggest we do about it?" he asked, grinning, his large feline eyes glittering in the soft light.

"Ooo, so many options..." Kerry hummed as the feline's hand gently caressed across her breasts. "But I think my favourite one has to be screwing you until you can't keep your eyes open," she grinned predatorily.

Scott flushed, then smiled, moving to lie on top of her, his weight supported on his hands and knees.

"Um, Scott?" Kerry murmured, putting her hands against his flanks to hold him still.

"Yeah?" the feline hesitated, the tip of his arousal touching against the smooth skin of her stomach as he knelt over her on all fours.

"Sorry, but I think I need a little more time..."

Scott hesitated, then smiled gently. "I'm sorry, of course you do," he said softly, leaning down to draw her into a gentle kiss, a hand tracing across one of her soft breasts.

Kerry sighed softly as the feline began to kiss his way down her chin, her neck, her chest... She petted his ears as he nuzzled at one of her nipples, the soft fur on his muzzle barely touching her skin, making her squirm in anticipation. He didn't make her wait long, his lips gently embracing the soft flesh, squeezing gently as his tongue flicked against the very tip.

"Where do you learn these things?" Kerry gasped quietly.

Scott coughed slightly, sounding embarrassed. "Male... Internet... single until very recently..." he trailed off and she giggled as his lips found her other breast, kissing gently, circling around the little nubbin at the centre.

"We'll have no more of that, you naughty kitty," she admonished good naturedly, playfully slapping the back of his head.

"Lonely kitty," Scott confessed, nuzzling his way down to her navel, blowing softly into the little hollow and making her laugh.

"Aww," Kerry scratched behind one of his ears. "We'll have no more of that either," she said softly, continuing to pet his ears as he worked his way down her body, planting kisses all the way. "I promise, you won't be lonely any more."

"Ooh..." she sighed as his lips and tongue found the softest parts of her body.

The feline nuzzled gently between her legs, lapping at the soft skin tenderly and slowly, making her squirm slightly, her hips shifting over the cotton sheet. He pulled his head back, and blew gently across her soft flesh, moving his head to aim across everything from the front of her entrance to between her buttocks.

Kerry giggled at the tickly feeling, tugging at his ears, trying to bring the feline's muzzle back against her.

Scott smiled, and complied, dropping his head again to lap at the soft folds between her legs, hearing her sigh softly. He touched a finger gently against her entrance, stroking gently back and forth along the length of her folds for a few minutes as he continued lapping softly at her, occasionally moving the focus outwards, licking teasingly between her entrance and her legs before returning to where she most wanted him.

Experimentally, Kerry moved her right foot, manoeuvring carefully, finding she was just able to run her toes up and down the feline's arousal while still giving him easy access to her own sensitive places. Scott shivered slightly at the contact, nuzzling his nose against the young woman's soft folds for a moment, breathing out sharply, making her laugh and redouble her somewhat awkward attack on his length.

"Scotty?" Kerry said softly, gasping softly as the feline's tongue flicked across her just so.

"Yeah?" the feline raised his head.

"I'm ready if you are," the young woman smiled, stroking his cheek.

"I, erm, think I might be a little too ready," he confessed as Kerry gently drew him up her body, and she giggled.

"Doesn't matter," she smiled, putting her arms around his back, tugging at him, encouraging him to complete the contact between them, sighing softly as she felt him pressing against her entrance.

"Oh, way too ready..." Scott gasped as he settled down onto and into his lover.

"It's alright," Kerry chuckled, hugging him tightly. "Just let it go when you need to." She nuzzled into the fur on his cheek.

"That would be about now!" the feline gasped quietly, pressing his hips tightly up against her. "Kerry, I love you," he whispered urgently into her ear, pressing the side of his face against hers.

Kerry smiled and stroked the back of his head as she felt the feline tense. "I love you too, Scott," she hummed softly as he climaxed inside her, kissing his cheek repeatedly, whispering soft words into his ear.

"Oops..." the feline mumbled, his cheeks pink as his vision cleared.

"No oops about it," Kerry chuckled, cuddling him. "At least, not your oops. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have teased you like that, or made you wait so long."

"I wouldn't want to have... hurt you... by being too quick for you," Scott panted, his head hanging over her shoulder.

"I wouldn't have let you," Kerry squeezed him. "There's other things I could have done for you to take the pressure off." She nuzzled his cheek gently. "Don't worry about it," she said softly. "My bad, not yours."

The feline lifted his head, touching his nose to hers for a moment before pressing his lips against hers. Kerry hummed, pressing her tongue in between his sharp front teeth, exploring the warm confines of his mouth for as long as she could before they had to separate, panting for breath, and blushing slightly. She looked into his green eyes, found herself giggling for no good reason. The giggle proved to be infectious, and they both hugged each other tightly, laughing simply for the sake of laughing.

"Goddess, but I do love you," she announced, moving one hand to stroke over his cheek. "Why did you have to take so long to come into my life?"

Scott flushed, smiling. "I'll try to show up quicker next time," he said, trying to keep a straight face.

"And who said there will be a next time?" Kerry asked, raising an eyebrow. She tapped him on the nose as his expression wavered. "I don't intend to let you go out of my life again," she whispered confidentially, and he smiled, at a complete loss for words, settling for dropping his head to kiss her softly.

"Now then, where were we?" Kerry asked as they broke apart, rolling them both over and sitting back so that she was straddling his thighs, his renewed arousal clear against the white fur of his stomach.

"I know where I was," Scott smiled sheepishly. "Where were you?"

"About here..." Kerry giggled, raising onto her knees before lowering herself onto him, leaning backwards slightly, making them both take a sharp breath.

"That feel good?" she asked gently, rocking her hips slightly.

"Just... lean forwards a little more please..." the feline winced slightly, gently tugging at her shoulders.

"Sorry," Kerry smiled. "Different anatomies make for different comfort zones I guess. Ok now?"

The feline smiled his affirmation, his hands coming to rest on her hips as she moved on top of him, her own hands pressing onto his chest as she leaned forwards.

Kerry sighed softly as she picked up the pace, her hands exploring the soft fur of her lover's torso, gliding across his sternum, under his arms, down the sides of his chest, her thumbs brushing his nipples, half hidden under his fur. As if in response, the feline lifted his arms, fingers lightly caressing over her breasts, making her bite her lip as his soft pads danced over her sensitive nipples.

She leaned down to draw the feline into a long kiss, their motion slowing as their lips pressed together.

"You're so warm," Kerry giggled as they broke.

"I was... thinking the same about you," Scott answered, his hands running up and down her flanks as she sat back again, the motion of her hips speeding up as she felt the tension within begin to build. "You make me feel like I'm lying in the sun on midsummer's day," he continued, running the furry backs of his fingers across her chest. Kerry smiled down at him, not sure how to answer.

They moved against each other in silence for a few minutes, neither needing words to communicate the deep sense of pleasure and love they shared.

"Scotty..." Kerry whispered, panting, her hands pushing his shoulders down onto the mattress. "I'm close..."

The feline smiled, his hand moving to where they were joined, his thumb pressing gently against the top of her entrance.

"Un-uh..." Kerry commented, her breath catching in her throat as her lover sent sparks of pleasure radiating from between her legs. "I..." she gasped, leaning forwards suddenly, her breasts pressing against his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around her as her climax blossomed within her.

"I love you, Kerry," the feline whispered, smiling as he felt the young woman reach her peak. He let one of his hands wander down to her bottom, caressing gently across the firm flesh as she trembled in his embrace, the sudden feeling of tightness pushing him to the very edge of his own peak, but not quite over.

She kissed his cheek softly as she slowly came down, temporarily beyond words, feeling as if she were being wrapped in the warmest fur blanket imaginable as the feline moved his tail to lie it along the length of her back.

"You didn't, did you?" she asked softly, recovering her breath.

He shook his head, and she kissed him.


"Extremely," the feline shifted his hips slightly, instinctively seeking that last ounce of stimulation.

Kerry smiled wickedly, and squeezed down on him with all the strength she could muster and pushed her hips firmly down against him.

The feline closed his eyes tightly as his climax darted in from the edge of his perception to claim him, feeling the young woman in his arms cuddle close to him, kissing softly across his lips as he pressed his hips up against her. When he opened his eyes, it was to find her face hovering over his, her eyes sparkling, and he reached up to embrace her, pulling her tightly against his chest, purring richly.

"Again?" Kerry raised an eyebrow a minute or so later. "Damn, but I do believe you're trying to have me walking funny tomorrow," she giggled.

"I thought I could give the art class a talking point," the feline chuckled, blushing.

"Oh really?" Kerry pressed her hands down onto his shoulders and sat up slightly, pushing him down into the bed. "Right then, I'll just have to make sure you're in a worse state than I am," she grinned wickedly, gently taking him inside her again, pressing her hips down into his lap.

She moved against him for a minute or so, her hands gently caressing his chest, before leaning down to kiss him softly. Raising her hips enough to break their contact, she moved to one side, her shoulder brushing up against the wall as she looked down at him, still on all fours.

"Need a hint?" she giggled, folding her arms on the bed, her head low, her bottom high. Catching on, Scott quickly sat up and moved behind her, his hands gently caressing her buttocks.

Kerry panted as the caress continued, the feline allowing his fingers to occasionally brush over the soft folds between her legs. She oohed as she felt his tongue lapping at her.

"What...?" she gasped, finding herself panting as he reached one hand underneath her, caressing the front of her entrance while he licked along the length of her pink folds.

"Trying... not to make... you walk funny... tomorrow," the feline said simply between licks.

Kerry wasn't quite sure what to say to this, and settled for dropping her head back to the pillow as the intimate caresses and licks continued, her breath coming in increasingly rapid pants. She gasped suddenly as she felt him blow gently over the pink flower between her buttocks... and then move back to licking along her soft folds.

Scott let his tongue explore every corner of his lover's intimate areas, moving from lapping at the skin between her body and her thighs to pressing inwards between her soft folds. Several times he blew gently across her pink pucker, watching her reaction, feeling pretty sure that some females enjoyed contact there but not wanting to make it without knowing Kerry's feelings. Since she made no gesture to draw him there, he kept his tongue localised to her soft entrance, his fingers brushing lightly over the little nubbin at the front.

"Ooooh..." Kerry moaned quietly as she felt him press a finger inside, the soft pad finding that special place along the forward wall of her soft tunnel. She found herself instinctively pressing her hips back against his hand as he gently explored this new texture, his free hand massaging over the little nubbin at the front of her entrance, his tongue flickering over the back of her soft folds.

"Oh Goddess..." she gasped, one hand gripping the pillow tightly.

The feline smiled as he felt his lover respond, realising he had found something special he could do for her.

"Scott..." Kerry whispered, her chest heaving slightly as the feline kept up his intimate caresses. "Close, Scott..." She looked over her shoulder as the caresses suddenly ceased, then gasped as she felt him move his hips up behind hers, the tip of his arousal at her entrance. She moaned softly, pushing her hips back as the feline pushed his forwards.

Scott panted softly, determined that Kerry would have the pleasure she so much deserved as he pressed himself inside her.

It didn't take much. As he leaned forwards over her back, his knees between hers, he felt a shudder run through her body. Wrapping his arms around her, he tugged backwards, pulling her into his lap, nuzzling her shoulder as her climax arrived.

Kerry groaned heartily, her hands gripping the feline's wrists as he held her tightly against his chest, her weight driving his length up into her as she squeezed down around him, feeling somewhat exposed, her front bared to the room as her pleasure surged through her. She gasped for breath as the feline dropped one hand, caressing the front of her entrance, drawing out her peak to an unnatural length.

"Whoa..." she shook her head slightly as she regained control. "I didn't expect that..."

"Was it ok?" Scott asked anxiously, nuzzling her ear.

"That was fantastic," Kerry smiled, reaching behind her to hug him. "If a little unusual."

A few moments passed as she panted before realisation dawned on her.

"You couldn't have... not in that time..."

Scott shook his head.

"Aww," Kerry turned her head to kiss his cheek as he rested his head on her shoulder. "Silly kitty, you're supposed to have fun too," she murmured.

"I was worried that if I... you wouldn't have..." he mumbled, flushing.

"You're not that bad," Kerry giggled, squeezing him reassuringly. "Besides, you're back in action quick enough," she winked at him. "I'm guessing the rumours about lions are no joke?"

Scott coughed lightly, nuzzling his nose into her shoulder. "Double edged sword," he admitted. "They're... not known for control..." he looked apologetic. "I guess even half a lion can be pretty quick off the mark."

"You hear me complaining?" Kerry smiled warmly, then kissed his cheek. "I think you do just fine," she said softly, making him smile back at her.

Gently disengaging his hands, she leaned forwards until she broke the contact between them. Turning, she placed her hands on his shoulders, turning him and guiding him down to lie back on the bed his head on the pillow.

"Now you lie still like a good kitty," she murmured, straddling his hips and kissing him. Smiling, she crawled slowly down his body, planting kisses on his soft fur, her hands caressing over every inch of his front.

"I think someone's pleased to see me," she giggled, looking up as her face hovered over his hips.

"Can you blame him?" Scott chuckled. "I've been pleased to see you every day since I met you."

"Aww..." Kerry blushed. "Silly kitty," she murmured, leaning forwards and placing a kiss on the tip of his arousal, making the feline gasp sharply.

"Shh," she murmured, stroking his stomach. "Just lie still."

Scott tried, but it wasn't easy when he felt Kerry press her mouth over his length, taking in the first couple of inches, one hand wrapping warmly around the rest, the other cupping his softly furred testicles.

"Unf..." he suggested as she sucked gently on him, and she giggled around her mouthful, drawing back to kiss and lick at his arousal as her hand massaged around the base.

Scott's fingers dug into the mattress as his lover tended to him so intimately. He blushed as he realised he could already feel the pressure growing between his legs.

"K-Kerry..." he stuttered as she explored him with her tongue and lips. "I..."

She looked up at him with an expression that said she was well aware what he was about to say, and he dropped his head back to the pillow, feeling the pressure nearing the limits of what he could take.

Kerry hummed softly, once again wishing she could purr as she felt the feline reach his peak, the salt taste hitting the back of her tongue. She swallowed a few times, gently squeezing the base of his length and massaging his testicles until his pleasure passed.

"There now," she murmured, raising her head. "That's much better, isn't it."

"Wurf..." Scott agreed, and she giggled, crawling up beside him, dragging the duvet up from the foot of the bed, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Mmf..." he commented as she pulled his head down and kissed him, blushing as he tasted the saltiness of her lips and tongue.

"Good kitty," Kerry murmured, putting her arm across his chest, snuggling up against him, her head on his shoulder.

"Scott?" she said, sounding hesitant.


"I love you," she smiled, kissing the underside of his chin.

"I love you too," he murmured softly, twisting the arm under her neck to draw her closer until her head rested on his chest, purring warmly.

"Scott?" she asked again.


"Can we sleep now?" she chuckled.

"Only if you're quick," the feline smiled, kissing the top of her head.

Perhaps unfortunately, they both managed to meet his ultimatum with time to spare.

* * *

The panda looked over the feline's shoulder and paused. Smiling, he patted the feline on the back, studying the cat's drawing, and completely missing the look that passed between him and the model in front of the class.