Engine 65 Ch. 2

Story by London79 on SoFurry

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I shout to Chief Brando "Chief she's comin' down," I call to him

"Then, what're you waiting for Morgan let's get the fuck out of here!,"

Brando says so I walk toward the stairs and kind of do a walking jog down

them I walk quickly to the door and jump out of it I land on the grass in the lawn

the chief then lands on top of me.

The other guys then rush over to us and help us up, moments later the entire structure

Collapses we're then brought to safety "Holy fuck! , Brando yells "What the fuck was

that!," "The building collapsed sir," Lt. Anthony Mills replies "What!," Brando shouts

again "Now the city's going to have my ass!," Brando exclaims "Ok, this never happened you

understand," we all nod....

(1 year and 7 months later)

June 3rd , 2003 - Matt. Morgan's p.o.v.

My alarm clock rings on my night stand next to my bed. I reach my over and silence

it I then sit up and stretch, yawning I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand

up walking toward my bedroom door and to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and sigh I'm not

as fit as I used to be... (Fast forward) I arrive at the station about a quarter to six in the morning

, park and get out my car and walk toward the door. Suddenly the chief stops me ,

"Morgan, you're in charge of the probie," "God damnit," I say then walk toward the bay.

(To be continued)...

Engine 65 ( prolog )

He remembers the smoke and the flames and the way the house smelt as well as her screams of agony and pain oh, how they echoed with each grueling second she was trapped inside and forced to breathe in the soot and chemicals. He remembers the date:...

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For whom love leads ch.1

I watched him lying in his bed curled up under the blankets, his soft, fur covered head lay motionless on the sky blue fabric of his pillow. Every breath that escaped from his muzzle was deep, heavy and shallow suddenly he spoke, "I know you're...

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Do what's right ch.2

She walks over to the bed and scoops me up "Thank you," I say "Yeah," she replies "I love you," I say snuggling my face into her chest fur, she carries me down the stairs and into the living room where she lays me down on the couch. She puts a...

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