Breaking in Modruk: Losing it again

Story by Logan Ice on SoFurry

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#3 of Breaking In Modruk: arc 2

_In the previous chapter, which I recommend you read, Danny attends a non-human (furry, scaly, orc, troll, minotaur) frat party with Max. After a brief fight with Max, Danny ends up drugged and winds up in the clutches of someone very familiar. _

"Yuh keep callin' me Max," The familiar voice said. His hair was white and Danny realized it was the same troll he'd seen outside. The human felt a pang of fear well up as the large male's body came close to his own. The troll's lengthy cock rolled over Danny's thighs, and feeling the troll's body heat against his own skin, Danny knew they were both naked.

"Isa hava been guessin you'da known by now, tha name's Veril."

"You! I-its you!" Danny said. He felt a surge of panic, but his voice was still a little soft with the effects of his physical exhaustion. He felt disoriented, the room behind the troll was literally spinning, and the purple male gave a sinister grin. "You're the one from the shower?"

"Wha? Don yuh bein soundin so upset now, mon. Veril isa knowin yuh miss him," the troll said in a sly voice. That elongated face pushed forward, and the larger purple male ground his body down. Danny gasped as the troll's bigger frame pressed against his own. The bigger male was heavy and warm, and the two sunk into the bed cushions. Still Danny shivered feeling the troll's meat press between his thighs, Veril casually it grinding back and forth. "Veril was surprised ta see yuh earlier, hyoomon. But Veril isa happy yuh could make it ta his party now, mon." With the troll so close, bearing down on him, Danny could smell that the male's breath was heavily tinted with alcohol. With that accented voice slurring some, the human could tell the troll was drunk.

"What do you want from me?!" Danny said. The troll's lips closed in and Danny felt them move as the troll responded, "Ta bea makin good on my word, mon."

With that, the troll pushing forward; Danny felt their lips connect. This time it wasn't a dream, and the human knew that long tongue was for real. He shook from fear as the larger creature wetly slide his lips over Danny's own, every now and then his tongue would slip out, and graze from one end of the human's cheek to the other. Veril was forceful pressing his mouth firmly down. Danny's head sank deep into the pillow behind him. With his arms were pinned useless, Danny knew there was just no escape!

No... no not like this, get off of me! me

_ _

_ _ The only resistance Danny could give would be to keep his mouth tightly shut from the troll's maw. But even that barely worked. The troll's tongue was slick and powerful and though taking his time Veril was able to worm the appendage between Danny's sealed lips and gently it grazed over his clenched teeth and gums. Danny's heart sped up and he whimpered pathetically from it

Being kissed so lewdly wasn't the only humility Veril was forcing upon the human. The purple male dry humped Danny's body more firmly than ever. Because of the troll's longer, lanky body compared to the smaller human's the base of Veril's loins pressed right above Danny's knees. The cock which was keeping Danny more scared than anything grew long between his thighs. The human knew it was longer than Max's, comparable to one of the orc's naughty older friends from the "event". He couldn't spread his legs, he would have but not for Veril's knees pinned them outside of Danny's legs together. With the human's unwilling walls of flesh the troll masturbated his lengthy cock between the human's thighs agonizingly slow. Danny couldn't help but feel each inch of the throbbing, fattening length, the way it curved upwards, how the tip glands were like the size of an egg or how it pressed squarely up into his ball-sack before sliding back down. Veril was growing more and more aroused by the passing second. It caused his body to heat up from it, and Danny could smell the growing scent of Veril's sexual musk. The heat buildup was causing both their pressing bodies to get damp from sweat.

Despite having completely over powered Danny the troll still seemed to have gentleness about him. His pushing mouth didn't get any harsher, but after a while Veril gave a disgruntled grunt. Danny assumed the troll was expecting him to so suddenly put out and kiss back. Danny felt angry though. He was tired of continually being taken advantage of. He needed to control what happened to his own body. He refused to relent to this beast!

Veril gave one last tender lick to the inside of Danny's lips and pulled back. "Yuh a stubborn hyoomon, mon. But Veril knows how ta make them bitches luuuurve him. Veril always knows how." The troll whispered in a seductive tone before he leaned in for another kiss, but now free Danny turned his face to the side and again clenched his lips shut. The effect only making the troll chuckle from above, "Veril wasa wonderin wha the rest o yuh tasted like anyway."

Danny breathed steadily as the trolls face drew close. He remained looking to the side, facing the wall and the male's heavy breathing came very close to his ear.

Don't do it.

_ _

Very tenderly the troll's tongue rolled out and Danny felt the wet tip touch the edge of his earlobe. Delicate and slow it rolled along the edge then over the lobe and slid across the ear canal. Danny let out a light gasp, and instantly blushed.

"Yuh bea likin tha, eh?" The voice said right next to Danny's ear, there was a hint of victory in his voice. The human was angry with himself. He did, it was true. It was something he had discovered with Max, that Danny without fail would also succumb to Max's sexual prowess if the orc slurped inside his ear. With a nervous exhale Danny waited for the troll to lunge in however that would not be the case. Instead the purple non-human took his time licking along Danny's ear more, twirling it about before finally centering in on the canal. Despite the direct squishing sound he was hearing Danny's body responded to the erotic stimulation. The human's heart beat quickened up, Danny's breathing through his nose got harder and the human felt his cock to jump. The troll made sure to rub his lower body more against it. Danny could hear Veril chuckle lowly.

It seemed like an eternity when the mouth left his ear and Danny felt the male begin to lift himself off. Tentatively Danny turned back his face to see his captor's elongated face smiling back down at him. "Danny," The troll cooed on down. His white bangs lightly pressing against the human's skin and those ear tips wriggled. "Yuh bea tastin good. Veril wants ta be havin more fun but hea don' wanna hold you like this no moe."

With that the troll gently tensedl his three fingered grip on either of Danny's wrists. The large mitts slackened, "Is the hyoomon gonna be havin a good time now, mon?"

Danny shifted a bit. He tired to pull his wrists away with the now slackened grip but the troll still wouldn't relent with his hold. A mixture of emotions filled the human, if he said no the troll would still pin him down, but if he said yes he'd be giving the green light for more of the Veril's advances. Still though Danny if there was a way out of this, it wouldn't be being restrained. Slowly Danny nodded his head and spoke in a uneasy voice. "Yea, I'll have a good time."

"Gooood." Veril responded back and let his powerful grip go on Danny's wrists. The mitts slide down Danny's spread arms, feeling over his skin. The mitts rubbed then over Danny's shoulders. The fingers seemed to outline where Danny had muscle definition, and he remembered back in the shower, the unseen figure, this troll seemed to pay special attention and muscle build. Again this seemed to be the case, as the troll looked almost intensely down. Danny's arms remained uneasily at his sides, and continued to blush hard, allowing himself to be molested in such a way.

The three fingers from each mitt closed in on Danny's chest, and the troll to special care to pinch the padded flesh, grazing the nipples and rolling his mitts up them, feeling the knobs against his hot clammy palms.

"The orcer is doin a good job on yuh hyoomon. Makin ya get all big an strong." Danny's mind wondered to Max for a brief moment, wondering what the orc was doing right now. He was curious if his lover had any idea that his human modrok was being handled in such stimulating ways. "Buh Veril gotta say hesa actually hopin ya'll stay all soft an squishy fer him." The troll added. Danny looked at him, blushing even harder. The troll snickered seeing it. "Yuh is like fondling a female like dis." And with that both the troll's sweaty mitts squeezed each of Danny's pecs, firmly.

Danny wanted to say the troll's groping mitts weren't a turn on either. His cock grew half erect just being licked but now lifted up and pressed into Veril's abdomen. Being treated like a female with a straight jock at her cleavage, the comparison was dirty, and thrilling all at the same time. It was something the troll took keen notice of.

"Oh, what dis bein, mon?"

Danny felt the grasp on his left pectoral leave and the troll shifted allowing room for his hand to slide between their bodies. The human shivered at the feel of those broad fingertips grazing his skin. Veril seemed to relish in feeling over Danny's bare groin, him giving a soft "ohhhh" at the smooth skin. But he didn't waste too much time and grabbed his hand around Danny's engorged member, and aimed the tip between their bodies. A large finger and thumb enclosed around the tip causing a bolt of direct sexual pleasure to rocket down Danny's shaft.

The human reacted to it by gasped loudly and gripping the bed sheets. Danny wanted something do desperately to brace himself against, as the large hand began its torturously pleasurable stroking. Danny trying to make his face not reflect the exquisite feelings being brought onto him.

"You isa likein this hyoomon?" The troll asked. He tilted his head watching Danny's face intently.

He wanted to desperately say "no" that he didn't, and have it be the truth but his body just wouldn't have it. The human opened is mouth to respond but before he could lie and say no a betraying gasp escaped his lips. He realized any attempt to say otherwise would be immediately seen through so Danny nodded his head. "Yes, it does feel good..."

"Yuh feel really good too hyoomon." The troll responded. His voice was a bit huskier. Danny could feel the troll's cock throb between his thighs more, the larger male obviously getting turned on. Veril, Danny saw, still seemed to concentrate on his chest. "Yuh got such a thiiiiick cock hyoomon. Veril loooves ta feel it. Prettah hyoomon so soft too."

It was all the bigger lust filled male would say, because before Danny could react the troll shoved his face forward. Instead of his face or lips though, to Danny's shock Veril aimed straight at his chest. Danny felt the troll's lips enclose right around the nipple, not being handled with a hand, and his flesh being suckled straight into the devouring maw.

"Ugggnhh! Veril!" Danny said loudly. Instantly the human shoved himself forward in response. He couldn't help himself feeling the troll's mouth assault his sensitive flesh. Hands reaching up, one grabbed up the troll's muscular bicep, while Danny's other hand grabbed around Veril's head. Danny didn't care as he held on tight, gripping firmly into the male's white hair.

The troll seemed merciless in his stimulation, keeping a regular pace with his stroking hand. With the finger and thumb making an enclosed circle, and the padded palm following, it squeezed Danny's cock tip several times before drawing down, all the way to the base of his cock.

Veril's meanwhile suckled softly at Danny's breast flesh, like some baby on a mother's teat. Danny couldn't quite comprehend the troll's utter infatuation with his skin but it was an intense turn on with those working hands, over his skin and cock. As he felt those lips and sucking pressure the troll's tongue casually rolled over the nub. The tip circled his areola a few times, and Danny felt his pec start to harden from it.

Damn this is new, feels good.

_ _

That devious mouth seemed to work increasingly harder. The troll began to apply his teeth, and Danny winced praying the bigger male wouldn't bite down. They closed around Danny's nipple and gently tugged at it. The human's toes curled from the intense sensations. There was nothing he could do, Danny felt helpless and utterly humiliated, being made to accept all this. The troll gnawed onward, and bit down a little harder.

That was all it took it seemed and the compliant human suddenly shot forward. Astonishingly enough the troll seemed to allow this and even pulled back. The troll's grasp remained on his cock but his other hand held onto Danny's back and the two slide upwards into a seating position. Danny was finally able to side his legs free from being forced to sandwich the troll's cock, which now hung in the air, though the purple male still held close to the human's frame, his lips still connected to Danny's pec.

The human's gasped at the musky sex filled air, and finally now upwards began to regain some of his senses. With Veril's head low at Danny's chest the human could finally see where they were at.

From the looks of their surrounding they were in one of the fraternity's bedrooms. It was spacious, twice the side of Danny's dorm room. It was still dark outside still, and the only light was morphing yellow and blue lava lamp. Clothes cluttered the floor, none of which looked like were his. But then Danny saw it. The large rectangular looking door, if there was only a way he could get to it.

I don't care if I can't get my clothes. It's late, no one will see me. Still how do I escape?

_ _

Danny looked down at the larger male, hunched before him. Veril was still lost in his own sexual world, that mouth still engulfing Danny's pecs. The troll had indeed turned him on, and thus far Veril hadn't hurt him. But Danny's mind wondered to Max. The orc was surely looking for where he was, and doing this, it just wasn't right.

Danny reacted before he even knew what he was doing. Gripping tight at the troll's hair, Danny used all his strength that he could muster and yanked the male back. Veril's lips disconnected from his chest with a wet squelch, and he groaned out in pain.

"Wha ya doin, mon?" Veril asked in an ashtonished voice. A flash of fear welled up inside the human's chest.

Now or never.

_ _

_ _ And with that Danny's other hand swung, the human landing a hard open palmed smack across the side of the troll's face. The noise was brief and deafening. Veril's head turned from the impact, his white hair flinging.

Time stood still.

Danny could hear his heart thumping in his chest. The troll stayed in that position, his hair covering his face, so the human couldn't read his reaction. To Danny the first inclination was to apologize, but he knew he had to get out of there. Instantly he moved, sliding off the bed, and pushing his feet on the floor. He made a b-line for the door but didn't get more than a few steps before the troll's lengthy arm snatched out and grabbed Danny by the bicep. The human tried to twist out of it, but the troll's far superior strength showed and the large male got forceful.

Veril's grasp painfully tightened and Danny felt himself yanked back onto the bed. It happened all in a flash and the human soon found himself lying on the bed on his stomach. The arm that had been grabbed by the troll was twisted up behind his back. When Danny tried to struggle again, the troll just twisted up more, until the pain from it caused Danny to stop.

"Veril, I - I'm sorry." Danny croaked out

The troll maneuvered so he was kneeling fully down on the human's back. Danny winced at the pain from the heavy body. Thankfully, being on the bed he was able to sink into the mattress from the pressure. When the troll spoke that soothing, loving tone he used was long gone. "Veril wasa jus tryin ta bring ya pleasure, mon." He sounded cold. "An yuh hurt Veril?"

"I'm sorry about hitting you!" The human said amid gasping squeals of pain.

"It ain't the weak lil slap ya made on Veril's face, hyoomon." The troll sounded lighter hearted. "Ya hit like a pussy, hehe. Naw, it bea Veril's feelins."

"I - I didn't mean too!"

"But yuh did, hyoomon, yuh hurt Veril bad."

"Sorry!" Danny wheezed out. He clenched his eyes, tears forming around them, and fear wracked the human's mind. He was back at the troll's utter mercy.

"Veril ain't sure he isa believein yuh, mon." The troll maintained his firm grip on Danny's, and even twisted it up more. Pain shot though Danny's elbow, and was sure any more pressure and his arm would break.

"Anything I'll do anything to prove it." Danny begged.

When he got the period at the end of his sentence the hand that had been twisting up his arm let go. The searing white pain on his joints died down, and Danny gave shuddered sigh of relief. He moved down his arm and moved to sit up a little bit. Cradling his pained elbow he turned to see the taller troll staring back down at him, standing at the side of the bed.

It was hard for Danny to make eye contact. For one he felt like crying from the pain in his arm, but as it quickly diminished he knew how childish he'd look. Another reason was Veril wasn't looking angry like Danny thought. Instead the male seemed to possess a look of pure determination, and it intimidated the human.. Instead he scanned down the male's powerful frame. It was the first time Danny actally got to see the troll's body so up close. The larger male's frame flexed intimidating the human. Once more the troll's loins were right at Danny's eye level. That large cock, it as still erect and looked just under a foot in length, the tip pointed right up at him, from the gently upwards curving shaft, and around the base was a white tuft of love hair.

"Lay back again, hyoomon." Veril was soft spoken again. Danny hesitated, and the troll gripping the base of his shaft swung sideways then back across and slapped it hard over Danny's face. It stung sharply. "There mon, we isa bein even now. Now lay back, mon. Veril wanna get back ta our playin."

The Danny rubbed the side of his cheek, more ashamed than anything. He eyes made a quick glance to the door, but giving a submitting sigh he turned on his back and laid again on the bed. Once his head was comfortably centered on the plushy pillow he saw the troll move. Danny's eyes widened nervously as Veril's large frame didn't exactly climb atop him like before. The troll stepped onto the bed. The broad two toed feet stepped on either side of Danny's shoulders, and Veril facing down towards the foot of the bed gave Danny a perfect view of the underside of between the male's muscular legs. From the male's heavy looking ball sack to where the cleft of the troll's toned rump started.

Danny wondered what Veril had in mind, and didn't wait long. It was to the human's horror, once Veril had his balance, the troll began to lower down, and that perfectly sculpted ass descended squarely down on Danny's face.

The troll grunted as he made himself squat down, "You isa gonna show Veril jus how sorry yuh is gonna be, or Veril isa gonna find a way ta punish yuh." He chuckled and finally lowered himself fully down, so his rump hovered square and centered over Danny's face. He made it so it was all Danny could see. The two globularly cheeks of purple flesh, parted by a cleft and revealed that ringed muscle pucker.

The raw male scent in the room wasn't so bad that Danny couldn't handle it thus far. It was one of the key things that'd been causing Danny's body to betray his resisting mind, however here the musk was ten fold, and intense. Danny was thankful any smell or indication of excrement of any kind was void, but the sweaty, troll sex-pheromones were most ripe. Danny's eyes rolled from it as he breathed in and out each lungful of air.

"Go on hyoomon," The troll half hearted encouraged. The troll looked back briefly to try and see Danny's face. "Don go an make Veril spell it out fer yuh, mon."

"A new wave of humility coursed through Danny. His cheeks burned at it. The troll intended him to kiss his ass.

The fucking nerve!

_ _

Danny wouldn't and held his spot, defiantly staring back. Not a good idea though as the troll sensing this defiance just squatted down more, and the rump closed in barely pressing down. The human gasped the raw air in, and not wanting to be smothered did what he had to do. Abandoning the last shred of pride he had the human pushed forward and planted his lips against the troll's heated backside. The skin was soft against Danny's lips, and he held there for a moment lips pursed. When he laid a smack on one cheek Danny pulled back and pressed down kissing directly on the other.

This was new territory for the human and coming with these actins were a new set of feelings and emotions the human couldn't quite put together. He was frightfully ashamed at what he was doing, but in some dark corner of his mind he relishing at all this. Even at being ashamed, thinking that this was something he shouldn't be doing was turning the Danny on even more. From the brief rough handling a few moments earlier Danny's cock had become flaccid, but slowly he felt it becoming alive again. These were new thrills, and Danny fogged down with just everything succumbed to them.

Leaning forward he pressed his lips into the cleft directly, his nose squished between the two cheeks. They were warm and pressed on either side of Danny's face. He gave an experimenting lick, tongue grazing directly at the sweaty skin. It was salty, the taste of the troll's flesh a bit alien but very masculine, and from above Danny heard Veril groan out from it. It was all the encouragement Danny needed and he buried deep. Pushing out his tongue the human licked at the troll's musky ass crack. He licked deeper and deeper, trying to find the base of the cleft as he could get, something the troll even helped him out on, by reaching down and parting his rump cheeks. More space was given and Danny had free reign to move in.

From above the troll was getting a little more vocal. "Ohhh yuh mon, ya is doin such a good job. Mmmf hyoomon is makin Veril feel reaaaally good."

The human almost didn't notice it until he felt it, the troll's fingers slide around his cock again. This time they felt a little wet. Danny wasn't sure from what, but the troll used it to slide up and down the human's cock like some lube. The exquisite feelings of sexual pleasure returning to Danny's mind as the troll handed his cock in that three fingered grasp.

It only caused Danny to want to work harder. He breathed deeply, and even slid his hands up this time to hold onto the troll's thighs. Gingerly he closed his eyes, and burying his tongue further along the cleft Danny felt it. That muscled ring of flesh that was the troll's asshole. Danny wasn't sure if the troll had cleaned up some back here, as again he detected nothing foul about it. Slowly he slid the tip of this tongue around the pucker, feeling it tense up, then relax and tense again. A visual image of it popped up in Danny's mind from it, imaging the ring was winking at him.

"I ain dirty." Veril said in a quiet voice. His was gentle but still filled with passion. "Push it in, mon."

Danny's circling tongue got the pucker wet with spittle, and he licked over the opening. The idea of sticking his tongue up inside the troll like that, it was dirty and raunchy, and Danny subtly yearned to know what it would feel like. Smacking his lips, Danny literally spit up into the troll's crack. Then when he believed he had sufficient lube Danny centered the tip of his tongue and pushed in. The ring of tight flesh wouldn't budge at first, but the human applied a bit more pressure, and wormed his tongue back and forth. Veril relaxed and it happened. The anal muscles loosened up enough, and Danny pushed in his tongue deep. At once pucker closed in, and Danny could taste the raw spicy walls of flesh squeeze around him bare. It wasn't painful, but Danny could sense it was trying to wedge him out. It made him chuckle and he slid his tongue in and out playfully, a little astonished at himself at his bold depravity.

From above the troll made the softest of squeals and grunts. It gave Danny the impression that he was playing an instrument. Danny couldn't otherwise see what the troll was doing, other than jerking him off. The hand would leave after stroking several times only to come back with a whole new warm glob of sticky substance, which the human assumed was the troll's own spit. The sensations thusly being kept up, made Danny feel needy and erect but not coming anywhere near climaxing his load.

After what was like forever lost in the troll's ass hot ass, it finally lifted and the bed squeaked as Danny felt the troll reposition himself from up above. Danny saw the back of the white haired male turn around and the troll again straddled the human's body, crouching over Danny's form.

The larger male leaned in, smiling. Danny realized looking back just how handsome the troll looked. Veril wriggles his ears, pleased reached forward with a hand and caressed it over Danny's face. "Time ta finally makin good on my word, mon. Time ta make ya moan out Veril's name."

The human gave the troll a question looked and was able to inquire just what he had in mind when the troll leaned on back. Kneeling on the bed, legs on either side of the human's hips Danny saw the male reach back behind, and he felt that hand grab his cock and hold the rock hard shaft upwards. Breathing hard Danny saw the larger body sit upright, over his loins, and Danny felt his bare cock tip graze against the troll's rump. After settling in he felt his tip close around the sweaty cheeks, now perfectly lubed by their own mutual spit.

Danny gasped out shocked, knowing full well what was about to happen. He tried to lean up propping his elbow against the bed cushions. "Wait, what are-" but the troll was quick to cut him off.

"Ain't ya gonna bea sayin anyhin odder than Veril's name, mon." And with that the troll pushed his heavy frame down, and Danny's bare cock tip, pressing right against the muscled ring felt it give way.

The squishy walls of living flesh spread open, barely for the intruding member, and Danny gasped out as his glands popped into the tight warmth of the troll's pucker. That same welcoming warmth, Danny felt, squeezed on downwards as the troll descended.

"Ohhhhhhhh Veeeerril!" Danny moaned feeling the molding tight ass claim his cock.

It was the first time Danny had been inside another male like this since the "event" and even then it didn't quite compare. At the time before Max had arranged Danny to fuck his other brother while at the same time Max entered Danny from behind. But this was on an entirely different level. The intimacy between their two bodies coming together, infusing as one as the troll's gobbling ass took Danny's raging cock, it was like loosing his virginity all over again.

When finally Veril's ass cheeks planted squarely on top of Danny's loins did the two males share a long mutual sigh of heated pleasure. Looking up Danny saw that Veril's eyes had almost rolled to the top of his head. From the amazing tightness the troll's body had on his cock, the human was sure Veril was feeling pain from the penetration; however the larger male made no sign of it. Instead Veril, squeezed himself on Danny's member, the human feeling the ring of muscle around the base of his member tensing up tight, then relaxing. Veril meanwhile grasped his cock with a hand and slowly stroked at it from base to tip.

Danny in all his world of pleasure was amazed to see how erect the troll could be still. He began to reach for it when he stopped. He began to think, that even after all this being inside the troll, enduring the succulent ass clamping on his cock, it wasn't right. The protesting voice in the back of his head wasn't gone completely, just cast aside by a whole new wave of sexual feelings. The human couldn't understand how to join his physical yearning to just enjoy all this to his feelings to get back to and be with Max. But then like a bolt a voice of reason dawned on the human.

The faster we both get off, the faster its over with...

_ _

It was all the reason Danny needed and reaching forward Danny grasped with both hands the troll's thick erection. It pulsed in his grasp and Danny gave the tip a gentle squeeze with both hands. The troll's ears flickered and the human could see the topping male's attention close in on his hands. A smile spread on Veril's face and Danny felt the troll's clammy mitt close on top of his own. It guided the human and together they mutually jerked off the lengthy curved member.

The action seemed to cause Veril to move his body and Danny gasped out loud as the troll slowly rocked his body back and forth. The human could feel different sides of the male's bowels press more firmly against his cock. Then what seemed like a good bit of that Veril finally started to lift up his body. Danny felt the ass lift off his loins, and only when half way out did Veril let his weight slide him back down. Danny's bare cock tip again bore, bare and deep into the tight bowels and the two males groaned in unison. Veril repeated the motion again, moving upwards then back down. Each time he planted his rump cheeks on Danny's groin he would rock his body back and forth before lifting up again, fucking himself on Danny's cock.

In the midst of their rut the troll moaned out, again fully closing his eyes. His body worked up and down, faster on Danny's cock and the human held onto the troll's engorged fuck pole, using the leaking pre his tip was emitting to slide more easily.

Pleasure clouded Danny's mind as the bigger troll pleasured himself on the human's cock. The human motioned up his hips and began to meet Verils' self motioning squats with his upturned thrusts. This allowed the troll to ease up more, and Danny felt more of his cock get gripped and stroked by the puckered walls. They reached to his tip and slid down. Soon the two males were picking up pace, and grunting like wild sweaty animals.

Slowly though Danny began to feel it. The troll and his relentless body moving up and down, soon the feel of that claiming ass was all the human could concentrate on. This knew intimate pleasure built up fast, and before Danny could think to stop himself, "Veril..."

The troll, panting, grinned wide and moved faster. And Danny moaned out again this time, "Veril, shit... god feels good! Ohhh VERIL!"

It had happened, the troll's working hips didn't stop even as a lighting of pleasure bolted down Danny's cock. He curled his does and threw his head back into the cushions of the pillow. A joyous orgasm rocked Danny's body, and he felt his balls surge. His meat pumped its load of cum deep into the troll's bowels, the underside of Danny's cock throbbing with each passing load.

Something was wrong though and Danny let out a small groan. The troll who rode out Danny's whole climax wasn't relenting with his thrusting hips. Danny's cock felt hyper sensitive and he jerked from the bolts of intense pleasure/tickling being brought on. "Wha- AHHH -what are you doing AHH AHH!?"

"Yuh don last tha long, mon." Veril said between heated breaths. His fist dropping Danny's slack palm so he could rub one out himself, Danny was quick to hold onto the troll's frame.

"Veril is gonna get his too, mon." To the human's horror the gripping ass squeezed again, keeping Danny erect. The poor human had no idea how long the troll was prepared to go and for a second time, without rest he felt himself forced to undertake round 2.


It was the sound of snoring that woke the human up. Danny creaked open his eyes, and a flood of light from the morning caused him to want to close them again. He felt groggy, sticky and dead tired. The air in the room was stale; it reeked of bodily filth and cum. Still though there was nothing more he'd have liked than to go back to sleep. But as he became more awake he also became more self aware. He lifted himself up slightly from the comfortable pillow his head rested on. The room they were in was not a one he'd recognized before, looking down the silk bed sheets that covered him were not ones he'd slept in before. And behind him Danny felt a body move, and there came a snorting and soft snoring sound from a male he'd never slept with before.

And then the memories of last night came back.

It all happened. Last night wasn't a dream and behind him was - Danny didn't want to think about it. The human slide himself upwards, sitting up on the bed; he turned to look back at the troll that had his way with him for almost half the night. Veril was his name. The purple skinned male was on his side, hand tucked under his head, the other Danny saw was rolled into a fist and thumb wedged between the troll's lips, and long pointed ears twitching every now and then. The sight was cute, and the human now realized how handsome the troll actually was. He wouldn't dwell on that though as Danny thought back to how just a handful of hours ago the troll was forcing the human into the most obscene sexual positions. Each one the human topping, or at the very least physically penetrating the larger troll. Despite taking the human's cock topping was something Veril had managed to do the whole night.

A wave of embarrassment coursed through the human's mind. Was he so weak that even the act of physically fucking someone else was something he could be dominated on?


_ _

The human thought though to the moments leading up to being in bed. Much of it was a haze. The party, Danny knew he'd gone to a party with Max. But the rest of it was obscure, he could only remember being in the troll's clutches. It was time to go though and Danny would not let himself be stopped.

He slid himself out of bed, being as quiet as possible. The troll snorted and Danny froze when the bed creaked but nothing more happened and he made his way to the floor to look for his clothes. Danny saw them near the foot of the bed. As he grabbed for them and worked on putting on his boxers, pants and shirt he imagined what must have happened last night. Someone dragging him in here, while he was passed out - Danny assumed he'd been passed out as he couldn't remember it - and undressing him.

What kind of sick fuck does that?

_ _

_ _ Thinking about it made the human a little upset. He felt used, and cheap. Quickly he made to get on his shoes and socks and stood up. Looking briefly in the mirror he saw an eyesore. His hair was disheveled; his eyes looked red and tired. His good clothes were wrinkled and he smelled like semen, sweat and funk.

On top of everything else he felt groggy and light headed. Not like any headache, but he could barely stand, swaying where he stood. But his determination to get home and out of this hellhole was strong. He wanted in comforts of his own dorm would not be swayed.

Danny turned and made his way to the door. It was when he was right about to turn the knob.

"Danny wait."

The voice sounded tired and the human paused and turned to look at the bed. Veril was awake. Sitting up the troll ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his eyes and he smacked his lips tiredly. "Come back to bed, mon.." The troll's other hand extended out for Danny to accept. "It's warm, and Veril isa likin you. Veril wants yuh to stay."

"So we can continue last night?" Danny said coldly. "So you can offer me a glass of water or beer or something and make me pass right on out so you can use me again?"

The anger in Danny's voice seemed to cut a nerve with the troll. The purple male's eyes widened and his face softened, looking a bit sad. There was nothing he could say to refute the human. But still the troll persisted. "Veril want's ta hold ya, mon. Com ere so Veril can hold an protect yuh."

Protect me?! Is he serious? The only thing that I need to be protected from is you!

_ _

A part of Danny did want to go right into Veril's arms and snuggle close. It was the part of him that screamed out in misery as Danny just turned away, reached for the door and let himself out.

Danny couldn't help but wonder what the troll meant by protecting him either, he was looking down, his eyes adjusting to the darkness in the hall. Shutting the door behind him, though Danny looked up and suddenly got an idea of what Veril might have meant.

The hallway stretched out 25 feet, until Danny saw the balcony and where the top of the stairs began. And standing between where the human was and that were rows of non-humans, standing shoulder to shoulder against either wall. They were the members of the frat, half of them still wearing their Greek lettered t-shirts. There must have been three dozen of them lined up, and all eyes stared at him. Some were openly smirking; others glared angrily while a few looked a bit passive and tired. Many of the non-humans were taller than Danny, but one of them who was shorter, a rat fur with a sneer began to lowly chant. "Slut...slut.... slut... slut...slut." He was joined by a bob cat fur, and another blue skinned troll next to him. In unison they got louder, and more and more of them joined in. It maybe 10 seconds before every one of them was chanting "SLUT! SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!"

Danny hardened his face, swallowing any humility and tears that wanted gush out, as he walked the gauntlet of the rowdy chanting frat members. The chants echoed behind him as he made his way to the top of the stairs. Danny wasn't sure how disoriented he must have looked because at once one of the frat bothers, came forward and held onto Danny's shoulder's as if to help him down the stairs. The human just threw him an icy glare, and instantly the frat member backed off, holding his hands up. He was quick to join again with his frat brothers chanting.

Making his way down, Danny could see the main front door. There were other non-human brothers chanting below too, a couple dozen crowding around the door. But right next to the exit were three that had caught Danny's eyes- Lenny, the bull frat bother who'd been in charge of the door, Zach the Zebra frat brother who'd been looking after the keg, and Max. They were the only ones who weren't chanting but unlike Lenny or Zach who seemed pleased Max looked anything but.

Danny making his way down wondered why the orc wasn't doing anything to stop them, when he suddenly remembered how the orc had treated him last night.


The pain from it hurt more than anything else that had happened. When Danny got to the bottom of the stairs he made his way to the door. Max seemed to step in, as if to briefly stop Danny, but the human strode on right past. Yanking open the entrance doors Danny stepped forward and in his uneasy state missed the first step.

He lost his balance and fell forwards, throwing up his hands to try and protect himself. But the impact never came. Heart fluttering Danny felt two sets of hands firmly holding him up, and looking back Danny saw that it was Lenny and Max who had stepped in to save him. "Easy there slut," the bull said. Neither he nor Max to Danny's disgruntled opinion let the human out of the grasp until Danny was down the front steps and on the main path. Even then only Lenny let go, and the human felt Max pull in, wrapping a strong arm right around the human's frame.

"Make sure he gets home alright." The bull said.

Danny wanted to scream out a profanity laced verbal tirade against the bull, but to his astonishment Max only responded back with a calm, "Yea, we're going straight to the dorms." Danny looked wide eyed at the orc. That was all he could say? The whole frat was still chanting behind them, as Max began to directly lead Danny back to their dorms.

From behind Danny could clearly hear Zach call out, "Hope to see you next week! And remember from now on you drink for free!!"


Veril VanMaur

Species: Troll male

Height: 7'2

Weight: 270lbs

Shoe size: 16 EE

Skin color: Light purple

Hair color: White

Eye color: Red

Sign: Leo

Cock Length: 10 inches

Circumference: 6 inches


Body Description: Veril is a troll. Despite his tall stature he's average height for his species. Veril comes from the most southern part of Louisiana so his speech has a heavy Cajun accent. He has long white hair that reaches to the center of his back, which he keeps in a loose ponytail with bangs that just cover his eyes. Unlike a human or most non-human species Veril has three fingers on each hand, and two large toes for each foot. Veril is fit, though not overly toned. His long legs and arms are well padded with muscle, and his stomach is trim though not as toned up like Max's.

Sexual Kinks: Veril is usually the "party" animal on campus and loves to hump things when the party is going, or afterwards, or really just anytime. Veril is bisexual. He has a strong preference for females, but also has drives for males. Veril is a top though, and though conditionally will submit for a partner he's particularly close too, usually only looks for sexual partners who he can over power. This make's Danny a prime target for Veril's lustful desires, as the troll sees him as a bit inferior. Plus Danny being "shaved" in certain areas is a sign of subservience in Veril's culture. The troll for these and several other reasons has found a liking for the human, much to Danny's horror or delight.

Breaking in Modruk: Keg Party time!

Danny was grateful his roommate, Mark, didn't mind too much that he was hanging out with Max a lot. Mark was a videogame junkie, and his side of the dorm room was cluttered with video games from all the latest gaming...

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Breaking in Modruk: A confusing start

_ **This is the sequel to the "Breaking in Modruk" series. Enjoy the story. At the bottom are character bios. I'll include different ones for other characters in upcoming stories. ** _ "Push back harder...

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Breaking in Modruk part 5

The male sprawled out on the bed was a familiar one. Another orc, only this time he wasn't some interchangeable green skin, like one of the others in the house. Danny recognized the stud well. In fact he watched him every...

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