Somewhere Out There Act 16 - Missing Miss Charlene

Story by Dexdor on SoFurry

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#18 of Somewhere Out There

Friendly Warning

This short story might contain spoilers for the game: Angels With Scaly Wings

If you haven't played the game and do not want anything ruined for you, just in case, then you might want to wait until doing so.

Same deal as before and always; if you've made it this far, you probably know what's to expect (spoiler-wise). Other than that, I'm not dead, nor really stopped writing. Just been slightly distracted with a few things cough-KillingFloor2-cough and slight colds. But I also got the winter meta done this year as well during my 'absents', so look forward to that soon.

Otherwise, feel free to jump into this one.

Finally got this one done. Getting some computer problems on the system I was writing on, but it's not going to halt production. I just need to force myself to set aside time to work on these a bit more during the mornings/evenings. Oi... And I still haven't even started Memory's Fragment Act 2 yet...! Maybe I'll work on that a bit this month, along with SOT.

Still! This one is where things start to get a little off, so prep yourself. Got any questions or suggestions for future 'sessions'? You got a place to put them down below. Other than that, enjoy this one.

Angels With Scaly Wings © M. B. Saunders (of Radical Phi)

Somewhere Out There © Our Lady Peace

Missing Miss Charlene © Lordi

I know this style of music is farrrr different from what I used in this series, and the vocals are about a 2/5 on the harshness scale. But it will make sense later on:

Somewhere Out There Act 16 - Missing Miss Charlene By Bartan Tirix

He fell into the veil of shadow after the runner flicked a single switch. Even after the sun had already set for the evening, not that he really seen it today. Just wanting that day... Wanting isn't the correct word. Needing that day alone away from organic windows. Scouting for an outsider, patrolling for every movement he made, like he was a criminal.

It honestly wasn't far from the truth. To the point where it once again angered him to be labeled as such. If they were as old as he was, despite his wyrmling looks, they would see that Right and Wrong are so vague that they shouldn't even exist. You protect the people you care about, no matter what the cost. The only time that you should stop and attempt to reason is if you're about to take another life. If they're not willing to listen...

She had a point though, even though her name was lost to him still. Those blue eyes shined in many different ones instead; Tia, Nitaka. Once again aching his old heart into missing them again. Swearing he found one of them reincarnated or something, someone who could save him from this endless cycle of death and torment. But all he found was himself, chasing shadows of the long past lead by foolish hopes. But this bear...

The bear knew. It may have been the past version of him, but he should still know. If he could get a hold of that furball... Yet, he was guarded. Just by the way those officers looked at him, Harrak knew it would've been tough to just talk to him now. Let alone before the wyrmling bit him. If they were barely going to let the two talk to each other while the black one was bound, and knowing his powers were exhausted. As they were now starting to return...

But they didn't know that just yet. Regardless, his body demanded to get out. To move and relieve it from its position before rigor mortis set in. As the smaller one got up and stretched that old, yet young body a bit, he left the small room. Something that's going to need an upgrade within a few months, providing he ate healthy. Right now, all he wanted was to get out.

Scouting the halls for any sort of movement, and barely hearing the breaths of slumber, he quietly snuck out of the house. Leaving a window opened just in case he was locked out, not like it would've been the first time he's ever slept outside. Regardless, the night was pretty cold, but almost welcoming at the same time. The hunter's moon illuminating the very streets as if the day were just clouded over, getting the wyrmling to easily track the area of the town and find what he was looking for.

He'd seen this ritual performed time after time. They bury their deceased in the ground, mark it with some sort of unique headstone. Something they were nearly sure of would endure the test of time. Let those lost be remembered. Granted, it didn't help when no one else knew of them, including Harrak. Leaving the grave unmarked, yet still freshly dug up.

If he only had those atonements back, he could cast aside the dirt to see her again, though likely in a more decayed form. Instantly making him accept the state things were currently in. Though, as much as he wanted to see that yellow runner again... Those blue eyes again, they were no longer those colors anymore. They were not Her anymore... It was difficult to tell if they were even Her to begin with.

Yet, he foolishly thought it was. Believed it so desperately that Tia or Nitaka somehow returned to him. Able to guide his paw in a direction of happiness. Remind him of that cycle of life, and how he was no longer a part of it. But around them, he felt like he was. Now here she laid, once again buried or burned out of his reach. Only faint remains left behind, without any guidance or direction for him to go to. And nobody left-

Some faint pawsteps got those frilled ears to flick suddenly. Those thin spines to rise up and scout the shadows carefully for any movement within the direction. Wondering if that damn runner was back again to stalk the little one... But the shadow was too small. Feral... Winged... Stepping into the light without notice of the black one. Letting those purple eyes gaze on her pink scales and teal wings, and those yellow discs scouted the same. Instantly freezing when they spotted his black outline.

The soft strokes against his underside made him faintly purr as he returned from the land of slumber. Not even recognizing he was in a strange bed until quite a bit later, almost instantly getting shocked awake from the warm wetness and constant pets of unfamiliar paws. Getting that raptor's head to jerk suddenly and hear the one behind him attempt to calm Sebastian down. "Shhh... It's alright. It's just me." It said softly, though a bit sleepishly. Regardless, it sounded trustworthy, letting the beige one calm down a bit. Giving those faded purple eyes time to adjust to the light of the area.

Then it all came back to him. The strange room. The wyrm spooning with the officer. The _ Wet _... It made the raptor blush quite deeply and almost whimper, barely making out that snout against his neck smile at such a thing. "It's alright. Here I thought you would be used to it by now."

"With the amount I'm forced into it lately, one would think." Sebby grumbled, now remembering the name. "I'm... Not sure how you cannot feel this way after every session, Remy."

"I admit, it was a little strange at first, but the bear helped me through it."

Those purple eyes rolled. "Sure he did." It made the white wyrm chuckle.

"Well, I would be lying if I said he didn't do it like that." A lick of affection made the raptor whimper a bit. "But he also explained to me that confidence in making the session sound like no big deal helps the customer relax. Accept the actions much easier. And in the end, isn't that what we're doing?"

"I suppose..." A few more strokes, especially against his white underside. Wondering how it ever returned to normal after Bryce's barrage.

"Though, over-confidence can have a more diminishing effect, and being too shy is just going to ruin the session. It's more of a balance thing, really." A faint nod from the raptor. "Do you work today?"

"Yeah... So should the others." A bit of a stretch from the runner as his tail pressed into something a bit more stiff, once again making him slightly whimper again.

"It's still early, if you wish to rest."

"You clearly have no idea how hard it is to get Bryce out of bed." A chuckle that time and Remy nodded at him. Brushing the raptor one last time and giving that neck a lick before getting up. Allowing Sebastian to finally adjust and feel just how wet the bedding was. Likely catching a cold from such a thing, if it wasn't for the blankets. "That's... Going to be fun to clean up."

"All part of the job, dear. Don't worry yourself about it."

"And...?" A glance over at the master bedroom.

"Yep. I'll do what I can with it at least." A less than satisfied look from the runner as he looked over the room from afar.

"...We'll all pitch in." A double take from the white one.

"Sebastian, it's no big deal really-"

"No-no. We were all part of that session, we'll help clean it up." The white one came close to the raptor, half hugging him with a wing and once again making him blush a bit. Sharing a small Eskimo kiss and a friendly lick.

"Thank you. But let's take a shower first. You can wake up the others, and I'll make us all breakfast."

"To... Together?"

"It'll take way too long for everyone to have a shower individually." Another whimper. "Have you ever taken a shower with another before?"

"...Yes, actually. Somewhat recently with Bryce." A bright smile from Remy as he lead the way. "It didn't end how you thought."

"It's a wonder." The wyrm chuckled, starting up the water overhead and making the beige one almost stunned for a moment. Taking a breath before entering and seeing Remy nearly hold the large, water proof glass door opened for the raptor. Taking it with his awkward thanks and sensing the white one close the door behind him.

The water was already warm, nearly making those light brown scales click as it started to warm up his body. Not realizing how cold it was starting to get in the mornings as winter came ever closer. Nearly mistaking those white paws for the season's embrace as they slowly started to wash Sebastian's body. Starting with the back and the neck, getting quite a bit of tension within them. "Please sit." The companion said, nuzzling against Sebby as he swallowed loudly and obeyed.

Though, it felt almost vulnerable, those paws soon rewarded him for participation. Running up and down his neck and back a bit harshly to get deep into those scales, soon making the dragon purr through the constant sprays of water. Leaving him relaxed, and even just powering through when they morphed to the beige one's injured side. One that was getting better, and apparently good enough to sleep on.

But soon they returned up to his shoulders and arms. Going up around his chest while having to move close enough to nearly sit on the runner's tail. Making out a rather stiff rod prodding along his light brown back. Though getting his throat stroked before that whimper could be released, turning it into a deep purr as those claws went to work. That tongue soon followed, almost as if it were just lapping at the water that was falling off of him.

Those white claws remained careful as they worked around Sebby's muzzle, pressing into these smaller areas to release strained muscles and help them to relax. Many of which were around the eyes, spending several minutes on his upper half alone before getting back to the neck for a while. "Sebastian?" Remy softly got his attention, hearing him answer with a near sleepish noise in question. "I need you to lay on your back now." A slow nod and movement, as if the raptor were bewitched or zombified. Following orders of the white one without question or second thought.

It was no surprise what was showing within that white underside, making the wyrm smile at it as he continued working on the officer. Having to lay on top of him for the best of positions, and lightly prodding that tailhole with his own tip. Breaking those purrs with a whimper, but only for a moment. Feeling the white paws just work down his chest and belly, one that was somehow back to normal size and not a bit sore. Still, it felt wonderful as that larger rod slipped down along the runner's tail. Slowly inching down towards his own weapon while tending to the officer's body.

In what felt like ages before that white muzzle came to the raptor's tip. Giving it a few licks and kisses once in a while as those paws went to work. Trying to prioritize the massage over the sexual pleasure, but the constant shifting of those hips were encouraging the wyrm to keep going. Feeling that tongue tease him a bit more, licking along the side of the flesh as those paws pressed deeply around his sheath. Working on getting the stress out as it started to leak a bit over that white belly.

But soon the wyrm shifted around a 180, keeping his head towards the runner's weapon while allowing his paws to reach around those hind legs and tail a bit easier. The consequence to such a thing was the surprised lick of the runner's tongue against Remy's own weapon. Feeling those smaller paws pull it down so that beige muzzle could have easier access to it, making the wyrm purr loudly with the action and nearly submit to shifting sexual pleasure over the massage.

Participating with the raptor, the companion lapped at the smaller tool before taking it into his muzzle. Licking all the extra water flowing from above them off of it and roughly massaging it with his tongue. Though not neglecting some other areas that required work. Making out every soft spine along Sebastian's length as the runner was starting to do the same with his own beige maw and paws. Resisting the urge to just shove it down his throat and ravage that muzzle wildly, Remy focused on other things to keep his instincts pushed down.

Those 'other things' were not helping the runner though, as those white paws were tending to his sensitive tail exit. Making the beige one whimper almost constantly as that weapon throbbed into the wyrm's jaws. Releasing more and more jolts out of that weapon for Remy to work with; lapping at the substance and washing the entire length of the raptor's with it. Granted, creating a cycle of repeating actions when that red appendage slid across those ridges. Releasing more and more pre with every single lick.

Between the muzzle works and the constant pawing of his tail, the runner started to constantly whimper. Nearly stressing them as the wyrm was concentrating on different actions to hear with those wavy ears. Barely catching the warning signs before the first torrent sprayed into his maw. Though, gladly accepting it and helping the runner through the thick release. Spray after spray, as those dulled claws entered his tailhole and made him whimper loudly. Trying to get him to trigger the full release, but it wouldn't do the job... Though something else would.

Quickly, the white one pivoted once again during the raptor's barrage and prodded that white underside with the larger red weapon. Sending those hinds into small spasms and the officer to nearly shout his blissful reaction before getting a white maw to latch on his own. Pressing that flare deeper and deeper into Sebastian's tail as it slid inside and triggered the rest of his orgasm. Constantly sprayed the two with a new coat of white paint as Remy helped him through it... At first.

Those thick purrs were morphing into deep growls, as the larger dragon now had the runner pinned under him. Already locked inside his rear, and in control of Sebby's maw, those instincts overpowered the companion. Even after the smaller tool was done with its release, Remy kept going. Sliding in and out of the raptor while bracing him down on the shower floor. Those large white wings raising up and spreading out far to make him look nearly three times the size of the runner, all while shielding them from the light and constant rain.

For several minutes, Sebastian was lost in a sea of pleasure. Though it was a bit rough, his body was too relaxed to fight against such a thing. Regardless of how hard the weapon was sliding through him, how tense those white jaws were, how rough those paws pushed him into the soft mat of the shower floor. It all just added to the experience. Never expecting the previous librarian, the over-passive clutz to be so forceful during such sessions, even if when heard the bear speak of it before.

But it was all slowly sending the runner higher and higher into bliss. Eventually making his way to a second release and spraying nearly everything he had left before the wyrm shoved that full length into the runner. Roaring loudly to indicate he was ready, but interrupted himself. Pulling the weapon out and just spraying the raptor with the outcome instead of filling him. Feeling those beige hind paws help stroke that thick weapon, gripping and sliding up and down the constant releasing shaft. As if milking its large sprays and adding it to the overabundance of white currently on the officer.

The two shared heavy breaths as the wyrm seemed to return back to normal. This time blushing a bit as he shyly looked over the runner that had a rather dumb smile over his muzzle. "...Sorry about that." Remy apologized. "I wasn't planning on-"

"I am way too out of it right now to be mad." A chuckle from the white one. Soon sharing an unexpected kiss with Sebby before moving and letting the water once again wash him off.

"You say that now, but you'll have to work today."

"I know, I know, but..." A deep breath of satisfaction. "Damn, I needed that..."

"Needed what, exactly?" The (natural) white one teased.

"The massage... I suppose the extra session was something else too."

"Just a little addition. A bonus, if you wish to call it that." Another bit of blushing from the white one. "Let me finish washing you, and I'll make you guys some breakfast." A faint nod from the raptor as they shared another small kiss.

It took no time at all to get dried and for the raptor to get back his senses. Being able to smell their alarm clock from down the hall, though it was getting quite faint. Apart from the white wyrm in the kitchen, the officer swore he could hear whimpering coming from the bedroom. Nearly getting Sebastian to growl at the very thought of them two going at it again, regardless of the fact that he, himself, literally just had one of his own. Though, not intentional, he was starting to see how easy it was to nearly be seduced by such feelings and instincts.

Still, Seb prepared himself for the worst as he approached the room. Picturing the grey wyrm on top of the chief, the two locking muzzles harshly as Maverick's weapon was impaled into that tailhole. All just taking a moment to exchange heavy breaths before moving once again and making the bed sing loudly through the home. Yet, to the raptor's surprise, the two were just sleeping in it. Though, still seeing a certain weapon nearly on the verge of releasing over Bryce's underside.

He was dreaming, it was easy enough to tell that from afar. At first, the runner thought they were pleasant dreams, likely of a certain furball the drake missed so dearly. Yet, normally he would have that pink appendage lolling out of the side of that scarred maw if it was. Really, the Earth dragon looked like he was having a bit of a nightmare. "Bryce?" Sebby called, placing a paw on that large shoulder and shaking him a bit. "Hey, Bryce-"

"Sebby, Come Back!" The drake instantly snapped awake, looking at his surroundings and catching his breath. Letting those golden eyes focus on the beige one before him and whimper a bit before feeling his underside. Actually ignoring the erect tower before taking a breath of relief before hearing the grey one beside him groan.

"You were having a bad dream." The runner said, half concerned about that throbbing shaft that was nearly on the verge of painting him white again. Granted, just entering this room almost made Sebby feel like he needed another shower. "You okay?"


"What did you want me to come back to, exactly?" A bit of a short pitched whimper as Bryce suddenly recalled his dream. Blushing wildly and almost too shocked really answer. "...That bad?" Just another whine in response. "Really? You've never been so shy to talk about anything before."

"N-nevermind it." A suspicious look from the raptor. "Really, just..."

"You know I won't harm you, right?" That blush again. "...You're not turning into a masochist, are you?"

"N-no." Another look from those purple eyes, knowing it was around the correct area, but not the correct question.

"Alright, I'll drop it. But if you ever want to talk about it-"

"Get a different room." Maverick grumbled, actually making the other two smirk a bit. "Preferably one-"

"That Mav is sleeping in." The runner got a low growl for the cocky answer. "Remy's making us all breakfast. Should be ready by the time you two are out of the shower."

"Okay, thanks Sebs."

"Don't mention it. And check up on your alarm, it's getting low." A look at the device on the other side of the bed, just now noticing the scent and taking a breath. Seeing the raptor leave and holding onto the grey one for a moment, only to hear it growl a bit in response.

"You like it." A bit of a grumble. "But he's right, it's time to get up. Now do so, or I'm stroking you off eight times today."

"If you do, you're in charge of the cleanup." Mav snorted.

"Nope, the bear is." The two chuckled. Taking a moment of rest before getting out of the messy bed.

The large home was quiet, though still a bit messy. Everything from the main bedroom (though better than the way it was left this morning) to the kitchen, but only slightly. Almost making time stand completely still until voices could be heard at the door. Slightly muffled, like their maws were occupied while clawing at the door to unlock and open it. "All I'm saying is don't be surprised when he suggests it." The drake stated, picking up his basket with a few groceries in it, along with carrying a saddlebag of many others.

"I guess I really shouldn't be. Considering..." Maverick followed him in, once again slamming that door a little too hard with his tail. At least now not making the others jump at the sudden sound. "But to take a hose...?"

"Well, it is a medical procedure." Bryce chuckled, unloading the fresh goods and starting to put them away. Half missing the old days of that smaller apartment and just throwing what needed to be in the fridge. Everything else could just occupy counter space.

"It is, yes. But not _that_much water." The wyrm snorted, helping out with the unload as well. "I can only imagine how horrible it would feel."

"Actually..." A half glare from those red eyes. "It's discomforting, I'm not going to lie. But only at first. Granted, he was stroking me off and muzzling me during."

"I suppose it would give you a good view of your new curves." A chuckle from the earth one that time. "Still, I'm fine with doing it with the bear. For him to do..." An uncomfortable grunt from the grey one.

"Well, don't you owe him a session?" Another glare. "That means yes."

"And I've cashed that in." Mav snorted. "That first night he came home smelling like heat."

"Wasn't that mostly your decision though?"

"I'd hardly consider it a 'Decision' at that point." A grumble that time, followed by the drake's chuckle.

"True, true."

"And he did enjoy it."

"That bear enjoys just about everything sexually related, so that's a bad argument." A bit of a playful growl.

"I still say you're lying about not trying anything with Seb that night."

"Well, even he backed it up, without me telling him of such."

"I find that very hard to believe." A playful nudge from that scarred snout.

"Well, too bad. You lost that bet. Now you're going to get a hose up the rear." A worried grumble from the wyrm. "It's not that bad. And you've taken the bear in the tail a few times. You'll be fine."

"Just because you were fine doesn't mean I will be." Maverick snorted. "And you've taken him a lot more than me. Let alone drink your power-juice."

"I don't mind sharing for a week or so, once he returns that is." Another playful nudge, this time closer to a grey haunch and getting a bit of a growl. "Maybe it'll be a lot more interesting to watch it happen, as oppose to be the victim of such things."

"If I'm ever doing it to begin with, I'm doing it alone." Another snort, getting a bit of a blush from Bryce and a shy look. "...What." The grey one half asked, getting a bit of a whimper from the chief. "This is about that dream, isn't it?" A defeated sigh, and the brown one nodded.

"Yeah... I was dreaming that I was cleaning out the storage room for the new bathroom."


"I... Found something." A motion to go on, and the drake sighed again. "...It was a vacuum."

"...Okay?" The wyrm grumbled, not following where this was going.

"It was a newer model too, one with..." A snout toss from the grey one.

"On with it, Bryce."

"I-it had a... Reverse function."


"It could go from Suck to Blow." A long, almost awkward pause, and then a bit of blush started to invade those grey scales a bit. "And I got curious why the bear liked it so much..." The brown one whimpered.

"So you...?"

"Dragged it to the bathroom, cleaned it out, tested it and it worked fine..."


"Then I..." Another long silence.

"...Really?" A slow and shy nod. "Directly into your...?" Another slow nod, as those red eyes were studying those brown haunches for a few moments. "...How big did you get?" That time, the drake caved in to hide his face, but was half chuckling nervously at the same time.

"I-uh... Started slow at first. Seeing how much I could fit in."

"While looking at the mirror in the shower?" A slow nod. "And?"

"I left it until... It reached the ground..." Another long pause.


"I hit the stop button." Another gesture to go on. "And it only increased the flow."


"I donno! I tried switching it, it only increased the pressure and I started to panic." A whimper from the earth dragon. "But it also felt so good...! I was almost releasing, just on the edge of it. So I managed to get a hold of the cord with my jaws and just held it there until I was finished-"

"While a vacuum was... Blowing up your belly like a...?" The two whimpered a bit awkwardly. "Where does Sebby fit in all this?"

"Well, I eventually climaxed, but doing so I let go of the cord. And I was being pushed up too far to reach it again..."

"So you called for help." A nod from the brown one. "And Sebby came."

"Only to deny it because of how far I pushed him last night. Saying something along the lines of knowing what it's like to get so close to full that you're going to..." Another pair of whimpers.

"Then he left." Another nod. "And you kept...?"

"Until I basically filled out the shower." An awkward stare from those red eyes, then looked towards the bathroom.

"...That is a lot of space." A whimper from Bryce. "Wait, was the hose even that long?" A double take from the drake, then took a moment to think.

"...No, actually."

"And odds are it wouldn't stay in for that much pressure, would it?"

"I... Don't think so." The blush started to fade from both of them. "Even when the bear was trying the hose thing, he was holding it in for the most part."

"Annnd we're back to this again." Maverick grumbled. "But your dream does have a point: we should start cleaning out the back room." The wyrm left the kitchen.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Maybe we'll find a haunted Vacuum cleaner." A loud whimper from the drake as he stopped in place. Long enough to hear the front door close again and get him curious to who entered. Spotting the white furball that fluttered his heart, catching those brown eyes and seeing each other smile.

"Hey. I'm back." A tear almost left those golden discs as he quickly trotted over to embrace the bear tightly. "I missed you too, Bryce."

"I missed you so much, bear..." Another tight squeeze that nearly made the smaller one yelp. Taking a few deep breaths and grabbing that scent to make him purr loudly.

"It's a wonder you're not mounting me on the spot-"

"I'm trying not to, Bartan, but you're not making it easy!" A playful growl that made the white one chuckle. Soon sharing a kiss and getting a dozen licks from that thick tongue. "Damn you smell so good...!"

"I'm sorry! I swear I went through three bottles of shampoo trying to get it out before I came back!" Another series of laughs as the grey one was spotted at the end of the hall. Almost trying to hide and let the two share their moment, but got a gesture to join in. Taking a breath and coming down the hall, on the opposite side of Bryce to sandwich the furball in a draconic hug. Instantly getting that purr from him after the first breath. "Not you too."

"It'll pass after a while." The grey one licked at the fur. "Bryce, we should both try mounting him at the same time." Maverick teased.

"I don't think that's a great idea-"

"Bear, you came home smelling like this. You don't get a say."

"If you think this is bad, wait until you smell my bags." The two dragons looked at each other, then the pair of luggage bags beside them. "...Don't smell the bags." The larger ones took a few sniffs, trying to inch closer to them without moving too much, but getting a tap from a white paw. "Hey! Don't."

"Bryce, hold him-"

"No!" Bartan yelped as he was grabbed, leaving Maverick to dig through the bag and grab the first piece of clothing he could find. Only to touch a spray bottle and hear it hiss directly into his snout. Getting the wyrm to pull back and shake his muzzle almost violently.

"You okay-?" A few sniffs into the air interrupted Bryce, as he started to purr loudly. Getting the bear to whimper.

"I told you not to smell the bags." He half grumbled, getting several hard licks against his neck. "Let's just take it to the shower this time, please?"

"Bear..." The drake tried to keep himself composed. "You would not believe the mess we made in the bedrooms last night...!"

"...Rooms?" Another whimper as the smaller one was pushed on top of Bryce's back to be carried. "As in plural?" All he got in responses were purrs.

Three Weeks Later

The cold shocked her body awake, now recognizing the threat of the water's temperature. Causing those yellow scales to click loudly on her upper half as the female exhaled Shakely. Almost stunning her when the wave reached her chest, causing the wyvern to wrap her wings around and scamper onto the cold metal piping underneath her. Awkward and slightly curved, barely making out the strange grate above her that would be much suitable for walking on.

The red lights along the walls were slowly pulsing in emergency, nearly able to hear the echo of an evacuation siren way off in the distance of the metal building. Finally getting her bearings straight and balance returning on the awkward flooring, Adine couldn't identify this place. The smells of something harsh, like a thick oil, filled the air, as the water seemed to shift up and down. Reaching up to submerge her talons and tail, once again sending shivers through her body that was losing more and more precious warmth.

Two opened doorways could barely be made out in the black, while a third was only treading in deeper waters. Clearly not an option to consider unless there was a hot tub on the other side. At the moment, she wasn't going to take that gamble. Weighing her options with the other two doors, she was about to call out before her ears picked up something from the right doorway. Carefully stepping over the slanted flooring and using the walls to help balance herself, the wyvern almost whimpered a bit when something organic was floating in the pool of water.

It wasn't a body, at least one that she could identify. In the darkness it came off as some black blob or shell that was growing along the metal walls. Studying how it seemed to cover up a bit higher, she made out a thin appendage... Then two more, kind of like the footwear the bear used. Getting her to whimper as this strange ooze seemed to be holding a corpse up against that wall. Something draconic in muzzle, but not in a shape of someone she knew. Still, it reminded her of the green wyvern she found that was cut up that one day... The day she met the bear.

Whimpering a bit, the breathing seemed to be coming from behind her a ways. Now double taking at more of that ooze all over the walls and ceiling. Illuminating symbols in faint green like it was breathing, but not moving. Though, that was enough to convince her not to touch any of it. Walking through the ankle high waters, so many warning signs went off that something in the liquids wasn't right. It felt thick. Thick and cold, half sticking to her scales and talons making it hard to almost tread through.

But with the help of the lights, she was able to make out another down the hall. "Hey...!" Adine called, wishing it came out louder. But her chest almost felt frozen whenever she took a deep breath. Sharp pains like a frostbite in her lungs and the dryness of her throat, slowing down her functions like the snaring waters. "Please... Help...!"

The draconic creature reminded her of a two-legs. The ones kinda like the shopkeeper or bartender that the chief was friends with. Dressed in what almost seemed like an armored suit, as it slowly turned about to face the wyvern. Taking a few breaths before calling out again, the red lights brightened almost in slow motion to reveal that half of its torso was covered in that black shell, and the creature growled at her.

Adrenaline rushed through her veins, instantly identifying the creature as a threat and telling her to flee. To run for her life, as the creature approached her. Scampering through the thick, ooze-infested waters in a stumble, Adine looked back to see the thing nearly behind her. Swinging it's encrusted arm across and hearing the strange shell rip through the metal walls with ease. Barely missing the yellow one with the first swing, and forcing her to dive forward to avoid the second one.

Slamming into that corner where she first spotted the black ooze, slipping through the awkward grounds and leaning up against the wall. Feeling a strange material against her back as she pressed into it while trying to stand up. Hot... Almost angry or enraged, yet brought a chilling fear to her core. Flaring those instincts greatly as something not to get involved with. Something to avoid getting into her system or temple of a body.

Yet, the ooze suddenly grabbed her. Wrapping her with its morphable shell and holding her in place as the corpse's appendage aimed a weapon along-side her. Blasts of thick light and noise came from the device it was holding, firing at the creature that was chasing the wyvern, soon ripping it apart with a barrage of bullets. Letting it's corpse infested a new set of waters.

With a heavy sigh, the limb that was holding Adine went limp. And the weapon fell from its paw. Splashing into the water and making it hiss a bit against the heated barrel, the body stuck to the wall ceased moving. Regardless of her cautious presses. "Hello...? Please... Get up..." She whimpered, but got no response. Whoever this was, it saved her life with its final action. Once again, the wyvern was alone. Trapped in an unknown land with possible threats at every corner.

She quietly sobbed while looking back at the recently deceased creature, just as the one that saved her coughed suddenly. Instantly getting those cold yellow scales to click loudly in warning, as the soldier took a few breaths. Speaking in a tongue that she didn't understand, only getting her to whimper a bit, as it slowly retrieved his good paw to his own neck and took off a flexible collar. Handing it to her limpingly, but Adine took it on her winged paws for a moment, watching the instructions closely to put it on her own neck then to come a little closer. Feeling that paw adjust it a bit while speaking to her still in tongues. "...Now?" She suddenly understood him, getting a shaky nod from her. "Good... I don't know how much power it'll have left..." He coughed.

"Who are you?"

"Private Usite... Was Captain for about twenty minutes against that damn thing..." Another few coughs.

"Us...Ite...?" The female seen him reach over for the weapon, and she retrieved it for his weak paw. "Adine..."

"Alright, Adine... I need you to search for a small button on the bottom, near the magazine." A worried look. "Should be a small box that comes out of the bottom of the gun."

"Gun...?" She whispered, remembering the word from the summer.

"There, you just went past it. Press it... Harder." She did so, and a small box popped out. Handing it to him and he tossed it to the side weakly. "Search my suit's pockets. Down here..." She followed by the side of his legs, finding two more. "Feel for the line... That should point to the front of the gun, where the ammo comes out of. Line it up. Slide it in. Give it a hard tap. Pull this lever." She did, unable to hold back her tears once she found out what he was doing. Almost sobbing in denial when she tried to give him back to the gun and that weak paw pressed it back to her. "You'll need it to survive, Adine."

"What about you...?" His near glowing cyan eyes glanced at his unseen half, submerged in the black ooze. "Please... Don't-"

"You need to do this, Adine. You can do this." A few whimpers from her. "If you want to survive this, you need to fight back. You won't be able to get out without fighting them." After a few breaths she shakenly nodded. "But I need you to do something for me first." Those red eyes looked at him sadly, feeling that armored paw pull the barrel and rest it's end between his eyes, once again hearing the wyvern's whimper like a soft song. "If you can do this in an act of mercy, you can fight against them." Usite almost hissed, taking a few breaths. "The ones like that..." A gesture to the infected soldier from before. "You can fight... You can win... But don't fight the Black Death... Run from it. Understood, Private Adine?"

"...Yes." She almost sobbed. Following his instructions onto how to hold such a weapon.

"A slight squeeze is all it takes." The two looked into each other's eyes for a long moment until he closed them, exhaling one last time. "Get out of here, Adine. Alive-"

The thick scent of lime overwhelmed her senses, forcing the wyvern awake in her small apartment. Stretching a bit before sleepishly opening her eyes towards the alarm clock and sigh heavily at how late she slept in. Now running late for work as she dragged her yellow self out of bed. Not even enough time to breakfast before locking the door and taking off.

The morning was nearly frigid, just now realizing that she forgot her scarf. At least the restaurant wasn't too far and was heated, so it was likely Adine wouldn't catch a cold from it. Though, from the way she felt this morning, she could already have one. Possibly one that was contagious, but it's hard to tell from such mornings.

Landing in front of the workplace, her day only got better when the pink runner was waiting by the door. "About time. I thought you guys opened an hour ago today."

"Yeah, sorry. Rough morning." The flier mumbled shyly, quickly unlocking the door and letting Anna through. "I can take your order in a moment, I just need to start a few things."

"At least you clean during the nights." The runner half grumbled, taking a few sniffs in the room. "And would it kill the janitor to dilute the soap a bit?"

"Well, it's between dealing with the scent, or the germs like the last person complained about." Adine almost snapped from the back room, getting a bit cranky, but almost making the raptor smirk. "What can I get for you?"

"Coffee. Large. Pumpkin Spice."

"We stopped serving Pumpkin Spice a few days ago-" A lifted paw interrupted her.

"Look at your work messages. I talked to your manager who sold me the entire last box. I want one every morning, unless I state otherwise." A strange look from the wyvern as she got a motion to go to the back. Almost grumbling at the pink one as she spotted the message from afar. Reading it carefully before taking a breath and finding the box she spoke of. "While you're at it, I'll take a medium breakfast." Another grumble as the flier started up the stoves. Leaving the runner to wait around a bit until she seen something black land outside.

Just waiting for it to look inside the windows and spot Anna smirk at the troublemaker slyly, nearly being able to hear his growl from through the thick windows before walking towards the door. Opening it a bit to let him into the empty restaurant. "Enjoy your night out?"

"Hardly. It was too cold." Harrak snorted.

"Funny, you don't look like you're covered in frost. I wonder why that could be?" She smirked at the smaller one. Though now grown quite a bit over the past few weeks.

"Perhaps maybe I was sleeping in a cave. Beats your damn closet." He snorted at that look. "You locked the door on me."

"I locked the window that you've been using to sneak out." A growl from him. "I've lived in that home for years, and I know that the locks on the windows are made to keep out the cold. You really think I wouldn't recognize a difference in temperature?" A snort from the little one. "Who's the special Female?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh? It's a male then?" A half a whimper as those frilled ears turned purple with blush. "How cute-"

"It's not a male!" He hissed in a whisper, getting Anna to chuckle. "And maybe I just want some alone time. Away from your cramped living space-"

"You don't know cramped, kid. I could throw your bed into a large box from now on and call it a day." A bit of a hiss. "I'm guessing that you've been... Practicing." A thick stare of silence nearly confirmed it. "As long as you're not hurting anyone, let alone my stuff, then I don't care. However, if something happens to you, don't blame me."

"On the other paw, if something does happen to me, someone_will blame _you."

"Careful troublemaker." The pink one smirked slyly. "I could buy this cuddle buddy of yours and ruin what you have." A bit of a growl from the little one. "Unless you're into Incest, but-" A louder growl. "I'm not judging."

"She's totally judging." Adine grumbled, coming back to the counter and ringing up the order. "That'll be-"

"Don't care. Putting it on the card." The runner stated, paying for the meal and taking the coffee. Sliding the plate back to the wyvern who only looked at her puzzled. "I know what it's like to be so late that you don't even have time to eat. I just have the luxury to not have anyone snapping at my tail about it." A bit of a sad look from the yellow one. "Keep up the sass, flier, and I might just start caring enough to remember your name." The raptor smirked, leaving the restaurant.

"What was all that about?" The smaller one snorted, following the runner.

"What was what?" Anna smirked at him, almost slyly.

"You were nice to her." He grumbled. "You're never nice to anyone."

"Maybe I just feel good today, is there something wrong with that?" A glare from those purple eyes as she sipped at her coffee. Flicking her tongue a little before nearly handing it down to him. "Time to work your magic, squirt." A growl from him.

"I'm not your property, you know." Harrak grumbled, lightly touching the side of the cup with his paw for a moment then setting it down. Allowing her to take a careful sip, then a full drink while purring at the flavor.

"Tastes so much better knowing that I'm the only one in the world that can have some. And yes, you are my property. I paid for you, keep you fed, sheltered, I can't say safe if you keep sneaking out at night."

"I keep sneaking out because you're hogging your Boy-Toy nearly every night and expecting everyone in two mile radius to get some sleep." He snorted.

"Here I thought it was to visit your 'Boy-Toy'." A growl from the smaller one. "Or is it that _you_enjoy being the toy?"

"Careful, girl. I know you were hatched with stones, but your tormenting a very powerful creature."

"With the ability to cool down my coffee whenever so pleased. It's like having my very own deity on a leash." A loud snort that was just too cute to take as a threat. "Speaking of which, today's going to be a test day." A large snout toss from the black one.

"Not_again_." He almost whined. "It's only been about three days!"

"And you've grown six inches since the last visit. I want to record the best possible age of when your blood changes ratio." A deep breath from Anna. "To witness liquid magic under the effects of a microscope is something of a dream come true, squirt."

"It's pretty, but not _that_pretty."

"Only because you don't understand it-"

"Because I choose not to understand it, girl. There is a difference." Another smirk from her got the wyrmling to almost growl. "What."

"You keep calling me girl." Another growl. "You need to say it if you want to eat tonight."

"I can hunt on my own, you know."

"And have access to my kitchen as well?" A third growl, as the runner just grinned slyly at him. "Say it."

"Fine,Mistress. Happy?" A bright smile from her.

"Good boy." He snorted at her. "...Toy." A thick growl that time.

The aroma was getting faint again, being used nearly every morning that the three had. Following it came the symphony of grumbles and yawns, thick scaly arms stretching and squeezing their favorite organic pillow. As well as licking at each other, now no longer followed by awkward whimpers and near forced nuzzles, making the bear inbetween them smile. Though yelping a little when they started to get a little tight, let alone getting a couple of rod pressing against that forest of white. "Careful you two." The furred one mumbled, stretching a bit and starting to get up, only to be pulled back into the bed covers. Lapping at his neck and ears.

"Just a few minutes, bear."

"Bryce needs his morning drink." Maverick mumbled a bit, yawning and snapping his jaws a few times.

"Well, that morning drink tends to lead to several other things. You have a jar in the fridge you can finish." The white one grumbled playfully, trying his escape again, but only getting pulled back for another barrage of tongues and kisses. Pawing out of it after several moments and getting the two to growl.


"Bryyyyce." Bartan teased him.

"It's two votes against one, Furball." The drake snorted. "You're outnumbered."

"I'd like to think we're at a stalemate, because reason is on my side." The two shared a small kiss while a paw stroked the side of that grey muzzle. "Unless you're willing to add a bit more to that jar, I'm pretty sure Reason can look the other way this morning." A near growl as that white snout smirked, leaning over to Maverick's and greeting those lips with his own. "Same goes for you too."

"I think I'll pass this morning, but I'm dropping that belly to the floor when I get back." The grey one playfully grumbled, taking a deep breath to suppress those instincts and start to get out of bed. Giving the furred one another means of escape that the earth dragon attempted to block off by pinning the bear to the mattress. "It's not worth it, Bryce."

"Says you. I'm thinking it is." He purred thickly, feeling those paws stroke that scarred muzzle and neck. Smirking near deviously, as if he were manipulating the drake. "Damn work...!"

"You have a vacation you can rub into Mav's snout coming in a few weeks. Try to save it for that." A growl from the brown one. "You can do it, buddy. Just take a deep breath." The dragon did so, closing those golden eyes and inhaling deeply. Exhaling a heated breath slowly. "...All good?" A snout toss from that scarred muzzle.

"Fiiiiine bear. But after he's done filling you tonight, I'm making you reach a new limit." A chuckle from the white one. "Then we're bringing out the Scent."

"You only have so much of that. Do you really want to use it again-?"

" Yes." The two answered together, getting the bear to chuckle as he was finally released from the pin. Following that brown tail that was trying to show off what he was missing that morning, and getting a paw underneath to stroke it.


"Stop your teasing, then."

"Why don't you do these things to Mav?" Bryce snorted, getting a double take from the grey one. "Or anyone else for that matter?"

"Don't drag me into this, you're constantly provoking him-" A growl left the wyrm as a furred paw likely grabbed his ridges, nearly leaving the larger looking one almost paralyzed.

"Bryce is right, I should try keeping you two equal. So from now on, when one of you teases, the both of you will get tormented back." A thicker growl left those grey plates, especially when his red eyes caught the drake's sly smile.

"Same goes for you too then, Bartan. Everytime you tease one of us, that one gets to torment the other two as well. Deal?"

"Deal." The two looked at Maverick, who only tossed his snout.

"I have the feeling I'm going to regret agreeing to this, but fine. Deal." He snorted. "Now, before this escalates, can we at least get some breakfast?"

"Sure thing. I'll use the bathroom down the hall, you two can use the bigger one."

"You mean, the one _we_paid for." Bryce grumbled. "Mostly me."

"That was your fault, chief." Maverick snorted.

"Hardly! Have you seen how much he likes to tease us with..." Those golden eyes looked at that furry tail swooshing side to side as Bartan walked down the hall. Getting him to whimper a bit.

"It's not worth it, Bryce-"

"I can still catch up to him and mount him in the hallway. Dragging him to the bathroom when I'm done-"

"Which still leaves a mess in the middle of the hall. And I for one don't want to be sued for Remy slipping on it... Again."

"He never sued us-" The drake snorted.

"But he could have." A snout toss. "And next time, it could be you slipping and running your snout into my..." A bit of a whimper.

"Best Thursday ever."

"Says you!" The grey one hissed, turning on the water while Bryce closed the glass door. "That's the last time we invite others over before cleaning."

"Oh come on, barely anyone seen it! Only Seb, who is used to our sessions by now."

"And what about Zhong?" Mav almost growled in embarrassment.

"I still say he would've joined if you asked him." A whimper that time. "We're getting him involved someday. I know it."

"Bryce..." A paw covered his red eyes.

"It wasn't that bad, though you and Remy were a little loud." Another whimper. "I'm proud of how far you've come, Mavers."

"You mean mounting the first white thing I see that provokes me-?"

"That happened once, and we're not speaking of that." The drake snorted, getting his back washed by the wyrm.

"Wasn't that with Remy too?" A growl from the earth dragon. "The first time you tongued him into submission?"

"Maverick..." Another growl.

"Best Monday ever. I wish I could've seen it." A whimper in defeat.

"Yeah, it was a pretty good Monday." That scarred muzzle smirked at him. "You could say I was the one who jump-started Remy's career."

"Sure thing, boss." A nudge and the two shared a small kiss. "My turn now." The two turned about and Bryce tended to the wyrm's back. Nearly getting him to purr from the deep strokes of those dull claws.

"...So I've heard that Zhong smells like fresh grass." A whimper as Maverick covered his eyes.

The bear came out of the shower, soaking wet regardless of how much he tried to slide the water off of him. Giving his coat a rather Punk look to it, clumping many of the smaller strands into stiffer spikes. Even with trying to dry himself off using the special towels, it didn't seem to help _that_much. Still some assistance he would gladly accept, it just wasn't working on him as advertised.

But that could've just been the fact he was a different species than the other furred dragons around. There wasn't very many, but enough for it to likely be considered a problem that required a solution. Still, they got the money from the bear, alright. Buying about five of them, three for around here and two for his work bag. In case he was to ever encounter another female in heat to assist once again, and it was very likely to happen. Especially when some of the dragons here believed it was just natural.

Which would likely mean he would have to spend another few nights away from these two, Bartan half thought to himself while cooking their breakfast. Doing his best to operate a strange form of waffle-maker and throwing together the batter. Looking through the supplies, he discovered an old bag of chocolate chips which he recalled opening before, triggering a distant memory of before Maverick moved in. "Bearrr."

"Bryyyce." The past version of Bartan teased back, looking at the unopened bag to double check its contents. "Good, it's milk chocolate-"

"No." The furred one gave him a blank stare. "It's not normal!"

"It's only breakfast-"

"And that's chocolate." Another blank stare. "Which is dessert, not breakfast."

"It'll taste fine, I promise." A snout toss that made both the past and present Bartan smile. "Remember all the meals I've prepped so far?"

"Yes-and I know where you're going with this, but I'm just waiting for the one that becomes a catastrophe." Those brown eyes just blinked at him. "And putting chocolate chips in with waffles sounds like a recipe for disaster!"

"You'll love it." A growl from the drake, as the bear looked at the package again. "Are dragons allergic to chocolate?"

"Some are, but I'm not one of them-which was a wasted opportunity, damnit!"

"I'll say." Bartan chuckled, preparing to open the bag but getting a growl from the large one.

"Bearrr...!" Those brown discs looked curiously innocent at Bryce. "Don't you open that." The package crinkled within those white paws, getting another growl as they went into position to rip a corner of the bag. "I'm warning you! I don't want Chocolate Chips in my waffles! I need to keep my figure!" Another near minute of staring at each other, and the package was suddenly ripped open. Causing the dragon to pounce on the furball and kiss him deeply into submission. Still growling at the disobedience, as the earth dragon took a big swig from the bag with his maw and force fed the white one the portion. "Look at what you made me do, bear! Now I'm putting more into that jar!" Bryce growled, getting a whimper of pleasure from the from the furred one, and a chuckle from the same as he returned from the past.

Yes, the drake didn't like the idea of chocolate chip waffles, but it wasn't a suggestion he disliked in the end. Hearing the series of claws coming down the hallway, along with a large inhale and a purr, it once again made Bartan smile. "I smell Chocolate Chip Waffles." The chief purred loudly, walking into the kitchen and hugging the furball from behind.

"Your new favorite."

"You need to be more specific on Favorites, bear." Bryce tossed his snout, feeling the wyrm come around and adjusting himself so Mav could have a hug of the still half wet cook. looking over at the preparations and almost grumbling.

"These again?"

"You'd love them if you could taste them." A grumble from the grey one as the drake nudged him in a tease. "They taste about how they smell."

"Like a crime against breakfast?"

"Hardly! They're amazing-"

"But bad for your figure?" Both the grey and white one asked at the same time, getting a snout toss from the brown.

"Especially since you keep requesting peanut butter and brown sugar on them-"

"Details, bear! Details!" The drake hissed, gathering three plates for breakfast.

"He has gained weight since you've been cooking." A shocked look from Bryce.

"You can feel it through his hugs, can't you?" The bear added, getting a growl from him. "Relax, it's a good thing-"

"The only 'weight' I'm gaining is when you two decided to shaft me. The furball specifically after we've teased him for an hour-"

"Which was pretty much a record for you for how long you've left Bartan without sucking him dry." Another grumble from the earth dragon. "Let alone how full you've gotten-"

"Moving on, you two! Before we end up putting more money in the jar and forcing me to pay for a literal half of a new bathroom!"

"He did end up paying for a lot of it." The white one said to Maverick.

"Poor dragon is just addicted."

"It's a wonder you're not, yet." Bryce snorted. "Now stop talking about it before I mount you two where you stand."

"I would argue that it's difficult to mount both of us at the same time, but he has done it before." A snout toss from the wyrm.

"Oh, I remember it. You two got really heavy by the end." He snorted, sniffing at the strange breakfast that was served to him. "Is it weird that I'm starting to accept this as normal?"

"Not at all, because there's nothing wrong with my cooking."

"Bear, there's so many things wrong with your cooking." That made Bartan chuckle as he started eating his own. "Seriously, nearly every night it's something weird."

"Actually, that pasta last week wasn't bad." A glare at the grey one as he munched on the large waffle. Meeting those golden eyes with his own blank stare.

"What was it called." It was barely a question, but Maverick looked at the bear for an answer, seeing him sigh a bit and roll those brown eyes.


"Which is an uncommon name around here!" The chief snorted. "And I will not be accused of cannibalism." The two stared at him for a few moments. "It's terrible for my figure-"

"Actually, it would likely be rather good for your body-"

"Bearrrr!" A playful growl made the furred one chuckle. "But to further my point about your cooking: what's on the menu tonight?" Those round ears lowered a bit.

"I was thinking... Pizza." A growl from the two dragons. "No marshmallows this time, don't worry."

"Good, because that was weird." Maverick snorted.

"Be thankful you couldn't taste it." The drake grumbled, still staring down the furball. "Out with it, it's never normal for you."

"Nothing out of the ordinary." The two wyrms just glared at him. "Fiiine, I was thinking pineapple, but I don't think you have any-"

"Pineapple sounds like a fruit." Bryce grumbled. "Which are usually sweet, and don't belong on pizza!"

"Wait, pineapple? Isn't that the things that grow on Pine trees?" The grey one nearly question the bear.

"Nope, you're thinking pinecones. Something I wouldn't advise eating." Another couple of blank stares. "Pineapples don't grow on trees actually."

"Buuuuut..." The two dragons said together, getting the white one to sigh.

"They grow in bushes, but yes. They are a sweet fruit, and doesn't taste terrible on pizza, but that is subjective-"

"Means: we're not doing it!" Bryce snorted. "Why can't you just cook something normal for a change? Just... Pizza."

"Is normal what you really want?"

"I'm basically out of this question." Mav shrugged his wings.

"But yes, let's just try cooking normal pizza. No _ Pineapples _, no _ Marshmallows _, no _ Chocolate Chips _-"

"Oi, that would taste terrible." The bear made a face. "Reminds me of that time I put cinnamon on a pizza." A couple of blank stares from the two, getting Bartan to sigh. "No-"

"Cinnamon either, yes! Just normal pizza." A whimper in disappointment. "Please?"

"Alright, alright. One normal dinner night-"

"Per week." The brown one snorted. "...Maybe two per." another whimper as the two dragons finished up. "Alright, we gotta head out or we'll be late."

"And be accused of adding to the jar, I'm guessing." Bartan followed them to the door.

"Something I'm guessing you had a paw in telling her about us?" Bryce playfully grumbled, seeing the grey one's rather shy look at the whole ordeal, but it was slowly decreasing.

"Kalinth does seem to assume a lot about us."

"Let alone Sebs as well. It's like someone has been talking to her." The two dragons glared at the bear jokingly, a smirk on each of their muzzles.

"Wasn't me, she hasn't been a client of mine."

"Of yours?" Maverick questioned, getting the two officers to share a look. "Means maybe..."

"Remy?" Bryce's head tilted in a shrug at the idea, though those smaller wings did try to raise with it. "Perhaps we'll take the afternoon off to question him."

"And by question, you mean nail him." A snout toss from Mav as he grumbled, getting Bartan to chuckle.

"Take care, you two." The bear said, hugging each dragon tightly as they opened the door. "No getting hurt this week. I don't want to see that hospital number on the caller ID again."

"Sure thing, furball." Bryce purred, giving the white neck a few licks. "I'll be sure to call on the payphone outside it instead the next time Mav gets hurt." A double take from the grey one.

"Why me?"

"Because you're a magnet for these things." A snort from the wyrm as the bear broke the hug against his neck, petting the small scar on his plated chest. "We almost lost you that day."

"To a wyrmling, of all things." The drake teased, getting a growl from the larger looking one.

"A wyrmling with magical powers! You heard what it did to Seb!"

"Yeah, but he didn't get any piercing wounds." The two argued, leaving the home and on their way to work. "He only got shocked, nearly slipped, and rammed by dirt or rock or something."

"Then tangled by vines."

"The time he penetrated you, yes." An embarrassed growl from the grey one. "...Does this make you the hatchling's first?" The bear chuckled from afar, closing the door while shaking his head. Spotting a large black tiger-sized panther in the corner behind it.

"Do they seem a little off to you?" The strange creature asked with a smirk, an odd mix of canine and feline features seemed to blend together rather fluidly. Not getting a response from the bear, but a moment of study from those brown eyes. "Like they're hiding something?"

"Like what?" Bartan whispered, barely asking a question as he turned towards the kitchen to start cleaning the mess and finish his own breakfast. Hearing the panther follow behind him and lean against the doorway a bit.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe they're just trying to avoid a certain subject."

"Subject or person?"

"Don't." Another creature, slightly bigger than the black one with an orange coat and red mane. Almost glaring at the first canine's sly smirk. "He's baiting you."

"Which is nothing new, Deago. But that doesn't mean I don't want to hear what he has to say."

"Oh, you know him, bear. He doesn't even want me to be heard in the slightest." The black one playfully moped, clearly just being overdramatic. "If it were up to him, he'd likely just strap a muzzle to me and lock me away."

"Yet, we all know what happened the last time such a thing was done." The orange one grumbled, those red eyes looking over at the bear. "Don't listen to him, Bartan. If you know what's good for you."

"Rixxix has rarely been wrong, actually." A third one entered the kitchen behind the orange. Sporting medium brown fur with a whitish mane, and getting a near growl from Deago. "Be like that if you wish, but it is the truth. I'm not stating he's morally correct all the time, but his instincts are untainted."

"Even the young one is curious, how cute." The black one smirked, nearly studying Deago for permission, then the bear. "Oh, I'm sorry _ Furball _. Were you really planning me to simply just blurt it out? Just look around a bit, you'll figure it out eventually." A low chuckle as Rixxix left the kitchen.

"He's just making you suspicious, ignore it." Bartan and the orange one shared a look.

"Suspicious about what though?" The two gave the smaller one a look. "You both know him better than me, but Rixxix hardly seems to be the type to find drama entertaining."

"Meaning what? You think he's actually onto something-?"

"Bartan." The orange one nearly growled, silencing the bear. "Don't consider this. It's nothing more than a power play for him to get what he wants."

"So, attention?" The brown one got a growl that time. "I detest to break it to you, Deago-"

"Then don't."

"But something feels a little off, right Ryoko?" A faint nod from the brown one, as the larger creature glared at the bear. "I know you're trying to protect me, but maybe he is too." A gesture towards the doorway where the black one left. "Odds are it's just nothing. Likely a special event or something they're planning, you know how they make me uncomfortable." A nod from the brown one, as the orange just looked at him. "If it's a warning, you know I shouldn't discard it, regardless of who it's from-"

"Even if it's the one that often convinces you to do actions you'll regret?"

"Yes." The bear said, taking a breath before walking up and kneeling to Deago. "You've protected me through most of my life. When is it going to be their turn to show some trust?" A breath from the orange one. "We know how Rixxix is like, but he's only doing what's good for me."

"Define that." Deago grumbled.

"I know he makes me think of myself, he's the opposite of you in that way." The orange one's red eyes looked into those brown circles. Sharing a look with Ryoko's light blue ones. "And you know how I feel about Balance."

"I suppose I'm just worried about them." Deago glanced towards the front of the house. "They're able to take a lot of physical damage, yes, but not much mental. Let alone, emotional."

"I know-"

"And you have a bad habit of reverting back into your shell, nearly making yourself alone and cutting yourself off from others." The orange one almost snapped at the bear, though not getting any response from the white one. Not until a brown paw touched that orange shoulder. "Sorry, but you need to realize-"

"That I'm in too deep now. Let alone surrounded by dragons." A deep breath from Bartan. "I won't abandon them." A moment of study from those red eyes, and a faint nod. "I care about them."

"I know you do. That's why this is important, not only to you-"

"But to them as well." Another breath from the bear. "I need to get ready for work, and make next week's schedule for Remy. No disturbing me, alright?" The two nodded, as those brown eyes nearly glared through the wall that Rixxix disappeared to.

Every pawstep against the awkward metal and water seemed to echo her location, trying her best to avoid conflict as the wyvern tried to keep herself together. Holding the rifle tightly in her paws, ones that didn't quite grip it well, to the point where that first shot forced her to drop the weapon. Still replaying over and over in her mind. _Get Out Of Here, Adine... Alive._To the point of prayer, whispering it under her shaking breath over and over as she trekked through the strange building.

Several sounds came from afar, some closer than others that nearly defined conflict of sorts. Some done with gunshots, others nothing more than roars and painful cries. Along with the occasional Bang and the sound of metal grinding against itself. The more closer ones caused the dragon to nearly freeze still until it passed, to the point of nearly frostbite on her hind paws as they endured the sharp pains of the water.

The best way she could describe it was knives. Hundreds of knives, each one stabbing into every scale along her body that was submerged. Then the thick oil was felt once in a while, almost knowing what it was at this point. Another shaky breath and a prayer, she suddenly heard another growl behind a door she was approaching. Slow heavy steps like the one before, something she heard in the far back of the buildings as well.

But it stopped in front of the door, just on the other side and leaving the yellow one to remain still and aim towards it. No communications other than their heavy breaths and her nervous ones. The shaking of her cold body as it tried desperately to keep warm. That single claw on the trigger, pulling it slightly as she aimed at the thick sliding door. It's yellow and black reflectors shining off the red warnings where it would slide open.

A loud scrape against the other side of the door as the creature growled a bit. Sliding sharp talons against the metal sheets, trying to get a good grip on them to open the door. Seeing both side of it rattle with every loud screech, and the reflectors begin to split apart slightly. Barely seeing a crack and that horrible black ooze covering the soldier's face. A deep green eye, almost bulging out of its skull like it was injected by such tar as those doors were being pulled apart.

Then, a loud bang and even louder roar coming from the creature. It's fluids staining the water below its feet as it stumbled and struggled to keep balance. Looking down the hall on its side of the door before charging and hearing another few gunshots. Then a grunt from the soldier firing the weapon, the wyvern almost panicked. Should she take the time to run and hide? Only for the creature to find her again?

Adine growled at herself, once again reciting that prayer before bolting towards the half opened damaged door. Squeezing her way through it and seeing the creature's back towards her. It's upper armor torn off in chunks with that ooze coming out of the husk's wounds. Standing over the soldier that got its attention, she took aim. Prepared herself for the recoil of the weapon, and fired into its back. Seeing the piercing wounds climb up the mix of black metal skin and foreign scales before it was off target.

It made the creature stagger forward, long enough for her to take aim once again and fire several more shots from afar. Missing a few more, but getting the monster in the throat and other eye. Enough for the soldier to scramble up, take his own weapon and execute the creature three times over, just to be sure. Turning around quickly and shining a bright light at the yellow one, blinding her for a moment. "Thank- ...You...?" The male cut himself off. "I know you..."


"You lived in the building on 78th. The second floor, I seen you land there a few times." Shielding herself from the light, he eventually lowered it. Showing himself instead, a pink wyrm that was doing quite well to walk on hind legs. "You were also the waitress in... Erm."

"A-Adine." The wyvern introduced herself a bit, now more calm that she found a dragon she half recognized. "I'm sorry, I don't know you-"

"Malic. I used to work in your building's maintenance department." Those red eyes of hers gazed at him with almost confusion and fright. "I need to ask you, Adine..." He nearly begged, taking a few steps closer.

"...Have you seen my daughter?"

Somewhere Out There Act 17 - Nobody's Watching

**Somewhere Out There Act 17 - Nobody's Watching** By Bartan Tirix The large one purred awake, once again surrounded by darkness aside from the light of the moon. Though a bit chilly in the room, his chest was warm with the two holding onto his grey...

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Whispers In The Dark

The two males entered the tavern room, the white bear holding the wooden door opened for the brass dragonborn. Allowing the two to overlook that somewhat cheap room, but it was something last minute. Out of all the times for the town to have some...

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Somewhere Out There Act 15 - Give

**Somewhere Out There Act 15 - Give** By Bartan Tirix ~~~~~~ The dim white halls were quiet, aside from the moans and whimpers of pain that echoed from afar. Making the wyrm feel uneasy walking through them. Trying to be silent with his heavier...

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