Miscellaneous: The Bear

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#3 of Seekers Miscellaneous

March 5th. Year 2235.


Note: This note is just here because I want it to be here. All my other Misc Stories had notes right before I actually got into the story, so not having a note here seems a little awkward. That and I need an excuse to say what I always say whenever my notes end. Enjoy!!!

Influenced by Yaxnonth. Thanks for the idea! =)

If there was anything I liked in the World, it'd be Dragons; Large, muscular, large winged Dragons. Unfortunately, today wasn't one of those days, but then, if you always got your favourite 'meal' every day, it just wouldn't be special anymore. For today, though, I'd be with someone far more interesting...

My 'visitor' for the day was Ex-Military, so I expected him to be still muscular and in-shape, or depressed and out of work. I hoped for the first option, so I didn't have to sleep with a broken down guy all night. The best part was, he was a Bear, and things rarely got them down, so to speak. The Administrator put everything up front; this Bear was practically a giant, very optimistic, surprisingly young with white fur, and still in good shape. All those descriptions pointed towards my first option again; he was bound to be perfect for me.

I was lying in my bed, only wearing a loose pair of trouser and an unbuttoned shirt, constantly tapping the headboard with my hands. The Bear was certainly taking his time in arriving; or maybe he was held up in one of the seven large halls of the club, drinking his fair share of alcohol; and knowing Bears nowadays, they could certainly handle a lot -almost as much as a Dragon, maybe. I looked to my left at my small bedside table, picking out a small vial of Aura from the small metal container placed on it. I swirled the blue liquid around, watching it start to fizz up slightly.

"Well, I can't stay here forever." I sighed, laying the vial back down on the table and getting up, re-buttoning my shirt and putting a pair of shoes on. "I may as well look for him."

As I quickly made for the door in frustration, I started to hear a small clicking sound; I stopped and listened out for it, but kicked myself for not noticing that the door was slowly opening, revealing a large white figure in front of me. I didn't have to try and guess to realise that this was the Bear I was supposed to be with tonight; and just over an hour late. His muscles were very thick, as well as his fur, making him look much larger; he also held a tray in both hands, filled with what looked like many bottles of alcohol.

"I'm late, aren't I?" The Bear asked rhetorically, looking down at me and putting on an apologetic face. "I brought you something to drink, if that counts as an apology..."

"I guess I can make an exception." I said, taking one of the bottles and taking three long gulps before marking out what kind of alcohol it was. "Fabrashin Cider, strong; you have good taste in alcohol."

I looked at the Bear's clothing; he wore a regular grey shirt and trousers, just like everyone else I had seen, though this shirt was lined with some crimson red threads, and the shoulders looked as if they were padded slightly, with three black stars on each side. Overall, it looked like some kind of casual military uniform, though it didn't really impress me much. I'm the kind of person who isn't really impressed with someone until they actually do something; in this case, I'd have to see how he is in bed before telling him whether I was impressed or not.

"Why don't we get more comfortable, then?" I suggested, though I kicked myself for using the oldest trick in the book. "I just hope you haven't drunk too much whilst I was waiting for you."

"I wasn't drinking." The Bear defended himself, unbuttoning his shirt; "I was just held up at the bar whilst I was getting us all this alcohol. That, and I had already arrived half an hour late."

"I like an honest man." I said happily, taking off his trousers for him; "Especially military. I've heard they're quite...dominant; on the battlefield and in bed."

Once I had stripped everything off the Bear, he proceeded to do the same to me until we were both stood there, expecting the other to do something. After a few seconds of awkward silence, the Bear had finally stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around me, taking the breath out of my lungs. The fur on his chest felt so thick and soft that I didn't want him to let go; unfortunately, he had already hauled me over his right shoulder, carrying me over to my own bed and practically slamming me down.

I let out a low grunt as I landed whilst watching the Bear slowly creep up on me and run his hands along my chest; I could hardly tell what was my fur and what was his. I reached down with my left hand and slowly ran it along the Bear's shaft, feeling his member slowly grow as I kept running my fingertips along it. From the nervousness on his face, I could tell the Bear was trying to keep himself together whilst I slowly jerked him off.

"Come on now." I provoked him, stroking his head with my spare hand. "Don't hold back now; if you keep this up, I'll have to be the dominant one from here on."

At that, the Bear suddenly let his body go loose for a few seconds, right before he grabbed me by the nape of my neck with one hand, and lifted me up by my chest with the other. I landed softly on his stomach once he let go, by which time he had already pushed me closer towards his member so that my back was rubbing against it. From how it felt as it rubbed against me, I could tell it was big; not as big as a Dragon's, granted, but still big enough to do a bit of damage.

I was about to ease myself onto his member, but the Bear had obviously read my mind and immediately forced it all up my tail-hole, sending a large jolt of pain through my upper body as he started to pump in and out of me quickly. If it wasn't for that small part of me that thoroughly enjoyed this, I would have completely regretted provoking him into not holding back.

"So remind me who the dominant one is?" The Bear demanded, pulling my upper body towards him and almost crushing me from the pressure. "Tell me; who's the dominant one? Who's the bitch now?"

"You're the dominant one." I wheezed, hoping that the Bear would ease up. "I'm your bitch. So can you stop crushing your bitch now?"

The Bear didn't reply, but slowly loosened up his arms, giving me enough space to breathe, but still wrapping his arms around me. I let out a loud moan, just realising that he was still pumping his member in and out of me, still causing a few small jolts of pain as he went faster and faster. After a solid five minutes, I started to feel him slow down slightly; I let out a confused whine as he pulled himself all the way out, looking at me with a devilish grin.

"This'll hurt a bit." He warned, holding me still as best he could. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath; if he said it would hurt a bit, he probably meant a lot. Unfortunately, I was right.

In an instant, the Bear had pushed me down on his member again, whilst pushing himself forwards as fast as he could, practically ramming everything inside of me. I let out a high pitched yell, which was quickly cut off by the Bear's muzzle, which locked with mine; he had released his seed inside me, quickly filling me up so that it was starting to leak out of my tail-hole. It took a long five minutes until he had finally pulled out again, and we had both fell onto the bed again, gasping for air. The Bear reached for his drink; I copied him and took three long gulps before lying back down next to him, nuzzling against his chest fur.

"So are you up for another round?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me again. "Or do I have to wait for my bitch to get ready?"

I didn't reply, but instead laid my drink down on my bedside table and rolled onto the Bear's chest, making it clear that I was ready for another round.

Besides, the day was still young...not so much for me...