Semi-Silent Meeting

Story by RbFoxx42 on SoFurry

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#2 of When Running is Just the Start

Alright! Part II! Again, no names/places/events are real, they are all made up, any actual events are purely fictional.

Yes, there are spelling and grammar mistakes, it's bound to happen. Just ignore them and have fun reading!

James stared into the wolf's eyes before tucked the pistol into his pants. He ran around to the driver's side of the car, climbed in, and sped off. Alex had chosen to finish up at the house, nothing but a MP-5 with a spent clip to defend himself with. The wolf was trained for this; it had been a lifestyle for him. He ran to the side of the house and crouched near the bushes, waiting for someone to approach him. He had a plan, but he'd need a gun, so he would have to act fast. Alex didn't have to wait long for someone to come, the car speeding off had to be enough for someone to come and check it out... and someone did. One more killer came out of the shadows, catching the lupine by surprise. Alex leapt at the stranger, bringing him down with the butt of the MP-5's collapsible stock. The German Shepard fell to the ground; his AR-15 rifle flew into the middle of the driveway with a loud clang. Dazed, the hitman looked up at Alex, the nub of a barrel now in his face.

"How many of you fuckers are here?" Alex stood with one paw on the chest of the canine, his free hand going through the pinned Shepard's breast pocket, pulling out an ID card.

"F-five!" The voice sound panicked and quick, good. He was scared. A quick recall in his mind, he killed two, and then he has this one pinned now... two left.

Alex eyed the card over, reading the code on the bottom: "GS2M70-47AB-SEC31A, N=Shaffer, Matt" Simple enough to decode, it meant: "Matt Shaffer - German Shepard, Male, age 23, Sector 31A". The hitman was young; he had his entire life ahead of him, but not anymore. Alex would make sure of this. Lifting his paw off of the Shepard, Alex backed up until he was next to his AR-15, quickly exchanging his spent MP-5 for it. "Get up," Matt stood up slowly, "And keep your hands where I can see them."

"I won't tell anybody you're here, just let me go. That's all, you leave, I never saw you."

"You knew what you were getting yourself into." Alex raised the rifle and fired. A single bullet raced out of the barrel, hot fire exploding behind it, propelling it faster, and right through the Shepard's skull. Matt dropped to his knees and then fell backwards onto his back, planting himself in the soft earth. He was dead, just like that.

Alex began to run, he had to get to the church, and with no car... there was no way, he needed to find a vehicle. The hitmen's would make for a good steal, but getting to it without being seen would be fun. Reaching the front yard, Alex saw two black BMWs, both with the lights off, and the engines lightly idling. He dropped to the ground and started to craw on his stomach, moving as fast as he could with the heavy rifle in his paws.

"Stop!" A loud voice rang out in the distance, another hitman, followed by automatic gunfire.

Alex swore and got back up on his paws. He took off to one of the BMWs, gunfire closely following him, a few bullets striking the car. The wolf tore the passenger door open and dove in, slamming it shut behind him. He took off; a hail of gunfire flew behind him, making easy game out of the aluminum side paneling on the car.

Alex was speeding down the road now, the speedometer jumping, from 0 to 70mph, down to 60mph, and then up to 115mph, flying down the city streets, hoping he had lost the killers. Alex peeked at the clock... 10:24pm. 'Damn it!'. 10 minutes was all he had to get to the church, he was close. Alex continued down the road, slowing down to about 45mph, trying to throw the attention off him, although a bullet ridden car, isn't the best thing to drive when you don't want attention brought on to yourself.

He was on Summit St. and Lexington St. now, 3 blocks from the church. Alex knew he couldn't leave a trail with the car, so he pulled into an alley where he parked the car, shut off the engine, and got out. The wolf debated whether to leave his weapon here or not, maybe needing it later, but he couldn't just go walking down the street with an AR-15 in his paws! So he pushed forward the driver's seat and laid the gun on the floor of the back seat. Something caught his eye... a small piece of paper.

Marissa Banks-Rane

1245 Ashton Lane


Alex's eyes grew large and he stared at the paper in disbelief. "There's no way..." Marissa Banks... formally Marissa Rane... was Alex's wife. Before his disappearance, before his death wish... before his preference change.... she was his lover, his wife. She was still alive... and he knows where she lives. Alex had to stop stalling; he folded the paper in his pocket and ran towards the church.

He was close, only a block away now. It was strange, you could go from the busiest part of the city, and travel just two blocks, and it's lifeless. Completely silent, just like something out of a horror movie. Even the church itself was creepy, the tall stone building rose to about 5 stories high to the tip of the tallest steeple, and vines grew up the side. And to top it all off, a large black steel fence, six feet high, protruded from the ground into the air, the only break was a gate. As Alex approached it, he could tell that James is there, the steel gate smashed open as if the car ran right through it without stopping. The wolf's ears started to pick up the faint sound of the organ. The church's organ always played, throughout the day and the night, only pausing during sermons on Sundays. He didn't know why, but he didn't ask either. One thing he had learned from his work - sometimes, knowing less is helping you more.

Alex walked into the gate, the organ's music playing louder as he grew closer to the slightly ajar, large wooden doors. His car was to the right of him in the grass, the front end was damaged beyond repair from the collision with the steel gate. The wolf approached the door, grabbing onto the steel ring that acted as the knob, and forcefully pulling it open. Walking inside it, he dipped his finger into the holy water that lay in a cup on a pedestal to his right. He motioned across his chest in the sign of a cross and continued walking inwards towards the Alter. James was kneeling before it, his paws folded and eyes closed. Silently Alex walked up to him and kneeled down, praying himself. Even after his short prayer, he still kneeled, his eyes open and staring down at the floor.

James looked up at Alex and embraced him in a long passionate kiss. "Alex... are you alright?"

"I'm fine James, what about you?"

"Now that you're here? Wonderful."

"Good, listen, we need to head out to Andoke..."


"Remember I told you that I'd explain everything?" The fox nodded slowly, and Alex sighed. "Alright... 5 years ago, I worked for an organization that killed for money..."

"You were a hitman?"

"Yes. I failed a mission, which is basically suicide in that business, and I was shot. The person knew I was after then, and it made my employer look bad, so they tried to kill me."

"So those men today..."

"They were sent to kill me. I left everything, including a wife. While running today, I found her address. I need to go see her, just for closure, nothing more."

James smiled, "I understand."

"Why are you taking this so easy James? You realize you could have been killed tonight."

"Yes... but killed for the one I love."

Alex smiled and kissed the fox, "C'mon, let's head out" Alex stood up and offered James his paw. The fox took it and put his arm around the wolf's hips as they both walked out of the church. After walking a bit, they were just outside of the church gates, and took a seat on the grass beneath a small tree. "We need to get out of here James..."

"Not yet, I still have a surprise for you." James took of his shirt and pants, the pistol once tucked away now lay beside the cloths. James was quickly starting at Alex's shirt, slowly lifting it off his body, kissing his chest, neck, and face. He slid down to his stomach, his fingers now working at the wolf's jeans. Alex pushed them down, helping the fox out, exposing his half erect cock, just poking out from his sheath. With a playful lick, the fox embraced the warmth of the member, stroking it with his paw until it became fully erect. Another lick and then James let the throbbing mass of wolf meat enter his maw. In and out the cock traveled, sending hot waves of pleasure up and down the wolf, until he could take no more. The lupine moaned pulled out of the fox and hot seed flowed onto the fox's face. Licking what he could himself, James smiled and kissed Alex, who licked the remaining juices from his face.

"I liked that surprise," The wolf spoke softly, "But you'll enjoy mine better," Alex pushed the vulpine on his back, who's cock already fully erect from the action with the wolf. The lupine leaned over James, and moved his hips around, slowly positioning his penis with the fox's tailhole. Alex's cock, already lubed with the mixture of saliva and semen, penetrated the tight hole, causing James to moan loudly at the pleasure and slight pain of the wolf cock entering him, stretching the tight hole. The lupine wasn't about to just empty himself and leave, oh no, he wanted his lover to enjoy it. Slowly Alex crept in deeper, the cock rubbing the fox's insides, rubbing his prostate and causing pleasure to them both. A bit of precum had already formed at the tip of the fox's penis, which Alex quickly licked off before sinking out of James. Alex continued to pump his hips back and forth, his hot member moving in and out of the fox, who was now moaning loudly, but they didn't care if anyone would hear them, they were truly in love. With another thrust of his hips, Alex caused the fox to loose his load all over himself, covering his stomach in hot fox seed. Just a few more pumps of the hips and Alex sprayed his mark into the fox.

After a few minutes of panting and Alex growing soft and removing himself from the fox, James spoke up, "You were right,"


"I did enjoy that surprise better," They both laughed and started to clean themselves up.

"Alright, try to hurry James, we can't stay much longer... they'll find us again."

"Mmm, ok. Let's get dressed and then we'll leave... but we'll need a car... and money..."

"I'll take care of that, don't worry." Alex gave the fox a quick wink and smiled. After putting his jeans back on, he pointed to the handgun, "Better let me handle that now."

James laughed and pulled his shirt over his head, "Alright, here," James tossed Alex the gun and continued getting dressed. "I can't believe we did that in front of a church,"

Alex laughed, "After tonight? We're going to hell anyway, so what's it matter?" James joined him in the laugh.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Yeah, yeah." In the darkness, a pair of headlights formed and the sound of an engine was silently approaching the church - the hitmen had found them. "Hey James... do you see that?"

"Yeah, it looks like a car," Alex squinted and looked at it closer... a Black BMW.

"Oh, shit! James, get back in the church! Now!" Alex jumped to his paws and picked up the handgun, motioning to the fox. "They found us!" James took off back through the gates and into the yard as the engine picked up and the car moved faster towards Alex. The wolf leveled the gun with his eyes and pulled the trigger over and over, shooting at the windshield, hoping to clip the driver. After about four or five shots, the car, still speeding, swerved out of control and narrowly missed Alex as he dove away. The BMW slammed into the steel fence about ten feet away from the wolf, and remained motionless, the engine sputtering and whining, until it came to a halt. The pistol was still in his hands, and now aimed at the passenger side door. Alex walked over to the car and opened the door, a canine sat in the front seat, his face buried into an airbag. Taking no chances, the wolf raised the pistol and fired two rounds into the back of the hitman's head.

Alex walked slowly back to the church with the gun hanging in his hand, back though the gates and through the heavy wooden double doors. James was back to kneeling in front of the alter and Alex just stared straight ahead, looking at the large cross on the wall. Speaking lowly and dropping the gun to the ground, Alex closed his eyes, "Forgive me father... for I have sinned".


None of these events, names, or places is factual. If they are, the reference is purely coincidental. Hope you guys enjoy this... one of many to come : ) Not much yiff in here, no, not at all, but there is some, and remember, this is that start of a...

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