Chapter 8: Home is Where The C Wing is

Story by Steve The Visionary on SoFurry

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#9 of Heroes of Alteria Vol. 1

This was a very difficult chapter to write. It came at such an awkward time in the stories development, and on top of that . . . I've been super sick! But bear with this one, the next chapter will take off running and questions will be answered!


"I told you computer. What kind of a friend am I if I'm sleeping, while she's out there?"


Jeeve sighed and slammed his face against the table. Had it really been four days since she was taken? He couldn't even feel the time going by, everything just blended and meshed together. Jeeve sat up and looked at himself in the mirror. The bags under his eyes were pretty noticeable, but the red rings around his green eyes were even more apparent. Jeeve sighed, then stood up. He made his way towards the bedrooms and scoffed. There was a puzzle here, but he couldn't figure it out.

His room had been totally trashed, everything thrown around as if the perpetrator's goal had been to make his room a pig sty, but then there was Shirlene's room. It was completely spotless. Not one stain, spec of dust, or smudge could be found in the pilot's room. The only clue Jeeve had to this whole thing was a note Shirlene left on her nightstand. "Ask Doc about my avian influenza." The note always made him chuckle, though it brought up several questions he didn't have the answer to.

He sighed and plopped back on her bed. "Maybe the compute is right . . . Four days without sleep can't be good." Jeeve curled up on her bed and yawned as he succumbed his drowsiness.

Jeeve woke up in the DreamScape and sighed. "I hate this place."

"If I didn't know better, I'd say that sentiment was directed at me." Jeeve turned around and saw Kira sitting crossed legged in the dirt. He walked over and sat across from her saying. "Where is she?"

"Four days you've avoided me and all you can ask is where your rabbit friend is? Tsk Tsk, your lack of manners is unnerving."

"I don't have time for your games Kira. I need to find her!" Kira closed her eyes, then said. "You know my father has been talking about you an awful lot lately. You seem to be the center of his attention."

"Don't care. Where's Shirlene!"

"I do not know, but that does prick my curiosity. She is your pilot yes?"

"Where is this going?"

"Then that would mean you are still in Green Lake yes?"

"Don't even think about it!"

"Your lack of sleep would make it very easy for someone to say . . . sneak up on you?" Jeeve growled, then stood up saying. "I'm going to kill you and your father. I'll make sure you both die a terrible death for what you've done."

"My where did this come from? You never cease to surprise me Jeeve." Kira smiled then laid herself on her stomach. "Tell me hero. How will you kill my father?"

"Same way I'll kill you . . . Like this!" Jeeve brought Ethos down towards Kira, forcing her to roll out of the way. She lunged at him, but fell on her stomach as he deflected the attack. She turned to stand, but he stood over her with Ethos pointed in her face. Jeeve brought his foot on her back and stepped down hard, eliciting a moan from the wolfess. "You have grown much more powerful since our last meeting. Why do you reject my advances"

Jeeve dug his foot even harder into her back and replied. "I've told you already. I don't have time for your games! Tell me where Shirlene is or I promise I'll make you suffer."

"And I have already told you that I do not know where your rabbit companion is, but if you'd like me to come over and tell you in the fur, then that can be arranged." Jeeve sighed and got of the wolfess. He sat down in the dirt, placing his face in his hands. "I'm . . . sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I just miss her a lot and I'm worried for her." Kira tilted her head in confusion, then walked over and sat next to Jeeve saying. "Why do you hold such reverence for her? You have only known her for a short time."

"She's the closest thing to family I have, well her and Clover. I lost my original family before I came here and Shirlene was the only one that helped me."

"What happened to your original family?"

"They were murdered. Killed in cold blood . . . I just don't want to see this happen to her." As Kira listened to his story, she sat conflicted with herself. She knew he was her enemy, but a part of her wanted to help him for some reason. The wolven warrior sighed, then said. "Alright Jeeve you have invoked my compassion. I will help you."


"You heard me. I will help you find your rabbit friend." Jeeve looked at her incredulously, then laughed saying. "You're joking right?! You!? Help me!?"

"Yes that is what I said."

"Oh you're serious."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you tried to kill me the last time we met in person, so I don't think us working together is such a hot idea, besides what would your father say if he knew you were helping a patriarch?"

Kira smirked saying. "My father doesn't have to know, it can be our little secret." Kira scooted closer to him, and leaned against his body. Jeeve sighed at the contact saying. "I'm probably gonna regret this, but . . . Fine. If you really want to help, you can I guess." The wolfess smirked then splayed herself across his lap saying. "Excellent choice dear. I'll be there tomorrow so we can depart."

"This is such a bad idea . . ." Jeeve laid back with Kira, contemplating whether or not he should really go through with this.


"Thank you computer . . ."


"I suppose computer, though I feel as if I made a grave mistake."


"I allowed Kira to accompany me on Shirlene's search."


"You're right it wasn't! Isn't the ship's power restored!? Let's get out of here!"




Jeeve darted for the window and indeed saw Kira casually standing out in front of the C Wing, filing her nails. Jeeve walked outside to greet her saying. "Great you came . . . I was expecting you not to show."

"Me not show!? And miss getting to travel with my greatest adversary? Never!" The wolfess saucily walked past Jeeve into the C Wing, causing him to face palm. Jeeve went to Shirlene's desk and pulled out her reminder. While studying it, Kira came and leaned over him saying. "Hmm I expected a bit more from this ship. Much more drab and dreary than one would think."

"Can you go be a bother somewhere else? I'm trying to look for clues." Kira snatched the piece of paper away and said. "It would appear this is some sort of a reminder to visit the physician."

"Yea thanks captain obvious. Hey computer!"


"This note has just given me an idea. Who's Shirlene's primary care doctor?"


"Damn you Spitfire! Okay plan b then. Well does she know any doctors personally?"


"Hey now we're getting somewhere! Where are these animals computer?"


"Ahh the Ferren Kingdom. Father has a very strong presence there."

"Don't care! Computer set course that island!"


Jeeve watched excitedly as the ship rocked to life and made its ascent to the clouds. The C Wing flew high over Green Lake, twisting and turning through buildings, until it reached the ocean. The hero sat on his bed reading Clover a story, all the while ignoring Kira's interrupting.

" . . . And after resolving his differences with the dragon, little jimmy was able to bring peace to the land . . . and interstate commerce!" Clover yawned cutely, then rolled over, fast asleep. Jeeve smiled tucking the sleepy pup in. "Goodnight Clover. Sweet dreams girl."

"That's sickeningly sweet."

"Oh I'm sure you'd think so."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing . . ."

The hero pushed past the wolfess and made his way back to the bridge. Jeeve poured himself a cup of water then said. "Hey compute. Are we almost there?"


"Land?! Why?! It's not your power supply is it?"


"But how are we going to get to the island!?"

"Leave that to me."

Jeeve looked incredulously at Kira and said. "Oh no! No way! I will not leave anything to you! Don't think we're all buddy buddy now. I don't like you, I don't trust you, and . . . Well I really don't like you!" Kira smirked then stalked closer to him saying. "Oh is that true? You don't like me?"

The hero nervously backed away from the oncoming wolfess and replied. "Well . . . U-Um . . . I-I?!" Jeeve had already backed into the wall and was sweating bullets. Kira smirked, then pressed her body up against his, making him squirm.

"What are you doing?! Get off me!" The wolfess ignored him and continued her subtle touches to his body. Jeeve tried to push her off, but found that the more he fought, the more she pushed back. Kira nuzzled up into his neck and began nipping playfully at him.

"P-P-Please . . Oh God!" Jeeve cried as Kira began sucking at his neck. He could feel her saliva and his blood mixing profusely against his skin. Jeeve moaned pitifully as Kira slipped her paws underneath his shirt and began raking her claws through his skin. The pain mixed with pleasure caused the hero to gasp and buck against the wolfess. Kira stopped sucking his neck and continued her tongue work against his face, bathing him in her saliva. She brought her lips to his and pushed her tongue through his mouth.

Both Arch warriors continued feverishly kissing, until Jeeve's movements grew slower. The hero's tongue slid out Kira's mouth and his grip on her arms slackened. Jeeve's vision began fading in and out before he lost his sight and fell to the ground unconscious. Kira smiled and bent down towards the hero, brushing her claws through his hair. "So naive. So trusting." Kira then traced a claw over the bite marks on his neck and said "I told you that I'd show you your allegiance was misplaced." The matriarch stepped over the downed hero and made her way towards the exit.

Professor Waterblake was what some animals called . . . A visionary, or a delusional nutcase. She spent many hours, long and hard, working towards a sustainable future and today would finally be the day that she achieved it! The kangaroo Professor walked the lonely halls of her research laboratory, on her way to deal with the first roadblock in her otherwise 'problem free plan.'

The red Kangaroo slid her card key into a sealed door and exhaled as she stepped inside. Setting her card key and clipboard down, she sat in a chair across from a restrained rabbit.

"Hey Doc! You came back and . . . Without lunch?"

The scientist scoffed at the rabbit and said "I've already fed you today Shirlene. Don't expect anything more from me until he arrives."

"But I'm hungry doc!"

"I regret healing you of your wounds."

"Ouchies! Why so cold and distant today doc? Afraid he'll never show?"

"Oh trust and believe me. I know he will show. For it would be very detrimental to your well being if he did not." Shirlene smirked and began rocking in her restraining chair saying. "Well trust me when I say he's not coming. The kid's smart, but not a genius. Besides I didn't leave him any clues."

Prof. Waterblake slammed her paw against the table replying. "WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO US!?" Shirlene continued smiling cockily saying. "Well . . . I already told you why doc. I'm never helping you again."

"Why!? Project Revert is going to do great things for the science community!"

"Eh you see . . Me and the science community don't really get along that well. Say where's uh . . . The other guy?"

"If you are referring to Dr. Foxtrot, he is monitoring some fauna growth on the east side of the island, though stop trying to change the subject!"

Shirlene smiled cheekily and continued rocking in the chair, much to the annoyance of Prof. Waterblake. The kangaroo rose to say something, then stopped once her communicator went off. "Consider yourself lucky Yara. I was about to hurt your feelings! Go for Waterblake."

"Professor it's me!"

"Yes Dr. Foxtrot, I can see you."

"We may have a problem." Shelia tilted her head in confusion and asked. "Define problem Doctor."

"Uh . . . We have a guest of sorts?"

"How did they get here?! By swimming?!"

"I don't know professor, but I don't think they're leaving."

"Inform them that this is private property and that they are trespassing!"

"She says her father owns this island."

"Who is this animal!?"

" . . . Kira Kydon." Professor Waterblake ended the call and looked at Shirlene with a dreadful gaze.

"Why the long face Doc? You get this month's power bill?"

"No. Kira is here for you."

"Oh that's no good."

"I'm going to go try to lead her away from here, then we can resume our business."

"You're pretty dense for someone with a phd. You need to let me go so I can call my buddy over."

"Tempting, but I can't risk you escaping or exacting vengeance upon me."

"Okay have it your way, but I promise this whole thing's gonna go down like a stack of cards." Professor Waterblake shook her head saying. "I myself will take care of this! You are nothing but a short sighted fool. Calling the alien over will do nothing, but incite further incident!" Shelia stood up and shook her head disapprovingly. Then left the room, locking the door behind her. Shirlene smiled widely while twirling her card key and said. "Short sighted fool huh?"

"I am so sorry for the delay your highness! I was taking care of some business." Kira gave the professor a look of unbelief then said. "It's quite alright Professor, I just came for the rabbit."

"Um the rabbit?"

"Do not play fool with me Waterblake! Do not forget who's land you conduct research on. My father owns this land and he can take it away with ease, so let us try this again. Where is she?" The scientist's eyes darted back and forth nervously, before she relented and said. "Fine. I have her restrained in the western conference room."

"You restrained her in a conference room?"

"Well we don't really have detention cells here on the island, so that might be something your father will want to invest in." The two females walked to the conference room in awkward silence. Shelia attempted small talk, but Kira bluntly brushed her off.

"Forgive my prying your highness, but I couldn't help but notice how . . ."

"How what?"

"Well how . . . Potent you smell." Kira flashed Shelia a toothy grin and said. "Oh really? What do I smell like?"

Shelia blushed madly, then quickly reached for the conference room door saying. "Oh look here your highness! We're already here!" Shelia reached inside her coat pocket for her card key, then froze. She patted around her person several more times, before she realized it was inside the conference room.

"Is there a problem Professor?"

"Of course not your highness. I have everything I need right here." Professor Shelia nervously pressed input a code on the door's keypad and refrained from slapping herself as Kira walked in. "Where is Captain Spitfire?"

"She was right here your highness! She must have escaped when I left."

"You are useless! Lock down your facility, and bar all means of communication. Knowing her, she'll probably try to contact the hero . . . Won't she be in for a rude awakening."

"Yes I'll get working on blocking all incoming and outgoing transmissions, though are you sure that is wise? This is a research facility! We are constantly in communication with other laboratories around Alteria!"

"I care not if you'll be able to talk to your friends for awhile. Finding Shirlene is priority one. You have orders, now execute them."

Shirlene grumbled while crawling through the ventilation system. If there was one thing the pilot hated, it was tight spaces. She crawled left, stopping above another air grate, the pilot smiled widely. "Jackpot!" Shirlene carefully undid the vent fasteners and quietly hopped out the air duct. Taking in her surroundings, she immediately knew where she was. "Storage. Never thought I'd get back here again." Shirlene began scouring the small room, looking for her belongings. The rabbit quickly grabbed her tan flight vest and dual blasters, happy they weren't damaged. She also slipeed on her wrist communicator and straight to work, trying to contact Jeeve.

"Come on kid. You gotta pick up." The communicator kept ringing and ringing, each volley of rings bringing more and more doubt with it. Little did she know, our hero lay unconscious in her ship.

The heavy ringing of Jeeve's comm continued, causing the hero to stir tiredly. Jeeve opened his eyes slowly and groaned in pain. "What . . . happened?" The hero asked himself as he propped himself up over Shirlene's desk. Jeeve noticed the buzzing sensation on his wrist, then jumped excitedly as he saw Shirlene's contact photo.

"Shirlene?! Is that really you!?"

"Damn kid took you long enough! But yea it's me!"

"Oh I-I . . . I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Look you can get all mushy on me later, but I need you to get here to this island and help a rabbit out. I've held here for four days!"

"Yea I know! We were on our way to help you, when the computer had us land away from the island! But don't worry, I'm coming for you."

"That's great kid, but I don't got much time, before they trace this message back to my location."

"Alright you can count on me."

"I know I can kid." Shirlene ended the call, then hopped back up inside the air duct.

"Your majesty wait please!"

"I do not have time for your foolishness! I am calling for the nearest garrison to take this island over immediately!"

"That is not necessary Princess. We have a lock on her location!"

"Is that so?"

"Yes your majesty. Shirlene is heading northwest as we speak. It looks like she's trying to get inside an escape pod! I can block the launch sequence, leaving her open for extraction."

"That is excellent. Get to it doctor."

"Professor . . ."

"No matter. Lead me to her location." The professor and monarch ran briskly down the northern corridor and stopped abruptly in front of the escape pods. Kira scanned the three pods casually, then said. "She's in this middle one right here. Open it." Shelia went to work on her device then said. "Uh hate to disagree with you your highness, but I'm getting readings of her in the far left one." Kira grabbed the professor by her collar, and threw her to the ground saying. "I will not repeat myself Doctor. Open this middle pod or I will find someone who will."

Shelia begrudgingly opened the pod and allowed the princess to step inside. Kira began wafting the air, then said. "Hmm . . . Something doesn't feel right." But before she could name it, the pod's doors slammed shut. Kira began beating on them yelling. "Open these doors doctor!"

"I-I uh can't?!"

"Someone's hacked the control panel! They're interfering with the pod's interface!"

The escape pod began rocking violently, then began filling with smoke. "What is the meaning of this Doctor!?"

"Uh . . . Whoever's doing this has reworked the pipes to filter the exhaust into the cabin. I think they're trying to kill you by gas!" Kira furiously slashed at the door with Jericho, breaking bits and pieces away from the pod. Kira continued until the smoke stopped and the bay door's opened.

"GET OUT OF THERE!" Kira opened her mouth to respond, but it was already to late . . . The escape pod had already launched. Professor Waterblake watched as the pod hurtled forward in a strong arch, then suddenly fell from the sky, plummeting into the waters below.

"What a waste huh Doc?" Shelia turned around nervously and saw Shirlene and Jeeve standing with crossed arms besides each other.


"Simple Doc. Gave my boy over here a call and he came . . . Although he didn't do much . . ."

"HEY! I honestly don't know why you didn't escape earlier, I feel like you could've escaped easily."

"Yea I could've, but it would've been nice to have been saved for once." Professor Waterblake sighed, then slid to the floor defeated. "Everything is ruined! I'll never finish what I started!"

"What's ruined?"

"Project Revert! It would change your life!"

Shirlene rolled her eyes saying. "Yea I'm sure it would, now if you'll excuse me. I have four days worth of alcohol to consume."

"Wait Shirl. Maybe we should help her."

"What!? Give me one good reason I should help her! She's the reason I can't get four days of life back!"

"Can you just trust me?"

"This is gonna end badly, but . . . I guess I haven't had my fill of trouble."

Chapter 9: Three’s a Crowd

" . . . How could I have let this happen to you kid?" Shirlene sat at the edge of Jeeve's bed, with her head hung low. Her human companion had fallen gravely ill, leaving her to wonder where it had all gone wrong. . . But the rabbit knew. "She got ya...

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Chapter 7: All Aboard The Crazy Train

_He back here again . . ._ **_with her_** _. He ran though the jungle, making sure to avoid the traps he got caught in last time. Jeeve sprinted like a madman, ducking and dashing through the foliage, trying not to be caught by her again. He saw a...

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Chapter 6: Lynching the Lagomorph

I'd like to dedicate this chapter another fellow writer who's a pretty cool dude. Shadow Lion . . . This chapter is for you! So please enjoy! "Kid it's 7:14am and there's no breakfast! What's the hold up?" "Sorry Shirl. I'm just going through my...

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