Pierro's Space Escapades p.1

Story by TheNeutralOoze on SoFurry

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#1 of Pierro's Space Adventures

My first story on here, so excited for some feedback!

This is a story based off of Pierro a space adventurer that bounces around from place to place, exploring the galaxy. This universe has psychics, space travel, and tons more so let me know if you want to read more. <3

Edit: Noticed a lot of issues with the first upload and added some new content.

Pierro, an ivory white furred terrier, was working diligently at his desk, typing away at his terminal, when he heard the distinct shout of the Empress Ursir. "Pierro, get in here!" The loud feminine voice tore across the small office as Pierro's coworkers turned to stare at him. His ears folded back and a rosy blush formed as the canine stood and moved toward the office at the other end of the room. Peaking in Pierro could see Ursir, a frown across her crimson face and her yellow eyes narrowed at the avian sitting across from her. The bird was Caeso, a crow with iridescent white feathers, who sat with his head bowed and his eyes pointed down and away toward the wall.

"Took you long enough," Ursir said, directing him to the chair next to Caeso. Pierro lowered himself into the seat as Caeso looked over and grinned at the canine. The terrier responded with a soft leer and looked to the stern woman, the black tattoos on her face following the sharp curvature of her face. "I have an assignment for the two of you, if you think you can pull yourself away from your paperwork for more than ten minutes." The Empress sounded like she was joking but her harsh demeaner led Pierro and Caeso to remain awkwardly silent until she continued. "One of the leading robotics engineers in the galaxy is being brought here to visit and I want the two of you to escort her around the station, show her a good time and bring her back here when you're done. Caeso I want you on this because you're a strong telepath and you I've been told you are 'fun'." She used air quotes as she flat-faced explained. "Pierro, your assigned to keep things under control, I don't need to deal with my future employee getting black-out drunk with my current employees. Let alone the property damage we had to deal with last time Caeso got drunk and disorderly." Ursir squinted at the crow who bowed his head again, Pierro could even see a little blush across his face.

"You're dismissed, she'll be arriving at the spaceport in two hours, be there or there will be consequences." The tendril haired woman waved her hand dismissing Caeso and Pierro turning to resume her work. Caeso stood and left first, followed suit by Pierro as the two walked back out of the office in silence until reaching the elevator at the other end of the room. "So, Pierro, what do you think we go back and have some fun before we have to get ready." The crow said, running his hands against Pierro's leg sending a shiver up the canine's spine, he felt a pulse in his groin as the crow's hand left his thigh. "N-no we've got to focus, Caeso, we can't screw around with this or Ursir will have our heads in a vice before the end of the week!" He swatted the playful hand away before Caeso could continue his prodding.

The elevator doors slid open and the two slipped out, dashing through the building and out into the stations open air. Walking down the street the pair made their way to the dormitories that most of Ursir's lower ranking employees stayed, a squat building split into two floors, one for the men and one for the woman.

Splitting up Pierro, slipped into his small quarters and grabbed his shower supplies a making his way to the communal bathroom. He slipped out of his dirty work uniform, starting with his navy polo, then his pleated white pants and finally slipped a pair of red boxer briefs with black stitching over his sheath and tossing it all in a mesh bag for cleaning. He stepped into the shower stall letting the warm water cascade over his slender body and slathering a thick lather of shampoo through his fur starting with his chest and moving south spending a good bit lathering his bits and crevice thoroughly.

Pierro, dried off wrapping the damp towel around his waist and walking down the hall to his quarters dressing in a comfortable pair of pawprint boxer briefs. The canine made sure to strap on a small, easy to reach, and hidden holster and slid a small mag pistol inside, just in case. He slipped on a pair of simple black slacks, tucking a blue button down into the waist, a white tie over his collar and wrapping the whole top in a black vest. Pierro then turned to leave to see his tall crow friend standing in the doorway dressed in a horizontally striped red V-neck, and jeans, a smirk forming across his beaked face. "Think you might be a little over-dressed, pup?" Pierro rolled his eyes at the corvus before stepping into a pair of black boots lacing them to the top and tying a neat bow to the top. "Think you're a little under-dressed?" Pierro replied flatly.

"We're meeting Lydia Green, she seems pretty chill to me?" Caeso threw himself on Pierro's bed continuing, "Have you seen any reports on her? I read that she's laidback, showing up to her last gala in sweatpants and a t-shirt." Pierro finally adjusted his tie before standing from the bed, a slight tug on the back of his vest making him turn to look back at Caeso. "Alright really, how'd you get your shirt off so quickly?" The crow laid back, hands beneath his head and his shirt cast aside as he relaxed on the bed. "What can I say, I'm a master!"

"Alright, Master Stripper, put your shirt back on we've got to get going." Pierro said tossing the shirt over the smug bird's beak. "Oh! You're no fun!" Caeso grumbled, slightly muffled by the cotton shirt. The two piled out of the little room as Pierro dialed into his Comm-pad for an escort.

Stepping out of the dorm Pierro and Caeso piled into a luxury grav car, the latest in Horizon's line of street vehicles, Pierro behind the wheel and Caeso in the passenger. They drove across the station to the immediate edge and pulled into the space-port. Caeso slid out of the vehicle, Pierro give his butt a soft pinch making him yelp, and held up a Holo-sign reading "Lydia" across the front. The two waited in-front of the space-port, many travelers passing by them, until Caeso was finally approached by a younger looking human woman, early-thirties, with curly burgundy hair under a bowler hat adorned with goggles and gorgeous blue plumage. "Lydia Bloom," she held out her small hand toward the corvus who shook of his surprise and shook her hand firmly. "splendid to make your acquaintance, and may I ask your name?" She smiled warmly, speaking softly as she looked Caeso in the eyes. "Uh- I'm Caeso and your driver in Piag-, I mean Pierro." The Corvus stumbled over his words still a little shocked at the human being a rare sight in this galaxy and even rarer to meet one in person.

Caeso helped the you lady into the vehicle, circling the car to sit opposite her. The car ride was silent, as Caeso's discomfort showed, until Pierro broke the silence. "So, Miss Bloom, how are you enjoying the Legion's services so far? Have we been treating you well, any issues so far?"

"So far everything has been wonderful, everyone I have been grouped with so far are sympathetic and delightful providing me with everything I needed." Lydia responded, smiling into the rear-view mirror. "You can call me Lydia by the way, I actually prefer it." Pierro smiled back at her. "Alright Lydia, as my quiet friend there would normally tell you, the plan for this evening is dinner at one of the best restaurants on the station and then a tour of some of the station's landmarks and your office rounded out with us dropping you off at your hotel." Lydia nodded as the canine spoke following up, "That sounds great but instead do you think we could just relax a bit? I've done steak, and lobster, and so much quality food but you know I could really just go for crap right now." Caeso shot up at the mention of crap and interjected. "Ooh, that sounds great, what were you thinking?"

"How about crappy burgers from the Burger Shack and then hit a dive bar for Happy Hour?" Lydia turned and the two began chattering excited back and forth. "Screw Burger Shack, have you ever been to Shake and Bake, best fries on in the system!" Caeso said, eyes wide as a little giggled escaped his beak. "Do they actually have milkshakes?"

"Of course, and they're awesome."

"How are the burgers?"

"Oh, they have this great signature burger they bake with cheese stuffed into the hamburger!"

The two excitedly chattered as Pierro pulled the, out of place, luxury car into the Shake and Bake parking lot. He slipped out first, taking his place and opening Lydia's door for her and offering his hand for support. Once the three were out of the vehicle they made their way inside, and standing behind the counter Caeso piped in. "No, no. Allow me to order, I promise both of you will be pleasantly surprised!" Pierro and Lydia stepped aside and let the excited Corvus order for them as they were seated in one of the nearby, cheap plastic booths. Caeso slid in next to Pierro glancing at him before sliding his hand over the dog's, shades of pink immediately appeared across the canine's face. Lydia stared at the two before finally breaking the silence. "Are you two, a thing?" Both of them blushed deeply as their hands slid apart and Caeso said. "No! At least not in the normal sense of the word. You see-... well-... I think are foods ready, one sec." The corvus moved faster than Pierro had ever seen, hopping up and dashing off toward the counter. Lydia's attention was now fully on Pierro who awkwardly broke out. "We're very casual. The two of us are close friends but not entirely... romantic, we just..." The dog trailed off. "Have sex." Lydia finished for him, Pierro didn't think he could get any redder if he was dying. "It's quite okay, you just make such a cute couple that I thought," She was cut off as a tray smacked onto the table, thank the stars for Caeso.

The three scarfed down their food quickly and mostly quietly as Lydia tried to simplify her theories on Perfect Artificial Intelligence and her thesis for a dwarf star powered robot but she trailed off when the two started to stagger and drift. After the food was eaten the three walked outside, Lydia nursing a chocolate milkshake in one hand. As they neared the car Pierro noticed a sketchy looking figure leaning against their car. "Hey, you guys hold up, I want to check this out, give me a sec."

Pierro moved toward the car, one hand on his mag pistol, as the other two watched from a few feet away. "Hello? Can I help you?" The figure was suddenly illuminated by a cars headlights driving past, a brown furred monkey with a vertical scar running down his cheek. "Yeah, ya can give me all ya credits and the keys to this car before I shoot you and take em for m'self." The monkey said swinging a revolver from his coat. "Alright sir, I want you to walk away before you make a big mistake. I am a serving member of the Empress's Legion and..." a shot rang out as the monkey led at a round, firing far left of Pierro. The dog lunged forward grabbing the head of the small pistol and pointing it to the floor as the robber let off another shot. Twisting the monkey's spindly arm Pierro ripped the pistol from his hands before the robber responded with a knee to the canine's stomach. Pierro recoiled as his guts lurched but swiftly responded by punching the man square in the nose with the butt of the revolver, knocking him to the ground unconscious. Pierro turned back to his friends where he was greeted by the warm embrace of Caeso who squealed into the dog's ear. "That was badass dude! You were liking a freaking hero!" Then the bird brought his voice down to a whisper. "Also, that was kind of hot and I'm rock hard right now." They broke the embrace as Lydia joined them, the three waited for the police to arrive, who swiftly did, taking the mugger away.

"Alright, I don't know about you boys but I need a drink." Lydia said, opening the car door and flopping inside. "I know a good bar just a few blocks from the hotel and the dorms if you want to drink to Pierro." Caeso said sitting across from Lydia in the back of the luxury car. "Why am I not surprised." Pierro started the car and drove to the bar, The Forget-Me-Not, where the three had a splendid time. Caeso and Lydia shared fruity cocktails while Pierro sipped on a couple whiskeys on the rocks. When the three were done drinking, or the bar kicked them out, Pierro couldn't remember which, the two led Lydia the short walk to her apartment and dropped her in her luxury room on a gorgeous plush bed and dropped her things in the entry way.

Pierro walked with Caeso back to the dorm, both a bit soberer, through the artificially chilled air. "Man, that was great, Lydia is so cool!" The crow shouted, swaying to-and-fro as the two walked down the street. "Sure, was buddy, let's get you home." Pierro said, loosening his tie as the two walked. "Yeah we need to get back so we can continue where we left off earlier." The crow leaned close running his fingers through Pierro's neck fur and untucking the canine's shirt. Pierro sped up a bit, trying to avoid Caeso's urge to strip him right there on the street. By the time they reached the dormitory Caeso had already stripped out of his shirt and had unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.

Pierro pulled the crow into his room shutting the door as Caeso ran his hands up Pierro's smooth shirt, unbuttoning the silk top and tossing it to the floor. The corvid pushed Pierro onto his bed before squatting to his knees and removing the dog's pants. "Ooh, the paw patterns, my favorite." Caeso said, nuzzling the dogs bulge with his beak softly, pinching it softly through the light fabric. Pierro felt his sheath plump up at the crows prodding, the tip of his cock poking from his sheath. Caeso hooked his fingers into the canine's underwear tugging them over his soft rump, Pierro lifting his hips to help. Pierro's exposed sheath made the canine blush a bit, and Caeso took the opportunity to rub, squeeze and tease the dogs sheath and playing with his plumps balls making the canine moan with pleasure. "Now look who's overdressed." Pierro teased, grabbing Caeso's pants and hooking his thumbs into them and the elastic of the bird's underwear, tugging both off in one swift motion. The bird's bouncing humanoid boner bouncing free. Caeso moaned out as his member was freed squirting a bit of pre-cum onto the canine's chest. As Pierro toyed with the bird's uncut member he felt a wave of pleasure enter his body, the corvus finally overwhelmed to the point he couldn't control his telepathy. The waves of psychic energy were explosive, intensifying both of their pleasures.

Caeso pushed Pierro back onto the bed as he continued fondling the dog's cock bringing it to full hardness and his knot popping free from his sheath. Grabbing his swollen member Caeso began slicking the canine with cleverly stashed lube, his hands slicking the dog's dick and his tailhole before positioning himself over Pierro. The avian dropping onto Pierro, the canine whining at the sudden warm and moist tunnel wrapping around his cock. Waves of ecstasy slamming into the dog from Caeso's uncontrolled telepathic power, pouring on more pleasure doubling the dog's lust and desire. Pierro humped up into the bird's welcoming warm embrace, pushing the rest of him into Caeso until his knot burst into the crow's ass. Pierro let out a deep moan, almost a growl, as he shot thick ropes of cum into the white bird's rump who moments later shot his load all over the dog's muzzle and chest. The two breathed deep sighs of relief as Caeso collapsed on the canine's chest, both drifting into a deep sleep listening to the peaceful breaths from one-and-other.