Spin the Bottle 2-3 - Hallaly lands on Stacy

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#12 of Spin the Bottle

Ardonis and Halally had so much fun their first time to the sorority party they decided they should go back next week. And it just so happened that they received another invitation to do just that. This time however, Halally was going to be the one to spin. And it also just so happened that the rather affectionate vixen she encountered last time was present once more. Kinky hijinks ensue as per the norm.

This was a YCH story for Ardonis of him and his mate.

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The weather had decided to remain quite chilly, dipping lower at night with not much relief during the day. Frost had begun to form on the ground each night, giving the world an almost ethereal glossy texture in the morning. It made dressing a bit of a challenge for the wolf and cat. It had been a full week since they had participated in the game of 'Spin the Bottle' that resulted in them both being heavy with their second litter each. They hadn't expected to go that route so soon. With the weather so crisp and cold, they needed to pull out the maternity wear from storage. So much of it needed to be laundered to bring it back to life, but a couple of large, stretchy sweaters did the job well enough.

After how much they had enjoyed their time at last week's party, Ardonis and Halally practically jumped at the chance to go back. The invitation arrived and they immediately replied with their interest. This time however, Halally wanted a turn to play predator. Ardonis wasn't about to stand in her way.

The happy couple, both of them swollen about the middle with their litters, waddled down the sidewalk towards the sorority house run by the rather take-charge feline, Tiffany. They were greeted with the same warmth as last week and shown in. While waiting for the game to start, they both took a seat on a couch, pressing against one another.

"Well hello there! I was hoping I'd get to see you again!" a vixen called out to the couple.

She was dressed in the school's cheerleader uniform, the variant meant for warmer weather. It left little to the imagination, either because it was designed to on purpose, or because the vixen had simply opted for a top that looked a size or two smaller than what she needed. It made her chest difficult to miss. She likely made excellent use of that fact.

Halally smiled up at the fox standing before them, recognizing her from last week.

"Well hello Miss Stacy. We were hoping we'd see you here too. Did you have fun after we left last week?" the cream and red feline offered the vixen a knowing wink.

"Oh I had fun. Not as much as I think I could have had with you two, but I had fun. Are either of you signed up to spin tonight?" Stacy looked between the wolf and cat.

"Halally's taking a crack at it this week. I thought I'd let her enjoy what I got to try last time. I'll be sitting in for her to land on, if that happens. If she doesn't land on me, then I'll sit out the rest of it so I can make sure I get to help her enjoy whatever happens." Ardonis replied.

"Oooh, turning the tables! I like it! Well, if you don't mind, I think I'll sit in too. I'd love to get picked and gobbled up by a beautiful kitty like you." Stacy dropped down on the couch, leaning in against Halally's side, even pressing her lips to the cat's cheek.

"Just don't get too upset, the both of you, if it doesn't land on either of you. I know the bottle seems to have some sort of miraculous luck about it, but it's still a bit of a long shot." the curiously colored cat purred, leaning into the vixen's attention.

Paws roamed over the feline's chest, fondling her gently, which Halally welcomed quite happily. As the exploring digits moved lower, Stacy noticed the curve of the lady's tummy, feeling as if she could have swallowed a soccer ball. The vixen's eyes darted down to the dome instantly and she stared at it in wonder.

"Wait, are you pregnant!?" she fought to keep from shouting, just in case it wasn't something either of the couple wanted to broadcast to the room.

Halally nodded and slipped an arm around the vixen, giving her a squeeze to pull her in close.

"You bet we are. It's our second litter. The both of us." the feline reached over with her free paw and pressed the palm against the dark lupine's similarly swollen stomach.

Stacy blushed powerfully as she noticed Ardonis' belly. She reached across Halally and cupped a palm against it. It felt just as firm and heavy as the lady's.

"Wait, you're pregnant too!? That's so cute!" the vixen giggled.

She wasn't able to appreciate the wolf's middle for long. Halally wasn't interested in sharing at the moment, pulling Stacy back so she could focus entirely on her.

"It really is. And the bigger he gets, the cuter he gets. Now, why don't we pick up where we left off last week before I got picked to dive down my husband's dick?" the gravid feline purred smoothly.

The fox had no problem whatsoever in resuming where they left off. She grinned and turned, then shifted to straddle the cat's lap. She leaned in and kissed Halally without any warning. The act caught the feline off guard, but she simply played right along. Her arms draped around the amorous fox, tugging her close as they locked lips together. The curve of the pregnant lady's belly did make for a slightly awkward posture, but Stacy was clearly experienced in working around a swollen tummy.

Ardonis watched, unable to help but grin as he watched the two ladies throw themselves at one another. He slipped a paw into the waist of his pants and began massaging his already swelling sheath. There wasn't much more he could do to join in at the moment, not without spoiling the fun that was to come. There was no point in wearing anyone out just yet. That would come in due time. And it would seem that 'in due time' was sooner rather than later.

The tabby who stood as head of the household stepped into the middle of the living room, tapping the side of the famous glass bottle with a knife. She was careful not to strike too hard, but still managed to garner the attention of the crowd. The room fell quiet to let her speak.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm happy to see you all back here again. Since it would seem all of those who RSVP'd have arrived, we'll go ahead and get started. As always, house rules stand, I expect decorum and civility. If you did not get an invitation, then you are not going to get a chance to spin. If you would like a chance to next week, speak to me later tonight and we'll see about trying to work you in next time." Tiffany said.

The bottle was placed on the rug as the first to spin readied himself. The turn passed quickly enough, much to everyone's enthusiasm as always. Two more predators got their turns, one of them being a smallish wolf by the name of Shane. He ended up landing on a rather excitable squirrel in the same uniform as Stacy. When he emerged with a huge, swollen belly and a near pained expression on his face, he was attended by a tall, rather attractive rabbit wearing the same cheerleader's uniform. She showed him to a couch across the room where he could relax and let his stomach settle. The vixen giggled as she watched.

"Oh Rebecca didn't get picked. I'll bet she's a little put out by that. She's been trying to get Shane to gobble her up lately. She even signed him up tonight." Stacy explained.

"I'm sure she'll get her chance. But don't get distracted now, honey. We've still got our round coming up." Halally grinned.

"That's three down. Now for number four. Would Miss Halally please come to the circle." Tiffany announced.

The gravid cat and her vulpine companion both squealed with delight. Ardonis simply chuckled. All three stood, two of them taking their time to get to their paws due to their additional burden. The trio made their way to the circle in question and sat down. Without wasting another moment, Stacy was back on Halally, letting a paw roam over the motherly swell of Halally's stomach, then drift lower to squeeze the ridiculous bulge in the lady's skirt. There was more there than she had expected, which puzzled her, but she didn't make a fuss over it. Surely she'd find out the reason later.

The oddly colored cat managed to pry the fox off her just long enough to take the bottle from Tiffany as requested. She did rather like the attention between her legs, though. That was permitted to continue while she spun. With a strong flick of the wrist, the bottle was set to twirling. It moved across the rug, unable to sit still for the duration of the spin, gradually slowing as the fibers dragged on the smooth bottle. All eyes were on the dark green vessel as it approached the end of its little ritual. When at last it finally came to a halt, the open end had come to a stop pointed at the very cheerleader clinging to the feline.

Stacy bounced in her seat as she squealed with delight once more. She wrapped her arms around Halally gleefully as the audience cheered. Ardonis smiled, feeling a little disappointed that he didn't get picked, but at least he would be able to enjoy the sight of his beloved swollen with the vixen's rather lovely form, wherever it was to be inserted.

The two ladies were helped to their feet and ushered to the closet. When the door finally closed behind them, Stacy tugged her cheerleader uniform top up and over her head as if it was trying to strangle her. She had not bothered to wear a bra underneath. It left her nude from the waist up as she pressed in against Halally again, muzzle seeking out muzzle, arms entwining in a passionate embrace. This was not meant to be romantic. This was feral lust driving the vixen and her feline partner.

The cheerleader was insatiable, but then Halally wasn't exactly one to restrain herself given the opportunity. They only broke the kiss for brief instances so they could pause to surface for a breath, then dove back in. The vixen had thought the feline was alluring before, but now she possessed a rather prominent belly that was direct proof of her promiscuity. That only served to make the fire between her legs burn all the brighter.

After several moments, Halally forced herself to pull back, though she was clearly fighting the urge to continue kissing the ravishing lady in her arms.

"We probably should get you tucked away soon. Can't disappoint the room, can we?" she chuckled.

"No, we can't." Stacy agreed.

The vixen then dropped down onto her knees. She pressed her nose to the feline's stomach, giving the gravid dome a firm, loving kiss. Then, she dropped lower. A pair of paws flipped up the feline's skirt, finding a pair of panties straining beyond their designed limit to hold back the beyond generous swells the lady had been blessed with. Now that she could actually see what she was working with, she understood why she had found more than she had expected.

Not only was Halally in possession of a very impressive member, she also carried a sac large enough to house a pair of watermelons. Two pairs in fact. The feline had four hanging between her legs, leaving most people who had seen them to wonder how she could walk. Stacy took the discovery in stride, thinking of it as just more for her to enjoy. The vixen's lips began roaming over the various bulges she found, even taking the time to drag her tongue across the hot, tender flesh. Halally tilted her head back and sighed happily as she felt the vixen's head dive under the hem of her skirt. This was precisely why she had opted to wear leggings rather than actual pants. Ease of access was important in situations like this. And Stacy was making good use of it.

All the attention to the feline's distended, audibly sloshing sac brought forth a gentle drooling from the lady's throbbing shaft. It began press up against the fabric of her skirt, starting to darken the garment with its moisture. Stacy didn't let that last too long. Her lips sought out the generous rod and latched onto the head with great zeal. She suckled strongly, tracing her tongue across surface again and again, moving in a swirling pattern that left the cat moaning in delight.

A paw pressed against the back of Stacy's head through the lady's skirt, encouraging her to continue on. And the vixen wasn't about to disappoint. She opened her jaws and pushed forward, waiting not even a moment's hesitation before cramming the whole of the stiffening length into her maw, even down her throat. The hot, moist environment of the cheerleader's interior left Halally trembling just ever so softly. She had not expected to be so close so soon. It must have been all the anticipation and foreplay out on the floor. The minute Stacy's head started to bob, the red and off-white cat yowled softly, rocking her hips forward to join in on the effort.

The fox was clearly no stranger to such service, twisting her head this way and that to make her lover cry out. The feline's voice could be hear just beyond the door, encouraging the crowd to egg the pair on. They couldn't see what was happening, but they knew it had to be good. The fact that everyone out there could guess what might be happening made the act that much naughtier. Teeth grazed harmlessly across the cat's member as the vixen began to massage the four melon-sized orbs the skirt she was under did little to conceal. As soon as she did that, Halally gripped Stacy's head with both hands and bucked forward firmly.

The act sank the feline's shaft as deep into the girl's throat as could be mustered just as she yowled again, this time spilling her seed. A hearty gush flowed like a garden hose turned on full, pouring down Stacy's gullet in thick, heavy pulses. The instant she realized what was happening, the vixen squeezed in as tightly against the feline's crotch as she could manage, even slipping a paw around behind the gloriously huge sac she was practically hugging. She found the well-endowed lady's nethers and gave them a tender stroke, even daring to part those lips and slip a finger within.

Halally lifted one of her legs as she dumped buckets of her cream into the vixen's belly, gasping as her nethers were teased and stroked. Below, Stacy's stomach grew visibly, swelling with every drop of seed she was given. She wanted everything the feline could give and then some. The paws squeezing on the back of her head to keep her mashed in against the fragrant, warm groin were quite welcome.

Slowly, the gravid cat managed to drift back down off the climax. She stroked along the vixen's head gently, not letting her with draw from under her skit. She loved the idea of someone just stuck there, constantly tending to her. But then that wasn't what was to happen this time. There was another reason to leave Stacy there.

When it was clear she was allowed to, the vixen pulled back oh so slowly along her lover's shaft, sucking and licking strongly to make sure any mess that might have been made was cleaned up. She dragged her teeth across the flesh again, not looking to harm, but merely to tease. Her paws moved from Halally's groin to her own stomach, feeling over the heavy, yielding dome she now carried. She had to be as big as the cat, maybe bigger, by now. Her belly possessed an unearthly warmth that she simply could not get enough of, constantly exploring the shape and softness.

"Mmm, that's a good girl. You do that often enough and I might have to keep you around for when Ardonis isn't in the mood," Halally snickered, "Like that's ever a thing."

"It's a generous offer, but I'm sort of spoken for. I'm sure Rebecca wouldn't mind loaning me out from time to time, but anything more than a couple of days and you'll have to negotiate with her." Stacy replied in between moments of quiet, still kissing and doting on the feline's length.

"You'll have to introduce me sometime. I'd like to meet her. But for now, I think we should get you where you belong." Halally grinned, pressing against the back of the vixen's head again.

The cheerleader moaned softly as she was pushed about, her nose bumping against the end of the feline's sizable rod she had just gotten to know. It yawned opened before her, impossible to see in the darkness under the skirt. The powerful scent of male essence flooded her nostrils and Stacy's eyes rolled back in her head. Her form went limp as the very idea of what was to happen washed over her like a wave. A stout 'gulp' dragged her head in completely, bulging the cat's shaft out enormously.

A lewd, wet slurping noise filled the closet as the mother-to-be slowly devoured her vulpine companion, hissing happily and sighing in satisfaction. She reached Stacy's shoulders easily enough, massaging the sides of her member as it deformed to take the lady's shape. Inch after inch glided in without difficulty. When she felt the vixen's chest enter, Halally slipped her hands down to cup along the underside of her engorged rod, massaging the ample breasts stretching her out. The attention made the girl sliding into her wriggle happily.

Next came the warm, sloshing tummy they had worked so quickly to give the fox. It gave easily enough, compressing under the insistence of the feline's rod. It left Halally almost cross-eyed, thinking just how wonderful it might feel to do this with Ardonis in a few months. He'd be bigger and his belly wouldn't give. He'd give her an even better stretch. A moan from between her legs caught her attention, making her realize she'd reached Stacy's waist. She could feel the vixen's paws trying to work on removing the lower portion of her uniform. Halally grit her teeth and commanded her member to jerk. It tensed powerfully, slurping the fox in past her hips, uniform and all.

The musky, sticky chamber that had emptied itself into the fox was being refilled, and by the very creature it had dumped its contents into. The feline's scrotum bulged heavily, stretching and sagging downward, ripping the lady's panties. She didn't care. She had more at home. Or she could simply go without. She simply wanted the fox inside her. Now.

The door opened once time was up, revealing a pair of legs sliding down into the red and off-white cat's shaft. Halally had lifted them upward, hugging them to her chest as she commanded her shaft to swallow again. A new cheer filled the room as everyone watched. The people loved it when it took just a little too long to finish someone off and they got a view like this. A pregnant woman devouring another girl with her greedy member was something of a rarity though, so it was doubly appreciated.

Halally moaned and huffed as Stacy slipped quickly downward into her waiting sac. The lewd, wet sucking sound grew louder as it reached the end, tugging the vixen's stocking-covered legs and paws in at last. With one last sigh of satisfaction, the feline's shaft bobbed back down out of her arms, still stiff and now aching for release once more. Her skirt hung down on either side, unable to cover the thing, or the giant, bloated scrotum wriggling between her legs. From time to time, a hand print could be seen in Halally's sac, pushing out as Stacy turned about, trying to get comfortable.

Ardonis approached with a huge grin. He slipped an arm around his beloved and guided her out of the closet, reaching down to stroke the vast bulge between his wife's legs.

"I'm amazed you're still standing. Looks like you had fun in there." he mused.

"You bet your ass I did! God that felt great! It's been ages!" Halally moaned as she waddled towards the couch they had been sitting on earlier.

"It was only last month you stuffed me in." the wolf laughed.

"That's too long!" Halally breathed out in a moan.

The dark wolf sat his wife down on the sofa and then sat down with her, squeezing in against her side, making sure their two expecting tummies bumped against one another. He ran a paw along the lady's throbbing shaft, not caring that he was getting clear oozing stickiness smeared across his fingers. He wanted to bring the lady to climax at least once. And he didn't care that it was in public.

It didn't take much effort, but Halally did squeeze at the base of her length with both hands as it came to pass. She arched her back and cried out as her staff bucked, loosing a sizable glob of white, then another and another. She wasn't about to let Stacy come shooting back out. Not yet. But she needed the release. And it served another lovely purpose. In the midst of such a copious deluge, a few solid items escaped, landing on the floor with a wet splat. Stacy's skirt, stockings, and panties, completely socked in the cat's creamy essence, lay in a heap between Halally's paws.

The red and cream-colored lady reclined again, out of breath but satisfied, even as her scrotum churned and wobbled with its 'meal'.

"Mmm, that's better. Thanks honey." the feline said.

It wasn't clear if she was talking to Ardonis or Stacy, so they both took it to mean them. The wolf leaned in and kissed Halally firmly while the vixen below stretched out as best she could, mashing her lips against the fleshy walls keeping her prisoner. The sight of the sticky clothing on the floor, as well as the act of witnessing them coming from the feline's rod, stirred something in the crowd, making them cheer yet again.

There was going to be talk of this little display for weeks, possibly months to come. For now though, Halally just wanted to catch her breath. And soak up all the lovely squirms between her legs. She wasn't going to go again, and Ardonis was sitting out the rest of the rounds to tend to his beloved, as well as their new friend.

The rest of the night went by in something of a blur. Halally had a difficult time focusing, thanks in large part to the two constantly teasing and stimulating her. Ardonis had pulled her into his lap so he could let her sit on his own generous bulge, able to feel the moisture of her quivering folds soak down through is pants. Stacy meanwhile had demonstrated a marathoner's endurance, not yielding in her squirms for one moment the entire time. When at last the party came to a close, the pregnant couple took their leave. Ardonis had no one to support him as he carried Halally home in his sac last week. Halally had the support of someone this time.

The wolf let her lean on him heavily as they made their way back to their home. They had forgotten to collect Stacy's clothes for when she was to head back to her dorm, but that was a small matter. Tiffany no doubt was used to having the clothes of prey laundered and sent on to whoever had consumed them. Sometimes it was just a matter of practicality. Sometimes it served as something of a trophy for the lucky one who got to devour them.

Home saw the kids asleep already and the two expectant parents quickly made for the bedroom, casting off their own clothing along the way. In the walk back, the feline had regained a bit of her strength. She pushed her dark lupine lover onto his back on the bed, climbing up on top of him, belly to belly, kissing him with such ferocious lust that it quickly became clear what she wanted.

"I don't think I can keep her in there all night. She's moving around too much. I need to do something about it," Halally growled low in her throat, "Roll over."

Ardonis did as he was told. He had to wait for Halally to climb off of him to do it, but he obeyed. He was soon on all fours on the bed, his belly hanging down under him, his weighty sac sagging between his thighs. His rigid length bobbed away against his stomach as he looked over his shoulder. He saw his feline lover climb up on the bed behind him, one hand on her own curved tummy, the other gripping the base of her impressive length. He could guess what was to come, and relished it, anticipated it, even found himself on the verge of begging for it.

He didn't have to wait long.

Halally rocked her hips forward, aiming pretty well for someone who had a tummy to try and navigate around. A dark, warm, tight grasp surrounded her spire, making her coo gleefully. Ardonis yelped in surprise at the suddenness, but quickly relaxed into the intrusion. The lady had opted to aim for just under the wolf's tail, stretching his rump rather nicely. Before he could have too much of a chance to acclimate, she was pumping away.

The feline took hold of her husband's hips and thrust forcefully, grunting each time she slammed home into the wolf's rectum. Her sac, still squirming away quite strongly, could actually rest on the bed between Ardonis' paws. It meant she didn't have to carry the weight, but could still enjoy the wriggling mass between hir thighs. With the strain of lugging another person around taken off of her, she could put that strength into reaming her beloved. And ream she did.

The wolf bit back louder noises, even grabbing a pillow to shove his face into as he huffed, rocked about by the lady's efforts. His grip around the large intruder tightened each time she sank in up to the hilt. It left him aching, yearning for release. If she could just hold out long enough, he might make it. But she wasn't aiming to go slow. She was moving far too fast.

A cry of climax filled the room as Halally slammed her hips forward, hilting herself in the lupine's bowels. A torrent gushed forth into the wolf, then the lady's shaft swelled, stretching strongly as her occupant was ejected from her sac directly into her husband. Ardonis' stomach surged downward onto the bed, quickly pressing against the mattress with the added mass and weight. He was left breathless as he felt the vixen fire from his wife into him, and did so with incredible force.

In seconds, he felt her slide in under his tail, through his core, then suddenly, his throat began to bulge. His jaws were suddenly forced apart as the fox's head emerged. Stacy gasped, her face lightly coated in the white of the feline's release. The rest had the sheen of a thin film of drool from the canid's maw.

Halally sighed as she rest her burning legs. She stroked along her husband's sides, grinning as she noticed the heavy growth his middle had gained, as well as the lady's head sticking out of his mouth. The feline withdrew carefully, not wanting to jerk too hard and upset the poor, stuffed boy. The lupine's gaping rear pulsed and throbbed, slowly closing back up from the incredible lengths it had been forced to stretch. Ardonis himself was breathless, his eyes glazed over. It wasn't the first time they had done this, but it had been quite a while. And he was wondering why they didn't do it more often.

With careful, loving guidance, the oddly colored cat coaxed her lover to roll onto his back, then sit up so she could have a look at the pair of canids, one stuffed inside the other.

"Mmm, sorry. I guess I got a little rough on you, honey," she looked to the wolf, then to the fox in his jaws, "And how about you? Did you enjoy the ride?"

Stacy nodded tiredly, an exhausted smile on her muzzle.

"Yeah, that was great! Is he gonna cough me the rest of the way up? Or is he gonna gulp me back down?" the vixen asked.

"Well, I suppose that's up to him," Halally looked back to her husband, "Which is it, sweetie? Spit or swallow?"

Ardonis chuckled at the crude joke, hugging his hefty gut. It was at least three times as big as it had been earlier, and he could feel the lovely lady's figure trapped in his grasp. Something about that satisfied a deep, primal urge inside him. And he knew what would satisfy it further.

As if able to read his mind, Halally leaned in, pressing her lips to Stacy's one last time. She knew the fox wasn't coming out, but it was lovely getting to show her a little affection before she lost the chance. Ardonis curled his tongue up under the vixen's chin, forcing the two to break the kiss, before gulping loudly. He tugged the cheerleader's head back into his throat and sent her sliding back down into his sloshing, spunk-filled stomach. The kiss between the two ladies had quickly turned to a kiss between the married couple, and both wolf and cat deeply enjoyed it.

Halally wrapped her arms around the lupine, pressing into the affection as she forced him to lay down on his back. Ardonis' stomach stood proudly over him, pinning him in place. It shifted and squirmed weakly before finally dying down to a much more subtle level. The vixen wasn't about to let a predator go without enjoying a meal putting up a 'fight'.

The feline ran a paw over her husband's giant belly, appreciating the size and shape of it. She loved seeing him so full. She loved being that full herself too. And she knew that getting him this way had left him a little unfulfilled. Halally nestled in against her husband, her chest against his shoulder, nose pressed against his cheek. She slipped a paw down to the lower curve of his gut and found the still rigid spire there, painfully begging for relief. She gripped it and began stroking, slowly and steadily.

"Let's get you taken care of." she purred in his ear.

It didn't take much effort. With Stacy squirming about inside him, not to mention having taken a lightning tour of his insides from back to front, he was very much on edge. In moments, he groaned happily and painted the heavy gut white. Her work done, Halally lifted the paw to drape her arm across his chest, snuggling in against him comfortably.

"Mmm, maybe next time you'll be the one to fill me with someone sexy like that. I hope this Rebecca lady she was talking about doesn't mind us borrowing her for the weekend. I love seeing you like this." the cat said smoothly.

"It feels pretty wonderful. Thank you, dear." Ardonis replied.

The two fell quiet as they massaged the wolf's churning gut. Stacy may have been tired, but she didn't stop her struggles until after she heard the soft snores of sleep come from the lupine she was trapped inside. All three drifted off within a few minutes of each other, content with the state of things.

It was an interesting sorority, and an interesting game to say the least.