7th December

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#7 of Isolated Holidays

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This story is purely for entertainment purpose and does not reflect the opinion of the writer.

This story involves anthro furry animals and includes intercourse between furrs of different age including young age. For legal reasons all characters in this story are considered adult.

Please do not try this at home!

I decided on this story after the feedback I got for "Christmas in Snow Valley" I did 2 years ago. You will notice that this story has some kind of parallels, but a complete different storyline and kinks.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest, age difference etc.). If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly and check your account setting.

7th December

Maia slowly got used to the slow life in this town. Even though all the new experiences were very exciting and exhausting for her, life had a different pace here than in the hectic city she came from. Derick purposed to her a new adventure today. He wanted to show Maia the forest and the lake close to the village and he said the Rileys would also go with them. After the breakfast, Anthony and Len Riley came by to get Derick and Maia. She wondered why they all carried bags but did not pay it much mind. It was a rather warm day for December with around 15 degrees Celsius. There were very few clouds and the sun was working hard to make it comfortable for them. When they entered the forest, it got a bit colder and Maia pulled her warm robe a bit tighter around her, because she began to freeze a bit. Derick stepped next to her and put an arm around her shoulder and pressed her against his body to warm her. First Maia wanted to push him away, but when she felt the warms spreading from him to her, she let him be. Despite her embarrassment, she felt much warmer this way.

Derick knew a lot about the forest, as well as the Riley brothers. Maia was sure that the job of their parents had to do with it and she enjoyed getting told about the different types of trees, where the feral animals build their nests and burrows and the best path through the forest. Maia was sure that without them she would have been lost in the forest in no time. She closed her eyes and let Derick guide her through the silent forest. After closing her eyes, she noticed, that the forest was not as silent as she thought. It seemed to breathe very slowly. The rustles in the trees, the knacks of some branches on the ground under their feet or even of the moving branches high over their heads, the soft noises of paws rushing through the trees to flee them, possibly a shy feral animal, and the silent mumbling of a small river or something similar that seemed to flow somewhere in the forest build a concert of very soft noises that filled Maia's heart with warmth, peace and calm. There was no noise of a car or a plane or any other noises she was used from the city. Only the nature and the voices of her companions, that led her through the forest. Maia took a deep breath and sighed. It was just this perfect of a moment for her.

After an hour of walking they arrived at a lake and stopped at a massive wooden table with some banks next to it. Maia saw that this was a picnic place and now understood the bags. The boys pulled out sandwiches and shared them with her and soon they had a fun little lunch break and enjoyed the view on the lake. They rested for an hour after they ate to let their stomach do its work. Then Derick suddenly left the side of Maia, he had sat there for the last half hour, one arm around her shoulders and warming her up, and suddenly started to strip. "What are you doing?" Maia asked, as Anthony and Len also started to strip nude. "Swimming, what else?" replied Derick and sure enough, the moment he was nude, he ran towards the lake and jumped into it, closely followed by the wolf brothers. Maia was totally stunned. These boys seemed to feel no shame and the way they were doing it felt like they did it more often. "Come in here Maia." Shouted Derick. "The water is warm." Maia shook her head. She felt her blood rush into her head from seeing the boys in the nude. It was the first time she saw a boy without cloth. Even in her school she never had seen a boy changing. Sure, their sticks were in their pouch, but Maia could see their heavy orbs bounce every time they took a step and even though it felt super naughty to watch them, she could not help but to peek though the fingers of her paw, that she put in front of her face embarrassed, and observe them. Anthony had the biggest set of balls, then came Derick and the younger Len, even though being just 10, still had a nice package for his size. The boys did not push her to join them but played in the water very energetic. The swam and made a splash fight. Maia wondered how they could swim at this day. Sure, it was warmer than in the last days, but the water must be freezing. A bit curious, she went to the edge of the water and put off her shoes to dip a toe into the water. To her surprise it was nearly as warm as the air. It was not quite as warm as a bath, but it was also not uncomfortable. She understood now, why the boys did not care about the temperature. It seemed there was some warm current in the lake.

Maia went back to the picnic table and watched the boys from there. She would not get naked and bath with the boys. It may have been normal for them, but for her it was super embarrassing. One would not swim naked, even less when someone else was watching. It was embarrassing for the girl, that lived a very protected life so far, to see the boys in the nude, but she would have died from embarrassment to strip herself in front of them. So, Maia just sat there for half an hour, watching the boys and she found herself being drawn to the dangling balls of the three boys again every minute. Even if it was super embarrassing and she did not want to admit it herself, she was a bit curious about it.

When the boys got back, they pulled towels out of their bags and took their time to make sure their fur was as dry as possible. This gave Maia enough time to observe their male parts from a closer distance. She looked away, not wanting to show open interest, but from the corner of her eye she observed them nonetheless. She nearly yipped when she saw that a very small part of the red tip of Derick showed at his pouch while he was drying himself. She felt super embarrassed to eye his private parts but it intrigued her. She did not want to show open interest though and tried her best to not show that she watched them. She thought more than once that the boys were maybe even posing to her, because the time they dried their fur seemed to go very slowly and not come to an end.

"You should have joined us." Derick said and put his paw on her shoulder. Maia had been so deep in her thoughts while secretly eyeing his member, that now vanished in his pouch again, that she winced and looked into his eyes with panic. Did he possibly notice that she was checking him out? "You should get yourself dressed." She just replied and looked into the opposite direction to hide her embarrassment. "Why? Do you not like how I look?" he asked with a chuckle. Even though it sounded like a joke, Maia imagined that she heard a bit of disappointment in his voice. Finally the boys dressed up again and they all returned home. Derick explained Maia, that the water of the hot springs on top of the mountain was flowing down until it ended in the lake, which was why the water was always warm. It was not as warm as the hot springs, because a cold river also ended here and the water mixed. Their discussion went back to the forest around, the nature and the different feral animals that lived here, but Maia's thoughts still lingered around the view she had on the boys. This day had been very eventful for her but also very confusing.

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