The Chronicles of Err 1: Doing What is Right

Story by MilesAvius on SoFurry

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THIS IS THE PART NOBODY READS. I decided to put the all of my stories on hold....more than they already were. Mainly because I wasn't getting anywhere with them and I really wasn't pleased with how they were written. I fancy myself a writer when the mood strikes me, so in this story I decided to make it seem as though I was writing seriously and not just for...well let's just say my own gratification. I fully plan on making this a "novel" (100 pages at least), but take it with a grain of salt cause like Edgar Rice Burroughs I will probably be writing parts of it on my death bed. I had earlier posted a story titled The Souls of Err, but this is not the same thing. The Souls of Err is the story for a book I would like to write and have published whereas this is in the same universe, but it's going to contain yifferness.

Like a good writer, while I write this I do research to make sure it is accurate for the time period, so at the bottom will be the foot notes for all of the unfamiliar terms and fun trivia, though I did use some artists license at some points. And F.Y.I. I did start rewriting the Krystal story in much the same manner as this with a serious tone, but that was also pushed off to the side. I would like to thank the internet for providing me research information as well as free Latin dictionaries so that I could mangle the language.

This first chapter I mainly to set up the characters and the story, because I don't think that going from "Hi" to "Fuck me like a minx" in the span of a few minutes to be plausible. So you only get kissing in this chapter, but rest assured that almost anything that gets a name will be fucking something at some point in time.


Don't read this if you are underage because it's bad for you and me, but with this warning I should be in the clear. All characters and names herein are created and owned by me.


The earth gave way easily, as Miles slowly plowed his field in the hot, late-afternoon sun. He had been working his field since early that morning, hoping to have it finished before to long. As he toiled in the hot sun he thought to himself how much easier it would be for him if he could afford a farm hand. But he barely had enough to for himself and his few animals. He had Beth, his horse that he had taken care of since she was born when he was six. Besides using his brown mare for taking his harvest to market or just to get around she stayed in her paddock unless he needed her for a tough section of his field, seeing as he couldn't afford an ox to do it. The only other soul on the farm was a dog that looked like it had some grey wolf in its bloodline, so he thought it was only appropriate to call him Wolf. Though despite his namesake he just lazed about, he did guard the property when he felt up to it though.

"Excuse me. Are you the owner of this land?" a voice behind Miles startled him from his concentration on a particularly stubborn rock. Turning around he saw a soldier on horseback flying the colors of the local Duchy. Miles was acquainted with the Duke simply through association. His great grandfather had done some favor or another for the current Duke's great grandfather so his land was exempt from taxes. Not that it mattered much because he couldn't maintain all of it by himself.

Miles looked toward his dog who yawned at him. "Must be his off day." He muttered.

"What was that?" asked the soldier.

"Nothing I was just mumbling to myself. But to answer your question yes this is my land." Miles quickly responded. "Why do you want to know?"

"I have been sent out to all of the local farms to inform them that a Furtimian soldier has been spotted nearby. If you see it then ride as fast as you can to the nearest barracks and report it." With that the soldier turned and continued up the road. With the soldier gone Miles dismissed the warning and turned back to his task at hand.

Not three minutes later Wolf started barking. Without looking up from his work Miles said "You're a bit late on the draw there Wolf." It wasn't until he heard leaves crashing followed by a thud in the trees next to him did he realize that Wolf was barking for a different reason. Wielding his hoe like a weapon he slowly made his way to where the noise came from. As he reached the tree line he thought he could barely make out a body lying amidst the underbrush when a large cat pounced in front of him. And it was none to pleased to see him trying to take its meal. Just as it was about to pounce Wolf suddenly leapt from behind him and tackled the large feline.

Trusting that Wolf could hold his own Miles made for the body to see if the person was okay. But when his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the forest he realized that it wasn't a human but the Furtimian the soldier had warned him about. But it was practically dead. Blood oozed from cuts all over its body. Memories of hearing the tales about the race of cat people sprang to his mind. How they would steal misbehaving children and eat them. Or how they were blood crazed savages that practiced witchcraft. But seeing it there, slowly bleeding to death made Miles want to help it more than wish it more harm. He carefully started to lift it up when he was suddenly knocked to the ground. Quickly scrambling to his feet he found the large cat once more between him and the body. It wasn't trying to keep him from its prey it was protecting the person. Wolf soon joined him at his side with wounds on various places on his body. But he gave as well as he got as Miles noticed the wounds on the cat as well.

"I'm trying to help. Please let me-"The cat suddenly lunged, with claws outstretched, for Miles. He quickly fell to his back and kicked upwards, remembering the wrestling games he played as a child. The large feline was heavier than expected, so the move didn't have the desired effect, but he did manage to knock the wind out of it long enough to grab his hoe and bring it to bear. It was Wolf's turn as he jumped on the back of the beast. Hissing the cat tried desperately to dislodge the canine as Miles looked for an opening. After minutes of wrestling the cat had had enough, running to the nearest tree it struggled up a couple of feet and jumped out landing on its back and Wolf. Dazed the dog let go while the cat turned and stared down the human again. With all of its effort it ran forward and leapt at him. Reacting by instinct Miles brought the handle down on its head as hard as he could. By the grace the Divine he managed to knock it out, but not before one of its paws left three long gashes in his left forearm.

Pulling a piece of cloth he used to wipe his brow, Miles wrapped it around his arm, blood already seeping through and dripping to the ground. With some effort he again walked over to the Furtimian after making sure Wolf and the cat were alright, it may have wanted to kill him but it was only doing its job. Again he carefully rolled the person over, only to realize that it was a female. Shaking his head he lifted her over his shoulder and started the long trek over his field and to his house. Laying her down on his bed, he started tearing the cleanest blanket he could find into long strips and putting them in the boiling water he had planned to use for his dinner. While they boiled he began to carefully remove her leathers, while trying to not to focus on any one place to long, though he couldn't help but notice how her short golden fur covered her entire body, while covering her as best he could to preserve her modesty. Using the left over scraps of his blanket he first dressed the more severe wounds, he then concentrated on the lesser ones. Once he had finished he hung the boiled bandages out to dry in the sun as he made his way out to pick up her feline friend. Wolf wasn't very happy when he noticed that his master was helping out the same thing that just tried to kill them, but he kept quiet as Miles lifted the cat over his shoulders and brought it back to his room as well. Once there he dressed the few serious looking wounds on both the cat and Wolf.

Filling up the pot with water again, Miles started preparing his meal anew, but increasing the portion for his "guests". When it was finally finished he put it off to the side to simmer while he brought in the now dry bandages. Sitting down in his chair he carefully removed his impromptu bandage and started to clean his wound. He stifled several shouts during the process, but he eventually finished dressing his wound with little trouble. Wolf came over and barked at him, indicating he was hungry.

Feeling his own stomach growl he said "I think we should eat first, doesn't look like they'll be up for a while. Fixing two bowls of the thin stew Miles and Wolf ate in silence, Wolf not being the best conversationalist. Rinsing out the bowls Miles began to roll the bandages while Wolf eventually settled down on the pile of straw in the corner that served as his bed. Exhausted from the unfamiliar activities, Miles succumbed to his exhaustion halfway through rolling a bandage.

He awoke to a dull crash. First getting his bearings, he soon found that he was not in his own bed and that the noise came from his room. Wolf was already up and growling at the door. Thinking that maybe his patient must have woken up, Miles quickly opened the door to just as quickly be met by a blade to his throat. His patient was awake and seemed slightly upset with him. Wolf growled, but was soon quieted by Miles who thought the nice lady with the knife might not appreciate feeling threatened. Backing him up until he was once again seated in his chair the Furtimian finally lowered her blade, slightly.

"It's good to see-"Miles was silenced by her growl.

"Where am I and why should I not kill you Milonian?" She spat at him.

"Um well, you're in my house and you shouldn't kill me because I brought you and your friend there in and bandaged your wounds, I even made you food." He said indicating the large cat behind the "nice lady" and the pot next to the fire respectively.

"That just proves how much of a fool you are."

Taking on a serious look he said"Look I took you in and bandaged you and your friend over there against my better judgment. Me and Wolf here fought like hell to help you. I didn't even report what happened here despite the trouble it's caused me." Now indicating his wounded arm. "And your wearing my clothes. So if you think I'm a threat to you then go ahead and kill me, 'cause other than that I don't have a reason. I guess the stories are right though. You Furtimians are no better than dirty cutthroats."

"You watch your tongue or I wil-"she was suddenly cut off as she started to swoon.

"Dammit. You've lost too much blood you shouldn't even be out of bed yet." Miles said as he stood up to catch her. The cat by her side began to hiss at his actions.

"At ease Atra he's helping even though I but moments ago intended to kill him. I think we can trust this" she glanced at him."...fool." Laying her down in his bed once again he grabbed two more bowels of his stew and gave one to Atra and handed the other one to his guest.

"My name is Miles, what should I call you?"

"I am called Filia." she said pausing from taking a bite of the stew.

"If you don't mind my asking, why are you way out here?"

"I did not come here by choice. I was captured while hunting. I was being transported to be sold into slavery when Atra came to my rescue, but not before my captors had delighted in making me suffer." She said with a scowl.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I hope those bastards got what they deserved."

"Atra didn't make their deaths quick if that's what you're saying." She looked at the large black cat, who purred at her praise before returning to its own bowl of stew.

Seeing the first light of dawn come in through the shutter Miles said" It's morning now, so I have to go to work. You two stay here and rest up. Come get me if you need anything."

As she watched him go she still did not know what to think about him. His people were against anything that was different from them. How could he so easily have thrown away generations of hostility between their two races, much less after she had put a knife to his throat? Trying to figure this person out was giving her a headache, and the loss of blood wasn't helping. Putting her empty bowl to the side she settled down and was quickly asleep.

She awoke sometime later to the need to relieve herself, and judging by how much light was coming through the still closed shutter, she believed it to be sometime around noon. She quickly got out of the bed and made for the door. The rest of the house was well lit from the various windows that had been opened. She noticed that while the house was well maintained and clean for a male living by himself, there was also a lack of a chamber pot or a garderobe. The need to go was mounting and she couldn't remember the last time that she had gone. She poked her head outside and a quick scan found Miles working on the other side of the field. Covering the field as fast as she could go, she eventually got to where Miles was just finishing plowing his field.

"I have to answer natures call. Where do you go?" she asked.

Miles was stunned by her sudden appearance and distress on her face. "I just go where I stand most of the time. There's nobody around here except me, so I don't care about privacy. But other than that the woods over there I guess." He said pointing to the trees closest to his house.

She looked at the trees and thought about it. The need was too great she would never make it that far without getting herself dirty. Turning to Miles she said "Carry me!"

"What? I can't carry you that far in the time you clearly need to make it in. Just go here."

"I will not relieve myself out in the open, especially not in front of you. You may have gained my trust for now, but I certainly don't trust you that much."

"I'll turn around, how about that?"

"No, I already sai-"She stopped as she felt a little leak out.

"What's wrong?" He said after seeing her look.

"Nothing, just hurry up and get me to those trees."

"You can't hold it any longer, can you?"

"That is none of your business. Just do what I-"she was cut off as Miles reached down and yanked the pants to her ankles. "How dare you debase me in such a manner?" she fumed as he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her into a squatting position. Almost as soon as she was down her bladder released. She couldn't help but blush at how she must have looked. Her embarrassment turning to anger she looked at the man responsible, only to find him a few feet away, plowing his field with his back turned to her. "Just because you have your back turned doesn't mean that I forgive you." She shouted at his back.

Turning toward her, he looked her right in the eye. "For a "warrior" you sure do complain a lot. There is a time to be kind and there is a time to be serious. I have no dirty intentions with you. You're doing something natural and you seemed to be upset about it. So I just got rid of the problem. Now get back to bed before you do more harm to yourself with all of your moving around. I'll bring you something to use as a chamber pot when I get done out here."

Surprised by how foolish she had been acting and how Miles went from kind and sweet to straightforward and serious left Filia speechless as she pulled up her breeches and headed back to the house. She made her way back to bed, but she spent a long time thinking things over before she eventually slipped into a light slumber.

She awoke to the front door closing and Atra growling at her side. Miles slowly opened the bedroom door. Wolf at his side, with hackles raised in case the large cat decided to act foolish. "Atra still doesn't seem to enjoy my being near you." Miles said as he walked in holding a clay pot with a wide head that went into a somewhat smaller neck and then back out into a wide body.

"She still does not trust you, though I still haven't decided how far my trust for you goes either." Filia said with an icy stare.

Miles sighed "If it's about this afternoon, I am sorry, but I also believe what I did was right, though I guess I should have thought about your "needs" earlier.

Filia smiled "I have thought a lot after I came back from the field and you are right. I was acting foolishly and I am a guest in your house, even if our people do not have a friendly history, you did save my life at the risk of your own. And even now you are in danger of being caught and punished by your own people. So for now I have decided to trust you...a little."

Miles heart beat a little faster when he saw Filia smile for the first time. She seemed so radiant. Quickly recovering his composure he said "Well if you think you're up for it we can head to the river for a quick bath. I didn't get to take one last night for obvious reasons, so I probably don't smell too good, especially with your sharp nose" laughed Miles.

It was true he did smell strongly of sweat and earth, but for some reason it was somewhat pleasant to Filia and it made her body grow warm. Filia almost immediately cut off that train of thought before it could go any further. "What happened to me having to rest or I might hurt myself more" she goaded.

"Heh, it seems like your ability to joke is just fine, so as we take it slow I think you'll be alright. That is unless you want me to carry you?" He chided back.

Once again her body became warm when she thought about him carrying her. "N-no. You were right earlier. I am a warrior. I should be able to handle a simple walk."

"Well then, just let me grab some stuff and we'll be off." It took Miles only a few minutes to collect the few things they needed into a small basket before they started making their way along a path to the closest tree line. It was a relatively short walk to a bend in the river where it was apparent that Miles frequented. Wolf quickly bounded into the rushing water while Atra kept a wary distance and cleaned herself from the safety of a nearby log.

Miles handed Filia a plain bar of soap before he said "You can go first if you want. I'll sit behind a tree and whittle or something until you're done. Just look out for Wolf he likes to play."

Filia stared at the soap quietly for a moment before she nodded her head when she finally came to a decision. With only a moments hesitation she began to strip off her borrowed clothes.

Miles was taken aback by her sudden actions. "Oh-Um. I guess I'll just be over here then."

"What is the point in that? The river is large enough for the both of us and I do not see why we can't share the soap" Filia said simply.

"I just thought that since you were so upset earlier, that it wouldn't be very..."healthy" for me in such a situation" said Miles with his back turned to the now nude Furtimian.

"I also thought about that and I realized that it is nothing you haven't seen before. After all you did bandage me. Besides, you yourself said that you had no ill intentions towards me."

Slowly Miles turned around and looked at her. As the sun fell beyond the horizon, it caused the sky to look as if it was burning, but the colors only seemed to make Filia glow more radiant. Taking this opportunity, Miles looked over his guest for the first real time. She had an ample set of breasts with a small white patch between them. Her eyes shone green in the coming night, while her tail gently swayed behind her, almost to an unknown tune. Quickly before she noticed his staring he said "Well that does make sense to a degree, so um I guess I'll join you." With more than a little hesitation he also began to remove his clothing.

Filia knew that Miles was looking her over after he had turned around, and his gaze made her heart beat faster as her body grew warm. But she quickly dismissed this to the new experience. As he began to undress she too looked over his body. His skin was well tanned with the exception of his waist to just a little above his knees, though by the looks of it farming had kept him more than just in shape. But Filia couldn't understand how they could stay warm with no fur on their bodies during the winter, because his short cropped brown hair certainly couldn't do the job, and why they didn't have the sense to have their organs in a sheath instead of dangling between their legs where she could only imagine it getting in the way. But because of her concentration on the man in front of her she failed to notice that the heat in her body was growing more at the pit of her stomach.

The water was still fairly warm from the suns heat, as they made their way into the water. The next couple of minutes passed in silence as they passed the soap between themselves. At one point Filia looked over her shoulder to find Miles having trouble washing his back, due to the injury on his arm. Feeling somewhat guilty Filia asked "Would you like me to help you?"

"No. I've got it-AH!...Well I might need a little."

Taking the soap from him she began to rub it over his back into a thick lather. Filia couldn't help but notice that he had very well toned muscles from all of the work he had been doing in the field, that she could only imagine must have started at a young age. But Miles had other thoughts going through his head. He had never really been near women, at least not since he was a kid, much less naked with one washing his back. It wasn't long before a part of his body began to awaken to the attention he was receiving.

"Alright I think you got it all" he said suddenly when he realized that he couldn't stop his growing member.

Snapping out of her daze Filia quickly stopped rubbing his back. "Oh. Okay. Here's the soap" she said. The silence hung in the air for a few seconds when Filia almost whispered. "Um, would you mind washing my back?"


"I-I said. Would you wash my back?" Filia managed to say.

"Sure, just go ahead and turn around." Peeking over his shoulder Miles saw her turn around with her back to him. "Please don't let her find out about my boner. Please don't let her find out about my boner. I don't want to die just yet" he said to himself as he turned around and started to wash her back. While it was expected for a person of her race and upbringing, Miles was still surprised to find a woman with such hard muscles hiding underneath her fur. It was at this time that his situation began to turn south as he felt her tail under the water gently rubbing against his inner thigh. Before long he was standing at full attention and praying to the Divines that he would at least die a swift death and for good homes for his animals. And in the usual fashion the Divines felt the need to have a good laugh, because it was at that moment her tail brushed passed his erect member.

Filia froze as she felt her tail brush over what could only be the human's stiffened penis. Many thoughts rushed through her head at this discovery. Many of which consisted of him dying a slow death, but somehow a different thought won over all of the others. It was almost like elation. Despite their species many differences and the long, bloody history between the them, this Milonian, this human, this man had taken her in and cared for her, fought to protect her, kept her whereabouts secret despite anyone's better judgment, and was now, what she discovered she was hoping for, physically attracted to her. Back in her village males had always avoided her, due to her being the best warrior despite being a woman. Thousands of voices of reason screamed at her to not do what she was thinking, but she quietly told them to fuck off. Turning around she stared into his dark blue eyes before he squeezed them shut and barely managed to gulp, before her lips met his.

His eyes shot open, but soon he accepted what he had secretly wanted for a while and pulled her to him as he passionately returned the kiss. Filia wrapped her arms around him as their kiss only deepened. It was several minutes before they broke the kiss. "I-I-" they both started but were unable to finish their sentences. It was then they both noticed heavy breathing from the shore. Looking over they found Wolf and Atra sitting at the waters edge looking back and forth between the two in the water.

Continued in Part 2





Furtimian-Furtimia-stealth, stealthily (a simple coincidence that it starts with "fur")

Atra-Dark, black, gloomy

Garderobe-Latrine, Restroom, Privy

Milonian-honestly it probably has a meaning in Latin but I forgot what it could be.

-During this time period the idea of boiling bandages in order to kill any infection was not a common occurrence. If it did occur it was simply to wash out the blood and not for any hygienic reasons.

-A garderobe was what a, for lack of a better term, bathroom was called during the middle ages. It was basically the room where people disposed of their bodily waste. It, and chamber pots, were usually on a top floor to avoid the smell from drifting up into the higher floors and more or less was outside, so it was very cold in the winter. It was closed off by two doors, also to keep the smell to a minimum. The drain for it was barred in order to keep invaders or the like from climbing up them to gain entrance, though if they were willing to climb up through such a thing I would just give them the place. The term garderobe is actually where we get the term wardrobe, because clothing was kept inside in order to deter moths, due to the smell. Though garderobes were used mainly in high class areas, castles/keeps/forts/places made from stone that regular citizens couldn't access, the chamber pot was still widely used.

-Toilet paper didn't really exist either. They either used some cloth or a hand full of hay.

-Urine was sometimes kept in small jars in a garderobe to later be used as clothes dye.

-Contrary to popular belief people did bathe regularly during the middle ages, not just during festivals. Though again it wasn't really to get rid of germs. It was mainly to smell better and feel better. Like how you work hard and then feel good after a shower. Also I'm not certain, but I believe that they might also have done it to get rid of evil spirits, though I would say that this is again due to feeling good after washing off sweat and grime.

-Typical housing, especially for the rural populace was not very big. Miles house is fairly spacious with a four post bed, more than one room, wooden floors, and more than one door. While houses back then could have more than one room it wasn't likely simply because it wasn't necessary. And if they did have rooms they would more than likely only be separated by a cloth. Wooden floors were even rarer as most houses had dirt floors. Families would sleep on pallets made of hay and not beds as we would think. So all in all Miles is suspiciously well off.

-The word peasant does not mean poor people, but meant the general populace, that was not lucky to be born into money.

-Oxen were generally used for plowing fields. Especially in England, where this story kinda sorta takes place, mainly because of heavy use in fairy tales, where the soil was rocky and you would sooner injure your horse than finish plowing your field.

-It is highly unlikely they would have used the word "boner" during this time period for what it is used for in the story.