Christmas Coda

Story by CrimsonRuari on SoFurry

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A new story?! What madness is this?

It's a quick seasonal bit of smut is what it is! I got motivated around the start of NaNoWriMo to try and at least work on a story. It's not deep, it's not full of conflict. It's quick and full of smut, and sometimes that's best!

Sean, the coywolf concertina player, heads to a Christmas party with some wine and finds more than just good company and good tunes! Specifically, he finds Geni, the jackal who plays fiddle and sings and has some ideas about how to keep warm.

I hope you have as much fun as they do!

Sean checked the number on the house one more time to be sure. The coywolf didn't know what he'd been expecting, but an old Victorian house with pointy turrets and a big porch wasn't it. Not that he had any reason to, there were several others in the neighborhood, scattered among brick ranches and other, more modest houses. It had clearly been one of those neighborhoods that developed organically.

He punched the lock button on his car and went up the walk; the stones were a bit damp and it wasn't especially well lit, so he took his time. Still, the porch light cast a warm, inviting light, and he saw a bunch of cars on the street, so he figured he was at the right place. He perked his ears to pick up the low, warm rumble of conversation and laughter within. That was a good sign, too.

Sean knocked and waited. It wasn't long until a wild dog opened the door. Jen was one of the organizers of the local traditional music session and was generously hosting the holiday party, this year. She smiled in that warm, inviting way wild dogs could and waved him inside. "Sean! Great to see you! We're really just getting going. Is that wine?"

He grinned and held up the jug. "Yes, mulled wine. I finished it just before I headed over, so it's ready to serve."

Jen grinned. "Great! Follow me to the kitchen and we'll get it served up." She paused. "Oh, Geni has been asking about you."

He cocked his head, but couldn't stop his ears from perking. Geni was a rather cute jackal. "Geni, who plays fiddle and sings? Cool! What's she want?"

The wild dog gave him a Very Significant Look, her large, round ears pricked up like she couldn't quite believe what she was hearing, then nodded. "Yes, her. And why do you think?"

He flicked his ears and glanced down. "Oh. Well, I guess I should get in there."

Jen waved him down the hall towards the kitchen. "That you should!"

Sean surveyed the room briefly after he'd gotten his own glass of wine. Geni was currently demonstrating her easy grin and ready laugh to an old hound dog Sean was pretty sure was called Rick. Or maybe Ryan. He ought to know, but Rick wasn't terribly regular at the sessions. Sean had to admit he could be better, himself. Still, he slunk his way through the crowd until he found himself at the open seat next to Geni.

"Anyone sitting here," he asked, gesturing with his glass.

Geni's ears perked up and she stood, wrapping him in a hug before he realized what was happening. He hugged her back awkwardly with one arm. "Sean!" She leveled her grin at him and gestured to the couch. "You are, now, I hope."

Sean gave a grin of his own. "Well, how can I refuse an offer like that?" He nodded at probably-Rick and sat down. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt."

Rick shook his head. "Nah, don't worry about it. What's that you got there?" He gestured at Sean's glass, in case there was some question.

"Oh, mulled wine I brought."

Rick grinned. "Well damn, son. That's the right kind of idea for a Christmas party." He stood and looked down at Geni. "Get you one?"

She shook her head and held up a paw. "Nah. I'm good for the moment. Thanks, though."

When Rick had left, Geni turned to Sean. "Did you bring your concertina?"

He chuckled. "Yeah; it's back in the kitchen. Bring your fiddle?"

The jackal nodded. "Of course! It's over in the jam room."

"Great!" He grinned at her, which he'd never found hard to do. "You want to see if we can get 'The Phoenix' going later?"

Her ears perked up and she grinned widely. "Oh, I love that tune! Absolutely!"


They sat in silence for a moment, then Geni sniffed at Sean's glass. "Oh, that smells wonderful. I should have asked him for one, after all." She leaned in closer, nose edging towards his glass, then looked up at him, her ears tucked back. It was a perfect sort of puppy-pleading look, best he'd seen in ages. "Can I get a taste of yours?"

Sean coughed, then thumped his tail on the couch. "Are you sure you know me that well?"

Geni wrapped her paw around his, pulling the glass towards herself. "I don't know. How'd your last test come back?"

Sean coughed again and squirmed. "Uhh... Negative." He paused a moment, then loosened his grip on the glass. She still had his paw trapped. "Yours?"

She pulled his glass up to her lips. "Negative, too." Her tongue slipped into the glass, lapping at the wine.

Sean squirmed, she was entirely too close. Or, well, she would be, if he hadn't thought about how this might be nice several times in the past. "You uh...always ask guys about their STI tests on the first drink?"

She patted his thigh, then squeezed it, all without relinquishing her drink, or breaking eye contact with him. "Mmm, only some." She stole another taste of his wine, then leaned in close, whispering in his ear. "Just the ones I want to fuck."

The coywolf swallowed sharply, and his ears flicked back, but he kept himself from moving. "Oh, uh...that's kinda fast, don't you think?"

Geni sat back for a moment, letting his glass go, but leaving her paw on his thigh. "I mean...if you're not interested? I'm, uh, damn, I'm sorry, that was too forward."

He shook his head and patted her paw, aware of just how it warmed his thigh. "Oh no, I'm interested."

Her grin returned and she leaned in close again. "Then how about right now?"

Sean glanced at the rest of the room, but nobody seemed to be paying them any mind. A couple of folks in the next room had broken out instruments, and most of the guests were making their way there to listen. "Uh...yeah. But not, right here, right?"

She snorted and kissed his cheek. "Hardly!" The jackal stood, pulling him up by the paw. "Come on, let's get me a drink after all."

Geni dragged him into the kitchen, where the wine sat on the stove. Sean set his glass down and began to ladle out a new one, whereupon the jackal took his glass and grinned at him over it.

Sean raised an eyebrow. "Eh?"

"My glass now." She lapped at the glass.

"Oh..." He shrugged and kept ladling. "I guess this is mine now."

She nodded. "For now."

He couldn't help but roll his eyes, and she laughed at him. It was hardly quiet and subtle, but then...they were laughing in the kitchen. Nothing suspicious about that, right?

There was nothing suspicious about the question Geni asked next, either. Surprisingly. "So what spices do you use for this?"

"Cinnamon, allspice, and clove, mostly. I was feeling saucy, so there's orange peel and ginger in it, too. Plus sugar, of course." He grinned. "You like it?"

She took another sip. "Very much." A grins spread across her long muzzle. "But it's not slaking my thirst."

Sean reached for the fridge with a free paw. "I think I saw some water in here. Or maybe a beer?"

Geni simply raised an eyebrow at him as she leaned on the counter, tail swaying behind her, thumping into the cabinet.

He shut the fridge again abruptly. "Oh."

"Mmmhmmm." She gestured with her glass towards the mud room off the kitchen. "I know just the place."

She set her glass down, and Sean barely had time to do the same with his before she'd grabbed his paw and dragged him into the mud room. It was dark and cool, and a bit crowded, with boots along one side and a low bench with cubbies full of boots on the other. Both doors had windows with blinds and Geni saw to pulling those down immediately.

Sean had barely gotten his bearings in the dark before the jackal had pushed him up against the wall and pressed her muzzle against his. Her tongue probed at his lips, and when he opened them, it surged into his muzzle. He groaned through his nose before responding in kind. She tasted of wine, of course, and under it, the subtle taste of her mouth, almost as intoxicating.

She broke the kiss after a moment and grinned at him. "Hey."

Sean's paws found their way to her hips and he pulled her firmly against him. "Hey."

Geni chuckled at his enthusiasm and leaned into him. She ran a paw through the fur of his cheek as she looked at him. "Mmmm, you like that, eh?" She ground her hips against his, calling his attention to the way his sheath had swollen in his pants while he was kissing her. And while she was grinding against him.

He bucked his hips against hers. "I guess so."

She pushed on his chest, leaning back away from him. "Oh, you guess? So you're not sure you enjoyed it?" She shook her head and reached for the door knob. "Then I guess I should head back to the party." The grin took some of the sting out of her words, but none of the challenge.

Sean growled and nipped at her throat, then turned, pulling her with him to pin her against the wall. He ground his hips to hers again and found himself almost entirely erect inside his pants. "Fine. I fucking enjoyed it. And I'm going to enjoy fucking you."

The jackal bitch had blown out her breath when he pressed her into the wall, and she sucked in a fresh breath through her teeth as he ground against her. Her paws slid up to the back of his neck and she met his movements with her own. She ground forward against him and lifted one leg to rub her thigh against his hips. A quiet moan escaped her. "Oh, that's much better." She pulled his head down by the ear and whispered into it, "So, Sean, you want to fuck me, after all?"

He buried his muzzle in her neck, growling as he bit gently through her fur. "Yeah." His paws slid down from her hips to cup her rump, squeezing her cheeks through the fabric of her pants. The fabric of his own pants was becoming entirely too constraining as his cock strained against it.

Geni must have noticed, for she slid her paws down his front, trailing over his shirt until she found his jeans. Before he knew it, the pressure on his cock had eased as she popped the button of his fly and undid it. His shaft strained forward against his underwear, and then she was pressing a paw against this length. Her grip was warm through the thin fabric, and when she gave it a firm squeeze, he let out a quiet moan of his own.

"Oh fuck, Geni." He shuddered and pressed forward, humping into her grip.

She chuckled and bit gently at his ear, tugging at the triangle with her teeth. "Mmmm, Sean, you're not gonna cum in your pants, are you?" She squeezed him again, as though she had no care in the world if he did. "'Cause I want you to cum inside me, and soon."

Her words gave him purpose, and he squeezed her ass one more time before finding the front of her pants. He popped her fly quickly and slid his paws to her hips and pushed down, shoving roughly at the fabric until it cleared her rump and bunched around her thighs. A simple pair of black panties guarded her groin and teased him by their very presence. He let out a frustrated growl and then shoved his paw inside them, nipping at her throat as he explored her.

She shuddered at the sudden invasion of his paw, but the grip on his ear became a grip on his scruff, and her paw around his cock squeezed tighter, showing her approval. She gasped when his fingers found her outer folds, the soft fur covering them already damp. The jackal shuddered and arched against him, and she moaned at him. "Fuck, Sean. I want you inside me now." She put deed to word herself by pulling at his underwear until she managed to work it clear of his cock.

The cool air hit his length and he let out a gasp of his own. His fingers curled reflexively between Geni's thighs, and she let out her own matching sound. He pushed himself back from her, just enough to look her in the eye and growl. "We need to get out of these pants."

"Fuck, yes we do." She pushed him away with a distinct reluctance. She tore her shoes off with a rather surprising intensity and followed up by pushing her pants off almost as quickly. The fabric lay in a pool at her feet, and she kicked it aside without ceremony. "I'm ready. How about you?"

Sean had, for his part, been caught entirely off guard. He couldn't help but notice that Geni's panties seemed to have disappeared somewhere in the maneuver, and now she stood before him, her shirt hanging down, tucked into nothing, leaving her groin exposed. The cream of her belly peeked out under the shirt, and a thicker ruff of that same cream called attention to her crotch.

He shook his head and set to shucking his pants. Distracted as he was, he forgot to ditch his shoes first, and thus soon found himself awkwardly bent over, tail swaying above him as he worked at his shoes, grumbling in irritation while Geni chuckled somewhere above him.

Finally freed of his shoes, Sean stood and stepped out of his pants, now just as bottomless as the jackal before him. His paws found her hips and he gripped them tightly was he pressed her against the wall and ground his erection into the bare fur of her belly. The warmth of her body against his length was a nearly heavenly experience in its own right. "Mmmm, fuck, that's better."

Geni reached up to grip his scruff, pulling him into another hard, brief kiss. "Mmm, yes it is. But it's not enough, coyote." She reached down to grasp his cock and lifted her leg again, rubbing it along his hip. "I need this inside me, and I think you know where."

"I can't think of a bad answer. But," and here he bucked his hips to grind the underside of his shaft against her lips, "Here is best."

The jackal gave a moan that he took for agreement. That she placed a paw on his cock when he drew back and angled his tip towards her entrance he also took for agreement. The moan she let out and the way she arched as he pushed himself slowly inside her he took for whole-hearted agreement.

Sean found he couldn't help but agree. The mud room was cold, but sliding his cock into the jackal's pussy was gloriously hot. She clenched around him, gripping at him with her walls, and it took his breath for a moment. Finally, he'd pushed himself all the way inside her and ground his hips to hers. She bore down around him again, and he moaned in her ear.

Geni gripped his scruff tightly, and her free paw found its way to the back of his shoulder. She shuddered and rolled her hips against his, as though she could work him deeper. "Oohh, fuck yes. You fit. I-- mmmmm. I hadn't checked." She lifted her muzzle to nip the edge of his ear and whispered into it, "You fit really well."

Sean growled into her ear. "And you feel fucking amazing. But," and here he drew back a little ways before thrusting in again, "I want to do more than talk."

The jackal chuckled as she clenched at his length. "Yeah, that's the idea. Now fuck me, Sean, and don't be slow."

He gruffed into her ear in response before thrusting into her again. He buried his muzzle in the crook of her neck, stifling a low moan as he gave her a series of quick, sharp, hard thrusts. She felt just as amazing every time, hot and slick and oh-so-welcoming.

The coywolf found himself driven to a quick rhythm, and soon tension was gathering in his groin and he could feel the bulge of his knot starting to form near the base of his shaft, catching at the jackal's entrance. He lifted his muzzle to growl into Geni's ear again, "Fuck. I'm close."

She groaned as she hugged him tightly, gathering fistfuls of his pelt and his scruff. The jackal pressed her thigh tightly against him, then lifted her other leg, holding herself up by her grip on him until she'd wrapped her legs around his hips. "Yeah, tie me, Sean!"

He didn't need to be told twice. The coywolf gave a few last, hard thrusts of his hips, driving his cock deep into the jackal and grinding firmly against her. His knot swelled, pressing against her inner walls and tying him inside her. As though his knot was not warning enough, he growled into her ear, "I'm gonna cum!" A moment later, he did; his climax crashed through him and his length jerked within her as he came inside her.

Geni shuddered around him, then buried her muzzle in his shoulder and bit hard. He jerked in response, but that only made her shudder and bite harder. He felt her free a hand from his fur and slide it between them. A few moments later, she was clenching hard around him and bucking her hips hard against his, tugging at his knot.

Sean simply leaned against the jackal as he emptied himself into her, pinning her between him and the wall. He panted quietly as he rode out his peak, length throbbing and sensitive within her grip, while her walls clenched around him.

For her part, Geni kept that firm bite on his shoulder until she finally pulled her muzzle off with a gasp. "Ahhh, fuck me, Sean, I needed that."

"Fuck you? Yes I did." He bucked his hips once, sharply, in case she'd forgotten.

She groaned, then poked his chest. "You know what I mean." The jackal leaned back, resting her head against the wall. "Mff."

At length, Sean felt his knot softening within Geni's sex, and when she moved, it slipped. He shuddered at the sensation, then rolled his hips again. He moved more freely still. The coywolf growled an observation in her ear, "Ohh, I think I can pull out now."

Geni licked his muzzle as she rubbed one of his ears. "Oh, give it a moment longer. I like feeling you inside me." She clenched her sex around him to emphasize the point.

"Mmm, and being inside you feels great." He licked her muzzle in return, and they fell into a short kiss, distracted. When it broke, he remarked, "But I think they'll notice if we're gone much longer."

"Maaaaaybe," she allowed. "Fine." She patted his cheek and rolled her hips, and he felt her walls drag along his knot as she started to pull off of him.

Sean slid his paws down to grip her rear, holding her up as he slipped slowly from her. He shuddered at the rush of cold air on his length, now quite wet.

Geni grinned down at him, watching the process. "Ohh, you're a messy dog. I think I'm going to leak for days."

He flashed her a grin and shrugged as he eased her to the floor. "Oh, darn?"

She patted his cheek, then sagged slightly as she took her weight on her legs again. "Oh, uff. Yeah, darn." She leaned in close, tucking her muzzle agains this ear, and whispered, "Sean, I can feel your cum dripping down my thighs already."

The coywolf shuddered and responded with a growl. "Ahh, goddamnit. That's fuckin' hot."

She chuckled at him. "Yeah, it is. Now, since you're such a mess, I'd better clean you up."

He cocked an eyebrow at her, pausing where he'd started to pick up his pants. "Oh?" His cock still stood out from him, dripping from his point, wet, and now quite cold.

The cold didn't last long as the Geni slid to her knees and slid her tongue under his length. She drew that long, silken muscle along the underside of his shaft, while he panted above her. She didn't waste any time, instead giving him a few quick, but appreciative licks before pulling his shaft into her mouth. The jackal's narrow muzzle encompassed his whole length, warm and wet, and Sean reflected that her mouth was about as nice a place to be buried as her pussy. It had its own perks, as she suckled firmly on him, pulling out a few last drops of cum as they leaked from his point.

All too soon, the cool air of the mudroom was around his cock again as she pulled off. He grinned down at her, rubbing her cheek. "Ooh, fuck. Do you do that to finish?"

She stood once more, lifting her pants with her. "Of course, when there's time. Do you eat girls out?"

He grinned widely, threading one paw through his underwear and into his pants. "When there's time."

Geni patted his chest. "Good answer. Show me sometime."

"With pleasure." His pants on, he sat down to tug on his shoes once more. The mud room was certainly convenient for that.

She stepped into her pants, tugged them up, and joined him on the bench to pull on her own shoes. "Yeah, that's the idea."

He harrumphed and rolled his eyes, then stood and straightened his clothes. He grinned at her when she did the same. "You look good. Do I?"

"Yeah, you do. Oh, you mean the clothes? Yes, you don't look a bit like you just had your cock inside me." She patted his rump and passed him and pressed an ear to the door. Satisfied after a moment, she opened it and beckoned him out.

They had just picked up their glasses when the music wound down and they heard Jen calling for a toast.

"Shit, we'd better hurry!" Geni grabbed his arm and dragged him off to the sitting room where the crowd had gathered. Sean eyed his wine and quietly regretted that they hadn't had time to get more or warm it up.

A cheer went up when they came into the room, and they stopped. The entire room was looking at them.

Jen's ears framed the big grin on her face, and her tail was wagged behind her. "Hey you, two. Good of you to join us for the toast. But first," she gestured over their heads. "Entirely consensual mistletoe. If you two are feeling in the holiday spirit."

Sean glanced up, then down at Geni, who wore an even bigger grin than Jen's. "Yeah?"

She nodded. "Yeah." Then she grabbed him by the scruff and pulled him into a kiss.

Her tongue pushed into his muzzle, and he caught a distinctive taste of sex in her mouth. Sean slid his free paw around her waist and pulled her in close as he pressed his muzzle firmly into hers. He could, he reflected during the kiss, taste both her juices and his own cum in her mouth. A kiss, he noted, they were sharing in front of everyone.

The room cheered again, and when they broke they kiss, he asked quietly, "Did you uh...did you still have cum in your mouth?"

Geni nodded. "Mmhmm."

"Did you plan that," he asked.

She grinned at him. "Not exactly. I hope you're not put off."

The coywolf paused, then grinned. "No. It was pretty hot."

"Good!" The jackal patted his arm and leaned against him. "Oh, hey, uh, I got a ride here. Any chance you could give me a lift home?"

Sean grinned at her as Jen tried to get the room focused again. "Sure thing. I could do more than just give you a ride, if you want."

Geni grinned and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Now you're thinking."

Jen cleared her throat and lifted her glass to the room. "Happy Christmas to them's as celebrate it, and a fine midwinter to them's as don't!"

Sean and Geni lifted their glasses with the room, and Geni added quietly, with a grin, "A Happy Christmas, indeed."

As they clinked glasses, Sean had to admit it looked to be a very happy Christmas indeed.

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