Meet Me on the Savannah

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#6 of Meet Me Extreme (Public)

Three hungry lionesses converge on the savanna to stalk and hunt an unsuspecting zebra, but his final moments wont be entirely filled with pain.

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In all of its ecological majesty the savanna shined as a beacon of wild diversity for those that inhabited it. This magnificent stretch of land hid within the shadow of a modest mountain range, the size of which would often overcast the great area in the evening. It had just become the wet season a few weeks ago and a bustling thunderstorm was beginning to grow in the distance, thick billowing clouds that flashed lightning every so often.

The sun had just begun to set and the dark fingers of the mountain's shade had started to creep over the tall grasses and trees. On this day a group of zebras had collected near a line of trees, their patience not being one for the mountain, and thus a cool reprieve from the sun was sought. They sat, stood, and socialized. Two families and a few outsiders were what had come together. The young would often go off to frolic and play among the weeds but they always stayed close by in the case of lurking predators. Their caution was very well founded.

Not too far away, hunched down in the arid flora of the savanna was a lone lioness, her golden eyes gleaming as she stared at her would be prey. A small hill made for excellent cover, and as she lied on her stomach as she began to wonder what was taking her pride-mates so long to rendezvous. She had spent the past half-hour stalking the group of herbivores and she was getting hungrier by the second. She tried to calm herself down with the reminder that it was all well worth the wait. She had gone without food for the past couple of days and she was itching to sink her teeth into some bloody meat. Just the thought made her salivate.

Of course she couldn't just hunt for herself, there was the pride to think of, but the lionesses always got the first fill. There was also no way that she could take down any of the zebras herself, a coordinated effort was required. Which was where her sisters would come in, if they would ever show up! She cursed their tardiness as she felt her stomach give a growl.

Her eyes had been fixated on one zebra in particular, a strong large male that had begun to slowly wonder further and further away from the main group. He was clearly not apart of either family but there was no doubt that he'd have his pick of the females if there were any that weren't mated. He was handsome and powerful, his naked striped body portraying the physique that often came with his kind.

One on one he would likely be able to kill her, assuming she didn't get the jump on him. The thought had come to mind of her being raped by his impressive cock and her heart began to race. She could see his huge sheath and the relaxed equine dick that dangled between his legs. Every time he would bend down to gather some grass into his mouth his rubbery phallus would bounce and sway between his thighs. She shifted her lower body a bit and a deep purr emanated from her chest. She was getting wet just from the thought.

She, like the other females of her pride, was lithe and strong. While not adorned with quite as many muscles as her potential meal, she certainly wasn't lack for strength. Even now as she stayed prone, her legs and torso bulged, arms flexed as she did her best to remain motionless. She was as gorgeous and stunning as any others of her sisterhood, a perfect example of a killing machine ready to be properly used.

She was the tallest female among her group as well, and while she was promised to the leader of her pride, she didn't stop herself from flaunting what she had to the other males. It was often the case that fights would break out, but she didn't care. She would only ever let the strongest breed her. Her large breasts were often the desire of many, her full ass a tantalizing treat to the eyes. She loved walking past her mate's competition and stroking a soaked paw against their cheek or through their mane after she had gotten done digging her fingers into her sopping wet cunt. Needless to say there was no shortage of entertainment when she was in the presence of the other lions.

The shuffle of grass and the sound of footfalls alerted her of others approaching. In the distance the grass shuffled, the bodies crawling on all fours so they weren't seen. Despite their attempt at stealth she couldn't help but grit her teeth and glare as two new individuals were revealed. Just like her they were lionesses with golden fur and lean forms.

"You two are the fucking loudest!" the female leader growled lowly, the tall weeds turning away as the new females came to settle down with the first.

"Why did you ask me out here, Layla?" the leading newcomer asked, visibly irritated. Her name was Aska. She was seven years older than the other lioness and easily the most powerful, a definite asset to be had for taking down such a large prize. She had already raised a littler of cubs and was well on her way to making a second, though as far as she knew no seeds had been planted yet. She held a voluptuous body with large breasts and a muscular backside, just like Layla.

Coming up from behind was a girl named Sesna, the one that Layla had told to go fetch the pack mother for their hunt. She was young but freshly an adult. She didn't have large breasts or a large butt like the others, in fact she was quite thin and wiry, but was fast and ferocious when she needed to be. While her body didn't quite garner the attention of males like her companions, she held a wit that was unsurpassed.

"Check it out," Layla said and motioned for the others to follow her lead. She gently peered over the small hill that the three had huddled behind and nudged the grass just enough out of the way that she might reveal the still grazing male. The others climbed up on either side and copied her movements, soon spotting the prize that was about a hundred meters away.

"Mmm, look at him!" Sesna whispered excitedly and licked her lips. "Look at the size of his cock, I bet it tastes delicious."

"I bet everything on him tastes delicious," Aska retorted and smirked. "He's pretty big. Could probably feed the whole pride,"

"All I care about is getting myself fed. It's been three days," Layla growled a bit and rested her chin on the soft ground, eyes narrowing as she continued to size up their soon to be meal.

"Well, let's get him then," the pride mother demanded.

"In due time. I wanna fuck him first," Layla explained and brought a paw down between her legs, fingers tracing through her thick pubic hair to the wet folds beneath.

"Yeah!" Sesna chirped back, "I've never fucked a zebra before. Should give a wild ride,"

"Oh please, I doubt you've fucked much of anything" Aska replied with a smirk and glanced at the young pride member.

"Have you?" she implored and tilted her head.

"Hun, when you get to be my age you've likely fucked most things on the savanna. Zebras aren't quite the fun filled romp you're expecting," Aska continued to explain and turned her eyes back to the striped equine.

"I want one of those experiences for myself," Layla growled and shifted her position, her paw coming back to rest against the ground in front of her. "We're going to capture him, fuck him, and then eat him, understand?" she said and stared hard between the girls on each of her sides. With her rank in the pride they had no other choice but to nod in agreement. "Good. Now with that in mind, we're going to try a pincer formation so he doesn't escape. Aska, take the west side of the plain, Sesna, take the North-East. On my mark, rush him, understood?" she explained and shifted her body so she was more crouched.

"All right."


The two departed in opposite ways and for the time being Layla was left to watch and wait. From a bird's-eye view of the savanna the shifting grass would have been barely seen as the lions army-crawled on their bellies to their intended spots. The day had warn on and the shadow of the mountain had grown longer, making their advancement a bit more concealed as the area was cast in shade. It took some time but eventually the trap was ready to be sprung and as far as they knew the zebra had yet to notice anything going on.

Layla counted out ten minutes in her head. She couldn't see the others from her position so she just had to trust that was enough time for them to get where they needed to be. When the last second ticked away she leaped from the grass in a dead sprint for her target.

The sudden rustling and pounding of foot pads immediately alerted the group of zebras and they all bolted in one direction opposite of the mountain. The male that was set away from the main group was the first to look up and see the oncoming predator before he turned and bolted. Muscular legs thrashed the grass, and he turned out to be much faster than the pride leader had expected, but luckily the two others had come out from cover as well and were just as hot on his trail.

Before long he suddenly realized that he was running right into Aska's path and turned to avoid but came almost face to face with Sesna. With mere meters to spare he hesitated and slowed. He thought to jump over the young pride member but as he did she sank her claws into his legs and held tight. In midair Aska collided with his midsection and the three of them went tumbling through the grass, the male screaming out in terror and pain as he tried to fend off the two big cats. He might have had a chance until Layla added herself to the scuffle.

Claws gripped his form tight and dug through his flesh. As blood seeped from his wounds he began to thrash about as the pain was too much. He didn't stop calling out for help from his pack mates, their absence all too deafening as he wore himself out. The three lionesses eventually got his struggling body under control, not wanting to go in for the kill just yet.

Aska, being the strongest and heaviest of them, had secured the zebra's arms behind his back, and if he struggled she made sure that she worked her nails deeper into his flesh. Sesna had wrapped her arms around his wiggling legs and hugged them tight, of course her head became dangerously close to his flopping cock, something that she certainly didn't mind. Layla had forced all of her weight on the male's midsection and straddled him, effectively pinning him down. He struggled for a while longer, his chest heaving with each breath that he took, his throat ragged from so much shouting.

"Please don't eat me!" he pleaded and swallowed hard, staring up at Layla with frightened black eyes. All three of them giggled and laughed at his words.

"Oh? We're awfully hungry though. Besides, it's the way of the wild, handsome," the pride leader said with a grin and pressed her paws down against his barreled chest, her claws raking his flesh just light enough to not break the skin.

"No! I'll do anything! Don't eat me!" he whined and gave another thrash to buck her off. He was rewarded with three sets of talons digging hard into his skin and drawing fresh blood. The pain made him stop moving, reduced once more to whimpering. "Please..."

"Hmm...I suppose there is one thing you could do," Layla said as she put a finger to her lips. The zebra perked with renewed hope. "You see, my girl here," she said, gesturing to Sesna at his legs," and I haven't ever gotten a chance to play with a zebra dick before. If you make us cum we'll let you go, deal?"

The panicked herbivore stared with wide eyes, not sure to trust anything they had to offer but knowing he didn't have much of a choice. He took a second to glance around and met the eyes of each feline and saw that they were all sporting wide toothy grins as they awaited his answer. When his gaze came back to the one on top of him he gave a shaky nod.

"F-fine...I'll do whatever you want," he stammered, his heart nearly pounding out of his chest.

"Good boy!" Sesna shouted.

"So what's your name?" Aska asked as she leaned over his head, his arms getting pulled until they were splayed above him with the lioness still holding them to the ground.

"Uh...Rux," he said softly.

"Well, Rux, if you try and escape we'll kill you on the spot, understand?" Layla said staring down into his eyes as she shifted lower on his belly. He nodded slightly and watched her movements. He felt Sesna release his legs and straddle him at the thigh. He couldn't see it since the girl on top of him was blocking his view but he could feel a pair of paws gently take a hold of his cock.

"Wow, it's gorgeous!" Sesna called out as she hefted the soft length between her palms. Her attention garnered, Layla spun about on the zebra's pelvis to see what all the commotion was about. The young lioness had already begun to lick and lap at its soft surface. It was a thick, purely ebony protrusion that had some considerable weight to it. The two massive orbs below its length promised a very large amount of cum to be delivered upon his orgasm. All in all it was a very intoxicating sight to behold.

The zebra was no stranger to the feeling of his member being embraced in any pleasurable fashion, but he made sure to stay still and not make any noise as they had their way with him. He knew lions to be cruel, he wouldn't put it past any of them to bite it off.

Blood began to pump into the black length, making it grow. Layla added her expertise to the situation, her mouth coming down to take the flat tip of his cock into her maw and began to suck as best she could. His girth filled her mouth completely, her tongue barely able to lick it properly. Sesna had occupied herself with slathering the swelling cock with saliva, her paws coming around its sides to stroke and work it until he came to a full stand.

Layla didn't stop sucking, she was thoroughly enjoying the rock hard equine mass between her lips. She'd push her head down as far as it could go, almost getting to his thick median ring before she had to pull back. She was never very good at deep throating but that didn't mean she didn't like to try. Of course no one in their pride was big enough to make her gag, at least not as much as this zebra. Her saliva ran down its ebony sides in little streams. Her paws came around to play with his balls, cupping them in her palms and weighing them.

Sesna had taken the opportunity to push her face into his hefty orbs and began to lick at them as roughly as she had been with the base of his shaft. There was no way she was going to be able to go back to normal lion males after today, she told herself. As she attempted to fit one of his testicles into her mouth Layla had settled both of her breasts around his cock and began to move them up and down against. At the feel of her soft tits Rux wasn't able to keep quiet.

His mouth came open and he began to moan, a low sound that would come out each time he would exhale. Not wanting to just watch and not participate, Aska shifted herself quickly. Before the zebra realized what was happening his view was suddenly filled with the pride mother's large rear end, her tail lifted up high and her legs spread. She was crouching over his head, her thighs rest against each of his ears but her shins were still pressed over his arms to keep him pinned. Her hairy pussy was forcibly shoved against his mouth, his nose being forced against her dark tailhole.

"Better start licking if you don't want my temper to run short, Rux," Aska called out with a laugh, her paws coming to rest against his stomach. She gingerly raked her talons against his skin and he was quick to comply with her request. He brought his tongue out and began to lick at her wet pussy lips. They spread open easy enough to reveal her pink insides, of which he made sure to explore. If he could manage to pleasure all three of them enough they might really keep their word.

As he lapped dutifully at her dripping cunt he eventually began to dig his tongue up inside of her. She cooed and shivered at the sensation and came to be surprised that his oral ability felt greater than her own mate's cock. For a small moment she did actually entertain the thought of keeping him alive after their fun.

Pre-cum had begun to spurt from the tip of his rock hard cock and Layla's tits were getting covered in the clear liquid. Sesna had been nuzzling and slurping his package for so long it might have seemed like it was her job to clean his balls. She turned her head up after a while and gave a growl at the pride leader.

"It's my turn!" she snarled and gave Layla a hard shove. The unsuspecting lioness stumbled backwards, her wet breasts falling away from the zebra cock. She fell to her backside off of the male, and she'd have gotten back up to snap and fight the younger female but she had to admire her tenacity. Sesna got to her feet and stepped over Rux's pelvis. She squatted down and mashed the broad head of his dick against her nearly virgin tight cunt. Not being someone to be detoured by anything, she began to let more of her weight settle on the thick member.

The inexperienced girl let out a scream as the head pushed up inside of her, followed by a few inches. She was panting hard and shivering, feeling so incredibly full and she had only just started. As she began to move up and down a trickle of blood started to roll down the black surface, something that didn't go unnoticed by the other lions.

"Is he your first, Sesna?" Layla teased with a grin. The young pride member shot her a hard glare but it didn't last long, the pain of first entry quickly fell away to pleasure and she was bouncing on his cock in no time at all.

"Congrats, Rux, you popped a cherry today," Aska said with a grin as she looked down at the zebra. His face was lost between her butt cheeks, the naughty scent coming from her tailhole being the only thing he could breath in. His tongue never stopped its rhythmic exploration, trying his best to slather her inside with his saliva and swallowing back any amount of her femme juices that he could. Her hips shifted further down and her cunt came away from his mouth. At first the zebra was surprised until her asshole was forcibly shoved against his lips. Given the cue, he began to lick at her pucker.

Sesna was moaning loudly as she rocked her hips up and down. Her pussy juices were beginning to cover every inch. Layla was surprised how wet the young girl had become and how much femme cum she had. The pride leader brought one paw to her breasts and began to squeeze her nipple while the other drifted to her pussy. She stroked against her wet cunt as she anticipated her turn to ride.

Rux was groaning hard against the lion's ass, his hot breath felt between her cheeks. Sesna wasn't being easy at all, she rutted her body like she was in heat and the blissful screams and growls she gave were getting louder as time went on. Her small breasts bounced in the air, her tail hiked high as she was rapidly approaching or peak. As it turned out she was quick to cum, a feature that the males of their pride would likely enjoy very much.

When the young lioness orgasmed she screamed, a flood of her juices pouring down the zebra's dick and soaking his pelvis like she had let herself piss all over him. The sight and sound of the climax caught the others' attention and they shared a laugh at the show. The powerful experience left Sesna shivering and whimpering, and while she had never taken his cock entirely she had done well to fit most of it inside.

With shivering movements she pulled her cunt from the throbbing girth, its surface shining in the waning sunlight. Once she was completely off she collapsed to her knees and Layla took her opportunity. In the same fashion as the other lioness, she squatted down over the well lubricated pyre of flesh. She smeared the cock tip to her wet mound and began to press down. In a way that was far less traumatic, his member slipped inside and began to fill her insides.

The pride leader groaned out and closed her eyes, immediately falling in love with how full he made her feel. The pressure he caused was like nothing she had experienced before. No other lion could compare to this, she was really going to miss this sensation when they were all done. Lower and lower she went, the median ring slipping inside and only stopping when she felt the end of his dick press up against her cervix. Even then she tried to take more. When she thought that her cervix might yield and let the zebra dick into her womb she felt a sharp pain and thought it better to not push her luck.

To Aska's surprise the zebra was very good at rimming. His tongue had been drawing up and down over her pucker and occasionally digging the tip at her entrance. She had relaxed her backside enough that his broad appendage began to push inside, a very surprising feat. She was moaning out and panting as loudly as Sesna had, her asshole being her biggest weakness. She was pawing at her own big breasts, tugging and twisting at her nipples. The way he pushed into her bowels so deep, she couldn't believe she was feeling this just from oral!

The two older lions were working their bodies from side to side, each moaning out as they loved the treatment they were receiving in their own right. Pre-cum was flooding the pride leader's pussy in a way that was causing it to splash out and coat the inside of her thighs. This one single zebra was doing enough work to make these girls unable to be satisfied by normal male lions again.

Rux's mind was swimming and his hips were bucking up every time he would feel the girl's body come down on him. He wasn't in any position to tell the lioness that he was about to cum but he felt as though she could sense it. And indeed she did. As she continued bounce aggressively on his throbbing shaft she felt the tip of his cock flare and almost lock the two together. The sudden pressure was such an incredible feeling she let up a sharp scream and pinched her tits extra hard.

When his hot cum came erupting deep inside of her pussy she couldn't contain herself. She added to his climax with her own, an action that had her cunt squeezing down hard and pushing against the pumping member. The result was his cock popping free of her gaped hole. Still cumming he splashed a salvo of his seed against Layla's tits, covering them in his powerful musk that she began to quickly massage into her fur.

Aska wasn't even protected from being sprayed. As the huge equine dick flopped backwards a heavy gush caught her right in the face with a considerable amount getting in her mouth. The sudden action sent her over the edge and the mind-clouded zebra was sprayed in the face with more hot cum from the girl's convulsing cunt. Spurts of globs strung the thick seed over his belly, his bucking hips slowing as the cum volcano finally ebbed away to leave a dribbling flared end.

The three were left panting, the pride mother setting forward a bit to lap at the cum on his torso, her breathing still coming in rough pants. Layla had settled back on his muscular legs and was gently stroking the front of her cum covered clit. She savored in the orgasmic moment for another minute before stopping. Silence fell over the group as the three females began to recover, the male having rested back completely, his mind still reeling from what just happened.

"Mmmh fuck, that was incredible," Layla said with a shiver and licked away some of the seed that had accumulated on her finger tips.

"You're telling me," Sesna agreed with a grin, her chest heaving a bit slower now.

"Yeah, don't get too used to that," Aska said, looking to the young lioness. The two older girls laughed at the comment as they remembered back to the often pitiful performances of the pride males.

"Mmmh, getting fucked by a zebra really brings back the apatite, eh?" the pride leader commented and looked down at the zebra again. Mid breath, Rux opened his eyes and stared at the girl that was still on top of him. He tried to gauge if she was just being facetious but the strong look in her eyes said everything.

" said I could live," he whimpered and began to struggle a bit. His form was instantly seized by three pairs of claws in the same way that they had done in the beginning.

"Looks like we lied, champ," Sesna chuckled. It was in that moment that Aska struck at the equine's neck with an open jaw. Her razor sharp teeth bit deep into his flesh, tearing through muscle and veins to fill her mouth with sweet blood. He let out a gargled scream and thrashed with fists swinging. As he tried to kick Layla off of him, the younger pride member took the opportunity and bit a chunk of flesh from his stomach.

Blood gushed from the new wound and as he continued to struggle, the pride mother's teeth only did more to rip open his throat. His trachea was being crushed beneath her muscular clamp and he was finding it hard to breath. The ground became soaked crimson, and during a lull in the fighting Layla leaned down and seized his rapidly dwindling cock between her teeth. She chewed on the ebony surface and yanked, ripping a portion out that gushed blood against her face and breasts.

Needless to say the zebra went nowhere. His struggles continued on for another minute or so from which Aska had bitten another large piece from his belly and had even ripped his insides open. With guts exposed and a cock that was already half eaten the zebra quickly lost the spirit to keep living. As he tried to batter Aska away the extreme loss of blood soon made him pass out. His heart still pounded though, as fleeting as it was. It seemed to only add to the new fun the trio of lionesses were having.

Aska yanked hard and tore open a huge wedge shaped chunk from the herbivore's throat, of which she was quick to chew and swallow. Together the felines had designated their own little areas to feed. The sound of ripping flesh and wet chewing was easily heard, their snapping mouths making quick work of the once lively prey.

As Layla made her way through his once impressive cock she found that his balls had an interesting little reserve of cum within. She savored each testicle, popping them noisily as she continued up through his pelvis. Sesna had been burying her entire head into the male's stomach, her mouth chomping away at his organs. Giving a hard yank she ripped his liver free from under his rib cage and held it between her jaws like a prize. It was always the tastiest part, after all.

From Aska's end the zebra's head had been pretty much removed from his shoulders. Having bit through his spine she now munched greedily on the stump of his neck. The sound of snapping bones emanated from the lifeless torso as Sesna had begun to dig further into the rib cage. Once trying to go in from below wasn't quite working out she enlisted Layla's aid to break open his torso. The two raked their claws through the muscles of his chest before they began to eat their way to his bones. When his cartilage was exposed they took a hold of either side and pulled.

The rest of his ribs tore free and in a blood mess the zebra's chest came open. The young lioness giggled as she sank her fangs into his impressively large heart and gave a tug. His organs were difficult to remove, and so they often came out in pieces that were easily gulped down. Not wanting to be left out, Aska joined her sisters with consuming the fleshy guts of their prey, her wide maw yanking chunks of his lungs away to be nibbled at and swallowed.

The entire feast lasted for about an hour and to their enjoyment not much was left. Nearly every big of muscle had been chewed from the bone. The remains were mostly a blood skeleton with an almost entirely intact head. The lions had laid down for the time being, their bellies noticeably distended like they were well along with pregnancies. They groaned and shifted about on their backs as they tried to get into comfortable spots.

They had expected to bring some of the zebra back to their pride ground but their gluttony had gotten the best of them. Night had begun to fully take over the savanna and the distant storm had come much closer. High over head a few vultures circled and in the distance a couple hyenas waited their turn to scavenge what few remains there were.

"Oooh fuck," Layla sighed and shivered. "We gotta do that again sometime."

"Absolutely!" Sesna laughed and moaned softly as she began to stand up. She had eaten so much that she felt a bit off balance.

"Back to the pride then, girls," Aska said with a sign and stroked a paw over her bulging stomach. The others agreed and slowly set off for home, leaving the broken remains of the once proud zebra to be taken by whoever wanted them the most.