Life, Love, and Sex as a Pokemon: Abra Pt. 2

Story by Jay-rawr on SoFurry

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I couldn't believe I waited all this time. Here in my arms, cuddling up by me, BOTH of us hard as a rock for each other, and I was still trying to "make it last!"

It was time, and Colt, my new beautiful partner-to-be, didn't deserve to need to wait either. I gently pushed him off me from his spooning position, and got (once again) drawn in by that adorable face of his. Then pushed my thumb claws into the waistband of my undies, and pushed them off.

Colt's expression changed. "Oh my god." He muttered, "You're uh... really, really big for a charmander." I felt kind of embarrassed, "Yeah," I rubbed the back of my head, "haven't gotten any complaints, hehehe." Colt nervously giggled and took a deep breath, then pulled off his briefs. We were now exposed, bare-naked, and just simply cuddling, to get used to the environment. I wasn't even in him yet and I was already in total ecstasy, His rubbery, polished flesh on my smooth scales, our tails intertwined, just pressing our bodies together, our cocks pressed up against each other. Colt began to breathe heavier. He was in heat. He did one last thing before throwing me into a spiraling desire as well,

He kissed me.

Not a rough, sex-induced kiss, but a beautiful, loving kiss.

I closed my eyes and kissed him back.

And then went into heat.

Colt released his grip of me and disentangled his tail from mine. His tail went up over his head and he lowered himself to the sofa, steadying himself with his forearms on the sofa and he turned around to face me. We were both sweatin like poochyenas, but I could not WAIT to get inside that beautiful creature! Ah crap. I remembered something else. Lube. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Colt. I figured I could at least massage the base of his tail, relax the muscles.mI got him up on the couch on his hands and knees."Zat comfy?" I asked. "Uh-huh!" Colt said through an excited panting grin. I wrapped my claws around the base of that beautiful, thick tail, and pushed my thumbs into the muscles at the base, just above his tail-hole. He began making an arousing moan and tilted his head up. I got up onto the sofa too on my knees and continued massaging. Just when I thought This Abra couldn't be any sexier, I found his sweat when in contact with his rubbery hide, made him as slippery as a salamander. Great defense mechanism... even better SEX mechanism! I stopped massaging. Colt turned his head around to see me, "Is that what it'll feel like?" He asked. I mounted him and pressed my cock against his hole. He moaned. "No, Colt," I smiled at him and kissed his upper tail, "It's going to be so, so, much better." He gave me one last adorable grin, then turned around and braced himself. I also braced myself, took one last deep breath, thrusted,

and I was in.

It was so warm, so wet. It was like a sanctuary. My penis was going to fucking CHURCH. The penetration was so slippery, so easy, so heavenly. I wouldn't be surprised if a choir of angels sang to me penetrating my abra partner.

After I came out of my Church/Penis similarity trip, I came back to the sofa we were mounted on, and my hands were clenching his lower-tail, my eyes were closed and my thick cock was in his lubed, beautiful ass. We both let out a satisfied groan of pleasure. "Oh...Oh my god... its...awesome... feels... so- OH!" I simply pulled my cock out then slowly pushed it back in, nice n' deep. " ohhhh...." Colt moaned as he leaned with me as I humped. " it... it feels so good!" Colt claws grasped the furniture. I was still in total ecstacy. I was aroused at just the fact I was giving so much pleasure to my friend. "first time, right Colt?" I asked in between humps. "Y....Yesssss...." Colt hissed, " I cant believe.... My first time...would be with... such a.ooof.....such a big cock!" He threw his head up. " MMPH! IT FEELS SO GOOD!" He moaned happily as he experienced pleasures that went beyond just the cock in his bowels, he knew he was being done gently, lovingly, by a true friend.

I myself wasn't doing to bad either, I closed my eyes and felt the wet, tight interior of his anal muscles pump my shaft. I continued grasping on the base of his tail, and slowly continued fucking him.

Long last, I felt a familiar sensation. A chamber in my groin filling, my cock hardening more than ever, that indescribable, divine sensation. "Colt...Colt, this is it... Colt, I'm gonna-nngh! I'M GONNA COME!"

Colt got ready, giving a little groan with every deep thrust, getting louder as my cock swelled with semen. "THIS IS IT!" I yelled as I reached my climax, Colt was now moaning loudly. I took a couple more thrusts then sent one last deep push. "COOOOLT!!!" I yelled in pure ecstasy as my cock exploded with the hot, white ropes of seed, I could feel my ejaculation fill thechamber inside him, then enveloped my cock as well. Colt also yelled in pleasure, feeling filled. I felt exhausted, but the most important part was yet to come. Colt still needed to come. The semen filling Colt provided a splendid nes sensation as I continued my deep thrusts, drips of seed pushed out Colt's ass by the action. I thought as I humped, and had an idea. As I continued pleasing him, I put my tail between my legs and lifted it to Colt's underside. Now I don't know if you know this, but the reason my lover is not on fire is because the flame on a charmander's tail is harmless. It actually is only 75 degrees hot. So that's why Colt is yelling in pleasure and not because he has 2nd degree burns.

Colt gasped at this new feeling. My tail's lower thicker side covered all his manhood, and the upper half reached his stomach. I rubbed with my tail, massaging both his penis and his belly. Colt was now almost crying out with pleasure every thrust I made into him. " UNG...OH... I.... I FEEL....MMPH!...YES! I'm GONNA...IM GONNA COME!"

I humped as hard and deep as I could. The big finish for a little, worthy Abra. I felt his cock swell. It was time.

I smiled and closed my eyes to listen to his cries of pleasure.

"Love you, Colt. Enjoy, buddy.

"UNH...UNH....OOHHHHH....OHHHHH.....NNRGHHHHH.....NNAAUUUUUHGGGGHHHHH!" I felt hot cum spatter across my tail still rapidly rubbing his long, coming cock. He wriggled as every virgin cell in his body went into climax with this new, unbelievably pleasurable feeling. Wriggled in pure ecstasy, and I felt more satisfied than ever knowing I helped.

We both collapsed. I pulled out of Colt and we laid there on that sofa for a long time, holding hands, panting hard and letting our satisfied penises go limp and retract into their sheathes. Colt rolled over and hugged me naked. He was still so slippery and wet and sexy. I loved him madly now. "That was... incredible..." he whispered then curled his tail and legs around me. "Thank you..." He kissed my cheek, then I let him lean his head on my shoulder and fall asleep. I, too let my exhaustion take me, and I began to doze off. Before I did, however, I felt the cum still on my tail, and I looked next to me to its owner,

My sexy little Abra,

My partner,

My irreplaceable friend.

I touched his adorable, sleeping face. "Good night, Colt."

It was the beautiful end to a beautiful night.


More adventures of the Pokemon me coming soon!

Hey! Im YOUR writer, SoFurry! Leave me some comments or suggestions for my next good, good night!

Hey! Wanna be a Pokemon Yourself? Send me some info if you want and me and Colt will be GLAD to hav ya in a story!s

Don't touch that dial!!! More to come! (no, seriously, don't touch it, its booby trapped.)