a tail of magic and mystery chapter eight

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#8 of a tail of magic and mystery

Chapter eight

When I get everyone settled, I begin to hear arguments from Alice and Michael.




I come in and stop this argument

"Children, stop fighting. NOW!!!"

They both shut up.

"Now tell me why you are arguing?"

"Daddy, Michael wants to have sex with me."

"Is this true?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"And why don't you want to have sex with Michael?"

"I'm saving myself for you, Daddy."

"And why are you saving yourself for me?"

"Mother Mopsy told my that I was only for you."

Mopsy, you did it again.

"Michael, what if I found you someone that you could make love to."

"That would be acceptable."

"Then come with me. Alice, mind Jessica and we shall be back shortly."

We teleport to a pet store that is nearby only to find out they don't have any bunnies old enough. So I teleport from shop to shop, island to island searching for a bunny. I expand my search to the mainland US and finally find a seven month old female rabbit. We find a hotel room and I begin the transformation. The rabbit grows and becomes a thirteen year old rabbit. I notice a tent growing in the shorts of Michael. I tell Michael to be gentle with her. And call her Jasmine.

Daddy steps outside and waits for us to get it on.

I, slowly and methodically, start to rub Jasmine along her sides.

"Please, more."

I hug Jasmine, rubbing along her back and playing with her tail.

"I love that."

I get up and start to take off my clothes and my penis leaps out into the air.

"It's so big, Is that going into me?"

"Yes, it is."

I position Jasmine onto the bed. I climb on top of her in the sixty-nine position. She catches my penis in her mouth and starts to suck as she reaches for my balls and plays with them. I start to lick her vagina. I pop first but it takes a little while for her to do the same. When she does I notice that she convulses and shivers. When my erection returns to full mast, I turn around and start to push into her tight confines. She shivers in response. I hit rock bottom and Jasmine orgasms. She twists and turns in my grip and finally settles down. I piston into her and she is loving it. I hit my peak and set Jasmine off. I collapse on top of her, my penis still inside of her. It is still hard but softening.

"I love you, Jasmine."

"I love you too, Michael."

I collect the two love birds and head home.

Now I have to deal with Alice.

"Alice, we're home."

"Who is that?"

"That is Michael's girlfriend and your new sister, Jasmine."

I see a look on Alice's face.

"Are you jealous?"

Alice turns her head away.

"I can fix that."

Her face brightens.

"Come to the bedroom. Michael, get Jasmine something to eat and look after Jessica."

"Will do, Daddy."

We go to the bedroom and disrobe.

"Go ahead and touch it, You have waited so long to do so."

Alice reaches out and touches my penis and when she makes contact, I make it jump.

"It's so soft yet so hard."

I lay down on my back and Alice continues to play with my penis until...

"Keep that up and I am going to pop."

Alice continues fondling with my penis and starts to suck on the tip. That takes me over the edge.


Alice watches as my penis softens and tries to revive it. It takes fifteen minutes but she succeeds. I am still on my back and Alice straddles my waist and slowly lowers herself onto my mast. When she is fully engulfed she orgasms. I feel every contraction in her pussy. She collapses on top of me.

"Was it good for you." I say.

"Even better than I had imagined."

"You still have work to do." and I pulse my penis inside her to remind her.

Alice returns to a sitting position and rises and falls on my penis. I take the time to play with her breasts and her tail. (I am a voyeur and watched as Michael and Jasmine were having fun.) When we pop together, Alice has a multiple orgasm.

"Now I can have babies."

"Not yet, you can't"

"Why, Daddy?"

"Let us get Michael and Jasmine together and I will explain."

We get dressed and leave the bedroom to applause and a score card. (It seems I am not the only one to be a voyeur.) Even Jessica holds a card ( A ten and she is too young for sex.) Since everyone is hear, I tell the kids what they need to know.

"Kids, Alice made a point that I need to tell you about. Babies. I know you think eventually you all will have children, but Daddy thinks now is not the time for it. So Daddy cast a contraception spell on all three girls that Daddy can only remove, keeping you from having babies until you are ready physically and mentally."

"Daddy, when will you think that we are going to be ready?"

"Eighteen, I think. Any sooner and you might get hurt."

"Okay, Daddy."

"Michael, did you show Jasmine around."

"Yes, Daddy."

"Good boy, I am proud of you."

I hear the main telephone for the house ring. I frown. The only people that know that number is the President, his general staff and the commander of the base that shuttle supplies and provides protection for me and my family.

I go and pick up the phone.


"Is this Alex Brown?"


"Please hold for the President."

I wait for a minute.

"How's the world out there, Alex."

"Just fine. Wouldn't change it for the world."

"Good, I have some bad news. There is trouble in the Middle East. There have been attacks in Israel and they have been claims on Arab run television networks that America is next. Alex, the people of the world need your help."

"Get me a audience with the ambassadors for all the Muslim countries. I will be in New York as soon as my transport gets here."

"Will do."

I hang up.

The helicopter arrives two hours later and transports all of us to a transport plane heading for New York. During the flight I brief the kids on what I am going to do.

When we hit the ground in New York, it is the middle of the night. I get told that the meeting will be held at ten o'clock. We get sent to a hotel and its twin beds. Michael and Jasmine take one bed and me, Alice and Jessica take the other. Michael and Jasmine go and takes a shower while the rest of us watch the local television station. A half an hour later, they are clean and with the spell that helps dry them off, they are dry. Alice takes a shower and thirty minutes later, she is dry and ready for bed. I assist Jessica into the tub and climb in after her. We wash each other, not spending much time on our genitals. We get out of the tub and I cast the spell to dry us off. We return to the bedding area and I see Michael and Jasmine asleep, her on top of him with penis inserted.

Alice then nuzzles up to me and says, "I want Daddy's baby."

"What about Jessica?"

"Let her watch and learn."

I rarely say no to Alice. When she wants a treat, I give her something healthy. When she wanted a toy, I gave it to her. Now she wants to play with her new toy.


I lie down on the bed and Alice climbs on top of me and slowly inserts my erect penis into her as her sister watches.

"When is it going to be my turn?"

"Jessica, when you are older and Daddy says yes, then you can do this."

Alice then slowly rises and falls on my penis. As she falls, I raise my hips and as she lifts, I lower. Our tempo slowly increases and Alice casts a spell.

I hear a oh from Jessica and a "mmmmmmm, that feels good." I don't have the time to ask what spell she cast as the three of us hit a slightly noisy peak.

Alice lies down on me and I whisper, "That spell you cast on both you and Jessica. What was it?"

"A share feelings spell. Jessica just felt what was going to happen to her in a few years."

Jessica then asks, "Can you do it again, Daddy."

"Not tonight, silly rabbit."

The three of us fall asleep.

The next morning, we dress, eat breakfast and get ready for the day. I get the call that the limousine is waiting downstairs and we climb in and ride to the United Nations Building.

I am brought to a conference room with a dozen Ambassadors.

"Greetings, Ambassadors. You are wondering why you are here. So I am going to tell you straight out now. Control your religious extremists or lose a portion of your population equivalent to ten times those killed by their attacks. I don't care how you do it, just do it. You have thirty days to stop these attacks or I will unleash my fury by killing the leadership of your countries first."


"Try me."

The man who said that last sentence runs towards me to strike me. But when he gets close enough to hit, I cast the protection spell and he punches a wall of magic and screams obscenities and shakes his hand.

"Any one else want to try that. No. Then you have your objectives to meet." and I head out the door.

I head for the lounge the kids are in and update them on what I said and they are shocked that I would consider it.

"Desperate time call for desperate measures."

We head for the limousine and travel back to the airport and return home after calling the President and informing him on our meeting.

I get a call two weeks later from the President. The attacks have stopped.

Life is just one big orgy at the house. When we aren't fucking in the bedroom, we are fucking in the living room, the den and even the kitchen. (And in front of each other.) One night I fell asleep and the next morning I dreamed that I was fucking Alice. Me on my back and Alice pounding away in her tight snatch.

I get off and wake up to see Jessica lying on my stomach, her vagina squeezing my penis and her saying, "Good morning, Daddy."

"You, little girl, are in trouble."

"But Daddy..."

"No buts, you are in trouble for disobeying me."

"I understand, Daddy"

"We will deal with this after breakfast."

"Yes, Daddy."

We get up and get robes on and head for the kitchen where Michael is cooking breakfast. (A vegetarian omelet. The knowledge transfers are a good thing. All the kids are good chefs and experiment from time to time.) Jessica is silent during the meal.

When we finish, everyone comes into the living room. I announce a family meeting and we sit down.

"To begin the family meeting, Please tell me the one unbreakable rule that I made"

"Don't disobey Daddy."

"Now in saying that, someone has broken that rule."

Alice says, "Who broke that rule?"

"I did." Jessica says.

Michael says, "What did you do?"

"I had sex with Daddy even when he said that I was too little."

"Please explain yourself."

"Daddy, I wanted to do this ever since you made love to Alice and she shared those feelings with me. So I practiced, I used a carrot, but it wasn't the same."

"What did you do with that carrot after you was finished with it."

"I ate it."

"Carry on."

"Well I got it into my head that I was going to try it for real. When everyone else got up and before you did, I cast a spell to stiffen your penis and I climbed on. First I rubbed it up and down my slit, which got me all excited. Then I placed it in front of my vagina and pushed down slowly to keep Daddy asleep. Then I fucked Daddy until he shot and I felt so good.. Then Daddy woke up and caught me."

"Is that all you did, Jessica?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Go into the bedroom and wait until we make a decision."

"Yes, Daddy."

I go into the bedroom and wait for the decision. I sit down on the bed and try to think up some punishments. Would he take away my favorite thing? Would he turn me into a statue? Or worse, tell me to go away? I don't dwell on it as my fingers rub my slit. I play with my button and it starts to feel good. I continue rubbing and the good feelings begin to return. Then it hits me like a meteor strike. The feeling hit a high point and rushes over me.

I continue rubbing myself till Daddy comes in and says, "We have made a decision."

"Jessica, what you did was wrong. But it was not all your fault. Alice is somewhat at fault. So I am assigning both you and Alice to help do Michael's and Jasmine's chores for a week in addition to your own."

"Yes, Daddy."

"And one other thing, until you proved that you can act responsibly. I will not allow you to play with yourself but obey Daddy next time."

"Yes, Daddy."