Spotted Love

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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I recently finished another short story about one of Kalahari's characters. This one is about Umxakaza, who you can see here:

I usually don't post every short story about his characters since some remain unfinished, they contain themes of naturism and non sexual nudity (while lacking adult content), and I don't know how readers would receive that...

This is a short story containing romance and sex about his character Umxakaza or "Kaza" as a nickname. At a little over 7,000 words, take a glimpse at village life of a female spotted hyena and a younger male who likes her. Contains anatomically correct spotted hyenas! Posted with Kalahari's permission. I hope you enjoy reading this!

Edit: Thanks for the corrections!

A pair of feet silently walked along the jungle's dirt path without a care in the world. A figure walked leisurely on a pathway through the dense foliage; choosing to weave around lingering vines rather than push them away. Throughout the dense trees looming above, loud noises of birds and insects were rarely a moment apart. Carried on a back, a small radio cut on and emitted a soft static that was nothing more than a whisper among the humid air. Written below a mark designating the device as waterproof was the name 'Kaza' in scratchy letters. It was a short nickname for the longer 'Umxakaza.' A brown furred hand turned the dial to catch a few stray frequencies. A voice emerged on the other end.

"The Yellow Tu'fan tribe has sent representatives to the region's capital." The low voice of a news reporter spoke. "This season's flooding was less than expected..." The news was cut off.

"No..." The dial turned more. A sudden shrill sound of violins pierced and scratched the air. That too was quickly changed. The brown furred hand gradually turned the knob bringing back the swarming static.

"Hmmm..." A female voice hummed in thought as she gripped her basket of cassava and tubers with her other hand. Static ensued for a moment as she changed the frequency once again. This time the sound of a strummed guitar and a soft singing voice permeated in the air.

"Ah. I like that one." The female spotted hyena bobbed her head in a little groove. The pair of colorful feathers bound to the back of her head by mere woven string bobbed in unison. Chocolate colored forearms lightly swinging to her sauntering steps were covered in a durable red material. Much like a fingerless glove, but with a sleeve, it protected her hands and wrists from the rough vegetation that could easily wear down more delicate skin.

Her beautiful dress lightly ruffled with each step she took. The standard clothing of their region was a thin dress with a gap on one side, depending how you wore it. Leaving one's front naked was just as common as leaving either leg visible. Female spotted hyenas looked strikingly similar to their male counterparts. There was very little for each sex to hide from each other, considering the lack of differences between them. It was just as common for spotted hyena villagers to walk around virtually nude, dressed, or anywhere in between. After all, there were so few striking differences to hide.

Another common sight, the youthful female was completely bare above her waist save for a strap passing between her breasts that carried her radio. Kaza had a belly ever since she grew out of adolescence, but she didn't mind in the slightest. It matched her relaxed physique and personality. She had strong legs, yet nimble arms. Her breasts were slender and somewhat oblong from their own heaviness, shifting with every subtle movement. Her thick black nipples stared more at the ground than straight ahead. Her entire front was a soft cream color, and her spotted back had a darker ruddy coloration. Only her legs, feet, forearms, hands, and muzzle were a chocolate brown color.

Emerging from the thicket, she found herself on the sandy patch of embankment along the wide Mara River. Still bobbing along to the quiet music, she walked along the water's edge leaving only footprints behind where many others had walked before.

'It's nice and calm today.' She admired the nice weather. 'Sunny, midday, with only a few clouds... And the whole place to myself!' It was great weather to spend some time in the river, if one was able to. The hyena paused by a popular spot to wade in and gazed across the water's calm surface. "You made a short walk more enjoyable, Kaza." She told herself, thinking about the radio on her back. The neat device ended up in her hands at a village market downriver. Although it took some serious haggling and bartering to secure it.

"Time to wash." She slowly sang with a quiet voice as the guitar song ended. With a single hand she plucked off her dress and set it aside, revealing a very unique sex. Female spotted hyenas possessed a very masculine trait that other species didn't have. What appeared to be a phallus was in fact a pseudo penis, an enlarged clitoris, albeit its functions were the same. Slightly thicker to accommodate its male counterpart, the fleshy phallus dangling between her legs had a darker coloration than her muzzle. It could even achieve a fully erect state like any male. They even had fatty pouches that resembled scrotums to match their impressive masculine lengths.

What drew attention from far away villagers and foreigners was regarded as normal by locals; but Kaza thought nothing of it as she stepped into the warm waters. Basket in hand, she waded into the river nude. Kaza enjoyed the sensation of water churning around her legs with each step, and the soft silt of the river bed beneath her shuffling soles. She stopped where the water came up to her thighs.

"Here is about... right..." Her voice lowered as the water subtly rippled in the corner of her eye. Kaza took notice, but lowered her basket of cassava to the water anyway. A shape began to surface in front of her. Suddenly a head surfaced and two eyes blinked open. Her brow merely raised a little at the partially submerged head.

"Um... What are you doing?" The corners of her mouth couldn't help but softly grin. Kaza noticed two adolescent friends hiding nearby among the reeds and lily pads in the shallows. What had likely started as a dare ended up as a failed prank. Bubbles rose to the surface and her brother finally rose from the water.

"I gotta go!" He turned tail and ran. The water loudly sloshed and splashed.

"You better dry off before you return home with or without your friends."

"I'm spending the night with them!" He called out before lunging away through the water.

'My brother is as immature as ever...' She watched him scurry away through the shallow water and into the bush with a hand on her hip. Kaza sighed wistfully before washing the first plant in the water. Her covered palms protected her skin from the plant's rough surface and helped clean it simultaneously. Above the little splashes, the song on the radio died down and returned to a soft static. Left halfway finished without a tune, the hyena improvised.

"Hmm... I'll think of a song." She hummed.

Along the river rests our quiet village,

Everyone rises with the sun.

Working all day,

there is one time to rest!

At sun high we lay back,

Sing and Chant!

Our favorite songs fill the air.

All of our voices,

we don't care!

Kaza sang to her heart's content while washing the vegetables. The tune typically required a steady rhythm of clapping hands, but Kaza improvised by tapping her foot on the river's muddy bottom. Pretty soon, her work was already finished.

"Hey!" A familiar voice caught her attention. Kaza turned her head and spotted a friendly figure by the embankment. "Hi Kaza!" The young male spotted hyena waved.

"Hello Yarrow." Kaza waded back to shore. He stepped ankle deep into the water to meet her. "Wearing your lucky feathers?" She gazed at the pair of bright colors.

"And not much else." He joked. The male was completely nude and only wore a woven string around his forehead with two pairs of feathers below his ears. His fur was similar to hers, but with more browns along his backside and face. He was her best friend of many years, and one of the few who had not left the village for other opportunities. "What are you up to?"

"Washing some things, and getting not very surprised by my little brother." She rustled the basket of vegetables.

"What did your brother do to not surprise you?" Yarrow held back a laugh.

"He waded underwater to me before surfacing, but it was easy to see. Sometimes sixteen is only a step away from six." She joked.

"Your brother isn't much younger than me. I'm nineteen."

"But you're mature for your age." Kaza pointed out.

"Thanks. I'm glad you think so." The male hyena felt his cheeks warm a little. His eyes lingered on the basket she carried between a hip and a hand. "Cassava?" He guessed.

"You helped me pull them from the ground this morning." Kaza smiled.

"It was difficult talking when dirt was flying into our faces." They chuckled and fondly remembered the active morning.

"What brought you out here to the river?"

"I heard a beautiful voice singing out here..." He softly mused and gazed to the side.

"Hah." She softly chuckled. "My voice isn't drawing any attention here."

"It brought me here, didn't it?" His goofy smile made her laugh. As they quieted down, their ears picked up on the radio's constant static. "Listening to the radio again?" Yarrow looked over and grinned knowingly at the visible antenna.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry." She turned the volume off.

"It's fine. Were you talking to your parents?"

"Nope. Just listening to music."

"What kind?"

"There was a nice guitar song I listened to, and earlier one had someone singing and whistling. Nothing loud or blaring while I washed these clean."

"Need any help washing those?" He pointed at her basket.

"Oh, no. I already washed them all." She held up the hand basket. "I am ready to come ashore." The female hyena stepped through the shallower water.

"I'll carry that for you." Yarrow quickly offered and took her wet basket. Then he stepped ahead and held out her dress.

"Thank you." She used the garment to help dry off her legs only to feel a tug. Yarrow moved to her backside.

"I'll use this half." He held up one corner of her dress. She bent over to dry her lower legs while he knelt down and dried her rear and upper legs.

"You should dry yourself first, don't worry about me." She insisted, but didn't stop him.

"I didn't bring anything with me to dry off." He admitted. "Besides, I am barely wet compared to you."

"True." Kaza nodded. "Or do you just like the view?" She half grinned. Yarrow didn't say anything as his ears flickered bashfully. Neither seemed to mind the quiet intimate setting or the close touches between them.

"There." Yarrow stood up. "Damp, but spiky." He noted how the fur on her legs had become messy in the process.

"That's fine. Let's head back so I can put these away." She scooped up her basket.

"Sure." He carried her wet dress over a shoulder. They wandered along the jungle path back to their village, talking casually along the way. Neither had a worry in the world by each other's side. The thick vegetation opened up when they reached a wider portion of the pathway. A small clearing just outside the village hosted a few young adults and adolescents seated in a circle. What normally would've been a modest fire to tell stories around during the night was a small pile of ashes. Four heads in all turned to see who was approaching from the path leading to the river. Half of them only wore a small cloth for clothing, no wider than a couples of inches, around their stomachs. It was a common style for young adults and adolescents alike in the region.

Mabweha, a stocky female with dark spots and a flat chest, only wore two armbands and a necklace of small beads. She would've been mistaken as a male had she not possessed a sweet voice and stout black nipples. Ullusa, a male of average build had a much lighter fur coloration and spots. He wore the cloth around his torso as well as an armband and a shorter version of Kaza's thin dress. Two other young males, Kaku and Netuyi, were dressed similarly and seated with them.

"Hello!" Kaza cheerfully spoke.

"You can wash those things later. Come on over!" The four waved at Yarrow and Kaza to join them.

"Let's hang out for a bit." Kaza led Yarrow towards the circle of adolescents who quickly made room. "I already washed these." Kaza sat down with the boisterous group and put her basket aside. "But there was a river monster I had to fight off." Her words drew a few crooning coos.

"A river monster in the Mara River?" They seemed very skeptical.

"Was it Yarrow?" Mabweha asked.

"No." The two striped hyenas said in unison to everyone's amusement. Yarrow gulped and sealed his lips out of embarrassment.

"It was no monster." She slyly played off the matter. "But Yarrow did show up later."

"The village elders say there is a river spirit that controls the fog." Netuyi mentioned.

"I didn't say that I ran into a river spirit." She grinned.

"Then what happened?"

"His head rose from the water and a pair of eyes looked at me..."

"It must've been your brother." Mabweha giggled.

"Well, you guys figured it out fast." Kaza rested her hands on her knees with a soft slap.

"He's done that to me before with his friends." She nodded.

"You missed the action earlier at the river this morning." Ullusa spoke up.

"What action? I am the action." Kaza joked.

"You look like action..." Another snickered.

"Mabweha was fishing earlier with me." Ullusa explained. "Downriver past the little marsh."

"It's true." She tapped the bamboo rod leaning against her shoulder.

"She felt a big tug on the line and tried pulling whatever it was ashore. She slipped in the mud so I grabbed her to help pull only to fall in the mud with her."

"It's as bad as it sounds." Mabweha shook her head with a silly grin.

"We pulled it close to shore and waded waist deep into the river. Covered in mud and soaked to our skin, we finally pulled it out of the water!" He exclaimed.

"Well? What kind of fish was it?" Yarrow asked.

"It was an old log." He shrugged. Loud hyena laughter broke into the air.

"Haha! All that effort for a log!"

"Did you throw it back into the river?"

"No way!" Ullusa shook his head. "After all that, we're going to do something with it."

"Like what?"

"We don't know yet." Mabweha shrugged. "We carried it to a path and left it."

"That's hilarious..." Yarrow grinned.

"So was Yarrow chasing you at the river too?" Mabweha asked.

"Chasing me?" Kaza's brow lifted.

"It looks like he snatched your dress." The younger female pointed out.

"Oh?" Yarrow realized that he still carried the thin garment over his shoulder. "No! I didn't take it from her..."

"To keep as a memento?" She teased.

"Sheesh." Yarrow looked nervous.

"Nah." Kaza placed an arm around her friend. "He's just carrying it for me."

"How sweet." A few mimicked kissing faces.

"Hey!" A distant voice called out. Everyone looked up as an older male and female were standing outside the village, waiting expectantly.

"Oh! Gotta go!" The four began rising from their seats.

"What where are y'all going?" Kaza watched them prepare to go.

"Our parents are gathering together for the night, and we need to help cook and prepare things." Ullusa explained.

"You can join us if you'd like." Mabweha offered.

"No thanks." Kaza kindly turned down the offer.

"They want to be alone for the night." Netuyi grinned.

"You're such a bad kid." Ullusa ruffled the adolescent's mane.

"I'm not a bad kid."

"Debatable..." A voice interjected, followed by a few short snickers.

"We'll see you two later." Mabweha patted their backs as she left..

"We'll see you later." The rest waved waved before departing. Kaza watched them walk away towards the houses nearby.

"How long do you expect them to stay in this little village?" She asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Not too many born in this village stay here very long past adolescence."

"Yeah. That's true." Several of their friends had left over the years to go downriver. Their rural village had little to offer today's youth. Modern technology and equipment had slowly filtered its way upriver the past few decades. Staying in the village meant passing up the bustling wealth of the world, and living by a lazy river that never changed. Yarrow's gaze shifted to Kaza.

"Are your parents away again?" He guessed.

"Mmhm." She curtly nodded. "They're in the Labagu and Wabare villages discussing all sorts of things. Sometimes I think I hear their voices through the radio more than in person." She half joked and looked over her shoulder at the bulky object behind them. "I remember how much my legs became sore as a kid from constantly following them."

"You used to be away from here half of the year sometimes." Yarrow recalled.

"I do not miss that." She made her point clear, and stretched out her legs. "It's relaxing here, even if I have to work all day, because I'm with everyone I know."

"I'm glad you stayed in the village."

"I didn't want to go with my parents." She simply answered.

"No. I mean for as long as you have." He clarified. "You could've married anyone or moved to a bigger village full of different opportunities, but you didn't."

"I like our village." She grinned. "It's homely. Life doesn't go by faster than the slow river... Unlike my parents, I want to settle down and raise a family." Kaza happily concluded.

"That's a good life..." He spoke under his breath.

"Why are you so happy that I'm still in the village?" She looked at him with a knowing grin. The male hyena fidgeted some, trying to bite back his own eager smile.

"Well... I'd miss you." He admitted.

"Aww. That's sweet of you to say." Kaza smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. The male's heart leapt at the touch they briefly shared. "I'm glad that you stayed here as well."

"Thanks..." His ears fell flatly despite the smile on his dark muzzle. A little fuzzy feeling hugged his heart. Kaza turned more to fully face him.

"Don't go all quiet and shy like that in front of me." She lightly teased. The male spotted hyena mustered a nervous smile, but found his throat too tight for words. 'Hmm...' Kaza scuffed a foot on the ground before suddenly lifting it to rest on his leg.

"Huh?" Yarrow's eyes blinked before lighting up.

"Tell me if my foot is dry." Her odd offer forced him to act. He glanced at her suspiciously but she nodded for him to proceed.

"Okay..." His hand lightly rested on the dark furred top.

He lightly felt over her soft padded sole next. His firm yet gentle touch made her softly hum.

"Dry?" She was hesitant to ask.

"Yep.'" He retracted his hand.

"Can I check you over?" Kaza offered and lowered her leg.

"I think I am dry." He hastily stood up.

"You are." She looked him over keenly. "But you need to be groomed." The unkempt fur was spiky and disheveled from a day of working.

"Hey! So do you." He pointed out that her legs were in the same shape.

"Not unless you're the one who's grooming me." She eyed him with a toothy smile. His entire face suddenly burned red hot like a coal. Kaza raised her foot again and planted it on Yarrow's leg.

"As if!" He grabbed her ankle and tugged her off the log. Kaza playfully swatted at Yarrow, but he quickly stepped aside. He jumped the adjacent log and waited for her to catch up.

"You tricky sneak." She rose to her feet and gathered her things.

"Couldn't resist." His toothy smile made her eyes roll sweetly.

"Uh huh..." Kaza did not seem very convinced. Yarrow merely smiled as they walked together into the village. Small wooden styled homes were nestled in the jungle's thicket. Several older ones still used thatch for roofing. It was still a very tribal community. It was very much a place where those who grew up were close to their surroundings and nature. The only permanent site of modernization nearby was a half finished watermill. It had been started under a state project more than a decade ago, but was quickly forgotten about. Their little village was mostly inhabited by spotted hyenas, and a few striped hyenas as well. Visitors were far and few except for political discussions, or astutely clothed individuals from the regional capital seeking small tax quotas. Everybody knew each other, young and old, regardless of occupation.

They crossed one home where an older spotted hyena was walking around an outdoor fire, inspecting the food she had just placed over it. She wore a thin skirt like Kaza had where her front was left open. Her fur was a lighter almost golden coloration, but her dark muzzle was ticked finely with silver. Older breasts, hanging with age shook from the subtlest of movements like the two necklaces she wore. Legs sturdy from countless days spent working in the fields stalked the ground like a heron. A small scar below the eye from a hunting accident and tear along her right ear marked her features uniquely. Another hard to miss, but normal feature, was her own pseudo penis. The end was stretched wide open leaving the dark skinned glans with a pair of slack and drooping lips. Not an accidental injury by any means, the multi faceted organ was also the spotted hyena's birth canal. Childbirth was a careful decision to make for a young female, and could occasionally prove fatal. Motherhood was seen as a high honor, and the changed appearance a blessing. Luckily, subsequent births were easier for obvious reasons.

"Hey Obari."

"Hello Kaza. Yarrow." The older spotted hyena stopped and greeted the younger female. "What are you two doing this lovely evening? Maybe out walking together?" She hinted at a more romantic mood.

"You could say that." Kaza grinned. Yarrow didn't seem to mind the thought. "I just came back from washing some things in the river. I ran into this guy along the way." She playfully nudged Yarrow.

"I was too late to help, but a signing voice caught my attention." Yarrow quietly stated his case.

"It was probably my radio." Kaza pointed over her shoulder.

"Radio?" Obari peered around. "I wondered what that thing was!" She chuckled.

"One of the many odd things she finds outside of our village." Yarrow grinned.

"I see. I see... How has your father been Yarrow?" Obari asked. "I see him fishing or farming as if he was still your age."

"He definitely has plenty of energy in his old bones." He laughed.

"Are your parents back, Kaza?"

"No. They're visiting the Labagu and Wabare villages. They might return in a week or so, but I am here to stay."

"Oh!" Obari looked at Kaza with intrigue. "So you have been staying in the village more."

"Yes." The young female hyena smiled. "I've moved around more than most."

"It's good to see you settling down here." The elder smiled. "I'm sure you're happy to hear that, Yarrow." She eyed the younger male who couldn't contain a happy expression of his own. "If only my two children would come back to visit..." She wistfully spoke. "They're probably married with children of their own now." Like many of the village's young adults, her two sons had left the village some time ago to seek better opportunities for themselves.

"I'm sure they're thinking of you." Kaza reassured the elder. The smell of food starting to burn caught the older female's nose.

"Don't let me keep you two standing around here." She waved them on. "Thank you for chatting. I hope you two have a nice evening together." She smiled with a knowing grin and resumed tending to the open fire. The pair of spotted hyenas strolled through the village to Kaza's house. Sharp squeals of kits playing together were never distant, but behind that were the quiet sounds of a more tribal society. A young mother, maybe a few years older than Kaza, was washing clothing in a bucket with the aid of a washboard. Her upper body shook with determined effort as her hands worked. A few steps away two middle aged males were chopping logs on a high stump. They wore very little to cover their nakedness, revealing their seasoned bodies accustomed to more physical labor. Walking past another house, both noticed a pair of old hand drums with faded painted zig zag designs. Even though singing and clapping was the favored way to celebrate with music, the basic drum was still used occasionally. It was funny how some sights in the village had never changed.

"The path only becomes more familiar as I get closer to my house." Kaza grinned at Yarrow as they approached a particular house. It wasn't very distinguishable from the other houses. It had a more modern roof and an open shutter window. A basket of strawberry plants hung from a post a few steps from the home's entrance. Outside was a rectangular basin full of water and a long log split in half to sit on.

"Going to wash your feet first?" He gestured.

"Let me hang this up." She held out her dress and threw it over a clothesline. "It should dry by nightfall." Kaza slowly spun around on her heels. They sat down on the log together and washed their muddy pads and fur in the basin. Nearly every household had a basin to wash mud from their soles to prevent tracking anything into their houses. He glimpsed over as Kaza bent forward, washing through her fur. He couldn't help but notice how her breasts rested on her knees like they were being squeezed or delicately squished. As she sat back up they returned to their normal state of hanging down, almost dangling like ripened fruit to his eyes. Kaza was relaxed and so was her body. It could be seen as lazy from a glance, but she was gentle and patient like the river. Yarrow liked that about her. Kaza pulled her feet from the basin and looked over at him.

"So... What have you been doing recently?"

"Nothing new." He quietly admitted. "Helping my dad and a few friends when I can."

"Oh there has to be something new you're up to." Kaza lightly nudged him. A little grin formed along the corner of his muzzle.

"I have been thinking..." His voice trailed off for a moment. Kaza listened intently and patiently. "About spending more time with you."

"Me?" Her brow rose in mild surprise.

"Yeah. You." He quietly affirmed. "I like being with you." The male could feel his heart thudding rapidly in his chest. Her lack of a response made in instantly regret saying that. She stood up with her basket in hand and lightly brushed past his back. Yarrow whipped around and jumped to his feet, wanting to yell 'Wait!' but his throat tightened up. 'There she goes...' Yarrow watched her ascend the low ramp to the hut's door with a heartfelt sigh. Kaza opened the sliding door and turned around.

"What are you waiting for? Come inside." She offered and kept the door open. "We can sit on the bed together."

"Oh! Sure." He blew an internal sigh of relief, and quickly entered the home behind her. Inside was a standard two room village home. An open main room for eating, sleeping, and socializing attached to a smaller room for anything else. Most homes regardless of status were either two or three rooms, although her house was a unique mix or native tribal elements and more modern influences.

Old torn jeans and lounge pants were folded beside traditional dresses and body wear. Wooden masks, elongated in shape, were hanging on one wall. Each was decorated with feathers of various birds and painted with simple lines of matching colors. A wheel hub from a car was hanging above the kitchen doorway. The bed itself was styled like a modern bed with more rustic cushions and sheets. The main rug on the wooden floor was from another village. Hunting and farming equipment resting on the back wall ranged from spears, blowguns, and bows to steel spades, a broken fishing rod, and two old rifles.

"Alright..." Kaza slipped off her radio and placed it on the floor along with her basket. "Have a seat." She motioned to the bed in the main room's side wall. Yarrow walked over, leaving faint wet prints behind. Kaza quickly joined him and they sat down on the bed side by side, hanging their wet feet over the edge to dry off.

"Is this a new kind of bed?" Yarrow felt the narrow space between them

"Yes. Do you like it?" Kaza leaned over and nudged Yarrow with a shoulder.

"Yeah. It's comfy." He nudged her back. "I really like it."

"I fall asleep as if I'm floating downriver."

"Hasn't that happened before?" He joked only to receive a playful look from her.

"Possibly." She laughed.

"I see that you are still fond about collecting various trinkets." Yarrow looked around the decorated walls and odd items inside the main room.

"They're not just trinkets." Kaza insisted. "They are memories! I like them all."

"Really? You remember when you got all of them?"

"Not exactly..." She wiggled her nose. "Most are my parents, but some are mine... like that wheel hub." A finger rose up the hanging fixture over the entryway.

"Where did you get that?"

"I think I found it in a pile of metal parts in a village far downriver. My parents were discussing important things to a few elders while I wandered off to explore. I think it's lucky to have." She admired the funny object. Yarrow silently nodded. Noticeably, the house was calm and silent. Only outdoor sounds were faint to the ear. Normally her parents were encamped on the floor discussing important events with elders of nearby villages.

"It's quiet." His ears wiggled.

"Yeah." Kaza gazed around her house. "You know, it's nice to have a quiet house sometimes." She mentioned.

"What do you mean?"

"Usually my parents are coming and going." Kaza waved her hand. "Or they will have several people over to eat, talk late into the night, and then sleep. Sometimes my brother has his friends playing around the house. It's noisy like a waterfall, but nowhere near as peaceful. So I like the quietness right now." She grinned.

"I think I understand." He slowly nodded. "Having a little time to yourself or away from all the noise is good."

"Exactly!" She exclaimed. "Having a younger brother makes that difficult."

"I can imagine." Yarrow half grinned. "Living next to two young mothers isn't very quiet." He snickered.

"Who do you live next to?"

"Yanna and Amari."

"Oh! That's right." Kaza nodded. "They both have little ones, and they're so cute!" Her voice almost squeaked. "I bet they're noisy though."

"You don't have to tell me twice." He grinned.

"And Amari is pregnant again." Kaza chuckled. "Don't lose too much sleep. You can come here if it's too much for you."

"Thanks. I'll hold you to that promise."

"But I'm not surprised. She healed up very well after her first birth. Her skin didn't have to be cut."

"Thank goodness I don't have to give birth." Yarrow looked between his legs only to shudder.

"You don't have to worry about that." Kaza lightly elbowed him. "Anyway, Amari is carrying a low baby." She held her hands out along her tummy. "My mother told me that she carried me up high." She moved her hands higher above her tummy. "I wonder if I will carry my child up high or low."

"You have the mark of a mother." Yarrow softly grinned.

"What? Me?" She felt flattered at the high compliment coming from her close friend.

"Mmhn." He nodded. "You have good shoulders and arms." He touched her with a gentle hand. "Your breasts are healthy and well defined." He trailed down the soft, yet firm feminine breast. "You have firm nipples to nurse." He touched the supple black skinned flesh before trailing down even further. "You're fertile and can bear a pregnancy." He touched her soft cream furred belly and hip. "But that's only the physical side..." Yarrow cleared his throat. "You can cook what you can catch... Eh. More importantly you're kind, willing to listen to everyone, skilled in many things, and gracious at all times." He finished just shy of declaring his feelings for her. Kaza was taken aback and looked away.

"You'll make me blush if you keep talking like that." She smiled and rubbed her mane.

"It's all true." He felt a little giddy and ridiculous from blabbering on about her. She softly grinned at the ceiling for a moment without saying a word.

"I think my feet are dry now." Kaza rose up in a quick stretch. She gradually slipped off the bedside. "You didn't need to check this time." She winked. Yarrow faked a frown as she stooped down. "I'll quickly prep these for tomorrow." She grabbed the basket full of cassava and rested it against her hip.

"Do you want me to help?" Yarrow eagerly sprang from the bed to his feet.

"It's fine. I got this." She insisted.

"Are you sure?" He stopped by the entryway.

"Yes." Kaza smiled at Yarrow as she brushed past him. The male held his breath feeling her body barely brush against him, letting their intimates touch. He finally exhaled when she was in the other room.

'I hope that wasn't accidental.' Yarrow eased away from the entryway, feeling his insides flutter. Light humming from the other room kept his optimism on a high plateau. He scuffed a foot over the floor and examined a few of the neat items in the main room belonging to her family. A few cloths to wear, necklaces, and the more odd clothes he had never seen worn inside the village before. "What are these?" He murmured, spotting a pair of jeans folded up beside more traditional wares. The material was rough, making him wonder why anyone would want to wear it. Kaza returned from the other room and paused.

"What are you up to?" She noticed Yarrow standing idly.

"Oh. Just looking at some of the odd things you have."

"You can do that in the morning. We can go to bed now." She waved for him.

"Sleep here? It's getting dark." He pointed out the dimming outdoors.

"Aren't you staying for the night?" She asked.

"Oh. Uh, is that alright with you?" He ruffled the fur along his neck. "I mean your younger brother should be here anytime."

"Of course it's alright." She smiled. "And he's spending the night with some friends, so we have the house to ourselves." Yarrow bit his lip in thought. The brief silence allowed them to hear the low stirring of tree frogs and nocturnal insects outside. "It's late." She mentioned. "We should get some sleep. When was the last time we slept over together?"

"It's been a while." He thought aloud. "Maybe years..." The male reflected on how frequently his friend had traveled with her parents throughout adolescence and even recently.

"So stay over for the night." She insisted. "I need to mend a few things in the morning, but we can still talk and do something else later."

"I can't say no then." Yarrow shrugged, and a happy grin reemerged on Kaza's lips. He took off the leather cord around his head.

"Good. It's been a long day." She removed her feathered cord as well. They crept into the comfy bed and laid down beside each other. Once he was settled in, the quietness of the house became apparent again. It wasn't quite night fall, and there was enough light to see by.

'I'm not sleepy at all.' Yarrow thought to himself. In fact, the male hyena felt anxious. He was laying in bed with the lady he loved after spending a great evening together. 'Can I just tell her that I like her?' He wondered what to do, but Kaza acted first. She rolled onto her side towards him. Yarrow clearly felt her legs touching him. At first he thought she had quickly fallen asleep, but two delicate eyes were softly watching him.


"Hmm?" He blinked.

"You meant everything you said earlier, didn't you?" A hand touched his shoulder. "The mark of a mother... Spending more time with me..." He hummed feeling her lightly ruffle his fur.

"Yeah. I did." Yarrow bashfully nodded. "I love you as much as I look up to you." He spoke as his heart thudded noisily. Kaza could feel herself blushing from his romantic comments.

"I love you too Yarrow. You're kind and care for people." She stroked his cheek. "I wonder why so many young ladies aren't clawing each other to marry you."

"There's no one else like you Kaza..." Yarrow reached with a hand through the darkness and managed to touched her arm and something soft before bashfully backing away. But Kaza didn't shy away either, nor did her happy expression lessen.

"I like it when your hands touch me." She softly smiled and edged a little closer to him. "Others our age are rough with passion, but your gentle touch yearns to love and be loved." Her hands curiously sought out his hands through the dim light. He blinked as she moved his hands over to her, and placed them on her breasts.

"Kaza..." The male's cheeks reddened at the prospect at what she was offering.

"Touch me wherever you want, but be gentle." He felt her whisper into his ear. Yarrow nervously gulped but pushed away his hesitations. He did want to love her! Starting slowly, his hands lightly traced her breasts, the soft masses yield to his tender fingertips. He found a nipple and began rubbing the firming spout of flesh. The thick nub felt warm and smooth betwixt his two fingers. His other hand wandered along her side, trailing more firmly towards her hip and belly.

"Does this feel good?"

"Hmmm." She softly hummed in agreement. Kaza craned her head closer and nuzzled him. Yarrow felt a warm fuzzy feeling blooming inside him, and eagerly nuzzled her back. Their lips and noses touched, and before either knew it their tongues were too.

"Mmm..." Their muzzles locked together. Her hands were no longer idle and both rubbed and explored each other. Their legs mingled and their bodies drew closer until their fronts were completely touching. Every breathing moment became a caress of intimacy, trusting the other's love. Through the kissing Yarrow felt a distinct touch down low.

"Hmm?" Kaza noticed him stop, and paused as well.

"Oh?" He lifted his leg and saw their not so flaccid lengths mingling together. Aroused flesh touched aroused flesh. A light play of frottage ensued as hips slowly thrusted against each other. Their hardening flesh poked and prodded the other's legs while rubbing together. Arousal brimming inside his head, Yarrow leapt at the chance. "Let me love you." He whispered.

"One condition." Her reasoning stood out against their young lust.

"Anything." He kept himself from begging.

"Let me love you too." She smiled. A bright smile emerged on his muzzle. He stole a kiss from her before scooting away. Kaza was puzzled as he slipped out of bed.

"Sit on the edge." He knelt down. She quickly understood and edged forward. Her legs slipped over the bedside and rested against his sides. Dangling in front of his face, Yarrow had a very close view of her pseudo penis. The naked skin was a typical dark coloration, and clearly aroused. It was barely longer, but noticeably thicker than his length. Above him, her hanging breasts were practically watching him as keenly as her eyes. He started to feel a little nervous. With a little encouragement from a nudging knee, Yarrow placed his hands on her inner thighs and tenderly rubbed the downy cream white fur. Her length bobbed from his touch as he worked his way inwards.

He lightly massaged the fatty pouch that imitated a scrotum. A murmur of approval encouraged him. Yarrow leaned forward. His breath teased her hard shaft like a gentle breeze. Lips parting he delivered a soft lick, but her member jumped up as if his tongue were a feather tickling her sensitive skin. Yarrow blinked and looked up at Kaza who was intently watching him. The two broke into a simultaneous laugh that relaxed the tense mood.

"It jumped away like a grasshopper!" He remarked.

"I can't control it." She spoke through a few lingering chuckles. "You can hold it if that helps." He nodded and carefully held the thick base with a thumb and forefinger. The flesh was rigid like his own, and very warm. It throbbed in time with her heartbeat. He craned his neck closer until his nose touched her fleshy underside before delivering a long lick. A vague taste of her enticed his taste buds. Her entire length pulsated from the loving attention. Licking over her opening, he detected a wetness on his tongue. She was clearly enjoying it, and he reveled at the fact. Without pause, his lips wrapped around her blunt shaped end and licked it gently. Kaza's hips began shifting. "Oh gods..." She held onto the bed. His tongue felt like a fire burning her with pleasure. He suckled the tip before letting it spring out of his mouth.

"Ooh..." Kaza softly exhaled and closed her eyes. She tensed and groaned as his mouth sweetly pleasured every inch of her sensitive length. Her member began to jump and strain more as the pleasure never ceased. Yarrow took the increased wetness as a good sign and doubled his efforts. Kaza squealed her eyes shut as a strong feeling quickly bloomed. She bit her hand and tensed feeling a rush course through her body. A brief shudder and suppressed squeal made her lover slow down. Yarrow felt her entire body shudder and then strongly shake for a second. He heard a hasty exhale from above as a wet dribble landed on his muzzle. He started to touch her again, but this time a hand pushed against his shoulder. Yarrow backed off and looked up at her questioningly.

"I'm ready." She breathily spoke in a shaky voice. Heart thudding inside his chest, Yarrow nodded and immediately stood up. Kaza couldn't help but see his bobbing member aimed at her like a spear. She readied herself as he crawled back into the bed. Yarrow unceremoniously lined up between her legs. Her phallus had lost some of its rigidity, and was ready for him. He started to reach down but froze.

"Are you sure?" Yarrow hesitated. "I mean, if you become pregnant then-"

"I understand the risks and what will happen to my body." She answered. "I wouldn't do this with anyone else." She grasped her pseudo penis and held it steady for him. His pointy tip touched her flatter opening. "There..." Her heated breath whispered. Yarrow's shaky hand steadied as his glans pushed against her fleshy barrier. With enough pressure, her length scrunched together like an accordion as he nudged his hips forward. A primal instinct overcame them. Mating was natural, and both fulfilled a heartfelt desire of passion. Back and forth, moans and growls, the nighttime came only when they had tired themselves out.

Soft pants of sweet exhaustion filled the now dark room, drowning out any noise from outside.

"Ah... Ahhhh." Hands resting on each other's sides, they panted in harmony. No words were spoken through their powerful afterglow, but they shared the mutual feeling of love. The bonding act they had just shared, and the pure raw pleasure had opened their hearts to completely trust each other.

"Mmmm." Yarrow hummed as they snuggled close, but each felt a little tug below.

"Eh?" They looked and found that Yarrow was still inside her pseudo penis, albeit, they were both flaccid now. He touched their joined lengths causing Kaza to softly whine.

"I'm still sensitive." She moved his hand, but didn't let go. "And I wanna stay like this for a while." She murmured.

"Okay." He softly grinned in agreement. There was a brief silence between them, but a nagging question lingered in Yarrow's mind. "Are you staying in the village for good?"

"Yes. I'd like to." She grinned and sighed contently. "I'd be with you and we would raise a family together..."

"I couldn't think of anything I want to do more." He tenderly spoke. "At the village I call home."

"Home... It's a feeling I can't get anywhere else." She lightly kissed him. The pair managed to find sleep in each other's arms, exactly where they wanted to be for the night.