You scratch my Itch...

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#22 of Fox & Shadi One-Shots

Well, about a year ago, I wrote an Anniversary piece for my wife, the 'Submission' story. If you paid attention, there was a reference in that to Shadi's brother, Troy, pushing her first ever sexual partner out of a window... So what better to write for Shadi's Birthday than the full explanation of just how the hell that happened? :P


The Stryker home was quiet. It wasn't so much that this was a bad thing, or a good thing either. Really, it was an unusual thing. Alzeer, the male Rex and father of the family, was even home today, though asleep in his bedroom, resting off an unexpectedly late night at an office party that had ran into the early hours of the morning. Mercifully, it was the weekend, and a dose of Nyquil had dropped the Amassii lion like a ton of bricks onto his bed.

The only reason he could sleep properly was because of the unusual quietness. Typically, the Stryker home would have been a mess of activity, and a mess was the right word for it. Between Alzeer's wife, mother of a pair of teenage boys and four girls, there was always some sort of commotion, argument, music, game, loud, excited discussion, cooking, cleaning, or cacophony of noise going on at almost all hours while the sun was shining.

Not today however. Today, was a special day. Every other member of the household save for one was out, something that seldom happened but during school hours. Troy, the eldest son, an almost a glorious golden maned doppelganger of his father, was out at a job interview. Seft, his dark furred younger brother, was over at a friends for the weekend. Three of the girls were out with their mother for 'retail therapy', and his youngest, Shadi, was home, under the weather, and sleeping herself back to health.

Or at least, that as the excuse she had used, convincingly bluffing her way through breakfast pleasantries and discussions before retreating to her room, and locking the door after herself. Remarkably, she'd managed to insisted that she just wanted to sleep off whatever bug she'd managed to get, and that her sister should go and enjoy it, and not have it spoiled on account of her. Even more remarkable was that everyone else had brought her acting hook, line and sinker.

The little tan furred feline was nearly sixteen now, and yet already had filed out into a short, chubby, but beautiful young woman, her tail almost as long as her body and the tip was dark and fluffy, and as large as her head.Her fur was a mixture of cream and rich caramel in colors, with the occasional spots and stripes in a smooth, chocolate brown, much like her back-length hair.

But more than her gorgeous figure, or her appealing looks, the most curious feature of her physique were her eyes, mismatched in brown and green. One shone like Topaz, while the other glimmered like Emerald, twin jewels that she viewed the world with, and charmed her father over when she really, really wanted him to get something specific and expensive for her birthday.

The feline's room decorated in forest greens and earthen browns for the runners, a large california king in matching colors dominating the middle of the open space, warm sunlight coming in from a set of curtained double windows overlooking the backyard. With the time of day, it was perfect to let the glow fall right upon her bed, and subsequently her back, completely bare from her head to her toes, which wriggled with delight at the pleasant warmth.

She wasn't sick. Not even slightly, but, it would have been more awkward trying to explain in front of her family that she was going to stay home and scratch a very pervasive itch that had been bothering her for the last few days... Or that she had invited one of her cute male friends from school over to help her itch it while they were all out. All he had to do now was show up, and damn him, he was already late!

Of course, she didn't blame Timothy. He was cute, handsome in his own 'not quite grown into his body yet' kind of way. He was a sleek, dark furred cat, a sprinter on the track team who could dash a 500m like a junior Olympian. That, and they shared a few other classes, and he had seemed nice enough to maybe date and have her father actually approve of. He wasn't a straight A student, but then again, neither was she. They seemed like they might make a decent pair, and plus...

Well, she'd gotten glances inside the changing rooms by the running track a few times before, mostly through the thin slit windows cleverly hidden under the bleachers. Obviously, it would look silly for her to be laying down on the metal rows of seats and looking underneath them like she'd lost a penny for twenty minutes, but, with her purse between her legs and a cleverly positioned compact, like that, she could just pull her phone out, pretend to be texting, and she had her own private shows. Nobody was ever any the wiser.

Out of all the boys she'd watched, he by far had he best balance of looks and brains, as well as one of the nicest peckers she'd ever had the pleasure of perving upon. Not to big like the stallions who flaunted it like dick size was all that mattered, and not to small, like that one senior on the varsity team who would have looked more at home on an ice-pop stick.

She groaned, rolling her naked body around on the bed, the tip of her tail thrashing about as she checked her phone again with one paw, the other buried between her squirming thighs, futilely trying to relieve some of the need that was radiating for her bare, furless sex. Already She'd pawed off too many times to count, and her fingers were slick with the lioness's arousal, as was the fur of her inner thighs.

She almost jumped out of her skin when there was a tap on her window, and quickly, she scrambled to pull on the thin silk bathrobe that hung off of the back of her closet door, stopping just long enough to check herself in the floor length mirror by her vanity table. A comb was quickly snatched up, and she spent a few moments running it through her hair, trying to make herself at least look somewhat presentable.

Another tap on the window, something small bouncing off of the glass.

Frustrated, she marched over, looking down into the yard from her second story bedroom. If this was just some damned bird interrupting her 'her' time, she swore, she was going to make the little sparrow into a pi-

Timothy waved at her from the grass below, his high-school hoodie pulled tight around himself to fend off the autumn chill. Unlike her, his fur was shiney and combed, but not nearly as thick or as warm. He would have to deal a few moments longer.

Quickly, she unlatched the window, the brisk gust of air that blew inside suddenly making her nipples turn into two little nubs of diamond on her still developing C cup breasts. Her thin robe did nothing for the cold either. It was good she wouldn't need it for long.

Timothy got the point without her needing to spell it out for him at least, and with feline agility and grace, he scampered his way up the creeping vine lattice beneath her window., his claws leaving little pockmarks in the paintwork all the way up to beneath the lioness's room. He pulled himself inside, landing with a thud on the floor that earned him a hiss to be quiet from Shadi.

"Close that, quickly! My father's asleep, but everyone else is out for at least the next few hours..." She smiled, enjoying the embarrassed little flush to the cat's cheeks as he attempted to quietly pull the window closed again.

"What was so urgent it had me scrambling to get over here before-" Timothy started, taking a long draw of air to catch his breath when the smell in the room suddenly hit him like a wall, stopping him in his tracks. Heat. Thick, rich, needy. The smell of lust, of the primal desire to breed and multiply. And it was coming right from Shadi.

"Oooohhh..." He started, turning back to find Shadi slowly letting the silk robe slide down from her shoulders like water running over a rock, and his jaw wordlessly dropped. His eyes were locked on her body, following her curves as she revealed them utterly without shame to him, a little, seductive purr rolling from her throat. Her breasts were perky and bounced slightly as her robe slid down past them, and then dropped straight to the floor, pooling around her ankles.

His eyes followed downwards, eyeing her bared nipples with unbridled arousal as the feline's track pants quickly developed a tent at the front, his eyes following the curves of her hips downwards, tracing the path of the robe as it had fallen. They fell upon her sex almost instantly, the need and arousal swollen lips a bright pink, contrasting the bare skin around them that quickly blended into her short pubic fur and then her main coat itself..

"So... you like?" Shadi teased, giving her hips a cute little sway, her paws clasped behind her back.

"Y-yeah... So uh... This was why you called me round, I suppose?" Timothy stammered, still trying to get his brain to catch up with the situation at hand. When she'd sent a message for him to come around this weekend, he'd thought maybe for some homework help, or just to hang out as friends, but this... This had not been on his list of possibilities.

"Mmmhmm." She nodded, biting her lip in just the subtlest show of trepidation she could get away with, trying to play it off behind her tucked chin and cutely fluttering eyes. "You like what you see?" She flicked his eyes up to meet the cat's own, the faintest hints of a grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

Timothy was almost sweating, but the quickly flicker of his tongue across his lips gave him away all to easily for Shadi. He nodded, the rapid sort of nods of an excited, hormone driven teenage boy when presented with a naked girl in her room.

"Well, I have a proposition, Timothy..." She drew out his name, letting it teasingly roll off of her tongue like a hunter pronouncing her prey's name before she pounced. She took a slow step forwards, quietly circling the cat as she gave him a soft nudge with her naked hips towards the bed.

Timothy was surprised, but not daft, and got the hint quickly enough, letting the little lioness push him over onto the bed gently with a gentle tap of her paw against his chest, her fingers trailing down his chest until she reached his waistband, her fingers hooking underneath the elastic fabric.

"I've got an itch that I need scratched, and I want you to be the guy to scratch it... Think of it like a mutual agreement..." She purred languidly, slowly drawing her fingers down, her claws firmly hooked into Timothy's boxers just beneath his trousers, drawing them down around his knees with an ease. She'd practiced this so many times in her mind, so that when she finally had decided to enact her little plan, it came as naturally as a well rehearsed script. The only variable in her mind had been which boy she'd choose, but she was confident they'd have greed no matter whom. What red blooded male could resist a pretty, short, and undoubtedly tight little thing like her in heat wanting them to help her out?

Timothy's cock popped free as she drew his pants down around his legs, tossing them carelessly aside. It was a bright pink, tapered and growing thinner to a point from the base, and a good 6 inches, which for a feline, was certainly nothing to be ashamed of. It would do more than well enough for her. Even the little barbs that seemed to run along the upper portion of the feline fuck pole just served to entice her.

"There's about three hours before anyone else should be home... and if I help you scratch your itch..." She purred, her soft, leathery padded fingers wrapping around his cock, engulfing it entirely in his grip. It was warm, and throbbed at her touch, a pearl of watery precum bubbling up at the tip, slowly dripping down over her fingers before it dripped down onto his sac, two large grape-sized testes resting just underneath that fuzz, and no doubt all kinds of pent up with teenage hormones.

She stroked her fingers slowly along his maleness, peeling his sheath back slowly at the base, exposing more of the sensitive base of his shaft as she did so. With a short breath, she knelt down on the end of the bed, before crouching over him, her paw moving all the while. Slowly, she used her free paw to grip his fingers, gently guiding his own paw up to the heat that radiated between her thighs, letting him touch her most sensitive place, slick arousal clinging to his fingers as she guided his fingers over her sex, a pleasured sigh escaping her.

Not wanting to waste any more time, she leaned down, parting her lips as she lowered her muzzle to the tip of his penis, running her rough, yet wet tongue across those feline barbs, plucking them up with the draw of her thin feline tongue. She drew it from his sheath all the way to his tip, coiling the dexterous muscle around and lapping up the dribbles of precum that dripped from his prick like water from a faucet.

This was... Well, her first time doing anything like this, but she thought at least she had a pretty good idea what she was doing, or at least what she was trying to achieve. Direction helped keep her on track, and she'd seen enough videos online to know what it was supposed to look like. If the groans escaping Timothy were any indication, she was doing well enough.

She could here his soft panting, clearly enjoying this unexpected surprise, as Shadi quietly nursed on his cock, swirling her tongue around the base of his shaft as she fondled at his sac with a paw, purring her throat as she lowered her muzzle down to his base. She did her best to suppress her gag reflex, relaxing her throat as her muscles rippled around him, trickles of precum coating her tongue messily.

For what it was, the flavor wasn't at all unpleasant, slightly salty, slightly bitter, but with how her hormones were raging with the fire in her womb, as far as she was concerned, it was male, and it was just what she needed. She pinned his hips to the mattress, holding him down as she went to town on his prick, slurping and swallowing along the teenagers prick as he gasped, his paws finding the back of her head and tangling quickly into her hair.

After a few more moment of blissful torture, she pulled herself back, not wanting the inexperienced male to finish their fun too soon...

She pushed herself back so that she was sitting on her ankles, her knees spread wide, two fingers down at her sex to spread the petals of her flower apart, putting herself shamelessly on display for the gawking cat. She toyed with her clit, closing her eyes as she gave a quiet little moan, her tail twitching in the air quickly behind her, jerking and changing direction each time her finger pad stroked across her pleasure buzzer, short gasps making her breath hitch with each bolt of pleasure that shot from her cunt to her brain.

Timothy's eyes were glued to her, his prick pulsing with his excitement as he watched Shadi's lewd display, unable to pull them away if he'd wanted too. Slowly, he rolled onto his side towards her, inching his muzzle towards the source of that sweet, cinnamon scent. Her heat was in full swing, and the boy could tell just from how strong it was, like alcohol to his inexperienced self, intoxicating him until he was drunk with lust, his prick twitching and jerking with his pulse.

Shadi stopped his muzzle short, looking down at him. "You scratch my itch, I'll let you..." She began, drawing his eyes up from her sex to meet his eager gaze. "...Scratch whatever you want all afternoon..." She purred with a seductive lick of her lips, but she already had the horny teenager by the dick and was just guiding him home now...

His muzzle sealed around her spread lips hungrily, and Shadi could help but let out a startled mewl before she tossed her head back and moaned, clamping a paw over her muzzle in embarrassment. Oh gods, she'd read online, but nothing had prepared her for just how good it felt!

What Timothy lacked in any skill at all, he more than made up in his sheer eagerness to feast upon her cunt like a lion on a gazelle, his tongue lapping from the southern end of her slit all the way up and over her clit, shivers racing along her tail with every lick. He gathered her arousal on his tongue like it was wine from a fountain. Drinking her addictive flavor down more and more, he growled, taking a few more long laps before he pushed forwards, putting his paws on Shadi's waist as he pinned her down to the bed.

"Oh, I'll do more than scratch that itch for you..." He growled, lowering himself down over her body, his tongue whipping over her breasts as black fur melded with tan. His chest pressed down heavily against her own, and Shadi gasped, squirming around to position her hips under his, her entire body thrumming with excitement. If this was how she lost her virginity, she was absolutely okay with that, so long as he got rid of that pesky itch for her.

She steeled herself, knowing full well it would probably hurt like hell, but wanting it all the same. At least her hymen was already gone; she'd done away with it on one of her sister's toys she had uh... borrowed... a few months ago while experimenting with herself. Her body was wet and more than ready for this, and so was she.

Timothy gasped when his tapered feline prick came in contact with the heat radiating from her sex, and he drew his hips back, tensing as he prepared to get his own V-card stamped. He lunged forwards with a feline yowl, and Shadi gasped out as her virgin sex was spread by the boy above her, piercing into her passage.

Timothy growled, biting down onto her shoulder as his hips rocked against her, pushing his cock deeper still, inch by inch determined to bury himself all the way to the hilt in her slick, heat swollen tunnel. Shadi's inner muscles clenched around him like a vice, valiantly trying to hold back his thrusts, but her body was in heat, and her virgin sex coated in slick feline honey, while muscles deep inside clenched and squeezed, as if just trying to coax the cat deeper while at the same time, holding him at bay.

She gasped each time he barbs drew back along her sex, plucking at the skin and scratching her sensitive insides in such a way that made her want to yowl and scratch and arch up into him all at once, desperate for more. Instead, she moaned, her paws wrapping around his shoulders and holding on for dear life as her pick of the sports teams fucked her silly, huffing and grunting into her shoulder.

Her body trembled like a leaf, muscles deep inside her tensing and quaking. Despite herself, the pleasure was overwhelming her poor little body faster than her brain could make sense of it all. Hes sex tightened like a coiled spring even as Timothy's thrusts grew frenzied and desperate, the boy's prick inside of her turning rigid like a bar of steel, twitching and throbbing rapidly.

"Ahhh, S-Shadi, I-" He managed to stammed, as Shadi's claws dug into his finely toned as, holding him deep inside of her. She knew exactly what she wanted, and he was going to provide it, her own climax quickly rising. She could feel each pulse of his precum a it splashed against her cervix, getting more and more frequent as his sac drew up tight against his sheath.

"Ahh! Give it to me! Fuck~" Shadi hissed as her peak rose to a crescendo, her mind looking over the edge of that abyss of pleasure as she cam-

Or, at least she would have, had the door not been flung open a moment before.

"THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER?!" Came the fierce roar, and like that, Timothy's libido and Shadi's orgasm retreated like the tide before a wave, as her older brother Troy bust into her room like a SWAT team on a crack dealer with an arm full of merchandise, instantly homing on the black cat on top of his little sister.

"GET THE FUCK-" There was a smack as Troy shoved Timothy off of Shadi, pushing him down to the floor, the boy scrambling back as he reacting in total panic to being discovered.

"OUT OF-" Troy snarled, kicking him in the arse as the black cat flailed in fear, his flight or fight clearlyu picking the former of the two choices as he dashed to the window.

"MY HOUSE!" Troy finished, shoving him roughly backwards, and sending the poor cat screeching and yowling out of the window, landing in the bushes below with a loud rustling of leaves and breaking branches.

As if adding insult to Injury, Troy snatched up the boy's pants from the floor, and tossed the out of the window after him.

"And stay the hell away from my sister!" He shouted, closing the window before he wheeled around on his sister with a growl, which quickly died in his throat.

She was still laid out on her back, panting and whining as she pawed at her swollen cunt, whining and moaning as she attempted to rub herself back to that peak. It was a futile effort; the moment was gone, and she let out a frustrated, very feline hiss as she sat up, glaring at her brother.

"Dammit Troy! Did you have to do that? I was -this- close!" She hissed, pinching her forefinger and her thumb together as she glared him down.

"This close to what? Letting some boy with no idea what he's doing put a kitten in you?" Troy snapped back, grabbing the pack of 'Knot-locker' brand condoms that sat unopened on her night stand. "These are for canines, Shadi, and they're not even open regardless!"

"Please, I've been on the pill for months, Troy. You couldn't have just left well enough alone, but no, Shadi can't have anything good if it involves a boy!"

"Are you kidding? With all the racket you two were making, I'm amazed Dad hadn't already kicked in the door and done worse to him that what I did. Couldn't you hear how loud you were being? Like a pair of feral cats going at it in an alley!" He snapped back at herm rolling his eyes.

"And put some pants on already."

"No." She growled back, her tail flicking.

"Excuse me?"

"No, Troy. You ruined this for me. I've been waiting all week for today so I could finally get some damned relief from this het cycle, and then you storm in because I -Wanted- him to fuck me! You need to go and bring him back, or find some other way to make this stop. I can't stand it!" She whined, growling as she pushed a paw between her thighs again, rubbing her fingers across her sex desperately.

Troy paused, looking from his sister to the door, and then back to his sister, naked on the bed and frantically trying to get herself off with her fingers. He should have left then. He knew he should have, but between the smell of her heat, and the sight of her bare body before him, Troy's brain was conflicted. Fortunately for him, his blood quickly drained further south, and made the decision for him. The much larger lion closed the door quietly, snipping the lock to his sister's bedroom shut.

"So, you want me to make it stop, do you?" Troy asked quietly, his tail flicking once with mischief, and for a moment, Shadi felt her heart flutter in her chest with a sudden pang of nervousness.

"...T-Troy? What are you doing?" She responded, shifting back on the bed slightly, using one paw to cover her breasts, even as the other shamelessly still toyed with the tiff little nub of her clit, and without realizing, she spread her legs apart as she shuffled backwards, her body contradicting what was going through her mind.

"Well... You said yourself you're on birth control... and you said that 'I' need to fix this. Do you want me to just leave you like this, or do you want your brother to fix it for you?" Troy rumbled as he prowled over to the bed, quietly climbing up onto the mattress, and suddenly, compared to her much larger, much older brother with his thick, shaggy main of golden fur, she felt very, very small indeed.

Nervously, she nodded. She knew it was wrong, but dammit, she needed something or she was going to go insane! All her own paws were doing was making her even more desperate to fuck someone, and her body was screaming at her that there was a male right there in front of her, willing and ready, if the sizable bulge of the lion was anything to go by.

"We shouldn't... It's not..." The argument died in her throat as Troy pushed her gently down to the bed, his weight crawling over her spread legs as his paws came to rest upon her thighs. His head slunk down to the covers, and a heartbeat later, he nosed her paw aside from her sex. She whined as he inhaled the scent of her heat, and let out a wuff of hot air across her clit. She shuddered at the perverse thrill of having her own older brother between her thighs, and her womb clenched in anticipation.

"P-please..." She whined, almost pitifully, letting her own flesh and blood spread her thighs like she was a cheap whore, but dammit, she didn't care. Unlike Timothy, Troy's tongue was broad, textured and rough almost in its own way, but that first stroke of it already told her all she needed to know, a moan peeling from her lips as her brother tasted her forbidden fruit for the first, and what she already knew would not be the last time.

Troy had certainly done this before, the way he curled his tongue to push her nether lips apart and force his way inside to the source of her heat more than proof enough, and she shuddered when it drew back, his taste buds soaked in her sweet honey plucked right from her core. Her fingers curled around the tufts of fur that coated the top of his large ears, pulling his head in closer as she spread herself shameless for Troy, chuffing loudly at the new sensations rolling through her body and making her womb quivver with desire.

"Jeez sis.. You really are desperate, letting you own brother eat- herk!" Troy's smart ass comments were muffled as Shadi pushed her Thighs in on either side of his head, forcing his tongue back to more useful things it could be doing, like bring her closer to orgasm again, the familiar tightness and anticipation building deep inside her core, but it wasn't enough dammit, not this time. She needed him inside her if she wanted any hope of this dreadful need going away, and she needed him now!

"B-Brother, Please..." Shadi whined, her paws moving from his ears down his back, grabbing his shirt and pulling it up over his head. Once it reached his neck, he got the point, and pulled back, letting her yank it carelessly off of him, tossing it over her nightstand even as Troy moved to his knees, fumbling with his belt as he hastened to remove it, apparently having as few hesitations about fucking his little sister as she did about letting him.

Troy, when put side by side with Timothy, would have dwarfed him. It was comparing a housecat to a lion. They weren't even in the same league, and it showed below the belt as well.

"I uh... I'm not sure if that will-"

"Oh, it will, don't you worry about that..." Troy growled, his prick bobbing just in front of Shadi's eyes as he moved forwards. He had easily another inch on the cat he was replacing, and was girthy to boot, though maybe it as her lust addled mind talking. All she knew was that she wanted him, and she wanted that barbed prick inside of her right now.

She lay back as her brother crawled over her, pinning her shoulders to the bed, and then, he did something unexpected. He leaned down, and he kissed her flush on the lips, making her nose turn a bright shade of pink as she blushed.

"A lady should never be without a kiss when she makes love." He explained, smooth as a well aged scotch, and slipped his tongue into her muzzle before she could protest it. She didn't resist, instead, relaxing into the gentleness that was surprising for as rough as Troy usually was. She let it happen as he wanted, parting her lips and giving his tongue free reign of her muzzle, gently pushing her own back against the strange sensation of the kiss, her flavor on his lips.

In a way, it was nice, the little feline quietly melting into his mouth. The soft moan that escaped her was muffled into the kiss as her brother aligned himself with her sex, before smoothly and without further hesitation, pushed himself in her to the hilt in a single, smooth drive of his hips. She pulled back, gasping as her brother's barbs scratched right to her core, warmth blossoming against her cervix as he drew himself back.

The lion's barbs were much, much more prominent than Timothy's had been, and she swore she could feel every single one of the little nubs as they dragged back along her clenching passage, harshly scraping her clean of anything Timothy might have left inside of her, and in a way, she relished the feeling, pushing her hips up to meet her brother as he thrust again.

This was how it should have ben, she concluded, taken by a male who knew just what to do with a lioness in heat, and she moaned as he plunged into her depths again, the soft tan fur of his plump sheath and full sac brushing over her swollen nether lips.

"Ah- Don't hold back Troy, I can ungh! Ahhh... Take whatever you'll give."

"All afternoon Sis?" Troy grinned cockily down at her, shunting her entire body with a particularly firm roll of his hips.

"Oh god~ As long as you want brother! Just don't stop!" She begged, thrusting her own hips back up against her brother, the incestuous siblings panting and groaning together as he fucked her into the sheets.

"Oh, don't worry about that.. By the time I'm done, you're going be be walking bow legged out of here!" Troy growled, shifting his hips so that he could push stiffly against her cervix with each thrust, wet slaps echoing around his darling sisters bedroom as they fucked noisily. Her body eagerly accepted his intrusion, her core tensing and rippling across her brother's length, drawing his preseed out of him until she could feel him twitching and throbbing within her,his cock trembling like a leaf inside of her tight kitty cunny.

"Ahh, I'm... So close Troy.. Just.. a little more. Please! I need it!" She pleaded, the fire in her core raging like an inferno as he rutted her with quick, hard thrusts that shunted the bed backwards. Her own peak was quickly approaching, like a wave of pleasure building, making her muscles spasm and ache with need, with lust, the sinful desire to feel her brother shooting her load inside of her, filling her with his cream.

Her paws reached around, gripping his rump and his tail, pulling him into her body completely as she gasped, feeling his cock nudging its way against the tight muscle of her cervix, leaking precum messily all over the entry to her very core, extinguishing the edges of the flames, but not the fire itself that she felt within her. Her legs wrapped around his waist, forcing him to stay inside of her as she let out a long, lewd moan, reveling in incestuous bliss.

"Ahh! Do it Troy! Make me your bitch! I don't care, just please, make the itch stop!" She cried out, her body clenching in a death grip around his shaft, the barbs digging into her sensitive insides as they flared outwards, trapping his throbbing prick inside of her, the tip pushed up against her cervix.

"Gah! Shadi!" He snarled, his muzzle darting down to bite around her throat, silencing Shadi's gasp as she tensed around him. She felt it a moment later, the heavy, pulsing throbs of her brothers cock as his cum shot from him in waves, warmth and wetness filling her core as she lost herself around him, the siblings incestuous cum mixing together and pooling within her womb.

Troy snarled, grinding himself forward into her as he thoroughly emptied his pent up balls into his darling little sister, her body squeezing him for every last drop until he was dry and spent inside of her. He finally released his hold on her throat, and Shadi gasped in relief, her entire body spasming around him as she saw stars, trembling with the sheer force of her climax. Even her heavy panting couldn't draw in enough air to focus her lust addled brain, and a loud purr quickly started within her chest, loving the sensation of being filled, the fires in her womb quenched if just a little, and yet she still wanted more.

"Oh... Shadi... Mrrhmmm... My sweet little sis..." Troy rumbled out with praise and affection, kissing her once more as his own climax wound down, but he was still hard a rock within the tight confines of her sex.

"Mhmm... Give me a minute to recover... Then I'll have you again... After all, you promised him all afternoon, and since I'm taking his place." Troy chuckled, placing a quick peck on Shadi's forehead as she purred, bumping her nose against his own.

"So long as you scratch my itch... I'll scratch yours as much as you like, brother..."