“Where Are You Sugar?”

Story by JA Red Wolf on SoFurry

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"Where Are You Sugar?"

A young seventeen year old male Cougar named Jake was busy surfing the web on his computer and checking out the mating sites that were online. He had his right paw wrapped around his hard shaft and was slowly jerking off as we looked at the random naked snapshots of female felines . Damn she's hot! Jake thought to himself as he was checking out a snapshot of a she-tiger masturbating herself. Jake closed his eyes and in his imagination he visualized the she-tiger on the computer to be laying in his bed, foundling herself and letting out loud passionate moans. He started jerking himself faster and he was quickly reaching his climax.

"Oh yah...like that..." He said out loud to himself as he savored his self stimulation...but unfortunately he grew board of the image in his head and it quickly melted away to nothing._ Damn! Better look for something else!_ He thought to himself and pulled his paw out of pants and started looking for another snapshot to relight his passion.

He clicked the mouse every five seconds as he scanned through different snapshots and all the while said out loud in a board voice, "Seen it...seen it...boring...seen it...too fat...too skinny...to fake...gross...gross...seen it..." Just then his sex drive burned out and his hard on deflated to a limp. He let out a board sigh, gave up and slumped back in his chair. I've been yanking my joy stick off way too long to network porn...now I no longer find it entertaining... _ He thought to himself and let out a board sigh. _You could always try licking yourself off! He thought to himself in the third person and after he scoffed at that thought he replied out loud to himself, "Yah...that's just what I need...I start licking myself and soon I'll develop a taste for cock and cum, and then eventually I'll be finding myself rising my tail to all the males in the shower room at school." He shook his head no at that idea and decided to just call it a night.

He shut down his web browser and then his computer. He waited for the screen to turn black and then got up from his chair and started towards his bed, but as he passed by his window he saw something that made him do double take. Right across the street, through the other window he saw a gorgeous female saber-toothed tiger laying almost completely naked in her bed and she was slowly masturbating herself. Jake placed his hands on the windowsill, and as he locked his attention on her, his tongue lolled out of his mouth and his cock was burning a whole in his pants.

THERE IS A GOD! Jake screamed in his head as he watched the live show across the street. Jake then quickly shot around his room like a wild animal and was desperately looking for his binoculars. "WHERE THE FUCK IS IT!" Jake quietly yelled out loud as he threw open his chested draws and flung his clothes out in all directions..._nothing! _ Jake slammed his top drawer shut in anger and snarled, "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" Out loud to himself and just then he remembered where they were. "Duh Sherlock! It's under the bed where you hid them from Joie!" He scolded himself and in that same instant he turned, crouched down and with a single twitch of his tail, he leaped forward under the bed and bashed his head into something. "OW MOTHERFUCKER!"

He yelled and with his claws took hold of the object and pulled himself out from under the bed, with the object in toe. It was his storage box of personal items and it was inhere where his binoculars were located. As he quickly lifted the lid, he saw his binoculars and after he grabbed them, he did a flying leap forward and almost crashed into the window. "Whoa that was close!" He said out loud in surprise as he realized he was just inches away from eating glass. He slowly backed up from the window and then leaned down a bit and raised the binoculars to his eyes and started focusing them on the naked show next door.

Slowly her image came into view and then fazed out to a blur, he then refocused the binoculars in the opposite direction and stopped when the most gorgeous image of a naked female saber-tooth came into in plan view. She looked almost like a cougar, except she didn't have a long tail. She did how ever have massive K9's that made him think about butcher knives, and her whole body was toned with tight muscle...not one lick of fat! Her eyes were closed and she was busy stimulating herself with a single finger and one extended claw to mimic the feeling of a male's barb. She pulled her finger out almost the whole way and with quick jerk of her paw, she slammed it back into herself and her head jerked back with moment of ecstasy and a touch of pain. She repeated this process and continued.

Jake was watching the whole thing through his binoculars and just then a wicked smile manifested onto his face and he said in a lustful tone, "Hay baby...I got a barb right here that is just dying to make you roar!" And just then he reached into his pants with his right paw and started masturbating in sync to the action on the other side. Sadly the moment was too stimulating and he quickly seeded his pants in just a few minutes. "Damn it!" Jake barked and just then his sex drive cooled down to a stop. He then said, "Ah well...at least I can record some late night dream material!" And continued to watch the show...and was enjoying every moment of it!

Finely the moment came when she gave four hard slams into herself and let out a feral roar as all females do when they reach an orgasm and then she relaxed herself back in her bed for a moment and looked very satisfied. Jake was smiling and letting out wanting moans as he watched her. Just then she opened her eyes and it looked as if she noticed Jake through her window. She quickly got up and proceeded toward her open wind to get a better view. "WHOA SHIT!" Jake yelled and leaped backwards onto his bed to. He was just in time too, for she was busy looking out in his direction.

Jake was hidden in the shadows of his room and just to be sure she didn't see him, he held perfectly still. His heart was racing and he shook uncontrollably. She squinted her eyes to get a better view for a few moments and then with a shrug she pulled her head back from the window, shut it and closed the curtains.

Jake then closed his eyes and as he let out a sigh of relief he collapsed onto his bed and moved himself into a more comfortable position. "Damn that was close...but it was fucking exciting!" He joyfully said to himself and folded his arms behind his head and started reflecting on what he had just finished watching.

"Hmmm...it may be a crime against nature...but I would love to fuck that gorgeous Smilodon!" He said and then chuckled to himself. He took a few moment to envision that scenario within his head. He was busy envisioning her running her rough tongue over his cock. He could just feel it right now and he could not help but tremble as he imagined the feeling of it. It was all going fine...up until he fantasized her accidentally slicing off his cock with one of her oversized K9s. Jake shot up in bed and grabbed his crotch with both hands and as he made a painful face he squeaked to himself. "Ok...blow jobs and all other oral activities are out of the question! Better stick with just fucking!"

He then relaxed, laid back down and started imagining her laid back in his bed and with himself on top, thrusting and pumping himself deep inside her pussy. He could already feel her claws working away into his flesh as he was busy nailing her and he could hear her purr with ecstasy into his ears. When he became board with that image he switched over to one with her bent over and this time he was nailing her under her tail and leaning over forward with his paws cupped around her furry breasts.

Just then he pulled himself out of that thought for a moment and asked himself out loud. "Would nailing a female in the tailhole still count as gay?" He pondered on that thought for a moment and shook it from his head. He continued thinking about mating with her for a few moment and then finally drifted off to sleep.

Over the course of one week, these events continued to play out. She was almost always on time every night and she would be laying back in her bed, busy stimulating herself. Sometimes with her paw, other times with a dildo and one night...A VACUUM CLEANER! Jake was jerking off so often right now...he was surprised he didn't have calluses on his right paw and cock! The only downside is he had to keep back in the shadows and despite the fact his binoculars gave him a good view..._it was very hard keeping a steady view when busy jerking off! _ So one day he decided to buy some tinted glass for his window. Taking the money he was saving up to buy his PS3, he instead used it to buy one sheet of tinted glass...as he figured; PS4 will be out soon anyway and how often do you get the chance to watch a naked smilodon masturbate herself on her bed?

During the weekend when he was home from school he quickly but carefully installed his tinted glass window and was most eager to try it out! After he installed the glass and sealed it into place, he rushed outside to see how well it would hide him tonight. The window was dark and noticed that the only way anyone would see him inside, was if they were standing face to glass with the window. "Perfect!" Jake joyfully said to himself as he rubbed his paws with delight. "This is going to be a night to remember!" He continued and on that note decided to celebrate his accomplishment with a cheeseburger and milkshake at the nearest fast food joint that was just down the street.

That night he positioned his chair right up front of the window and was anxiously awaiting for the late night fur show. He checked the time on his wrist watch...she was just four minutes late tonight. "Come on baby! Don't make this cat start without you!" He playfully said out loud and just then she came into view and laid down on her bed. "Oh yah!" He said in a lustful tone as he unzipped himself and took hold of his fully erect member...so far the window was working and she didn't pay him any attention at all!

Within a few moment she removed her bra, panties and was this time completely naked. "This is going to be good!" He purred to himself and started milking off his member. The fist few moments where mostly watching her stimulating her nipples and then finally she slowly moved both her paws down to her happy area and on that note...inserted all her fingers with her and claws into herself. "This is new!" Jake playfully said out loud and continued, "I like it!" And slowed his jerking down in sync with her paw thrusts. When the moment finally came when Jake felt his climax approach, he closed his eyes, bit his bottom lip and tossed his head back into his chair and then with a few pelvic thrusts forward and tighten his grip on his shaft, he shot his seed all over the glass to his new window. He purred for a few moments and as he opened his eyes she noticed the mess he juiced all over his new window.

He could not help but laugh and when he stopped laughing for a moment he said, "I hereby proudly give this new window my own personal seal approval!" And then continued laughing. After he zipped himself up, he reached down, took up one of his dirty shirts and started to clean the mess off the window. Unfortunately his seed was already starting to crystallize and he was make more of a mess out of the situation as he wiped. "Damn it!" He said in a disgusted tone and after he tossed his shirt back on the ground he continued, "Note to self; Buy some paper towels and window cleaner tomorrow." And after he said that he let out a yawn and stretched himself back in his chair and continued to watch the smilodon across the street masturbate.

Over the next few days, Jake starting sitting in his chair strip ass naked and continued jerking off to the live show across the street. Sadly there came one night when he was busy sitting there naked in his chair, jerking off in time to the smilodon's live fur show; he was just seconds away from his climax when he suddenly stopped, released his hard dick and let out a sad sigh and said to himself, "Look at me...jerking off instead of fucking her...I'm pathetic!" And on that note he stood up, dressed himself in his clothes and looked out the window one last time.

He placed his paw on the window, over the view of her naked body and sadly said, "It's been fun baby...but I need something more then just visual stimulating in my life...I'll always think of you!" He then raised his paw to his mouth, kiss it and then touched the window in a gesture that said; Goodbye my love! And then walked over and laid down on his bed and decided to just go to sleep.

The next night he was downstairs watching a movie on the TV. Normally it was around this time he would be upstairs jerking off to the sexy female smilodon across the street, but right now he felt it was time to grow up and focus on finding a relationship instead of fantasizing about it. He was going over the many female cougars he knew at high school in his head and was busy narrowing down his choices on the one's he was contemplated in asking out on a date tomorrow.

"Hmmm...Mary has been giving me the eye lately...I think I'll ask her out tomorrow!" He thought out loud to himself and just then the phone started ringing. He quickly got up and call out loud to his folks upstairs, "I GOT IT!" And picked up the phone on the fourth ring. "Hello?" He said into the phone and to his surprise he heard the lustful voice of a female feline reply, "Where are you sugar?" Jake figured it was a wrong number and said, "I'm sorry, I think you got the wrong number." And was about to hung up when she quickly replied, "Is this not that hot sexy cougar that lives right across the street from me?"

Jake paled as he herd that and raised the phone back to his ear and replied in a shaky voice, "W-w-what did you say?" She giggled and replied, "Well...for the past week now, you have been sitting there in your chair in front of the window, giving me the hottest show of male masturbating I have ever seen in my life!" Jake swore his fur turned bleach white for a second and with the warm wet feeling in pants right now...he figured he just pissed himself!

"H-h-how d-d-do y-y-you k-know a-bout t-that?" He asked still in a shaking voice and she replied with a lustful giggled and said, "Well for the record sugar...I have eyes and they work real good too! In fact if it hadn't been for you...I would be right now out looking for a male!" Jake closed his eyes, gulped and said, "B-but t-the w-window is t-t-t-tinted." She laughed hard for a moment and then said in a laughing tone, "Oh my god! Was that was the first window was?" Jake's eyes shot open wide and he replied, "What you mean; First window?!" She giggled and replied, "Oh hun...I thought you knew! I was outside watering my plants when I saw your little brother brake your window while he was playing a game of baseball with his little tiger friend!"

Right after hearing that, Jake cringed his face with both terror and anger. She then continued, "Well they came over and desperately asked if I could help them fix the window before you and your folks got home...I know it's not practical to agree and help him, but your brother is so cute and his friend and him were such good helpers in helping me get the new glass installed. I thought he told you sugar!" Jake then growled dangerously as he thought about his brother for a few seconds and then she said, "Tell you what hun...why don't you come on over next door for a few minutes...and we could...well...you know..." She stopped for a sound and let a sexy growl into the phone that made Jake instantly hard and then continued, "What do you say hun?" Well...every cloud has a silver lining! Jake thought to himself and replied in sheepish tone, "Um...ok! Um...just...just give me a few moment...I...I have to talk with my brother for a few minutes." She laughed for a moment and replied, "Don't be too long sugar!" And after she said that she hung up.

Jake hung up the phone and right now he was seriously pissed off! He let out a feral growl and then angrily said,

"One...hundred...eighty...seven...dollars...and...forty...five...cents!" His fur stood on end and his tail fuzzed up.

He then looked over to where his brother laid his baseball bat. He walked over to it, picked it up, looked up dangerously to where his brother's room was located. As he smashed the large end of the bat in his paw, he started walking upstairs and said in a sing song voice, "Oooooh Jooooooie?" His brother heard him and called out from within his room, "What?" Jake continued up the stairs, still smashing the baseball bat in his paw and continued in a false sweet tone, "You want to play a late game of baseball with me tonight?" His brother then called out, "I can't Jake! I lost my ball...um...remember?" Jake continued up the stairs and as he smashed the baseball bat into his paw, he grabbed it and sank his claws deep into the wood, twitched his tail in anger and replied in his false sweet voice, "Oh don't worry Joie...I know where I can find two!"