A Better Friendship--Chapter 1: Reconnecting

Story by Topaz on SoFurry

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#1 of A Better Friendship


OK, I don't really think I need to put this here, I...I'll be honest. I'm only putting it here because I see so many people doing it.

Here goes,

This story contains consentual sex between two males. If you don't like it. Let me introduce you to the big X button in the upper right hand corner of your web browser!

That was it. OK, now my stuff! This is my first yiffy story, my first post, and my first story with anthros in it. Constructive critisism welcome! Like, reeeaaallly welcome.

It was an early Wednesday morning in the middle of Jay's summer break. He would be entering his sophomore year of High School when it started up again. He just lie there in his bed, thinking. His thoughts strayed to his old best friend, Leo. Leo, like Jay, was a wolf. But Leo's fur was a darker gray than Jay's. They had met at the age of 2 at Leo's mother's daycare and had been best friends ever since. Jay glanced at the illuminated clock. It blinked 8:23 at him. He realized that he had thought it was still early because the sky was so dark. He also realized that it was pouring rain outside. He lifted the curtain that shaded his window from view to see who's car was in the driveway, if anyone. Everyone was gone. Good. This meant that he didn't have to find anything to put on while he walked to his bathroom to get ready for the day.

He closed the bathroom door behind him and flipped on the two lights and the fan. Before turning on the water for his shower, he checked himself out in the mirror. He had been trying to get his pecs and abs in shape for the past two weeks by running 1 mile a day, doing 60 push-ups and 100 or so sit-ups. It was starting to show, he was always a thin wolf, but now you could defiantly see the beginning of a six-pack and his pecs were getting sexier. His arms were getting thicker as well he noticed! He got in the shower, still thinking about Leo. He knew that he had a crush on him, but he didn't want to risk their friendship over that, even if they hadn't seen each other since the end of the 6th grade. Leo had transferred to a public school, while Jay decided to stay in the private school. He had more friends there.

Jay got out of the shower and dried off, then went into his room to find something to wear. He threw on some boxers, jeans, socks, a slightly tight t-shirt, and a light brown hoodie. He was just closing the door to his room on his way downstairs to the kitchen when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Jay asked into the phone, wondering who was calling at quarter to nine? "Hey! It's Leo, long time no talk!" "You got that right," Jay replied, "what've you been up to this summer?" "Actually," Leo said, sounding slightly hesitant, "I just got my drivers license, and I wanted to know if I could pick you up and bring you over to my place. We just got a pool in one of those greenhouse type buildings. You know, the kind that's all glass? It's heated too, so we could go swimming." Jay was bursting with happiness, he loved to swim and he could see his long lost friend again! "Sure," he said, "I don't see why not! When'll you be here?" "In 20 minutes, it's a long drive, but I know the way. Well, see you in a few!" "K, see ya!" The two friends hung up, and Jay went around his house to find his swimsuit and a towel.

After he got ready, it was almost time for Leo to get there. Jay was now wearing a soft blue button down shirt that he wore whenever he went swimming because it was easy to take off. Leo turned out to be a few minutes late, but Jay counted on it and was watching for him out the computer room window as he checked his email.

A red truck pulled into his driveway and he was off. He put on some sandals before going out to meet his old friend. Through the window of the truck was the hottest wolf he had ever seen! Leo wasn't wearing a shirt, the reason to which became obvious as Jay entered the vehicle. It was stifling hot! "Sorry 'bout the heat. My dad said he'd warm up the car just before I called you, not overheat it!" Leo told him apologetically, but with a slight tone that Jay had picked up. A tone that told him that he didn't want to wear a shirt and had just gotten an excuse. Jay heard these kinds of things in people's voices, he was good at reading people, and after all the years he had sepent with Leo, he could read him like a book. "No prob," Jay said, not letting him know, "Lets go!"

"K." And they were off. Leo, being new at driving without an adult in the car was too busy looking at the road to notice Jay checking him out. Leo had washboard abs, huge arms, and a chest to die for! Jay had to control the sexual excitement in his voice as they drove and talked. They needed catching up, and, after the first 10-15 minutes in the truck, Jay was less excited and more used to the idea of his best friend being the hottest thing he'd ever seen, or maybe just able to control himself a little more.

They had just turned onto a dirt road; leading to where Leo lived with his father. His mother had moved out some years ago and now lived in New York, New York but they kept in touch.

"Well, this is it!" Leo said, pulling into the driveway of a large wooden house with the greenhouse swimming pool in the back, just in front of a large wood. "'C'mon'! Since we're both ready to swim, lets float and talk more. My dad's out for a week and I've got the whole place to myself. Hey, maybe you'd like to spend a few days here? God knows we'll need all of it to catch up!" "Sure, but I'll need to let my folks know where I'm at. And I'll need to pack some clothes." They started off to the pool. "Worry about that later." Leo replied with a tone that not even Jay could read.

When they reached the pool, they were both heavily soaked from the rain. Leo took out a key from his pocket and fitted it into the lock. The door opened and they quickly ran inside. Leo shut the door and locked it again. Apparently you needed a key to get in or out. Jay, not noticing this, looked around the area. It was big, with lots of potted plants around the edges.

While Jay was testing them temperature of the water with his now de-sandaled foot, Leo had snuck up behind him. "Boo." Leo said just before pushing him in and diving in as well. The pool was 15 feet deep at the area where they were, so they just bobbed there. Jay was glairing at, without meaning it, Leo.

"Looks like I'm not going to be the only one not wearing a shirt after we get out." Leo said while shooting a spout to water from his mouth and watching Jay climb out and undo the 3 buttons he used to hold his shirt on. "Ha ha. You're going down loser!" Jay flung his shirt on a chair and dived in after Leo, who quickly got out before Jay had even surfaced. "We both know how this is gunna end, so how 'bout you just give up?" "For now." Jay replied and swam towards Leo, who walked closer to the edge. "Hey," Jay said, "come here." Leo stood right on the edge, and Jay pulled him in. "Now we're even!" They spent a few hours swimming and talking, mostly about their relationships with girls. Leo wasn't very forthcoming, but Jay surprised him by telling him that he'd only gotten to first base. "I'll tell you I've gotten at least that far with someone..."

It was 4:00 at night when they went inside. It was very large, clean, and had comfortable warm feeling in it. As it turned out, since Jay was so slim with only a 30-32 pant size, most of Leo's old shorts fit him, along with some of his few t-shirts, so all Jay had to do was call home to let his parents know he'd be spending a few days here.

After finishing some ordered pizza, the two went to put on some dry clothes on. While Jay took out the clothes they found for him earlier, Leo was already stripping down. Jay was awkward with this, in his school, they didn't take showers after gym classes, they could, but Jay didn't get sticky enough to where he thought he needed one. Now he didn't have to take any more gym classes.

Jay didn't want to make Leo think he was too much of a prude or anything, he was shy, but he didn't like spreading that around. He was one of the kids that most people ether liked, or had no idea even existed, only a few liked to pick on him - he just had to use big words to get rid of those people though.

As his swimsuit came down, he heard a loud bang behind him. He turned around to see that Leo had tripped on the edge of his bed and was sitting there, erect. A good 7 to 7 and a half inches. Jay was, thankfully, not erect yet. "I know what this looks like..." Leo said hesitantly. Jay couldn't think of anything to say, but his body seemed to say something to Leo, because he was growing to his full 6 inches. "Uh...same...here..."

Leo got up and walked over to Jay. Jay trembled slightly as Leo put his arms around him. "How far did you say you've gone again?" Leo asked, "First," Jay responded, "but something tells me I'll get further tonight. How about..." Jay couldn't get any further; Leo had put him in a very deep kiss. When it broke, Jay finished his sentence, "you?" Leo replied as he slowly led Jay over to the bed, "I've done this once or twice, not a lot though."

Leo turned around, so that Jay had his back to the bed. Without warning, Leo pushed Jay onto the bed. Leo then climbed on and moved Jay so that he was in a comfortable position, to show off his muscles. "I see you've been working out too." Leo said, as he positioned himself on top of Jay that was good for making out.

After a few minutes of that, Leo broke the kiss and asked, "Ready to go a little further?" "I've never done this before, much less with a guy..." Leo gave him a smile and said, "Don't worry I'll be gentle. Now, lay on you're stomach."

Jay did as he was asked, getting feeling both nervous and excited all at once. "Just relax, don't get nervous. It's going to hurt a little though." Jay looked over his shoulder and replied, "Are you delaying on purpose?" Leo smiled again, "It's just that I've had a crush on you since the sixth grade, and now I'm finally getting to do this with you. I can't think of a time when I've been happier." The only words he got in reply from Jay were, "You're not alone."

Leo put his cock to Jay's tail hold and started to push. Jay relaxed enough to allow the head to pop in, he gasped from the feeling of something invading him. Leo pushed harder, until a few more inches slid in, Jay was grasping the foot of the bed to stop from crying out. Soon, Leo slipped all the way in, and pulled out again, leaving only the head in. He started pumping then, slowly. Jay wasn't feeling pain anymore, not so much as pleasure. Leo went faster, until he couldn't hold it in anymore. "Nergg." He grunted as he pushed in one last time, hitting Jay's prostate, which caused him to go over the edge as well. Leo shot hot strings of wolf cum into Jay's ass, just as Jay was shooting onto Leo's bed, as well as his own stomach.

Leo didn't know he could even have a load so large. It was leaking out of Jay's ass within a few contractions. Jay had stopped shooting, but the pleasure was more than anything he had ever felt before in his life! He was lying there, gasping, while Leo was still grunting and shooting cum into his ass!

When they both ran out of energy, they simply lie there with sweat dripping off both bodies. "You know," Jay said when he got enough energy to speak, "it's really hot when you grunt like that." Leo grunted again and pumped his cock again in Jay's ass, hitting the prostate by accident, sending Jay into a quick orgasm by holding his cock there.

"I take it you're submissive?" Leo asked. "As much as you're a dominant wolf with a huge cock." Jay replied. "You got me there," Leo said, "now shut up and go to sleep." Jay's last thought before drifting off to sleep was "I hope he doesn't get an orgasm while he's sleeping or morning wood."

You'll notice that I put this as a story series. I do plan to post more. But I'll only start writing after I get some good comments...so I know what to write about and what to change!