Going for the Gold

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Bob's special events: Winter Olympics

Going For The Gold

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy.

Warning the story contains a non consensual sexual encounter between an adult male and a male cub. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

It's a bitterly cold day but at least it's stopped snowing, Malcom thinks as he sits on the log lacing up his skates. The black goat fumbles with the laces making sure they are nice and tight. He looks over at Roger who is doing the very same thing, both boys had been watching the Olympics that afternoon and wanted to see if they could be like the speed skaters they'd seen on TV. Laughing and talking the kid and the kitten make their way out onto the small pond. "Okay, remember on the count of three we go, first one across the pond wins." The boys are a little unsteady on their feet, they've been skating before but not that often, the boys hunch over trying to look like the people on TV as Malcom bleats out "1. 2... 3"

The boy's start huffing and puffing, their legs pumping as they scramble across the pond; both boys are wobbling and unsteady on their feet, it's all they can do to make it across. Reaching the edge of the pond they both start to strut, each one seeming to think he'd won. Soon a playful little scuffle breaks out to settle things but a voice speaks up cutting through the cold evening air like a shot.

"It really was too close to call, boys you should try again and I can be the ref." It's not a kids voice that much is sure, the boys look around seeing a man dressed in jeans and a puffy black jacket. He seems to be canine, but the purple scarf around his muzzle and the knit cap pulled down over his ears make it hard to tell. He takes a step closer to the boys on their skates, his voice is very calm as he talks and the boys seem to think this is a good idea. "Okay I'll head over to the other side and be the finish line."

Bob grins behind his scarf, not sure how this will play out; should he try and talk them into something or should it be a blitz? On the other side of the pond he waits till the boys are ready and watches them take off scrambling across the ice. He can't tell much by their winter wear but all boys are beautiful with a fat dog cock crammed between their buttocks. He watches intently calling the race for the goat. "and we have a winner!" He shouts as the goat boy gets there just ahead of his friend, both boys are huffing and puffing now, trying to recover from the dash across the ice. "You boys seem tired, all pooped out from skating so hard." It's almost impossible to keep the hunger out of his voice as he watches the boys. He moves quick but the boys are a bit leery now and take off, Bob's fingers missed by inches as he lunges for the kittens collar.

They both take off across the ice, whimpering and going as fast as their tired little legs could carry them. Malcom can hear the man's boot steps behind them, his heavy feet pounding the ice. Distracted for a moment the little goat wobbles and that's all it takes, as he loses his footing. Pitching forward the kid topples down, skidding on the ice. "Roger." He bleats, "Help..." But his friend doesn't look back he just keeps on going.

Bob slips down to his knees letting his momentum on the ice carry him forward. In one quick motion he's got the boy's legs pinned beneath him and that's important if the little billy goat had thought about it, one good kick from those skates and the dog would be in serious trouble. He leans down to whisper in the kid's ear. "You boys were too tired to out run me for long, but your cat buddy had it right. He didn't need to out run me, just you."

Malcom shouts for help, yelling at the top of his voice as the big man pushes him down hard into the frozen surface of the pond; but he's sure no one can hear him, it's to far off the beaten track. He knows it's hopeless but he tries anyway praying some one happens by. It's at this time he feels paws on his pants roughly jerking his trousers down, the boy whimpers as the chill wind hits his genitals, shuddering as the pressure of the man pushes his bare fur down onto the ice.

With the boy's bottom bare before him, Bob fishes inside his jeans and pulls out his already hard cock. The biting wind shrinks it almost immediately as he leans forward angling it up under the goats little black tuft of a tail, he needs to get it somewhere warm before the cold causes it to shrink to much. He pushes forward with a groan as the boy beneath him squeals from the sudden violation as Bob just moans from the warmth. The contrast from the cold weather outside to the aching warmth inside is ohh so sweet. The man moans as he sinks balls deep into the boy in one solid thrust, the dog is in heaven as he feels that virginal ass squeezing down on him. "Ohhh yes boy, you're so good." The boy's bleats of pain grow louder as the man pulls back, the Shepard groans, his shaft sliding from the warmth of his cock-holder and out into the biting air once more as it sends a shiver down his spine; but it does make the next hard thrust all the sweeter when he rocks his hips forward and drives in deep. Bob leans forward hunched over the kid, his tongue lolling out to one side as he jackhammers his cock home.

Flecks of spittle and drool drip down on the boy's neck, some dripping onto his face freezing there along with his tears as the man takes away not only his innocence but his dignity. He whimpers loudly wondering if Roger found someone and was bringing back help, he hopes he'll be rescued but deep down he knows it's already too late.

Bob howls, louder and longer then any of the boy's pained noises, one's a cry of triumph though as he pushes forward bearing down on the brat stretching that tight ass out even wider as he rams his fat knot home. Momentarily the man's eyes cross from the pleasure, feeling that hot fist squeezing him for all he's worth as he grunts and falls forward. He lets the little body take some of the weight as his churning nuts pump copious amounts of cum into that sweet tortured little anus. He doesn't wait too long since he's getting cold just laying there, he pulls back tearing his still engorged knot from that oh so tender ass, earning another loud bray of pain from the boy. he stands over the cub, his still spurting cock in his paw letting the last few trickles of cum rain down on the boy as he smiles. "You know, it should always be like this. It's how you boy's need to be treated, thrown to the ground and fucked hard. It's always better when you can yell too, thanks for that." The big dog stuffs himself back into his pants and walks away.

Malcolm sobs softly for a moment before trying to pull himself up off the ice. He stops suddenly though as the pain catches him. The little ram moans, he's been so worked up, he'd been so sweaty from running back and forth he'd actually frozen to the ice. The boy starts to cry as he screams for Roger to come save him, the frosty grip on his groin is unbearable and eventually he cries for anyone to help him, even the rapist.

What the black kid doesn't know is that Rodger, who eventually will help him, is currently indisposed at the moment, Bob having caught the feline as he tried to sneak past. The kitten's currently pinned to a tree while the dog paints his tonsils in the most fabulous shade of off white.

Malcolm and Rodger eventually made it home that night. Though the police where informed the mysterious stranger was never caught. The goat decided he'd never be a victim again, he learned one lesson from that day on the pond. You don't have to be faster then trouble you just have to be faster then those you're with. The boy went out for track the following summer, and returned to skating in the winter. Always he had to be faster, the poor boy was obsessed.

Years down the road as the black furred ram was accepting his gold medal for a record-breaking speed skating run, did a certain dog take notice. The goats form fitting skating suit left nothing to the imagination. "Mmm I thought that ass looks familiar." Bob smiles as he continues bouncing the boy in his lap letting his big fat cock work deeper and deeper into his squirming nephew. He's lost in bliss, not even hearing how the world famous athlete had just broken down bawling on national TV after proclaiming he could have never come this far if it weren't for anal rape.

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