Santa Paws Comes to Town: New Coat by Kane Fenris

Story by Rakan on SoFurry

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On his way back from work, the winter coat of Markus is badly ripped by his car door. Faced with a heavy snow storm, he wishes he had a new coat to brave the cold. Luckily for him Santa Paws hears his pleas.

I was lucky enough to win the christmas raffle by FA: darkwolfswordsman65 (Kane Fenris) and got this nice werewolf TF story from the "Santa Paws" series from him. Artwork by FA: Scrappyvamp.

The snow was falling rapidly from the sky, creating a blinding wall of white. One of the few cars driving through it slowly chugged through the piles forming on the road. The driver had a firm, nearly death grip on the steering wheel. Whenever he felt the wheels slip on the icy road, he would let out deep breaths that every now and then would slightly fog his glasses.

"Come on Markus. Just a little further! Damn, I knew I should have just stayed at home today!" The man mumbled under his breath. His eyes strained as the swirling flakes outside whipped towards the windshield and slightly melted there before being swept away by the wiper blades which were slowly accumulating a mix of frost and snow. Another slip of the wheels made his grip only get more intense as he nearly slid through a stop sign.

"Almost there...just a little bit further..." Markus muttered to himself while watching the road. He observed how a plow truck turned down another street, allowing the last home stretch to be a little less stressful. Markus let out a sigh of relief as he was able to pick up speed.

Markus loved living in this remote part of the country - but getting snow removal services around these parts was like a game of chance. It wasn't as if he didn't like snow either. He appreciated how it made everything seem more pristine, however he just couldn't stand the cold that came with it.

As he finally made it to his driveway, it was already covered with around six inches of snow and the snow was still climbing. Once the car came to a complete stop, he turned the vehicle off before taking a moment to breathe. "I guess i should better get in before the snow gets any worse." He thought to himself before undoing his seat belt and opening the door.

He stepped out of the car while running a hand through his short brown hair and feeling the bit of sweat that built up during his stressful drive. The sweat quickly cooled when the cold, bitter winds whipped around him, covering his glasses in flurries. He stumbled in the snow as he pulled himself out of his car. With one quick motion he tried to slam the car door shut and suddenly felt his body get yanked back slightly followed by a loud ripping sound. He quickly tried to turn to see what happened, only to feel an icy chill go up his back when he fully realized that his jacket had gotten stuck in the car door and now sported a massive tear from the side up to the middle of his back.

"FUCK! This is just great! My only jacket and now its ruined!" Markus yelled out, feeling a flare of anger inside him. He took a deep breath after he pulled the rest of the jacket from the door and shut it again. He huffed looking out towards the road for a minute. He contemplated trying to go to a store to get a new one. He needed something to keep warm while he had to shovel the snow the next day or so, since this old one would not do anymore. But he knew that most of the stores would be closed by now with the snow emergency. After feeling his body getting colder he resigned and quickly rushed towards his front door.

"Damn! I wish I had a new coat! And this had to happen on Christmas Eve of course..." He mumbled to himself as he unlocked the door and slid inside to the warmth within. He was completely unaware of the large, white fur covered being standing a short distance away.

Inside the house Markus took off his snow covered clothes, tossing them in the laundry room so that they could dry there. Soon after he found some nice warm fleece lounge pants to wear. He settled in on the couch to watch some TV while the snowstorm continued to rage outside. He sulked a bit as he thought about his jacket. He guessed that it might be possible to fix it but since he had no needle or thread or a sewing machine he couldn't do it himself.

"Guess I am just going to have to face the cold tomorrow without a coat - or dress in like 20 layers of shirts." Markus mumbled a bit until he jumped from the sound of a heavy pounding on his door. "Who the hell could that be!?" He quickly moved towards his door hoping it was not someone who wrecked out front.

Just as he felt his hand touch the doorknob and started to open the door, it suddenly burst open with a large gust of wind. Snow was blowing all around as a large figure entered the room wearing a bright red outfit.

"Hey! You can't just barge into someone's home!? Who the hell are you?" Markus yelled towards the man until he noticed this man was dressed up as Santa, with his bright red suit and pants covered in snow.

"Now, now - no need to get hostile!" The man chided while turning towards Markus. However this man was not sporting a long white beard. Instead, he had a short brown beard that was neatly trimmed while his eyes were a bright blue.

"Well I'm sorry, but you just sorta burst into my home! Tell me why you are here before I call the cops!" Markus said, feeling his heart starting to race in his chest.

"No need for that Markus. I saw what happened to your jacket and felt really bad for you lad. So I figured I would give you a present." The man smiled warmly while dusting snow off his shoulders.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Were you watching me?" Markus asked nervously as the other man chuckled.

"I'm Santa. There is no need to worry! I just wanted to give you a new coat for christmas." The man smiled, pulling out a large flat shaped box from behind his back. It was wrapped in bright red paper with snowflakes on it.

"Santa - Hmm - Really? And a new coat?" Markus asked tentatively taking the present while Santa moved into the living room to warm himself by the fireplace. Markus followed after him, looking the present over. He heard of a guy going around town giving out gifts to random people and he wondered if this was that man. He was still on edge.

"Go on - open it. I know you will like it." Santa said rubbing his hands over the open flames. "It will keep you warm while you enjoy the snow." He chuckled.

Markus looked at him a moment before he shrugged and started to open the box. If this man was a serial killer he would not be able to get the police here in time anyway with the storm. So he might as well see what was in the box. His fingers ripped open the paper to reveal a typical box that was used to hold an article of clothing. He gripped the edges of the box to pry it open. But as he pulled, he was blasted in the face by a cloud of bright blue energy that made his skin tingle. He dropped the now empty box, flailing around a bit from the sudden flash.

"The hell was that!" Markus yelled out feeling his skin on his face prickle and burn.

"That was your gift lad. You just need to let your new coat grow in." The man said turning with a sinister grin. His face suddenly looked all wrong with his nose blackening while his face was pushing outwards into a short bearish snout. His body was growing and expanding in the red suit while his exposed hands were growing deadly black claws.

"W..what are you!?" Markus stammered out, as he was overcome by a feeling of weakness in his legs, causing him to fall to the ground. His entire body was slowly feeling numb and weak. However he could feel his body starting to heat up from the inside while an itching sensation started to spread all over his chest, arms, and legs beneath his clothes.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I told you. I'm Santa Paws. I am giving you a new coat - except that this one is going to be part of you. I also know it's what you have wanted deep down for a long time now my friend." The large polar bear man said with a toothy grin as he walked over towards the man who now lay on the floor. "It will be uncomfortable at first but soon you will appreciate my gift."

Markus looked up at the large bear man nervously until he felt a pressure building in his face. He let out a pained groan as his jaws started to crack and pop while the muscle and bone were pulled outwards. His nose was darkening and feeling moist in the warm air of the living room. He opened his eyes, spotting Santa Paws watching him before he felt a pulling sensation on his ears. It felt like an angry grandmother was pulling each one up his head while they became pointed upon settling on top of his head.

"Please... What's happening to me? Make it stop! Please!" Markus begged out only to feel his entire body spasm and rack with pain as every one of his muscles spasmed.

"Stop it? I can't stop it now. Anyway...I think you will enjoy it once you change a bit more. Besides you already have such a handsome muzzle forming." Santa Paws smirked leaning down to run a claw over the man's growing muzzle.

Markus wanted to yell at the creature before him but the claw sent a shiver through his body and causing his growing muzzle to push out even faster. As his jaws flexed he could feel his human teeth sharpening and growing longer in his increasingly canine shaped muzzle. His tongue ran over the now deadly teeth while drool started to drip from his darkening lips.

His attention was so focused on the new growth to his face that he barely registered the pin pricks of hairs pushing out of his skin. First his pointed ears grew short and soft, off white hairs while a darker black fur grew on top of his head and above his eyes before moving down his neck which was starting to thicken with sinewy muscle. His eyes were becoming an icy blue while a circle of light, gray brown fur grew in around them. The same black fur that was on top of his head started to grow in around the light, gray brown hairs forming something like a mask while the light, gray brown fur grew out on top of the muzzle. Markus flexed his new muzzle feeling the powerful muscles growing inside it as the same off white fur grew on the sides and chin of his muzzle before moving down his neck into his shirt.

"Plars! Starp thirs!" Markus slurred his speech up to Santa Paws with pleading eyes. He brought his hands up to feel his face finding the very canine face he was now sporting. His eyes went wide in terror as he noticed that his fingers looked swollen and misshaped. His thumbs were slowly shrinking and pulling up his wrist while his fingers were growing shorter and stubbier. He could feel a pressure building within each digit as a small trickle of blood dripped from each finger tip accompanied by pain as ivory claws pushed out. This caused his now useless human fingernails to pop off painlessly from his swollen fingers.

"I told you - I can't stop this." Santa Paws replied crossing his arms with a huff. "You are becoming what you truly desire...and you will not be needing those clothes any longer." He said,making a wave motion with his hand.

Markus looked down at his body only to see his clothes start to evaporate into an ethereal smokelike substance. It swirled around and around his body as if teasing him before it faded into nothing. He glanced down at his naked body to find his human skin was quickly becoming enveloped in dense fur. He wanted to be worried and fearful but it felt so incredibly soft and warm. He could feel his growing paw hands rub into his fuzzy chest fur as it grew thicker and fluffier with every second.

Santa Paws smirked while watching the changing man squirm on the floor. His body was quickly accepting the transformation by shrinking and growing in various places while the warm fur coat quickly raced over the skin. "See...I told you, you would like it. And you seem to be enjoying it quite a lot." The bear smirked down towards Markus.

Markus looked at him slightly confused until he finally noticed it. His manhood had grown erect and was pointing straight up at him. He wanted to be disgusted that he was feeling aroused - but he just couldn't do it. In fact, he realized that it was completely normal for a creature to respond in this manner when their body was feeling so incredibly good. He tried to reach down to rub his phallus with his paw like hands. When he did, he could feel the leathery pads rub over the sensitive organ, making him whimper in pleasure. He did not realize his tongue was lolling out of one side of his muzzle as he did this.

He let out a yelp as his legs spasmed and cramped. It felt like his hips were being pulled and moved into a completely different position than should be possible for a man. At the same time his chest ached and it felt like someone was kicking it from the inside. He let out a pained howl as his ribs pushed outwards, making his chest barreled in shape.

Markus let out a whimper as he huffed and panted glancing down towards his groin once again. His mind felt hazy and lust addled, clouding his thoughts. His human mind told him this was completely wrong. That a man should not be transforming into a beast, yet, deep down he slowly realized: He wanted this. He wanted fur, claws, and fangs. He let out a snarl when he felt something lifting his head up off the ground, pulling him into a somewhat sitting position.

"Easy lad. I'm here to help you. Embrace the change. Admit to yourself that you have always wanted this. Let yourself go and enjoy yourself." Santa Paws said, giving the now more wolf than man's head a quick rub.

Feeling the head rub, Markus let out a growl of pleasure as all lingering doubts faded from his mind and his gaze moved back down towards his groin. He could feel the bestial need growing more intense as his human cock was deforming right before his eyes. The mushroom shaped head quickly becoming tapered and pointed while the flesh turned crimson red. A fuzzy sheath of flesh formed at the base covered in the off white fur.

Markus could feel his mouth watering as he slowly realized his hands were now useless. They were no more than the simple paws of a wolf now. However with Santa Paws holding him in this position he could easily take his member into his warm muzzle. He smirked to himself as he lowered his muzzle onto his member while his back popped to allow this flexibility. He let out a whimpering moan as his furry balls churned with need.

"You are almost there Markus. I know this might not be how you thought you would spend this christmas...but this is happening. Your transformation into a handsome and powerful wolf is nearly complete." Santa Paws egged him on.

Markus growled in pleasure as his long tongue lapped around the forming knot at the base of his member,while a new pressure started to build at the end of his spine. He knew exactly what it was and he was excited about it. He could feel the object growing longer and slowly slipping out and over his now furry butt cheeks, wagging the entire time. The new appendage barely had time to emerge before it was quickly covered in fluffy fur that was light, gray brown save for the tip which was dipped in black.

He began to whimper and whine as his muzzle bobbed up and down on his shaft. His mind giving more and more into the lust and bestial desires. His icy eyes glanced at his feet which were the last things to succumb to the change. They were rapidly dwindling in size while his toes puffed and grew claws until they resembled the strong hind paws of a large wolf. Should any person step into his house at this moment, they would find the unusual sight of a large polar bear man holding up a large male wolf by his shoulders while he went to town on his own cock.

"That's it Markus. Now release yourself. Bask in your new form." Santa Paws said forcibly with a deep growl.

Markus could not take it any longer. He let out a whimpering whine of pleasure before he felt a torrent of his own seed gush into his muzzle leaking down the sides as he bucked his hips. His tail wagged like mad below him as he drank down his own seed until he was content and he pulled off his member. Santa Paws slowly lowered him to the ground so he could lay on his side where he laid panting and drooling for air.

"I am glad you have enjoyed yourself lad. You always wanted this gift whether your rational mind realized it or not." The bear man chuckled grinning down at the large wolf. "And don't worry. You will only be stuck on all fours until you get used to and fully embrace your new identity. At that time you can learn to walk on two legs again as a two legged wolf. If you really focus you can even appear as a human, but I'm not sure if you want that anymore." He said with a deep chuckle while a sinister grin spread over his muzzle.

Markus just panted and looked up thankfully at the bear. His muzzle plastered with a content and happy look as sleep was slowly encroaching him.

"Rest now. I still have a lot of presents to give out." Santa Paws said while starting to walk towards the door. "OH! Before I can pass your gift to others... But you should be careful in your choices. Some might not cope with being a beast as easily as you did." He smirked before he opened the door and stepped out into the blizzard.

Markus just looked at the door. His mind slowly coming down from its sexual high. He started to mull things over until the warmth from the fire and his exhaustion finally caused him to fully pass out, while the snow outside continued to pile up.

***** The Next Morning *****

It took some time getting used to his new four legged stance but he managed. Markus was able to get his back door open by using his paws which were a lot more dexterous than those of a normal wolf. He could easily use them to pick up and manipulate objects such as the door knob. Once outside in the snow he felt so free and in his element as never before in his life. The snow had slowed slightly but it was still coming down. It was just before dawn when he could hear in the distance a shovel scraping on cement.

Hidden in the darkness, he padded comfortably through the snow as he followed the sound. After a short walk through the nearly 2 feet of snow he came upon the source. An uniformed officer was trying to dig his way through the snow to free his patrol car.

Markus could feel a smirk forming on his muzzle as he started to bear his fangs. Judging from the snow on the man's clothes he has been out here for hours. The man's skin was getting pale from the cold and he was shivering uncontrollably. With the rate that the blizzard was still coming down he could very well die out here. Unless he was worthy of the gift.

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