
Story by DreamerHyena on SoFurry

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Kevin gets injured on the job, and is worried about the wound getting infection, and rightly so, but not in the way he expected.

Warnings: Body Horror, Teeth and Nails.

Disclaimer: Hey folks, just so you know this story was a writing exercise for me and a bit of a vent piece. I had some trepidation about sharing it but here you go. It's a bit rough, bit nasty and may burn some folks like a cheap whisky but hopefully it's satisfying.


The burning feeling from his palm was starting to become worrying.

Kevin had plenty of experience with the sting, burn and creeping swelling of infections, he had nearly lost his leg to one, and while this felt similar, it wasn't quite the same.

It had been a spider bite last time he got sick, this time it had been a shoddy box that had been left for god knows how many years to rot. Being one of the taller employees, he had been asked by one of the museum staff to grab a box off the top shelf. It had looked fine from the front but the box had torn as soon as he slid the weight off the shelf.

He had even tried to catch some of the falling pieces, actually managing to slow the fall enough that most of the contents hadn't shattered. When he finally set everything down he had found his hand bleeding, a puncture from a fang of an old bleached jawbone. It hadn't bled much, and once the brief rush of adrenaline faded it barely hurt.

The curator took a look at his hand and the bone, guessing it was probably a wolf's jaw bone, most likely from an old display, a last lingering piece and the rest likely thrown away. They had bandaged his wounds and he had helped them re-box the surviving items, later to be sorted for saving or tossing.

Now hours later and back at his quiet home Kevin grunted as he pushed himself from his recliner, his bad leg throbbing in pain as it always did a bit, but it was distant to him know. He tried to keep his thoughts from going to the morbid or morose as he hefted his bulk towards the kitchen to give his hand another scrubbing. He eyed his phone as he passed it on the dining room table, he didn't want to call his doctor. He could almost hear the chiding of his doctor already, he couldn't get a cut or cold without his doctor bringing up his weight, treating him like it was the source of all his problems. He was still active and mobile but since his initial infection from a spider bite in his leg and near death his weight had grown and grown over the years into his mid thirty's. It so hard to get exercise that didn't involve his bad leg.

A morbid thought rolled into his head that maybe this jaw bone had been the final bite that would finish him of.

Kevin adjusted the water to a comfortable temperature with his good hand, not having bothered to turn the light on in his kitchen. He couldn't believe how bright the full moon was outside, casting a bright square of light through his window right into his sink and countertop. He brought his injured hand to the water and hissed in surprise. As soon as he had brought it up heat rushed through his hand, spreading down his wrist, the warmth seeming to start even before it reached the water. It couldn't be that bad already? Could it?

He leaned down, pulling his hand out of the water to look at the puncture and watched as the flesh around the hole in his palm began to grow redder for a moment as the flesh expanded before his eyes. He expected pain but instead there was warmth, and maybe... a bit of pleasure? His rumination at the lack of pain was cut off when the raw flesh showing beneath the tear in his skin seemed to knit together, raw red turning darker and darker till it became black. This was so surprising Kevin drew his hand back, pulling it against his body thinking he may need to call for an ambulance, or at least his doctor.

As soon as his hand left that square of pale light the pain he had been expecting hit full force, searing and burning beneath his flesh. He could feel almost a hook beneath his flesh, a need to put his hand back into the moonlight.

Pleasure and relief washed through him as soon as he put his hand back into the square of moonlight, a small gasp escaping from his mouth as he leaned against the counter. He watched his hand as the flesh of his palm continued to swell, the rippling of his fresh as it swelled spreading outward, up his fingers and down his wrist. The crack in his skin from the wound began to spread, the tear in his flesh moving up his palm and along his middle finger, where the flesh parted rather than bloody raw meat instead a glimpse of black could be seen below. Kevin was too enraptured by the spreading warmth and pleasure to care much as his fingernails dropped off, one after the other falling down into the sink.

He reached with his other hand and helped part the flesh, finding it paper thin and bloodless as it peeled back. Beneath new flesh was growing, black and leathery and as he turned his hand over to inspect more he could see why his fingernails were now gone. Black claws were beginning to grow in, surrounded by short black fur that lead down his finger. The swelling started to spread down, moving along his thick wrist and arm as Kevin made to keep it exposed to the moonlight.

He couldn't believe how good this felt, he knew he should be terrified, he should be in pain, his flesh was tearing! He could feel muscles and bones moving and reforming under his new dark furred skin, but if anything, it felt like his arm had been trapped inside a tight, flesh suit and was finally getting free.

He ran his unchanged left hand along the now papery flesh of his right hand, pulling and letting out a moan as the flesh tore away like a thin rubber glove, fresh air hitting those new leathery pads and black fur. He flexed and stretched his new hand, feeling the strength and dexterity under it, running those new paw pads along his still human right finger tips of his other hand. A voice in the back of his mind that had been quiet but was steadily growing louder began to whisper how the new hand, the black fleshed and furred one was his true hand.

Kevin kept leaning forward wanting more moonlight as the change marched upwards, his flesh shifting toward his shoulder. He could feel the change it slow as the material of his shirt blocked the light of the moon. He quickly used his unchanged hand to grab at his shirt and yank it upward. The cool metal of the sink against his chubby belly was a distant shock as he tossed the shirt away and the pleasure of the light of the moon hit his flesh again.

He waited as the flesh went pink then white, the muscles swelling, once he could no longer that flesh he would pull it away using his "Old Hand" to tear the white flesh off again and free his black fur. He was surprised to find a surprisingly muscled furred bicep, the voice in the back of his mind whispering it made sense... fat being used to make muscle... the initial change needing more energy than just the moon was giving him and the extra going to muscle.

Realizing he was running out space to bask in the moonlight Kevin bit his tongue and nearly whimpering dashed to his sliding glass he had to resist the mad temptation to throw himself through the glass, instead he slid it open and stepped into his backyard. The relief was immediate, the cramping feeling fading back to pleasure as he took a few steps down and dropped to his knees in the grass. Even his bad leg's pain protest at kneeling couldn't distract him from the relief and pleasure as the moonlight covered him.

He let out a low groan and let his head tilt back to the sky. The flesh bulged along his neck and chest, rippling its way slowly across his body, midnight black fur of his arm rippling in the light breeze. He could feel muscles swelling in his chest, his heart beating faster as his neck began to swell as the heat moved up to his jaw. He felt pressure hit his mouth and suddenly needed to spit, he tilted his head down and coughed up fillings and a crown, having nearly swallowed them as they landed in the grass. He couldn't help but giving a suddenly very sharp looking grin as his teeth shifted and reformed. The voice that had been whispering in his mind since the moon first kissed his wound grew louder, calming him and whispering promise of the best yet to come.

He looked down at the grass as he could feel movement in his mouth, the flesh of his face swelling out, his nose deforming and shifting as he couldn't help but let out a rumbling cough of a laugh. The pressure hit his right eye first, the color of one edge brightening from hazel to inhuman yellow, a slow wave moving a crossed the glassy surface, pupil dilating as rods and cones shifted. Kevin squeezed his eyes shut as the change hit the left one, the burn of the moon too much for the moment. He was grateful he lived on the edge of an open space, he didn't have to worry about a neighbor glimpsing him and having a heart attack at the sight of what was happening in his yard.

That laugh turned into a growl as his throat shifted and changed, the pressure on his face becoming annoying, constricting, suffocating as the bones beneath it shifted and his flesh resisted. His face stretched out farther and farther, his lips pulling into a lunatics grin, the edges of the now pale white flesh tearing revealing more and more sharp teeth. He reached up with his changed hand this time and gripped, claws sinking in as he pulled from his hairline downwards, the paper like flesh tearing away revealing a black furred muzzle, new black lips pulled back in a bliss filled snarl as changing lungs panted for more air. Kevin opened his newly changed eyes to stare down at the remnants of his old face, new bright eyes easily every detail of it. With a grunt he tossed the remnants of his old face aside, landing carelessly in a heap near the wall.

Tilting his head back and letting his chest swell with a deep breath Kevin drank in all the scents his new muzzle could pick up, his changing mind slowly starting to comprehend what he was smelling, that voice in the back of his head helping to identify each sent.

The flesh began to split itself down his scalp letting it fall away, new ears perking up as the sounds of the forest behind his home filled them like never before. The flesh began to split along Kevin's chest as skin that had once covered flabby pectorals now fell away to reveal a strong black furred chest. His other arm began to change, claws of both hands digging into the grass as his mind processed all the new sensory inputs.

His revelry was cut short as pain hit his hips. With all the distraction he forgot he still was wearing his belt and his pants! Kevin could feel his hips try to swell as the fat of his stomach melted away, muscles and bones along his hips shifting. He let himself flop backward, hand sliding down to his belt as he lifted his ass in the air and shoved, breaking the belt and tearing the fabric of his pants at the same time. The ruins of his pants and underwear were tossed into the dewing grass.

Kevin laid there for a few moments, feeling the moon finally reach that unchanged flesh, heat filling it before the pleasure began to fill him. He couldn't help but sit up to watch as the change reached his more tender parts. The flesh of his length began to ripple, starting from the base and working its way up as the feeling of it was enough to send a few rivulets of drool from his muzzle.

The pleasure from the moon and his shifting body had already gotten him spun up but now as he watched pre began to drool heavily and at the same time his balls began to swell and churn, heat filling his lap as he groaned. His length continued to grow thicker, the skin on the outside taking on the familiar white sheen as it grew loose and numb. His eyes grew wide as he watched the slit at the tip began to yawn wider and wider, more precum flowed by tapered red flesh parting it as his new tapered length began to tear the old flesh. Kevin had been of average size before but his new length put his old to shame, he couldn't resist touching it. Gripping his old white flesh with his new paw pads he slowly stroked along his new flesh, feeling the boned member respond, throbbing at a bold of pleasure shooting up his spine.

His eyes nearly glazed over as he tugged the covering of flesh, stroking himself with his old flesh as the changed move lower, pain of his bad leg fading as he kneeled in the grass. His stroking started to grow wilder and faster as his change progressed. He could feel something uncurl inside him, the base of his spine shifting as something broke through the old flesh of his ass and a tail slowly unfurled and began to slowly wag. His feet going through a similar change to his hands as new claws dug into the earth as his old toenails fell away. His breaths came in grunting pants now as he could feel his pleasure growing towards its peak, his change almost finished as the last bits of white flesh fell away to reveal black fur, leaving only what had been covering his crotch.

The skin that had covered his cock and balls split as his knot grew in, his leathery paw pads hitting the new flesh of his swelling knot. The tear continued to spread lower, a black sheath revealing itself, bunched up along the beneath and heavy balls beneath covered in soft black fur. Kevin's hand brushed along his new knot and he growled in pleasure, his fur standing on end at the new feeling. He let his other hand join the first on his member, gripping the new orb and giving it a squeeze. It was all too much and Kevin couldn't hold back any more. His spine arched as he let out a howl, tossing his head back. His hips bucked instinctively into his hands, hot ropes of cum flying to decorate the grass, sparkling in the moonlight as the orgasm roared through Kevin like a fire, blanking his mind completely.

The next morning Kevin called out of work, his hand was a convenient excuse... though it was more to clean up the mess he had made and figure out how to explain off the 100lb weight loss overnight. It also gave him time to think over what he had learned from the voice of the werewolf in his head. The moon was the trigger for the first change... but beyond that he knew he could shift at any time... and he could share the gift with others... He made a note to rescue the bone from the museum before it was tossed, sad for the death of his fellow werewolf, but grateful for the gift the bone had given him.

He was happy for the gift but could also feel a growing loneliness already creeping in... he needed a pack... and a mate. A smile touched his lips as he thought of the perfect person to invite over enjoy to the second night of the full moon.

Always Read the Reviews

**Always Read the Reviews - By Dreamer Hyena Ft. Dreki** Adrian could hear the squeal from his room, with the door shut and his headphones on high volume;. "Oh my god, oh my god oh my god it's here!" Derek screamed from the other room. Adrian...

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