Carnal Combat, Part II - Blind Fury

Story by Emerson on SoFurry

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#2 of Carnal Combat

Carnal Combat

Episode II: Blind Fury


First Draft 8/23/06

Disclaimer: This series is a tribute to three of my favorite forms of entertainment - kick-ass martial arts, Mortal Kombat, and hot anthro smut. All characters are created by and owned by me (in whatever form you can own imaginary furry folk), unless stated otherwise. Special Thanks to Setta Flamowitz for suggesting Carnal Combat and Carnalities over my slightly cheesier idea of Immoral Combat and Sexualities.

The Hall of Combat was bustling with activity. The final competitors had arrived and the gates had been closed and locked for the night, sealing all occupants inside. Night had fallen and torches had been lit, casting a red-hued glow over the courtyard.

The courtyard itself was large and circular, with stone pillars lining the edge, about two feet from the encasing walls. The Seal of the Tournament was chiseled into the stone-paved ground, and the glow from the torches lit it eerily.

At the north end of the courtyard, straight across from the gates, was the entrance into the Hall. Posted next to the Hall doors was a cloth scroll detailing the competing fighters and who they would be facing, as well as who had already fought and won.

The first bracket listed Ruin and Suki. Ruin's name appeared in a bracket following it; Suki's was crossed out.

A male fox and a male skunk stood in front of the scroll, looking it over. They were both dressed the same, wearing only loose pants and red belts. The fox was of the typical red variety, lean but more muscular than his brethren. The skunk was an oddity, with the natural fur coloring of his species reversed. Both males had the Seal of the House of Stone dyed into the fur of their left biceps.

They studied the scroll for a moment before the skunk spoke.

"More rule changes," he grunted, tapping a finger against the name Suki. "They never used to allow fights before all the competitors arrived."

"I can't say I'm surprised, Spectre," said the fox. "Funny how the winner was from the House of Shadow, isn't it?"

Spectre nodded. "It is, Daichi," he said. "I wonder who Suki is. Says she was from the House of Sand."

"She was," came a voice from behind. Both Spectre and Daichi turned, watching as a jet black panther strode up behind them. He wore a grey tunic and pants, with the Seal of the House of Sand on the breast. "Suki was from my House. She was supposed to wait on me before coming here, but she slipped out the night before. She's always been headstrong like that. I have to think that her fight was meant for me."

Daichi nodded his head at the panther. "I see. I'm sorry to see your House suffer such a blow so early." The fox was sincere; among those involved in the Tournament, it was generally agreed that the House of Shadow needed to be brought down from its control, even if it meant another House other that one's own stepping up.

"I appreciate your concern," the panther said, and then bowed. "I am called Dusk, of the House of Sand."

Daichi and Spectre returned the bow. "I'm Daichi, and this is Spectre. We're both from the House of Stone," the fox said.

Dusk smirked at Spectre. "I see that you and I are to fight in the first round. I'm sure it will be an honor to engage in Combat with you."

Spectre arched an eyebrow. "I'm sure," he repeated, turning his attention back to the scroll. Daichi and Dusk followed suit, studying the rest of the line up.

"Let's see," Daichi said, running his gaze down the row for the first rounds. "The final bracket lists someone named Beast fighting on behalf of the Champion Kaine...

"Further rule changes," Spectre muttered.

"...facing off against one Rhane, from the House of Light," Daichi finished. "Lucky him. If he beats this Beast, he goes right to the finals."

"Lucky her," said a feminine voice to the side. All three males looked to their right, where sat a red vixen on a bench. She had her legs crossed, and appeared to be meditating. "I'm Rhane," she said.

Spectre grinned. "Do tell. You know its great luck to pull the last bracket. If we were still under the old rules, you'd be facing Kaine himself."

Rhane nodded. "It makes little difference to me," she said simply. "I'll beat this Beast, I'll beat whoever makes the finals, and then I'll beat Kaine." She opened her eyes then, and looked straight at the trio. Her eyes were a deep emerald, and all three males were immediately engaged.

Especially Daichi.

"The House of Shadow must fall. I made a promise to make it happen," she said finally, and then returned to meditating.

Dusk shook his head and looked back at the scroll. "Moving looks like there's a fight scheduled tomorrow morning. Hitomi, of the House of Fog will be facing Khan Lei, of the House of Light."

By that time a rather large male tiger had joined the slowly gathering group. He was listening with an air of boredom around him, but when Dusk named the fight, the tiger chuckled.

"Yeah," he rumbled with a grin. "This Hitomi is some mouse femme, but here's the best part: She's blind," he snickered. "Talk about handing out easy victories."

"Watch your tongue, Kahn," Rhane said suddenly. "You represent the House of Light here. Don't embarrass us anymore than you normally do."

Khan scowled at Rhane. "I'll remember that when you're getting your pretty little pussy fucked by some Shadow minion, and I'm being named the new Champion," he growled, turning to stalk off into the darkness.

Daichi frowned at the retreating tiger. "Don't worry, Rhane," he said, turning his attention to the vixen. "It will be hard for him to tarnish the grace your presence brings."

"Lame," Spectre coughed under his breath, bringing a chuckle from Dusk and a look of embarrassed disapproval from Daichi. At that moment there was a loud, echoing toll of a bell in the courtyard, and the many spectators and residents of the Hall began to empty out from the edges of the yard to gather in the center. The competitors at the scroll joined them, turning to look at the doors of the Hall.

"What's up?" Spectre asked, looking around. Dusk nodded to the doors.

"The traditional greeting. The Head of the House of Shadow will greet us, along with his fighters. Just grin and bare it."

Spectre looked around again. A little bit away he caught sight of a female mouse, her eyes covered by a black strip of cloth, tied around her head. This, he guessed, was Hitomi. Next to her was a rather large, but slender, horse girl bearing the same Seal as Hitomi. He guessed her to be the other competitor from the House of Fog, Stardust.

As the crowd gathered, Daichi found himself next to Rhane. Already slightly embarrassed, he tried to not appear as if he WANTED to be next to her. The vixen, however, could already see his unease.

"Get used to me," she whispered at him. "There's a good chance that we may face each other."

Daichi's cheeks reddened, but he stood tall. "Don't worry," he whispered back. "I'm sure I'll be ready for you if that happens."

Rhane just smiled gently, and then turned to touch a finger to his lips. Daichi looked at her in surprise.

"Hush," she said. "Here they come."

Sure enough, the doors of the Hall opened and a procession began to emerge from inside. First out was what appeared to be a canine male, though he was cloaked in a ninja's attire, complete with a mask that concealed his face. His garments were all a dirty grey; he eyes glowed white. Daichi noticed that a small wisp of fog seemed to follow him at all times. The ninja stepped to the right and stood there.

"Ruin," Dusk whispered to Spectre, Daichi, and Rhane.

Next out was a mighty stallion male. He was tall and thick, with brown fur all over save for around his wrists and ankles where it turned solid white, and he wore black armor over his chest and legs, and that was all. His fat sheath and heavy balls were on display for all to see, and as he stepped to the left, he snorted loudly. In one paw he held a leather leash, and at the other end of the leash was a naked female rabbit. She crawled meekly behind him, settling at his feet once he stopped.

"Kaine," Dusk then said. "Undefeated for the past seven Tournaments." Then, his voice darker, he nodded to the captured rabbit female. "Suki."

Finally, a single figure stepped out of the Hall, walking down until he stood between Ruin and Kaine. He was a dragon, clearly old, but true to his species as his age did not hinder him in the slightest. His scales were a bright blue, and he wore elegant purple robes that dragged around his tail and hindpaws when he walked. He looked out over the crowd, nodded, and then he spoke.

"I am Nobu Ra' Chi, Lord of the House of Shadow, Ruler of the Lands, and Grandmaster of the Tournament of Carnal Combat," he said, loud and crisp. "I welcome you to my Halls, to my home. Here, you will witness Carnal Combat, the ancient struggle of mind and body over lust and desire. It was lust and desire, greed and envy that once brought the Wrath of the Gods down upon our land. Here, in these arenas, you shall watch as the selected fighters from the...honorable...Houses combat each other and their own lusts. Only the strongest will, the sharpest mind, the mightiest body will win and earn the title of Combat Champion, and win for their House the right to rule this Tournament and these lands.

"Some of you will witness this. Some of you will fight. This land, ordained by the Gods for Combat, flows with energies that will fuel your lusts and desires, and test you at your core. You will either persevere, or you will fall into servitude.

"The competition has already begun. My servant Ruin has already defeated a challenger, this rabbit from the House of Sand, who sits at the feet of the Combat Champion, Kaine."

Dusk bristled noticeably as Ra' Chi pointed to Suki, calling attention to her. Suki was clearly blushing, her head hanging and her ears drooping.

"The next fight shall take place tomorrow, in the morning hours. Tonight, however, there shall be entertainment." Ra' Chi smiled, and nodded to Kaine.

With a grin, Kaine tugged on Suki's leash. She quickly got to her feet, and followed quickly as Kaine led her out into the center of the Courtyard. Suddenly dozens of armed guards bearing the Seal of Shadow emerged from the darkness, moving the watching crowd to the stone benches around the edge of the Courtyard. Most of the crowd was spectators, and so they happily went along, leering at Suki and Kaine, and generally enjoying themselves.

The fighters, however, were not so amused. Rhane looked on in disgust, while Dusk practically shook in rage, watching a fellow member of his House humiliated so. Daichi and Spectre shook their heads.

Once Kaine had reached the center of the yard he stomped a hoof hard on the stone pavers that made up the great Seal. A single pole shot up from between the stones, just over six feet tall. The stallion pushes Suki up against the pole and then lifted her paws over her head, binding the bunny femme there. He turned and nodded to Ra' Chi, who in turn turned towards the Hall and snapped his fingers.

A loud rumbling filled the air and shook the ground. Each pounding step echoed through the yard, signaling the approach of something large. Both Kaine and Ra' Chi were smiling, while Ruin stood by silent as ever.

Suki squirmed against the pole, her heart racing in her chest. Since her defeat she had been used many times, and in many ways, but something about this frightened her. As she watched something lean down to step out of the Hall, she knew she had good reason to be scared.

The creature that emerged from the Hall brought a gasp of shock to the lips of every last spectator. It was at least eight feet tall, and the majority of its body was covered in thick, matted black fur. The parts that did not sport this fur were instead covered in green reptilian scales; its chest, belly, and back of its tail sported this variation. Leathery wings sprouted from its back, and its entire physique was one of pure muscle. Nothing jiggled (except its heavy testicles) when it walked; there was no fat.

Its face was a vague mixture of mammal and reptilian features, with a long snout and pointed ears, but sweeping horns and a long, prehensile tongue. When it reached the end of the walk from the Hall to the center of the yard it stopped and raised its arms, roaring terribly into the night. It was then that two odd patches of green scales could be seen on the bottom of its wrists.

Suki screamed.

"Behold! I give you the BEAST!" Nobu Ra' Chi bellowed triumphantly, and then pointed at the terrified, writhing rabbit in the center of the yard. "Entertain our guests!"

The Beast licked its slobbering maw, and then stomped towards Suki. The rabbit was frozen in shock, unable to do anything but watch as the towering hulk approached her. The entire crowd watched as the Beast reached out one monstrous paw, grabbing Suki's wrists and lifting her off her hindpaws. The leather binding her to the pole snapped easily, and then the rabbit was hanging there before the creature.

While Suki was staring strangely into the Beast's eyes, much of the crowd was staring at the creature's sheath. Its erection was growing as if on command, becoming thicker and longer with each second. When it was full, its cock was revealed; the flesh was a pulsing blue, and the tip flared like a dragon's shaft.

The Beast reached it's free paw down and grabbed one of Suki's thighs, pulling her leg to the side to expose her bare, puffy sex. He then dropped her roughly downwards, pressing the tip of his shaft to her swollen folds. The bunny cried out and arched her back, her mouth falling open as the fat cock started to spread her open. The crowd began to whisper lewdly amongst themselves as they watched the monster's erection disappear into the bunny inch by inch, until she was trembling, impaled on the cock up to it's balls.

With a growl of pleasure the Beast let Suki's leg go, and then spread his once again free paw open wide. There was a slick sound, and suddenly the green patch of scales on his wrist parted, revealing a hidden slit from which slithered a long, blue appendage. It was long and thick, snaking about as it wrapped around Suki's waist. The tip was phallus shaped, and it put itself to use immediately; on its last pass around her hips the phallus jammed itself up between her ass cheeks, sliding it under her little trembling tail and stuffing her rump. Suki cried out again and bucked, her eyes still on the Beast's.

With both of the bunnies lower holes filled, the Beast put the captured rabbit to work. The phallus, wrapped around her hips, lifted her and dropped her repeatedly, using her like a living toy to fuck his cock. As it did so the phallus also worked in and out of her ass, screwing the bunny slave firmly. She gasped and moaned, writhing on the dual cocks, her chest heaving as she started to pant. The rising and falling of her supple breasts seemed to catch the Beast's fancy, and he opened his mouth, letting his tongue snake out. Moving in a controlled, flexible manner similar to the phallus fucking the rabbit's ass, the tongue slithered over her chest, wrapping around one of her breasts. It squeezed the orb while the tip curled up and flicked across her stiff nipple, making her whimpered sounds of terrified pleasure grow louder.

The bunny femme's pounding grew rougher and faster, with her being bounced on the Beast's cocks in lewd display. It wasn't long before a thick, white fluid began to run down Suki's thighs, matting down her brown fur before dripping into a puddle on the stones below. Her legs jerked limply on either side of the erection that stuffed her pussy, and her head was rolled back, her ears flopping about and her tongue rolling out of her open mouth. Her eyes were rolled back and glazed, and the look on her face was one of decadent pleasure.

On and on her fucking went, until suddenly the grunting, growling Beast let out a roar that shook the very walls of the Courtyard. Suki cried out as she was suddenly flooded in ass and pussy by the creature's ejaculate, which poured into her belly and bowels until it seeped out of her holes. The Beast lifted her off his cock by her wrists, letting her hang as his cock spewed cum all over her belly and breasts. The phallus in her ass pulled out and gave her rump and back a coating, and then it slid off her hips, retreating into the slit in the Beast's wrist. Panting hard, the Beast dropped the twitching rabbit. She fell to her knees in a puddle of cum and then fell onto her back, writing on the ground.

The crowd watched for a moment, and then cheered. Ra' Chi smiled and nodded to Kaine, who in turn grabbed the panting rabbit's bound wrists, dragging her to a set of stocks that the guards had wheeled in during the show. He slapped her into them, locking the top over her neck and wrists, leaving the dripping bunny bent over with her ass, pussy, and mouth all available for use.

"Now, my guests," Ra' Chi said, waving a paw. "Enjoy the night."

With that, the guards slipped back into the shadows and in their place came scores of naked slaves. Males and females of all species stepped quietly forward, offering their bodies to the crowd. The crowd, more than worked up by the show, gladly accepted the offer.

Daichi watched as Ra' Chi and his minions retreated into the Hall, and then he looked at Rhane. She was clearly concerned now about facing the Beast.

Spectre elbowed Daichi. "I'm going to join the party," he said, nodding towards Suki. A line had formed both in front and behind her. A male lion was already fucking her ass, and a female zebra was forcing the rabbit to lick her pussy.

Daichi shook his head. "I'll pass. Are you sure you want to do that with Dusk here?"

"He took off halfway through the show. Besides, that's the name of the game here." Spectre winked, and patted his friend on the back. "I don't blame you if you want to hold out for the vixen there." With a grin the skunk got in the line waiting to put Suki's mouth to use.

Daichi turned his attention back to Rhane, but she had slipped away. Frowning, he made his way towards the Hall and his quarters.

* * *

The next morning found the Hall of Combat to be quiet and still. Most of the guests had retired to their quarters with a slave or a friend, and few had the energy to meet the sunrise.

Few of the fighters had indulged themselves, however. Daichi, Rhane, and Dusk were too occupied by the appearance (and actions) of Beast to be interested in indulging their lusts, while others had either enjoyed themselves in the after-show (like Spectre).

Once the guests started to thin out, dragging their playmates off to private areas for enjoyment, guards had returned to pull an exhausted, cum-covered Suki out of her stocks. She was dragged to the dungeons of the Hall and strapped to a wall where guards occasionally took their pleasure from her. Dusk made an attempt to visit her, but was denied.

The one fighter who retired particularly early, leaving immediately after Beast had finished ravaging the bunny, was Hitomi. She said her farewells to her friend, Stardust, and then returned to her quarters. There she relaxed herself with a warm bath and smoldering incense, resting her mind and body in preparation for the coming morning.

When the sun rose, so did the mouse femme. She slipped from her bed and pulled a simple set of clothes on over her bare body, covering herself with a white tunic and pants, similar to the traditional uniform of all Combatants. She ate a light meal, and then sat on a bamboo deck, watching the sun finish its slow ascent from the horizon.

Finally, it was time. When she had risen that morning, a servant came to greet her, giving the mouse the exact time and place to be for her arranged fight. Hitomi left her quarters while tying a black blindfold around her unseeing eyes, and she headed for the arena designated in her note.

Her walk took her out the back of the Hall, into the sprawling gardens that sat behind it. There was an arena here, but this was not her destination; instead she passed by it, leaving the silent gardens to make her way out towards the large temple that sat behind it.

The mouse walked calmly up the steps to the Combat Temple doors. She pushed one of the heavy wooden doors open and stepped inside, looking around the arena. It was very simple, just a large room with the Combat Seal engraved on the floor, similar to the Courtyard. A single monk was there, cleaning the floors. He looked up and saw Hitomi and, with a respectful nod, finished his task and left her alone there.

She waited, feeling the sunlight pour in through the windows. It gave the room a peaceful atmosphere. It was, she though, a shame that she couldn't enjoy it more. It made for a wonderful thinking spot.

As she though, the doors opened again. In walked a large male tiger, swaggering lazily towards the arena area. He was topless, wearing only a pair of tight short pants that lewdly highlighted his crotch. The tiger winked at Hitomi, and then cracked his knuckles.

"G'morning, mouse," he rumbled. "Shame you left the party so early last night. I wanted to give you a taste of what you'd get today. Had to settle for some vixen slut instead, though."

Hitomi just nodded. "Welcome, Kahn Lei of the House of Light. Have you come prepared for Combat?"

Khan frowned. The mouse didn't seem put off by him in the least, and that bothered him. Ah well, he thought. Just one more bitch here that I get to fuck a lesson into.

"Eager to get to your screwin', huh?" He chuckled, and stepped into the arena, crooking a finger at the mouse. "Fine with me. Let's go."

Hitomi nodded again, and stepped forward. She reached up and removed her blindfold, revealing her sightless, milky-white eyes. The blindfold was lovingly folded and placed to the side, and then the mouse took a stance in readiness. "I am ready."

The monk that had been cleaning earlier suddenly returned, stepping out on a landing above the arena. "Hitomi versus Khan Lei," he said aloud. "Fight."

Khan began to circle Hitomi. The mouse stood her ground, relaxed and breathing easy. In her mind's eye, she could see the arrogant tiger pacing around her, bouncing from hindpaw to hindpaw. His stance suggested to her that he would use a Muay Thai variation.

Khan smiled to himself. It seemed like the mouse was trying to follow him by sound. Confident that he had her number, he aimed a high kick for the back of her head. That, he thought, would put her down and let him get to work on her ass, which he found quite nice.

Hitomi heard the wind change, and she saw the blur of red that told her an attack was coming. With fluid grace she turned, caught the tiger's ankle, and twisted it. Khan roared as he found himself spun off his feet and into the air, landing on his back with a hard thud. There was a flash of moment then and he felt his chest explode in pain, the wind driven out of him by a hard heel dropped to his ribs.

Gasping, he rolled over and attempted to scramble to his feet. In an instant the mouse was on his back, hooking one arm around his neck and her legs around his hips. He fell back in an attempt to slam her off, but she merely grunted when she hit the floor, locking herself on the tiger all the tighter. He felt dizzy, the air being in limited supply to his brain now.

It was then that the mouse wrapped her free arm around his middle, working her paw into his pants. He grunted and bucked his hips as she took hold of his balls, rolling them in her dainty fingers firmly. The energies already in place in the arena flowed into him, and he felt a surge of pleasure as he was fondled. Immediately his erection swelled, giving the mouse something new to squeeze.

Hitomi kept her grip on the tiger, working his cock in her paw quickly. She almost had him to the edge, to the point where she could finish him, but much to her surprise the arrogant tiger found a second wind. He managed to reach back and grab her, getting to his feet before he hurled her over his shoulder and onto the floor, slamming her hard onto her back.

The mouse shook her head, trying to quickly regain her senses. A swift kick to her ribs made her cry out, curling up as the tiger growled above her. "Cunt," he snarled, kicking her again before he pinned her to her back with a hindpaw against her belly.

He reached down and exposed his claws, using them to shred her top to bits. Her breasts bounced free, and the tiger quickly seized her nipples in his fingers, twisting them hard. The pleasure flowed into Hitomi and she moaned, feeling suddenly hot and bothered.

She was quicker to recover than Khan was, however. He had barely begun to tease her breasts when she whipped her legs up, wrapping them around the leg that he was using to pin her down. He growled as she twisted, dropping him to his belly. The topless mouse femme leapt up, bringing a knee down hard into the tiger's back. With her opponent stunned, she went in fast.

She mounted him, sitting on his back to face his rear end. Her legs hooked under his arms and she leaned forward, yanking his pants down around his thighs. She put her lips against his balls and sucked hard at one of the orbs, running her tongue over the lightly furred sac while an arm slid under him to grip his cock once more, stroking it hard.

Khan snarled loudly, trying to get out from under the mouse. Her legs were disabling his arms though, and the more he struggled the more she was able to work his erection and suck his nuts, clouding his mind further. Suddenly he felt his testicles seize up and his cock throbbed, aching in need. Hitomi had him.

The mouse felt the tiger go limp under her. The energies that flowed from the arena had overwhelmed him, temporarily consuming him with his lusts. She rolled off him and onto her feet, watching as he got to his knees, swooning gently. His erection bobbed between his legs, dripping precum onto the floor, and his chest heaved and he panted.

Hitomi prepared to finish the tiger off. She concentrated, calling on the energies of the arena. These energies could be tapped by those who knew how to control them; each arena in the Hall of Combat was a focusing point for them. Each of the Houses had one such arena in one of their villages for the purpose of training their fighters, and so Hitomi was quite familiar with this moment.

Once she'd summoned enough of the energy, she unleashed it on Khan. In that moment of victory her eyesight came back to her, and she could see the trembling, aroused tiger male in all his vibrant colors. The mouse opened a paw and reached for her blindfold, which snaked off the floor and swirled around her.

The cloth strip lashed out, seeming to grow in length as it wrapped around the tiger's arms and legs, binding him in a tight hog tie before it wrapped around his cock. All at once it squeezed, straining his body in a bow and milking his erection. With a deafening roar he came, spurting his thick cum out across the floor, blowing his load in a moment of pure pleasure. His load was large, thanks to the energies there, and the cum poured out in unnatural quantities until, at last, he was spent.

Khan collapsed to the floor, used up. His unconscious body lay there while Hitomi picked up her blindfold, which was neatly folded up next to the tiger.

"Carnality," said the monk from above. "Hitomi wins."

Several guards came out from the back of the temple. They picked up Khan's body and carried it off with them, while another monk came out with a mop and a bucket to clean up the mess the tiger made.

Hitomi sighed. Her first fight was behind her, and now she could face her first true goal. The mouse wrapped her blindfold around her once again blind eyes, and then she pulled off the remaining strips of clothing from her body. She walked over to one of many mats that lay around the edge of the arena and she knelt, taking deep breaths as she relaxed, letting warm sunlight grace her bare breasts and fur.

* * *

Kaine entered the Throne Room, and bowed to Nobu Ra' Chi. The dragon sat on the throne, idly stroking Suki's ears. The rabbit knelt next to him, still naked.

"Master Ra' Chi," Kaine said, stepping across the room to the dragon. "I bring word of the second fight."

Ra' Chi arched an eyeridge. "Oh? What of it?"

"Hitomi, of the House of Fog, was victorious. Khan Lei is defeated by Carnality."

Ra' Chi smirked. "I expected as much. Bring him to me once he has recovered."

Kaine nodded. "As you wish."

Ra' Chi continued to stroke Suki's ears as Kaine left. So far, the Tournament was proceeding to his approval. The deck was stacked in his favor. His rule was secure.

"Guards," he said, looking up as two guards stepped forward. "Fuck this rabbit until she screams."

The dragon watched with a smile as the two guards dragged the whimpering female to the center of the room and did as they were told. He closed his eyes, listening to her moans of pleasure as they used her body. Oh, yes...his rule would last forever.