More Coffee Please
More Coffee Please
"Café Mocha, large," came the order from the female cougar behind the cash register.
"Aye. Café Mocha, large," Teja called back. He quickly and nimbly filled the filter basket with coffee, tapped it in, and clicked the espresso machine on to start pulling two shots of espresso. The coyote then poured the milk into the pitcher so he could steam it. He was quick and graceful as he worked the espresso bar at the coffee shop. This was his domain.
Teja, like most coyotes, was lean. Being a little taller then most, only accented that feature and made him look lanky. His sandy color fur was grizzled by bits of black and white. His amber colored eyes were focused intently on his work and yet friendly as he passed orders across the counter to customers. A quick smile to the customer and he was on to the next drink order with a sense of efficiency and focus. And yet, even as he worked, he could tell someone was watching him.
Teja glanced up briefly noticed his boss Tim on the other side of the small store. Tim was talking as he gesturing towards the coffee bar. The raccoon always loved talking with his hands, and right now he was doing it emphatically to a male canine standing next to him.
Teja glanced back to the espresso machine careful not to over steam the milk. As he poured the milk into the cup he glanced up again. Tim and the canine were still standing next to him. The canine was stocky and his fur thick. His facial fur was dark gray and black, with pointy erect ears. The fur on his hands was white, and Teja realized he was a dog of some kind. The dog's deep brown eyes flicked away as Teja looked at him telling him he'd been watching the coyote
What breed is that? Teja asked himself as he finished another drink. He's one of the northern breeds. He's not a husky though. He's a.... elkhound? That's it, Norwegian elkhound! Teja smiled to himself. He prided himself on being familiar with the fur patterns of different canines. And not with just what you could see over their clothes, but what was under them. The coyote grinned and swished his tail a little as he worked, making his movements a little more exaggerated. Well, if he's wants to look at me, I better give him something to make it worth his time.
As he reached for a bottle on the counter with his back to the dog, he flicked his tail up a little to make the view more revealing. Nothing really blatant, but enough if you were checking him out you'd notice the change in posture. When he next looked over at where Tim and dog was standing, Teja swore the dog's eyes had gotten a little wider. It was then that Tim noticed Teja was looking over towards him when he called to Teja.
"Teja!" the raccoon walked over to the coffee bar so he didn't have to shout. When he was closer he pointed towards the dog. "When the crowd calms down, come over and let me introduce you."
Teja nodded. "Sure," and smiled to himself. But as Tim rejoined the dog and suggested they sit at a nearby table, Teja noticed something he hadn't before. The dog had a black apron on just like the one Teja was wearing tied around his waste
Silently Teja cursed to himself. Tim had said he had hired more staff, and before they had even really been introduced, he'd hit on them! Teja reached for the drink he'd fixed for himself earlier and left next to his station. He took a sip as he knocked coffee grinds out of the filter for the espresso machine, hoping the coffee would steal his nerves.
Flirting for tips was one thing, but flirting with other staff, always ended up getting messy. The coyote smiled at a customer as he passed another espresso drink across the the counter to a waiting customer trying to not let his annoyance at himself to show.
Ten minutes later, after the line had thinned out, Teja joined Tim and the elkhound at the table at the back of the coffee shop. As he approached, Teja could hear Tim talking to the dog. "Don't worry, Teja is a pro and has worked here for a few years. He's good, and knows the business. He's the assistant manager and will be doing your training."
Teja smiled and sat down at the table feeling a little sheepish. The dog looked nervous, and even though he was stocky and had broad shoulders, he gave off the impression that he was a little scared. Teja was sure he would look really imposing and dominant if he felt that way, but the slump of his shoulders told a different story and made him look docile and lumbering.
"Teja, let me introduce you to Johan. He's the new barista I hired.".
Teja extended a paw and shook Johan's hand. "Hi, nice to meet you."
"Hello," Johan responded in his deep baritone voice. Even though he had dark fur on his face, he had a slight blush under his fur that Teja noticed.
"I have to order some supplies so he's all yours now Teja. Start him out at the espresso bar so he gets a feeling for how things work. And don't worry Johan, you're in very good paws." With that Tim got up and walked off to the office in the back of the store, leaving the two of them alone at the table.,
Johan's blush seemed to deepened as Tim retreated, and he gulped as the coyote turned his attention to him.
"Nervous?" Teja asked trying to find something to say and failing to come up with some really good.
"Uh a little." came the somewhat timid response.
"Well, there is no reason to be nervous. Once you get used to the job it can be quiet fun and even relaxing during the slow periods. If I might ask, why did you want to be a barista." The coyote kept his gaze even and cool as studied the dog. The elkhound looked cute when he blushed, but Teja pushed the thought from his mind and tried to sound professional. After his antics earlier he didn't want to things to get off to the wrong paw. If he could just get Johan to relax , he hoped the nervous blushing would go away.
"I love coffee. I always thought it would be really cool to work in a coffee shop," came the quick response.
Teja smiled and softened his gaze. "Well good, that is something I can work with. And relax, you'll do fine. The most important thing to do in a business like this is smile and be relaxed as you work."
"Why is that?" Johan inquired.
"Well it keeps people returning and if the customers are happy they'll come back. Plus, happy customers always tip better." Teja grinned. "We don't provide just an coffee, we provide an atmosphere. The better the atmosphere, the better the business"
"You look so fluid while your making espresso drinks behind the bar."
Teja leaned back in his chair and waved a paw dismissively. "It's just practice, and good ole fashioned coyote magic."
"Coyote magic?" Johan gulped. "Where does one buy that?"
"You can't buy it, but don't worry, I'll show you how to acquire some. What you do is you rub your paw pads together gently like this to summon the magic and then cup your paws together tightly and blow into your cupped paws to trap the magic." Teja demonstrated. "Then you rub them together just a little more like your washing your paws to get the coyote magic all over them." Teja grinned wide spread his paws wide. "And just like that, you'll have enough coyote magic to get started and work the espresso machine. But, if that doesn't get you enough coyote magic, just have an double shot of espresso."
Johan giggled and then blushed when he clamped his muzzle shut as he felt embarrassed.
Great, Teja thought, not only does he look cute, he acts cute too. Just my luck.
"Here, let me get a few samples and then I'll go over how we make the drinks." Teja got up and when Johan nodded his ascent, Teja padded over to the coffee bar. The elkhound's blushing made Teja a little nervous and was starting to cause his mind to wander.. It was best to focus on the training before he let his mind wander to far.
Teja watched as Johan worked the espresso machine over the next few days. He learned quickly how to make the various drinks they served. Behind the espresso bar, Johan was methodical as he worked, but he worked hard, and never got the orders wrong. He concentrated so hard as he worked that Teja was pretty sure Johan didn't notice Teja was watching him. With his broad shoulders, and thick fur, Johan looked a little comical in his black apron. He stocky build reminded Teja more of a bouncer then a barista, but as he overcame the nervousness and settled into the routine, Teja had to admit Johan made an excellent barista.
At first Teja had kept an eye on Johan to make sure he wasn't getting stuck and was getting the drinks right. But more and more, Teja realized he kept glancing at Johan in his off moments not to see how he was doing, but to admire his backside and plump firm ass. The elkhound's curly tail made it easy to admire, and while Johan was heavy set, most of his weight was muscle, covered by a layer of insulating fat and fur, making him both firm and soft at the same time. Whenever Teja started musing what grabbing Johan's ass would feel like, he had to tell himself to instead watch the customers who kept coming in to the store. As the days went on though, Teja started finding this harder to do.
Johan's mannerisms where quite cute and he frequently blushed when he felt embarrassed. And with coyote mischievous, Teja kept catching himself thinking of ravishing the elkhound. Dreams of feeling the dog's soft fur against himself, and Johan's bashfulness assaulted by the coyotes kisses and needs, kept popping into Teja's thoughts. He didn't think sleeping with his coworkers was going to go over well with Tim if he found out, and he was sure Tim would found out. Yet no matter how hard he tried to put the thoughts from his mind. In the afternoon lulls between customers, it was hard not to let his mind drift back to them. Even when he was whipping down tables or taking out the trash, Teja kept catching himself day dreaming.
Teja finally had to admit to himself by the end of the second week that the elkhound was really cute, and someone Teja would have pursued if he meet him under different circumstances. Teja wasn't even bothered about the content of his naughty fantasies, it was just Johan was a coworker, and that put him out of bounds. If something happened, it would bring trouble he was sure he couldn't afford.
If only his imagination would listen to reason.
"So your taking time out from college then?" Teja asked Johan. It was late and with the store almost deserted, they were both working on closing up. After working together for three weeks, Teja finally had gotten up the guts to ask a few questions about Johan's life outside of work. On a slow night like tonight, it seemed like as good as time as any, and for every moment he spent talking there was less time he could spend fantasizing.
"Yes, I'm trying to save up some money so I can continue. I've been putting myself through college, but it's not cheap," Johan replied as he cleaned the espresso machine.
"You don't get any help from your folks for school?" Teja wiped down the counter with a rag and started straightening things out. He almost missed the sudden way Johan froze as he asked the question.
"No," he replied softly, "I don't talk to my folks much anymore. We just don't get along." His normally curly tail had dropped suddenly.
"Oh," Teja said softly. "Sorry to hear that."
Johan was silent and turned away from Teja to return to his work. "It's okay." He spoke softly and proceeded to silently work on finishing cleaning the espresso machine.
Teja thought about pressing the issue, but decided against it. When the last customer left, Teja locked the door and Johan started putting chairs onto of the tables. Teja went into the back room to fetch coffee for tomorrow's opening shift. As he turned to leave, he bumped up against Johan and tripped not realizing Johan had also come to the back room to fetch supplies.
The two canines slipped and as Teja lost his footing he dropped the packs of coffee beans he was carrying. Johan moved to try to catch the coyote to keep him from falling, but the elkhound's feet were all ready sliding out from under him. Thrown off balance by Teja's weight, Johan hit the wall behind him and instead of catching Teja, ended up pulling Teja on top of him as both of them hit the floor with a yelp.
Breathlessly Teja tried to apologize for his clumsiness, "Johan, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." Their bodies were pressed up against each other and Johan had to push himself up to talk..
"It's okay Teja." Johan was blushing again. "I should have been paying more attention."
Teja smirked a little and without thinking replied, "That's okay, I don't mind working in tight spaces."
Johan, looked puzzled. "Tight spaces?"
"You know, tight ho-" Teja caught himself but to late..
Johan looked at the coyote for a few moments before he responded.. "So, I've not been imagining that you've been casting glances at me behind my back. I thought at first it to make sure things were all right, but I've realized they're not just work related."
The coyote sighed. Had he been that obvious? "Well, I've not exactly in the closet here. People here know my preference."
Johan blushed again, "It's okay, I don't mind the attention." He wagged his tail a little and smiled.
Teja blinked unsure what to say. This was not going how it was supposed to. "Oh," was all he managed to say. Slowly he got up and dusted himself off and helped Johan up. And as he helped Johan up, Johan did something that completely caught Teja off guard; he leaned in and kissed Teja as he stood up.
Immediately Teja's eyes went big and he stepped back in shock and surprise. "Johan!" He felt dizzy. "Johan, I can't, not at work..." His voiced trailed of as he said it.
The elkhound looked hurt, and he blinked stunned for a few moments before he quickly ran out into the main part of the store blushing. Teja slowly reached down and picked up the packages and paused to gather his breath before stepping out from the storeroom.
Johan was stacking cups with his back to him. As Teja refilled the coffee, he was feet away from Johan, and yet he felt as if he had just opened a vast gulf between them. Neither of them spoke as they went about getting the store ready for the morning shift. Teja wasn't sure if he should say something, but he couldn't get up the nerve to say anything that came to his mind He was afraid he might tell Johan about the day dreams he kept having if he did open his month. Only when Teja looked the store up for the night, did he get a muffled and weak, "Goodnight" from Johan before he walked off into the night.
Teja watched the elkhound disappear down the street in the darkness and quiet of the sleeping city. Teja slowly turned and headed off to his apartment in the quiet stillness of city late at night.
The alarm clock buzzed urgently in the small apartment. Teja slowly uncurled from the pillows before sleepily hitting the button to shut off the racket. He rolled over to stare blearily eyed at the display which stared back with it's unblinking display of 4:15 in the morning.
The coyote yawned, and curled back up. He must have forgotten to reset the alarm clock since yesterday. He didn't have to be at work for hours. He shifted around to get comfortable and rolled onto his stomach and felt his hardness press into the bed.
It had been a few days since the kiss and in the time Teja, had not talked to Johan once. Having opened the store the day before, had helped since Johan had worked the afternoon shift. They had passed each other without out a word, one leaving work, and the other coming in.
Still, Teja felt torn about what had happened. As the coyote reached down to run his paw over his shaft he could imagine feeling Johan's fingers running across it. Teja shivered and felt a cold chill up his spine. He hadn't fallen for someone this hard in a long time. Is it the blushing that is making me weak at the knees, Teja thought. I can't keep avoiding him, we're going to have to talk to each other at some point. And yet with each thought of why he shouldn't let something happen between them, Teja kept thinking how soft Johan's thick fur had to be.
Teja was so lost in his thoughts that when his cell phone rang, he yelped and ended up jerking himself out of bed and knocked the phone right off the nightstand. Cursing, he fumbled around with a paw trying to find the phone before turning on the light. Picked it up he flipped it open and glanced at the display and instantly regretted it. In the process of opening the phone he had all ready answered the call from Tim.
"Teja? Hey Teja, you there?" came the voice on the other end.
Sighing he put the phone to his ear. "Tim man, you know what time it is?"
"Yeah. I need you to open the store this morning. Samantha's son is sick, and she has to take him to the clinic first thing this morning. He's coming down with mange again and she wants to get him to the clinic before it gets bad again."
Teja tried not to growl at his boss. "I opened yesterday. Why can't you get Francis to do it?"
"Cause Francis is closing tonight. Samantha was gonna show Johan how to open, so I really someone there with him this morning. Samantha can take your shift for this afternoon so you won't be stuck with a double."
Oh shit was Teja's first thought he tried to think of an excuse for why he couldn't possible take the shift, but nothing was coming to mind. Nothing, that Tim would believe anyway.
"Teja, Teja, did I loose you?" Tim called from the other end of the phone.
"No, no. I.... I'll be there."
"Great, thanks Teja," and with that Tim was gone.
Teja sat in his darkened apartment the phone in his lap. Slowly he put the phone on the nightstand and got up to take a shower. No there was no way to avoid the problem of what to say to Johan.
Teja padded down the darkened predawn streets alone yawning softly. He carried his apron with him and let the cool air fill his longs. The city was still asleep but soon it would come to life. The silence gave Teja time to think, but all that did was give him a sinking feeling about what was about to happen.
Teja tried to put the apprehension from his mind as he approached the shop. Johan was all ready waiting for Teja, his strong frame silhouetted in the street lamps. With the gray and black fur on his face, he looked like a ghost with the light catching the white fur on his arms.
"Teja!" Johan exclaimed hoarsely when he saw Teja approach.
"Samantha couldn't take the shift, so Tim called me in." Teja reached over to unlock the door and let them in. He then locked the door behind them.
"Teja?" Johan whispered in the darkness. "Teja I'm sorry about what happened a few nights ago." Johan said softly as he followed Teja behind the counter.
Teja turned on the lights in the back of the store and then turned and looked at the elkhound. "Look, it's not that I'm not into guys. I just feels weird since your working under me, and I don't want something causing trouble for either of us at work."
Johan looked hurt and looked down at the floor. Teja sighed and took a deep breath.
"Look, I'm sorry this happened. I..." Johan had reached out to touch his shoulder to silence the coyote.
"Teja, it's okay, I liked the attention, but I shouldn't have kissed you. I got carried away, and I thought you were into me so I kissed you. I'm sorry I got a little carried away." Johan looked up at him with soft sad eyes.
"I am into you." Teja blurted out. Brilliant he thought. All you have to do is tell him your not interested and the problem goes away, and you can't even do that.
Johan just looked up at Teja confused. He looked like he wanted to say something but he couldn't. Teja felt himself falling into Johan's dark brown eyes. They were sad and hurt and Teja finally gave in. He didn't want to break Johan's heart. Teja leaned forward and kissed Johan and Johan's eyes lit up like fireworks. Johan returned the kiss with such need Teja could feel his whole body tingle. The elkhound stepped forward and pressed himself against Teja so he could deepen the kiss. Teja was taken back by the passion and felt his knees start to feel weak and his shaft throbbed at the close contact.
Johan giggled. "You are into me for sure," he said as he ground his hips against Teja's groin.
"Yes," Teja grunted.
Johan giggled and started to trace his fingers along Teja's belt..
"Johan?" Teja reached out to run a paw against Johan's side, feeling the soft fur through his clothes. Johan had starting to undo his belt buckle.
The elkhound giggled even more and pulled down Teja's zipper and sank to his knees in front of Teja.
"Johan! We have work to do!"
Johan looked up and smirked and pulled down Teja's boxers. "I just need a little coyote magic first, and then we can get work."
"Coyote.." Teja shivered and trailed off as Johan licked his tongue up the bottom of Teja's shaft. He could feel his mind racing. We're so gong to get fired. I can't believe this is happening. Johan wrapped a paw around the base of Teja's shaft and licked up Teja's shaft again. Oh my god, I'm loving this.
The coyote leaned back to grip the counter as the elkhound started to suckle on the tip of Teja's shaft, his tongue cradling the coyote's cock. Teja just let himself go then, his breath heavy with need. He had fantasized about this for three weeks now and it was just as good as he thought it would be. Johan bobbed his head up and down on Teja's cock, and he had to grip the counter with his claws to keep from falling as he knees went weak.
A wave of bliss washed over Teja. He shivered and felt himself throb in the elkhound's muzzle. Johan bobbed eagerly and on Teja's cock, and Teja panted, his head tilted back savoring the sensation of Johan working his hard maleness. It felt so good, that Teja's fears faded and he didn't want the moment to end.
Johan deep throated Teja pressing his nose into the coyotes fur. He then pulled back so he could wrap his paw around the pulsating cock and quickly jerk Teja's cock. Teja moaned so loudly as he came he swore anyone outside would have heard it. He let loose a load of hi hot seed into the eager elkhound's muzzle.
Johan then playfully licked the head before sitting back to look up at Teja. Teja slowly slumped to the floor, feeling spent and looked at Johan with glossy eyes.
"You really wanted that," was all Teja could muster.
Johan blushed. "Oh yes." He leaned forward to pant in Teja's face. "That and more."
The coyote chuckled tiredly. "There is always more when there is a coyote involved."
"I don't think your gonna be giving me more just yet." Johan was tracing a finger across Teja's spent shaft.
"Mmmm... Not yet no."
Johan kissed Teja on the cheek and rubbed his paws across Teja's belly and cuddled up against him. Teja held Johan and stroked his fur gently, rubbing his paw over Johan's chest, and tickling a little. Johan curled up tighter against Teja and sighed happily. Teja brushed Johan's tummy and realized Johan was still hard and smiled as he closed a paw around the cock. It was thick like the rest of Johan's body and the feeling of it in his hand made Teja smile.
"Holding out on me I see."
Johan responded by breathing into his ear heavily as he cuddled against Teja. "I didn't want to get it all over the floor actually."
Teja grinned amused. He looked up at the clock on the wall and cringed when he saw the time. "The store opens in five minutes~"
"Is that enough time to get things ready?" Johan asked concerned.
"No, but if we hurry, we can get it open."
Johan squeezed Teja and then stood up blushing. "I'm sorry I got carried.."
"We got carried away." Teja swatted Johan on the rump as he stood up. "If we hurry, it will be okay." Teja scrambled over to to start brewing the morning's coffee, and almost tripped with his pants still down around his knees. Johan laughed, but Teja pulled them up and scowled at him.
"Quick put the chairs down." Teja pulled up his pants and started the first pot of coffee brewing. He turned to look at the empty display case, and scowled at it. They would just have to stock that after the store opened. Johan quickly started pulling chairs from on top of the tables. As Teja checked to make sure the furs who had closed the previous night had stocked up all the supplies for the days business he wanted to curse at himself for being so lustful. And yet, he had to admit, he was falling in love, and had loved every minute of the encounter.
"Johan!" Teja called as he pulled the first carafe of coffee out from under the coffee maker. The elkhound ran over, and Teja gave him a big kiss. "Are you free after work?"
"Of course." Johan's tail was wagging.
"Great it's a date. Now, can you brew me some more coffee please? I'm going to go grab the cash register till from the back and then we can open the store up."