
Story by Rotten730 on SoFurry

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Those who know the pleasures of an empty gym late at night may have heard or encountered scenarios of opportunities such as this. Follow a collie and rottweiler on their chase for sexual release in this steamy piece of flash fiction. If you want to see updates, exclusive shorts, and other opportunities of engagement checkout my website at:

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The collie had entered the bathroom moments after he had watched the rottweiler leave the squat rack. The gym's windows were black with night and left the interior to glow a rich, warm, golden, white of incandescent bulbs. But the blackness had the benefit of being used as a mirror and a means for the collie to sneak peaks at the full package of the rottweiler. It was a small room, their scent mingled as they continued to exercise late into the night. The way the rottie performed squats gave the collie a perfect view of the taught ass that stretched and strained red nylon. Each deadlift ended with a swift hip thrust forward as if to punctuate and put the bulge on display for an audience.

An audience of one, the collie quickly filled his jock and walked in a way to constantly adjust himself beneath the cotton pouch. It took the collie the better part of an hour to realize that the rottweiler had taken notice of his clandestine stares. Both began to size each other up before the rottweiler moved to the back and through the locker room doors. When the collie entered he could see the large, thick, muscle pumped dog stood at a urinal. Hazel eyes met with his own powder blue before they nodded to each other in a casual greeting. The collie moved to the sink parallel to the object of his obsession for the night.

Flopped ears perked as the collie looked into the mirror and could see the rottweiler occupying the urinal longer than what would usually be normal. Ears initially caught the sound of urine splashing into the bowl but that trickle had ended long ago. Curious, his eyes wandered toward the rottweiler's lower back and found one of the black and brown paws beside the stubby tail. Fingers had dipped beneath the nylon waistband and teased the band lower across one of the cheeks. The rottweiler's head was turned over a shoulder and grinned when he could see the collie looking back.

The rottie next slipped his hand away from his cheek and instead slid it down along his thigh until fingers curled around a leg opening. Pulling it up, the collie could see the dog's pumped muscles lead the eye up to the well toned and exposed cheek. Fingers splayed and exposed the shallow crevice that separated each globe, a subtle glistening at the center. The collie's ears perked again as he heard a low, bass, rumble echo in the room as the rottie brought a digit to the ebony pucker. Legs adjusted themselves before he watched a finger vanish into the black, tight, ring.

The collie licked his black lips and leaned away from the sink making sure to frame up his crotch for the rottweiler to enjoy. He watched as the dog worked a second and third finger into his tight ass until both of their ears raised. The door had begun to swing open and both dogs pulled their hands to a more natural position.

The human paused and looked at the two men, "didn't expect to catch anyone tonight."

The man didn't expect a reply and moved to saddle up next to the rottweiler. The dog gave a warm smile and miraculously began to pee again. The fair skinned man sighed and shook himself clear while the rottweiler left the urinal and took a sink nearest the collie. It wasn't long before their guest followed and quickly left the locker room eager to get his workout started.

"Lucky he's a human, don't think he could catch our scents," the collie said.

"Pfft, no time, I want to see your cock dude," the rottweiler said and turned to look at the collie.

The collie's white cheeks displayed the light tint of red as he reached to the side of his pant leg and pulled it open, jock as well to release the thick, red, shaft that had spilled out of his mottled black and white sheath. The rottweiler boldly reached a damp hand over and used the suede, leather-like, surface of his palm to glide over the hot, throbbing, mass. A pulse of pre hit the sink's rim as the lithe dog thrusted on instinct.

"Geeze an eager pup," the rottie rumbled and leaned over to whisper, "I bet you'd fill this muscle bitch's ass full."

The collie was shorter than the rottweiler, ears raised alert and ready, "mmm spread your legs and we can find out."

The collie stepped behind the rottweiler and pulled the back of the dog's shorts below the twin globes of muscle ass. The collie had to adjust his strap and shorts that had migrated to pressing his length tight against his thigh. As he did the rottweiler bent his knees and lined the shaft up with a pre-lubed hole.

"Come on dude, we don't have time," the rottweiler said before he pushed back and speared the tip into his tight, thirsty, hole.

"Mmmf, an eager bitch," the collie would say after a gasp. His hands moved up to hold onto the rottweiler's shoulders before he thrust forward, "eager muscle-studs get it hard."

"That's right, give it to me," the rottweiler said as the collie's hips began to fuck in earnest.

The rottweiler rumbled as the front of his shorts began to soak up his pre, a prominent, dark, splotch appeared at the front of his shorts. Bulge ground and humped against the porcelain rim of the sink only milking more of that copious, watery, pre out of the hidden red length. Their coupling was interrupted by a throat cleared. Both men stopped as their fur raised and head turned toward the human, a mop bucket in front of him.

"Don't mind me, I just expect payment for cleaning up after you two," the human said and groped his stretched sweats. The two men shrugged and began once more while their audience stroked. "It's a good night."

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