Immorality - Kayla's Lesson

Story by Nile the Buizel on SoFurry

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#1 of Immorality

Ok here it goes... first story time, (*takes deep breath) whether this gets a good review or not this is a big day for me, cuz either way it means I managed to write a story to the end without erasing it. xP

Anyways i've decided to make the first chapter (there may be more chapters to come if people like this one.) slightly more of an intro, setting the scene rather than yiff focused to ease myself into the tempo (don't worry though yiff fans there is some in it), obviously criticism is welcomed, it's the only way i can develop and besides if i find out i'm horrible I can move on and stop clogging YS with crappy stories.

So anyway normal disclaimer BS, I don't own Pokémon... if i did i'd be making love to my money and not spending another year sending valentines cards to my hand, I s'pose Alba is kinda' my fursona although it's basically just a normal Espeon with some badly drawn stuff on it, I do intend to improve it once my scanner gets fixed.

Oh and if you're under 18, or whatever the legal age to be reading adult material is in whatever country you call home... what the hell I don't care... but if you get caught and carted off to a mental institute with rubber walls, be it on your head.

p.s. if you're in this just for the yiff i advise skipping to the end, theres alot of scene setting before hand, and enough comma's to make your head implode.

Also keep in mind that if I do decide to make a series of this (unlikely depending on response to this story) it will be more romance based and between Kayla (A female Buizel) and her trainer Ross as opposed to this which is focused on the aforementioned Kayla and my Fursona Alba. (thats right m/f Pokémon sex if you don't like it gtfo)

Hope you enjoy, and if you don't, don't hesitate to leave comments saying so.

On with the story!

Kayla's Lesson

Ross watched with a grimace as Hayley, his Gardevoir, fell unconscious to the ground, unable to protect herself from the selfdestruct move in time she had bore the full brunt of the attack. He quickly returned her and thought of his next move.

Her sacrifice however had not been a needless one. It had revealed a weakness in the foe's cocky attitude. Selfdestruct was a desperation move, only two things led a trainer to make a call like that, fear or inexperience.

Ross had heard of this trainer, Joe, a dark type trainer mostly, quite well respected in his home region of Hoenn, but considered somewhat wet behind the ears by most trainers here in Sinnoh. Ross was going to make that reputation a well deserved one.

"Down to my last" Ross heard his opponent call to him from across the battlefield.

"Then keep going," He yelled back, " if you keep this up I won't even have to touch you're Pokémon, you'll have wiped them all out yourself."

The trainer fumed to himself and muttered words that Ross couldn't quite catch over the wind. This was perfect, he had wormed his way into his foe's mind, made him doubt himself and his Pokémon. People were so easy to manipulate, if you got under their skin found out what made them confident, they're fears and they're weaknesses, you could yank the safety net from right out beneath them and then... even the strongest trainer could be reduced to nothing.

This was most certainly not the strongest trainer, he'd allowed hubris and arrogance to make an easy target of him. He wielded strong Pokémon there was no doubting that, but strength without the intelligence and wit to use it was worthless.

"Go Houndoom," his opponent called out once more "finish this off."

Ross now had a choice of two Pokémon, 3v3 battles weren't his forte, however he had accepted the challenge, having just come out of a tiresome Beauty contest all the crowd were leaving, hundreds of eyes were fixed upon him. If he'd declined his public rep would have gone straight down, and he didn't need that right now.

"Bui-Bui," a familiar voice called, Ross felt a sudden tugging at his trouser leg, he looked down to see Kayla, the Female of his two Buizel pulling at his trouser leg with one paw and pointing at the Houndoom with the other, "Bui-Bu-Bui-Bui-Buiiiiii." she frantically continued.

Ross sighed and looked back up, flicking his black hair out of his usually uncovered eye, he could send in kayla, the battle would be over in seconds, and he could leave, rest up, give his Pokémon the reward time they deserved, and suddenly that seemed very appealing, the thought of spending time with just his Pokémon up by that mountain stream they liked so much. Alternatively he could send in Alba, his Espeon, there would be a type disadvantage but as if that had ever mattered to him, besides which, it would embarrass his enemy to no end and teach the meddling arse not to battle superior trainers. Ross smiled at that thought, and secretly craved the moment this "Joe" character pleaded him to end it.

He knelt down to the now slightly calmer Buizel "Listen," he cooed soothingly. "I know you want to fight and get this over with, but some people just need to be taught a quick lesson in humility."

The Buizel huffed, a long "buiiiiiii" that displayed her displeasure with his choice in no uncertain terms. Ross stood again, once more brushing the hair out of his ice-blue eyes, he drew a pokeball and activated it manually rather than throwing it.

"Go Alba, you're up." A beam of red light announced the arrival of Ross's staple Pokémon. The purple Psychic type emerged licking it's forepaw, his eyes allowed a brief 3 second audience to the large Houndoom staring it down before he went back to bathing his forelimb, unphased. Stranger than this though were the odd markings on the Pokémon's back. A number of orangey-yellow lines adorned the Pokémon's back from rump, just above the tail, to head where the last two lines curved around the gem that was attached to the Cat-like Pokémon's forehead.

The other trainer burst out laughing, "you have to be kidding right, you have to be. Pitching a Psychic against a dark type when you have a perfectly healthy water type right there? and here i was thinking you were a good trainer!"

Ross flinched slightly at the insult, he quickly regained his composure and reminded himself that the trainer would be laughing out the other side of his face by the end of this.

"just call you're first move" Ross sighed, he was getting quickly bored of the games.

"fine, just remember that you brought this on yourself, Houndoom bite that pest in two!"

The Houndoom took slow deliberate steps towards the opponent, who seemed more interested in hygiene than escape or defense, Reluctantly the Pokémon acknowledged the snarling Pokémon approaching and rose to all fours, the blue neckerchief given to him for wining a high ranked beauty contest, rustled around his neck as he regarded the oncoming Houndoom,

Alba watched the Pokémon approach with a mixture of disdain and indifference, further infuriating the dark type. It began to charge at him, a bite would probably almost finish him in one blow if it was allowed to connect, still he had to wait for his trainer. The Houndoom became a black blur against the light walls of the contest building, and still he waited, he watched as the jaws opened, almost in slow motion now, a trail of drool hanging from canine lips, so close now he could count the individual teeth, then the jaws were closing and...

"use agility to dodge then follow up with iron tail." Alba darted away at blistering speed spinning and using iron tail just as the mutt turned round to receive it full in the face. Houndoom let out a great yelp of pain as Alba skidded to a stop a small distance away a wry smile on it's face. Pokémon were so easy to manipulate. He thought to himself. He reminded himself that he had not yet won and watched as the dark Pokémon shook the after effects of the attack off and turned to snarl at him again. The opposing trainer called for an Overheat attack from Houndoom

"Dig Alba," His trainer called out "and wait it out underground." Alba dug a quick entrenchment to shield from the flames, then dug deeper as the attack was ongoing, by the time the overheat was finished and Houndoom came over to look, the hole was too deep to see the bottom.

"flamethrower into the hole Houndoom" The opposing trainer was getting frustrated and desperate to finish this now, the buried Alba took this as a perfect moment to finish the dig attack and burst from the ground behind the mongrel at ferocious speed pulling all kinds of debris with him. The flamethrower attack followed him shortly after but with a graceful spin Alba avoided damage and the only sign left of the flamethrower attack was his neckerchief which was covered in soot.

"aww look what you did," Ross mocked his opponent, "do you know how much that costs to dry-clean?" He was smirking now, Joe must have known his Pokémon was in a bad way because he was starting to get really angry with Ross declaring that he used "cheap" moves and was always dodging rather than attacking like a real trainer. This annoyed Ross more than anything else. This pathetic excuse for a trainer was now making awful excuses to make up for his lack of skill? This was too much, it had to end.

"fine you want me to attack?" Ross asked the hint of annoyance being present in his voice for the first time. "Alba hit him with a Shadow ball, end this!"

Alba released the shadow ball and watched it careen towards the enemy and... straight over it's left shoulder.

The opponent watched with disbelief as the ball of energy missed it's stationary target "Awww too bad," he cooed mockingly. "better luck next time.

Ross nearly did a double take at this trainers stupidity, "you call yourself a dark Pokémon trainer?" He asked in disbelief. "If you take away but one piece of knowledge about dark Pokémon from this world let it be this, that almost all dark type moves have a special effect, feint attack can make a Pokémon flinch, thief can be used to steal another Pokémon's item... and shadow ball never misses!"

The Houndoom turned just in time to see the familiar shadow ball speeding back towards it. The force and momentum of the attack sent the Pokémon tumbling through the air causing it to land splayed out like a rug, positively out for the count. The comical effect of this caused kayla to giggle into a paw.

The other trainer nearly broke down into tears Alba could see it in his eyes, being humiliated like this in front of a hundred or so people is fairly harrowing, still they were not there to comfort the distraught trainer, Ross had promised to take them to that spot on mt.coronet where there was a little stream that, if you caught it at the right time reflected the sinking sun's rays against the snow capped peak of the mountain, If they didn't hurry they'd be late and if they were they'd be hearing about it from Kayla for weeks...

"Oh by the way," Ross said to his opponent as he was returning his Houndoom. "A good trainer? I'm a great trainer, the best you'll ever see, and don't you ever forget that."

They'd caught the sunset just in time, the reflected rays making a beautiful ripple effect on the cliff face behind them, it was actually rather a romantic setting. Not that it really mattered, he'd never manage to get a girl up here. He wasn't abrasive, self-centered or arrogant, (oh ok maybe a little arrogant) he just didn't connect with humans on quite the same level as he did with Pokémon, maybe it was because he was mainly with psychic Pokémon who could share their thoughts and feelings with him, he often joked to himself that he should start hitting on his Gardevoir, but then he'd start to get an image in his head and start to worry.

Having a romantic relationship with Pokémon, especially a sexual one, wasn't forbidden, at least not legally, however it was seen as morally wrong and you'd be looked down upon by other trainers for the rest of your life.

He sighed looking round at his Pokémon, Kaylen his male buizel was playing in the stream along with Jutah his abra and Alba who was sitting on the bank trying to avoid being splashed. Nivven, his Gallade was sparring with Hayley, who had been revived with a potion to save going all the way to a Pokémon centre, near the forest that surrounded the clearing. Finally Kayla was sitting near him alternating her gaze between the river and himself with a look of wonder on her face, she really loved this place, and he loved to see her this way, her face lit up like one of the slot machines in Veilstone city.

He sighed once more and removed the Long black jacket he wore, laying it flat on the ground. The area was hot but growing up in Snowpoint city had taught Ross always to dress for the cold. His white t-shirt was sweaty and clammy from the run here and the heat so he removed it also throwing it in a heap by his jacket revealing his pale skin in contrast to his dark blue jeans. He looked down with disappointment at his body, he wasn't fat but a love of snack food and lack of exercise meant that he wasn't thin or toned either.

He lay down on top of his jacket and stared upwards into the cloudless sky, it would be night soon. A sudden pressure made him look down to his chest where Kayla had apparently decided to take residence. He began to stroke her making her give random soft Bui's of content. He was tired after today and around here it was warm and there was no one to steal his belongings. He closed his eyes and continued stroking Kayla, until sleep came to claim him for the night.

Kayla noticed a break in the petting, she looked to her trainers face to find Ross fast asleep and slowly got off his chest so as not to wake him. She looked back at his half-nakedness and blushed slightly before going to join her friends by the stream.

She came upon them in the middle of a conversation "Yeah but he'll want to take a break before his next one," Kaylen commented, the older buizel having no problems making his beliefs heard. "i'm betting Pastoria, he's always liked that place

"No he'll head home to Snowpoint next," Alba responded, his tail flicking in annoyance, "He wants to get the seventh badge over and done with."

"And how would you know that?"

"Oh yes it's not like, being a psychic type I can read his mind or anything, Oh Wait!" The Espeon grinned, happy to have made a fool of the conceited buizel.

"What do you think sis'?" the now irritated Buizel turned to her for support.

Kayla had begun to answer before the Abra butted in. "Don't bother asking her opinion," Jutah laughed while speaking telepathically "the poor things got a crush on him, the only place she's interested in him being is between her legs!"

Kayla blushed furiously "Shut up! I do not!"

"Oh come on," the abra taunted. "i've seen inside that head of yours, it paints such an interesting picture." The Abra gave an evil grin pleased with her reaction. She had forgotten how much of an Arsehole he could be, this was the main problem of living with psychic types, nothing was secret, nothing was sacred.

Kaylen now joined Jutahs chorus of laughter, Making the embarrassed Buizel turn away blushing furiously. "Come on guys," Kayla heard Alba speak up once more "theres no sense in making fun of her, she's saved your arse in battles countless times."

The laughter slowly died down as Kayla walked away. "Wow, way to kill the moment there." The Abra stuck his tongue out at the espeon who simply flicked his tail once more and walked to a crag some way away from the two and sat grooming himself once more.

Alba was still up long after the other Pokémon had gone to sleep. He watched the moon come up and sit in the sky. He felt sorry for the poor Buizel, She had gone through her first heat last year and no one would tell her what was wrong. The only other female in Ross' team was Hayley and she was extremly reserved when it came to sex Nivven was never the talking kind, Jutah would just have made fun of her if she'd asked, and her brother, Kaylen, was about as straight as route 212.

It was getting to that time of year again. She was not in heat yet but he could smell something on her. A different scent, something... something very appealing.

Suddenly his mind drifted, he pictured himself and that Buizel together, and his heart began to beat faster. He knew this feeling well from his time in the day-care, he was getting aroused, and while he usually went for males, that Buizel had caught his interest from day one. Besides she wouldn't be hard to woo, she was naive, had only a basic understanding of mating... and he'd always been told he had a silver tongue.

Kayla awoke to being prodded and an indistinct whisper in her ear she opened her eyes to see the jemmed head of Alba close enough to touch with her tongue if she wished. She noticed the moon behind his head "Alba?" she whispered groggily "what time is it?"

"Never mind that come on, follow me."

She was confused and tired but Alba was her best friend, aside from Ross and had never steered her wrong, she flipped on to her front and used her forepaws to push her into a sitting position, from there she got up and followed behind Alba quickly.

He led her back to the crag she had seen him sitting on before, they were well out of earshot of everyone and they sat there in the wind for a few seconds before Alba addressed her. "Do you love him?" he spoke suddenly, surprising the Buizel.

"W-what do you mean?" the startled Buizel was slow to react and timid in her answer.

"Just what I said," the Espeon confirmed "do you love him or do you want him?"

"Is, is there a difference?" the Buizel was clearly clueless, Alba began to feel guilty, it kinda felt like he was taking advantage.

"Of course, if you love him then you need him, not for sex or for pleasure, but for support, you need him because... without him your days are dull and lackluster you need him because... because you just know that you do." the cat-like Pokémon finished with a sigh.

The young buizel absorbed this and thought for a long time. "I-i'm not sure" she finally decided, she looked sad, like she knew this was the wrong answer.

"Good!" the Psychic type replied, startling the small weasel. "Decisions like these are too important to make split-second, it's good that you are not so rash." The Espeon smiled warmly at the Buizel reassuring her.

"But still," Alba continued, "you're second heat is coming up soon," He turned his head to look back out across the sleeping party. "you will need to get some release before it is in full swing. Surely you have felt something already?"

"Release?" the young Buizel looked confused "Heat?"

The Espeon rolled his eyes forgetting that, being hatched from an egg straight into captivity, Kayla would know little about the natural feelings that gripped her body, apart from that they happened. "Remember last year about this time?" the girls eyes were confused, they suddenly cleared and she let out a small Oh and looked at the ground like a naughty child.

"Yes that, that will happen again and next year and the year after unless you get that Release."

"Release?" Kayla queried again "You mean... sex right?" the buizels eyes lit up knowing she had the right answer.

"Thats right. Now I think you have a good chance with Ross he clearly thinks highly of you"

The Buizels head suddenly snapped round to look him dead in the eye hope burning from them like fire. "You, you really think that?"

"Of course, the way he treats you, spoils you, in fact i'd wager one of the main reasons I get to walk out of the pokeball nowadays is so that i can communicate what you say."

"Sooooo d'you think you could put a good word in for me? Maybe hint at my feelings for him?" the Buizel leaned towards Alba as she said this "Pleeeaaassse?"

The Espeon chuckled to himself at her forwardness, "of course, but thats not the point i was trying to make," He looked her in the eye serious now. "It will take awhile however to break through his morals and his restraint to make him you're mate, and all the while you're body is dying for release"

Kayla thought back to her last heat, the wild Pokémon following her, the jeers from opponents. She didn't want to go through that again. "What do you suggest i do about it then?" She asked innocent of his agenda.

"Well what do you know of sex?" Alba's tail began flicking from side to side, his body was getting impatient, he hadn't gotten his hole in something like three months, a long time for a Pokémon with his drive. He forced himself to wait, if he spoiled it now due to his urges he'd never make it with her.

"I know the male puts his... thing into the female, and that if two members of the same species do it, it can make an egg... umm, I know that it feels good, i don't really know much else." She answered meekly, now blushing bright red through her fur.

Alba couldn't deny that her innocence made her all the hotter to him. At least her brother had taught her something, it really did feel like this was taking advantage, but his body would not allow him to back off. "I could teach you," he said without thinking, immediately realizing how forward he had been.


Yup the Espeon mentally berated himself, far too forward. oh well too late to turn back now. "Yeah I mean um... It'd mean you're heat was less of a problem for awhile at least and um, couldn't hurt to learn if you intend to woo Ross." This was it, death or glory, if she didn't accept he could always wake her brother.

"Uhmmm," The Buizel was quite flustered now, here her best Pokémon friend was now offering to teach her the one most intimate thing in the world. "Ok I guess... you wont tell Ross though will you?"

Alba was shocked, this was above and beyond the response he'd expected. He'd have thought he might have to argue his case at least. "Of course not, i'll take the secret to my grave." he had a hard time keeping the surprise out of his voice. "So... d'you want to get started?"

"I uhh guess so? what do I?"

Alba cut her off in mid-sentence, "Don't worry okay? I'll do everything now, lie on your back." He felt his three and a half inch erection emerge from his sheath, He was really starting to get into this.

Kayla lay down and caught a glimpse of his meat, She gasped loudly causing Alba to smile coyly. She had seen a few before but the fact that it was his made this different somehow.

Alba stood over her now and lowered his hindquarters so that his erection was touching the patch of now slightly wet fur where he knew her sex was concealed he began to rub back and forth to arouse her further. She gasped and after a short while he saw her opening appear, she was no longer as anxious.

"I'm not going to lie, this might hurt at first. Quite a bit, but just hang on It will be amazing, wait and see."

Kayla quivered slightly at his words. How badly was this going to hurt and for how long? She kept her questions to her self and simply watched as he positioned himself a little better and lined himself up at her entrance.

This was an odd position for Alba, however anything that made Kayla more comfortable was worth it in the end. He decided to get the pain part over as quickly as possible. "ready?" A nod was her response and he began to push in.

Her sex was amazing, after such a long abstinence he felt like a virgin again, he was dazed with the pleasure her tight opening was giving him and his only thought was to extend the length of this feeling for as long as possible.

Kayla thought she felt the pain he had spoken of, but it was minor and the pleasure of having Alba's Pokémon meat inside of her was washing away any anxiousness she may have had along with any kind of rational thought. She let out an extended Buiiii of pleasure.

Alba on the other hand was beginning to slowly thrust once more into her depths, he had buried himself only about one and a half inches deep and yet in her hot tunnel this seemed to take forever. Not that he minded, He leant his head back in ecstasy and moaned along with Kayla.

About two inches in now he felt a barrier and he stopped, this was it, after this she would learn what sex really meant. He began to pull back out slowly, Kayla whimpered at this, she hadn't even been thrusting but she was already panting from pure pleasure. As he pulled almost all the way out her juices began to run down from his length to his crotch, now well and truly lubricated he was prepared to make the move.

"Are you ready?" Kayla nodded, her mind too addled from the feeling of her first lay to care what he was talking about.

Alba grimaced and thrust forward suddenly burying himself within her instantly breaking her hymen and causing her blood to run down his member

Suddenly Kayla was broken from her pleasured stupor. Her eyes snapped open and she looked down to see him hilted in her she nearly cried out with the pain, but she stifled herself and waited the pain out like he had told her.

Alba watched her face react to the pain, he was sorry but knew that it would get better if she could out lat the pain. "Are you okay?" he asked concerned.

"I-i'm fine" she whispered back "Fuck, this had better be worth it"

He smiled at her warmly "It will I promise. Now that thats done, it's time for lesson one: Humping." She only looked at him confused "You'll see." he reassured and began pulling back out causing her to whimper again from the leftover pain rather than pleasure. He pushed back in slowly letting his pleasure take him over as she took him to the hilt once more.

Kayla started to feel the pleasure return as the pain became less and her sex became more accustomed to his size. She began to moan again as he hilted him self within her and pulled out to the head again, He began to speed up his actions pulling out and waiting just long enough till the feeling started to fade before pushing back in.

Kayla Gasped and moaned with each thrust and began to push herself back against him as he thrust in to maximize the pleasure. "faster!" she managed between gasps. He smiled and picked up the pace now not leaving a break between thrusts.

He was now lost in the pleasure that her sex was giving him his thrusting became more uncontrolled and he lost his tempo. He had lowered the rest of his body and now the neckerchief he wore was brushing her body while his face was just inches above hers.

His thrusting became more intense and She began to pant uncontrollably from the exertion. She began to mumble random words in her ecstasy. She began to feel something building between her legs something thrilling, like the suspense before the climax in a horror movie but a million times more powerful and not half as scary, just pure euphoria.

Alba felt her walls begin to grip him and knew she was getting close. He could only hope that she managed to finish him first. Kayla began to let out yells of pleasure being so close to the edge she no longer cared if the others heard and focused on nothing but getting more of this amazing feeling.

Alba watched her eyes glaze over and suddenly with one last hilt, she came. He felt her inner walls contract and milk his meat for all it was worth. She gave a Final "BUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" and collapsed fully onto the ground pulling Alba's length from her and allowing her juices to seep out and soak the earth around her.

She lay panting on the ground for a few minutes before finally regaining a small amount of her composure.

"That was AMAZING!" she gasped out.

"I'm glad" Alba, who had moved from over her and now sat beside her, said " because now it's time for lesson two: Oral.

"Oral?" She had heard her brother talk about this but he was gay so she had never pursued the matter.

The Espeon had not wanted to force this on her but he still needed release and he wasn't up for another round of humping. "Yeah don't worry just come over here, sit by me."

After that experience Kayla trusted him completely and she stood up shakily before staggering over to him, obviously she was still in the afterglow. She fell clumsily onto her rump in front of him just now noticing the still very erect penis pointing up at her

"Put your mouth on it and start sucking." he commanded tonelessly. He realized how forward and uncaring he was being for her first time but he needed release, and this was his favorite kind of release.

"What on your...?" The only response she got was a nod and so trusting that anyone who could make her feel that good would not steer her wrong she moved her head closer to the tip and took a couple of exploratory sniffs it was musky and she could smell herself quite strongly, but it was not at all a bad smell.

She took a lick, then another, and finding the taste not to her dislike enveloped the head with her maw. Hearing a moan from the Espeon she continued taking more of the member into her mouth. She got to three inches before her gag reflex kicked in, and then she stopped, unsure of what to do.

He began to grind his hips back and forth, moving his length in and out of the Buizels mouth. Taking this as a queue she began to bob her head in time with his thrusts, amplifying his pleasure. Every time the tip of his member bumped an obstacle in the Buizels mouth a shiver traveled up the Espeon's spine. He was so close to the edge now, having been teased for so long his release was finally coming. Speeding up once again to the point where Kayla lost control and he managed to get the rest of his length in.

He began to grunt and curse now humping her mouth so fast she could no longer bob her head fast enough to keep up. He felt the last push coming fast. still humping he leaned over and whispered into her ear. "Lesson three: swallowing" Placing his fore paws on the back of her head and held her in place as he came. Shooting ropes of his cum into her mouth faster than she could swallow.

Finally Alba's legs gave out and he fell backwards, Kayla's head coming off the spurting organ and causing the last two shots to hit his neckerchief and stomach. He lay there helpless and in the height of euphoria for awhile lacking the will or energy to make it to his feet.

Kayla swallowed the strange liquid in her mouth finding it too not to her dislike. She looked with a giggle at the helpless Pokémon on the ground. Suddenly she found herself to be extremely tired and she sat down with a yawn.

Alba finally managed to right himself and stood facing Kayla once more. He noted how tired she looked and wasn't surprised considering the effort she'd put in. "now this next lesson won't help you much in Pokémon relationships but with humans i've heard it's a great symbol of love. Lesson four: Kissing." with that he leaned forward and his lips met Kayla's. She followed his actions and opened her mouth allowing his tongue entry. he probed the recesses of her mouth for a couple of minutes before allowing the kiss to end. A string of saliva, or maybe something else, connected their mouths for a moment before breaking.

Alba looked Kayla in the eye for a few moments before turning and walking back to the rest of the party peacefully sleeping on the grass. Kayla hadn't been expecting that but it felt.... great, she pictured her and Ross practising the same motions and was excited by the thought. Suddenly realising that she was alone she ran back to the rest of the team. "you'll remember to put a good word in for me with Ross wont you?" Kayla whispered to him after following him back to her trainer.

"yeah sure..." Alba stretched out cat-like with a yawn. "In the morning." He curled up into his favorite sleeping position and attempted to fall asleep.

Kayla, accepting that this was the best answer she was going to get at the time nodded her approval and crawled on top of her trainer curling up and falling asleep instantly.

Alba on the other hand couldn't sleep at all. He began to wonder if he had done the right thing teaching her all of that, taking her virginity. he wondered if she knew the true significance of what they had just done.

"So did you enjoy her?" the impish voice of Jutah called to him

"Oh go fuck yourself." was the only reply, causing the Abra to break down and laugh madly into it's paws.

So thats it for my first story and don't you dare go easy on me.

I want to know how bad it sucked so I can stop writing if i was too bad for words. obviously i hope it was alright but my paranoia makes everything i do seem abysmal so honest reviews and votes if you please.

One quick note about the next chapter it will be a no-yiff chapter i'm afraid, so that i can focus solely on the romance between Kayla and Ross... just fyi :P

p.s. I know the battle scene at the beginning is boring but I couldn't really cut it, sorry.

p.p.s. I know I overuse commas xD I can't help myself.