New Friend: New Games
Luxio didn't struggle for now, he licked at buizel, cleaning him of riverwater, and buizel returned the favor. the two were still panting in that pose when luxio used his strength to knock buizel off.
Making Steam
Charmander clapped his hands over his mouth as buizel began to press into him. for a moment he thought it was his cock, the wetness made him think it was, but then buizel's tongue wiggled and he realized exactly what buizel was doing.
Loving a Weasal
buizel: other things? zack: uhh the thing that shows how happy you are. buizel looks back at his tail. zack: buizel! your tall....."pink" friend. buizel gave a puzzled look before looking down and quickly placing his paws in front him.
Glove-struck (a Monster Mind fanfic) - Chapter 2
buizel simply nodded. "did you come here to ask me this expecting that this was even something that was possible??" buizel shook her head. abra leaned towards her and gave her a hard stare, making buizel shrink back a little.
Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon chapter one
buizel had the regular body of a buizel, but had all the abilities of a lugia, ditto, pikachu and buizel. riolu on the other hand having the abilities of aura was just packed full of psychic energy.
{Pokémon/Babyfur} Buizel's First Friend (1/2)
buizel cheers. oshawott puts the seashell back on his belly and crawls closer to buizel. "you're very nice and fun to play with, buizel. i think we should be friends!" oshawott smiles and gives buizel a hug.
Getting Wet
"quiet buizel we don't want to get caught!"
Nature's Prey
buizel nodded and sat down against buizel, his member rubbed across her wet and wanting walls. they tightened with every push in, buizel moaning out as her heat was finally being sated by dewott.
Glove-struck (a Monster Mind fanfic) - Chapter 1
"buizel?" buizel didn't reply. she was staring off into space. "...buizel!" grovyle said, a little louder. "bwark!! ah, what?" she exclaimed, once again jolted to her senses.
Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon chapter three
buizel walked over sniffing her, she was about ready to fly off afraid of this buizel's intentions. "i really like that smell." buizel said with an innocent goofy kid smile.
Cynthia and Her Pets
It was almost as if he was punishing the buizel for enjoying the treatment. buizel's entire body began to shake as he gave out a low cry.
{Pokémon/Babyfur} Buizel's First Playdate (2/2)
Vaporeon giggles to herself before looking at buizel, who hasn't said a word throughout the entire ride. "oh, is something the matter, buizel? you've been awfully quiet." "n-no, miss vaporeon."