A Quick Fling

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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Aru heads off of the base for a quick bit of R&R, but his evening ends up being a bit more than he originally anticipated!

"Definitely a yes."

The stuff burned as it went down, and it wasn't exactly weak either. But the myriad of flavors of intoxicants were just so enticing! It didn't take the dragon long to find a favorite, though. Even then, variety was the word of the night. The bartender was certainly happy enough to take his spending money either way. The mugs were too small, sadly. The liquors, spirits, gins, tonics, and other beverages were available aplenty.

It didn't stop Ian from chastising him.

"Are you really gonna spend on your money on booze? Surely there's something else that interests you?" The rat hissed into his ear. Reception was somewhat spotty in the building.

"This is what interests me right now. After the last few weeks of development, I should have brought you along, too." For added effect, he threw in a smile emote.

His muzzle reflexively scrunched into a smile in the real world, too. The other patrons weren't worried in the slightest. They were too busy getting drunk themselves. And giving ARU enough questions to last a century. It didn't take long to answer them, but it took so much processing power to sort through the noisy din. His new ears moved a bit.

"Half-machine, and half bio-something? Sounds like a robot to me!"

"I prefer the term artificial organism. Or just 'dragon'. Both work, and are technically correct." Aru would have sighed, but he had to project his voice more loudly than the music.

Most questions were repeats. Some were interesting to consider. And yet others were things he couldn't answer, and had to bite his tongue for. Oh, but how he wanted to answer them! Despite being co-director of the program that he originated from, some things just weren't meant to be public knowledge. He focused on his drinks. The servings may have been too small, but they were good enough samplers.

"Don't get many dragons, let alone artificial ones like you stated. Beats me why you'd want to mingle with us common folk, but your money is as good as anyone else's!" Another drink was pushed into his paws, warmer ones tapping his short claws.

"People-watching is rapidly becoming a favorite pastime of mine. And, well, undressing them in my head is nice, too." Aru shrugged, tail moving out of the way before anyone could stumble over it.

"I can think of more than a few people that are eyeing you. Or at least part of you." He nodded over towards a table of women.

Well. They were female, but they were hardly lady-like right now. One eye focused on the group, and the other watched the pretty colors from the lights play across his drink. A belch loud enough to be heard over the din made him grimace. Two bitches, in the truest sense of the word, a more meek lizard, and a rather cute gazelle were all putting back enough alcohol to cut out any and all inhibitions they could have had. Including common decency, as it looked. At some point they must have noticed him looking over, but he put his muzzle back into his drink before too long. Odd gestures, and four sets of eyes staring below his waist almost made the dragon embarrassed.

"Looks more like they're interested in what I'm packing downstairs than anything else."

"And can you blame 'em? If you didn't want them staring..." He trailed off.

"Adjustable." Aru pouted.

"So are pants. Maybe you should invest in some. At the rate you're going with this though, whew!"

It was true, too. The dragon was easily occupying the wolf as much as the rest of the bar combined. Not that he seemed to care. He actually seemed to enjoy the work, somehow. Maybe it was the lively atmosphere, or maybe...

"Last dragon that came through had a look like that, too. You guys are easy to read."

"Is it that obvious?"

"If it weren't obvious, I wouldn't have commented." Some of the others were filtering out, but the wolf propped his muzzle up on his paws. A well-needed break, it seemed.

"Well... I guess I technically could just not animate my face for a while if I'm thinking. But that would be its' own tell."

"Don't. Just,er, No. Definitely don't. If the slower than normal breathing didn't set people off, then having a dragon talk without moving his jaw would." He almost looked worried for a minute.

"Oh, you mean like this?" His jaw hung open, but nothing moved in his muzzle, lungs, throat or face.

"Holy shit, that's gonna haunt my nightmares. Thaaaaaaaaanks."

Aru didn't do it for long, but his point was proven regardless. No one but the barkeep even cared. Not even a single raised eyebrow. No screams of terror, no sudden belches. Nothing. If they thought it was odd, they kept it to themselves. Still though, for all the people he undressed, there was one that stuck out.

"See, no one cared!" He beamed.

"I cared..." The barkeep pouted for a moment. His ears perked up when someone new sat down, though.

Aru was about to make another quip, but he let the wolf do his job. More drinks, this time a few fizzy ones. It was hardly getting to him, or so said the sensors. And while he could filter it out nearly instantly by amping up his circulation and bloodflow, he didn't really want to. The light buzz was nice, in a way. Didn't interfere with his processing much, if at all. Judgment, on the other hand...

"You think I look good?"

"I think your money looks good. But yeah, the tan suits you. And with what you're swinging below the waist, you could probably have anyone in here that was cruising for some tonight."

A lightbulb popped into his head. A dull one, but a lightbulb nonetheless.

"And if I were to theoretically ask you out for a spin?"

"I'd say you flatter me, but-" He pulled a phone out of his pocket. "Oh. Err. Y'know what? Maybe." He shook his muzzle, and darted off into the back room.

Aru's muzzle flopped onto the counter with an audible thud. Too direct, and he'd scared the wolf off. Too-large paws swirled a fruity drink. And now, it was just him, and a pile of glasses. Well, a pile being maybe half a dozen. He'd been good at taking them away as the dragon drank out of them, bu- The door swung back open. The barkeep looked a lot more refreshed, and he had someone else in tow. Aru perked up for a moment, but kept his eyes elsewhere.

"Ey. Tan dragon. Aru!" Paws lightly tapped his muzzle.


"What are you sorry about? Let's go. I'm done with work for now. Got Jarel to take over, it's his shift anyways."

It felt like his brain went into overdrive for a minute. The new barkeep was ahead of Aru, giving him the bill. While the dragon hadn't quite gotten handling currency down, it was a quick enough affair. Seeing others scan out that much quicker with a chip only made him make a mental note to ask Ian later. Speaking of which...

"Ian. IanIanIanIanIan."

The notifications came in all at once, but the rat was startled all the same. His half-nap hadn't even gotten started yet! And these simulations weren't going to run themselves. He only needed to be there to make sure they didn't error out. And Aru was... Spamming his name?


"I think I just picked someone up. What do I do How do I even" Arus messages even lost punctuation.

"Then set them down. If you meant picked up a fling, then... do what comes naturally I guess?" He hesitantly hit the send key.

Ugh. With Aru, it really could be just about anything floating around in his head. Unplanned visit to the bar and all. Ian could only hope that things would go well enough for the dragon. And if not, damage control would be a new skill he'd pick up. But for now...

"I'm gonna take a nap. I'm sure you can handle yourself regardless. You can cut the feed off, or keep it for yourself, or whatever."

Things progressed quickly. The messages came up in the corner of his vision, but were hardly helpful. Aru panicked. Do what comes naturally? But... His muzzle scrunched up as he growled at nothing in particular. His soon-to-be lover glanced at him.

"Something wrong?"

"Don't know what to do. Picked you up because I thought you were hot, and now we're- Where are we going anyway?" Aru interrupted himself.

"You're cute when you're flustered. Relax. We're heading to a rental place, then we're gonna fuck. If you want to, of course, and I'm not misinterpreting things." He shrugged.

"Just... that easily?" The dragon couldn't help but feel nervous. When it was his objective to fuck, and dominate, and incapacitate, it was easy enough to execute on. But when he had someone else, and their opinion and feelings mattered... even if only for the evening.

"Again. Reeee-laaaaaax." He emphasized the word, and patted Aru's side. "We won't do anything you don't want to do. Besides. They have netflix too, if you just want to hang out and watch movies or something."

Despite his repeated reassurances, Aru's brain still went a mile a minute, and sometimes even faster. But, it was easy to recognize it for what it was. It was a runaway loop, and as such...

"Fucking yes."

He could pick it apart later. As much as playing admin with his own mind worried him, it worked. The worry was gone for now. The anticipation though, only ratcheted up even higher the closer they got. More so when he realized just how close they were.

"It's the next block up. I'll pay, so don't worry about it. And when we get inside, we've got a full day to ourselves. Room service included."

"You sure? I could, y'know."

"Your wallet is already looking thin enough. No need to blow more. And besides, who's to say that I don't do this with a random bargoer every night?" A smirk tugged at his muzzle.

"I would assume that you get a lot of flirts regardless." Aru glanced at the road, feeling the cars too close, and the sidewalk far too thin.

"You'd be right. And how many of those do you think I take further than some casual conversation?"

"Maybe a few?"

"Well. No dragons, I can tell you that much. Gryphons though."

They kept walking. Conversation sputtered along, sometimes dying entirely. It was a bit cold out, but Aru was too busy watching everything. It was such a new experience, and- Wait a minute. Shouldn't he-


"Hmm?" They paused for a moment. "We're just about there, just another block."

"I just wanted to ask to make sure you were alright with me recording all of this." Aru cocked his head.

"Recording? With what?" The wolf looked confused.

"Eyes are technically cameras. And being wirelessly broadcasted to- recorded to my private collection." The dragon corrected himself.

The off-duty barkeep took a moment. Then he kept walking.

"Audio as well?"

"Of course."

"Yeah, sure. But could I get a cleaned-up version?"

The parking lot was big for the place. It was a traditional skyscraper, but it looked... Dense in a way. Analysis indicated concrete, rebar, and... What was he doing overanalysing everything? It was a building, a hotel at that. His partner's question took a minute to process regardless of his distractions.

"Yeah, you could get a copy. I'd have to trim some things out, like the start of the trip, and a few AI things..."

"AI things? Right. I keep forgetting you're at least part-robot." A short laugh echoed on the biting wind.

"Artificial. Organism. Dragon, biomech, something like that." Aru clarified. Again.

"Robot seems close to what a lot of people think. Endosteel bones, metal cans for stomach and all that. Of course, I'm sure you can't clarify other than "it's not that", but it's what a lot of people think."

"Well, it's not that. I can clarify that I'm very close to an actual dragon. In more ways than one."

"Oh, I saw. I definitely saw that much. C'mon, it's getting colder out."

The sun was setting, and the wind picking up. It was a little nippy out, but the building looked a lot warmer at this point. Not that Aru would mind either way. Many small things to tweak to make him feel warmer. But the cold was a very human experience. So was the shivering wolf next to him. The large double doors hissed open. And the warm air hit him like a dense fog.

"So much better..."

The lobby wasn't that decorated, nor were there that many people there. Presumably, they were all busy. Quite possibly with each other, considering the place. Aru meekly followed him towards the counter.

"How are you two doing on this fine day?" The assistant was chipper, with a fresh and steaming cup of coffee on the countertop.

"Good, and you?" Aru listened intently while the two talked.

"Just got in, and had a wonderful days rest! Coffee in the break room is amazing. But, that's me. What can I get you? Perhaps either of you?" She glanced at Aru.

"Package deal, heh. How about a room with some amenities, like the uh..." She pushed a small menu towards him.

"Been a while? Last time was... I think it was a third floor fourth tier?" One of her ears twitched, no doubt from Aru breathing deeply.

She smelled... quite nice.

"Think we'll do a fifth floor and three this time. No need for all the extra room. Perhaps a day?"

"Can do! I'll need some ID for you and... some from the dragon?"


"It's an acquaintance of mine. I don't think he has his on him at the moment. Was generous down at the bar though! Think he likes... Aru?" He passed the short card to her.

"Lemme check." His tail swung forward, and he picked at it gingerly. How in the hell did norm- The wallet fell open, and so did its contents. "Oh for fucks sake."

"Nervous and fiddly? Cute big 'ol softie you! Lemme get your stuff for you." She was out from behind the desk before Aru could protest.

"Some of that's- not meant for public consumption."

It was a lot of paperwork, some money, and even more small bits. Both the barkeep and attendant picked it all up. They reorganized it between themselves, not quite as quickly as he would have liked. His ears drooped, then perked up as the attendant held some things up.

"A blank ID? And some paperwork that was taped to it. Sir, surely you should be back on base at this hour?"

"Hold it up. They packed some stuff in there, but it was all there before I put the money in."

Some military excuse bullshit paperwork. Or at least that's what his eyes told him. Gah. That's what he got for not checking the damned thing before he left. Luckily, the assistant didn't make too much of an issue while he read it. Nor did the off-duty barkeep.

"And here I thought you were shitting me."

"Me, lie? Of course not."

The assistant giggled a bit.

"We can waive the requirement for the time being. 'Least until you get a proper ID card set up. Pretty much what the paper says too. Meh." She shrugged. "I don't much care so long as at least one of you is paying up."

"I've got it."

She was already getting the scanner before Aru could protest further. Small, little, extremely tiny chip in his handpaw. If he didn't know better, Aru would have thought she was a palm reader. But, the satisfying beep from the computer said otherwise. They exchanged the usual pleasantries as he took a moment to stuff the paperwork back into Aru's wallet.

"Ton of stuff in there. Probably thought you were gonna read it before you went out for the day?"

"I guess so. Good thing they didn't bet on it."

"Nothing too confidential?"

"That doesn't come in tiers, really. It's either confidential, or isn't. The real one you're looking for is-"

"Top secret, yeah. Military reality shows got that much drilled in when they were popular."

That was a thing at one point? Aru shook his head. Anything for a reality tv show. Still, the elevator ride was pleasant, and absent the usual cheesy elevator music. It gave him a few moments to reflect. Did he really want to screw this wolf? Or did the dragon just like hanging out with him? Couldn't it be both? The choice moved heavily to one side as the wolf stepped out of the elevator first. Just as quickly, his nose picked up all kinds of scents. Stepping out of the elevator, his eyes picked up the rest.

"Go get 'em!" He whistled at a couple already going at it in the hall.

Aru only managed a sideways glance before he looked away. Damn, the two were really going at it, with little care for the few others roaming the place. It wasn't just them locking jaws either. The two were vigorously screwing, the top, a dragon of some sort was plowing a gryphon. The tan dragon couldn't quite tell if the bottom was a male or not, but cute little squawks of enjoyment told him all he needed to know. His own partner tugged him along.

"Could watch, but I feel like I've given them all the attention they'd want."

"Rather caught up in the moment. Do others do that often?"

"Of course they do. It's not against the rules, and who's going to complain?"

"You make a good point." They made no small talk until well after the smaller wolf was done fiddling with the door knob. It was a huge room, too.

"You rented all this for just us?" Aru was in awe at the room. It was luxurious!

"No reason to not have some extra room. And besides, you'd be surprised how cheap it was. But, we'll discuss that later."

He beckoned the dragon in. For a single door, it was massive, letting him through with room to spare. Surely a double door would have been better? Maybe the noise isolation-

"So, which would you like first? Me, some relaxation, or what? We've got until tomorrow this time to get going. And I don't have to be back in until tomorrow night, too."

"Uh..." The door clicked shut behind him. "I completely forgot your name. I'd at least like to know that much, and-"

"Never told you, so there wasn't much to forget." He chuckled. The bed creaked as he sat down and peeled his shoes and socks off, as well as any other uncomfortable clothes. "It's Vick."

"That's a nice name."

"Yeah, well. A name is a name." Vick shrugged.

"Not fond of it?"

"Pretty neutral about it, all things considered. It's functional, and I don't feel like changing it."

"Ah. Well, I'd introduce myself, but I already have. Heh."

"More than one bit of yourself, too." Vick glanced a bit lower than his eyes.

Picking up his paw, it only took a glance to see what Vick was getting at. How long had he been swinging that around? It hadn't been cold, so it could have only been- His attention was stolen by the last bit of his partners clothes hitting the carpet. He wasn't bad looking, fur only just hiding an adequately-fit body. The wolf was no strongman, but he wasn't a slouch either. It was average, but it was perfect to the dragon.

"Well, pleasantries aside, how about we get to fucking? Relaxing is always better with a bit of afterglow emphasizing it." Vick proposed.


It didn't take much longer for the wolf to eye up exactly what he wanted, either.

Vick moved fast. Aru lifted himself out of the way, giving the wolf easy access to what he was seeking. It took seconds before he felt the telltale sensations of the eager wolf brushing up against his back legs. A pair of handpaws gripped him, and guided his rod into a waiting muzzle. Electric sensations rocketed through his form. Had it been this intense last time? He could barely remember at the moment. He went with it, letting Vick savor the solid piece of meat in his muzzle. More and more of it fit, the tight, slick sensation already causing the dragon to lose focus.

The dragon's legs shook as Vick did his best to vaccuum the soul right out of the dragon. Smooth scales gave him little to play with than the shaft in his muzzle. Gave plenty for his muzzle to suck and salivate over, though. The dragon was big, too. Almost intimidatingly so. But, that was merely a challenge for him to overcome. And besides, who else would get to say they laid a robot dragon, anyways? It was plenty to egg Vick on, despite his throat's protests. Aru growled, somewhere above him, and a forepaw brushed against his back.


"Ffuck. Get up here on the bed so I can rreturn the favor." The growls only softened after Vick complied.

"Getting a bit worked up already? Hope you're not a one-shot champ."

That earned another growl.

"One shot? We'll just have to see about that."

Vick was going to retort, but Aru pulled him the rest of the way. The bed creaked as the dragon dropped him onto it. No sooner than he had hit the bed, the dragon was already gripping his paws, kneading them in his own forepaws. More growling, and not a moment later, warm, wet dragontongue was slathering attention across his ass.

"And here I though- AH!"

Vick had the words stolen from his muzzle at the sensations. So instead, he did the next best thing, and got back to work on his half. The room was growing warmer as the two enjoyed the other. Bed was already a mess, and no doubt it'd be even messier after they were done. Neither of them would have it any other way. His handpaws worked the slowly growing knot forming in front of his muzzle, with the dragon throat-fucking him.

Aru played along, every bit reciprocating as the wolf swallowed his rod, time and time again. He was talented, and the dragon had no intentions of being showed up. His tongued plunged into the wolf agai and again, making messy sounds as he ate out his partner. Of course, lover might have been a more appropriate title in the moment. But he didn't think of that, as he didn't have much room to think of anything else than his own body in the moment.

The dragon pushed harshly into his muzzle. Vick knew he'd have an aching muzzle tomorrow, and possibly the rest of the week. But that was an acceptable trade-off for the sheer hotness of what was going on right now. Hell, he was a lucky wolf to have a dragon plowing his throat, and soon to be using that same thick meat to fill him too! That next bit would be coming fast, with the tell-tale pulses warning of an impending flood. Vick let it happen, holding the knot out of his muzzle. Aru paused for a moment, scrunching his hips into the wolf. Thick ropes of dragon cum shot past his tongue, and may as well have skipped his throat. The tan lizard wasn't quite content to be milked by his throat muscles either. He continually pumped himself into, and out of Vick's throat.

It took a while, glazing the wolf with a bit of it. By the time the dragon realized he was nearly knot-deep, he yanked himself out, several more jets staining Vick's chest and midsection. That didn't stop the wolf from lavishing more attention on him. Aru panted heavily, and his jaw was getting sore. That was more than enough prep work. Besides... he didn't have a refractory period anyways.

"Mmmm." A deep growl rumbled out of his throat.

"Ready to go already?"

"So long as you are." Truth be told, he was already pulling the wolf around to the direction he wanted him.

"If I said no, would you stop?"

"Legally, yes." His voice turned into a low growl. "But I'd definitely have to consider the alternative."

"Well, lemme tell you. I am definitely ready, for a big, hot, robot dragon to plow me until he's tired, and then some." Vick wrapped his arms around the dragon's neck, pulling him as close as he could.

"Now that's acceptable."

It didn't take long for him to line himself up, either. For sake of his partner, a few... adjustments took a moment. None that he'd notice, though. His back legs felt fur brush against them as Vick adjusted them. They weren't quite long enough to wrap around him, but the tight feeling on his flanks was more than enough encouragement. He pressed forward, gently, but firmly. Vick hissed, and he paused for a moment, letting the wolf relax.

"For all the talk, I will pause if you need me to."

"Go on, I'm fine."

After that, it only took a moment for the wolf to relax enough for the dragon to fit. An inch, but it was progress. Miniature, quarter-inch thrusts quickly became more. Pre, saliva, and whatever else the scientists cooked up was plenty of lube for the two. Aru had no doubts there'd be some stowed away in convenient locations, but there was no need for it. His stoic face melted into a massive grin as he began to hear familiar sounds from the wolf. Vick was putty in his paws, and it was perfect.

Truth be told though, they both were. Aru would have had a hell of a time stopping himself. It felt too damned good. The wolf's insides stretched around his rod, massaging more and more out of him. The knot hadn't gone down for a moment. And, size difference be damned, it was going in. The thrusts slowed down, lengthening to deep, forceful strokes. Every thrust poked deep into Vick, and he was begging for more.

"Bury that bone! Don't leave me hanging!"

His own rod was leaking pre, the friction between their two bodies being plenty to get him close. But the sensation of that knot grinding into him would be plenty to drag him over the edge. Being on his back didn't give him many options but to egg the dragon on. Not that he needed any further encouragement. It felt like there was a massive void inside him every time the dragon pulled out. And a heavenly feeling of being full every time he drove himself home. It wouldn't last much longer.

"Gonna try, but I'm not gonna last much longer..." Aru growled.

Claws dug into the bed as he pushed the wolf towards himself. He was careful, but it was almost enough. Several disappointments as it wasn't quite enough for him to knot the wolf. A deep, almost angry growl rolled out of his throat. And with one final shove, that growl choked for a moment, and he bit his tongue as he silenced a roar. The sheer sensation was too much. Wet splatters against his scales were plenty to tell that Vick was enjoying himself. Too much data flooded his senses. A bit of copper registered on his taste buds.

But the rest of his brain whited out as his knot was massaged. He let himself go, throwing more and more messy blasts of jizz into the wolf. It felt like forever, too, and he lost count of time and how many pulses he'd injected into Vick. Both sets of legs felt numb, and it felt like processes were stuck. They weren't, but it took some time for him to come back to reality. The first thing he did was look down, and sure enough, his knot was buried in the wolf. It was a shocker that his stomach didn't bulge with the amount the dragon had thrown into him, and as intense as the feelings had been. Both of them were panting heavily. Processes spun up to remember what language he even spoke.


"Damn you're a good fuck. Must be that part robot stuff." Vick was a mess. Fur stained with dragon cum, sheets ruffled from their tryst, and springs no doubt well-worn now. But he was satisfied, and Aru could definitely see that much.

"Artificial. Organism. But, the feeling is definitely shared. That felt good."

"You can just... keep going and going and going." Vick huffed.

"I am a dragon, after all. And my goal was to please." He smirked, feeling the wolf squirm a bit as he softened.

They both panted for a while, quite stuck together by the dragons knot. The two managed to get comfortable as they waited, the overwhelming warmth radiating from the dragon's hide almost lulling Vick to sleep. It was a heavenly amount of relaxation for the both of them. Even with the sheer amount of mess they'd made, it didn't stop him from seeking further entertainment while they waited. TV was as good as anything else, but Aru didn't pay it much mind. Mostly because it didn't take any more than five minutes for the wolf to fade off to a heavy sleep. The covers were window dressing at this point, as they warmed each other more than enough.

The extra copy was done, for whenever Vick woke up. Convenient file format, too. The thought of watching it from the submissive's point of view was enticing as well. But, the wolf couldn't quite do that. Still, Aru was almost certain a simulation could be made for... recreational purposes. A yawn escaped his muzzle before he realized he was doing it.

He was just as vulnerable to falling asleep quickly. They made a cute, if erotic scene tangled together. But Vick's ass was definitely going to be sore later. Laying a dragon could do that, and this time, it definitely did. One feeling was cemented into the dragons memories of the day, though. And that was a heavy, overwhelming sense of contentment and satisfaction.


(Author's note. Been a while since I last posted, but that's fine. Fav if you liked it, vote how you feel, and don't forget to watch for more of this content! And don't forget to check out my patreon!


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