TNR chapter 6

Story by SirBlood on SoFurry

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#6 of Tales of Nekir and Rain

Rain licked Nekir awake.

Nekir laughed and rolled over so he was on top of her. He kissed her up and down her neck.

Rain laughed childishly, and licked him up the side of his head.

Nekir wiped the side of his face and looked about the cave.

Looked like everyone was gone!

"Rain dear, where did everyone go?" Nekir asked as he played lightly over Rain's scales.

"Don't know, I woke you up since you don't fuck in your sleep like my dad!" Rain said as he licked his still exposed cock.

Rain smiled a mental smile to herself as she got the desired reaction to her lick, Nekir cock grew under her licks and stood proud and defiant in front of her. She wrapped her nimble tongue around his cock and pulled it into her muzzle as she sucked on it hard.

Nekir moaned as he rubbed the soft scales on Rain's cheeks, he pulled on her muzzle as she decended on his erect cock. Nekir moaned again as her teeth lightly pricked his cock.

Rain stopped sucking and let go of Nekir. Nekir broke his hold on the dragoness in order to watch her move in front of him with a smooth sirpitine flick. Rain smiled lustfully over her shoulder as she lifted her tail invitingly to Nekir. Nekir drank in the sight of Rain's moist sex and licked his lips as he ran a finger slowly and teasingly over Rain's folds.

Rain growled lustfully back at Nekir as he ran his finger along her sex, she wanted to bite him! She thrusted back taking the offending finger into her sex.

Nekir smiled at the impatiant dragoness, he let his fingers play against the smooth walls of her pussy. He moved in a second finger and started to finger fuck her pussy as she crooned and pressed against his fingers. She crooned happily but wanted more of the man she had come to know as a lover.

"Stop teasing! You know what I want!" Rain roared back at Nekir.

Nekir laughed as he shifted he tail to the side to allow him acess. Nekir got to pull his lovely little dragonesses' pussy to its right full place mounted fully on his ridged cock. Nekir moaned as the needy pussy massaged his cock pulling it close and holding it there.

Rain lashed about as she took Nekir inside of herself, and she held him there now want to ever let go of him. She pumped back into his cock as he thrusted into her. Nekir hit her G-Spot and she bit her lower lip as she growled cutely. She kept up the pace thrusting into his thrust and letting his hard cock slide against her soft and slick walls. She kept taking his thrust for what seemed like and eternal bliss. And then she got surprised!

Nekir laughed wickedly as he flipped a startled dragoness over so she was on her back, and then continued to press the assault on her tired sex.

Nekir moaned as he could no longer take the strain, and to the surprise of Rain, he pulled his cock out and shot his hot load all over her scales.

Rain moaned as the hot strings landed on her cold scales, she arched her back as she came across her floor, spreading her dragoness love juice, and making the place smell of a storm.

Rain smiled happily as she rubbed the cum around on her chest. She pushed a bit onto a claw tip and licked it off taking the whole talon in her mouth.

Nekir smiled at what she was doing as he put his clothes back on.

"Rain, love! Your being silly." Nekir said as he put his shirt on over his head.

Rain smiled and trotted over to Nekir on all fours, during which she was only a fourth of his height, and rubbed herself against him.

"Lets go find the others!" Nekir said as he rubbed Rain on the muzzle.

"Okay!" Rain murred as she swatted Nekir on the ass with her tail.

Nekir stumbled out into the main cave as he rubbed his welted rump. He looked about and saw a human sleeping on top of a dragoness. He laughed quietly and turned around to leave when Rain caught up to him.

Rain saw the sleeping couple and had an evil smirk across her face. She trotted on all fours over to them with an evil mission. Rain started licking the human with her tongue, she kept licking until she woke the human.

Will woke sleepily and asked, "Awake already Crystal?" Will opened his eyes and saw a pink dragoness muzzle in his face.

Will yelped and fell off of Crystal with a start.

Crystal woke instantly without the presure of Will on her. She woke to see a laughing pink dragoness above her.

"What did you do to Will!?!" Crystal growled at the dragoness.

Rain blinked a couple times and looked down at the dragoness.

"Nothing Crystal," Will moaned as he got up, "I fell off of you!"

Crystal sat up and looked at Will, "You're a clumsy one, aren't you?"

Will sighed and pointed at Rain, "Some dragoness, woke me up and startled me."

Nekir sighed from off to the side and moved up to apologize for his lover's behavior.

Will looked at the new comer and notice that he himself was not wearing clothes. He blushed and hide behind Crystal while he dressed.

Rain scoffed, "Human thing."

"Realllly? And what makes you an expert?" Crystal asked.

"Living among them for a thousand years." Rain said with a smug smile. And the smile grew when she saw the younger dragonesses' jaw drop.

"You have got to tell me!" Crystal said as she walked up to Rain bouncing with anticipation.

Nekir looked at the dragoness with mild intrest,and then he looked at the other human with the same expression as him. Nekir walked over and stuck out his hand, "Hi, the name is Nekir."

Will looked at the out stuck hand and something in the back of his mind told him it was fimiliar. Will reached out and shook the mans hand, "Nice to meet you Nekir, my name is Will."

The two looked over their shoulder as Crystal roared, "Your kidding me! They don't! They do!?! Are you sure?"

Nekir sighed, "Rain, tends to be a little crazy..."

"Your telling me! Crystal picks me up out of a lake and sucks me off while I am unnconscience!" Will laughed sharing his past experience with Crystal.

"She picks me up while I'm drunk and flies me to her lair! And then the undead breakout forced us here!" Nekir laughed at the insanity of his first meeting with Rain.

"That explains a lot. So was that what Opite was dealing with when she was in the other section of the cave for that long period of time after the beach?" Will asked feeling his guess was right.

"Yeah, she came in and check on us." Nekir said as an odd fact.

"So what do you like doing to your dragoness?" Will asked in whisper to Nekir.

Nekir blinked a couple times, and answered, "I like her being on top."

Will rolled his eyes, "You got to be more dominate!"

"Okay, you try it with Rain! She'll rip your balls off!" Nekir chuckled.

"Well, I like rubbing Crystal down until she gets impatient. And then she thinks getting the brains fucked out of her is her idea!" Will laughed as he imitated some of the faces Crystal had made.

"Rain is not the one to be teased, she bites on me if I do." Nekir said with a slight cringing frown as he showed Will a mark that Rain had left.

"Oh, a little love bite!" Will chuckled as he pointed at the mark.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Nekir asked.

"Exchanging ideas for torture." Will smiled wickedly.

Rain walked up behind Nekir and grabbed him tight, Nekir groaned.

"Guess what?" Rain asked as she squeezed Nekir tight.

Nekir groaned out, "What?"

"WE are going to go live in a city!" Rain said making sure to enlarge WE, meaning more than just him and her.

Will looked at Crystal who had a big smile on her face, "Yeah Will, we are going to live in a city!"

Rain licked Nekir's chin, Nekir groaned and complained when he couldn't wipe his face. Will laughed and lick Crystal on her muzzle. Crystal shot Will a how-dare-you look and proceded to tickle the hell out of him. The group shared a laugh when Will tried to run from Crystal's reach, and trip and fell over.