
Story by Damien Voda on SoFurry

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I sigh to myself as I continue the drive home. My name is Doug. Actually it is Douglas but I despise being called that name so I ask people to address me as Doug. I'm a 6 foot even gray furred wolf. My eyes are a bright, but warming shade of green and I have a moderately toned body courtesy of my workout sessions with my mate, whom I have had the undying pleasure of being with for the past two and a half years.. My thoughts are interrupted when I see my house coming into view. When I reach my humble home I pull into the driveway and park my the car before turning the ignition off. With that I get out of the car and look to the evening sky with gratification.

Another long day of work draws to a close. I lazily walk up the driveway to my front door, eager to enjoy a night with my dobey, Kieth. Kieth is a wonderful doberman and lover. Like all dobermans he is well built, towers over me at the height of 6'11", has the stubby tail all dobermans have, and is very protective of his treasures. Particularly me. But the one thing Kieth is that few dobermans are is sensitive. He seldom fights, as he has a heart of gold. He only resorts to violence when the situation demands it. He also isn't afraid to show his feelings. He loves to show his affections for me. In public he is more reserved, but when alone he can't keep his paws to himself.

I reach the front door and insert the key to unlock it. With a click the lock opens and I walk inside and close the door behind me. The sight that greets me is one that I have grown used to, but still shocks me every time.

Kieth is in the living room lying on the sofa, back towards the ceiling, in the fur. My eyes are fixated on his firm butt as his position on the sofa puts it in my line of sight. I lick my lips at the sight and feel my sheath begin to swell with my growing wolfhood. Upon seeing my arrival he smiles and his tail wags to show his happiness at my reaction to the sight that greeted me. He and I like to walk in the fur a lot when company isn't around, it just feels natural. One thing that really stands out about my lover is his musk, and it drives me crazy. I can tell he worked out prior to my returning home as it is strong in the air. Kieth works out regularly to maintain his health and build. However, he usually showers after a work out. The only time he doesn't shower is when he wants to give me something I love. This something being me burying my muzzle in his perfectly sculpted ass and eating him out.

I love rimming Kieth's sexy rump. That doesn't mean I haven't taken him when he asks or when I feel in the mood. Kieth on the other hand loves to bury himself inside me. With him being well endowed at eleven inches how can I say no? But I prefer to give him a rim job as I love the taste of his musk. So for him to work up a sweat and not shower is a real treat for me.

Getting a grip on myself I smile at him and speak, "I see my dobey has a something planned for me."

He smiles back and lifts himself from the couch and approaches me while saying, "Well I just wanted to give my wolf something special for when he got home." Upon reaching me he pulls me into a hug and places my paws on his naked ass so I can get a feel for them. "After all, I know you love tasting my rump." Kieth smirks when he says this, looking down at my slightly smaller form. I couldn't help but to squeeze those nice, round, cheeks of his. His musk alone had aroused me, but this was more than I could stand. He loved to tease me like this. I could feel my meat starting to escape from its sheath. As we embraced he leaned down and licked my muzzle in a show of affection. He then reached down and began to rub my increasingly hard member though my pants.

"Doug, what do you say we get you out of these constricting clothes and into something slightly more revealing." With this I could feel him begin to unbutton my pants, and with one motion he relieved me of both my pants and underpants. He rubbed his powerful paw over my balls and then gave my cock a few strokes before moving my sheath and freeing my knot. He then gave it a squeeze sending waves of pleasure though me. He then began to unbutton my shirt. I was quickly relieved of that article of clothing, which left me completely revealed to the world He ran his hands over my exposed body, pausing to run his rough paw pads over my nipples. He locked me into a deep, passionate kiss and then once again stroked my cock.

Now without the clothing between us, I could feel his now hardened member against me. Our cocks touching and sharing pre sent a shiver though both of us. My hands still on his cheeks, I began poking and probing at his entrance causing him to gasp and then moan into the kiss. He pulls away from the kiss, giving me a lick on the nose before he scoops me up in his arms. With me securely in his gentle grasp he heads to our bedroom to continue what was started.

The suddenness of being lifted caused me to yelp in surprise. That yelp turns in an alluring growl as he takes me to our bedroom. "Someone is in a hurry." I bury my nose in his still sweaty chest and take in the scent as I say this. After taking in his strong scent I lick his nipple causing him to shiver with excitement.

"I didn't work out to get all sweaty for nothing." He leans in and kisses the tip of my nose before continuing. "I wanted to give you something to look forward to when you got home. And knowing you and your fetish with tasting my rump it wasn't difficult to plan something special." Kieth reached the entrance to our room and opened it so we could enter before closing it behind him. "So I did an extra long workout to get it nice and sweaty just for you." He gently placed me on the bed and smirked down at me before placing a foot on the bed, causing his eleven inch cock to bounce a little before it eventually stopped. He then spoke huskily, " Ready for your treat." he stated more than questioned, as he knew I was more than ready.

I nodded lazily, the bouncing of his cock still playing in my mind, and licked my lips.

Kieth smiled at me before he gave me a loving kiss. Once he broke the kiss he got onto the bed and positioned himself over my head. This gave me the perfect view of his tailhole along with his balls, which were full of his dobey seed. Slowly, as to not lose his balance, he lowered himself in a squatting position so that his ass was inches away from my nose.

Being only inches away from his shapely rump and getting blasted by his strong musk only made my cock even harder.

I raised my right paw and gave him light slap, hearing him moan at the feeling. Lifting my other paw I began to squeeze, grope, slap, and massage his firm ass cheeks. Each action getting either a grunt or moan out of him. This carried on for another three minutes, much to his pleasure. I could hear him panting in excitement as I continued to feel his ass.

"Doug -moan- enough foreplay -pant- just eat my ass already! -moan-" Kieth managed to get out during my ministrations. And I was all too happy to oblige.

I kissed both of his cheeks before using my hands to spread them so I can have easier access to his tailhole. I breathed in his scent deeply and sighed in pleasure.

The feeling of my warm breath on his exposed pucker caused him to shiver and moan.

I gave his pucker a quick kiss before burying my muzzle in-between his sweaty cheeks.

The smell was making me crazy with lust and pre leaked out to run down my shaft. It soaked the fur under my knot as it dripped off the round bulbs. I rubbed my nose over his anus, making sure I worked the anal musk deep into my nostrils so the scent would last longer. His scent was so powerful! It was heaven and I was in love!

I gave his pucker another kiss, making sure to add a sucking motion to it. Kieth groaned loudly in approval and relaxed even more. Wanting to emphasize how much I loved him, I had a little make out session with his pucker. I kissed, and sucked his pucker and enjoyed every second of it. I know it seems stupid but I can't reach his muzzle at the moment so his ass would have to do. Plus, Kieth's moaning only told me that he was enjoying it so it didn't matter.

Next, my tongue went to work and I ran it over the puckered ring, again and again. The flavor joined the scent in my nose, enriching the experience and he moaned. He might like plowing my tail hole but he certainly didn't mind my little fetish. And I loved him even more for it.

I continued to run my tongue over his ass, licking and loving it. Others might consider what I loved as dirty but I didn't care. It made me happy and my lover enjoyed his part, so what was the problem? I attacked his butt cheeks, wanting all the flavor and scent I could get. I heard Kieth moan before saying, "Yes-s-s eat that ass!" My paw went up to play with the stub of a tail he had and Keith groaned at the sensation.. That was a tease to him and it had his tail wagging furiously under my fingers. I moaned as I breathed in the scent still in my nose and it was perfect. Strong and very male.

Wanting to added more pleasure, I pushed my tongue into his sweaty pucker while groping his balls with one hand and massaging his taut rump with the other.

This made him groan loudly and lose his balance slightly. The sensations making his knees unsteady. Kieth; however, managed to prevent himself from falling over. Though his efforts to steady himself caused him to close what little distance there was between my muzzle and his godly posterior, drowning my already scent clogged nostrils with even more of his male musk. The extra closeness also put Kieth's tailhole in contact with my lips, driving my tongue further inside his entrance right next to his prostate.

"-moan- Right there! -pant- That's -groan- the spot! Oooooooh Dougie eat me!"

I love it when he uses my pet name. Kieth only uses my pet name when he is really enjoying himself. That and the fact that his pre is leaking from his cock at such a rate that it is dropping onto my chest upon gathering at his furry sac, bathing me in his essence, confirms this.

Wanting to get him off so he can take my aching tailhole and work up another load before tying me, I slap his ass once before prying his entrance open with my muzzle. Getting blasted with more of his anal musk in the process. I bury my muzzle further into him so I can close the distance between my tongue and his sweet spot and resume my ministrations.

"Oh yes! -pant- Lick harder! -moan- I'm almost -pant- there! -moan- Please Dougie I need to -groan- cum so badly it hurts! -gasp-" Kieth shouts to me.

Obliging him, I lick at his prostate harder and, to speed things up for him, grip his knot so I can bring about his release.

"Oooooh, Dougie!" he manages to get out.

I feel Kieth tense up, his entrance clenching around my tongue and muzzle and his cock throb in my hand signaling that his orgasm was reached.

"Yes-s-s!" his cock throbs as his warm seed is finally released after being pent up for so long. I could feel random drops of cum land on my body. Some landed on my lower stomach while other drops landed directly below his cock and onto my chest, coating my front with his seed. I moan at the feeling of his warm seed on my body and his entrance clenching around my tongue.

Another reason why I love rimming him is being showered in his cum. Being bathed in his warm essence is a reminder as to whom I belong to. Bringing him to such bliss also reminds me that this sexy specimen of a male is mine. That I'm the luckiest wolf in the world to have him as a mate. One that will always be there for me no matter what and love no one else. There have been times where we said how sexy other males are. However, we have remained true to each other. He has remained true to me and only me in the time we've known each other and I him.

I feel Kieth's tailhole relax and hear him panting in his afterglow. He remained motionless above me, recovering control of his body before he moves. Removing my muzzle from his rump I sigh in content and satisfaction. His scent is still strong in my nose, preventing me from smelling anything but him. He truly is too good to me, always thinking of something special for the both of us to do together. I lovingly plant kisses all over his ass. Occasionally licking it to taste him some more. My ears twitch when I hear his breathing return to normal and give his entrance one more kiss, tongue and all and one more slap, before he stands up.

Kieth returns to a standing position and steps off the bed before turning to face me. I give a sexy growl at the sight that is before me.

Kieth's orgasm covered his lower stomach all the way up to his muzzle in cum. He looks so hot when covered in cum, especially his cum.

With his paws on his hips, he looks down at me, then at his chest and belly, then again at me. There is a funny little smile on his lips as he gives me a little look and says,"Just look what you did. If I hadn't already needed a shower from my workout before, I sure do now. But before that, since you are so oral, Why don't you use your tongue to clean up a little of this first?"

I eagerly nod, my tongue lolling from my open jaws and sit up. Swinging my legs off the side of the bed, I lean forward and sniff my cum covered dobey's chest. God, I love his scent! Still as musky as before but with the addition of his semen, it is like heaven.

Starting at his rock hard abs, I slowly lick the cum off of it. His cum mixed in with the taste of his ass was delicious. Again, you have your fetishes and I have mine! I continued to clean his stomach while using my hands to rub the cum on his chest into his fur. Since we were going to shower anyway I don't think he would mind if some cum was applied into his fur. I could hear Kieth moaning as I licked him clean of his fluids and felt him scratching me behind the ears. My ears are very sensitive, so for him to apply such a touch was making me even harder.

With his stomach done, I worked my way up his body.

Despite the cum being absorbed into his fur I could still taste it on his chest. God he is so ripped! I know that there might be others that are even more defined than him. But Kieth's short fur only adds to his sexiness. It reveals every muscle curve he has and allows me to worship them the only way a male/mate could. However, Kieth's muscle mass isn't what drew me to him. No what drew me to him is his sensitivity. Most people believe that he and others as big as him are too big for emotions. He isn't like that at all.

In fact the day we met was the day I joined the gym he uses/works at. Kieth was in the locker room crying because he felt so alone. He had a hard time finding a lover because of the stereotype I mentioned earlier. Naturally I couldn't leave him in such a sad state, so I tried to cheer him up. One thing led to another and: BAM! Kieth and I became mates. I will never forget that day. It is the most important day of the year for me. The day I first met the male of my dreams.

But we're in the present at the moment. And presently I am cleaning his chest clear of the cum that I didn't rub into his fur. The taste of his warm cum made my maleness even harder and leak even more pre that dripped off my cock onto the floor below me.

Once I was done with cleaning his chest I kissed both of his nipples and looked up into his eyes. Kieth could see the love and lust I had for him. But he could also see the pain as well. Pain that my untreated arousal brought upon me. Seeing everything in my eyes, Kieth smiled warmly at me. A smile that said that he hasn't forgotten me and that he loves me more than anything.

Gripping me by the waste, Kieth lifts me up and holds me close to his chest. I could hear him whisper huskily into my ear: "I haven't forgotten my little wolf." he begins to pant with excitement. "I planned this entire evening out just for you. You getting a taste of my sweaty ass was just one part. Next we take a relaxing bath in our hot tub so I can take care of your cock." I lick his muzzle and begin to pant as well. "After that, we have a nice dinner and relax a little bit to recover. Then I end the evening by taking my wolf for a ride that will make you cum harder than ever before." With that he kissed me with renewed passion before breaking it so he could head to our bathroom and begin the next phase of the evening.

When we bought the house, the first thing we had done was to remodel the master bathroom. We wanted a large bathtub that could fit two for obvious reasons. We also wanted jets and all that jazz. Basically we had an indoor hot tub and refereed to it as such. Granted not only because of it resembling a hot tub, but you can use your imagination on that one. My big, strong dobie carried me into the bathroom and the sight took my breath. He had really thought of everything. Although I could still smell him in my nose, there was also another smell. Numerous scented candles had been light in the room. The scent of lavender was strong in the room, but not overpowering. The lights were not on, as there was enough candle light to give the room a romantic glow. He had brought in some remote speakers from our stereo system in the bedroom. He picked up a remote on the counter by the sink and with the push of a button soft sensual music started flowing from them. The atmosphere in the room was nothing but pure love.

As I looked into his eyes, they shone of love for me and pride in us. I could tell I was truly his most prized treasure. As he sat me down he walked over the the large tub and turned on the valves to let water into it. Knowing it would be a little bit before the tub was filled with enough water to be effective he walked back over to me and pulled me into his strong, powerful arms. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine, as well as the warmth of his maleness against my maleness. I was putty in his hands, realizing his effect on me he gave a little chuckle as he often does when I get like this. I can't help it, he's just so damn hot! And I love him so much. He pulled me into a passionate kiss.

Time itself seemed to stand still and the two of us stood there together. I couldn't hear anything except for my lover, nothing else in the world mattered. As we broke apart for a breath, he realized the tub was about half way full. He then earned a yelp of surprise from me by picking me up and placing me into the tub. The water wasn't too hot, but wasn't too cold either. He always knew exactly how I wanted the water too feel, Kieth was really too good to me. He then stepped in himself and we took positions next to each other. The water level wasn't high enough for the jets yet so I placed my head onto his shoulder and took in the moment. I could feel the love flowing between us, nothing would ever come between us.

As the water level reached above the jets to the appropriate level for our purposes he reached over and turned off the water. Then with a push of a button the jets came on and the water began to flow around us. The jets served multiple purposes. This particular model had sensors that knew how hot the water was originally and kept it at that temperature. Meaning that we could stay in as long as we wanted and the water not get cold until we wanted it too. However, the temperature of the water was currently not on our minds as I felt Kieth once again pull me over to him, then use his strength to pick me up, turn me around facing him, and set my now aching tail-hole against his rock hard cock. "My love, I planned all of this for you. Are you ready for your romantic bathroom fucking?" "Yes my dobie, fuck me, take me, make me yours!" Ok, so I might have gotten a little excited at that part however you try being teased by that god of a lover and see how long you last until you start begging. I then felt him lower me onto him where the tip of his cock was just about to enter my body, he then paused as he usually does to make me beg. With a whine of need from me he allowed my body to shift downward and the tip of his cock to slide into me. I gave a moan of pleasure as I felt the tip of his magnificent cock enter into me. He then slowly allowed me to slide down his cock, inch by inch my body slowly swallowed everything he had to offer. I could feel myself slowly stretching open to accept his magnificent gift. I could hear moans from both me and him. I could feel my insides griping at his cock wanting to hug it, welcoming it back like an old friend it hadn't seen in a few days. As I he hilted in me I could feel his knot bumping against my ass, I looked into his eyes and he could see my question.

"Soon but not yet." With that he began lifting me up once again. He was going to pound me like I loved and then knot in me at the last possible second. My body was in for quite an exercise. I began to think it was good we had put tile in the bathroom with a drain in the center of the room. It saved cleanup and we didn't have to worry about water damage when we got a little overly excited in the bathroom. He began to pound my ass about half of his top speed. I allowed my hands to roam over his body. I could feel his muscles flexing at the effort being exerted by them onto me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and locked my lover into a deep, passionate kiss. Once again the world began to fade away from us. The music was but an afterthought, no worries, no cares, only the two of us and the love we shared.

As he increased to everything he could give, moans and gasps became lost in our kissing efforts. Water began to splash out onto the floor, but that was no concern. Wave after wave of pleasure was cascading though me like an unstoppable tide that was forecasting an even greater wave to come. I felt his thrusts become more erratic and knew he was getting close to his second orgasm, while I was getting lose to my first. I tightened my hole around his increasingly slick shaft and with one savage thrust I was forced down and his knot was forced into my body.

This earned a massive gasp then moan from me and Kieth both. Followed by both of us exploding. I felt his cock twitch inside of me, then he shot round after round of his hot, sticky love juice into me. It coated my insides clinging to me as if trying to hug me and tell me that it too loved me. Kieth collapsed backwards and I went with him. My juice had became lost in the water, however it didn't matter. I had my dobie and he had me. We lay there together knotted face to face. This was the highest sign of trust between partners as it left both in danger of the other. However both of us knew the other was in no danger. We wrapped our arms around each other, there was nothing to do now but wait. If either of us tried to remove ourselves it would result in injury for both. He reached over and turned the water back on to replace that which was lost. The water flowing around us was symbolic for our love. Every flowing, ever constant, and never ending.

Aren't I just evil for cutting the evening short? *evil laugh* I might consider doing the rest of the evening with these two. However that is entirely up to YOU, the readers. Do not be afraid to comment, as I would love your opinions on this. And especially do not be afraid to click the Cum button LOL *wink*

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