A Matter of Taste; Chapter One

Story by raletheotter on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dragon Kingdoms

I began this story, that is, this actual piece of writing, three years ago, or so the date that was listed in the file tells me. It needed a bit of work, but it works well enough for the first chapter.

Anyway, this is the first story I'm telling in my 'Dragon Kingdoms' story world. It wasn't where I initially was going to start, but I think it is an overall better place to start, and gets more immediately into my two main dragon characters, Luke and Lucy.

Fair warning, this won't be an overall 'nice' story, and the dragons aren't 'good' by any means. I intended them to be at the first, noble dragons and what-not, but then I was inspired by all things by a harsh comment about a drawing that I admittedly didn't do very well involving the main characters at play here. Essentially the comment went something along the lines of the person not interested in reading the story when I write it because he didn't like the characters, but said a little more harshly than that. I was offended, then got thinking about that, and wondered, "What if we're not entirely intended to like the characters."

These characters will be flawed, possibly downright nasty, and why not? They are dragons after all, which are traditionally not very nice creatures. I think ultimately I hope to create a sort of 'shades of gray' world, where the characters, despite their size and scales, are very much human, flawed and selfish and often kind of awful, but sometimes doing things that are good.

I've always, well, for quite a long time certainly, been a fan of characters who are anti-heroes, trying to do the right thing, but not always going about it in a particularly good or right way.

Anyway, I'll let the story mostly speak for itself, after this point.

The only other thing I'll need to mention is that this is a vore story. Vore has always been at least a little bit interesting to me, though I don't know exactly when I thought up this story, that is, what idea or ideas led me towards thinking of doing a vore story, but, it makes sense with the characters being dragons.

Last thing, I whipped up the illustration for the thumbnail really quick, wanting some kind of visual representation for the story and to give a warning for the vore. I'll take a little more time at some point to create a cleaner, better illustration for the thumbnails, especially for later installments.



A Matter of Taste, chapter one

by Daniel C. Aaron

One day I swallowed a large sausage link completely whole. That's when the idea came to mind. It startled me a moment, because it was unexpected. But I had in truth swallowed it with ease, holding it in my gullet, and not passing it into my lower stomach, where digestion begins for us dragons. I recalled hearing, from a few reliable sources--friends as well as learned anatomists--that we had superior control over our digestive processes. Also, for myself, the act of eating and swallowing was a pleasurable act, almost orgasmic. I hadn't given it great amount of thought up to that point, but now I wondered.

I enjoyed a good meal same as other dragons, but this was a new sensation: a large object was lodged comfortably in my gullet, part of it rubbing and tickling me on the inside. I moved that piece of sausage unwittingly into my second stomach, the next stage of digestion, and after a moment's contemplation on the matter, I speared another rather large sausage and placed it into my wide open mouth, again swallowing it whole, this time on purpose.

I sat back a few minutes in my chair and closed my eyes, experiencing the pleasant feeling of the sausage in my gullet. I focused on the details I could feel where it prodded at or tickled me from inside. Soon, I could feel the pleasurable sensations wash over the whole of my body, focused most directly in my groin. Blood flowed into my penis and it began to rise slowly but definitively higher. My cock rubbed against the abrasive fabric of my loose-fitting loin cloth, and my foreskin rolled back over the first then second corona of my glans, tight and taught behind the head of my cock as I felt a small drop of precum spill out of my shaft and drip onto my thigh.

It surprised and excited me, and I gasped in delight, catching the attention and curiosity of my wife, the empress Lucy, who raised an eye bone at me.

"You certainly seem to be enjoying your dinner?" She asked.

I smiled as I met her eyes. "It's an extraordinary thing, my dear, I've come upon an unusual sensation while eating, which I'm in the middle of exploring. I have left a sausage in my first stomach, which feels marvelous, but I'd like to know what more is possible. Will you forgive me if I attempt to regurgitate the sausage?"

"It's a little crass, my dear husband, but you've got me curious, I want to see where you're going with this." Here she speared a sausage herself, "Perhaps we can try this experiment together?"

I nodded. "Hold it in your first stomach, see how it feels to you, strangely, I find it pleasurable, arousing."

With gusto she swallowed the sausage whole, resting back in her chair with eyes closed, ruminating. After a moment, she took the liberty to spearhead the experiment and regurgitated the sausage, placing it carefully on her plate. I did likewise, tensing up the muscles in my throat and then reversing them, a feeling not unlike, for those of you who are not dragons, getting ready to spit.

"Ah yes," said my wife, "That was indeed arousing, I am wet between my legs."

I smiled with lust. "I've heard of this before, now that I think on it. There are even dragons who will swallow their prey, still living, completely whole, keeping the prey prisoner inside their first stomach. It arouses them, the dragon I mean, and they go to work. Once finished and spent, they will either release their prey, or finish consuming them."

Lucy raised an eye bone at me. "And how is this accomplished? Are these willing participants, or unwitting and unwilling victims?"

"I've heard both," I confessed, "But I think for us we'd do better for ourselves to find a willing participant, or make the best effort to do so."

She smiled a little at this, "I'm a little surprised at you, you're not usually so soft-hearted. Usually you're more uncompromising in your passion and pursuit of things you want."

She was referring to many things, but mainly to my past pursuit, so many years ago, of her hand in marriage, for which I defeated an entire army led by the dragon wizard Ian, so that I could prove my worth and loyalty to her father.

"Don't deny you're interested, either," she continued, "I know that sparkle in your eye, and your words are a thin veil not able to hide your intentions. But I agree with you, like the idea, and have a solution, if the rumors I hear are true."

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