Plaisir Stories- Eskimo Kisses

Story by Lakuta on SoFurry

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#1 of Plaisir Stories

GRZ Episode 2 is taking longer than expected ^^" And while I wanted to upload a few pieces of amazing art done by my good friends, i'm still struggling with FA's upload system. Regardless, this was done in the late 2017, and I thought that since you're all waiting, you can read up on the very first plaisir character I ever made, and her various exploits in her day-to-day routine. Told from the perspective of Nicolaus the Meowstic, this is a cute little tale of two small creatures enjoying a little private time in their off hours, hope you enjoy! ^w^


Eskimo Kisses

Nicolaus had learned to be cautious about what things he did at what times. Certain people in Cafe Plaisir didn't appreciate when he had too much fun during working hours. The majority of the Cafe staff were waiters--which, of course, meant that they spent their time catering to customers; which, of course, meant they spent their time having lots of sex. Nicolaus' job, meanwhile, was to run the Cafe's digital media. Not only was it nonsexual by nature, it was also limited in its social scope.

However, there was one place in the Cafe where those roles were meant to be set aside: the waiter's lounge. Nicolaus' shift hadn't started yet, and wouldn't for a while. This was the natural place to be. It was a single room, directly above the Cafe's main bar, at the start of the employee office area. And it was where some of his best social engagements to date had started.

He walked in expecting to find the usual sparse crowd of tired waiters and other staff--of a lot of Pokémon who'd had enough paid intimacy for the day, or who were warming up for a long shift ahead. But the lounge was nearly empty. Most of the cushions and chairs around the low tables were empty, as was the glass bar counter on the left with its high stools.

Most were empty. Not all. Among the tables and chairs and various other furniture, a single Pokémon was resting on a beanbag chair. A Glaceon, Nicolaus realized. Female, a bit rounded in form, but petite compared to most of her species. But the main reason it took him a moment to recognize the Pokémon was because she was upside down. Her hind legs were pointed straight up in the air, her head on the floor, ears and tassels out flat on either side, a cheerfully relaxed look on her face. A huge Oxford dictionary was sitting open on the floor in front of her. It, too, was upside-down.

It looked like an exceedingly uncomfortable position in which to read. But who was Nicolaus to judge? He had only two legs anyway.

He was fairly certain he knew the Glaceon's name. There were only a couple to pick from in the Cafe, and this was the only waiter. Her name was Pruina, and she was from someplace very far away from Oklahoma.

They'd never really spoken before. Nicolaus had copied her menu entry onto the Cafe website, and that was about it. Now was as good a time as any, he imagined.

So the Meowstic walked over by her, took off his backpack, and rolled himself down onto the floor next to the dictionary, lying on his side with his limbs splayed out around him. He stared at the Glaceon from only a foot or so away.

"How are you?"

Pruina must have been completely engrossed in the dictionary, because only now did she even notice that Nicolaus was there. She made a small, high pitched sound of confused curiosity, then used one of her tassels to wrap around the dictionary's cover and scoot it aside. They looked into one another's eyes. Her fur appeared to be glistening with little ice crystals. Nicolaus wondered how she didn't get stuck to the floor with those.

As the Glaceon spoke up, her voice came in a very soft, almost innocent-sounding tone, reinforced by the small upside-down smile she gave to greet the Meowstic. But besides that, the accent she was speaking in was utterly unrecognizable. It was thick and distantly foreign, but there was no placing it.

"Hello, sir!"

"Hello." Nicolaus smiled back politely, just a little. His species was not the most overtly expressive by nature. "You're Pruina, right?"

The Glaceon's smile turned radiant for a moment, before giving way to a look of concentrated exertion as she began to wriggle free with all four of her limbs. Her flat tail pushed off one side of the beanbag to roll her entire frame onto her front, head held low between both her front paws.

"Yes yes! My name is called Pruina! What is your name?"

Obviously, the Glaceon's English was still a work in progress, going by the dictionary. But she seemed to be handling it well. Nicolaus pushed himself upright, sitting on the floor with his legs crossed.

"I'm Nicolaus. I work here at the Cafe. Not as a waiter, but as the digital media manager."

"Dig-tal Media Manager? Wooooah..." With her tiny feline muzzle still planted on the carpet, she was staring upwards at a comically playful angle. The rest of her body language, of course, said nothing about play, and more of a confused interest in Nicolaus' job. "What is one of those people doing for their job?"

Nicolaus wondered how he could describe it in simple English. He took a moment to formulate his reply.

"I... I work using a computer. I put information on the internet about Cafe Plaisir, so people can learn about it there."

"Ooooh, computer stuff. Yes! That is very good!" Pruina smiled curiously at him, raising up her head and cocking it a little to one side. "Why are you sitting here, in the place where there is no one else?"

"Well, there are usually more people than this," Nicolaus muttered, glancing about the room. "But my work for the day hasn't begun yet. What about you? Why are you here reading this dictionary, instead of doing something else?"

He saw her shoot a glance back to her book, as her smile crept back again, this time much more knowing. One front paw dragged it back between the two of them. As she shifted her focus back to the pages, her tone became something of a boastful one, or at least a bit prideful.

"I am learning how I will speak better with this book! I do it some times when I am not on shifts."

Nicolaus smiled politely again. He wondered now what it was like in Pruina's position. Hailing from someplace far from the English-speaking world, immersed in an environment where no one spoke anything else. Reading a dictionary didn't seem like an efficient way to learn, but maybe he would've wanted the extra help too.

"That's one way to do it," he said. Then, changing the subject, "Uh ... which shift are you, then?"

"I am working in evening shift, mostly." She passed Nicolaus another look, one eye narrowing a little as she continued. "But I also work in afternoon... night... morning... aaaand all of the other times when I feel like making other people happy! Which is always!"

Well, then. That changed things a little bit. Generally, when the Meowstic visited the waiter's lounge, he took care not to sound like he was propositioning anyone. After all, most of his co-workers spent their entire shifts taking care of customers, and he'd likely end up seeming like simply more work. But it was another matter when a waiter made the first move. Some of them just really enjoyed what they did.

And Nicolaus had to admit, Pruina didn't look too disagreeable herself. Her frame was slender and slight for a Glaceon, but that merely put her closer to the Meowstic's own body size. And like any Eeveelution, she was undeniably adorable. More than that, since Nicolaus was taking care these days_not_ to indulge himself during his shift, a little liaison now to burn off some tension would make his work day considerably easier. That was, in case his time with Vara in the apartment that morning hadn't been enough.

Unless he was completely misreading Pruina's signals, in which case this would be a little embarrassing. They_had_just met.

He asked wryly, "Is it work if they're not paying you the Cafe rate?"

"Weeeell..." Pruina let her head flop to one side, brow furrowed in thought, before glancing right back to Nicolaus. "I am not saying that I would do it all for free, buuuut..."

There was a deliberate pause.

She snickered. "I am not working the other shifts for the more money I am getting."

Nicolaus settled into place, leaning his chin down onto his paws, elbows braced on his lap. Maybe they were getting somewhere after all.

"Well. I have a sort of... not a rule, really, but a preference, with Cafe employees. I try not to pay them. Not because I think they don't deserve money--but because when I play with them, I want to be sure they're having as much fun as me. Not just pretending or putting up with it because it's their job."

Once again, the Glaceon paused. She lifted her head off the floor, gazing at Nicolaus quietly, studiously. And as the seconds went by, her face slowly began to light up with a smile. Her eyes wandered down his body, exploring him--no doubt, imagining things like Nicolaus himself had imagined already--before looking meaningfully back up at his face.

"If you are wanting something to make your day better, you only need to ask me."

"Well, I'd hate to interrupt your English studying," Nicolaus said. But his actions spoke a little louder than his words. As he spoke, he pushed himself back up onto his knees and took a look around the lounge. It was still empty besides them. "However... if you're interested, we should go someplace more private. Anyone could--"

Nicolaus never got to finish his thought. The Glaceon immediately dove her head forwards, stubby muzzle planted right in his lap, up against the crotch of his shorts. He could feel the cool air of her breath starting to seep through to his sheath as the ice-type looked up at him with innocent eagerness.

Apparently, something had just been lost in translation.

The Meowstic ignored the jolt of physical pleasure in his loins, instead placing both paws on Pruina's shoulders and hauling her back up. "Let's go somewhere else in the Cafe first," he said, very slowly and clearly. "Someplace more private. Where people won't see us."

"Whaaaa?" Pruina stared at him in apparent bewilderment. "But you asked me to go to your private!"

"I did not." Nicolaus resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He stood up and slung his backpack back on, glancing from one exit to the other. "I know a place where we can go. Follow me, please."

With that, he began threading his way amid the tables of the waiter's lounge, towards the door in back. The Glaceon trailed behind him, slowly at first. Reluctantly, perhaps, at not being able to follow her deepest desires right there in the lounge.

The hallways behind the lounge were noticeably less decorated than the ones accessible to guests. Nicolaus led the way past the offices--suppressing a shiver as he passed by Clarice's, more of apprehension than the memory of cold--to a short stretch of hallway with doors all along the right. He knocked on the first one in line, waited a moment, then stepped in.

It was a small, very dark room, bereft of furniture. A low, diagonal tinted window joining the floor to the far wall looked out over the open floor of the Captivate performance hall underneath. Many of the chairs were occupied by various Pokémon, watching someone onstage doing ... something. The noise of the hall was all but entirely muted inside here.

No one in Captivate knew they were watching. But that was the point. And besides--it hardly mattered. Nicolaus was more interested in using the room to pay attention to his current companion, who dashed in just behind him towards the viewing window.

Pruina exclaimed, "I can see my pole from here! Hehe, I do love these little booths, and the booths down there too. It is where I am doing nearly all of my customer work!"

"I'm sure," Nicolaus said.

The next step was to get ready for the occasion. He closed and latched the door behind them, then carefully removed his backpack once again and set it in the corner. Then he began stripping himself nude. It took very little time--all he had to do was pull off his t-shirt and drop his shorts. Just like that, the psychic-type was completely bare. He turned back to Pruina with his full coat of navy blue and white fur on display, prominently including the fuzzy sheath and orbs between his legs. His pink tip was just beginning to poke out of the surrounding blue.

"Perhaps we can watch while we play," he offered pleasantly. "How would you like to begin?"

Pruina padded toward him gently, tail curling up behind her back. She let her stare fall down to Nicolaus' hips, then back up to his eyes, then right back to his crotch. Then she leant in with the softest little moan, and began making out with the Meowstic's sheath, soft lips parting for her slick tongue. The whole thing felt palpably cool, especially the Glaceon's exhaled breath, but somehow it wasn't cold enough to hurt. Nicolaus felt his scrotum contract a little anyway.

There was little that he needed to do but stand there and let it happen. But even so, as his loins twitched in pleasure from the Glaceon's touch, Nicolaus took the time to explore her body. Partly, he simply laid his paws atop Pruina's head and held her there, stroking gently back and forth, petting over those ears in back, over her neck and shoulders. More than that, however, he opened one of his folded ears ever so slightly and used a faint force of telekinesis to wander all over the parts he couldn't see. Her chest, her belly, her hips ... simply by using his psychic senses, Nicolaus began to understand all of their shapes. It didn't take long for him to find the most sensitive parts of all, farthest away from where he stood. He brushed over them gently with his telekinetic pressure, providing a smooth, gliding, almost ethereal feeling of touch.

His touch immediately elicited a soft, pleasured cry from the Glaceon, her flat tail starting to roll up into a neat little cylinder out of the way of anything. Not that it made much difference, but she was at least 'polite' enough to let her hind legs part themselves behind her for even better access. Her aura of cold was becoming colder. Perhaps that was the ice-type version of blushing.

But as that went on, Pruina remained firmly set on taking the budding arousal into her mouth, which she accomplished with almost zero effort--not a single sharp tooth could be felt during the task. She comfortably rested there for just a few moments before inevitably beginning a soft suckling, eyes staring back up to Nicolaus for more encouragement, as she tried so openly to encourage out more of his feline shaft.

The effort had mixed results. Nicolaus' member didn't take long to emerge from its sheath, enveloped instantly by Pruina's mouth instead, but his sensation of arousal lagged behind. Partly, he was simply distracted by the telekinesis, and partly, the sensation of cold was new for him. But this also wasn't easy to lose himself in to begin with. He looked back down at the Glaceon for a minute or so, before pushing back out of the oral embrace and leaving his flesh in the open air instead.

"You feel really good," he murmured. "But I need you to do something else next. This will only warm me up so much."

Pruina let out another soft whine, giving a few very soft pushes back towards that length before glancing back up to Nicolaus with a disappointed pout. Once she realized she wasn't going to be able to simply continue what she was doing, however, the Glaceon's expression gave way to one of general curiosity.

"Mmmmf, what are you wanting to do then, sir?"

"Oh, it's sir now, is it?" The Meowstic raised his eyebrows briefly. As he did, he considered his options. Neither of them were ready for the real deal just yet. But his shaft wasn't going to get any harder inside anyone's mouth. "You looked pretty good on your back when I found you. Want to get like that, and I'll ... find someplace to sit?"

Now the Glaceon smiled. With her tail unravelling itself into a perfect s-bend shape, she curled herself up, allowing her body to flop down and roll over into her back, all four feral limbs splaying out in the air as she looked up at him eagerly, her whole underside eagerly exposed.

Nicolaus stared for a moment.

"That's very acrobatic of you," he said, before walking up and putting a foot on either side of Pruina's head, careful to avoid the dangling tassels on its sides. From here, he could just barely see the Glaceon's face. This was probably going to feel very weirdly cold. "Ready?"

Pruina's eyes widened in surprise--perhaps she hadn't understood Nicolaus' intentions already. She took in a gasping breath, looking even more excited than before and letting out a hasty "Yes! Yes! Let us do it!"

The Meowstic didn't need any more encouragement than that. He put his feet a little farther apart, lifted his balls out of the way in one paw, and sat himself right down on Pruina's snout.

Cold. The whole region under his tails, normally very warm with his body heat, was suddenly met with a distinct sensation of_cold._ It made him shiver involuntarily. But still, he nestled into place, spreading his cheeks and getting the Glaceon good and in there. Right up against his pucker, where the real sensations would happen.

Then he took hold of his semi-erection in both paws, and started stroking.

Pruina made a small squeaking noise and adjusted her head with a small rub of her nose right against his ring. The second shock to the system came just a few moments later, with that smooth wet tongue stroking its way up his hole, refreshingly cool in comparison to the more intense outer cold.

The tongue itself, by shape, was much like his own. But its texture was another story. There were no barbs to be felt. The taste buds provided a gentle, constant rubbing sensation, but not enough to drag uncomfortably. Apparently, like the coolness of Pruina's whole form, her tongue's surface was just distinct enough to be felt, yet not enough to actually hurt. Small wonder she was a waiter, with this kind of body.

Nicolaus, for his part, counted his blessings for the tongue's temperature. He'd been expecting something much icier.

From his position, he could see perfectly through the slanted window into the middle of Captivate. There was a Lopunny doing a slow, luxurious pole dance in the centre of the room, where the stage ran out like a pier amid the guest seating. A loose semicircle of onlookers had gathered around the surrounding floor, eagerly watching his every move.

Typically, Nicolaus just brushed that kind of performance off. It wasn't what he preferred to focus on, and he had never quite gotten the hang of enjoying himself so deeply in a crowd of other spectators. But up here, the Meowstic had all the privacy he needed. And someone was very graciously helping stimulate him at that very moment.

So while Pruina worked away underneath him, Nicolaus continued steadily pleasuring himself with both paws. He was imagining how it'd feel to slide his shaft right up under that Lopunny's bushy little ball of a tail. Warm, he imagined. Warmer than the Eeveelution he was sitting on right then. The contrast of hot and cold would've been delightful.

That tongue felt pleasantly ticklish on his pucker. Nicolaus was eminently thankful to Pruina for not pushing it even deeper inside. As he pumped his shaft between his paws, he ground his hips into the motions as well, not-quite-accidentally rubbing his rear end back and forth on the Glaceon's face in the process. Using her face, for Nicolaus' own pleasure. Maybe it was a little more dominant than his usual, but he didn't even care.

And it didn't seem to be bothering said Glaceon either, who had very quickly degenerated into eagerly lapping away between his cheeks. It still felt cold, colder than he was used to. After a while, however, once they had both finally found their rhythm, a strange sensation--not quite numbness, but somehow close to it--was being made from the cold which managed to start spreading around from within Nicolaus' depths. It felt like she was utilizing her tingling ice-type aura rather than the physical lack of heat itself. Rather than thermal energy simply leaving his body, as physics would normally demand their auras were interacting on a level beyond his understanding. It was uncanny.

Down below, the Lopunny had just pulled off some token little black garment he'd had on, holding it aloft and tossing it into the crowd. Seemed a little excessive for a performance act of this audience size. Maybe he was in the mood as well.

Or maybe that was just how strippers did their job at Plaisir. Nicolaus hadn't watched often enough.

More time went by. If he kept up his stroking like this, the Meowstic was going to blow his load without getting it even near Pruina's body. He forced himself to let go with both paws, placing them on the Glaceon's shoulders instead as he hauled himself up.

"Hey," he said. "You're doing beautifully. Do you think you're ready for my cock now, or do you want more time?"

Pruina, panting gently as she was finally given the space to freely breathe, licked over her muzzle once or twice with a coy grin. Her tassels both turned and stroked up either one of the Meowstic legs. "I am always ready for dick, sir," she said, completely meaning it.

"In that case, pick a position." Nicolaus stepped graciously off to the side, letting his arousal stand on full display. In the dark of the viewing room, the barbs were barely visible, but they were there nonetheless. His paws felt a little tender for having stroked over them so much just now. "I'll give it to you as you like."

Pruina made a low thoughtful noise as she gazed at the Meowstic--perhaps contemplating the barbs, though she looked no less eager for it. She rolled onto her side, scooting her rear half in a complete semicircle without ever picking her head up, before putting herself on all fours. And just like that, everything was on display, Pruina's back arched, her hips raised, her tail curled upward invitingly.

There was a plump roundness to those cheeks of hers, which Nicolaus hadn't fully appreciated or even quite noticed until seeing her from this pose. They blended perfectly into the curvature of two stout hind legs, which in turn parted to reveal either side of a thin slit, almost virginal in its appearance. If it was hard to see her arousal before, the shining crystals of frozen fluid to either side of the entrance certainly displayed it now.

This was the first that Nicolaus had really seen of the Glaceon's rear end. He walked up to it cautiously, reaching out with a tentative paw and brushing at the crystals on the outside--testing the temperature. To no surprise, it was that same unnatural cold feeling as before. Nicolaus took hold of his shaft in one paw, stroking it gently to keep it hard, while running a single digit down his partner's slender entrance.

He asked, "If I lick this, will my tongue get stuck?"

Pruina looked back at him. It was a new, strange expression, one that he recognized from his own experience as a psychic-type. A faint glimmer of blue light shone from within the centre of her eyes. The soft flesh at her slit, to Nicolaus' surprise, began to get just a bit warmer all by itself. It was a gap in that uncanny aura of cold, an oasis of natural warmth. Those crystals of frozen juices began to melt instantly, dripping onto his extended digit.

Nicolaus withdrew his paw and licked it clean. Sure enough, the fluid was warm as well--or at least tepid enough to be no longer frozen.

"That works," he murmured, before leaning in and nuzzling right up to that inviting slit with eager lips.

As he began kissing and nosing his way along the Glaceon's sex, he heard a gentle, high-pitched moan from her front end. But Nicolaus had barely even started--he was only getting to know Pruina's body, particularly her vulva. He wanted to know its contours, its textures, its sensations, all before anything else started. There was a distinct smell to it, not at all unpleasant. He had half expected it to reek of sex, but instead found it to have an extremely fresh scent. It reminded him of an ice-cold freshwater river, if such a thing could belong to a living creature.

With a small test lick, making Pruina shiver slightly in delight--could a Glaceon ever shiver from anything but emotion?--Nicolaus found the same to be true for her flesh, and the resultant clear liquid it produced. Although this time the taste of sex was a fair bit more dominant, that following fresh aftertaste refused to be ignored.

Weirdly, the induced feeling of refreshing cold in his mouth reminded Nicolaus of what it felt like to brush his teeth. He wondered if there was some kind of connection to be made there.

Soon, he extended his tongue and began licking--much as the Glaceon had done for him not long ago. In his case, he alternated between downward and upward strokes of his tongue, taking care not to make too deep an impression with the barbs on his tongue's upper side. Ordinarily he would have gone downward only, but it was necessary simply to wipe away the fluids that kept seeping forth. It went down his throat along with his own copious salivation. There was a definite practice to this.

But after a couple minutes of licking and writhing and listening to Pruina's moans, Nicolaus felt his body urging him to move on. He leaned his head back and said, "I'm almost ready for you. May I do one other thing first?"

Pruina turned and looked at him inquiringly, her head tilted to one side. That light was still faintly visible in the backs of her eyes. As she spoke, she shuffled her legs a bit farther apart in an offering motion, presenting herself even more openly than before. "Mrrrr, yeeees?"

"This," Nicolaus said. Then he brushed the Glaceon's tail back with one paw, and leaned his head up just a little farther.

Just like before, it was only a kiss at first. He didn't even look at the entrance before doing it. He simply pressed his lips against the tight opening there, testing its temperature, making sure it wasn't too cold either before he continued. Then began the licking. Short, downward strokes with the very tip of his tongue, delicately avoiding using his barbs at all, but bathing the puckered flesh with the refreshing cocktail already accumulated in his mouth. It came naturally to him.

"M-Maaaahhhh!" Pruina gasped in instant pleasure, throwing her head forwards as she stuck her rump even further out, to a point where her cheeks were naturally speaking all by themselves. It was just a tad less warm than her vulva, but pleasantly warm nonetheless for his tongue.

The tail he had brushed out of the way just a moment ago also decided to make a return, the base of it moving with its own agenda, rubbing the back of his head with gentle, sensual and tinglingly cool strokes.

Soon, though, that feeling of relentless arousal had returned. Nicolaus was hardly even stroking himself, but it was so easy to lose track of his own restraint, licking away at this luscious dreamy opening. He forced himself to let go and pull back, staggering briefly before regaining his balance.

Down in Captivate, the Lopunny was sitting on the edge of the stage with his legs entangled around one of the spectators' shoulders. The others were cheering him on.

"I'm ready," Nicolaus said to Pruina. "Get your hips more down. My cock is waiting for you."

Tail now brushing in that s-bend down his chest, he watched as the Glaceon brought her hips almost down to the floor, hind feet still firmly planted in the ground to rub a small, smooth patch of her rear, the gap between her slit and her pucker to give him his own choice, right up against those barbs. Relatively blunt as they were, Nicolaus could feel those barbs beginning to drag over that sensitive surface.

It didn't take long for the Meowstic to make his decision. The moment his shaft made contact with Pruina's body, he pulled back and angled it downwards, then pressed his erect tip against that waiting slit. There was a brief lull as the warm wet embrace slowly spread over his tapered end, and then the humping began.

Secretly to his relief, the insides were also very pleasantly warm. It was like any self-respecting Eeveelution possessed: thick muscular walls inside, which now squeezed and hungrily attempted to draw more of the Meowstic's full three inches into her. Reason told him that no Plaisir waiter could sustain such a virginal-feeling tightness through simple lack of stretching. But despite his middling size by Eeveelution standards, there was no mismatch here. It was a delightfully firm grip.

He hadn't yet penetrated all the way, but even with what he did have those barbs were dragging palpably once again. Either Glaceons naturally reacted to those in texture, or Pruina was doing something odd down there.

It didn't matter. Nicolaus pushed deeper with every thrust, until his hips were bumping into Pruina's rear with every motion forward. For an Eeveelution, it may have been unremarkable, but for his own body size, it was a thick, large piece of anatomy to wield. And now it was buried inside the Glaceon's sex. The barbs scraped along the walls with every pull back--even now, with all the lubricant fluid inside, more than he was used to--but there was no discomfort for him. Only the pleasant, pleasant feeling of mating with a nice partner.

He asked breathlessly, "Are the barbs a problem? Do they hurt too much?"

At a glance, Pruina looked incredibly strained. Her body was stiff, her head pointed forwards--towards the window, away from him. Even the noises she made, at first spoke of a bit of strain, even pain; but then she finally turned her face back and looked at the Meowstic. Despite everything, there was a dopey smile across her muzzle, lost in some haze of glee. Between her own laboured panting, all she got out was, "M-Moooore, do not stop!"

It occurred to Nicolaus that the pressure on his barbs must have been intentional. No one had ever made them drag so much before. If it was painful for Pruina, it was to a masochistic end. That seemed to do just fine for them both.

"Alright, but keep your voice down," he muttered. They were still in a highly discreet viewing room, despite everything.

He already knew it wouldn't take long for him to finish off. After all that build-up, after exchanging oral attentions back and forth, the Meowstic had worked himself nearly up to the brink. The only thing that kept him from releasing in the very first minute of thrusting was that he was still struggling to get used to the Glaceon's body. It was always different with a new partner, and in this case even more than normal.

He closed his eyes briefly, focusing on the sensations of touch. In his experience, sex was always such a focus of built-up body heat. The point of contact between his hips and his partner's own was always full of arousal and friction and energetic action, and that translated into stifling, almost burning heat. Not so with Pruina. Here, he felt as perfectly cool and fresh as if he were doing the job all himself. Whatever body heat radiated from him into the Glaceon--besides at his shaft, which was cradled in comfortable warmth--was simply dispersed.

It wouldn't take long at all.

Nicolaus spoke up once more, struggling a little to find the right words. Focusing on his pleasure was very distracting. "When I finish... I'm going to finish soon. But when I do... do you want it inside you, or on your back?"

"H-Hahhhh... Inside! Inside!" Pruina drew her head back again, rocking herself softly back and forth against the hits of Nicolaus' hips. Her forward-pointing gaze brought Nicolaus' attention back to the view of Captivate.

Down below, the Lopunny was back on his feet, his body completely unclothed, one paw wrapped around the pole as he playfully swung around. He'd caught the attention of the entire crowd around him by now. Certainly, he was even earning attention from a couple audience members who weren't even in the room.

The last time Nicolaus had enjoyed a sexual release today had been a few hours ago at home. That was more than long enough ago for his loins to feel fully replenished. When his climax began to arrive, it came with the understanding that by remaining inside Pruina, he was saving everyone quite a bit of mess.

But despite that, it was a strangely clean-feeling climax. Nicolaus bit his lip gently, dug his claws into the Glaceon's hips, pulling in, pulling close, doing everything his body demanded--and as his throbbing turned into the jerking pulses of ejaculation, into the delicious process of all that tension inside him uncoiling, there was no real messiness. Fluid squirted out of him in thick gobs, pooling up within those warm inner walls. Yet even at the apex of his excitement, he felt cool and clean and ready to move. Like the whole thing was somehow tidy and sanitary from the ice aura.

Which, in turn, left Nicolaus feeling much more in control of himself as the climax came to an end. He pulled out casually and gave Pruina an affectionate pat on the rear, a ribbon of white fluid hanging between tip and entrance before eventually breaking.

Cleaning the little remaining strand from her vulva with the tip of her tail, Pruina took a moment to catch her breath, then gathered her composure once again. That entrance, briefly a tad wider from the treatment it had just received, quickly closed up and reasserted itself in front of him. A lower temperature and a few light taps from that tail had returned it to a state like it had never even been touched in the first place. But her voice still betrayed the sensations she was still coping with. "Was... mhhhh... that nice, sir?"

"Yes, it was, thank you," Nicolaus said, smiling politely as he walked around to the Glaceon's front. In his case, too, it was much like nothing had happened--besides his pink member still dangling out, taking its time retreating back into his sheath. "Did you get what you were looking for?"

Pruina kept staring out to the Lopunny, who by now was dancing with a far more shameless lewdness to those motions- no subtlety to it, he was showing off his body from head to toe, but mainly between the legs. "Hehe, yeah. I think that I did." Her head turned back to him, giving a more friendly smile. "You were super good! I have not been licking butts much before, or sharp dicks, so this was much fun for me!"

"Well," Nicolaus began to say, putting his hands on his hips. This experience_had_ all been deeply pleasurable, even if there'd been a lot for him to get accustomed to. He gave Pruina an inquisitive look. "Before we go our separate ways ... could I persuade you to let me sit on you a little more?"

The Glaceon immediately shifted back to a resting position with her belly against the ground. Her hips were the first to twist onto their back, very quickly taking her top half with it as her four paws batted the air above her. She gazed up at Nicolaus with the same playful eagerness as always. "Hehehe, I would love to!"

That was all the encouragement he needed. He straddled Pruina's face just like before, one foot on either side, and lowered his bare body back down.

The icy coolness didn't surprise him this time, and as a result, it didn't feel quite as harsh. This turned out to be a vital mercy, because Pruina began this time at full speed, nuzzling her little nose up around his puckered ring with even more enthusiasm than before.

Then of course, once again came the tongue. It met him with almost aggressive vigour, rolling and gliding in a fast-paced cadence of cool refreshing teasing. But it was still a soft, affectionate touch, and Pruina was letting out an unbroken stream of happy mews even with her tongue out.

But it was a curious feeling for Nicolaus. Unlike before, when his pleasure had been only just building up, now there was nothing to build on. His balls could hardly respond at all to the new stimuli flowing in, whereas before they'd been aching with pleasure. His shaft was still mostly dormant as well. Yet the tender, delicate yet vigorous feelings of his pucker being licked over were nevertheless gratifying, in a relaxed, lofty, self-serving sort of way. The Meowstic sat right where he was and let his partner have her fill, meanwhile relaxing to a nice show of Captivate below.

The Lopunny himself had reclined flat on his back next to the pole, knees tucked in, and was orally pleasuring himself in front of his audience. The stage around him was covered in a practical carpet of dollar bills. Farther away from the poles and provocative walkways, waiters both familiar and faceless were swaying along, some carrying drinks, some escorting guests, Pokémon and humans of all different identities moving, sitting and chatting to make for a living artwork of swirling colours--


Nicolaus' observations were abruptly derailed by the feeling of Pruina's tongue again. He had barely noticed in his gaze upon the scene below, but the coolness of that tongue had taken advantage of the fact that his ring had gone a bit lax from the tingling numbness, allowing the intruding flesh to push right in and spread him open.

He looked down at the Glaceon between his legs. Outwardly, it looked like nothing had changed. But that tongue was still probing inside him. He considered speaking up over it, but... honestly, it didn't feel too bad. Not in Pruina's case, not with just her tongue. The Meowstic returned his attention slowly to the view of Captivate, while ever so gently pushing outwards with his loosened pucker. It was an invitation for Pruina to lick deeper.

In hindsight, he probably should have seen it coming that she snapped up the opportunity very quickly. While still thin, it was a deceptively long tongue she had for the size of her head. At least it was long enough to play around inside Nicolaus, giving the same up-and-down licking motions one would give to a more flat surface, only this time she was getting a taste for his innards. By the feeling of her, she was_really_getting a taste for it. The sensation of such a flexible tendril wriggling away inside him was just another item on the uncanny list for the day.

"Just keep doing that," Nicolaus murmured gently.

The Lopunny was really going at it now, vigorously sucking his own length. And as he craned his hips upward towards himself, legs high in the air, Nicolaus was treated to the very distant view of a dark little opening between those cheeks. Even though the thick glass he could faintly hear the howling and perverse calls from the patrons below at the sight of the bunny. He had no sense of teasing, Nicolaus thought--either he was very new or he was such a veteran that he didn't care. It didn't really matter either way. The view was incredibly lucky. It made him feel like a butt VIP, between the sight of the Lopunny below and the feeling of the Glaceon underneath him.

At some point, the Glaceon in question had taken to using her front paws to pull down on Nicolaus' hips. The grip was clawed, fully unsheathed, though mercifully the claws were very blunt. It was still enough for a hold that let Pruina pull that pucker even deeper against her tiny muzzle. At the same time, her tongue had wormed in far enough that its tip was pressing up against his prostate, stimulating it in a slow and seemingly deliberate pattern.

Before long, arousal began to return to Nicolaus' nethers. It was unavoidable with all this sensation washing over him. Without even touching it, his member began to swell back to an erect state, standing in front of him, waiting to be dealt with. But even more tellingly than that, the pressure-like feeling of need inside his body was creeping in again. The more he felt that, the more sure he was that one orgasm wouldn't be enough.

"Hey," he said, looking down at the Glaceon. "I might need to get back inside you soon. How does that sound?"

All he got back from her was a softly muffled noise of what was either eagerness or desperation--or both. In any case, it was a willing one. If her mewing wasn't enough she gave a very deliberate press into his prostate with her tongue in response as well, sending a jolt of sensation through his body.

"Guess it sounds good," Nicolaus murmured.

He couldn't stay on top of Pruina much longer. Not because his muscles couldn't take it--that tongue was pleasantly slender inside him--but because he was too close to climaxing already. That ongoing attention to his prostate had worked all too well. If he lingered for long, he wouldn't be able to resist pushing himself the rest of the way over the edge.

So he said, "I'm gonna get up now," and then pushed himself back up to a standing posture, leaving Pruina's tongue to slide back out of him in the process. The Meowstic made a point of clenching his pucker tight on the way, better to keep the intruding appendage from following.

Pruina was in her own plane of reality for just a few moments, her whole face flushed hot as she gasped for her breath back. She was smiling in equal parts blissful pleasure and devilish mischief, clearly revelling in the pleasure she'd just instigated. In the seconds she took to recover, Nicolaus was already making his next move, slowly circling around to Pruina's lower end.

The Glaceon didn't miss a cue. She immediately began to roll onto her front, preparing for their second round of penetration. But Nicolaus reached out with both paws and took firm hold of her lower legs, stopping her in her tracks. The twisting motion ended as quickly as it had started.

"You can stay on your back," Nicolaus said, letting go with a paw to take hold of his exposed pink length. "I think this time I'll kneel down and--with your permission, return the favour you just gave me."

Pruina stared at him blankly, uncomprehending. Seconds stretched by. He could practically see the gears struggling to turn inside her head. But then she lit up again in that same pretty smile, happily wiggling her hind feet in acceptance of what was coming

With both paws still on her legs, Nicolaus needed almost no effort to part them, creating a perfect open space for him to kneel down and lean between. The view between Pruina's legs was lovely. Her well-used slit was still looking perfectly fresh and new. But Nicolaus didn't touch it. He guided his length underneath that entrance, aiming for the one below. The one he'd only used his mouth on so far.

He felt something warm and soft touch him at the very tip. When he pushed in harder, it yielded and spread open, letting him inch his way inside. It felt mild at first, easily and gently gripping his shaft--until the Meowstic was far enough inside that his hips were touching, at which time the ring clenched down. It was a firm, almost forceful tug, with the same muscular smoothness of everything before, gripping hard on his base.

The difference in body temperatures had been in the background, or the foreground, this whole time. And the temperature on his length now felt totally different to when he'd been inside Pruina's vulva. That had been heated all the way through, courtesy of a deliberate parting of her aura. But her anus was another story. Like an igloo, that ring greeted him with a tingling chill, one that almost threatened to diminish his erection, yet the moment he got further in he was greeted with an embracing warmth. If he weren't in such acute need of another climax, he might have liked to hold still and enjoy the sensation for a while.

"That feels ... good," he murmured, failing to come up with any more evocative adjective. It felt heavenly. Instead of trying to say anything more, he simply took hold of both of Pruina's hind legs and started humping.

The slanted window was still clearly visible past the Glaceon's head. Nicolaus looked just in time to catch what was easily the most perverse scene yet. It seemed like one of the human customers had thrown a whole stack of bills onto the stage, and was now leaning himself up onto the stage to push his head between the Lopunny's cheeks in a state of sexual hunger. That couldn't have been proper Cafe behaviour, but everyone was cheering it on anyway.

The human was wearing a tight t-shirt and jeans. His figure seemed average enough underneath, maybe a little thickly built, which was just fine. Nicolaus imagined himself tugging those jeans down and riding on the human's rear while the Lopunny got his share of love. He could envision it perfectly, already looking on the scene from just the right angle. And so he did, letting his mind go in a brief moment of shameless fantasy even during his own intimate encounter.

It would've been so easy, humping away in front of the whole Captivate audience, relishing that non-Pokémon aura-less slick warmth around his shaft. He could've been working up to shoot his payload inside a human stranger's ass right then, and in his mind, nothing would stop him. That was what he wanted. He wanted to fuck anyone who looked even the narrowest bit opportune, even the slightest degree inviting. Respect, reciprocity, affection--his nethers cared for none of those things. They only wanted flesh.

At that moment, there wasn't a lovelier thought in the world.

His arousal was throbbing hard inside Pruina's body. The barbs around his shaft dragged hard against that ring every time he pulled back--not painfully, he hoped, but with enough resistance to slow his movements. Nicolaus opened one of his ears once again, gliding over that glistening entrance in front of him with invisible telekinetic force, back and forth in time with his thrusts.

Naturally, the Glaceon's dribbling of fluid started up almost immediately, turning into a dampness which, combined with a cold aura she was no longer focusing on regulating, was turning her slit into an icy jewel in a layer of liquid lust solidified by her icy prowess. Fortunately, Nicolaus wasn't using that hole. He was busy.

But once again, the feeling of closeness was beginning to mount within Nicolaus' loins. He looked down from the spectacle in Captivate to Pruina's face, still thrusting relentlessly. "Mind if I do it inside you again?"

The Glaceon seemed almost offended at the question, giving a tiny gasp for a moment at one particularly sharp thrust. A defiant shake of her head confirmed to the Meowstic that she was nothing but adamant about him finishing inside her. Who was he to refuse?

"So be it," Nicolaus said, smiling gently. To the contrary, he was happy to oblige.

The finish was much more difficult to build up to than the last one. He'd only just emptied a load in this same encounter, without any special additives or unusual powers being used to aid his capacity. But nevertheless, finish he did. As the pressure built up more and more, Nicolaus brought his thrusting to a vigorous, needy pace, eyeing the events down in Captivate the whole time.

He couldn't believe what was happening with that Lopunny. Today was his lucky day. He would've loved to be down there right now--but since being up here meant he could fuck Pruina, he was content to watch.

Nicolaus' orgasm washed over him in a rush of forceful relief. He grunted under his breath as his member jumped inside Pruina's warm rear, semen squirting out at a runnier consistency than before. It dragged on for a few long seconds, and then it was over. His erection faded away almost immediately. That was him spent.

Pruina remained where she was, laying on her back and purring in contentment. But after Nicolaus pulled out and sat down to rest, his length retreating slowly back into his sheath, the Glaceon turned over onto her belly and crawled forwards, reaching out with a single paw to bat at his side for attention.

It was certainly better than continuing to watch Captivate. That mood had passed now.

With nothing else he could sexually achieve, Nicolaus simply began petting her head. It still felt odd--a cold furry body resting and breathing gently on his lap, the purring only getting louder from his attention. But of course, it wasn't necessarily unpleasant, certainly breaking the precedent set by the one other Glaceon he'd had the misfortune of meeting at the Cafe. Nicolaus wasn't even sure if it was temperature or aura, but in this second afterglow he was starting to receive that refreshed feeling again. He basked in it.

Soon enough, his mind drifted elsewhere, moving on to the various tasks that awaited him throughout the afternoon shift. He couldn't put it off forever. Once he began dressing again, he would need to check his phone to see what time it was--if the shift had already begun, he might need to stay a little late to satisfy his bureaucratic requirements.

Eventually, Nicolaus said, "I'd better get dressed again. Shift's starting soon."

With that, he leaned down, gave Pruina a kiss on the head, and extracted himself from their snuggling embrace to go fetch his clothes. Pruina's reaction was simply to curl up on the floor where he'd just been. What ensued was a rather bizarre ritual of the Glaceon pawing at the floor around her, creating bits of glassy ice that formed into a nest that surrounded where she lay. Once nestled comfortably in the ice bed, she glanced back to Nicolaus with a joyful grin.

"You were lot of fun! I am wanting to see you again some time if you want."

"You're going to stay in here, then?" Nicolaus looked around the dark confines of the room. But he didn't take long--already, he was pulling his work attire back on. First his shorts, then his t-shirt, then his backpack, all his various items for a day's shift at Cafe Plaisir. It was time to resume his professional attitude.

"Mmmm, only for a bit. Then I will go back to the lounge for book reading! And then I will be on my shift. I am having one of the cat naps right now, Pruina style!"

The so-called 'Pruina style,' beyond the fact that she was in a nest of ice, seemed to consist of something much less innocent. As Nicolaus looked on, he realized that nestled against the Glaceon's underbelly, between her four stubby limbs lay a smooth ice sculpture of a ridged dragon-like erection. It was absolutely huge--too much so, in fact. There was no way that would fit inside any Eeveelution, let alone one of Pruina's size. Its purpose remained unknown.

And Nicolaus decided not to ask. Instead, he said, "Enjoy your nap, Pruina," and walked right back out of the room.

He closed the door quietly behind himself, careful not to make any noise that the other employees in nearby rooms might hear. Then he turned around--and found himself face-to-face with a very angry Glaceon!

"You're in trouble," Clarice snarled. "Big trouble. No one's going to save you this time! I'm going to skewer your head on an icicle and mount it over the gates of the Cafe!"

Just kidding. Nicolaus walked out to the waiter's lounge unimpeded. He had work to do today.


Cafe Plaisir is owned by the sex godess herself:Dark_Violet

And was created by the fiery irishman: avatar?user=185365&character=0&clevel=2 Palibakufun

Nicolaus belongs to Nicolaus :P

Get Rich Ziggy! Episode 1, The Middle Of Nowhere!

'Aaaah, the world of Pokemon. How magical, how diverse. How sexy. So very, very sexy, indeed.' Here it is, folks, the story you've all (not) been waiting for! In which we see an aspiring champion bunny work towards his ultimate dreams. And where else...

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Lakuta's Pokémon of Plaisir- Volume #4- Axan

Here it is, Volume 4. Well... what to say about this one? It's another longer one, uploaded just two days before my birthday (really wanted to make that deadline) and is actually my best one yet! Actually for the most part, that's been the case with...

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Lakuta's Pokemon of Plaisir- Volume #3- Gabrielle

Aaaaaaand here we go. We're on a roll now. For your reading pleasure, here is the third instalment. A fair bit has changed since I was last uploading my other story. Damel's chapter was something I found months after nearly abandoning it completely....

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