Suni’s night

Story by Alex dragon on SoFurry

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Suni's night

The white tiger wincet awake of strange feeling that something wasn't right, she was lying on warm carpet whit her hands tied up behind he's back and blindfolded so only thing she saw was smooth red light of room. Slight fear flicked from Sunis back so she rose to his knees and started to struggle free from his binds. Suni struggled few moments but ropes didn't come away, tiredly Suni stopped she's hopeless struggling and whimpered "where am I" "what happened". Tears started to run on Sunis cheeks as she cried off occurred situation.

A loud bang waked her up from she's misery and she heard mean speech behind her. "well, well its finally time to you wake up" as the person spoke steps began to approach Suni's exposed back and voice spoke again "is there something wrong, you look scared? ". Suni trembled with fear and couldn't answer, voice stopped and scaly arm landed on Suni's head "aw you look very cute when you are scared" a voice said while second hand began to smooth out her right cheek.

"Where am i, who are you and why I'm here" Suni asked shyly. The hands stopped and felled on her shoulders as the person began to speak "good questions from cute girl maybe I can tell you something." voice replied in hands moved on Suni's chest. "At first you are in basement of Horny Dragon the tavern you went for night, second I'm Iron Wing the dragon" "nice to meet you" Suni replied sadly already guessing what Iron Wing would say next. "Thank you, and finally you are here because our taverns little brothel is low of slaves and you happened to step in so here you are."No" Suni cried her whole body was shaking tears flowed on her cheeks, she tried to rose and run but dragon's muscular arms wrapped around her and hold her still. "Aw you are even cuter when you are scared" dragon said moving his hands to Sunis breasts "but it's too late" he continued same time as he's hands started to rub tiger's breasts "you belong to us now" he finished moving he's hands from Suni's breasts to her blindfold and removed it. Suni trembled when blindfold moved away and behind it she saw big red bed rounded whit many different sex-toys and big gray cage in front of if.