The Pissst - Ch.3: F^ed!

Story by Xenosmilus on SoFurry

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#3 of The Pisst

Alice hits the outside sidewalk, half-choking on the mist that feels like a thick, dense steam room of "sneeze." It makes her thighs get a little bit damp deep in her panties. She feels her bra tighten as her breasts swell with arousal, and her lips feel hot and sensitive. She realizes she's getting sexually excited. But WHY? She's HORRIFIED!!! Gasping with scared adrenaline, Alice gulps down air as she begins half jogging down the sidewalk of the strip mall, running down past the store windows. With each gulp of air to feed her rushing muscles, she feels her panties get warmer and damper. She feels her bra tighten even more, like when she's at her maximum turned on. Her face feels hot like when you walk into a warm house from a winter day. BUT WHY?!

"W-wh-wha-what?!!" she gasps in a whisper to herself, telling herself in her brain that the mist is acting like a powerful aphrodisiac. Every gulp of air and taste/smell of "sneeze" she gets, her heart beats a little harder and her body wettens even more. Her crotch of her silk panties feel damp now. She hears a deep grumbling like a big cat far off in the silent distance.

"Oh c'mon!!!" she hisses to herself, thinking it must be a cougar or some other weird bullshit. As she runs, she turns her head. And finds out it's some more weird bullshit.

Lightly jogging through the cars in the parking lot is something that looks like a creature out of mythology. She can't...can't...just can't accept what she's looking at. Oddly enough, she speaks to herself in her own mind, but whispering the words. She has a bad habit of whispering her thoughts when she thinks to herself. And she gasps whispers between her jogging breaths as she tries to comprehend the predator keeping gentle pace with her through the cars.

""'s...THAT...FREAKY.....BULL.... SHIT!."

The human head with a very thin chinstrap beard focuses on her. Yellow eyes like a big cat's shine in the face of a black man. A black man with a very gentle, soft, and handsome face. If...that thing...wasn't...THAT THING...then, she'd think he was hot. But you're not hot when you're built like a sphynx with a octopus tentacle for a tail. The tail is shaped just like an octopus arm, but in place of suckers look like wet, mouthing human lips. Strong, manly lips that will nibble and suck at the skin of whoever get's caught in that tail. A long, throbbing, pink chock shaped more like a wriggling and dripping thick earthworm, juts from between his furless, chocolate-colored inner thighs. Like a shaved tiger's thighs, rippling with muscle. The thick, pink, pulsing cock whirls and roils like a spinning dildo, shaped like a earthworm's head, and drooling thick, white, viscuous sperm in a gooey white trail that weaves through the cars. The man's lips part, revealing long tiger fangs in his handsome face. His tiger ears flatten back against his head as a long purple dog tongue laps his thick, pink lips.

He smells her wetness. He knows she's ovulating. She's ripe for impregnation. She's in season.

Something inside Alice's head knows this. Her naked feet slap on the strip mall's concrete as she begins to complain loudly, "No, no, no, no, no, no, c'mon!!!"

The thing grumbles a deep, powerful big cat's purr in his throat as he begins leaping from car top to car top now. Getting closer. Big as a Siberian tiger, maybe bigger, he could easily leap the 20 foot distance upon her and take her as his own. But, like a big cat, he's playing with her.

The scent of her tight, wet pussy is intoxicating. Her body keeps swelling her breasts and flooding her thighs, only as if trying to sabotage her and beg him to come cum.

"Son of a bitch!!!" Alice hisses angrily, as her cheeks turn red as a apple. Now her running is rubbing her lips together and making her bulging clit slide and squash in her lips or against her camel-toed panties. Every step and bounce is sending hot vibrations of hard sexual satisfaction through her inner body. She gulps down a bunch of air, trying to not get tired from the jogging.


Not now. NOT NOW.

Alice grunts loud and hard, slowing to a stumbling, head-forward tumble run. Her inner thighs tremble and shiver. Rivers of pale cream run in rivets down her thighs like rivers. Her pussy clenches and splurts, soaking her crotch. She's cumming.

Her running slows even further. She throws her head back and half bounce-runs, trying to keep some speed, but trying to not end up thrusting in the air and vibrating her hard-cumming pussy right here. Her body is ready. Ready to gulp down his huge cat-monster cock and swallow every drop from his balls. Her mind...IS NOT.

Suddenly, the windows look familiar. The grocery store! She slaps at the windows hard, screaming "Lemme in, lemme in, LEMME IN!!!"

She hears the low hum of giant beating wings coming down from up above. The bees. The ones who impregnated Patty and flew her off to who-knows-where? They smelled Alice. The tiger-BBC looked up like a cat would. But his human face frowns with a intelligent sense of frustration. He sneers, grumbling a powerful growl as his long, white fangs show behind his thick, strong lips. He realizes now there's competition for the womb. It's his. Not theirs.

His thick, powerful muscles crouch him low on a car's top. Huge biceps and cat beefcake ripple beneath a pelt of thick black fur. He sways from side to side, keeping his striped yellow eyes on Alice as she slaps and bangs at the locked grocery store door. His penis begins whirling faster and vibrating as a rope of semen spills from it's pointed tip. Large cat paws flex their claws. He's ready.

The door opens and Alice falls in.

Michelle tries to close the door, but suddenly it flies open hard with a thundering slam. The glass shatters and cracks as the door flies back, sending Michelle flying backwards along the linoleum floor.

The sphynx is inside. He lands like a cat landing on ice, his claws leaving long cuts in the floor as he slides and spins. He missed Alice by inches, as his huge 600 pound body crashes into a pile of cracker boxes, sending them flying.

Everyone in the store screams as he lets loose a deep, heavy roar, scrambling back to his feet.

"THE HELL IZZAT???!!!!!!" screams Alyssa, throwing a bag of cotton at the predator.

Alice begins hysterically crying and throws herself against the wall, hands up and flopping as if she's seen a spider.

The bright yellow eyes in the human face shift from prey to prey to prey. He's confused. His perfectly shaped black eyebrows furrow between anger to fear to confusion. His round, button-like nose sniffs deeply, and a look of happy surprise now comes to his face. His long tail raises high like a cat's does when walking, the tip whirling like a octopus arm ready to snatch a sailor off a boat. The lips on the arm begin to piss and pout, soaking the arm in a wet, sticky, sweet-smelling liquid. It smells like masculine cologne.

The predator turns around, his eyes on Michelle now on her back, knees in the air, legs open, and thick chocolate brown hair a shining fan across the floor.

"GO AWAY!!!" screams Alyssa, throwing a heavy bag of rice at him. It just bounces off his furry thighs with no effect. "GO AWAY, SPHYNX!!! GO AWAY, SPHYNX!!!!"

She throws another bag at it, before he opens his mouth in a ear-shattering roar. His handsome mouth opens to reveal long, white fangs and cat-like teeth. Plus a long, black, dog-like tongue. His paw lashes out to smack the bag away. Alyssa shrinks backward with all the courage in her running down her thighs in yellow drips.

"Whoah..." Michelle looks up at the huge, powerful carnivore now approaching her, with a handsome, chocolate-colored human face. "Good kitty...goooooood kitty...kitty man....tiger black guy....thing...."

She kicks back, before rolling over on her stomach and huge breasts. Her fat ass in her pants jiggle her big plump thighs. The BBW begins trying to run on her hands and knees, her thick and chocolate colored silky hair falling down her back and shoulder.

The sphynx runs up on her like a playful cat. His tentacle-tail wraps around her thigh, soaking it in the weird liquid. His thick, warm lips slide up her back before opening and grabbing a mouthful of the back of her shirt.

"WHOAH, boy! BAD KITTY! BAD KITTYYY!!!" she yells. His paw hooks it's claws in her pants and begins pulling them down, exposing her naked back and panties for all to see. She feels the hot, wet and hard pink pillar push between her thighs, pressing against her groin. It gently vibrates and whirls in a circle, making her clit swell against her will. The fluid leaking from his tail seeps through the cloth of her pants and wets her naked skin. The places it wets become warm, like a gentle warming liquid. Or very very weak Icy-Hot.

Suddenly, she feels her heart thump heavy. Her mouth fills with saliva, and a warm soothing glow seems to emanate from her thigh to up her spine. She feels like when the doctor gave her a pain shot after she broke a bone. With the added effect of making her pussy 3 times as sensitive, and suddenly flooding itself.

"Bad.....ooohhhhhhhh bad kit......teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........."

Michelle stops moving, flopping her elbows on the floor and planting her face in her folded arms. She lifts her ass up in the air and stays on her knees. Face down, ass up. The world is swimming right now. She's in absolute bliss. Her mouth drools nonstop against her will, like she had a shot from the dentist. And the only thing drooling more than her mouth is her pussy. Her clit feels swollen and throbbing to be touched. Her lips feel absolutely soaked.

She feels the cat paw grip on her pants with the dexterity of a person's hand, clench, and pull down. She feels more of her panties and the back of her naked thighs exposed to the air. The whirling, pulsing hard cock slips in the leg of her panties like a curious worm looking to fill up a nice, tight hole. And so it does.

Michelle feels the hot, hard wriggling pole slip it's thin, pointed, and vibrating tip between her lips and slowly begin pushing inside. Her very walls feel like they're tingling, and her clit vibes with a energy as if she's on the edge of orgasm, but not there yet. Her walls spasm and she cums. HARD. She feels her inner groin shake and shudder, only helping the long intruder plunge deeper. Her entire pelvis feels like she's sitting on a washing machine going insane. She screams her lungs out, lifting her ass higher when the long, black tongue slips out the sphynx's mouth slides up her naked shoulder, under her shirt.


Michelle doesn't care anymore. She's floating. She's feels...feels...just...damn, she just feels beautiful. Her breasts feel like invisible hands are whirling her nipples. Her spine feels like it's melting into a goo of pure ecstasy, and her pussy? Ohhhhh my science, her pussy.'s like riding a washing machine, while a perfect-sized whirling-spinning dildo slips inside rubbing everything perfectly. And every breath she takes makes her feel like her orgasm is inflating, and inflating, and inflating. Before it explodes into a big, wet, messy explosion.

She feels herself lifted off the floor, as if she only weighs ounces. She opens her eyes to see the big, strong, muscular black paws trod with her. She's his prize. And he's taking her to his lair. To Not to mate. To BREED. The idea of it makes her shake like a fish out of water, cumming again as the beast takes his new mate off through the front door of the store and deep into the unknowns of the mists.

She can hear someone scream her name in the distance. Kind of. But right now....she's just ready to get fucked pregnant.

The store door slams shut. Alyssa slams against it, holding it shut.

"A LITTLE HELP?!" she screams with rage. Alice, in nothing but her panties, rushes to help her hold the door. Carrie grabs a shopping basket and runs it to the door, flipping it over like some sad sort of blockade. The 3 women suddenly rush to throw and stack things in front of the door as buzzing grows louder and louder.

Running towards the door from the parking lot comes a creature, like a furry giant dog, but with more than four legs. The normal looking four look like they belong to a monkey or some sort of many-fingered climbing tree frog. His tail curls upward like a scorpion's, but instead of a stinger is something with more similarity to a cum-dribbling human penis. He opens his mouth and something like one of those rubbery sticky-hand toys flies out, smacking the door with a rubbery-looking "hand" leaking gooey lust fluids all over the door.

"THE FUCK IZZAT?!?!?!?!?!" Carrie screams, almost falling backwards. It looks like a wooly wolf. Minus the furless legs that look like they'd fit better on a tree frog. And the scorpion-dick tail.

The huge tongue pulls back in his mouth, like a chameleon reeling in his tongue back. He looks around, before pacing back and forth in front of the door. He lifts his head, sniffing the air. Smelling Alice's wetness. His mouth drools, as does the "penis" on the tip of his scorpion tail.

The three women move in a frenzy as they stack more stuff in front of the door. Things pile high and it looks secure. They stop, dripping with sweat, to catch their breath.

"That's not gonna be enough." Alice says, wiping long wet red hair from her face and turning to find something else. She stops in her tracks and lets out a deep, scared "Ouhhh....shit."

A giant, rubbery hand covered in sticky fluid shoots out from the back of the store, slapping against her chest and neck. The six "fingers" look like a tree frog's fingers. The rubbery "arm" pulls back, snatching Alice off her naked feet and sending her flying back through the aisles and into the back of the dark store.

"MMOOOOOOOOMMM!!!" screams Alyssa, running through the aisle to save her mother. Carrie, now more mad than scared, picks up a mop like a club, and goes running behind her.

They find Alice now bent over on her hands and knees. A giant wolf with green fur and legs like a tree frog's, grips her firm and tight. Holding her in breeding position. Alice gags as the giant scorpion tail curls down toward her head, and the giant "penis" on the end of it bobs deep in her mouth. Her head is tilted back, her face tilted up. Her throat swallows the gooey gifts poured from the "cock-sting."

She muffles a loud gurgle as the "dog's" hips thrust forward, penetrating her. Her eyes bulge in confusion and over-stimulation from it's weird penis. It has a penis just like a bee's penis: shaped like a sail boat with two sails rather than a pole. Her vagina is stretched and stimulated in ways she never imagined possible. Her clitoris is vibrated, her uterus is penetrated, her walls are all rubbed at the same time, and her lips are pinched and nibbled. All by this wild, unusual alien penis.

She swallows down a big mouthful before her whole body begins to shudder, shiver and thrash from a orgasm like none she's ever had in her life. She feels her uterus gently flushing full of little eggs and plenty of sperm. Her walls shudder and contract, spasm and press down. Her clitty bulges and throbs. Alice cums again before she finishes cumming the first time, and she cums through her ass too. It's too much. Like orgasms being stacked on top of one another. Having 3 before one can finish, and one in your ass just begins. Her eyes bulge in a new kind of pleasure and her cock-engorged lips smile with a filthy satisfaction.

"Get pregnant..." whispers a odd, disembodied voice said to the back of her head. "Get good and pregnant. You are precious, be a mother again."

She doesn't understand it exactly. But she knows said it. She muffles into the cock in her mouth an answer. She can barely speak through cumming. But she responds...

"...I will."

The front of the store's windows smash open as giant bees, butterflies and things like flying dogs fly in, ready to mate. Alyssa grabs Carrie, and they run to a back of the store, kicking open a door, and fleeing out into the employee parking behind the strip mall.

Carrie races towards her car, fiddling with the keys before opening the door. They rush in, slamming the doors shut, locked and panicking inside. Everywhere is coated in the mist. The fog is so thick that they can't see 20 feet in front of them. Carrie starts the car, kicking on her high beams. The lights cut through the fog, only to light up what looks like a giant flower that slowly creeps along four roots to inch along like slugs. It is shaped like a closed brussel sprout, but it slowly pulses like a slow human heart. Inside is the shape of people, wriggling and writhing slowly. The shape they see the most is a woman's body, with a huge swollen belly and her legs spread wide open. The body rolls and humps inside, like she's lost in a sexual dream. Thick tendrils and tentacles of the plant pump her pussy deep and slow, driving her into untold orgasms. Eggs the size of someone's glass beads pump inside her waiting womb like seeds on a factory conveyor belt. The top of the flower opens, drooling something like honey, before a naked woman is slowly spit out the top.

She slowly slides out before sliding down the outside of the plant like a ball of grease rolling down a cold wall. She plops on the ground, soaked in something like honey, while opening her thighs wide and furiously masturbating as if she can't get enough. Her belly is huge, looking 9 months pregnant. She rolls and thrusts her hips in air as her pussy lips puff out bigger and bigger, before they open and push out a huge, brown seed that is as smooth as a pearl, but big as a small apple. She sits up, getting into a squatting position, while still furiously masturbating herself and groaning long and hard. She squirts orgasm juices onto the soil, before sitting down on the ground and pushing something out of her. She bounces up and down on the soil, as if trying to force it out her pussy into the soil. She gets back up in a squatting position, and the seed is firmly pushed into the soil. She shudders hard and screams as a huge torrent of fluid gushes out of her pussy on the seed, causing it sink deeper into the soil. She then falls on her hands and knees, moving to a new spot in the soil, and repeating it all over again.

She's giving birth to the seeds, and planting them. And when she's done, she can return to climb back inside the warm plant and be seeded again. And again. Because THAT is all she wants now. Sleep, orgasm, cumming, impregnation, cumming, planting, cumming, sleep, repeat. She looks high on a drug as she looks up at the huge, creeping plant and screams "I LOOOOVVVVVVVEEE YUUUUUUUU!!! I LOV...I LOVE YYYOUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFF!!!!"

The plant's lips split open at the top, pushing out another naked woman. A beautiful woman...with long, grey hair. It's Mrs. Wilson...

"Fuck thissss...." Alyssa shivers, and Carrie slams on the gas. They race out from around the back of the strip mall and through the foggy parking lot. Massive creatures, like insects and octopuses, mixed together in the mind of a perverted woman tentacle and egg-laying fetish, fly and float overhead. They don't seem to pay the car any attention.

They drive slow, due to the dense fog. As Alyssa stares out the window, she sees a huge lamia: a snake woman built like Medusa, on the side of the road. A man's head sticks out of her pussy, coated in thick, gooey pussy juice and staring up at her as if lost in love.

She smiles down and nods softly a loving "yes." and pushes him down into her snatch. His head sinks deep between her pussy lips. And her lips close. The bulge slowly undulates down deeper into her tail. Deeper and deeper. She opens her pussy lips wide, and now nothing but pink and a swallowing uterus can be seen. She mouths a "I love you too..." before letting her lips close and looks up at the car. She looks sweet and kind. Like any loving MILF from a middle class white neighborhood. And down inside her sinks the in-love Hispanic boy. She waves cutely at the car.

Alyssa shudders and looks away.

As they drive slowly down the road, Carrie turns on the radio. Nothing but static. She changes the station. Nothing. She then changes to a station with some music on. A long, slow country song plays. Then, it turns off and a gentle, deep breathing speaks into the microphone. A woman with a high pitched Japanese accent speaks softly.

"Come outside. Come outside. Please. Let us all play outside. Come outside. Come outside. Ple-"

Alyssa snaps off the radio.

The ground rumbles. Carrie slows the car and they look up the windshield to look outside. A monstrous creature, like something out of a Lovecraftian hentai, lumbers past. It's tall as a building, and tentacles whirl from everywhere. Long ropes of slime hang from it's bottom, and stuck to them are people. Many people. Legs open or bent over. And tentacles gently penetrating their every hole. The screams of orgasms and lustful "YESSSS!! FUCK MEEEE!!!" bellows from the people like a crowd having an orgy.

Alyssa sees her teacher, the black milf, Mrs. Dirkenberg, naked and writing while webbed up by slime to one of the monster's giant legs. She thrusts her toned skinny hips into the air and gasps loudly in passion. Her long, thin braids are glued to the creature by something like goopy cum. She looks absolutely bukkake'd. Tentacles penetrate her mouth, her ass, and her pussy. Even smaller ones penetrate her the nipples of her small, bubbly breasts. Her cheeks blush brightly and she screams in orgasm after orgasm. She gulps and swallows the tentacle hungrily, trying to milk it of every drip of genes it has to pump inside her fertile body. When one tentacle pumps it's load and pulls out, another one quickly takes it's place. And when they do, the usually quiet and prude teacher screams "YESSS!! YESSS!!! UNNNFFFF PUT IT IN MUUWWWFFFFFFFFF!!!!"

A cheerleader on the side of the road lays on her back, her legs open, and a giant purple slug mounted on her thrusts it's huge alien penis deeper and deeper. The girl is stuck to it by slime, but grabs and hugs on it as she slams her hips up against it harder and faster. The giant creature groans a loud, deep purring sound as it keeps gently pumping it huge pulsing penis deeper and deeper. Right next to them is a Asian girl covered in slime. Her dress stuck to her, legs open and leaking white fluid. Her belly is swollen pregnant, and she whines at the slug, grabbing at it to return between her legs.

They keep slowly driving. Alyssa keeps changing the radio stations. She finally finds one with people speaking.

...alled the Beef-Curtain project. This is a state of national emergency, please do not go outside. Military personnel have been sent to rescue and secure civili-

Alyssa turns the station off and sighs, depressed. Carrie looks at her confused. Alyssa sighs, tapping on the glass of her window to point at something they slowly roll past. Carrie looks out the passenger window to see a military truck sitting idle in a school parking lot. Army clothes lay strewn across the grass, parking lot, street, even up in the trees. Lamias surround the truck, all laying around smiling and talking to one another. Their bellies swell up big. Or their tales just below their pussies show bulges in them. For most them, it's both.

In the trees, spider women web up human men while they pump their abdomens on their cocks, smiling and whispering he's going to be a father to her babies. Men groan and yell as they bust their loads deep in vaginas that puff out at the end of giant spider abdomens. The jorogumo women kiss them sweetly, whispering how wonderful fathers they will be to drider daughters. Most of the men look content to become father to spider-women aliens from some weird mist dimension. Some even kiss the spider women back passionately.

Alyssa looks at Carrie.

"Military rescue, huh? They look busy."

Carrie shrugs as if she doesn't care anymore.

"So, whatta we do, Ecchi Neko?"

"Let's just keep going till we find some kind of humanity."

"And if we run out of gas?"

"...welp....then, we can always just take our clothes off, go outside, and get fucked really, really, really good."

Carrie sighs in her seat, slowly turning the corner. A wad of cum from somewhere in the distance splatters across the windshield. She just flips on the windshield wipers as if not caring. She thought of that weird creature with the body of a tiger and the head a black guy. Such a odd human-beast hybrid, with that funky tentacle tail....and wild, whirling penis...

"Y'know what, Neko?"


"To be honest...I always did kinda want to fucked by the sphynx, anyway..."

"I know what you mean. I think I wanna get knocked up by a kappa."

"At least, we don't have to worry about school anymore."

"No wonder I feel so, you think my "brother" will have four legs?"

"Lets swing back in a few months and see..."

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