Feel the HEAT

Story by Sergei fives on SoFurry

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#4 of The wonderful misadventures of Sergei Freeman

4- Feel the HEAT

Six days after the Eterna forest incident:

"So, Sergei, should we go to Eterna city?" Ivan asked me. I calmly angrily shouted: " IF WE CAN FIND A WAY TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE FOREST!!!" My yelling alerted a nearby person in a spacesuit of my presence. "Hey! You! Wanna fight ya pathetic bitch! Cuz Team Galactic never loses a single fight, no matter how strong the opponent is... If you win I might show you the way to Eterna forest, for a small fee." "Did you call me a pathetic bitch?" I asked him. He nodded... So I pulled out my sidearm, a USP.45 and said; " Who's pathetic now, motherfucker! Show us the way out, and I might not shoot you, ya terrorist!". The grunt snickered and said, while pointing to a break in the fence five meters away; " The exit is just over there asshole!" Bad move... I shot him in the leg and then kicked him to his knees. "Quit, or else you might see me again, and I remember faces very well... I'll kill you first. And I know of your plans to capture Dialga and Palkia to destroy the universe. Tell Cyrus, that he has an entire squad of an anti-terrorist personnel who's been watching his base of operations in Veilstone, and the building in Eterna. OH! I forgot to mention. Their orders for the assault is to kill all members on sight, without hesitation! Tell him that, or else I'll tell him, before putting two bullets in his brain.", he stuttered out " O - okay, just, please don't kill me!" I walked away, after throwing a small roll of bandages at his face. " Enjoy." I said coldly to the ass clown.

Two hours later:

" Can we go to a pub Sergei?" Ivan asked me for the hundredth time since we got to Eterna city. He broke me then and there... I snapped ' Fine', so he dragged me, while Janet followed, into the nearest pub.

When we got there, I couldn't believe my eyes. Not only did Aidan survive, but he drank forty pints of whateverthefuck, as evidenced by the forty empty pint glasses on the table in front of him. " Surgie! Ivin'! Is that you, ya russin' bastads'! About time, ya twat. Bout' at' beer ah owed ya Surgie!" The VERY drunk Irish soldier yelled (He easily out drunk even the people passed out at the bar by... Um... thirty drinks of pure russian alcohol.) at Ivan and I.

Two hours later:

" We've known each other, for so long, your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it. Inside we both know, what's going on. We know the game and we're, gonna play it. I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. Gotta make you, understand. Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and, desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you." Ivan, Aidan and I all sang at the same time (but a tad bit off key, because we were drunk.). " I love yous Janet!" I shouted out.

Three hours earlier:

" Janet has been acting weird all day, can I help her someway?" I asked Nurse Joy, " I don't know, has she had her heat yet?" I shrugged and told her "I don't think so. Probably not though."

Present (three hours after saying "I love yous Janet"):

"You really love me!? Do you? Please tell me! I'm in heat!" Janet begged to me while I was in our hotel room. "Yes, I love you with all my heart Janet. Please, can we start now, after you made me drink twelve pints of water, and visiting Nurse Joy to see if I was still drunk, which I'm not, and when she gave me hangover pills, whateverthefuck those were, No I'm not drunk." I replied to my faithful Eevee. "Okay, but Sergei, whenever I'm with you, you have been wearing that gas mask most of the time! Can you take it off, so I can see your beautiful face again?" I never even realized that I was still wearing my C-4 (the gas mask kind, not the bomb vest kind), so I nodded and took off the gas mask to reveal a face that many people hated (due to the fact that they were terrorists, and I'm in an Anti-terrorist military unit.). "You have a lovely face, Sergei." She muttered the rest: "Blue-Gray eyes, brown, short hair, medium sized lips, a cute scar just above his left eyebrow-" " Since when were you silver? And you know I can hear you, so can we get to it?" I snickered and said "You remind me of my first girlfriend... I was twelve at the time, and living in Russia. If only she was still alive..."

Moscow - Russia - ten years ago:

"Come on Sergei, they're almost on top of us!" Anastasia, my girlfriend said to me, referring to 'The Family' (As in the Mafia we've pissed off). "I'm going as fast as I can Anastasia!" I said to her. 'Only twelve more kilometers to the railyard, where our employers are waiting with transportation to Canada, where our parents are.' I thought to myself out loud. "Shit! I think they've found us!" Anastasia said very loudly (it wasn't a yell though. Thank god for that.), so I shushed her. 'They won't find us, not now, and not ever!' I thought to myself. I was wrong.

After a few more minutes of sprinting through narrow alleys, fitness centers, and one car wash, the big city atmosphere gave way to an industrial district. We sprinted through coal yards, workbays, factories, and an old warehouse, we finally reached our destination: Muzey Lokomotivnogo Depo or in Anastasia's words "A big ass, motherfucking rail depot!"

Anastasia and I were so happy when we reached our ride out of town... Also, for the first time Anastasia kissed me on the lips. My first kiss was ruined by the sound of a gunshot. Anastasia's last words were "Damn bastards... Run Sergei! I don't want you to die... Find somebody else to love. Leave me... RUN!! LIVE FO - for m - me."

Sadly I ran...

End Flashback.

"So... Umm. Sergei? Can we start?"