Commission - The Alpha Wolf

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#8 of Commissions

A large wolf wanders in search for new mates. What's that? A cub all alone in the backyard? Well, well...

hey ya'll! i present to ye a 10 pager (with a few extra pages for a "log") for Anon1! my deepest thankies ^^. this was my first time writing about feral, it was pretty fun! i might write about that some more in my personal work HUEHUE.Want a story of your very own?

Just wanna leave a tip? I love me some Ko-Fi!

The Alpha Wolf

By: byruble

A faint orange beam in the mountainous horizon marks the end of another hot and humid summer's day. Scattered clouds in the deepening navy blue sky blanket the calm city streets. Street lights beam to life as the world's bright star fades from view.

Peering into the city from the mountainous outskirts is a large wolf roughly the size of a full grown grizzly bear. The dim sunlight struggles to reflects off of its matt obsidian fur, giving him a more shadow-like appearance from a distance. He stands tall on a flat boulder near a cliff, using his pointed muzzle to sort out the scents in the city. His beady amber eyes dart around each home.

"Ah... there", he thinks to himself, locking eyes onto a row of backyards nearest the city limits. He lunges down the rocky hill, keeping his muzzle facing towards his target. Dust and debris fall from his sweaty coat with every powerful stomp.

*sniff sniff*... He slows to a trot as he approaches the backyards' sturdy brick walls. "Got a good feeling about this territory..." He rests his large belly against the wall, allowing him a better view over the walls.

"Let's see... old furniture... unused barbeque grills... toys... trash... hmph." With a loud growl, he moves on to the next home. "...Just junk it seems. There has to be something..."


"Hmm?" The wolve's thick ears investigate the tiny sound with a swivel. His curiosity leads him to a swinging gate five houses down. With a shove of his muzzle, he allows himself inside.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A young puppy girl all by herself? Barely able to walk by the looks of it. Couldn't be older than four. Labrador? Corgi? Doesn't matter." His beady eyes focus on the home's windows. "Lights on upstairs, lights off downstairs. Neglectful parents, these. No matter, this works in my favor."

"Huh?" The little cub peeks over her shoulder. "W-WOOOOW! B-BIG P-PUPPY!"

"Let's hope you don't scream or I'll be forced to..." The squinting wolf pauses. "That smell... did she just-"

"I pee pee'd myself!" The trembling cub whines as she holds down her bright pink skirt. "B-Big scary p-puppy!"

"Ah... so she did." He approaches the frightened cub and forces his snout in between her shaky legs. "Hmm. Smells more like apple juice than urine. Very weak scent. Couldn't even mark a small bush. She's no threat to me. A good first edition to my new pack."

"Nice... puppy?" The cub's tiny voice squeaks. He hasn't bit her yet, so perhaps this big puppy is friendly? She bravely places her small paw on the thick clumps of fur of his head. It's rough and dirty, but still pettable.

"I'll make good use of this young one. Can't pass a rare opportunity like this. But first, this needs to go..."

The eager wolf bites onto her frilly pink diaper, taking care not to damage his soon-to-be property. With a loud crinkle, the soiled diaper finds itself alone and cold on the ground. The cub's moist girlhood is revealed to him.

"Oh! Time for changey?"

"I've got other plans." He licks his lips at the sight of her urine covered vulva and thighs. "I'll need to get her in position first. Since I'm in a rather good mood I'll allow her to present herself to me. Should that fail there's always the always reliable pin down." In the blink of an eye, he shoves the girl onto the ground with the side of his head.

"Owie! M-Mean doggie!" Her fearful tone returns to her. She watches the wolf get himself into a pouncing position: tail in the air and head near the ground.

"Huh?" The girl gets back on her feet and dusts herself off. "I can ride you, puppy?"

"Hmph. I'll give it one more try before my patience is up." Once more, he shoves the toddler onto the ground.

"Oof! Wh-why puppy?"

"Do... as I do..." Again in the pouncing position, he shifts his eyes from his body to her.

"You... wanna play copy cat?"

"Not so dumb after all," he nods to satisfy her question.

The compliant cub turns her back to the wolf and bends over, resting her paws on the ground. Her long straight tail bends upwards towards her back, lifting her skirt along with it. The wolf gets a full view of her protruding pink puppy pussy and her modest butt. She smiles at him from between her legs as if awaiting further instruction.

"Good girl." He leans down to get a better view of her presented hindquarters. "Cleaning time."

With a loud slapping sound, his tongue pastes itself onto her petite buttcheek. He begins to rim her pin sized tail hole, making sure to spread his thick saliva on as much of her butt as he can. In no time, the girl's natural scent is effectively suppressed by the wolf's smelly breath. He repeats this leisurely paced motion a few times, the radius of the rotation getting closer and closer to her anus with each revolution.

"Ooh... that feels so weird..." The half-eyed cub mumbles, this confusing feeling sending pleasant tingles up her back.

He pulls back and licks his lips clean of her taint. Thick trails of his saliva drip down to her young pussy lips and thighs. It looks as if someone squirted a whole bottle of lube all over her.

"What a delicacy. She tastes immature, yet so very, very sweet. Smells a little dirty but unmistakably female. Wasn't expecting that from an unripened fruit..."

"Are you... done cleaning me, puppy?" The girl asks with a wiggly smile.

"Hmph." He grins. "Time to get in those hard to reach areas..."

"OOF!" The cub grunts as the large wolf mounts her without warning. His weight brings her down to her knees and elbows. His smelly fur surrounds her like a thick unwashed wooly blanket. "H-Hey! You're super heavy!"

The tip of his fully erect penis rests atop the entrance to her tiny prepubescent lips. He smears his saliva and precum around it for an extra slick experience. Ready to go, his eager cock begins poking and prodding at her virgin girlhood. The entrance is sealed it seems. Harder shoves and pushes yield no better results.

"Stop it! That's my special pee pee! No touching!" She yells, clenching her tiny pussy lips together with all her might.

"How dare you deny what is rightfully mine, insolent brat!" The sneering wolf reaches under him and bites down on the girl's perky ears. His cock knocks at her clenched entrance like the cops at a loud house party.

"Owie, owie, owie! Stop it you big meany!" A single tear slides down her rosy cheeks. She tightens her clench in a natural response to the pain.

"Open up child..." He bites down harder, almost to the point of drawing blood.

"Ow ,ow, ow! Okay, okay!" The teary eyed cub submits and releases her clench.

"Now to teach you a lesson in obedience... one you'll soon not forget." With a loud huff, his cock spearheads its way inside her airtight pussy, loud fleshy sounds and all. It stops halfway as if slamming headfirst into a wall.


"That's right... scream all you want..." He pulls himself out and plunges back in with the same intensity. Her screams of agony are effectively muted by his thick fur, the sound resembling a muffled tea kettle if anything.

The penetrated cub finds her cries and shrieks for help slowly subsiding. A strong scent in the air demands her attention now. It's like a punch to the face. Pure testosterone... fur that hasn't been cleaned in weeks... masculine dog breath. It's almost hypnotizing. Her mind slowly turns into a haze.

"Finally settling down, are we?" The wolf smirks at her quiet whimpers. "I'll give you the other half of me as a reward..."

The pinned girl forcibly grunts as the determined wolf bangs his cock against her cervix like a fleshy battering ram. Thrust after thrust he can feel the tip of his crimson missile begin to breach her last line of defense. It's only a matter of time now...

"Puppy... please stop..."

"I'll stop... when I'm FINISHED!" As if charging his thrust with the 'A' button, his cock finally pierces her cervix. His entire length, save for his knot, buries itself inside her now fully accommodating girlhood.

"Mmmf... ow..." The cub winces and groans, but no screams or yells escape her this time. It hurts, but his scent... that powerful dominating scent. It's beginning to alter her pain into a subservient form of pleasure.

"Ah... the sweet sound of submission." He pulls himself out of her snug pussy with a wide grin. "Nothing quite like it..."

The dazed cub grunts and whimpers with every deep thrust from her penetrator. Her once untouched cunny now grips onto the massive wolf meat with the intent to suffocate it. Of course, this only adds to wolf's pleasure. Her girly juices coat the angry cock with her light scent. The sweet immature aroma of her cub cunny being overpowered by his own musk nearly sends the wolf over the edge.

"Not sure I can keep this up for long... this is the tightest female I've ever had the pleasure of mounting." He continues his glacial pace, the moist wrinkles and folds of her cub pussy massaging his erection with every pump. "Simply sublime..."

The pain now completely fades away as the pungent wolf musk practically rewires her brain. It's starting to feel a little better. It doesn't feel good, it feels... right. Like this is where she belongs kind of right... bent over like a good girl for her horny master.

Her little hips begin moving on their own, assisting the angry red rod's plummet inside her. The cock finds a few more centimeters to play with as her body loosens up. It seems even her own body is unconsciously looking for more ways to please the wolf.

"That's the spirit, child," the wolf chuckles. "So eager to please me. I appreciate the enthusiasm."

His thrusts become harder and deeper, now literally lifting the cub off her knees with every pump. She takes pleasure in becoming his personal kebab but is more infatuated with the many scents surrounding her, mainly the smelly sweat running down the wolf's fur and his steamy pungent cock. She wants more, no, needs more.

"It's think it's about time i truly claim this bitch as my own. She can't wait either, I can tell." He leans over and bites down on other ear.

No pain this time, only a slight sting of pleasure. She smiles and breathes in his hot rancid dog breath clouding her face. This is what the big puppy wants. He must be satisfied no matter what. A quiet moan leaves her clenched teeth at the thought of pleasing her master.

Squishy slapping sounds become more audible the as the wolf increases his speed. He can feel his seed locked and loaded, ready to fire at his command. It's time.

With a boisterous smack against the cub's buns, the wolf's knot gets gulped between her tight vulva. He can feel her organs displacing to make way for his large bulbous flesh. It's snug inside her now with only one thing left to do...

"You... are... MINE!" The wolf unleashes a fury of white creamy sauce deep within the limp cub's womb with a thunderous growl. Her fleshy walls are quickly painted with the eggshell colored spunk, the satisfying warmth bringing a smile to the cub's face. She nearly forgets her head being tugged upwards by her bitten ear.

"Perfection..." He releases her ear with a loud sigh. His hips twitch as he releases the rest of his white ooze into her cervix. "That's an awful lot of seed... never had this happen before. Looks like i snagged myself a good bitch."

"Are you... happy, big puppy?" The girl asks, peeking her head from under him.

"I'm satisfied, if that's what you mean."

After a few minutes of practically baking his cock inside her hot pussy, he decides it's time to give it some air. A tug... another tug... another tug aaaand... *POP*! His knot is free. With the fleshy stopper gone, the gooey wolf jizz gushes to the floor like a thick milky waterfall.

"Oooh," the cub coos. While the feeling of such a large cock finally outside of her is relieving, she feels as if there's more she can do to please him. If her body is worn out, perhaps someone else can take her place...

"Wait here big puppy!" The giggling girl slides her diaper back on and rushes inside, creampied and covered in sweat. "Mommy! Moooooommy!"

"Only mommy? No daddy?" The wolf licks his lips. "Jackpot. This is going to be... eh?" His ears pick up chatter from the hills. "Sounds... familiar..."

"Yes, we're scientists, it's what we do. No, I'm not mad that i drew the short straw and had to come out here to collect dried grass samples. I'm just saying it's suspicious that it's me every time. Hmm? Slow down. I got bad reception. Jeez, calm dow-.... wait, what? ...WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT ESCAPED!? OH MY GOOOOOOOOO-"

"Mommy? Mooooooommy!"

"Oh, what is it honey?" The cub's mom responds in monotone, slumping down the spiral stairs. "You done playing outside?" She spots a large white glob running down her daughter's leg. "What in the hell... did you just poop out sour cream or something?"

"It's a gift from the big puppy! It's your turn!"

"Big... puppy?" She peeks toward the sliding backyard doors. "Hmm... don't see nothin'. C'mere baby, let's get you changed."

"Yes mommy!"

She pulls down the moistened diaper to check the damage. There's damage, alright. A gaping puppy cunny and cum lathered all over her pelvis. She wants to say something... anything. This is truly concerning, but... what in the world is that smell?

"Wow..." Her muzzle wiggles as she takes in the cream's potent scent. "I feel like... like I have to..." She licks her lips as she stares at the cum still oozing from her daughter. "Uhm... hold still, baby..."

"Huh? Mommy what are you-AHH!" The cub bites her lip as her mom's warm tongue runs across her vulva.

"Mmm... I'm just... cleaning you... yeah..." Her mom laps and sucks the captivating ooze off of her daughter's tiny cunt. She follows the trail down to her tailhole.

"Hehe that tickles mommy!" Her tail wags as the wandering tongue tickles her tiny anus.

The mom's tongue massages the cub's sore pussy and tailhole in a figure eight fashion. She's just about done cleaning up the mess, so why is the scent getting stronger?

"Oh, there he is mommy!"

"Wha...?" Her mom stops mid-lick and turns around. "Oh my...!"

"So that's the mother huh?" The wolf smiles, exposing his fang. "The resemblance is uncanny. Those wide hips though... perfectly fuckable."

The mom is both shocked and excited to find the source of the cream's powerful scent. It feels as if she has somehow already formed a bond with the wolf. Her mind slowly turns hazy as his musk introduces itself.

"You must be... the big puppy that filled my daughter up..." She licks her fingers clean of his spunk. "I'm guessing you're here for more?"

"I like her," the wolf chuckles. "Both of them will make for very good-"

"Mommy... my belly hurts..."

"Oh! Uhm... can I... check on my daughter?" Her mom asks the wolf for permission, not being entirely sure as to why. Given his nod of approval, she gently rubs the squirming girl's belly. Her paw is met with light rumbles and squelching. "Uh oh... tummy ache, huh?"

"I think I know how to fix this..." The wolf shoves the mom away and spreads the girl's legs apart. He glues his tongue back onto her tailhole and gently rims her.

"Hehe big puppy s-stop! You're gonna make me... ooh...!"

*PRRT!* A tiny squishy fart blows against his flat tongue. The pooey scent mixes with his hot dog breath, adding to the kitchen's overall stinkiness. He licks and licks, causing more tiny farts to bombard his tongue.

"I see. It's only gas. I can relieve her of that..."

The mom watches as the wolf climbs onto the table and aims his half chub at her daughter's tiny brown hole. She wants to stop him but her instincts to protect her kin feel as if they're being... overwritten.

She instead begins rubbing her breasts together, eagerly awaiting the giant cock to penetrate her daughter's practically invisible tailhole. This feels... right. An offering for her master. Of course he can have her daughter, he can have whatever he wants. The alpha always gets what he wants.

"Ow! My bumbum!"

The wolf's raging boner pierces the cub's backdoor and stops halfway, just like earlier. Her rectal walls can only stretch so far. He pulls slowly pulls himself out, accompanied by a light *pffff* sound.

"Cute." The wolf smirks as her pooey flatulence reaches his large muzzle. "I'll pump into her a couple more times to be sure it's all out. I need to make sure my new mates last me a long time."

"Ah... ah... ah! It feels like I hafta poo, big puppy!"

"Is that right?" The wolf glares at her and snarls.

"J-Just kidding! S-Sowwy!"

Her mom pants, imagining herself in her daughters place. She needs him inside her. She must have his seed. He already had his time with her daughter. It's only fair...

"What's this?" The wolf observes the cub's mother bending over, skirt lifted and tail in the air. "My other bitch is ready for the taking... excellent." He unmounts the half-eyed cub, his cock swinging around dripping with his precum and various anal fluids. "It ain't gonna clean itself..."

"Wow..." The mom stares in awe at the glistening wolf meat. A subconscious thought pokes at her mind. Maybe she should clean that up her daughter's mess...

As if on autopilot, she gets on her knees and opens her mouth. Her tail wags as the wolf's girth approaches. He flexes his cock and rests it atop her lips.


And suck she does, but not without giving the crimson rod a good whiff. It smells like what you'd expect coming out of an anus but it definitely has her daughter's signature scent, particularly the coppery prepubescent aroma of her pussy. He got her good and she's damn proud of that.

She can't hold her undying need to satisfy him any longer. She jams most of his smelly slimy cock down her throat, its sheer girth nearly giving her lockjaw. It doesn't taste too good: it's bitter, salty and a little spicy for some reason. This doesn't bother her at all, however. Her concern for her personal satisfaction has been completely allocated towards the wolf's pleasure. Does this feel good to him? She must make sure it does no matter what.

Another tingle in her brain... he demands his cock be squeaky clean by the time she's finished. Her flappy tongue happily obliges. It swishes from side to side as the cock enter and exits her mouth, like the curtains of a car wash. She sucks and swallows the slime and precum off of it as if she was born to do it.

"Heh... it's as if she knows exactly what I want. Now THAT'S a good girl..."

"Mmm... ah!" With a loud pop, the wolf dislodges his large meat stick from her throat. A trail of saliva traces from her lips to the floor.

"That's good enough. I hope you're ready..."

The cub watches as her mom's muzzle plants itself back onto her soft girly bits once again. She laps around her gaping tailhole, this time the feeling a bit slimier thanks to the precum on her tongue. She basks in the mixed scents of the wolf's cock, her mom's breath and her own gaping holes. Intoxicating.

The mom feels her master's menacing presence approach from behind. Her long tail lifts up on its own, rising the skirt to expose her plump buttcheeks. She reaches behind her and pulls her sticky neon red panties to the side to present her dripping wet sex.

"Well, well, well..." The wolf mounts the submissive female. "This should be good..." The tip of his rod peeks inside her dark brown marshmallowy vulva. "Mmm... tight, but not suffocating. These two bitches will have their uses." He lunges forward, jamming the first half of his girth inside the hot fleshy dog pussy.

"Oh... wow...!" The mom moans as she looks her daughter in the eyes. "He fit all of this inside you? My brave little girl!"

"Hehe, thanks mommy!" The cub smiles and looks above her. "Hi big puppy!"

"Hmph," he huffs. "Gonna dig all the way inside her. I'm eager to see how this feels..."

"Huh? What are you-OOUUCH!" The mom grunts as the entirety of his cock bursts her cervix wide open. It sings a little, but the thought of pleasing her alpha's cock quickly helps numb the pain.

"Mmm... perfect fit. Now for the fun part..."

The wolf begins humping his mate with slow deep strokes. Her squishy velvet walls collapse onto his cock as if tucking it in for bed every time is enters. The sensation is further intensified by the ample pussy cream lathered around inside.

"Yeees... her body is practically begging for my seed... like mother like daughter."

"Mmf...mmm..." The mom moans and groans under her voice. The wolf's thick sweaty fur pressed against her back saturates her breathing space with his overburdening masculine odor. Her own scent begins to fade away, lost in the wolf's wild untamed musk.

She continues eating out her little cub with rising intensity to match the action on her rear. Her daughter takes the licking with pleasure, a nice relaxing massage to help sooth her sore cunny from the beating it took earlier. Her mommy will lick her clean of this milky mess in no time.

"Yeeeesss... faster... FASTER!" The growling wolf increases his pumps to four a second. The quick thrusts create a lewd slapping sound against his bitch's soft sweaty buttcheeks. Her tail begins to wag, no, vibrate with anticipation of his seed.

"This is it..." Without warning, he chomps down hard onto her shoulder. She winces but keeps her tears and painful groans to herself. She instead responds with a closed eyed smile. If this pleases her master, it pleases her too.

"You... are now..." He flexes his cock and prepares his final thrust. "My BITCH!"

"Oh goodness!" The mom feels her pussy stretch as his knot forces itself inside her. The pain fades as his cum begins to fill her to the brim. Its gooey warmth numbs her innards and satisfies her maternal urge for his seed. "Ahh... f-finally... that was... huh?"

"Got an extra special gift for you." The wolf flips the mom on her back, pulls out his gushing cock and shoves it into her mouth.

"Whoa--mmf!" The smelly meat stick seals her lips and unloads its second helping of cum down her throat. She gulps the salty concoction with haste, as if she were severely dehydrated.

"Simply... divine." He eyeballs his two new playthings with a wide grin. "These two will make for excellent fucks. I'll leave my mark so I may find this place later. I'll definitely be coming back..."

He yanks his drained tube out of the mother's mouth and begins to urinate all over her and the cub. The golden stream finds its way to their faces, breasts and pussy. They take his ammonia reeking fluid with utter elation. Whatever is left of their scent is now completely gone. They are now officially owned by this magnificent creature.

"Ahh..." The wolf sighs with a wide grin. "That should do it. Until next time... eh? EUGH!" A small object shoots out of his mouth and lands on the ground. "Hmph... I'll let them deal with that." He shakes off his fur and leaves through the sliding kitchen doors.

"Wow. That was incredible," the urine covered mom whispers. "Huh? What's that?" She spots a small saliva-covered rectangular device where the wolf was standing. It seems to be some kind of high tech device with the ever-so-familiar green play button...


Alpha Gene Log... Loaded.

Update 1. Week 0: This is uh... I guess update one. Once again we will select a animal and hope to God it lives. All female test subjects have died due to what we're guessing is incompatibility with the Gene, leaving only the King Lion alive. Unfortunately, the subject lion had to be put down due to his aggressiveness; he killed his caretaker and anyone that would enter his "territory" as the caretaker called it. With our only survivor of the Gene being dead we must once AGAIN select another animal... sigh.

We chose an Alpha Wolf this time. Him and his pack were spotted in a nearby town so it was an easier target. Under the guise of animal control we sedated the pack and brought them back in seperate cages. Their new mare caretaker just loved the cute pups. Shortly after his arrival they injected the alpha with the Gene and moved him to our clear wall habitat.

Update 2. Week 1: It has been a week since we injected the Gene and the alpha is still alive! He doesn't do much besides eat and sleep, though. He's grown too, at least two times his original size! The Gene must be taking effect.

Update 3. Week 2: The alpha's growth seemed to have stopped at around two and a half times his original size. Still not much activity from him... after marking his territory, it's back to his usual routine of eating and sleeping. He's quite lethargic... I'm not entirely sure what I hope to see him do, but please do something, ANYTHING!

Update 4. Week 2 day 5: The Aapha bit the caretaker! WHY WAS SHE PETTING HIM!? I look away for one second and while she is putting his food down she goes to pet him. You're supposed to be in and out. He's just a big dumb dog! He doesn't need to be coerced into eating! Her excuse was that he looked cute and smelled nice so she just HAD to pet him. Is she fucking stupid!?

Update 5. Week 4: After that dumb mare's biting incident put this project on hold we're finally back at it. She had to get multiple blood test which all came up negative to the Gene. I've been assigned to supervisor her whenever she has to feed him. You'd think it would leave her traumatized or something but nope! This sucks...

Update 6. Week 5: Looks like the mare isn't the only dumb animal here. IT seems the alpha can't learn anything and whenever he does anything, which again, would only be eating and sleeping, his eyes are unfocused. Do not tell me the Gene that's suppose to help us evolve will make us brain dead idiots!

Update 7. Week 5 Day 4: The caretaker says he needs a pack. It should explain why he doesn't do anything. He already has territory, food and shelter. All that's left is a pack. So with her being the uh... expert on feral animals, our team released the rest of the wolves into his habitat.

Update 8. Week 6: Let me summarize what happen since release in the caretaker's words. "Oh my... how ...hmm." Since the merge he has been "fucking", her words not mine, all of the pack members non-stop. He doesn't seem to care at all about their age or gender. He just rutts them. The caretaker seems to be enjoying this by the looks of those rosy cheeks. She told me he's not even doing it for reproductive purposes. He impregnates them all, sure, but he ultimately just wants sex. Anything he wants or needs they will give him. At least that's what she tells me. How the fuck would she know any of that?

Update 9. Week 12: His semen is incredible. It gets his mates pregnant on the first day every time. It's also like a uh... aphrodisiac... gender switcher thing? I DON'T EVEN KNOW! She's the expert, I'll admit that. It gets crazier, however. It would take around two weeks for birth instead of the usual nine weeks. Also, get this... after rutting the males in the pack and releasing his seed inside them, they would begin to show feminine features. I didn't notice that until the caretaker pointed that out. After about a week the males would develop a larger and broader pelvis and even growing nipples that would secrete milk for the alpha to lick. As for the aphrodisiac part... well... let's just say that the clear glass wall was not odor proof. It reeked of animal genitals. The project will be put on hold for at least a week until we fix this... issue.

Update 10. Week 13: I... don't know what to say anymore. We captured another Alpha Wolf and placed him in with in the project's habitat. We just wanted to see how the pack would react. Maybe they would both fight over who was the "real" alpha? Yeah... that didn't happen. They both immediately went into a stand off. They were just sitting there staring at each other for over a minute. Soon after, the alpha wolf with the Gene took one step forward, his enormous size towering over the smaller wolf. The smaller alpha looked as if he submitted himself to him... he just crouched down quietly and whimpered. His muzzle looked as if it was picking up some kind of powerful scent. Of course our project alpha ended up mercilessly rutting the poor thing. It's only a matter of time before the smaller alpha turns into a female-male hybrid thing. In the words of he caretaker, "the smaller wolf knew his place right when he entered alpha's territory." This crazy mare really needs to find a new hobby.

Update 11. Week 20 Day 1: I guess we're almost done. Around week sixteen we were ordered to start wrapping it up after the last experiment which was me deciding to add live prey to see what would happen. We placed a live deer in the habitat and five days later it still lives... pregnant and now eating meat. I'm really not surprised anymore at this point to be honest but I think I'm still entitled to saying WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.

We were also ordered to get rid of everything but the data. Everything, including the wolves. I came up with the brilliant plan to starve them... the cheapest solution, really. The caretaker didn't really like my idea one bit. She started yelling and breaking things and was even about to try and smash the glass to the habitat. Of course we had to send her home... nicely. I could tell by the way she was screaming that she had developed a strange bond with this alpha. Not her usual behavior, even in cases like these. Ever since that bite on her arm she's been obsessed over this wolf. The blood tests showed none of the Gene in her bloodstream but I can't help but think... maybe the Gene from his saliva went directly to her brain? No... couldn't be, right?

That damn alpha wolf. Any time I was around him he would just watch me. It's like he knew I was the cause of his pack going hungry. He's not dumb. He's dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. Most of his pack already died of starvation and he looked like he was next. Guess what happened? Luck seems to be on his side. The higher ups told me they needed him alive and were going to move him. That's crazy! they have no idea what he can really do. He needs to be put down!

Update 12. Week 20 Day 2: I tried to kill him myself but... he pinned me down. He had his jaws around my neck but wouldn't bite. He was just smiling. He knew that keeping me alive is worse then just ending me. I was caught in the act by the other personnel. I have been demoted and fired. They are going to move him and there's nothing I can do about it. He has this look in his eye... like he's already plotted his escape or something. Not much I can do anyway. By the way, that dumb caretaker came back to grab her stuff... well what is left of her stuff. All paperwork and notes have been burned and all data is gone. They already have what they need. Well at least I still have these logs. I'll keep them safe and use them to... what the hell? I think... I think the alpha is loose! SHIT, HE'S RIGHT BEHIND ME! NOOOO-