Strike A Pose

Story by immortalsane on SoFurry

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#17 of Commissions

A lovely young giraffe is excited to pose for a life modeling class. Unbeknownst to her, however, her posing partner is feeling a little peckish!

A lovely commission for the wonderful unicorn, the mind behind Perfect Moments!

If you like it and you know it clap your hands! And then once you're done clapping, consider ordering a story of your own!

Regina Mallory Kensington III walked the halls of her school, heart fluttering with excitement. When the art teacher had offered the senior a chance to model for his after hours life drawing class, it hadn't been the extra credit that had made the young giraffe leap at the chance. The thought of standing nude in front of boys and girls and being the subject of art made her breath quicken. She hummed softly, dreaming of seeing the finished product of her fellow students admiring her body as she walked up to the door. She took a deep breath and opened it, ducking and peeking into the room.

Mr. Hansen looked up, a broad smile on the tiger's face as he saw her. "Mallory! Come in, come in!"

She grinned, a faint blue blush under her fur as she stepped into the room. The ceiling was fortunately high enough that the young giraffe could stand up straight. She took in the looks of surprise and eagerness from the students in the room, and grinned. This was going to be delightful!

"Class, this is Mallory Kensington, I'm sure you all know her, yes?"

There was a round of murmurs and enthusiastic nods.

She grinned a little wider, waving at the students. "Well, Mallory, we're very happy to have you. Now, you know you'll be posing with a snake today, yes?"

Mallory nodded. "I'm looking forward to it!" she said, and it was true. She had visions of images of herself as Eve, or a temptress wrapped in the coils of the devil. She was really looking forward to seeing the results.

"Excellent! Now, we do things a little differently, so we'd like to start with you posing casually, clothes on, and then we'll do some brief sketches as you undress, ok?"

A thrill went through her. They were going to draw her taking her clothes off? That was fantastic! "Sure! How do you want me?"

He nodded at the platform in the middle of the room. "Just hop up there, strike a couple poses, and then start getting undressed."

She set her book bag down and walked over to the platform, butterflies in her stomach. She tried to remember the poses she'd seen in paintings and magazines. After a moment, she put her weight on one leg, bending the other slightly at the knee to cross in front of it and cocking her hips. She twisted her torso slightly and raised her hands over her head, arms crossed at the wrists, hands relaxed, looking down and off to the side. The effect was if she was dancing, and just froze in the middle of taking a step.

Mr. Hansen whistled softly. "You're a natural. Just hold that for a few minutes, ok?"

She held the pose for five minutes, listening to the sounds of pencils and charcoal and pastels and crayons on paper, fighting to keep her face smooth and peaceful as her body was captured from every angle. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as one student, a cheetah, paced around the room, a sketch pad in his hand, capturing her from several angles.

"Ok, Mallory, let's do another."

She stretched her arms out behind her, curved at the elbows, hands splayed, throwing her chest out and going up on tiptoe, looking up at the ceiling. She could have just leapt into the air, or been taking flight.

"You have an excellent feel for the dramatic!" Mr. Hansen said. Around her there was a round of murmurs and switching of paper, and then the scribbling sounds resumed.

She held that pose for about five minutes again, and then Mr. Hansen called out, "Ok, start getting undressed, Mallory."

The young giraffe cocked her hips again, crossed her wrists, and grabbed the hem of her shirt. She pulled it up and then stopped, arms still crossed, the hemline just above her small breasts, her long neck extended her head tilted slightly up as though she was going to lift the shirt off in a the next second. She hadn't worn a bra, and she felt her nipples harden as the cool air of the classroom hit her piercings. Her heart pounded as she stood, feeling wonderfully exposed. There was something intensely erotic about being captured in the act of undressing, as opposed to simply being nude.

At Mr. Hansen's go ahead, she finished taking off her shirt. She slid her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts/ She grinned as a naughty thought hit her and worked her thumbs around to capture her panties too. She took a deep breath and pushed both garments down past her knees, lifting one leg onto tiptoe and bending her knee as though she was going to step out of them. She was struggling to control her breathing as she felt the eyes on her, knowing that the way she was bent, the students behind her would be able to catch a glimpse of her sex. She wondered if they would sketch that in too.

"Fantastic, Mallory!" Mr. Hansen said softly, about five minutes later. "Take a second and stretch out."

She finished stepping out of her shorts and stood up, stretching and twisting to recover from the awkward pose. She looked around as she did so, and she blushed a little at seeing the tents in some pants that the boy students were struggling to hide and the little hints of hard nipples in the girl's shirts. They were enjoying her body as much as she was enjoying showing it to them, and she decided on the spot that she would repeat this experience as often as she could. Maybe she could get work as a model?

Mr. Hansen stepped up next to her, a little squirt bottle in his hand. "Now, for the nudes, we want to get as much muscle definition as possible. The easiest way to do that is to oil you down, ok? It's a little annoying to get out of the fur, but..."

She shivered. "No, th-that's fine," she said softly.

He smiled and began squirting her down with oil, drizzling it all over her. She took slow, even breaths as she began running her hands over the surface of her fur, slicking it down. She caught the eye of the cheetah boy, who hadn't stopped sketching at any point, and cupped her breasts, slowly running her hands up against the grain of her fur and then back down again, smoothing the oil in. His eyes went wide and a little glassy at the sight and she stifled a giggle. She gasped when Mr. Hansen's hands joined her in smoothing the oil into her fur, his hands stroking her bottom, then encircling her thighs. She fought to keep her face still when his hand brushed her sex before sliding down her leg, smoothing the oil in. A moment later he did the other leg and she had to bite her tongue as he brushed her sex again. She was afraid to look, but she was fairly certain her sex didn't need any oil applied to it to glisten! She focused on doing her arms and neck, fighting a grin as he smoothed the oil into the tops of her hooves.

He walked around behind her and oiled her back, and then she stood looking down at herself, a little chilly from being soaked with oil, but astonished at how good she looked. She looked like she'd been lacquered and polished, the oil making her smooth and gleaming. She grinned at the students as Mr. Hansen stepped back and walked around her, looking her over.

"Alright, looks good!" He walked over to a tank, opening it up. He reached in and Mallory's eyes widened as he pulled out a truly massive python. He wrestled with it for a few seconds, getting all twenty feet of the huge snake out of the tank. He walked over to her and handed the snake to her, then began draping it around her shoulders. The cool flesh was interesting against her, and she wrapped the animal loosely around her arms. A moment later it coiled its tail around her left leg, forcing her to bend it slightly as the snake constricted a little.

Mr. Hansen stepped back again, eyeing the effect. "Ok, that's a good start. Just move with the snake, ok? And relax!" he said laughing. "This is meant to be fun!"

She grinned back at him and settled her weight, one leg bent at the knee and turned outward slightly. She raised an arm covered with snake so it draped down in loose coils.

"Perfect! Hold that!"

She nodded and looked down at the snake's head. It wasn't moving much, swaying slightly as it treated her like a tree, getting its bearings. The animal was surprisingly heavy, and after minute, her arm started to ache from holding a third of that weight extended out from her body. It probably looked really good, but she decided she would go for something a little less tiring next pose.

When Mr. Hansen gave the signal to change, she closed in on herself, pushing her chest out and she curled forward, bringing the snake in to artfully obscure her body, putting one arm across her chest and resting her hand on the opposite shoulder. She let her other arm fall almost straight from her shoulder, so the it pointed straight at the floor and curled her hand around a coil of snake. It slid a little off the arm across her chest, and the top part of it coiled around her legs, so that she had one leg coiled up by the snakes tail, and both her legs were pinned together by the snake's up body. To the students, it looked as though she was completely bound up in snake. It's head resting by her shin.

Asie from the slightly awkward hunch of her shoulders, that was a lot easier to hold, and she lhelf that one a little longer than she had the others. She laughed softly when the signal came to move, and the snake was so comfortable that it wouldn't uncoil.

"Ungh, it won't let me go!" she called out, giggling a little.

Mr. Hansen chuckled. "Ok, just remember, move with the snake! What can you do?"

She squirmed fo a second, and managed to carefully drop to her knees. Rather than be knelt on, the snake released her legs a little, and she spread her knees. Her upper half was still bound up in snake, and as she shifted it coiled around her ankles, pulling them together. She worked her ams free and rested her hands on her thighs, looking straight ahead. She blushed a little when she realized that her sex was on display, but she had already stopped moving, and she could hear then sketching again. Besides, even if it hadn't been too late to move again, she kind of liked the feeling of showing off.

She closed her eyes, feeling the slight shifting of the snake, listening to the sounds of sketching around her. She was a little cold, but she didn't mind all that much, she was having too much fun! Besides her hooves were starting to...warm...up...

"Uh, Mr. Hansen?" she called, trying not to move in case she was wrong.

"Yes, Mallory?"

"I, your snake eating my hooves?"

She heard him pad around the room, his claws clicking on the floor. "Huh. Yeah, it looks like it is."

"Oh. Shouldn't, um, shouldn't you stop it from doing that?"

"Actually, it looks really interesting. Do you mind going with it for a little bit?"

She shivered. "Um. I guess not?"

"Awesome, you're doing great!"

Mallory stopped herself from nodding at the last second, holding her pose. She could feel the snake working it's lips over her hooves and up her ankles. Her legs began to creep closed as the snake worked its way up her calves. She blushed at feeling the warmth and tightness of the snake swallowing her, and realized it felt...not unpleasant. She squirmed a little, trying to stay still, blushing as the snake moved her against her will. The snake continued to creep up her calves, and her knees were almost pressed together.

"Ok, Mallory, let's try a new pose."

She went up on her knees, overbalanced and toppled over on her side. "'s a little hard to pose when you're being eaten, Mr. Hansen. Maybe we can pull the snake off me and let me reset?"

He walked over and looked down at her thoughtfully as the snake swallowed up to her knees. "Actually, do you mind dealing with it a little longer? It looks really great."

She blew out a breath and nodded. "Ok. Uh, how should I-"

"How about sit down, lay back on your elbows?"

She nodded again and squirmed around. The snake coiled around her midsection and down one arm, rather helpfully she thought, and she tossed her head back. After a second's thought, she lifted up her legs and bent her knees, hoping to slow the snake down. She tried to focus on holding her pose and not thinking about the snake that was, at this point, most definitely eating her. At least her lower legs were warm, and she had to admit that, while she wasn't thrilled about this turn of events, there was something a little exciting about the people around her going on with their business while she was disappearing down the throat of a snake. Just as long as they got her out soon...

Bending her knees seemed to have worked for a little bit, the snake unable to work past the angle. The snake, however, was having none of it. It squeezed and constricted, shifting its grip on her to try and figure out how to continue eating its prey. Finally it pulled on her, trying to stretch her out. She struggled against it discreetly, trying to brace her hands, but the snake having a good grip on her upper body and a quarter of her body down its throat had far more leverage than she did. It tugged and pulled and swallowed and inexorably, her legs straightened out. She gritted her teeth as she felt it slide up over her knees and start working up her thighs. Mallory grinned a little as she felt it slow down to a crawl, thanking her lucky stars that her thighs were so thick.

"Ok, Mallory, I think we've got that one. Maybe on your stomach?"

She squirmed, trying to roll over while completely fouled up in snake. She let out a breathless little laugh and flopped down on her back. She held her arms up. "Help?"

Two boys immediately hopped up and ran to help her. They took her arms and helped her roll over onto her stomach. She propped herself up on her elbows, and looked up at Mr. Hansen with a wry smile. "I'm not sure how much more posing I'm going to be able to do while I'm being eaten. Um, shouldn't we go ahead and get me out now?"

He nodded slowly. "I can see your point. How about you just relax? The sketches we're getting are great, so just chill for a little bit, ok?"

She sighed and laid her head down on her arms, pillowing her head on the snake's tail.. She could feel the tiniest amount of movement creeping up her thighs, and she wondered if the snake would give up at some point. The feeling of its jaws inching up her body was weird and tight, and she relaxed as she felt its throat squeeze and work at at her legs. She petted the snake gently with the nad hidden from view, a little sympathetic with it for biting off more than it could swallow. She'd taken on challenges she couldn't handle before, so she knew how it must feel to work really hard at something and not...

She realized that at this point, most of her thighs were actually really warm. She struggled onto her side and looked down at it, impressed despite herself. It had reached the widest point, just before her thighs and hips started to curve inwards toward her waist, and it was still going.

"Hey, good call! That pose is really great!"

Mallory looked up at him, beginning to get a little annoyed. "This isn't what I had in mind when you said I would be posing with a snake," she said with a small glare.

"I know, I know, but you kinda have to roll with it. Life posing is very organic, very much an 'in the moment' kind of thing."

She sighed and rested her cheek on her hand. "I'm a little over this moment, Mr. Hansen. Can't I just finish the rest of the session without the snake?"

He glanced at his watch. "Look, there's only about thirty minutes left on the session. Can you hold on for just a little longer?"

She looked down at the snake swallowing up over her navel. "I'm not sure I have thirty minutes, Mr. Hansen."

"It'll be fine, Mallory. Just breathe, relax, and focus on your poses, ok?"

She grumbled under her breath, but plastered on a smile. She shivered as she felt it work its way up her torso, absentmindedly stroking the taut scales with the hand resting on her hip. She glanced sideways now and again, checking its progress, and watched the clock. Not much longer and she'd be out of here. Mallory felt its lips bump up under her breasts, and glanced up at the clock. Twenty-five minutes.


She blew out a breath of relief as Mr. Hansen walked over and knelt down in front of her. He squeezed her breasts, smiling down at her. "You really have beautiful breasts, Mallory."

She glanced down at them, a little confused. "Uh, thanks? I've always worried they were on the small side."

"Nah," he said as he carefully began to unscrew her nipple piercings.

Mallory frowned. "Uh..."

He smiled a little wider. "They have to come out, sorry. They're not digestible."

She stared at him for a long second and then let out a sigh that was equal parts annoyance and resignation. "This snake is going to finish eating me, isn't it."

He nodded. "Yup."

She frowned and flopped down on her side, glaring down at the snake. She stroked its head thoughtfully. "Can I at least see some of the art?"

"Sure! Everyone, let's take five and show Mallory some of our sketches."

The aspiring artists clustered around her showing off their sketches. She grinned as she looked at some of the ones of herself undressing, she definitely liked those. The cheetah boy was obviously super talented as he had gestural drawing of her from multiple angles that, despite only being broad strokes, were clearly her in variety of poses. She blushed when she saw his rendition of the moment the snake had started to swallow her. There were delicate lines that clearly showed her pussy, and he'd managed to capture the look of surprise on her face and her hard nipples. It was a very sexual image, and the knowledge that she'd inspired it was weird and exciting.

The snake was creeping up her chest and Mr. Hansen looked her over with a nod. "Ok, people let's go out strong. Mallory, you're looking gorgeous, just relax, ok?"

She grinned. At least she'd gotten to see the art. "Do I have choice?"

He grinned. "Not really, no, but it seems the thing to say."

She laughed softly and laid her head on her arm, listening to the sound of various implements scratching on paper. She wondered what they were going to do with the art of her. She had a vision of that image of her that the cheetah boy had drawn framed on someone's wall, and she blushed again. This wasn't exactly how she'd planned for her life to turn out, but it was nice to know that she was leaving something concrete behind.

The snake's lips pressed up under her arms and she rolled partially onto her back, lifting her arms over her head. It was making better time now that it had most of her down. Instead of feeling it crawl up her now, she realized that she could feel it pulling her in. It swallowed her in up to mid bicep, then up to her elbows. If it weren't for her long neck, her face would already be inside it now. She squirmed a little in her tight confines, wondering how long she would last inside it. As it crept up her forearms toward her chin, Mr. Hansen walked over and looked down at her.

"So, I'd like to thank you for volunteering. You've been awesome, one of the best we've had all semester."

She craned her chin up as it began to creep up her face, pinning her hands to the sides. "Thanks, I guess. It's experience."

He smiled. "Did you at least have fun?"

She shrugged a little inside the snake, the motion clearly visible through the thin layer of reptile coating her like a glove. "Yeah. It was a lot more fun before, you know, the snake started eating me, was fun." Her head was all the way back, and she couldn't maintain eye contact anymore. Her fingertips vanished inside the snake's mouth as the snake started to swallow her head now. "I just wish I could do it again."

Just before her ears were swallowed, she heard him say, "Me too, Mallory."

Mr. Hansen stepped back and watched the giraffe girl's muzzle disappear into the snake. He walked back over to his desk and grabbed his own sketch pad, doing a quick and dirty drawing of the shape of the girl outlined by ravenous snake. It was a breathtaking sight, and he smiled as he committed it to paper.

"Ok, let's start packing up, class," he called out, clapping his hands. "I was walking around the room, and I saw a lot of great work."

The cheetah boy was one of the first to finish packing up his kit, since he'd been using just a sketchpad and a charcoal pencil. He tucked everything away in his knapsack, and then walked over to kneel by the Mallory shaped lump in the snake. He ran his hand over her curves and sighed. "Sucks I won't get to touch this for real."

Mr. Hansen laughed and walked over to place a hand on his shoulder. They stared down at the snake, Mallory's form still sliding down into it. "The sacrifices we make for art, DeShawn."

DeShawn sighed and nodded. Mr. Hansen hid a smile as he watched boy carefully adjust himself before nodding to his teacher and walking out. In fact, he noted as he looked around, the smile creeping out despite him, several of the male students were adjusting themselves discreetly as they finished packing up and left. And a few of the female students were walking a little funny in a way that made him wonder if they were a little wet.

Once the class had finished filing out, he walked over to his desk and stopped the webcam recording of today's session. He saved the video for later, planning to enjoy it at his leisure. Then he walked around, pushing easels back into place from where the students had moved them, stacking up chairs, throwing away pieces of scrap paper and paper towels the students had used to wipe their hands, chuckling at the messiness of teenagers.

Finally, he gathered up Mallory's clothes. Her panties went into his pocket for him to enjoy when he watched the video later, and the rest of her clothes and her bookbag he dropped in the big trash can by the door. Smiling one last time at the amazing sight of the snake with a girl shaped bulge in it curling up on the floor, he flicked the light off and closed the door.

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