Needs Part 1

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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#1 of Needs

NeedsA - NC/Semi-NC/Masturbation/Oral/Anal, Mind Control - September 07, 2006

A strange tail from a strange half-dream in 4 parts

By Afril

(cl) 2006 The Gay Furry Association

Part 1 - The Hospital, A male awakes in a strange place

He woke, the scream stopped only by the gag in his short muzzle.

'Where am I? What happened?'

A hand touching his belly made him jerk.

"Awake I see. Good.. Time for a bath."

He couldn't see who or what it was.. Just the coolness of a sponge on his naked fur. Along his arms, up his sweating face.. Down to - Aaaaa! Cum exploded from his cock as orgasm washed him back to darkness.. Even though it felt wonderful, It felt.. Wrong. But he was too tired to resist.

* * * *

Woke again but this time the gag was gone..


Again the faceless person was rubbing his belly. He *blushed* as he could feel his dick waving from his crotch. There were vague memories of other males.. And beds like this one.. And strange bodies - Stroking him, Caressing.. He came again as the hand gently caressed his overheated flesh. Slipped back again, still full of questions.

Semen output Steady at 357 ml

Erection Stable

Body - Stable

"I think we can take these off now."

* * * *

His bladder yelling at him woke the male up. No straps, no gag.. Just 'Empty me NOW!' He staggered to the bathroom, used it.. Held his head as it pounded.. What was going on? Where am I? Who am I?

"Up I see.. Here."

A cool damp cloth was pushed against his forehead and he held it gratefully. Got a glimpse of some kind of robe or uniform before a blindfold went over his eyes.

"Wha.. Yaaa!" Even through the cloth the light felt like daggers being shoved into his eyes. A hand took his, led him into a bath stall. *Splat* Oh Gods.. His body betrayed him again..

"I am SO sorry."

A soft laugh as cloth cleaned his accident up. Went into a tube for analysis, as did a urine sample collected when he used the toilet. The rest went down the drain, washed off with gloved hands. Then cuffs went around the wrists and the rest of the very male rabbit was washed by his Keeper.

Removing the hooded robe, the human stroked his charge, making notes of every twitch and moan. Pressed himself against the now clean butt, watching the reaction.. The tail lifted, the cheeks pressed against his crotch.. The hips rotated, pushing back against the man.. While the upper half of the body seemed not to notice, head down, an occasional groan as the water hit a sensitive spot.

'Not yet.. But soon. First we have to find out why you didn't take. And you were doing so well too - What?'

"Please.." Came whispered over the sound of the water, the rump pushing a little harder, a little more wantonly.. The head was up, turned slightly, as if looking at him through the blindfold. Again the furry ass slid along his stiff cock, trying to get it in the soft hole.

"You sure?"

A nod as the rabbit bit his lip, panting when hands caressed his body. They both groaned as the head opened the needy male up, pushed in slowly.. Hands gripped the chest, mashed the pink nipples back into the brown fur as the rabbit's hips rotated, twisting on the male-meat.. Squeezed it, tugged on it, wanting it deeper. The human panted, bit the long ear, jerking as the male ground a furred ass against his balls, tail rubbing his belly as he thrust into the warm, smooth tunnel.. Damn these rabbits were Hot! Too hot, as he groaned into a long ear, slamming in to the hilt, pumping his seed into the twitching male who was white-washing the wall, orgasm after orgasm making the over-sized nuts push more seed out - And grind the sexy ass roughly into the human's legs, ball-sack.. Tail brushing the smooth belly like mad as muscles squeezed and stroked the member, Coaxing it into giving more sticky cock-sap, and the man another orgasm.

'Gods! How do you do it?' Keeper held onto the male, turned the shower off and undid the cuffs. All that did was give the rabbit more freedom to rub his butt in the man's crotch. A swat got a giggle.. A moan as the soft penis slipped out of the anus that was still trying to hold it in.

"Feeling better?"

A nod as his rear was squeezed, giving it a wriggle against the hand. The male grunted as a rough toweling got the circulation going again.. Especially to one spot. What was wrong with him? He seemed to be hard all the time... And he still didn't know who he was.

"Drink this.."

He did so, feeling the pain go away, Lethargy following. Was led back to bed - Sheets changed, Hookups sterilized. Then the lagomorph was asleep again, drugged while a machine took blood, hair and semen samples.

"Subject has entered Sleep mode. L9546 - Can you hear me?"

The male responded with a 'Yes'.

"What do you see?"

The recorder hummed quietly as the rabbit spoke in a slow clear voice...

* * * *

The dream was familiar to him. He had see it many times before. A room with various species of male. The person who held onto his shoulder unseen but there. The single light from the ceiling like a bad movie. The conversation was nonsense.. Words that had no meaning. Then from a speaker came, "Apple Wood."

Everything stopped. Statues, frozen in place. Then they stripped. Buttons undone, zippers slid.. All clothing discarded at their feet. They posed, breasts pushed out, hips thrust to one side, cocks bouncing to life.. And all of them hugely out of proportion to the species. Dicks the hung below back-bent knees, lifted up to touch chests.. Scrotums that had grapefruits sized testicles hanging down and distending the furry sacks. It would have been funny, If it wasn't so terrifying.

The faceless ones arrived. Touching, poking, probing, measuring.. Sometimes they injected the males, sometimes they milked them.. All with clinical detachment. Occasionally one of the males would break - Show emotions, even try to run.. Never far. The rabbit wanted to run too. Hide his face as the individual was removed, another taking his place.

"F11368 - Stay as you are. Apple Wood."

All but a tigermorph put their clothes back on, continue the chatter as if nothing happened. They don't even notice the naked one, who stands, hand on hip.

"Come here."

The male walks over to the rabbit and stops. Kneels.

"Is this the one? The one who talked to you? Answer."

Gods he wanted to.. Wanted to so badly.. But he couldn't. He couldn't remember.. It was like he wasn't - Him. Like someone else had been in his body. Done some horrible thing. Then left and he was being blamed for it. But there Were others.. Other names. Other minds being placed inside his. Told what to do, how to act. It must have been one of them..

A command and the male lifted his dick, rasped the tip with a rough tongue, and he was cumming.. Cumming and cumming through a cock that wasn't his! Beds, and straps and people with masks. Syringes and pain. Then pleasure as his ever-growing erection was stroked, caressed.. Made to spurt. Again and again until his nuts gave no more and he was allowed to sleep.

Days and days of tubes, marching to the shower. To eat. To talk to more faceless beings. To have his mind erased.. NO! I am Me! I am.. I am... Who am I?

"Subject has no recollection of past persona. We may never find out who he talked to."

*Click* went the recorder.

"Bastards.. In such a hurry to wipe him. *Click* Dead end. Continue with Persona programming as per procedure."

If there even was a leak.. Sometimes he wondered about the rumors. But he wasn't here to wonder, Just to process the males.

"Sleep L9546. Sleep and forget."

Somewhere so deep even the machines couldn't go, a voice laughed.. 'Forget? You created me. Molded me.. No, I won't forget.'

* * * *

Woke in a cold sweat, with a hand holding his.

"It's Ok. You are in a Hospital. You were found wandering in a daze. Rest. Soon you will be well enough to be released. That is what you want.. To go back to your life."

Yes.. To go back to his life.. But before he could ask which life, the drugs put him under again.

"L9546, Open your eyes."

The brown eyes opened, didn't flinch when a saline solution was sprayed on them. Then the tape of his 'New' life played yet again. It would be repeated until the persona took and the male was Johanathan Piuyg. Mail Clerk. Employed by the Sunnital Corporation. When the tape was done he lifted the machine away.

"Who are you?"

"The rabbit blinked.

"Johan. Johanathan Piuyg. A gay male rabbit who works as a Mail Clerk for the Sunnital Corporation."

"Do you like to suck cock?"

Another blink. "Yes. I like to suck cock."

The Keeper smiled.. He liked this part of the job.

"Prove it."

The rabbit slid out of the bed and onto his knees. Opened the man's pants, undid the zipper, letting the cloth slide down with one hand while the other cupped his balls through the standard issue underwear. Once it was around the man's ankles the rabbit looked up, waiting for permission to continue. When the man nodded fingers slid the shorts down as well, not moving even though the erection slapped his face.

When it was puddled in the pants the male lifted his face to nuzzle the dripping head, kissing it, gripping the base while his soft tongue licked the pre that bubbled out the slit. Looked up again, cradling the nut-sack with one hand. Another nod and he closed his eyes, open his mouth and letting the bulbous glans part his lips, slide along his tongue. He sucked on it softly, stroking the length, feeling it throb. When he had enough saliva built up he let it slide deeper. bobbing his head until the pale hips thrust the member into his short muzzle.

Sucked harder when the human ground his crotch into the brown furred face, orgasm making him bite his lip to keep from groaning as the rabbit swallowed his cum. Held his dick in the warm mouth while it went soft, drinking the juices, gently rubbing his nuts. Not until the man pulled away because the tongue rubbing his cock-tip was too much to take did the rabbit move his head. Ands that was to kiss the scrotum. Tongue it as well.

"Back into bed Johan.. You need to conserve your strength."

The rabbit nodded again, getting up and sliding his hot rump back into the bed. The man put the machine back in place, started the tape again.. Gods, his Girlfriend didn't suck that well.

* * * *

"Bend over and touch your toes."

The rabbit did so, barely noting the gloved finger sliding into his anus. Mara would have been wriggling his ass, hoping to get more than just a finger shoved in him. Tark would have been growling he ain't no damn faggot. Johan would have *Blushed* but enjoyed it. The lepine classified L9546 simply obeyed whatever commands it was given.

"Excellent. Stand on one leg. Good. Reflexes are withing parameters. What is your name?"

L9546 stood on one leg, Silent.


Mara giggled and tilted his head to touch it to his foot, Somehow making the move very sensual.

"Drop your leg now."

Did so while showing off his body to the males. There were 2 of them and he wondered how many times he could get them off. Dropped his lids to look under them in a sexy way. Mara was a total slut. Every waking moment he was thinking of sex, and how to get it. He could also kill in seconds.. Or years. Tark was one of Mara's cover - a slob who be caught dead in 'faggot duds'. Liked beer and Hot babes.

Johan was supposed to be the other one.. The middle-aged guy nobody looked at twice. Mara's gayness, Tark's looks - And that was the problem.. Their finely tuned weapon was more interested in the Company Baseball team than Targets. Even as they watched, The flaming hot rabbit turned int a somewhat puzzled, shy male whose ears turned a light pink at finding himself naked in front of strangers.

"It's alright Johan.. You are in a Hospital."

The rabbit nodded and relaxed, returning to his basic programming at the mention of the codeword. They sighed and scratched their heads.. Mind imprinting wasn't an exact science. Some of the time it didn't take. But the male would still be useful.. What they didn't know was they had done their work Too well. Mara hated his stupid cover. Disliked the paunch he had to wear, marring his sexy body. Then again Johan was a cutie.. Well worth seducing. The robot? Ick. But it made the humans happy. So he let it stay. But Tark definitely had to go!

Even now he analyzed the 2 males.. How best to seduce them, to kill them quietly - If necessary. Mara had Needs. Needs that didn't include being a plaything of the Government. Mara also remembered when he Wasn't Mara - Was a young bunny with dreams and ambitions. Who talked to the wrong people. Who ended up here, Used, experimented on, Mindwiped.. Let them think what they want - He would sleep.. Sleep and wait.

End of Part 1

Needs part 2

NeedsB - M/M, Semi-NC/Oral - Wolf, Rabbit - September 07, 2006 A strange tail from a strange half-dream in 4 parts By Afril (cl) 2006 The Gay Furry Association Part 2 - The Boardroom, A wolf has needs that only a rabbit can fulfill ...

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The mephit and the merchant

MephitStory - M/m, M/F, Oral/Anal/Breast Play/Female Masturbation, Human/Skunk/Wolfcub - August 29, 2006 The tale of the Mephit and the Merchant By Afril Version 1.1 - Fleshed out the prose into a story Version 1.2 - Added a beginning piece,...

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Captured 2

Captured 2 - M/M, Oral/Anal/First Time, Semi-NC/Torture - August 29, 2006 By Afril - With some nudging by Mercius Version 1.1 - Typos and Nitpicking (cl) 2006 The Gay Furry Association Continuing the ways of Humans and other beings Kif...

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