Live and let live - Ch.3

Story by London79 on SoFurry

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"Good," Amy says twirling her hair in that way she does, I just stand there while Amy talks.

I browse the hat racks, but nothing catches my eye; Amy meanwhile is still talking to Justin

I her reaching for his hand out of the corner of my eye "Hey, Amy here's one you might like,"

I say trying to grab her attention, but like always she just shrugs me off. I then feel suddenly

jealous so I walk out of the store for a 'breath of fresh air' as the saying goes, I see Amy walk

out after me.

"What are you doing?," Amy asks, gently. "Leaning against a wall," I reply. "No shit," Amy retorts

"But really what are you doing?," Amy asks again. "Taking a breather," I say, "Wait, why," Amy looks

stunned "Because it looked like you and Justin were having a moment there," I scoff at her. "You know

Justin is just a friend we have nothing you know that," She pauses, "Wait, are you jealous?," she asks -

"Kind'a," I respond sheepishly. "Well you shouldn't be, we're just friends and I don't need to keep telling

you that we're never going to be anything so stop."

Now I'm the one whose stunned, "Fine, if that's how you feel," I say walking away. Amy chases after me

I turn around and flash her two middle fingers before turning around and walking again. Amy stops dead in

her tracks, I stop too. I turn around to discover she's crying, I run over to her and scoop her into my arms -

I then head toward lids. Justin is standing there in shock and aw, "I can't believe you did that," He says -

rubbing the back of his neck.

"It won't happen again," I assure him as I walk away. Amy is still crying when we reach the parking lot

cold, breathless, hard sobs the kind that cause pain in your stomach, I reassure her, "Its okay, Its over, shhhh

I'm here," I hold her close and offer her shoulder to cry on. She climbs into the cab of my truck and just looks at me

"What?," I ask, Amy just cocks her head and sobs harder I climb in and shut my door. I start the engine and pull Amy

close to me she tries to push herself away but I hold her close.

I hold her and speak as softly as I can, "I'm sorry, I was a dick, yes I was jealous but I couldn't help myself," I pause

taking a deep breath "I'm sorry. I'm that I'm a lesbian, I'm sorry that I always come on to you but there's just something -

about you that needs... needs to be loved, needs to be cuddled, needs to be held," I start to break down but I stop

myself, "Your, just perfect," I then put the truck in drive and drive out of the parking lot.

A few seconds later my stomach growls, "Hey, you want something to eat, I'll pay," Amy just nods. So I just drive to the

closest fast food place (McDonalds) and park. Amy and I get out and head inside, "What do you want?," I ask. "A cheese

-burger," Amy says, wiping her tears, "A cheeseburger for her and a Big Mac for me," I say to the cashier taking our

order. After that we walk around and search for a table "This one," Amy says pointing to a booth near a window -

so we sat and waited for our food.

I look at Amy and notice the sun radiating off of hair, "Your beautiful you know that," I say. She just continues to stare out the window.

Thiugh he is small, he is feard Ch.2

I walk down to the barn where, my boy friend Blake is training. I silently watch him as he does push ups and sit-ups, working his ass off for the up and coming race. He is slightly smaller however, only being around 5'9 in height and 226 in...

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Live and let live: A novel: Ch.2

My heart sinks into my stomach, I look down at my paws, ashamed of what I've said. "Look, Amy I'm sorry," I'm trembling as I try desperately to find the words, - "That's what you've said every time this has happened," Amy is almost in tears "I've...

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Engine 65 Ch. 2

I shout to Chief Brando "Chief she's comin' down," I call to him "Then, what're you waiting for Morgan let's get the fuck out of here!," Brando says so I walk toward the stairs and kind of do a walking jog down them I walk quickly to the door and...

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