Teaser - TLK: The Compromise

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#26 of Teasers

Kovu and Nala, secret half-siblings, have been spending a bit too much PERSONAL time together, and their secret has been found out. Can Sarabi find a solution to avert disaster?

In one week the full version will be posted, but if you want early access for this story and all my stories, please consider pledging your support on Patreon! Please consider pledging your support at www.patreon.com/thakur

Nala lay on her back as Kovu climbed over her, grinning like an idiot. The young lion had started to become a bit cocky. "Again?" he asked.

She gave him her best 'unamused' face, flicking her tail and placing her paws on his chest to push him away. "We'll see how I feel in a day or two, when my heat finally ends."

Kovu raised his brows and said, "Look, if you don't want it, I can always find Tiifu again..."

Nala rolled her eyes, pedaling her hind legs. "I want it. Just fuck me already."

Kovu was in heaven. After his honeymoon with Kiara, which had been quite lovely, his budding young wife had been _very_affectionate, licking and nuzzling him everywhere. But though she claimed to like the sex, she was waiting for her heat before she'd raise her tail again.

This suited Kovu fine. Simba was still too busy to claim his Kingly rights on every lioness in heat, though the large, golden lion sure tried. Twice now, Kovu had been stalking a lioness - first Kasha, then Putu, when Simba arrived to claim them himself. If Kovu didn't know any better, he'd guess that Simba was deliberately trying to show him up!

But when Simba had tried that with Tiifu, the King found out what it felt like to be rebuffed. He chased her for a day, but she refused him every time until the randy lion finally gave up. Then, just yards away from the watering hole where half a dozen lionesses were relaxing in the shade, she gave herself to Kovu. He had loved all the eyes plastered to him while he pounded Kiara's best friend, well aware that she was trying to cover up for the fact that they'd bred just hours _before_his honeymoon. Now there would be a handful of witnesses to explain her brown-furred cubs in three months.

Best of all, Simba had arrived at the watering hole just in time for the third shebang, forced to watch as his son-in-law took what the King obviously thought was his by right. Though honestly, Tiifu was his own daughter, he should have known why she wasn't interested in him.

What Simba _didn't_know was that Kovu had been usurping another of his rights. For over a week now, Kovu had been pounding Nala every which way, even though she was in the thick of her heat. Simba had been so busy trying to cock-block Kovu that he'd left the one lioness he felt was 'safe' to wallow in her own heat.

He faced banishment if the King ever found out. Once a royal pair was wed, the female was totally off-limits to any other male. Simba could never have Kiara and Kovu could never have Nala,particularly in her heat.

"As you wish, my Queen," he smirked, lowering his belly and slamming his bright red cock into her heat-swollen vulva.

Nala tossed her head back and roared, spreading her legs around her big son-in-law, and, she suspected, her own half-brother. She knew she should temper her voice, but it just felt so good, and besides, Simba was patrolling the border with Zazu. The other lionesses might suspect that Kovu had a lioness pinned underneath him, but they'd never know it was the Queen. They were at their usual place - an opening on the north side of Pride Rock that could only be reached through a winding passage that few knew about.

"Harder!" she gaped, reaching her paws around his back and grip onto him, her claws digging into his skin. She hadn't planned to betray her husband - she'd been testing Kovu's loyalty when things had gone too far. How could Simba blame her? He'd been neglecting her for weeks, and continued to do so when she came into heat. Every evening, he was so exhausted from banging the other lionesses that he never had time for her.

"Kovu!" she shrieked, thrusting up against him as he pounded between her legs. How many times had she had him now? More than a hundred, including three times on Kovu and Kiara's own_wedding day_. She was proud to have held that number down to only three. Every time in the midst of her heat, and never once with Simba. If she wasn't pregnant with her half-brother's bastard children, it would be a miracle. It looked like Scar was about to be become a grandfather!

"You're...a bit loud..." Kovu grunted, digging his claws into the rocky soil for more purchase as he fucked the older lioness.

"Kovu!" she squealed again, oblivious.

Kovu knew what he had to do - he kissed her, hard, slamming his tongue into her open mouth. She mewled and bucked and whimpered into his mouth, wrestling his tongue with every bit of fervor she normally wrestled. Again and again he slid his cock in and out of her clenching cunny, the satisfying splap, splap echoing off the rocks around them. Nala wrapped her tail around his, curling it tightly up to caress his trembling balls.

Almost...there! she thought, wriggling and squirming beneath the large lion.


The voice wasn't Kovu's. Her eyes flew open, gazing past her secret lover to meet eyes with none other than Sarabi, Simba's mother. She must have heard the kerbubble and come to investigate. "Fuuuuck..." she groaned.

Kovu glanced over his shoulder, eyes wide, but he was way too far gone to stop now. Even as he locked eyes with his wife's grandmother, he _rocked_Nala's body, his barbs already starting to flare out and rake her insides.

"Kovu, stop!" the powerful elder lioness commanded.

"Nnnrrrgrrraaaah!" he roared, squirting_loudly into Nala's waiting womb before, ripping back with his barbs. Nala _roared as well, her pussy quivering as the sharp spines dug into her spasming tunnel, her vision blacking out for a moment at the intense combination of pleasure, pain, and -thanks to Sarabi - horror.

No amount of scolding was going to bring the two out of it now, and Sarabi sat, tail twitching as she watched her grandson-in-law breed her daughter-in-law against all taboo, right in front of her. Together, they trembled and shook and strained against each other, squeezing the first of what would otherwise have been many loads into the heat-addled Queen.

Finally, Kovu leapt away from the Queen, leaving her gaping, cum-soaked pussy open for everyone to see. Sarabi had hoped that the two were engaged in anal sex, but the pearly-white fluid oozing out of her swollen vulva left nothing to the imagination.

"How long has this been going on...?" she demanded, in a low, predatory voice that made Kovu's hackles raise and his ears flatten. But she wasn't asking him.

Nala panted, gasping for breath, too tired to even close her legs. "Please..." she gasped. "You can't tell...Simba!"

"And why not?" Sarabi growled.

"Because of Kiara - he would banish Kovu..."

This idea gave the elder lioness pause. As much as she wouldn't mind getting the slutty minx of a lioness in trouble with her son, she knew the blowback would hit her innocent granddaughter. "What were you thinking?"

Nala finally closed her legs with a loud squish. "We've only been doing this since my heat. You've seen Simba - he has no time for me."

Kovu nodded, saying, "He's alw -"

"Stop talking," Sarabi growled at the young male. "Tiifu wasn't enough for you?" she added, tail lashing.

Kovu blinked. "We've been doing this long before Tiifu."

Sarabi narrowed her eyes at Kovu and the dark-furred lion wisely shut up. She turned back to Nala. "Will you have his cubs?" she asked, all business.

Nala rolled over onto her side, eyes wide, feeling like a scolded cub for the first time since becoming queen. "P-probably."

"Then we have to cover for you, you stupid...silly..." she dragged her claws through the dirt to censor herself. "You will never tell _anyone_about this. From here on out, this _never_happened."

Kovu said, "How will -"

One glare shut him up again, cowering backwards.

Sarabi explained, "There is another custom that I've heard of, long before. Kovu, how far are you willing to go to stay with Kiara?"

Kovu blinked. "Across the great ocean, ma'am."

"Good. You'll be staying here, but at times you might wish you weren't. I will talk to Simba. You two? Pretend this never happened." Sarabi turned and headed for the exit, taking one more glance at the two scorned 'cubs' before sighing.

Then she was gone.

Nala looked at Kovu and Kovu looked at Nala. "What's she up to?" Nala asked.

Kovu shrugged. "Beats me. All I know is that we're alone. One more time, for old time's sake?"

Nala sighed. "Yes..."

* * * * *

Simba growled, climbing on top of Kanuatu. The young lioness was one of Scar's cubs, but Simba didn't mind. She was as young as Vitani, and had been exiled alongside Zira, Kovu, and Nuka. One big advantage to reconciling was dozens of new mates, but sometimes Simba wished he'd done the traditional lion thing and killed the male cubs when he killed Scar.

Sure, he was happy for his daughter, Kiara, but Kovu was starting to become quite the nuisance. The attractive, brown-furred male was competing with the King for all the lionesses in season. He'd been forced to watch as the former Outlander pounded Tiifu even after Simba himself had spent half the day chasing her down. When he'd first given his blessing on Kovu's marriage, he'd expected the lion to spend his time with Kiara.

At least Kanuatu knew how to raise her tail for her King. Her light, cream fur had really filled out after rejoining the Pridelands thanks to a healthy diet, and now she looked more than a bit like his daughter. But while the Princess was the only lioness off-limits to him, Kanuatu was fair game. He grabbed the scruff of her neck in his teeth, yanked her yowling head upward, and _slammed_his thorny cock into the two-year-old lioness.

Perhaps marrying his daughter off while she wasn't in heat was a mistake. They'd shared each other during the honeymoon (Simba guessed, gagging slightly at the thought), but without the scent to draw them together, Kovu immediately started hunting down the other lionesses. Not that Kiara seemed to mind, any more than Nala objected to Simba's extracurricular actions. Why would Nala be jealous of Kanuatu as the young lioness shrieked_and moaned, rocking her hips beneath him? She knew that Simba only had eyes for _her.

He stared down at Kanuatu, watching the female contort her face in pain and pleasure as she was claimed by her King. She was getting close, he could tell, so he pushed in with deep, heavy strokes, tickling her depths. "Oh, Simba!" she whimpered, ramming her hips back to meet him. Then, she began to shudder and_mewl_ like a little cub, gushing around his throbbing cock. He gave her what she needed, roaring and seeding his Uncle's daughter. Did she care that they were first cousins? How could she? The only other male was her half-brother!

With a grunt, Simba ripped himself out of her, sending the young lioness into roaring spasms of pain and satisfaction. He hopped backward with practiced skill, evading her ill-conceived retaliatory strike before sitting down to wait until the silly lioness was ready for round two.

"Simba, come with me."

He turned to see his own mother poking her head through the tall grass. Her expression almost made his tail curl and his ears droop, her tone making him want to shrivel up. But he was the King! "I'm busy, mother," he said, waving a hand at the quivering Kanuatu.

Sarabi narrowed her eyes and said, "That_is what we need to talk about, son. Come. _Now."