Age of Heroes Ch02 Present Matters

Story by RVasil on SoFurry

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#2 of Age of Heroes

Kinus Hazani always dreamed of becoming a hero. But as with all hero stories, there are villains, and they have grown tired. The age of heroes has gone on for far too long. Can Kinus and the rest of Class-1A successfully overcome the trials and tribulations before them? Or would their dreams be cut short?

This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function.

**Author's Notes:

SO YEAH..I kind of took my sweet ass time in posting the 2nd chapter of my story...and here I said that I would be updating regularly. My bad~ But hey! I'm posting the 2nd chapter, and that's what matters right? Haha. Anyways, yeah, as you have noticed so far, I am following the plot of the show. Why? Well, my story is a retelling of sorts. I'm following the plot of the show except this time with the addition of my OC. Will things change? Depends! Who knows? This is fanfiction after all! Best believe that at some point it will deviate as I try to give it my own signature style.

Rest assured, I will do my best to make Kinus Hazani feel like a realistic character that can stand among the already compelling characters featured on the show. I am striving to keep everyone in character to best of my abilities as well.

I just hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did writing it.**

**Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking.

If you guys enjoyed the story, PLEASE, take the time to write feedback. It doesn't have to be long, just your thoughts on the story as a whole. Heck, favorite it! I'll appreciate everything you'll do. Share the stories to your friends. They'll probably like it too.

I'm also doing commissions now, so if you guys are interested in getting a story written from me, drop me a note either here or on FA and we can talk. I'm not the best, but I will do what I can.

If you like this story and want to see more, drop me a watch. Stories trickle down as they come and it only gets better from here on out. If you have a story idea, why not leave it in the comments and I might just write something inspired by it. I also have a request form if you guys prefer that.

Request Form:

If you feel inclined to, I also accept tips. You can drop any amount you would be willing to share at this link. LINK: Follow me over at Twitter for daily updates. Link in my profile.**

A My Hero Academia Fanfiction: Age of Heroes Chapter 2: Present Matters by RVasil

Kinus woke with a start, bolting upright in his bed as his heart beat like a drum. His surroundings were vague as he blinked some, then his vision cleared to show him a room he recognized. He was in a clinic of sorts, and he was lying on one of the beds in it. There was a window open to let a gentle breeze waft in and it showed him that the sun was already setting, orange streaks filling the sky. It was a picture perfect sight. His ears twitched upon hearing the sound of a chair moving backwards followed by footsteps. A hand slid the privacy blinds on his bed, revealing an elderly woman, probably someone old enough to be Kinus's grandmother. She pulled up a seat and placed her cane, which was fashioned as a syringe, towards the side and glanced at the dragon. Kind, gentle eyes looked at him behind the superhero designed visor she had on her head.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm..." Kinus rasped, just now noticing how parched he was. "Thirsty," he croaked. "Can I have some water?"

"Oh," the old lady said, "let me grab you something to drink." She stood up, walked over to the side and opened a refrigerator from underneath her desk. She grabbed a bottle of water before walking back and handing it to Kinus. The dragon thanked her accordingly and he gulped it down, feeling the cool liquid refresh his entire body. After emptying the bottle in his hand, Kinus felt alive again. His scales were beginning to return to their normal blue hue. "Thank you..." then he realized he didn't exactly knew who his nurse was. "Who are you exactly?" he asked sheepishly.

The old lady chuckled. "I am Recovery Girl. I'm in charge of making sure students of UA aren't hurt during their hero training exercises while they are here in UA."

Students of UA... Kinus blinked, his memory coming back at him in a flash. "The entrance exam!" he cried out. "W-what happened?"

"Relax, Hazani," the elderly woman said in a soft, calming tone. "The entrance exams are over. Everyone headed home after it. The results will be released after a week." Her kind expression shifted to that of a reproachful one as she said, "I swear, you kids are getting more and more reckless as the years go by. I just had one student break all his bones trying to fend off that zero point robot and now I have you nearly getting crushed underneath one of them." She shook her head. "Thankfully one of the teachers immediately got you out of there before anything seriously happened."

Kinus wasn't sure what to say and just ended up apologizing for his reckless behavior. Recovery Girl dismissed him however. "While I'm understandably angry at what you did, I can't nag you for doing the right thing." Recovery Girl smiled at Kinus. "Being a hero means putting yourself in harm's way for the sake of others." The dragon felt his chest swell with pride from the praise he got from the pro hero. But that immediately dissipated when Recovery Girl set him straight by saying, "but a reckless hero would be no help to anyone. Remember, we need heroes, not martyrs."

Kinus nodded, heeding the elderly woman's words. "I understand ma'am."

"Good." She then stood up and walked back to her desk. "Are you feeling better enough to move, Kinus?"

"I am." The dragon slung his legs towards the side of the bed and began to regain his footing. He pulled his socks and shoes back on, eager to get back on his feet.

"Well, that's good to hear. I've already called your mother to inform her of your situation. She were understandably worried about you, and she's coming to pick you up."

"Ah, I see. Thanks," Kinus replied, standing on his two legs once again. He went over to the side and grabbed his things, which was nothing more than the pack he was carrying when he entered school earlier this morning. He was about to head to the door when Recovery Girl stopped him. The dragon turned around and the pro hero was rummaging at the desk.

"A student earlier left this note for you," she said, handing him the letter that was folded. "He told me to make sure to give it to you when you woke up." She smiled at him. "Be careful now, alright? Your mother will be waiting for you at the entrance."

"I will. Thank you, Recovery Girl."

In a few minutes, Kinus found himself standing outside the golden arches that marked the entrance of UA once more. The fact that he was standing here earlier this morning felt like nothing more than a distant memory at this point. Even after being out cold for hours on end, his body still felt heavy and he wanted nothing more than to rest at his bed back at home. Just then, a car pulled up by the curb and honked at him. The door opened and out came a dragoness.

"Kinus!" she cried out, rushing over and pulling him into a hug. "Thank goodness you are safe!"

Kinus smiled, hugging back his own mother in a loving embrace. The young dragon quickly reassured his deeply concerned mother who was busy giving him loving nuzzles. "I'm fine, mom, really."

His mom eventually gave him his personal space once again and the two of them got into their vehicle. A few minutes later, they were on the road and Kinus's mom, Ruby, took this chance to talk to her son. "What happened?" she asked pointedly.

The dragon sighed, resting his head on the back rest. "They did call you right?"

"Yeah, they did!" Ruby cried out, her tone of voice nearing that edge of someone about to freak out. Her grip on the steering wheel seemed to tightened. "Rushing towards a robot? What were you thinking?!" Kinus visibly cringed. That was kind of idiotic. However, he then felt his mother relax and the car gently rolled to a halt as they reached a red light. "Well at least you're alright." Her mother looked at him with the same gentle and caring expression on her face Kinus was used to seeing growing up. "Just be careful. Okay?"

"I always am, mom. I could say the same to you."

His mom smirked at his reply. The light turned green, illuminating the dragoness's lighter red scales to that of a greenish color. The car crawled forward again before reaching a decent cruising speed down the road. "Do you want me to have a look at you?"

Kinus shook his head. "No, I'm fine, just exhausted is all. Recovery Girl was the one who took care of me in the clinic."

"Recovery Girl?" His mother nodded. "She's a great pro hero."

"Yeah, she is. She told me that apparently, I wasn't the only one who was a bit reckless today."

He could feel his mom frowning already. "I swear, kids these days..." she bemoaned. "Just understand that you guys are not invincible."

"I know, mom," Kinus replied, nodding. "You know me."

"Yeah, that's why I'm concerned." She chuckled at her own joke. "But aside from that, how did the written tests go?"

A sheepish sigh escaped Kinus lips. He was hoping she wouldn't ask about that. "It was...well..." Kinus didn't need to look at his mom's face to see the concerned look there. "It went...okay."

"You did study for it, right?"

"Of course I did!" Kinus twiddled his thumbs, recalling the written portion of the entrance exam earlier at UA. "They had English and grammar stuff, I know I aced that. Then they had then...math..." His tone of voice was beginning to lower as he remembered how he struggled during those portions of the test. Answering those tests were probably much harder than smacking the robots that he had to face at the practical.

There was a moment of silence as Kinus's mom stared flatly at the road in front of them. It was clear to the both of them that she was wondering if Kinus enrolling at UA was a good idea to begin with. Ruby eventually relaxed and sighed. "I'm sure you did well."

Wanting to change the subject to at least something more positive, Kinus then asked, "How about you, mom? How was work today?"

"It was so and so. We just had to deal with some rogue criminals here and there, the same old stuff." Ruby smirked at Kinus from the corner of her eyes. "It's not as glamorous as fighting robots, that's for sure." She chuckled.

The pair continued onwards with their drive home, with Kinus's mother telling him about how her day went. It was always a pleasure to listen to her stories. There was a certain charm to hearing her tell him of the monotony of police work. It was a nice contrast to the extravagant and often times sheer outrageous stories of heroes fighting villains. In a way, it anchored Kinus and told him that while heroes could do fantastical things to fight crime, they were still governed by rules and regulations.

Inevitably, the two arrived at their destination, a small quaint home in a residential area not far from the city. Kinus and his mom got themselves settled in for the night. The boy was quick to heat up some leftovers they had from yesterday, while throwing anything else they had lying around in the kitchen pot for some soup. The dragon momentarily stopped in front of a shelf that had family photos showcased. There was a picture of Ruby, and then of himself as a young dragon, and then there was a picture of the three of them together. Kinus, Ruby, and his own dad.

Kinus's musings stopped when Ruby called out to him, "Kinus, can you help me with the food on the table? This meal you made smells delicious!"


A few minutes later, the mother and son enjoyed a delicious meal together. Starting conversation, Ruby decided to then ask, "So, Kinus, what did you think of the students anyway?"

"The students?"

She took a bite of cooked meat. "Yeah. I'm sure some of those students would wind up being your classmates, if any of them passed."

"Well..." Kinus then began to recount the students that stood out to him the most. "There was this one guy who looked angry all the time. With the way he was staring at the test papers on the written test, you'd think the paper owed him money or something." The dragon scratched his chin. "The thing is, I think I kind of recognized him too. I think he was on the news at one point back then."

"Oh? Well I sure hope he did well on the test."

"Yeah...then I think a few others that stood out was Midoriya and Fumikage."

His mother blinked, then smiled warmly at him. "You made friends then?"

"Maybe that's a bit of a stretch." Kinus chuckled. "We've only just met anyway. I'm not even sure if the both of them got in. I mean, I hope they did! Fumikage was great at the practicals." His smile then wavered when his thoughts went to Midoriya. "I'm not sure about Midoriya though. He looked really on edge when I met him. It looked like he was about to pass out."

The red dragoness shrugged. "I don't blame him. I can understand if the pressure was getting to him."

Kinus then blinked, realizing he forgot something. "Oh that's right!" He then fished out the letter that was handed to him by Recovery Girl earlier that afternoon. "I was left this note." The dragon then opened him and began to read its content. He smiled upon realizing who it was from. It was from Tokoyami. It read:

"Dear Hazani, I am deeply thankful for your actions earlier this morning. Know that I would have done the same thing if our positions were in reverse. I hope you get well soon, and that you get into UA. You more than earned it."

Kinus smiled. He mentally shook his head. Nah, if there was anyone else that deserved it, it was him. He was the one who jumped in first and saved that girl. Kinus only ran after him for being so reckless.

"Whose it from?" his mother curiously asked.

The dragon smiled. "I think I made a friend."

The days of waiting for the results of the entrance exam were probably the longest days in Kinus's life. When he was about to be crushed by the robot, he thought that was going to be the death of him, but the dragon never imagined how wrong he was. The anxiety and stress of waiting for the result was suffocating for him. He tried to get his mind to think of anything else, but it just wouldn't let go. It was nerve wracking.

Even as he jogged down the street one afternoon, he couldn't help but feel it brewing at the back of his mind. The dragon began to doubt himself, questioning his own actions. He wondered if he had done enough. Did he took down enough robots? Did he answer all the questions correctly in the tests? Did he even write his own name in the test paper?! Kinus shook his head, slowing down to a walk as he decided to catch his breath.

"Well, it's the end of the week anyways..." he mumbled to himself. If there was ever a day for the results to arrive, it would be today. The dragon pressed the button to cross the street and waited for the sign to go green. He sighed, beginning to wonder what he was going to do if he had failed. Where was he going to go? He could always apply to other schools, logically, but that just didn't feel right. He wanted to be in UA. That was THE school to go to. But it was never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket...

A sigh from his left side caught Kinus's attention. The dragon turned his head and was surprised to find a particular looking plain boy with a striking head of green hair. He was carrying groceries in a plastic bag, his face blank and looking despondent. Braving himself, Kinus decided to ask, "Midoriya?"

The boy blinked, seemingly snapping out of his own thoughts. "H-Huh?"

"It's Midoriya, right?" Kinus asked, beginning to wonder if he was mistaking someone.

The boy looked at him, and Kinus could visibly see the gears turning in his head. It then clicked and Midoriya recognized him. "Oh! It's you! Hazani, right?"

Kinus smiled at him. "Yeah, yeah! I'm glad you remembered me." He chuckled. "How are you doing, Midoriya?"

The boy smiled wryly. It was clear to Kinus that something was deeply bothering Midoriya. It wouldn't be hard to guess what it was. "I'm okay," Midoriya answered. "Same old, same old, you know?" He let out a light laugh. The light turned green, and the two of them continued to walk forwards. "I've just been doing errands to help pass the time. Been waiting for the results." He said the latter statement with a tone lacking in confidence. "I'm just hoping I did well."

"I'm in the same boat," Kinus chimed in. "Misery loves company."

Midoriya cracked a smile. "I'm sure you did fine! You're probably awesome at your quirk!"

The dragon waved a dismissive hand at him. "Nah. I'm average at best." The two crossed the street fully and Kinus stood at the sidewalk. "Speaking of quirks, I never got to know what yours was."

The topic of quirks immediately grabbed Midoriya's attention. "M-my quirk?!" he asked, his voice comically rising in tone.

"Yeah," Kinus asked. "Or are you still planning on keeping it a secret from me?" he asked jokingly.

Midoriya just laughed, grinning at him. "It's just, you know, it's whatever..." he said, looking away. "It's not really all that fancy, to be honest..."

From the way he was acting, it gave Kinus the sense that talking about his quirk was a sore subject for him. He decided to let the subject rest for now. "I understand. I was only joking anyway. You can tell me some other time." Midoriya visibly relaxed like a huge weight was lifted off his chest. "Heading back home then?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Midoriya replied. "How about you? Are you done with your jog for the afternoon?"

"Honestly? I was just jogging in hopes of having it help get my mind off the entrance exam. It's been eating away at me. I don't think I've been able to sleep right for days now. I don't have eye bags right?" he asked rhetorically.

"I feel your pain," Midoriya replied, his shoulder slumping forward and he visibly hunched over. "I don't think my heart can take this sort of stress."

"I'd rather fight the robots again instead of dealing with this level of anxiety," Kinus added. He then asked, "How was it anyway?"

"How was what?"

"The entrance exam. How did you think you do?"

The question seemingly went through Midoriya like a hot knife. A look of worry followed by a flash of resignation crossed his mind and the dragon immediately backpedaled. "I don't have to tell me Midoriya!"

"No, no, it's fine," he answered, letting out a sigh. "To be honest, I haven't been able to talk to anyone about it."

Not even your friends? Kinus wanted to ask but decided that maybe asking that would have been a bit rude. "Well, I mean," Kinus motioned to himself. "I know it's not much but you can talk to me if you want."

Midoriya stopped walking and glanced at Kinus. There was a moment of silence and the dragon could tell that he was thinking about it. "I feel like I failed," Midoriya eventually said.

"In the entrance exam?"


"What makes you say that?"

Midoriya looked like he was on the verge of tearing up. "I got zero points!" he cried out.

Kinus flinched. "Zero points?!" He scratched his head. Was that even possible? He glanced at Midoriya who clearly had now opened the dam and his pent up frustration and anguish was beginning to flow out. Midoriya was visibly shaking, tears gently streaming from his face and falling onto the ground. "There must be some mistake."

Midoriya shook his head. "I wasn't able to beat a single robot." He looked at Kinus, clearly distraught. "Not one..." his voice croaked. "I'm a failure."

Even Kinus wasn't sure what to say. Eventually he sighed and placed a comforting hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "I'm sure..." Kinus began, trying to find the right words to say. "There has to be...more to it than that."

"What do you mean?" Midoriya looked at him, wiping the tears from his face.

"I'm sure there has to be more to the test than just simply destroying the robots, or just destroying in general," Kinus answered, sounding as if he was even trying to convince himself. "UA's known for being the best of the best. If their entrance exam was solely based on sheer power alone, then even the average joe with a powerful quirk could get in and we both know that quirk alone doesn't determine a person's capabilities."

Midoriya nodded, daring to even crack a smile. It would seem that Kinus's words got through him somehow.

"So cheer up, alright?"

Midoriya wiped away tears from his face, his smile fully forming now. "Thanks, Hazani."

The two continued their walk, a more positive vibe coming off the both of them as they walked down the street. After chatting and getting to know one another more, the pair eventually reached Midoriya's humble abode, which was one of the many residential apartments in the city.

"It was nice talking with you, Hazani," Midoriya said, smiling at him. "Walk home safe!"

It was later that evening when everything came to a head. Kinus was at his room, sitting in front of his desk watching videos on the internet. A video of a fighter swinging a spear around had his full attention and the dragon was mentally taking notes of form and proper flow. It was when his mother called out to him did the dragon's focus break.

Wondering what the ruckus was about, the dragon poked his head out the door and looked around. "Mom?" he asked.

His mother turned around and in her hands was what looked like a letter. "It's here," she said plainly.

Kinus instinctively took a deep breath as his mother gave it to him. The source of his anxiety was finally in his hands and the anticipation was overflowing next to the doubt that made the dragon's entire body numb. His hands trembled a little as he held it, eyeing the UA symbol that was melted into the red seal.

"I'll let you open it while I setup the table," she said.

Kinus nodded, feeling a bit nervous as he retreated back to his room. "Okay..." he mumbled, sitting down and gingerly opening the letter. Thoughts raced past his head. Did he pass? Did he fail? What if he did fail? Where was he going to go? What was his mother going to think? What was...

A gentle thud derailed the train of thought he had in his head and the dragon blinked upon seeing it was some sort of hologram projection device. The machine whirred to life and he was greeted by none other than the symbol of peace himself, All Might. "I am here as a projection!" he gallantly announced and Kinus wondered if he had gone momentarily deaf. All Might beamed at him and the dragon couldn't help but feel a bit enamored. Interacting with pro heroes was not a daily thing for him, so the fact that he was getting a message from All Might, of all the pro heroes out there, left him starstruck.

"Young Hazani," he began, his gaze not breaking contact, "you are by far the most balanced student we have come across! Your written exam showed you had a fair grasp of the basic faculties but left room for improvement in some areas."

Kinus visibly flinched upon hearing the statement.

"Your answers showed ingenuity, and didn't shy away in being verbose as to how you would approach a hypothetical villainous situation." Kinus nodded along, giving himself pats on the back. It wasn't often that you'd get to hear a pro hero giving you compliments. "However, it is quite clear that while your tactical approach is a strength, it is also a weakness. While making a plan is a good trait, as a hero, you don't always have the time to stand and think of one. It is important to understand that time isn't a luxury we can afford as this may very well be the deciding factor between the life or death for the citizens we serve."

The dragon tapped his fingers on the desk, doing his best to absorb All Might's advice like it was gospel.

"Your practical exam, on the other hand, showed potential! You were able to defeat a moderate amount of robots, amassing a total of twenty seven Villain points."

Kinus's eyes bugged out. 27?! He genuinely thought he did better than that. Was that even enough to pass the test?

"But do not fret, young dragon, for villainous deeds aren't the only source of merit on this examination!" All Might beamed once more. "Rescue Points are given out to individuals who show what it means to truly be a hero! To save others regardless of the consequences to oneself!" A number flashed on screen. "Twenty eight rescue points, are awarded to you by our panel of judges."

The screen flashed once more, and a video of Kinus heading into a crumbling building began to play. The dragon blinked, remembering when this was. This was when he went in to rescue Tokoyami!

"The practical exam shows your range quite perfectly. You are able to act accordingly, whether it is to fight, or to save others!" The screen played another video, and this was near the end. The part where he nearly got crushed. "Even though your decisions may not work out, the spirit of self sacrifice is still strong nonetheless!"

The videos stopped and the camera focused on All Might once more.

"And that, is an important trait to becoming a great hero."

Kinus felt his chest swell with pride.

"With enough training and experience, it won't be long until you become a strong force of good! Kinus Hazani, a total of 55 points, in eleventh place in our entrance exam, you pass!"

The dragon felt numb upon hearing the words. It was like sweet relief finally came to him. The anticipation, the excitement, the anxiety! It all built up to this, and the dragon couldn't help but cry out in joy.


"Come, Young Hazani! For now, you are part of the Age of Heroes! And it all starts here at your hero academia!"

Age of Heroes Ch01 Heavy Start

**This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function.** * * * **Author's Notes: So this is a little something I've been working on in my spare time. Haha. Who am I kidding? This is the main reason why I haven't been...

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