a tail of magic and mystery chapter eleven
#11 of a tail of magic and mystery
Chapter eleven
I cast a spell in Europe and North America on the racial thing. A simple thing about behavior modification. If a person thinks hateful thoughts on race or religion, then they get a shock, every one of their pain nerves fire at once, for five seconds per thought. And hateful literature and memorabilia turned to ash as if burned, with exception of copies held in libraries. (If I didn't, that would be censorship. And the only library I know that might have a copy is the Library of Congress.)
Alice comes to me and asks if she could use one of the spare rooms for a special project. I ask what for.
"Daddy, I am not going to have this baby in a nasty hospital. Me or the baby could get sick."
"What if we need professionals?"
"I don't want this baby in a hospital and I will never step into one to have this baby. If necessary, Michael can help, he knows the procedure for a C-section as do all us kids."
I cannot argue with that.
"Do you know how to get birth certificates issued."
"I do."
"Then you may have the baby here."
Alice starts with decorating the room. First she paints the room light blue with fluffy white clouds with a green layer at bed level. And at bed level are cute baby animals. A nest of newborn rabbits, a den of newborn foxes, etc. (These newborn images are photo realistic.) In that room she puts a bed. Then she covers that bed in a rubber sheet and then covers it in a plain sheet. (Less to wash)
Alice goes to the clinic every month on time. In the third month, I get an unexpected visitor.
The kids are in the Jacuzzi relaxing and I am about to get in myself, when I hear, "Alex Brown,"
I cast my protection spell and get an attack spell ready, then I turn around to see a kitsune with three tails. I drop my attack spell and ask, "How did you get here?"
"I have a message from the grand council."
I take the message and the courier waits for my reply.
I open the message and read.
Dear Alex,
We are tired of humans damaging the environment, Carbon Dioxide pollution is down from all the cars converted to use with magic, now we want you to go further. Reduce emissions or face the consequences. We will detonate the volcano in the central North American continent if you don't. We await your decision.
The council.
Volcano in central North America. There is no volcano in central North America, is there.
I ask the kids if there is one, their reply is, "Yes. Yellowstone."
Then I make a projection on what might happen, Death and devastation for over one thousand miles, killing thousands and affecting millions more due to climate change.
I make a call to the White House using a number that only I am allowed to use, when I get the switchboard, I give a code and ask to speak to the President directly.
"Hello, Alex, what can I do for you?"
"Mr. President, I have a dilemma, I have been given an order that would put thousands of people out of work or millions would be affected in the aftermath."
"What is it?"
"I have been given an order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by a lot or Yellowstone will erupt, killing thousands directly and affecting millions more in the loss of food production."
"Ouch, What can I do?"
"First, evacuate Yellowstone with a thousand miles from the center. Then inform all coal mining companies that production will be reduced effective on my order, then you have to make an order retiring most of the workers. That will reduce coal's carbon dioxide output to a bare minimum."
We continue talking and I return to the kitsune with a message.
I need a couple of months to help those workers affected by the loss of their jobs. But I can do this.
I am about to do something that I have never had to do before, put people out of work against my will. When I converted gasoline and diesel vehicles to Magic, I left auto racing alone and gave a converter so fuel oil and kerosene can be made from gasoline at high rates. Even when I took on drugs, I left Marijuana alone, giving an easy time to the drug agents (The reason, some places it is legal to use.) Now I am going to put thousands of coal miners out of business. I travel to these coal fired energy plants and cast my spell. Then I send a message to the mine to stop production at the next opportunity. Two days later I meet up with the mine workers and they are upset.
"The president is giving every one a retirement package. Be calm. I know this will be hard, but you can find other jobs other than mining."
I even give out checks to all the mine workers for five thousand dollars directly out of my account as a bonus for surviving.
For the next two months, I get access to coal fired power plants around the world, and even some oil and gas powered plants too. And as a side effect, electric prices drop a few cents per kilowatt hour.
And the president gives me an order to convert Nuclear powered stations and craft to magic. (As soon as they need refueling. Giving them truly unlimited range and time underwater.)
Alice in the mean while, stands by my side as we cast the spells. We make love in the hotel rooms, on the plane in flight, even in public. (We are hidden in a spell of invisibility and silence)
We return home and Alice's belly is getting bigger. The kids get to feel the babies kick. (She is expecting a little girl. I cast the spell just for Alice and the kids to see the baby as she looks now. She have Mommy's ears and facial features and the fur is too short to tell its color and their eyes are shut. The one thing I can prove is that the baby is a little girl.
I take Alice to shop for baby things. Toys, teethers, and plush animals. I go and pick up some diapers, but Alice stops me.
"I'll take care of it."
I trust her when she says that. Alice asks for my credit card number and I ask what she is buying. She says a Potty chair for Angela. (She named the baby Angela.) I look at the image of the chair and the image of a very young child sitting on it and ask what is going on.
"Daddy, the world is too dependent on diapers, they clog the landfills, this way I can catch the baby in the act and train her to go on the potty. Starting from the moment of birth. I have an idea for a spell that will tell me when the baby will pee and poop minutes before it happens. It has been done for thousands of years and is still being practices in third world countries."
"If you are sure, I'll order it. I don't want piles of poop in the house or the yard."
"There won't be, Daddy."
The chair arrives and is modified to allow the baby to lay back and do her business.
Time passes and Alice goes out walking on the beach. The next thing I hear telepathically is "Help, Daddy."
"Where are you?"
"On the beach."
I cast a protection spell and run to the beach and see Alice holding her shoulder and blood. I get on the wide band telepathic system to all my kids and the ship patrolling the waters around my island.
"Alice has been hurt, find the intruder."
I cast healing spells into her shoulder as the kids cast spells to find the intruder. I heal Alice's wound and the kids find the sniper and his boat. Michael then cast a stun net in the general direction of the intruder, knocking the intruder unconscious as he was getting another shot off, bouncing off my shield. The Coast Guard pulls up along side the beach in a rubber raft discharging a Medic and a couple of officers. The officers take the man into custody and the medic checks out Alice. The man is taken to Pearl Harbor to be interrogated and Alice gets a clean bill of health. I check out the craft that got the man ashore. I find documentation on board and end up scanning for this person, I find him underwater.
The next morning I get up and eat and get visited by the commander of the base at Pearl Harbor.
"What do you know?"
"Very little."
I give what I found to the officials and I am asked to help interrogate the person.
All of us get into the helicopter and fly out and we are taken to the suspect. I cast a compel truth spell and even before I close the door to the examination room he starts talking.
He says that he is from Saudi Arabia and his mission is to kill me. And he gives us everything during his briefing, Including the Arab explanation. It seems they tried once before to punish America when they converted from Oil to Magic, AKA the nuclear bomb sent from Russia. Now they want to destroy the source of the magic hoping to break the spell.
I am upset, the kids are upset, too. And the officers want to inform the Pentagon. They get their wish. I get the call to invade and destroy. I go one step beyond and make an example for other countries. I catch a flight to the Arab oil producing region and cast a spell preventing vehicles from moving and activate it as I leave their airspace. Vehicles that run on magic stop working as soon as they hit the barrier and vehicles running on conventional fuel stop running. Making the area a third world country. I don't have a count of how many were killed but the Arabs surrenders and I catch a flight in and remove the spell. Food relief supplies come in as fast as possible.
Alice is getting close to term and her cravings are wild, Potato chips with chocolate Ice cream, Kosher dill pickles with peanut butter frozen yogurt. You get the drift. Alice has been getting cramps in her back and I have been rubbing her lower back ever since. And our love making hasn't dropped off once. Alice is on the beach, sunning her fur, when her back ache gets worse. I come out of the house with drinks and Alice takes a drink and complains her back is bothering her. I cast a body diagnostic spell and notice something odd. Her cervix has thinned and is beginning to spread. Then she feels the first contraction.
"Time to have the baby, Alice."
I help Alice to her feet and lead her to the room that we have prepared. I call the kids in with, If you want to see the baby being born, you might want to come. Jessica and Jasmine come in with video cameras just as Alice takes off all her clothes. Eight minutes pass and another contraction hits.
"How does it feel, Alice."
"It feels like a stomach cramp that comes and goes."
I get Michael to be in the coaches position while I cast spells to check on the baby. Uh oh, we have a situation, The umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck. I cast another spell unlooping the cord and adjusting the position of the baby. Now the baby is in the correct position to be born.
I have bottles of water ready for Alice for when she gets thirsty. Then she tells me she has to go to the bathroom. I create a bedpan and Alice is squatting over this bedpan and relieving herself. I clean off her butt after words. Michael takes the bedpan and flushes the contents and returns.
I keep a close eye on mom and baby. Both have spells to monitor progress. Alice is at three cm dilated and the girls ask if it hurts.
"No, it doesn't hurt. But it is very uncomfortable."
Alice changes position several times, trying to get confortable, no position lasting more than an hour. First it was hands and knees, then sitting on the edge of the bed, then lying on her side, then the other side.
Now she is 7 cm dilated and Alice is getting impatient for the baby to come. I tell her that anything we might do might harm the baby or herself. Alice gets into more positions to try to become comfortable
Finally she is dilated to 10 cm and Alice chooses the position she wants to give birth in. She is in a semi reclined position supported by pillows. Then she starts pushing to Michael count of ten. The girls get on either side of me and point their video camera at Alice's crotch.
First very little happens, Then I see a bulge. This is the amniotic sac that never broke. I pop this sack and the gush of fluid stains the sheet. The next thing I see is the baby's top of the head. Then more of the head comes out to see a pair of wet fuzzy ears. The head keeps coming out to the mouth and nose. I start to suction the mouth and nose. Alice keeps pushing and the head turn counterclockwise. Then one shoulder pops out, then the other and the baby slides out onto the bed. I start rubbing the baby to stimulate breathing. Thirty seconds pass and we hear the cries of Angela. The newest kid on the block. I hand Angela to Alice wrapped in a towel with the afterbirth still attached to Alice and Angela. Angela looks like Alice in fur color
"Welcome to the world, little Angela. You have a loving mother and father to take care of you and spoil you."
I cast a spell detaching the afterbirth from Alice and it is delivered. This spell also reduces after delivery blood loss. When the point when the cord stops pulsing, I tie off the cord with two pieces of kitchen string and cut the cord between them. The afterbirth is inspected my Michael for missing pieces and none are missing. Angela starts rooting for a bite to eat and Alice obliges, placing Angela to one of her nipples.
Jessica asks, "How did it feel delivering the baby?"
"First it was the muscle cramps, which I could stand, and then the uncomfortable feelings of the baby trying to stretch my vagina, and in the end, I could swear I had an orgasm."
"Would you do it again?"
"If Daddy would let me."
"Lets wait a little while before we have another one."
It is about three o'clock in the morning when Alice delivered Angela and everyone is tired. We all fall asleep after changing the sheet under Alice.
The next morning Michael makes a few calls to Pearl Harbor and they send a few paramedics to check out Alice and Angela. When they do, they find both mother and baby doing fine and leave them there. They ask questions like, who delivered, name of baby, name of father, etc.
Time passes, Alice keeps close tabs on Angela, catching 99 percent of urine and bowel movements. (The first bowel movement wasn't caught because she didn't cast the spell.)
Angela is a week old, now and I hear word come up the pipe that charges are being contemplated by the Judge Advocate Generals office. Child endangerment and practicing medicine with out a license.
I meet up with one of the JAG officers and tell my story.
"I will tell you now, I rarely tell my kids no. When Alice told me that she wanted to have her baby at home, I went over the safety aspects of it with her and she told me her concerns about the hospital, so I said yes. When Alice started labor a week ago, we moved to a private room in the house that had been prepared before hand."
"How was this room prepared?"
"First the room was painted with a design Alice chose. Then a week before I cast a spell killing bacteria and viruses from every surface and one to do it to every surface entering and exiting the room. Alice goes into labor and we move into the room. She has a normal delivery with few complications."
"What sort of complications?"
"One, the cord was around the baby's neck, which was corrected before she dilated. And two the baby was face up in the pelvis, this too was corrected before she fully dilated."
"What if she need medical professionals?"
"All the kids are able to perform every medical procedure necessary including C-sections. And as for delivery personnel, Hawaii has outlawed the only professional that might be able to help."
Alice is questioned next and gives the same answers. Then it is Michael's turn. Jasmine and Jessica offer their videos as evidence showing a normal birth.
The child endangerment charges are dropped but practicing medicine without a license sticks.
I make a phone call and on the first day of the trial, the judge is handed a note.
"Mr. Brown, you are free to go."
"Conference, your honor."
My lawyer and the prosecutor meet with the judge. Then they return and collect their things.
"How in the world did you get a Presidential Pardon?"
"Easy, I talked to the President, explained my situation, and told him what I did for his country."
Alice is home and as we get of the craft she meets us at the front door.
I ask, "Where is the baby?"
And her reply is, "On the potty."
I go and see little Angela sitting pretty with a bow around her head and nothing else. I am told she had just been fed. And this is the after feeding potty session. I ask if she has gone, and she has. I pick her up and Alice wipes her butt then the contents of the potty is dumped.