Nightwalkers Part 4

Story by Darkfang Magus on SoFurry

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#4 of Nightwalkers.


By: Darkfang Magus

Part 4

Dampness fills the air as evening approaches. The sun's last feeble rays feather a red horizon. Amid this, muddy rivers course through rusted gutters of the broken-down motel. It seems as if the rain only serves to enhance the rancid musty scent of the place. Dirty, and dark. Still, it will do.

Quicksilver uses two fingers to part the brittle blinds and again checks for anybody that may be snooping around. Outside, a vagrant watches a pair of eerily feline eyes glow for a moment in passing high-beams. Quicksilver knows that this is a secure location, nobody could have possibly followed her here. Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to be sure. A generic motel in a unassuming part of town. Likely a great deal safer than trying to make a run for it; better than the highways. Quicksilver sighs heavily, nowhere is safe now. Everything is so mixed up. How many years had she spent enjoying a life of being the hunter, and now she was hiding, being hunted. It was hard to stand, every bit of her essence fought against the notion. She was born a lioness, proud and strong. Quicksilver was afraid that if circumstances came to it, she might not be able to run. She might not be capable of bringing herself to be even necessarily cowardly.

A sound from behind. Quicksilver nearly pulls her pistol out for defense. No danger, just the girl. A young jaguaress steps out of the bathroom. She is wearing a towel wrapped around her body as they had run from the apartment without much in hand. Tomorrow perhaps they could pick up some new clothes, not right now, not in the daytime. Quicksilver calms her breathing and studies the girl. So meek on the outside, but underneath... Such a power. Of little use to them right now though, the girl has not enough control over her strengths. Mind wandering now, the lioness contemplates many things at once.

What am I to do? I smell something sweet on the air. The rain, it is getting heavier. Something rides on the air. Now a torrent instead of a patter. My jacket is not warm enough, I wish I could just enjoy the comfort of my fur. Such a beautiful aroma. Have to stay in human form, have to remain hidden. What to do, where to go. What is that scent tickling my nose? God I hate rain, no way I am going out there right now. Focused, must stay focused. Why are my thoughts so scattered anyway, this isn't like me. Something is different.

Kitty walks up to Quicksilver and stands next to her, peering into the rainstorm. She puts a reassuring hand on Quicksilver's shoulder. The lioness has to focus even harder to avoid flinching at the touch. She is not used to being touched. The friendly caress, puts her hair on end, and sets every muscle rigid.

"You should go to sleep, really" Kitty comments, "you've been up for ages."

Quicksilver is drowsy but doubts she will be capable of sleep. The red hot pain in her leg grows stronger by the minute. She cannot put weight on the leg, it would be best have a cast put on but she doesn't dare go to a hospital. Doctors ask questions, like why there is morphine in her bloodstream. Or why her blood doesn't match any of their tests. In essence her body is feline. It is better to let it heal naturally, even such an injury should be cured within a week or two. Grimacing from the pain, she is just about to tell Kitty to leave her be when something happens. Quicksilver recognizes the scent. It is Kitty! The little cat is in heat. What's strange is that Quicksilver is being affected by it slightly. The girl must have extremely powerful pheromones. No, not interested. Well, not really...? The jaguaress smells so good though... Quicksilver finds herself staring at Kitty dumbly. Almost in a huff the lioness stands.

"Excuse me," Quicksilver states "I think I will take a shower for now. Just.... uh, watch my guns." Before Kitty can keep up with what the lioness is doing, Quicksilver lays her guns on the bed and rushes into the bathroom.

With the door shut, Quicksilver takes a breath. Foutre! How am I supposed to survive holed up with that girl? Quicksilver splashes cool water on her face and leans on the sink for a moment. I have never felt like this before, and I am a femme, what had she been doing to that Shadow? Poor fool anyway. At least his troubles are at an end. Now Kitty is my problem Frustrated, Quicksilver pulls her clothes off and steps into the shower. The water is cold, that is a good thing. Right now the lioness feels a bit overheated.

Later, feeling a little more composed, Quicksilver wraps a towel around herself and gathers her clothes. They need to be washed, actually she needs some new ones. Damn, all my stuff is back at the hotel. "There is no way we are going back there. I'm not that stupid". Quicksilver walks into the room and glances at Kitty. Of course, trying to hide out with a high priority target like this girl is not too smart either. Quicksilver sighs again and tosses her dirty clothes beside the bed.

Their room is shabby at best. The ceiling is stained yellow from cigarette smoke and wallpaper has peeled loose in many places. Even the carpet has a dingy look to it. Quicksilver glances at the bed she is sitting on. Who knows how many horny teenagers had used this bed as a getaway sexual romp. At least the sheets are fresh and clean right now. But beneath it all she can smell the sweat and passion from hundreds of runaway lovers. To her sensitive nose it is like watching a slide-show of all the room's previous occupants.

Quicksilver just feels so down, she misses the old country, and how it felt to sprint through the woods. No cement and pavement, no worries. Freedom. Does not matter so much right now, Quicksilver is a professional, she has not the time for trivial worries and sentiments.

Kitty looks over questioningly.

"Okay" Quicksilver submits, "You keep the watch, and I will get some sleep."

The lioness stands and pulls the towel from her body. Just as she is hanging it on a nearby hook, she has an odd feeling. Quicksilver spins around. Nothing, Kitty is looking out the window, everything else is normal. Feeling edgy, the lioness steps over and grabs one of her guns, leaving the other to Kitty, just in case. Kitty glaces back and stares at the nude Quicksilver for a moment.

You're really pretty." Quicksilver is taken aback, suddenly she feels odd about being naked in front of the girl.

"Um, thank you" She replies. Quicksilver suddenly feels the strange sensation of her face getting warmer. She is actually blushing. So as not to let Kitty see the display, Quicksilver hurries over to the bed again, and attempts to calmly lay her gun on the nightstand.

The gun falls to the floor. Frustrated, Quicksilver growls and leans down to grab the weapon again. Now, she sets the gun firmly on the table. Okay, I accomplished a simple task.

"Are you alright? Kitty inquires.

"I am OK... just need some rest" Quicksilver lies. Frustrated beyond reason, the lioness slides under her sheets and tries to settle down. Of course, she then notices something. Oh dear, why did I let the girl sleep first, now the bed smells like her. It, it... well, it does smell good though.. Finally, Quicksilver just lies on her side and curls into the sheets. The soft linen feels exquisite against her naked form. So tired. Sleep... Just a little nap. Moments later she is resting quietly.

Outside, the homeless man puts a finger to his ear, "Move in, the target is asleep, I repeat the target is asleep. The Mien girl is still awake, take her down quietly and try not to kill her. Agent Quicksilver is to be executed on site." He waits a moment, "No, visibility is too low for snipers, we need an assault team." He goes back to wandering the sidewalk.

Kitty yawns deeply as her eyelids flutter. Bored beyond comprehension, she decides to get a snack. Quicksilver comes to momentarily, at the sound of Kitty's footsteps. But it sounds like it's coming from the roof. she slides out of bed silently, but fully alert. Grabbing her guns, the lioness stands still and listens.

"Oh my god!" Kitty drops a box of crackers, when she turns to find Quicksilver standing behind her.

"Shh", the lioness puts a finger to her lips. Assured of her silence, Quicksilver looks toward the road. Nothing. There is the muted zip of a rappel line, just before eight booted feet crash through the window. Kitty sees no change on Quicksilver's face as she guns the men down. They hang dumbly from black cords, bodies tangled in broken glass and unused guns at their sides. Near the street, she sees a vagrant take flight, So it was you all along. At two hundred-fifty yards through the pouring rain, hitting the man with her pistol was a near impossible shot. Nevertheless Quicksilver curses the fact that she hit him in the shoulder instead of the head.

Quicksilver stalks out into the parking lot, limping on her bad leg. The torrential rain beats down on her naked skin, but its icy bite does not quench the rage she feels. Lights begin coming on in the apartments as angry visitors are wakened by the ruckus. Most do not realize the shots were real, assuming the apartment next door had their TV on too loud.

Quicksilver's hair is plastered to her back, and she desperately wishes she could afford to use her fur against the biting rain. Bits of broken glass cut at her feet. Her knuckles are white from clenching the Colt's grip, due to her broken leg. Rain and blood pour off her victim as he tries to crawl away. She kicks him in the side rolling him onto his back in the street. "You fucked with the wrong woman you stupid bastard!" Quicksilver levels her gun at his cowering form.

Halfway across the drive, Kitty runs toward them, "Don't shoot him,he's injured too bad to hurt us. You could..."

Quicksilver pulls her trigger. First one shot to the chest, then a second to be sure. She had done it hundreds of times, surprisingly this was the only time she had truly enjoyed it.

Kitty goes dead-still as the gunshots echo. Her voice becomes muted and small, "you killed him".

Onlookers, who had been watching Quicksilver parade around nude, decided it was safer to stay inside and leave the psycho chick alone.

Quicksilver turns to Kitty who stares at the twitching body in horror. "Kitty get this through your head. They want us dead, there is no middle ground." Her teeth flash as she grunts from the pain in her leg, "Either we kill whoever is after us or they will eventually get exactly what they want. Your head on a platter. One of us is already gone, that should be reason enough for you to have the will to fight back." She sees Kitty's lip begin to tremble. Disgusted with herself and the whole situation, Quicksilver takes the girl in her arms. "Forget about what I said Kitty, just get your things together, we have to leave before they send more men."

As Kitty searches for her car keys, Quicksilver checks the men hanging in the window. Besides plenty of extra ammunition for her silenced weapon, she finds a GPS. Hoping it might contain some valuable information, she takes the device along. Soon they are back on the road.

As Kitty drives, she lays a hand to her head, "I totally forgot to get our deposit back from the manager". Quicksilver immediately bursts out laughing, her tired nerves unable to deal with the girl. "Don't worry about it Kitty, after the mess we left. I doubt you would have been able to get it back."

Silent again Quicksilver breathes the cool air. Twilight is heavy on the land. Nighttime is here.

Night 6

Quicksilver mulls over their problems for a few moments. For once, she is really unsure of what to do. How they had found her at the motel was odd, but perhaps this 'organization' is bigger than she had assumed. Quicksilver looks over to the petite Kitty driving her car. Poor girl is so lost in this situation. Quicksilver fidgets around uncomfortably.

It isn't that the Cougar has uncomfortable seats or anything. No not that, the lioness thinks to herself. The thing that is making me uncomfortable is sitting in the seat right beside me. Damn, the girl doesn't even realize! Here I am going crazy, with the crotch of my pants soaked by my own wanting lust. I can't help it either, her heat is just so strong. Stupid fucking situation to be in; can't stay focused. But... I want.... Quicksilver licks her lips and tries to get adjusted in the seat again. Finally she unbuttons her shirt all the way down to the navel in a vain attempt to cool down.

Quicksilver pulls out the stolen GPS device and starts searching for something workable as a hiding spot. Oddly, the GPS has a point marked on it, which seems to be the device itself. Worried that the device may have a tracking system built-in, the lioness pulls out the GPS's battery.


Soon they arrive at an abandoned building that Quicksilver had cased out some days ago.

"We should be OK here," Quicksilver assures her companion. Kitty just nods and parks the car. While Quicksilver is busy disassembling the GPS, Kitty takes a moment to check the place out. She takes one last look at her dented up car, then goes exploring.

The building is so very dirty, and the ceiling has more than its fair share of leaks. Still, at least rain wasn't pouring on her head. With a sigh, the young woman keeps walking. At the very least, she can thank her excellent night-vision for being able to navigate the dark building. The place must have been a repair garage at one time as it has three bays for cars, and an office on the other side. Of course, any tools or equipment had long since been removed or stolen.

She keeps searching but the office is likewise empty. Bored and tired, Kitty heads back to the garage area. She stops at the doorway and takes a look at Quicksilver. The lioness is still messing with the GPS, albeit with some frustration. She looks so serious and Kitty can't help but feel a bit of compassion for the woman. Poor lady, has already had enough trouble and now she is stuck taking care of me. But, why is she so angry? The way she kills, it is scary, but I think I can understand her. She is trying to protect us after all. Kitty falters in her thoughts and grimaces as a drop of water hits her on the head. With another sigh, she hugs herself and approaches Quicksilver.

"So, how's it going?"

Quicksilver scowls slightly and turns the GPS back on.

"Foutre', I don't know, the thing is perfectly normal, it just wants to show itself as a location for no particular reason." Kitty watches the lioness take a deep breath.

"Nevertheless" Quicksilver resumes, "we have a bigger problem. I am nearly out of .45 ammunition and we don't have basic food, equipment, or even a change of clothes." Kitty cringes a bit as the lioness nearly throws the GPS to the cement floor. Remembering herself it seems, Quicksilver shakingly sets the device on the floor, then hesitates. Slowly she looks at the screen, then back at Kitty.

"Of course."


"It's tracking you!" Quicksilver exclaims. Kitty herself only gives a quizzical look.

"How?" she asks with nervous curiosity.

Quicksilver gestures to the girl. "Remove your clothes, I need to know if you have a beacon on you."

Kitty hesitates for a moment, then reaches downward to pull off her shirt. Sure is strange to feel nervous about getting naked, considering I have been doing it for a living all these years. Kitty can't help but smile to herself, so much has changed. She has changed, and bad as the circumstances are, it feels good.

With a slight grin, Kitty kicks off her pants. She had never put on any underwear due to the rush of their leaving earlier.

Quicksilver looks at the naked girl with a forced calmness.

"OK, walk over to the other side of the car."

Kitty does as instructed, but is oblivious to the reason for Quicksilver's sudden tenseness. It feels odd, but free, to stand in the middle of a large empty place this late in the twilight, completely without vestment. Deep inside, it feels perfectly right though. Quicksilver makes a cryptic curse and laughs quietly. Left out of the loop, Kitty looks up through a hole in the ceiling, and her thoughts drift.

She is so confused, everything is turning around, and just when it begins to be discernible, the facts change. She has to wonder what on earth this is all supposed to accomplish. What is worth all the effort? If it is only for survival, then who is to say what the gain really is. Everybody dies, trying to survive can't change that. Everybody, even those you hold dear. It all passes away. Kitty is hit with the realization of her suddenly found, and then lost, mate. My Shadow, you saved me... and now I will never see you again...what is it all worth?

"Kitty, come here." The jaguaress is broken from her worries, and pads over to Quicksilver. At the lioness's order Kitty spreads her arms out straight and lets Quicksilver examine her. Kitty is nervous, not entirely sure of what is going on, but submits to Quicksilver's authority.


Quicksilver bites the tip of her tongue between sharp teeth and attempts to concentrate. Her hands shake noticeably and sliding them up Kitty's muscular legs only makes things worse. The lioness takes a deep breath and works her palms over Kitty's buttocks. It is still a strange feeling to her, but cannot be denied. Quicksilver silently curses the young jaguaress for her ignorance of what is going on. Still, there is nothing to help it. Quicksilver works up Kitty's spine and sees the felid shiver slightly, while simultaneously arching her back. The assassin hesitates, she want to lie to herself, that it is only the cool air which makes Kitty shiver, but the truth is persistent. The young jaguaress is simply reacting to the touch, showing responses befitting her natural condition.

Why? Why must you be in heat right now? This is killing me. I... I... What am I? I thought myself to be above physical and emotional constraints, but you alone, without even trying, have brought down my defenses. No... It is just science, you simply have very, extremely, attractive pheromones right now. We are both felids and it is simply an overpowering signal. Yes, that's it. Then again, why is it affecting me so much? Foutre', I bet she tastes as good as she smells.

"Are you alright?" Kitty inquires. Quicksilver gasps, and is very happy that the jaguaress is looking the other way because she cannot help how wet she has become, and the dampness is soaking her crotch, leaving warm trails hidden by the material of her clothing..

"Oh, umm, fine." Quicksilver immediately goes back to work. "I am searching to find out if you have a homing beacon hidden under your skin. And do not even ask me why, they have been tracking you for a long time and I am fairly sure this is how. I only hope that it is a superficial device..."

"What does that mean?" Kitty asks alarmed.

"It means that if it isn't under your skin it could be anywhere." Quicksilver keeps going upward and stops at the back of Kitty's neck. If any place, the beacon would be here. Sure enough there is a irregular shape under the skin, but it doesn't seem very large, and is hidden quite well. "There is something here, there is only one way to find out if it is what I have been looking for."

Kitty turns around and faces Quicksilver. Looking right into eachother's eyes, they are silent for a moment. The young jaguaress is terrified, but tries to hide it. Somehow though, she believes that Quicksilver knows what to do. Kitty nods. "I trust you."

Knowing the meaning of this, Quicksilver doesn't think but lightly kisses the jaguaress on the forehead. "OK, lie down on the hood of the car." While waiting, Quicksilver reaches in her equipment pouch and searches for the meager medical supplies she is carrying. With a discontented grimace, Quicksilver pulls out a scalpel, tweezers, some antiseptic, and a package of gauze and tape. This will not be easy, but has to be done regardless. Too bad it is so dark out, but Quicksilver isn't about to use a flashlight. The lioness glances at the felid stretched out over the hood of the Mercury Cougar. Now, I wish had told her to put her clothes back on.

Quicksilver takes a deep breath. She is not nervous about the surgery, that is easy for her. Kitty herself is the problem. Gently, she guides Kitty to lay her head slightly to one side, then brushes the golden locks out of the way. Quicksilver carefully wipes Kitty's neck with some alcohol and sees the jaguaress cringe.

"It's cold..."

Quicksilver keeps working. Remembering what she is doing, she hands Kitty the leather strap of the medkit. "You may need to bite down on this."

Kitty accepts the lightly oiled leather between her teeth and waits nervously. Ready to begin, Quicksilver traces the position of the bump on Kitty's neck with a skilled fingertip and starts to focus. The lioness positions her blade, then slices smoothly downward using the curved portion of her blade.

Kitty tenses and lets out a struggled mewl, but stays where she is.

"Hold on girl, just try to relax." Quicksilver uses tweezers to pull the flesh aside. "I know it hurts..."

Blood is trickling down making it hard to see, so Quicksilver has to feel with the tweezers. It doesn't take long to locate her target, but it is still too deep. Quicksilver put the scalpel between her thumb and forefinger, then carefully cuts deeper. She feels the blade scrape over the surface of something hard. Hopefully the beacon rather than a vertebrae. Without wasting a second Quicksilver plunges the tweezers in again, this time gripping a solid object. She gently tugs.

Kitty now shrieks through clenched teeth and draws her suddenly clawed hands over the surface of the hood. Seeing the paint being scraped back, Quicksilver hurries. I have to finish before she changes to her feral form. She will be too hard to control if that happens. Growling, the lioness pulls hard, and with sudden ease, the object comes out.

"Kitty, I have it out..." Quicksilver reassures as she quickly puts a pad of gauze over the bleeding cut. Kitty is crying, but the lioness can't blame her. Quicksilver knows that the beacon isn't an incredibly long range transmitter, but is still a threat to have around. Not wasting time, she puts it on the cement floor and smashes it with her bootheel. After several, exceptionally hard impacts she is fairly certain that it has become neutralized. Nevertheless, she still has an urge to shoot it for good measure.

Quicksilver breaks from her stolid countenance and softly pets the young girl's head. "Shh, it is OK."

Another minute passes before the lioness gets back to work. She carefully cleans the wound and stitches it up neatly. When it is all done, Kitty sits up shakily. With a grimace she stumbles and Quicksilver puts an arm around her. They sit for a few minutes. Side by side, with the lioness gently cradling the little jaguaress in her arms. Strangely Quicksilver likes the feeling. It isn't sexual, rather it is a moment of pure companionship.

When the adrenaline has worn off, Kitty walks around the car once to make sure the GPS is no longer tracking her. All looks well, and Quicksilver is getting edgy. They need to get moving. It isn't safe to be here too long.

With an odd grin, Quicksilver faces the young Kitty. "Time to go shopping."


It is pitch black this night. Kitty glances over her shoulder and nervously scans the surroundings. She stands very close behind Quicksilver who is kneeling in by of the side door of the music shop Quicksilver had directed them to. Kitty herself is still very confused as to the reason behind an obsolete cassette shop being of any importance; still, she is willing to trust Quicksilver on this. Of course, that didn't change the fact that Kitty is really unhappy to be standing outside in the rain right now.

After a few minutes, Quicksilver sighs in exasperation.

"This just isn't working well. Maybe if I had my tools, but with only a hairpin one would need to have the luck of a fool to pick this lock." The lioness growls and Kitty steps back to look at the door for a moment. It seems to have nice multi-tumbler locking mechanism, but no deadbolt. Couldn't jimmy it with a knife though because the space between the door and frame was covered by a steel plate. Kind of a fancy setup.

"I have an idea" Kitty quips. Before Quicksilver can ask about it Kitty is already heading for the car. She quickly pops the hood and reaches under to remove the dipstick. The lioness just stares in slight puzzlement as Kitty skips back over to the door. In a suspiciously skilled movement, Kitty slips the dipstick between the door and frame, then slides it down behind the steel plate and then behind the bolt . With a simple twist, the door pops open.

Quicksilver raises an eyebrow to the young jaguaress, "where did you learn that trick?" she only gets a broad smile in return.

"Well, miss Silver, lead the way." They trek in, happy to be out of the downpour.

Inside the music store, Quicksilver makes a thorough search of the premises, while Kitty keeps watch at the door. There do not appear to be any security personnel around, but she does find a locked door on the back wall with no keyhole. Curious, she searches around some more. Before long, the lioness locates a keyed switch underneath the sales counter. Still wishing for her pick set, Quicksilver pries the side panel of the counter off with her knife and climbs into the space to see the wiring. Before long she hot-wires the connections together by trial-and-error to hear a loud click from the back door.

An investigation leads to a storage room with several cabinets. In most of them she finds assorted things which do not belong in a music store. Sets of camouflaged uniforms, boots, satchels, MRE's, and a general collection of survival gear. One cabinet is made of heavier metal and has a lock on the handle. In fact, it is more of a safe than a cabinet. Quicksilver grabs the handle hmph locked, I expected as much. Using her knife, Quicksilver pries at the edges of the door, but it is very sturdy. Quicksilver growls and stops to think for a minute. Right about now she could really use some of her equipment; picks, drill, diamond knife, even C-4. While pondering the ramifications of just shooting the lock with her gun, she has an idea.

"Kitty, lock the front door and come here." In a few moments, the jaguaress arrives.

"Yes'siree, what can I do?"

Quicksilver takes a second to figure out what Kitty said, then continues.

"I have seen you control fire, can you do it on a small scale?"

"Yeah, sure. What do you want me to do?"

"Try to melt the lock mechanism on this cabinet"

"Alright then, here goes nothing." Kitty pulls a lighter out of her pocket and uses it to start a small flame above her hand. Concentrating on the act, she orients the flame into the lock. Quicksilver watches silently, letting the jaguaress concentrate, but it is one moment when the lioness is happy to be drenched. For right now, it is helping to cool off her head, and now the wetness between her legs is not noticeable.

The lock heats up, but definitely not enough to melt the tumblers of the mechanism sufficiently. Frustrated, Kitty drops her arms in defeat.

"I can't get it hot enough."

Quicksilver considers it for a moment.

"Then change to your anthropomorphic form. That should increase you abilities"

Kitty stares blankly. In exasperation, Quicksilver closes her eyes and concentrates for a moment. Kitty can't help but look in awe as soft fur grows over Quicksilver's body and her ears slide upward a bit while becoming pointed. Annoyed, the lioness pushes her pants down so her tail can extend as well.

When it is done, Quicksilver takes a few moments to catch her breath, it takes a lot of energy but she already feels great back in her true form.

"Oh....," Kitty replies. "But I don't really know 'how' to do that."

"I see" Quicksilver replies. "Then just pay attention. You need to clear you mind a bit, and concentrate on what you are. As for you, that would be a jaguar. Now try it."

Kitty closes her eyes and grimaces as she tries to concentrate.

"No, it's not difficult, just let it. Don't think too much, just let it be."

After nearly a minute. Quicksilver frowns.

"Try taking your clothes off, sometimes they get to be a distraction."

"Okay"After the jaguaress has been disrobed of her dripping clothes, they stand again, and Kitty tries to concentrate, on just nothing but what she is. Then again, Quicksilver fears that the girl doesn't really know what she is.

The lioness starts to feel a bit warm. She is standing in a small closet of a room, mere inches from the recurringly nude Kitty. Worse yet, now Quicksilver has no pants on. Well, in a way it feels better, she isn't getting quite as hot between the legs. Even so, Quicksilver removes her beaten-up gun holster and takes a moment to breathe. The air is so very heavy in here right now.

Quicksilver glances back at Kitty, again her claws are just starting to form, but that is about it. Then Quicksilver catches it. The scent. Quicksilver's mouth waters and she has a sudden urge to mount the jaguaress. That doesn't even make sense! I am no male. I AM A FEMME. And... I want her. Quicksilver licks her fangs slowly and watches transfixed as Kitty's breasts rise and fall with each breath.

It is a good thing Kitty still has her eyes closed, because Quicksilver cannot help herself. She feels feverish, and knows her body has risen to it's true temperature, over a hundred-and-two Fahrenheit. Her pussy is so wet that she feels a trickle of fluid on the inside of her thigh.

"Kitty..." She growls softly, but the girl doesn't hear. She is too busy trying to change her form. Quicksilver is hungry. Her tail flicks left and right anxiously. She knows why that Shadow had gone through so much trouble to be around the girl, she just smelled so good. Quicksilver doesn't know what to do. She is in a state of indecision, quite strange for her as that is. She wants to run, she wants to ravage the jaguaress right now, she wants this delicious torment to either stop or take her with it. It is too late by this point anyhow.

With a animal growl, Quicksilver wraps her arms around Kitty and kisses her full on the mouth. She can't help it. She wants it too bad. She doesn't even notice how wide Kitty's eyes open, only the delight of their lips together. She pulls their bodies together, hip to hip, and winds her tail around the jaguaress' legs. Quicksilver's moans are not human but they can be related to lust as far as a human can experience it. Amid it all, the jaguaress' body begins to change to its anthro- form. Quicksilver cannot think rationally at the moment, but she does notice something. Kitty does not push away. In fact, after the initial shock, the young jaguaress wraps her arms behind Quicksilver's back.

Dizzy, and licking Kitty's face like a cub, Quicksilver comes to her senses. Tongue still sticking out slightly, she relaxes and breaks the kiss.

"I... veuillez m'excuser" Quicksilver feels tears burn in the edges of her eyes for the first time in so many years. She is so embarrassed, there is simply no recovering from the situation. Without thinking of it she fades from sight becoming practically invisible.

"Silver... don't be ashamed." Kitty mummers as she pulls the lioness back against her. Quicksilver does not know what to do or to say. Then, as the last thing the lioness expects. Kitty kisses her back.

Time ceases to exist. Quicksilver finds herself lost in the affections of the young jaguaress. Their paws roam over one another's bodies and Quicksilver seems to notice her shirt being removed. It is delicious and exotic to feel Kitty's tongue flicking against her own. Quicksilver takes the jaguaress' tongue into her mouth and sucks on it hungrily. She hears Kitty giggle happily. Then the jaguaress is licking down Quicksilver's neck, exciting her like she does not ever remember feeling. Without warning, a warm wet tongue flicks Quicksilver's erect nipple, eliciting a satisfied purr.

Kitty purrs right back and sets to suckling Quicksilver's breasts, making her breathe in hitched gasps. Quicksilver runs her fingers through Kitty's hair and forgets all inhibition. The ornate pattern of Kitty's golden fur is almost hypnotizing to Quicksilver's over-induced thoughts.

"Sweet kitten, I cannot wait another moment." Quicksilver pulls Kitty's face up and kisses her hungrily, then moves down and starts suckling from Kitty's bountiful breasts. Quicksilver's own are not so big, and she finds a sense of wonder in that discovery. Kitty is now purring contentedly, and Quicksilver is not close to being done. She drops to a crouch and licks the inside of Kitty's thigh. The scent is overwhelming now. Kitty is in full heat, and Quicksilver knows there is no turning back.

With a growl, the lioness licks Kitty's pussy. It is wet and inviting, perhaps wetter than Quicksilver's own. The taste drives Quicksilver further into animal desire, and she begins hungrily lapping at the jaguaress' clitoris. Quicksilver doesn't know exactly what she is doing but it seems to be right. Odd though it may be for her to sit in the submissive stance, Quicksilver doesn't care.

Kitty growls low in her throat. "Silver... oh please don't stop." She pleads. Of course, the lioness has no plans of stopping. She buries herself deeper, driving Kitty higher, and grips the jaguaress' rump with her paws. Nothing matters, just desire.

Quicksilver doesn't know how long it has been, but suddenly the jaguaress claws into her shoulder and mewls earnestly.

"I'm... I'm there Silver" she growls. Quicksilver is rewarded by the vibrations of Kitty's body as she is overwhelmed by orgasm. Finally, she guides the jaguaress to lie on the floor. They stay wrapped up in eachother's arms for a few minutes while Kitty struggles to catch her breath.

Finally a bit more focused. Quicksilver lies on her back and smiles. Never before would she have thought of herself as even able to engage in a lesbian affair, not to mention doing so while breaking and entering. The unexpected had a way of just making changes whether you liked it or not. Quicksilver still has a burning in her pussy, but that must be dealt with later. Time is short and they need to hurry before somebody notices their car outside.

"Kitty, we must hurry."

"Hmm.. yeah, sure." Kitty purrs back. Quicksilver finds herself grinning as she pulls Kitty to her feet. Kitty searches in her discarded pants and finds the lighter again.

"Alright." She rolls the igniter, revealing a small lick of fire. Tenderly, Kitty takes it In her hand enjoying the amazing power and warmth of the glowing sprite. Just as Quicksilver had said, she feels more in control while in her Catrai form. It is as if the flame is an extension of herself.

"Remember, you can't burn air very well, focus on heating the metal itself." Quicksilver is mesmerized by the orange glow reflected in Kitty's feline eyes.

Kitty guides the yellow flame into the keyhole. Soon their room is illuminated by glowing steel. Quicksilver yanks on the handle, trying to break the cylinder loose, but to no avail. "Not enough."

While Quicksilver pulls the handle, Kitty reaches her hand out to the lock again. Flicking her furry tail agitatedly, she squints her eyes. "Come on." Suddenly the lock cylinder becomes a blinding white glow and a steady shower of sparks begins to pour from the hole. Immediately Quicksilver pulls hard. With a liquid feeling, the cylinder turns. Amid the haze and scent of ozone, the cabinet door pops open.

Quicksilver's eyes are wide with shock or excitement, Kitty cannot tell which. The cabinet contains a literal arsenal of weaponry. Everything, from a neat row of M-16's to several cases of hand grenades. Why such a collection would be stored here she isn't sure, but luck it seems is on their side. Quicksilver traces her hand over a box of .45 ammunition. Mustn't be greedy, we can't take all of this, just as much as we need. Well, maybe a little extra.

"Silver, what do we do?"

"First we need to get some clothes. Pick out some boots and such for yourself." While they are checking through the assorted apparel, Quicksilver decides that black clothing will be more inconspicuous than camouflage, regardless of Kitty's insistence that 'camo is cool'.

Quicksilver is quite happy with the quality of the equipment, and picks out some cargo pants, and a tank-top. Kitty is likewise dressed, but still has a bra due to her obvious bustiness. In addition, Quicksilver, puts her custom kevlar vest back on, and fits herself with a nice double holster to replace her old one. Considering the damage to the front of the vest, she puts a black long-sleeved T-shirt on as well.

Vestments assorted, Quicksilver turns her attention to weapons.

"OK Kitty, grab a couple of duffel bags and I will hand stuff to you."

Quicksilver knows that she is grabbing too much stuff, but she wants to safe rather than sorry. She hand's Kitty, SMG's, an a few extra boxes .45's with ammunition, then a long range folding rifle, and an old M-60 at least is uses .45 cal ammunition. She even grabs a box of food supplies, just in case. Pausing for a moment, Quicksilver hands Kitty a .38 revolver.

"Take this and put it in your pocket." She doesn't take the time to focus of Kitty's expression of wonder and worry.

"Alright, let's get out of here."


Outside, Quicksilver loads the trunk while Kitty gets in to start the car. Sliding the key into the ignition, Kitty looks around with suspicion. We have been here far too long, need to get moving soon. But where are we moving to? To that she has no answer yet.

The car starts with a hesitant rumble, and Kitty waits for the lioness to get in. As Quicksilver closes her door, Kitty shifts the Cougar into drive and... nothing happens. Perturbed, Kitty shifts the car into every single gear, then wiggles the handle around a bit for good measure. Still, they are sitting still.

"Just a moment" she quips cheekily, while hopping out of the vehicle. After leaning down to see if the shift linkage might have come loose she feels a heaviness in her stomach. Underneath the car, a widening pool of transmission fluid is making a colorful rainbow on the wet pavement. Something must have come loose during all of this running around. With a feeling of stupidity, she notes a faint trail of fluid from the direction they had traveled. Who knows when it started leaking. And I'm sure that I don't have any extra fluid in the car.

Standing back up, she leans into the Cougar and shuts off the engine. "We have a slight problem."

Quicksilver doesn't even ask details. Instead, she points out the window to an SUV. The vehicle, probably built in the nineties, has fading paint with several patches of rust, but seems serviceable.

"Can you get that started?"

Kitty balks, but only for a moment. Stealing cars is not her specialty, but she certainly knows how to do it. "I'm pretty sure. Just let me get my slim-jim out of the trunk"

Kitty hurries over and gets to work though her hands are trembling, while Quicksilver begins transferring all of their equipment. The jaguaress does not waste time while snapping the lock for the steering column and looking under the dash for available wiring. While using a small knife to peel insulation from the wires, she can tell that Quicksilver is watching her. Furthermore, the lioness is not just watching her work. She is looking closely at Kitty, studying her curves.

Kitty smiles but pretends not to notice. In a way she actually takes it as a compliment. Kitty herself had never been interested in other women before, but after the way the lioness had taken her earlier, she is very curious. She is curious if the lioness intended to continue from there. In fact, something about Quicksilver's lean body and silvery-blue hair arouses Kitty. I want have her pert nipples between my lips, to experience the taste. Oh, but I know how she can kiss, and there is no denying that it turns me on. A lot has happened to me in the last couple of days, and amid it all, finding out I am a bisexual is real easy to accept.

Kitty bites her lip softly and does worry a little bit. My shadow, I know you are gone, so this really isn't being untrue to you, but I just hope you would understand. Kitty sighs heavily. She had gone from mating with a male she hardly knew, to sucking off the animal she presumed to be her father, and now is burning with a desire to engage in a lesbian love affair. Even if she did understand what it meant to be in heat, it would not explain all of this. Have I just become some bitch? An animal good for little other than sensual pleasures? I... I don't know, but I did love Shadow, that I know. Perhaps it is my saving grace, paltry as it sounds.

Finally the SUV is started, and Kitty climbs into the driver's seat. "Alright, Silver." Quicksilver stands in the pouring rain for a moment, before moving towards the vehicle. The lioness steps into the SUV, but sits silently for several seconds.

"Kitty, I need to know if you feel the same attraction I do, I can not deny it, but if you wish I will do my best to remain resolute. For your sake." Wow, this is strange, what am I saying? I don't need to justify my actions. I am... I thought myself beyond weakening emotion.

Kitty can't respond immediately, she is still rather mixed up in her own feelings. Still, she already knows her answer.

"It's okay, and though it is new to me... don't stop." They face eachother, and Kitty looks deeply into Quicksilver's eyes. She can tell that the lioness is hesitant, but even more so, she is hungry. Oh, what the hell, I know what I want. Kitty leans forward and kisses Quicksilver full on the lips. The lioness does not draw back, but softly moans and puts a gentle hand to the side of Kitty's face.

When the kiss breaks, Quicksilver is still deadpan as ever, but there is a sparkle in her eyes.

"Alrighty, miss Silver, where to?"


In their newly acquired vehicle, the fugitives head into town. Spotting a hotel with a parking garage, Quicksilver points it out to her companion. "Just what we need, nobody will spot this thing parked among the hundreds of other vehicles." Smoothly rolling into the entry, Quicksilver takes her ticket from the booth and finds a spot. One last check to make sure her weapons are loaded, and she tells Kitty to shut off the engine. Booted feet scrape over concrete as she steps out. There is a mild squeak as her wet feet slide in the shoes. Quicksilver pushes back her tangled hair as Kitty opens the rear door of their vehicle.

"What are you after?" Quicksilver asks offhandedly.

"We're bringing the bombs and stuff aren't we?"

Quicksilver shakes her head, "Not unless you intend to send this building into orbit. It isn't like we need all that hardware to get a room for the night, especially now that they can't track us."

"Not even this?" Kitty waves her revolver.

Quicksilver smiles nervously, hoping nobody is looking too closely, "Quit flashing that gun Kitty. If it makes you feel better pack it with our change of clothes."

"Oh," Kitty flashes a sheepish grin, "sorry".

Quicksilver marches into the lobby, hoping not to make a scene in her wrinkled fatigues. The man at the key registry is overweight and bored with life. He barely gives them a second look when accepting their payment in cash.

"Enjoy your stay", he mutters robotically while handing over their key-card.

"537", Quicksilver slips the card into her pocket. Her sharp eyes scan the lobby, half the front wall is , allowing a warm glow to permeate as dawn approaches. To her left an older couple are drinking coffee. An assortment of other travelers and businessmen dot the area. In fact, the only suspicions looking person is Kitty, who stands in their midst water dripping from her hair.

Assured for the moment that they are safe, Quicksilver grabs Kitty's hand and forces herself not to hurry as they head toward they elevator.


Water patters down, splashing a pair of feet adorned with bright painted nails. Next to them, Quicksilver's strong toes are planted firmly.

"Hold still while I check these stitches!" Quicksilver moves the showerhead to clean streaks of blood from Kitty's neck.

"There, good as new."

"Is it over." Kitty' mewls.

"Just about, though you probably will not enjoy this part", she douses the wound with a bottle of alcohol. Once her bit of operating is complete, Quicksilver covers the spot with some white medical tape. "Okay girl, time to get dried off.

Now wrapped in warm towels, The girls attempt to fix eachothers hair. Kitty is busy with a blow-dryer and comb, when a thought comes to mind, "I want to try changing again."

Quicksilver nods, and goes first as before. Quicksilver closes her eyes momentarily concentrating

Kitty has to resist the urge to jump back as she sees Quicksilver's body begin to change. Her ears. retract and then align themselves at the top of her head, meanwhile the hair on her body darken becoming glossy silver and increasing in numbers. Across her face, belly, and inner thigh there is a soft white downy coat of fur. Looking closely, Kitty can even see fine feline whiskers on Quicksilver's upper lip. Her eyes are the only thing that do not change. Kitty stands, marveling at Quicksilver's tail as it sways.

One eye closed due to Kitty becoming careless with the hairdrier, Quicksilver motions toward the girl, "Now you try."

"Here goes nothing." Quicksilver waits a full twenty minutes before she sees any sign of change, and then it spreads quickly. In seconds, Kitty is shaking with excitement and breathless form the draw on her energy.

"Ha! I did it." she mewls. Quicksilver only gives an indecipherable look and walks towards the bed.

"Come, we need to get some rest. Morning is already upon us, and there is much to consider in the coming hours."

Nodding in assent, Kitty follows to the bed and swings her tail around happily as she slides in next to Quicksilver. The soft sheets feel good against her fur, but she does not not feel sleepy. Something is on her mind.



"What are we?"

"I do not know what you mean."

"Yes you do! Don't hide your thoughts from me. We aren't human... I accept that now, but I have to know what I am accepting."

"Kitty, I just can't tell you anything that could help."

"You must know something!"

"Kitty I don't want to talk about it. Just let it go, I am no mentor to be taught by." For some time they remain silent.


"I had thought you were finished with badgering me."

"What is it like where you came from? Your accent is so foreign, yet beautiful."

"I had lived in Paris for many years. Always plenty of people... Plenty of contracts."

"Is your family there?"

"I do not know. My childhood was spent in an orphanage near Sicily."

"I'm sorry."

"What for?" the silver furred lioness rolls over to see Kitty's expression.

"Well it's just that you must miss them."

"So naive", Quicksilver brushes golden locks away from Kitty's face, "How could I miss what I have never known. For all I know, My body could have been birthed from the sky itself. At times I think it is better not to have a weak point, people to worry about when the worst happens."

"That isn't true! Loving parents can teach love, I shall always cherish my foster parents and the mother that was taken from me. It is those people who shaped my life... Gave me some sort of purpose."

"And what is your purpose?"


"I suspected as much. Do you think your career any better than my own."

"At least I don't kill people." Kitty blurts out.

Quicksilver becomes silent as if thinking of something far away.

Kitty puts her hand on the lioness' shoulder, "I'm sorry, its just that I can't understand what drives you."

"It has never been homicidal for me. Every one is just like the last, something to hunt. These basal instincts you feel when in your feline form, giving in to them is such pleasure," She strokes Kitty's naked breast, "that it becomes an addiction. You have spent years resisting what you are, but I embraced it from a young age. Not old enough to even enter a tavern, I first felt the prickle down my spine. At times of my greatest distress, it would become stronger but still it was under my control. Only in my sleep was I weak, the first time I woke in a field undressed and smeared with blood. It hadn't set in yet what was happening. Weeks later I awoke from a dream that I was prowling the grasslands of Africa, only to find a shredded calf lying at my side. Unconsciously licking the blood from my hands I began to relive the dreams I had been having. Some of them were coming true, and I knew I could not repress myself much longer.

In the years that followed, I lived among the great wild hunters. I think it was then that I began losing this notion of humanity that you have. Cattle, men, women, and deer were all the same to me. It was maybe ten year ago that I was caught. Shrieking like a beast and shackled in iron, I faced a death sentence at the hands of the city. Luck it seems, was with me, perhaps seeing me as an opportunity, some group of nameless men purchased my freedom and trained me to do what I did best. My methods are different now, and with each contract I receive reimbursement, but what I do remains the same. I hunt them because my place in the human race is gone, so why not get rid of the contestants.

Now though, you have shown me something unexpected. I had thought myself above basal sexual desire. I had seen it as a weakness. Truthfully, I had no want of being held down by it. Furthermore, these humans have never attracted me. Or the animals for that matter. This is where you are different. I know that I am taking a chance, but this hunger is new to me and I can not deny it."

Kitty is taken aback, not having expected the conversation to become so intimate.

Quicksilver smiles taking Kitty's face in her hands, "Don't worry about me kitten, you have enough problems to deal with." She gently brushes the girl's hair back, "what do you say about us getting some sleep?"

Though Quicksilver is soon resting peacefully, Kitty remains restless, could that happen to me? Will I wake one day and find an animal looking back from the mirror? The thought sticks in her mind, Kitty stares at the ceiling for several minutes. When that gets boring, she looks over at Quicksilver. Both of them are nude and lying on top of the sheets. Of course, Kitty doesn't feel naked because they are both in their Catrai form, and she can't explain why, but it feels more secure. She studies the form of Quicksilver's lithe body and realizes another oddity; she does not feel uncomfortable lying in bed with the woman. Instead she feels safer and more secure than ever.

Almost afraid of being pushed away, Kitty rolls on her side and cuddles up close to the lioness. Awkwardly at first, Quicksilver puts her arm around the girl and lets her snuggle in comfortably. Kitty smiles and begins to purr softly.

Morning light peers through closed blinds as the two felids sleep peacefully.


Quicksilver awakes with a start and reaches for her gun beside the pillow. Gun in hand, she squints through blurred vision. Somebody is here I can smell them...

Quicksilver suddenly takes notice of the furry presence beside her, and she halts. Heart racing, she lowers the pistol. Oh my God, I need to focus for a moment. She looks back at Kitty and sets the gun down. The jaguaress mrr's and snuggles in closer. It is not really my fault, I am just not used to sleeping with somebody else around. Quicksilver makes a halfway grin and lies her head back on the pillow.

Quicksilver glances at the clock.


She had not slept so long in years. Maybe having the jaguaress around wasn't so bad. Or maybe it is, I must remain vigilant, this is not like me. Ah, but I am no longer sure what I am like anymore. Quicksilver's thoughts are troubled, but she is hungry. At least that is something to attend to which she understands.

The lioness sits up and slides back to lean against the headboard. The room is actually kind of nice. The only thing tacky looking is the line she had strung across the middle for hanging their clothes up to dry. Out side it sounds as if the rain has slowed a bit, but not stopped completely. She is hoping that it will stop raining, getting wet is not particularly enjoyable to her.

She watches Kitty awake and stretch out with a sleepy yawn. The jaguaress lifts her hindquarters and and flicks her tail from side to side. Quicksilver cannot help that her attention is transfixed. The young Kitty is a model of sensuality, and the dark pattern of spots along her spine only seems to accentuate this. The lioness flicks her tail anxiously. She wants the little cat, needs her. Still, Quicksilver is hesitant. She watches as Kitty looks up with only one eye open and the jaguaress slowly licks her lips. Going with the moment, Quicksilver reaches out and caresses Kitty's cheek. In response, the jaguaress purrs and leans into Quicksilver's touch. Fascinated, Quicksilver continues with her ministrations, petting and sliding her fingers through the girl's golden locks.

"Silver... that feels nice" The young Kitty moves on all fours to get closer to Quicksilver, and the two rub their cheeks together softly. Quicksilver continues with the petting, even scritching underneath Kitty's chin to elicit a delighted purr. She slides a hand down Kitty's back and find's it interesting how Kitty's rump instinctively raises in response to the touch. The Jaguaress in definitely still in heat, there is no denying that. Still lost in the moment Quicksilver is being overcome by Kitty's scent. It is attractive and delicious, Quicksilver finds herself filled with the uncharacteristic desire to just pounce the jaguaress and lick her all over.

With the epitome of sexiness, Kitty slides against Quicksilver's body and kneel's over the lioness' lap. With tantalizing slowness, Kitty arches her back, baring perfectly rounded breasts that Quicksilver can only describe as something of wonder for her. Quicksilver is hungry and from this position she cannot help her actions. She slides her paws down Kitty's neck and softly cups those firm breasts. The nipples stand erect and from the left one Quicksilver sees a drop of milk tease her vision. The lioness licks her lips hungrily and growls softly in her throat as she leans forward.

With wild abandon, Quicksilver closes her lips around Kitty's pert nipple, purring softly as she draws the warm cream forth. It is succulent and though not as sweet as cow's milk, has an incomparable creaminess. Silently Quicksilver thanks her lineage. The Catrai ability to always lactate had once seemed needless to her. Now, suckling her partner hungrily, she can tell why the trait has persevered. I had been hungry for some food, but this is surely better than any other option.

Quicksilver finally drains Kitty's breast and moves over to the next one for good measure. While Quicksilver takes the jaguaess' teat in her mouth and teases it with her tongue, she knows that Kitty is lost in sensation. Loving the animal passion of it, Quicksilver bears down again. With her face pressed into Kitty's breast, Quicksilver is getting a giddy feeling and wonders if it is something in Kitty's milk. Considering how much the girl's pheromone have a affect, it is not unlikely.

Finally done, Quicksilver sucks firmly one last time and leans back, letting Kitty's nipple free with a wet sound. The lioness opens her mouth wide and works her tongue around toothy jowls to get the dripping cream from her face. She hears Kitty giggle and looks upward.

"You missed some." At this, Kitty leans down and licks Quicksilver's face several times. That done, they kiss again. It is a sweet kiss, full of passion, but not hurried. Their tongues lightly play with one another, and Quicksilver gently massages Kitty's breasts. The kiss breaks softly, and Kitty looks into the lioness' eyes.

"I want to taste you Silver." Before Quicksilver has much of a chance to say anything against it, the jaguaress starts moving downward. Quicksilver finds herself to be a bit nervous. She forgets that idea when Kitty's lips reach her breast though. She vaguely remembers it from the last night, but every feeling is exquisite. Kitty's lips are so very soft, and Quicksilver find herself wanting the young cat closer.

When Quicksilver feels Kitty take a tender nipple between her lips and start suckling, she can't help but gasp. She can feel her milk being drawn forth and another sensation that she had certainly never experienced before. It is a calming and wonderful thing, almost a maternal pleasure. She cannot explain it, but can definitely agree that it feels good. She finds herself sinking her fingers into Kitty's hair and petting her amorously. Quicksilver can't even move from where she is, she is too overwhelmed by the feelings.

In the dim light, she looks down and gazes with wonder at the sight of Kitty's hungered drinking from her breast. It is beyond erotic, and it is a connection with another individual that she has never known. As good as it feels, her pussy is now burning with a nearly intolerably need.

Kitty comes up for air happily licking her lips, and quickly gives Quicksilver another kiss.

"I want to please you this time Silver, tell me how this feels." Without any more warning, Quicksilver feels Kitty's fingers slide down over her abdomen and gently reach her waiting pussy. A slender finger works into the dripping wet cleft and Quicksilver automatically spreads her legs wider. The finger searches for a moment leaving Quicksilver a second to wonder what Kitty is doing. Then Kitty's digit strokes the lioness' clitoris. Quicksilver feels her entire body tense for a second and she gives out a surprised mewl. It is like an electric shock but feels wonderful and good in every sense of the idea.

"Yes kitten, I like it" Quicksilver exclaims through clenched teeth. She can tell Kitty is smiling widely. Before Quicksilver has another moment to think, Kitty begins stroking her again. It is pleasure, pure and simply. Quicksilver is about to say something, but is stopped when Kitty takes a nipple and starts flicking it with her tongue. All Quicksilver can emit is a purring growl. The jaguaress has her, she knows the fact, and she is enjoying it. With quickened breaths, Quicksilver succumbs to the pleasure that Kitty is offering.

Minutes pass but Quicksilver hardly notices, she is lost in passion. Now though, with Kitty paying special attention to her breast and stroking her pussy with those rapid finger movements, the lioness feels something different. It is like a pressure, but she can feel it throughout her entire body. She can feel her pleasure peaking, but still is not familiar with the feeling.

Suddenly Kitty drops her head down and draws her tongue across Quicksilver's sex. The lioness cannot even say a word, she is hypnotized by the pleasure. With an interesting eagerness Kitty kisses Quicksilver's pussy and slowly draws her tongue across her clitoris. Faster and faster the licks continue, until Kitty has her lips pressed directly again the lips of Quicksilver's vagina and is rapid flicking her tongue into the hot cleft.

Quicksilver is breathing in hitched gasps and giving out little moans. Her tail is flicking back and forth uncontrolled, and she feels her entire body tense and draw the jaguaress closer. She looks down to see Kitty's face buried between her legs, and it only seems to excite her more. Desperately, she claws at the sheets and for the first time in her life feels the height of orgasm. She arches her back as Kitty happily brings her over the brink. Quicksilver is slowly bucking her hips towards the young jaguaress and suddenly it hits her.

Quicksilver gives out a very inhuman caterwaul and tightens her hips slightly. Her whole body contorts and as she rolls onto her side she finds herself gasping as she is overcome by the feeling. She rolls back onto her other side, tearing the sheets with her claws and tries to grasp at something, what that would be she doesn't know. Then, Kitty climbs up and lies beside her. Quicksilver immediately pulls the girl into her arms and hugs her tightly. Her embrace is complete and she even intertwines her legs with Kitty's to hold her tighter.

"I can't breathe" Quicksilver gasps.

Smiling brightly, Kitty pets Quicksilver s face.

"Shh Silver, just relax, enjoy it." Quicksilver takes the advice, and after a few minutes she does feel a little more relaxed. She looks back at Kitty with an expression of gratitude, and is rewarded by one of Kitty's happy kisses. Quicksilver can taste her own juices on Kitty's lips, but it doesn't taste bad at all, in fact she kind of likes it.

Purring like kittens, they snuggle back together in the disarrayed bed and decide to take an extra catnap.

To Be Continued...