Sweet Seduction (m/ff threesome porn)

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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Has to be every guys dream right? Getting offered a spot in a video with two cute porn stars you've had a crush on for years? Its certainly been a surreal experience for Skye after a chance encounter gives him just that chance. And it's going to lead to a day he will remember for the rest of his life.

Another little silly idea I've been playing around with. Not entirely sure where it was going to go but overall I'm impressed with the results. Probably going to be a standalone story..at least for now. Won't be the last time we see Skye. That's for sure.

'This couldn't be the place.' Skye arrived to look over the address he had been given, not sure if this was the place. It was hardly what he expected. He double checked the number and with only a brief pause pressed the buzzer. If he was wrong he would apologise, chalk this all up to a bad decision and beat a hasty retreat, something rabbits are renowned for even if he never liked the tail between the legs stereotype that came with his species.

He was just on the verge of walking away anyway when the door opened to an instantly familiar face yet not the one he had expected to be greeted by. Funnily enough it wasn't the face that first attracted his attention, his eyes almost drawn to the fluffy bathrobe fastened around the delicate torso yet hanging loose around her lithe legs, tight enough to just highlight the full curves of her breasts. Suddenly and horribly aware thaf he was staring Skye quickly lifted his eyes to face before him.

'Hiya.' The other bunny said warmly, her white tipped black ears draped casually behind her head. 'You must be Starlight. Come on in.'

So taken aback was Skye that he didn't even react to the usually unwelcome use of his first name. He had lost track of the number of times he had played out this moment in his head even before he had received the offer that had seemed like a dream come true, his mind needing little promoting to create scenarios where he would bump into one or both of the two women who had shaped many of his fantasies . Even if in his private imaginings he hadn't been as tongue tied as he was now, having felt able to do little more than mutely follow in behind the sable furred bunny whose lustrous coat still shimmered in the soft lighting of the hallways. Didn't exactly help that he felt over dressed in his smart casual grey suit completed with a crisp blue shirt; the very outfit that had been gathering dust since his cousin's wedding last year.

'That's me.' Skye found his voice almost in rush of words he fought to control. 'I don't need to ask your name though. I'd like too. I mean...I should. We should..'

'Okay. Take a breath sweetie.' The bunny smiled without censure or chastisement. 'Mrs Ellenette said you were a fan of ours. No need to be nervous though. Just think of me as anyone else really. In fact..let's introduce like anyone else. I'm Carla. Pleased to meet you.'

'Skye. It's a pleasure.' Skye replied evenly, fighting not to smile at that. As anyone else. That idea was as ridiculous as it was enticing. She wasn't anyone else though. She was Carla Snowdrop. As renowned the world over as in this country, with thousands of fans if not millions. And here he stood actually talking with her.

'There. That was better.' Carla soothed softly. 'Come on through. Mrs Ellenette should be along soon. But in the meantime I can introduce you to Sapphire.'

'I'm sure I need no introduction.' That smooth reply came from the ebony equine reclining on a couch in an identical state of dress to Carla, the mares robe hanging open just a little to leave a little glimpse of cleavage. Reclining for a second anyway before with a subtle grace that seemed almost opposing to her powerful yet feminine form she rose to cross the distance between them with paw extended. 'Sapphire. At your service my dear. Please. Sit. We can make ourselves comfortable while we wait.'

'Skye.' Skye shook that paw firmly before taking the offered seat

'So..you really don't like your first name.' Sapphire chuckled. 'Ellenette said you didn't. Personally I don't see why. It's perfectly sweet to me.'

'That's sort of the problem.' Skye sighed. 'That's just what my brothers used to say about it. They were only teasing me, calling me sweet little Starlight. But with..others...other guys at school..they used to pick on me about it. Bullying me about why my parents gave me a girls name and asking why I wasn't wearing a dress. Or braiding my hair. Just being spiteful. I guess over the years I just started taking to calling myself Skye and it just kinda stuck. Trying to push away the memory I..I'm sorry. I'm rambling. Just blathering on about me. Can't help it really..I feel like I know the both of you. I guess that makes it easier to talk to you.'

That was the truth of it. It was a funny thing. He both knew them and didn't at the same time, having at least in a vicarious way shared many experiences and moments with them through out his teenage years and beyond, all leading from a shared sensual performance that had stirred his teenage nights. Like most teenagers he had experimented with porn at the same time as his own pleasure. But the collection of videos secreted on his computer of Carla, Sapphire and a handful of others made weren't porn, they were works of art. Truly sensuous pieces of visual delight that combined the unabashed sex of porn with the deep intimacy of erotica.

'Well..if you have seen as many of our films as Mrs Ellenette said, I think in a way you do.' Sapphire leaned back on the couch languidly, drawing him out of his reflections with a blush. 'Which is your favourite?'

'Sweet Seduction.' Skye didn't even have to think about the answer. There was really no choice about it. Not just because it was the first of their videos he had stumbled across although that was certainly part of it. No..it was more the earnest and genuine passion that had radiated from the two on screen girls even before they had started making love. 'There was something about the intimacy you two had in that video.'

'Funny.' Carla chuckled. 'Most guys liked the bit where I jiggled Sapphire's breasts after she stripped off her bra.'

'Well..there was that too.' Skye felt his cheeks burning, to say nothing of the sudden urgent hardness in his pants. 'That was really hot.'

'That was actually the first film we did together.' Carla's face broke into a faraway smile. 'And the first film I ever did. People say I didn't look like it but I was actually a bundle of nerves. And yet..there she was. All confidence and warm sensuality. Had it not been for Sapphire I'm not sure I would have gotten over my shyness and gone through with it.'

'I don't really remember shyness.' Sapphire smirked. 'Not when you pulled down my panties to eat me out from behind.'

'Maybe because you made me feel so welcome.' Carla rose and leaned over to brush her snout with a lingering kiss.

'So..it's all right to be nervous.' Skye almost blurted out. He hadn't been going to mention that. Far from it really. It was just something he felt that he couldn't, either from fear of being turned away or just simple embarrassment. He wasn't really sure.

'Honey...' Carla slipped away from the mare to loop an arm around his shoulders. 'Everyone gets nervous their first time. And second. And third. I don't know a single girl or guy in this business who doesn't. But that's okay. Take my advice, just be yourself, have fun and you might find that the scene is easier than you think.'

'Speaking of the scene..they will be expecting us in wardrobe.' Sapphire said pointedly. 'So why deny Linda the chance to pretty you up a bit?'

'You guys have wardrobe here?' Skye asked. 'Like in a theatre?'

'Yeah..crazy isn't it.' Carla grinned. 'We spend half an hour getting dressed and made up only to take it all off again in under ten minutes. Still..adds to the realism. Anyway, you just wait here and Mrs Ellenette should be here soon. I'm sure she wants to talk over a few things with you then you can get ready. I recommend taking a nice warm shower first. That always relaxes me. Then after we are done maybe we can all take one together.'

Skye really had no idea how to respond to that. Luckily he was spared even having to try by the arrival of the third familiar face of the day. Mrs Ellenette was dressed almost exactly the same way she had been the first time they had met, an elegant grey business suit with pleated skirt that could have added a stern twist to her visage had not her face been lit by a genuinely warm smile.

'Ah..Skye. You are here. I'm glad.' A puma from head to toe, lithe and graceful; her brown fur perfectly and fastidiously groomed right down to her constantly flicking tail. 'I see Carla and Sapphire have made you welcome. Can I offer you something warm to drink? It's only fair I think since you were kind enough to offer me the same.'

'A tea would be nice. I think I'm already keyed up enough without adding coffee to the mix. And I hope others would have done the same.'

In truth, Skye had done more than offer her a warm drink. Yet it was touching that that was what she focused on, really the smallest of gestures of the day. It was pure chance he had been stepping out of his flat at the very same moment as Mrs Ellenette had stepped out of her car only for a sudden gust of wind to sweep the collection of papers from her paws. A lucky thing really or else they would have ended up as soaked as she became, courtesy of the car that sped around the corner to splash her with a wave of freezing water.

After that things had been a blur, Skye scooping up what he could of the papers while Ellenette screamed at the retreating driver, screams that quickly turned to furious shivers as the icy wind began to bite. The very wind that prompted Skye to invite her upstairs to warm up while she called for a change of clothes. While she showered he had flicked through the almost ruined papers. And you could only imagine his surprise to see promotional material for his two favourite adult film stars, still flicking through them bewildered before Ellenette returned. Far from being annoyed she seemed almost pleased. Which would have been bewildering enough had she not said he would be perfect for a project they had in mind, being a sort of fitting end to the confluence of events that had lead him here.

'I don't think many would.' Ellenette smiled, returning with a cup of something soothingly herbal that he took gratefully. 'I'm imagining you have questions.'

'Well..I still don't see why you need me for the scene.' That question had been bouncing around in his head ever since the all too brief meeting with Ellenette, one that he hadn't really been able to ask then given how much of a hurry she had been in. 'Surely you must have lots of guys who could do this.'

'I do..but none like you.' Ellenette replied. 'I'm not looking for some buffed up jock or Casanova like porn star. No, I'm going for the guy next door look. And who better than actual guy next door. Which makes you perfect.'

'I see. I'm still not..well..sure that I can act it right.' Skye said slowly.

'Skye..acting isn't the name of this game.' Ellenette said softly. 'I don't ask my guys and girls to act. Nor do I give them a script. I just rely on a broad idea of the scene and let them just be themselves and see what happens. Here. Have a look at this. Let me know what you think.'

Skye sat forward to take the offered piece of paper, quickly seeing that she wasn't kidding about broad idea of the scene. Calling it brief would have been generous as well, little more than four lines of neatly handwritten text which he skimmed in about five seconds then read more slowly in just under double that. 'That's it?'

'That's it.' Ellenette replied. 'See..nothing to it. We want it to be as natural as can be. Which is why we don't use camera crews either. The whole set is filled with dozens of small cameras that let me choose the perfect angle when I edit the footage. So you don't have to worry about getting stage fright either. Now..I heard Carla say you should have a shower. That's a good idea. It's just upstairs, first on the left. There is plenty of hot water so take as long as you need. I'll send someone to bring you to wardrobe when you are done. Now, go on. Scoot.'

Skye had to admit he was impressed. Somehow he had been imagining a small cramped shower unit over an equally cramped bath. So the view of the wide smooth tiled walk in shower that covered half of the bathroom really was an eye opener as well as a pleasant surprise. If one that he really didn't pause to enjoy. Despite Ellenette's assertion that he could take as long as he needed, he was still aware that they were on the clock here. Time being money and all that. That and the longer he waited, the greater the chance that he might just back out of this. It was that thought that aided him in quickly stripping to leave his clothes neatly piled on the lip beneath the mirror before stepping into the shower.

Unfamiliar this room might have been but it was still only the matter of a few seconds to work out how the shower worked and set the right temperature which quickly filled the room with a rolling cloud of steam that Skye lost himself in as much as the warm water.

'Carla was right.' Skye murmured softly, the familiar soothing caress of the warm water was relaxing him even in this unfamiliar place and situation. A feeling he wasn't going to ignore or fight as he almost on instinct grabbed a nearby bottle of body wash and poured a generous amount onto his paws. 'This is relaxing.'

As those paws wandered so too did his mind, quickly flashing back to the video he had watched last night almost as a distraction from his worries. Last night it had been abstract to him, just something to watch. But now he couldn't help thinking that it would soon be him maybe in the place of the buff rhino Carla had treated to a nice slow blowjob before he fucked her brains out. Or that it could be him standing in for the sweet fox Sapphire had seduced in the video that followed, her skilled mouth and paws milking him to one orgasm after another.

Or..that it would be him sharing this shower with his two idols as they caressed and cuddled under the water, those sweetly teasing paws dropping to encircle and caress his...

With a gasp Skye dragged his paw away from his cock that he hadn't even noticed he had started stroking. As much as an effort as that was, it was even more difficult to resist resuming that pleasurable activity given how his cock throbbed for attention.

Almost shakily, Skye took a deep breath. Embarrassment of it aside, jerking one out here might mean he couldn't regain an erection in time for the scene. So with that thought firmly in mind, Skye took another couple of deep breathes before finishing washing and stepping out of the shower to dry himself throughly with the towel provided. Luckily for him, so had a long heavy bathrobe which he slipped into before gathering his clothes and leaving the bathroom. Something he would have done completely casually, had he not almost bumped into the petit raccoon so close outside the door he would have thought she was lurking there.

'All done?' The raccoon asked in a voice as bright as her pink t-shirt settled over her snug red shorts that rise quite high on her hips. 'Hi. I'm Marie. Follow me and we can get something for you to wear.'

'Won't these do?' Oh..she had been. Well, waiting for him anyway. Skye just hoped that his surprise hadn't filtered into his voice enough to give offence to the one person he had seen today that he hadn't already met.

'Nothing wrong with them of course.' Marie glanced back over her shoulder with a grin. 'Very smart. Just maybe a little too smart for today's scene. But don't worry, I have something special in mind for you. Come on.'

Now dressed again in the casual cream chinos and loose blue tshirt Marie had picked out for himself that sat over the black boxers set just the right amount of snug against his skin, Skye found himself waiting just inside the doorway of the house, the prop that was supposed to stand in for the small bundle of mail he was delivering held delicately in his paw. This was where the scene was supposed to start. After that, well..it was all down to being himself. He could do that. Right?

Luckily he didn't have long to dwell on that as Carla approached, giving him an approving glance topped with a warm smile. 'Very cute. They look good on you. Marie does have an eye for what guys like. How are you feeling? Nervous?'

'A little.' Skye saw no point in hiding that from her. 'I guess.'

'That's okay.' Carla squeezed his arm lightly. 'Just follow my lead. Kay?'

'Kay.' Skye nodded.

'Atta boy.' Carla reached past him to open the door a little only to close it with a firm click. 'Awww...thank you. It was so sweet of you to bring these over. Especially given how much of a scorcher it is outside.'

'Well...what are neighbours for?' Skye replied, a little awkwardly passing the bundle of letters to Carla. 'I'm sure anyone would have done the same.'

'I'm not so sure.' Carla smiled. 'Look, I know it's not much as a thank you but I just made some iced tea. Would you like a glass? I always make too much, even for the two of us. Oh, sorry. My roommate, Sapphire. It's just me and her around here. Two girls living fancy free and by our own rules. Even if Sapphire is a bit of a clean freak. I can't go a day without her complaining about leaving my panties on the floor of my room. It's my room after all. I'm sure you've seen Sapphire around right? We've both seen you around. Kinda hard not too. Not too many people close to our age around here.'

Skye had been silent through that unscripted monologue that had carried them both into the open plan seating area and kitchen, where the aforementioned jug of iced tea sat on the side.

'I've..seen you both a few times.' Skye ad-libbed quickly, that line not exactly untrue. 'I guess that's one reason why I wanted to bring the mail over. Makes a good reason to introduce myself.'

'And here I though you wanted to do us a favour.' Carla glanced back over her shoulder as she bent forward with exaggerated grace to grab the jug, as well as give Skye a great view of her short clad cheeks. 'I'm just teasing you sweetie. I'm glad you did. On both counts. See, we both wanted to introduce ourselves to you too. But..you always seemed kinda shy. Although..maybe not so shy hmm?'

Embarrassment swirling in his head, Skye took a seat only to cover that emotion with a sip of the tea. 'This..is really good.' Skye said, the fruity sweetness swirling around his tongue. 'Really. It's delicious.'

'Well..it's not much of a thank you.' Carla took a slow sip from her glass, having taken a seat on the other end of the couch from him, 'But..you know..maybe there is a better way to thank you?'

'O..oh?' Skye stammered, his cock twitching as he had a very good idea where this was going. 'What do you..'

'I mean..we've both been watching you.' Carla said with a purr. 'And we both think you are kinda cute. And we both like to invite cute guys over for a little...fun. You know..the kinda fun guys have with girls.'

'I..don't know about that.' Skye managed a convincing stammer that wasn't entirely faked.

'Oh..I do.' Carla placed down her drink to scoot a little closer. 'See..I said we've been watching you. And we've seen you watching us, sneaking glances as we sunbathed in the front yard wearing our very tiny bikinis. And I think you want to know what we look like without them.'

'Well..I..I..ummm...that's.' Skye blushed a deep crimson despite himself as Carla seductively ran a finger along his thigh, his fur tingling beneath the cloth.

'Awww..you are so shy.' Carla teased sweetly. 'One part of you isn't shy though. If you aren't careful you might just put a hole through those pants of yours. So..come on..why not have a little fun with us?'

'I..ummm...I'd...' Skye blushed, his Adam's apple trembling as Carla unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers deftly, her equally deft paws finding and pulling his cock from his boxers. 'That's not...you don't have too...'

'But I'd like too.' Carla chuckled. 'Besides, look at how hard you are. It's clearly been too long since someone sucked you off.'

'Ohhh...has that got you all excited.' Carla purred, Skye's cock jumping in her paw almost with a life of its own under the soft caress of her breath. 'Thinking about my lips caressing your head, my tongue wrapping around you in sweet licks that just have you begging for more? Maybe even begging for me to suck you until you explode in my mouth?'

'Mayb...ohhhh.' Skye's reply dissolved into a moan as soft as his bones suddenly felt, his whole body sagging against the couch as Carla's mouth surrounded his head in a equally tender and stimulating kiss. Skye's heart..in contrast to Carla's reverentially slow kisses..was beating a hundred miles an hour.

Yet she never hurried her reverential slow worship, placing lingering kisses from his tip to his base that already had him squirming, his head already slick with a moisture that didn't come from her lips. So keyed up was he that each kiss brought forth another Bead of precum to roll slowly down towards Carla's eagerly waiting mouth.

'You skanky little bitch.'

Skye started at that sudden exclamation, his eyes leaping to the stunning mare standing at the foot of the stairs with a hand on her full hips. In the heat of the moment he had forgotten completely about Sapphire, yet now he couldn't ignore her as she sauntered closer in a ridiculously tight tank top and shorts.

'You were supposed to wait for me.' Sapphire tutted, her eyes now fixed on her friend who hadn't stopped worshipping and kissing the softly twitching cock before her.'

'Like you wouldn't have done the same.' Carla swapped her mouth for a paw which wasted no time in wrapping around the slick head and treating it to a soft, loving squeeze. 'Still..plenty of time to share. Skye and I have only just gotten started.'

'So I see.' Sapphire said with a slow grin. 'I think you might be loosing your touch. I thought you might have had him on his back and been fucking his brains out by now.'

'Maybe I would have been.' Carla dropped her paw to lightly stroke the shaft still wrapped in her grip. 'But he is so cute...how could I resist teasing him a little? Anyway, you can't stay mad at me.'

'I guess I can't.' Sapphire strode the rest of the distance between them to lean and lightly kiss Carla on her lips, a lingering kiss that Skye could only watch mesmerised. 'Anyway, as much as I love kissing you, I have something I want more to wrap my lips around. Once we get these annoying clothes out of the way.

Skye blushed, the surge of heat racing from his head all the way down to his toes doing nothing to stop Carla and Sapphire moving almost in time with each other to surround him, the mare pulling him gently to his feet with a gentle tug of her paw.

'You know..he is so shy. It's only fair I go first.' Carla whispered, wasting no time in pulling her shirt up and away, her sweetly curved chest nestled inside her equally cute pink bra. Until those self same paws released and allowed it to fall away.

Skye couldn't believe what he was seeing, his head swimming as the girl he had had a huge on screen crush on stripped down right in front of him; had his cock not already been fully erect he would have popped a boner just from that sight alone. Well..one of two girls. Now that Sapphire was actually here, he couldn't ignore her. Not as she stepped up, her paw cupping his cock just for a second. Barely had he had the chance to even move against that touch before it was tugged away, Sapphire flinging him a naughty smile as she started to unbutton his trousers.

With far more deftness than he could have managed, Carla and Sapphire moved to help guide him out of the suddenly loose fabric. Maybe it wasn't strictly necessary for them both to undress him, but Skye couldn't deny it was incredibly arousing to be the single recipient of these two stunning ladies undivided attention. Racing though his mind was, he somehow tracked everything. The paws whispering over his legs, the warm boobs pressing into his body, the equally warm breath teasing his already stirred flesh.

Which was nothing to the stirring of flesh as Carla deftly stripped him off his boxers, tossing them away teasingly. Skye was naked now, fully naked and exposed to the eyes of both girls and the audience who would be watching the action to come. The very thought of which made his already hard cock twitch, almost jumping against his stomach in his excitement.

Sapphire had felt that, she could hardly have missed it as she rose to kiss him softly, pressing her still clothed body against him.

'You should sit down.' Sapphire purred. 'You seem tense. I'd like to help you relax. Besides, I have a promise to keep.'

'I think someone made a promise about clothes not getting in the way.' Skye said softly, surprising himself with his boldness at that comment.

'So I did.' Sapphire chuckled.

Trying to look casual, Skye's heart pounded as in a mirroring of Carla's undressing Sapphire stripped out of her shirt. The mirroring ending the second it rose up over her head, the mare already topless as she had gone without a bra. Her breasts proudly on display Sapphire proved that she had gone completely without underwear, her body utterly naked before him the second she removed her shorts, her pussy glistening a little as she knelt before the almost visibly shaking bunny.

'Like what you see?' Sapphire purred. 'Most guys do. I know I'm liking what I see.'

'Very much.' Skye managed to keep from stammering, his mouth oddly dry. Carla's attention earlier had done nothing to completely relax him to the newness of what he was about to experience. 'I..kinda wanted to help you undress as well though.'

'Awww..I'm sorry sweetie.' Sapphire chuckled. 'I'm sure I can make it up to you though. And anyway, you can still help my sweet Carla undress when it comes to it. I'm sure you'd love to help free her cute boobs so she can wrap them around that your gorgeous cock.'

'I..I would.' Skye blushed and groaned softly. 'Is..is that what are..going to do?'

'I actually had something else in mind.'

Barely had Sapphire uttered those words than she dipped her head to draw his cock deep into her mouth, taking all of him in one smooth practiced movement. Down and down she slid until her muzzle was wrapped around his base, his head throbbing against her soft tongue.

Sapphire held him there for just a moment, drawing out that pause to a delicious limit that had Skye squirming. Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, Sapphire raised her head again. And there was no holding here. Barely had her lips grazed his tip that she sank down again to a full throated moan from her young partner.

Had Skye had the use of his hands, he might have clenched them tight against his palms. Or into the taut fabric beneath his tensed legs. Or even grabbed her head to hold her close. But all those things were above him right now. Utterly beyond him, all of him frozen and not daring to move. Even breathing felt too much, Skye gripped by a sudden worry that the slightest movement would throw her off. Luckily for him, Sapphire seemed as keen on stopping as he was.

Unhurried and with a grace that was heart-stoppingly serene, Sapphire deep throated her young lover, not even pausing as his head brushed against the deepest depths of her muzzle. With practiced ease she engulfed and released his glistening member only to draw him back into her mouth again.

'Ah..ah..ahhh.' Skye trembled and gasped, his hips bucking just a little; a subtle eager movement he couldn't help but control. Before that movement could become something more, something bigger, Sapphire withdrew. Withdrew all the way to expose his twitching cock to the cool air and lusty gaze of both women.

Sapphire paused, her gaze lingering sweetly on each twitch and jump, leaving him only caressed by the sweet warmth of breath as she cooed and sighed with a pleasure all her own. 'Shh..shhh...relax.' Sapphire purred. 'No need to rush, my sweet Skye. I'll make you cum soon. I promise.'

'I'll..try.' Skye groaned. 'But..that felt..feels..so good. I've never been so..so..'

'Hard?' Sapphire smirked. 'I'd hope not. I do love it when guys get so hard for me. Makes it all the easier to do this.'

'Do wha...fuuuu.' Skye trailed off mid-curse, his shaft suddenly tucked between Sapphire's breasts, the heavenly soft flesh massaging him just from the way she jiggled them softly. Just up to the base of his tip they bounced, sinking all the way to his actual base but never rising higher than that. Which didn't stop Skye squirming with renewed pleasure.

'Do that.' Sapphire murred, her paws shifting to squeeze her breasts tighter around him. 'Now..I know I'm kinda stealing Carla's thunder since you wanted a tit-job from her, but I don't think you are complaining. Are you sweetie?'

'Nooohhhh.' Skye half stammered, half moaned; which was really all he could manage at that point.

'I thought not.' Sapphire replied. 'Now..I bet you'd like to cum like this hmm?'

Skye would have replied to that if he could, his reply suddenly stolen by Sapphire milking a not so little spurt of precum onto her chest.

'I could do that. But that would leave nothing for me.'

What that meant Skye quickly found out, Sapphire closing her lips around his head, to add her soft suckling to the gentle bouncing caress of her breasts. You would have thought that that would have occupied all of Skye's thoughts, but one little corner of his mind was filled with one tiny thought.

It was just dawning on him how at ease with this they were. And that sent his confidence soaring. Then it was his pleasure that soared. How he managed to hold out for even a second he had no idea. But then one became two became three, each wonderful second fully occupied by his cock being massaged by warm lips and soft boobs alike. Then the count hit four exactly at the same time as Skye hit his limit. Try as he might, and he really wasn't trying that hard, he couldn't hold back any longer. His moan rose to a plateau, his hips tense and still in almost direct opposite to his cock which jumped and pulsed within the twin softnesses surrounding him. Each pulse and twitch followed by another jet of hot boiling cum that flooded Sapphire's mouth, the mare clearly having been ready to receive it. Her lips didn't let up, holding tight and firm as she gulped down all the seed he could produce.

To Skye it seemed like his orgasm was never going to end, the continued massage from Carla's breasts stroking more seed from him than any of his solo sessions had. Only when she felt him twitch weakly did she slow, somehow moving with some instinct Sapphire shared, the pair simultaneously releasing his only slightly stiffened cock.

With a gasp both exhilarated and drained, Skye had no choice but to surrender to the support of Sapphire's body. Weak and floppy he felt from head to toe, yet somehow his cock was still sporting a semi which pulsed out one last trickle of cum. A trickle that swelled from his head to glide down towards his temporarily spent sack, only not to make it there. Carla got there first, lapping at it with her tongue to scoop the sweet treat into her muzzle.

'Mmmm...you do taste good. I'm hoping to get a proper taste of you soon.'

'I'm not sure I can..do that again anytime soon.' Skye hesitated not just from humbling embarrassment but from doubt of if he should say that. Yes, Mrs Ellenette had said be himself and go with it, but...

'Hmmm? Strapping young lad like you?' Carla smiled placing a warm kiss on his nose. 'I'm sure we can get you ready to come again in no time. Can't we Sapphire?'

'Oh, we can.' Sapphire smiled as she eased herself out from under Skye who was still too tired to do more than shift aside for her before settling back on the couch. 'Just stay right there and enjoy the show.'

Show? That word had barely rippled through Skye's still pleasure addled brain when Sapphire settled down onto the couch opposite, leaning back with a casual seductiveness matched completely by the sensual finger she crooked at Carla.

Subtle invitation it might have been but one that the gloriously nude black furred bunny wasn't exactly going to resist. Hips swaying with an almost teasing slowness, Carla sauntered towards her friend and, pausing only to lay a sweetly lingering kiss on her lips, slipped delicately into her lap.

Skye swallowed deeply, Carla's cute butt nestled tenderly into Sapphire's welcoming lap, the mare's breasts no doubt pressed firmly against her back even before her hands snaked around the bunnies waist.

'Now..this he really likes. Don't you sweetie? All guys have a thing for a little girl on girl action. Am I right? I thought so.' Sapphire teased sweetly.

Unbidden Skye's cock was already rising back to full hardness, the erotic show blossoming before his eyes. Still holding her close with one paw, Sapphire's other had already slipped between the bunny's spread legs. Slipping and spreading her lips, pushing two fingers deep into her pussy that Carla ground against urgently. Pushed deep with a moan that Sapphire quickly silenced and sealed with a tender kiss.

'Mmm...you know I like it too.' Carla broke that kiss to spread her legs a little wider, her pink lips standing out strikingly from her dark fur and against Sapphire's still questing fingers.

'So needy already?' Sapphire teased. 'You just can't wait to feel my fingers really start fucking your sweet cunny, can you my bunny babe?'

That wasn't really a question but Sapphire wasted no time in answering it anyway. Oh so lightly adding a third finger that brushed against the firmness of her clit, teasing it before that delicate fingertip pressed into her pussy to join the others.

Skye's breath caught in his throat, unable to believe he was actually seeing what he was seeing. His cock bobbed in time with his breath, his firm shaft already headed with a glistening drop of pre that surely at any minute would roll down his delicious length.

Before those wide eyes and almost oblivious to this, Carla was already squirming with softly growing pleasure, her legs almost unconsciously opened a little wider. In contrast to her growing eager lust, Sapphire herself doesn't exactly seem to be in any real rush, her delicate fingers running with just the bare minimum pressure along the cleft of her lips to tease the clearly excited Carla.

How many times had Skye seen moments like this in his videos so many times but seeing it like this, his two favourite porn stars acting out a scene just for him before his eyes was almost too much to take. More than anything he wished he could be sitting between them, but he feared if he dared move the spell would be broken.

One person who wasn't going to get the spell broken soon was Carla, the gasping bunny almost thrusting against the fingers still teasing her, her pussy glistening with the sheen of her juices, her breath coming in genuine gasps of pleasure. Sapphire seemed to know just where and when to touch her for maximum reaction.

At the back of Skye's mind was the fervent wish he could make a girl feel like that. But it was fleeting, his mind and attention instantly turned back to the show. Just as Carla whimpered under her breath, her voice hot and needy.

'Ohhh...Sapphire..love..don't tease me. I need..mmm...more than that.'

'More..like this?' Sapphire wasted no time adding a forth finger to the three already deep inside her, her combined digits making lewd slapping sounds with each short drive into her pussy. 'Want to come around my fingers before I push you down and eat you out against my tongue. Is that what you want?'

'Fuck, yes.' Carla screamed, her back arched and her breasts thrown forward. For a second Skye thought she was just reacting to the words but the way her hips thrust translated that into pure sweet orgasm. Orgasm that clearly stole all of her being until the bunny sagged back with a sigh against Sapphire, a delicate smile gracing her face. Yet Sapphire didn't stop the urgent movements of her fingers and soon Carla was up and writhing again.

'Just look at how hard his cock is.' Sapphire whispered. 'I bet you are already longing for it. Well, you are going to have to wait for that sweet treat honey. Right now, I have you where I want you.'

Before she could even reply, Sapphire drove deeper into her with lewd squishing sounds that just mingle with her growing moans until her black furred lover couldn't take it any more. With a scream of utter bliss that made hairs raise along Skye's neck at the same time as hers contorted in undeniable pleasure, Carla came. Even if that scream had been just a low grunt of pleasure, Skye wouldn't have exactly missed it. Not given the way all of her arched backwards, an involuntary spasm that drove those wonderfully pumping fingers still deeper into her pussy.

'On your back, Carla babe.' Sapphire whispered with a soft kiss on her at that moment extra floppy ears. 'I'm not done with you yet.'

Soft that whisper might have been but Skye couldn't help catching it, leaning forward just a little as Carla obeyed and moved to lie with her legs spread, upturned breasts still topped by her perky nipples that strained almost as if craving the sweet touch of sapphic lips.

For Sapphire it was another perky fleshy point she had her sights on, no sooner had Carla reclined for her than the mare had her head buried between her legs and was enthusiastically suckling on her clit. Which was nothing to the excited squeals and moans from Carla, the hyper aroused bunny already well on the way to a soft oral climax that promised to be just as powerful as the one she had just received.

Apparently bored with just suckling, or maybe feeling that Carla was close and wanting to do this properly, Sapphire slipped her muzzle from the nub her lips had been sweetly worshipping to her girl cum smeared lips and, without loosing a second, parted those lips with her tongue.

Skye could only imagine what Carla felt at that moment, but her sudden frantic movements spoke volumes as she grabbed the cushion behind her with a furious death grip, her hips locked as far forward as the could possibly go, pressed against Sapphire's tongue that was tugging sweetly panting moans from her lips. One became two became three before Carla couldn't take it anymore and her trembling frame was wrapped by a third powerful orgasm

'Are you ready for some cock?' Sapphire chuckled.

'In..in a few.' Carla murmured. 'But..it's not fair if you don't get some.'

'Oh..I will. But I want to see you get fucked. Still..maybe you need some rest.'

Skye took the meaning of that as Sapphire slipped out and moved towards him with that sexy swagger. 'Still..you are ready to go.'

He looked down at where her pussy lined up with his cock, having missed those last steps with his gazing into her eyes; her legs now astride his. He could only nod before she lowered down and down, his cock slipping into her pussy like she had been made for him.

Skye tensed up, fighting his urge to thrust into her, wanting to savour this moment. Sapphire seemed to have no such desire though. Paws resting on his shoulders, she started to bounce her hips in wild abandon. Skye sagged back and just gave into it, her pussy milking him with her tightness.

He really was in her paws, again uncertain and unwilling to move. Goddess, this felt so amazing that one move on his part would have him flooding her with his seed. Something that was going to happen anyway. All his shy and almost humiliatingly embarrassed paralysis did nothing to halt or lesson the onrushing pleasure as Sapphire's weight came fully to bear on him. He really had no chance to hold out, Sapphire giving him the fucking of his life, his cock barely having hilted into her three times before he came. It was out of his own control, his whole shaft gripped by tension both inside and out that he couldn't resist, biology taking over. Taking over so powerfully, so forcefully that he could do nothing to stop his cock pouring gush after gush of cum deep inside her.

For a second he thought the orgasm would be his alone, imagining Sapphire still bouncing on his cock after he had been drained. Only she didn't, freezing and holding with him locked in her, eyes half closed through her own shaking orgasm the young bunny could feel running through him as well as her.'

'I'm..I'm sorry...I couldn't.' Skye stammered softly.

'Don't be.' Sapphire soothed. 'That was just what I wanted. Now..we can go more slowly.'

Skye whimpered as she rose, but it was one of tight lipped pleasure. Sapphire gasped with him, drawing up as high as she could. Rising, holding, then claiming him again. Sapphire was being true to her word, unhurried and unrushed; yet the experience was still undeniably pleasurable.

Skye moaned with each slow sink of her hips, whimpering in growing need each time she pulled out. It was pleasure unlike any he had felt before, pleasure with a slow building release that he could feel but not chase.

Sapphire's powerful legs guided that movement, her hips raised to nowhere near her full height but it was enough for Skye. The poor yet lucky bunny could feel everything, could feel every inch she rose along his cock. And every inch she sank back down with a sigh that could only be contented pleasure.

'See..you still have more to give.' One of Sapphire's paws had found his sack, cupping and lifting his weight in her gentle touch. Lifting and rolling his full nuts against her palm with obvious enjoyment. 'And I want all you have to give sweetie. I want all of you.'

Barely had Sapphire whispered that than her paws found his and guided them from their passive position at his side. Under her guidance his paws soon found her breasts, each soft pad and set of fingers closed around her soft curves. Her nipples stood erect, two little points of utter pleasure and pleasurable reaction he couldn't ignore.

'Yes..right there.' Sapphire breathed. 'Play with them honey. Squeeze my tits as I fuck you.'

Really, there was no way Skye could resist that. Her breasts felt so good, so soft and warm and right in his paws that he couldn't help responding with what he hoped were gentle caresses and squeezes rather than brutish gropes.

Sapphire certainly didn't seem to be complaining, her head thrown back as she rocked against him more forcefully. In time with the bumps and thrusts of her hips, her chest pressed and receded in his grip only to seek it out again. There was no ignoring the soft gasps of subtle delight with each arching of her back, nor the way the mare was gripping his hips tight with each stroke.

Skye's head flared with tightness. Or maybe it was Sapphire's tightness around him. He had no idea. To say he was utterly lost was an understatement. He was lost in all of this, completely unsure about where this was going to go.

So his surprise was completely understandable when, with a stunning display of flexibility, Sapphire twisted around without pulling away. If anything she sank deeper upon her return to him, her back flush to his chest, her hips grinding away with fresh abandon.

Skye trembled, literally trembled from head to toe, his paws pressed to her breasts for dear life, his hips rising as much as they could in almost primal instinct. His thrusts met perfectly with Sapphire's movements, the two writhing furs locked together in shared bliss as if they had been knotted like hound and bitch.

He rode her and she rode him, the duo riding and rising in double erotic coupling that could really only go to one place. It might have been one thrust from Sapphire that did it or a powerful jab from Skye that pushed them both over the edge. Honestly, they were both too far gone to even think about it.

All Skye could focus on was the way his cock literally erupted inside her tightness, that soft satin grip drawing him to heights of his pleasure as surely his hardness did to Sapphire. There was nothing else to explain how he howled and emptied spurt after spurt of virile bunny seed deep into the mare's waiting womb, pouring so much into her he was sure she had drained him dry.

Yet when Sapphire slipped slightly shakily off his cock he was still hard, the mares juices anointing his shaft as his trickled from her pussy. Which came as a shock to him but seemed to be exactly what Carla wanted. There was no other way to read the way his fellow bunny lay on her back with her legs spread and her face blooming in a smile that just said two words. Fuck. Me.

Oddly enough that was the thought that crossed Skye's still somewhat pleasure addled mind, the bunny still disbelieving that this was happening even as he crawled towards Carla to line his cock up with her glistening slit. Right up close enough for Carla to grab his hips and pull him inside. But she didn't, the only move the gorgeous bunny making was to lift her head to whisper sweetly in his ear.

'I want to feel you Skye...to have you fill me with your hard cock and fuck me with it.'

That was too much. Struck with a sudden boldness that didn't entirely come from his primal lust, Skye pulled her towards him, her velvet folds parting for him as his hips and cock slid up to meet her. Goddess, she was so tight and warm. It was almost too much for his virgin mind but somehow me made it deep inside her without coming.

'I..hope..you aren't going to last long.' Carla whimpered. 'I'm already so close. So..do..mmmm...don't hold back. Fuck me like a bunny in heat. Fuck me like I'm your bunny. Breed me like I'm yours.'

Skye couldn't move much but tightened his grip on her hips anyway and leaned back, driving his hips up as high as he can. Each thrust made Carla ripple and tighten around him, her soft mewls mixing with his heated moans. His fingers sank into her soft curves and silky fur. Each thrust felt like the first and last in an unending storm of pleasure, his cock so hard he was sure that any second he would just unload uncontrollably in her, his bareback cock milked by her sweet tightness as much as her thrusts.

'Oh..god..you feel so good. Don't stop.' Carla trembled as Skye bottomed out on one deep stroke, her chest rising and falling in lusty heavy breaths. Her ears hung floppily and limp in counter point to the tension running through her. Skye managed one more thrust before all the combined sensations of closeness, tightness, wetness and the warm breath of the cute excited bunny prove too much for him to take.

One last thrust and with a deep, guttural and utterly blissful moan Skye came as pure sensual and primal instinct overwhelmed all his control. His cock flared, tensed and then erupted to flood Carla with his thick, white seed that her pussy drank greedily.

Skye wasn't the only one overwhelmed by his orgasm either, Carla mewling like well fucked bitch as she literally slammed down on his cock, driving all of the trembling length deep into her just before his release.

'Ohhhh...fuck..goddesss...yesss..' Carla purred, her arms suddenly linked around her bunny lover's neck for dear life. 'Ohhhh..damn you...you came so much sweetie. Think you've got anything left?'

'I..I..don't know.' Skye blushed. 'I hope so.'

'Hmmm...I think you do.' Carla whispered shakily, easing herself off the still semi erect cock to roll over with legs spread invitingly again. 'Let's see how you do when you really fuck me.'

'Well..I might have more to give.' Skye wasn't exactly going to refuse that invitation, sliding up behind Carla to nestle his cock against her full cheeks, that soft contact bringing him back to full hardness. 'Are you sure you can go again?'

'Mmmmm...you are so sweet.' Carla purred. 'I'm so sure. I want you to take me and plough me deeply, to fill me up with so much more of your cum. Take me, Skye.'

'Since you asked so nicely.' Skye replied, his hesitance softly fading as he got into the swing of things. 'Here I come.'

'I'd hope sooooo....fuck...' Carla whimpered, her lithe frame gripped with fresh tension just from the delicate brush against her lips. And just a brush it was, Skye lining up his already girlcum slicked head against her. 'No..don't tease..get it..fuck..get it in me.'

'Are you sure?' Skye whispered, his lips shyly brushing her ear. 'Once I'm in..I might not want to come out. Sure? Alright then.'

Carla's urgent whisper was stolen, Skye's again rock hard member parting her to nestle in deep. Any thought she might have had about pulling away were instantly removed by Skye grabbing as tight to her hips as she gripped tight around him. Balls deep, he held still only to slowly rock into Carla, slapping his churning nuts softly between her spread legs.

Skye moaned the second he slipped inside, this new position allowing him to go so much deeper. And with her pussy angled to stroke him so perfectly the sensations were amazing. Something that didn't stop him fucking his willing bunny as hard as he could, fucking her with hard strokes that had her jumping each time he hilted her. Jumping backward to rub against him and roll with him. Despite having only just cum bare minutes ago, Skye was right on the verge of cumming again. And from the feel of it so was Carla. This really was the perfect position for breeding a rabbit as Carla could certainly attest, driving her raised hips back against him with each juddering thrust.

It wad that moment that overwhelmed Skye. One minute he was fucking her like there was no tomorrow then he was cumming, his orgasm running over him like a freight train, urging him on to keep thrusting and pumping into Carla until both rabbits were utterly spent.

'Is it always like that?' Skye asked with a sigh, gingerly running a soapy paw over his still slightly hard yet tender cock.

'Oh no..sometimes we get really wild.' Carla said with a perfectly straight face. 'Maybe we can when you come back. We could both fuck you until you are utterly spent and yet begging for more. We know so many tricks to get a guy hard. Or you could do the same to us. With that sweet cock of yours, you could keep us coming for hours.'

'I'm not sure I could keep going that long.' Skye admitted. 'You'd really like to have me back though?'

'Honey..' Sapphire turned from where she had been rinsing suds from her mane to shoot him a warm smile. 'We'd love to have you back. Anytime.'

'Well then..I'd like that too.' Skye grinned, sure he was going to go to bed tonight thinking of all the delicious things he'd love to do with both girls the next time they met. Something that would make that night almost as perfect as this day. Almost.


Serenity Base - Episode 1 Part 1

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Crystal Dell Chronicles - To Hold Chapter 2

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Chance Meeting f/m (Commission for Foster The Fox)

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