HIgh School Perks

Story by Cinix_Youki on SoFurry

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(This is a story I found wile digging through old folders on my computer. Warning this story contains sexual acts between a minor and an adult, do not read further if you are uncomfortable with such acts. All characters are copyright to me. Any resemblance to real people or other characters is purely coincidental thank you.)

Daneil sighed; he was a tall fox with a runner's build, with blackish brownish fur, with a dirtied gray belly fur and paws. He was sitting with his back against the wall at the edge of his campus; he was always the loner, the outcast. He shivered and wrapped his jacket around himself tighter drawing the hood up over his head; it was over a hundred degrees out yet he was in a jacket. Daneil never knew why but he was always cold, always. He shivered looking out over the crowed of humans and furrs. He envied them so much. Daneil was gay, and it was no secret, he found death threats in his locker, he was always picked on and however the teachers always liked him, he was respectful to them and they treasured it.

The fox was suddenly jarred back from his thoughts as he heard the bell for 5th hour to begin. He stood up sighing as he picked up his messenger bag and readjusted his black cargo pants and tugged up the tongues of his starts before he ran off to his chemistry class, it progressed more or less like usual. The students around him said hi, they were some of the only students who didn't mind him being gay and he sat down. The class trudged on for an hour then he got to leave. He ran down to his World History class, he was really down today when he entered the class and the teacher saw him and walked over, she was a short wolf with glasses and beautifully gray fur and hazel eyes, seeing her made Daneil smile, his emotions showing in his eyes as they change from his normal dark brown to black, for some reason he loved being around her, he was gay, but he liked her, he never knew why. She smiled up at him, "Daneil, I need you to stay after class today, don't worry about the bus, I can give you a lift home." She said with a smile before she left to the front of the room as her students entered. This confused Daneil greatly as he walked over to his seat and say down, for the entire hour he couldn't focus, his mind was going over its many thoughts of why his teacher Ms. Vauhn Stein wanted to see him after class and every time he looked over at her wile they the students where suppose to be working she would just grin back at him, it unsettled him a little but one of the time he looked over and she licked her lips and it made him quickly hide his face in his arms hiding a blush, she was the only female to ever 'catch' his eye. He was confused now greatly, he was gay, he new but thoughts of the wolf started to pop up in his mind. He sighed and gave a light curse as he heard the loud bell for school to end, Daneil slowly packed up his things and when he was finished all the students had left, he dreaded seeing what his locker looked like, but at least this time, he could forestall the event.

The wolf walked over to Daneil and laid a soft paw on his shoulder. "H-hey Ms. Vauhn Stein." He said looking at her, seeing her at eye level before he stood up towering above her. "Hey Daneil, now calm down, you're always so stressed, when I see you." She says as she walks over to the door and places an ear to it before she locks the door and comes back to the large fox. He didn't quite understand. She knew he was gay, he shivered, she must know that she had turned his head. "Now relax hun, and enough with the formal stuff, call me Collie." She says with a grin up at the tall teen. He blushed a little looking back down at her, she was really young for a teacher must only be in her thirties he guessed, but it sent a shiver down his spine, he was only sixteen after all but as he looked down at her he blushed noticeable as he spotted something really out of place, Collie's pants were forming a bulge. The sight made him a little uncomfortable his pants starting to grow tight which was saying something because he was wearing cargos. Shi grins up at him noticing his gaze, "Hehe, guess you figured out my little secret" Shi says as shi reaches down and starts to undo the young male's pants. Daneil blushes as he reaches down and rubs hir head softly, Collie grins up at him as shi pulls the tall fox's pants down and shi giggles with a blush of hir own seeing that the male was wearing black lace panties that were tented out and the fox's balls where hanging out of the small panties. Daneil blushed deeply and wags his tail before he kneels down and starts to undo the wolf's tight jeans "Mmmm hehe now I see why you turned my head" he murrs out as he gives hir a nuzzle and undoes the wolfs jeans pulling them down revealing the herm's sheath and sac and he murred seeing something trickle down hir leg. Oh god, what are you doing? The words suddenly shot through his mind; this is your teacher, and the age difference, even if...you would never be able to be with her. He was forcibly brought out from his thoughts as he felt the smaller but much warmer lips of the wolf press against his. Daneil closed his eyes as he murrs into the kiss wagging his tail more. Shi grins and rubs the fox's chest through his shirt. He gave out a low churr and hugs hir, but shi pushes from his arms, he gave a slight whimper but it quickly ended when he saw hir get on hir hands and knees raising hir rump into the air hir tail raised high showing hir tight pucker and glistening swollen mound. She wanted him alright and he was torn for a moment but as soon as his ears heard the wolf whimper wanting his length he almost jumped hir propping himself over hir with his arms in front of hir shoulders he murrs resting his chest atop hir small back as he starts to press his length instinctively into hir swollen glistening mound. Daneil murrs and lays a lick along hir neck and lays his head atop the wolf's smaller head as he presses his length in more, soon hilting hir with his sheath. "Mmm oooh, it's so tight, it's almost like, " He shudders as he feels something running along his length and is startled when he sees blood trickling down out of hir cunny around his length. Shi croons, "Oooh, mm yes I am. When you're like me, you don't get the chance as often to mmm break yourself in." Shi murrs out to the large young stud. He murrs and croons out, he was with a virgin like himself, his attention is quickly pulled back when he hears the wolf whimper and move hir rump a little. He grins and starts to pump his thick length in and out of hir slowly, both of them moaning out loudly, the thick walls of the class room making sure no one hears them. The fox gives a pant between his groans as he starts to thrust faster and harder into the wolf's cunt coaxing out a moan as his balls slap against the wolf's with each thrust.

"Ooooh, mmm, yes harder, harder" Collie moans out to Daneil clenching around his length. The tightening only made the large horny teen thrust harder into the wolf, his knot starting to swell and pop in and out of hir clenching mound as they both moaned out. "Mmm oooh, yeah, tie me boy, mm tie me!" Shi yells out in lustful bliss to the fox's thrusting. Daneil moans as he thrusts harder his swelling knot catching in the wolf's cunny, their feral sexes locking them together tightly as he pants more heavily between moans, as shi moans out too, Collie's length throbbing under hir knot swollen out. "oooh I'm going to ooooh," Daneil is cut off as he suddenly lets out a loud howl as he suddenly spews out his hot fertile seed into the wolf. Collie howls out with the young fox as hir own smaller length suddenly spews out hir cum onto the floor as hir cunny drenches the tod's length with hir necter the warm liquid running down their legs to the ground. Daneil's length continues to spew out cum for the next few minutes as he pants and almost collapses on top of Collie. Shi murrs sensing the fox's fatigued state and shi braces hir arms and legs to support the fox should he collapse. The Fox pants and looks at hir resting for a moment as he suddenly sits up lifting the wolf with him and he then lies down with hir on a clean patch of floor. Shi murrs and reaches out trying to reach a pack by hir desk, Daneil notices and pulls the pack over for hir, "what's in there that you want?" He asks hir smiling laying an affectionate lick over hir head. Collie giggles lightly to the lick as shi pulls out a blanket from the pack, "mmm it's going to be a wile before you will be able to pull out, so I brought this." Shi says as shi pulls the blanket over them. Daneil murrs and cuddles up with hir and the blanket wrapping his arms around hir. Now that he was here to relax for a wile, the thoughts of what he had just done wafted back into his mind, and fear starts to creep into his mind. The wolf murrs and quickly says, "Don't worry hun, I'll take care of it, and hey, I can wait until after you finish school to take you up as my legal mate." Shi says as shi turns around on his length and nuzzles into his chest. Daneil heaved a heavy sigh of relief, apparently Collie had planned ahead of time about all this.

Hours passed before Daneil's knot went away and he was able to pull out of the wolf. He sighed and looked at the clock as he stood up, it was almost 5 PM, he had been with Collie for almost three hours and he scratched the back of his neck nervously, his parents were probably freaking out wandering where he was. He sighs and walks over to his pants, as Collie stands up hir mound dripping a little cum the rest staying inside hir body. Collie looks at him with a smile as shi grabs hir pants and pulls them up then walks over to hir desk and picks up a prepared note, "Here give this to your parents. It'll be your cover story," Collie says with a warm smile up at the tall youth. Daneil smiles and pulls his panties back up over his sheath his length having receded back in. and then pulls up his pants and takes the note sticking it in his pocket, "Thanks Collie." He says smiling back at hir. "Well it's the least I can do, I don't want to loose you, now keep quiet about all this." The wolf churrs out to the fox as shi wags hir tail walking to the door, "Oh and don't worry about the mess, I bribed the janitor to keep it under warps." Collie says slipping out of the door with the fox right on hir heals fallowing her out.

(At one time I'd planned to make this into a series, however I have no urge to do so any time soon)

Becoming a Demon Ch. 1

(This is the first story I have ever posted. So forgive any problems I'm open to suggestions of where I need to improve. All characters are copyright to me. Any resemblance to real people or other characters is purely coincidental thank...

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