Kadence and the Bearer of Tasks Spoken About in Books and Things

Story by Kadence on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contains what may or may not be hot kinky neko cub action in a furry setting. While this is a story, and it is a story.. it also has sex. Though not every two seconds. Not every three, even. In fact, if you want to skip to the parts that have smexy times then press CTRL+F , find, and search for: ~Zap! . If you're not old enough to read this.. well, I'm not your mother and I won't tell, but BAD! Thank you and enjoy the first and perhaps last tale of Kadence the kinky neko kitten.

A Title is Necessary: Kadence and the Bearer of Tasks Spoken About in Books and Things

by Kadence

Mew. That is all.

Chapter 1 : The Volcanoes and the Tasks

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away and once upon a time, there lived a petite and adorable neko kitten of (insert preferred age of reader between six and eighteen in numeric format) summers. Kadence was the talk of the little town of Town, and it wasn't often that one wandering the thoroughfares couldn't catch a muffled voice or two whispering 'I wonder who that little Kadence will choose to marry when she decides to grow up?' or 'I wonder what trouble that little kitty will get into today?'. The neko lived on her own in a small hut at the edge of town and ventured out treating every day like a new adventure. Some days she would go to River River and fish, some days she would go into Woods Woods and hunt and some days she would simply lounge about town in an eye-catching outfit that would brighten the sad little lives of the other townsfolk, or so she thought. It was a simple life, a catty life, and Kadence wouldn't have had it any other way.. unfortunately for Kadence, her lifestyle was too carefree to be left interrupted forever.

To the lament of the townsfolk of Town it turned out that the town's founders had decided to build their little settlement surrounded on three sides by dormant volcanoes and on the other by Woods Woods. The volcanoes weren't just normal volcanoes either, oh no, they were the Triad Volcanoes Spoken About in Books and Things, the legendary volcanoes that became active every hundred years and forced three impossible tasks unto one creature caught in their wake. Should the Bearer of Tasks; also known as the Bearer of Tasks Spoken About in Books and Things; succeed in his or her mission, well then the volcanoes would become dormant once more. Should the Bearer of Tasks fail, however, then the volcanoes would blow their tops and devastate all so foolish as to remain nearby. All of these facts became apparent to the townsfolk when an enormous stone head appeared from the face of the central volcano and spewed forth a scroll reading thus:

"Dear townsfolk. We, the Triad Volcanoes Spoken About in Books and Things, regret to inform you that your town of: [Town] is schedules to be bathed in lava at exactly noon tomorrow. We would like to give you a chance at redemption, however, we aren't unfair volcanoes. We will brand one amongst you with a yellow star tattoo. The bearer of this tattoo shall also be the Bearer of Tasks Spoken About in Books and Things and will be tasked with three impossible tasks. Should these three impossible tasks be completely in a timely fashion then the destruction of your town will be delayed for another hundred years. Thank you and have a nice day."


The only one not present for the volcanoes' presentation was Kadence; the little neko had been busy bathing quite nude in River River at the time. Small hands stroked and caressed her lightly tanned flesh, fingertips pausing upon reaching her nipples to give the pink rosettes a gentle tweak, silly grin tugging up at her lips. She didn't dally for long, fingertips tickling as her palms slid down along the feminine curves of her sides before funneling down towards her inner thighs, one palm cupping her slender, hairless sex. Even as she started grinding her hand up against her slit and the tiny nub of her sensitive clit the other hand extended a digit to ring about her thigh and firmly grab a handful of kitty booty, groping and prodding her bubble butt lovingly, tail dashing back and forth with excitement even beneath the water that stifled its movement so. Lips pursed before opening into a tiny 'o', the neko kitten panting as she worked herself over, light filtering through the foliage of the trees that grew so easily upon the banks of River River. It wasn't long before she had had enough teasing, middle finger extending from the hand that ground so fervently into her kitten cunny and dipping between her folds, pumping in and out vigorously and drawing adorable muffled squeaks from the neko's lips. Her other hand was just as naughty, index finger extending to stroke from the bottom of her trembling sex between her rear cheeks and to her tailbase, slender digit stroking against her most private of places before applying a steady pressure to pop into her tailhole. The sudden intrusion was just enough to send her over the edge, the little kitten crying out loudly enough to startle a birds roosting in the nearby trees off into the clear blue sky. Body shook and trembled beneath the cool water, two digits embedded as deep as they could go in her petite body while her palm continued to rub her little clit, the water between her thighs clouding as milky girlcum gushed from her sex. All too soon the effects of her orgasm began to wane, muscles starting to relax and control of her mind and body being relinquished back to her. Just when the last pangs of pleasure faded a final sudden burst hit her, though the effect certainly wasn't expected, a jolt of electricity running from her forehead downwards through her chest, past her thighs and rear and all the way down to her tippy toes. She gasped as the odd sensation faded away, chest rising and falling in a light but audible pant. "What - ah, what was that?" She asked to the river, to any whom could or would hear her question, to the silence.

It was nearly an hour later when little Kadence returned to town donning an elaborate collection of silk cloth and ribbon strips about her chest complete with bows on the back for easy removal, a pleated sky blue skirt and a matching pair of lacy silk panties beneath. Normally she also donned blue and violet striped thigh-high stockings though she had decided to go barefoot to River River as it could be quite a messy walk. The blue she chose as the primary color for most of her outfits matched her adorable feline ears and tail, her eyes a brilliant shade of jungle jade with a built-in come hither look that stood in stark contrast to her tanned skin and blue fur. As she walked through town Kadence noticed that the glances directed her way by the townsfolk seemed different somehow as if filled with worry and dread. Kadence could easily be called oblivious, and it wasn't until she reached the town square and glanced up from the enormous scroll on the ground to find a giant stone face poking out of the volcano that she surmised that something must be wrong.

"Kadence! Kadence!" A voice called out to her, the kitten turning her head to find Herman approaching oh-so-slowly. Herman was a turtle, a rather old turtle at that, and while the town had no official leader Herman was oft turned to in times of crisis and was also Kadence's unofficial caregiver. "Kadence, thank the gods you-" Herman paused in both approach and speech, his eyes opening wide with surprise as he gazed down at her. "Child.. you..." His arm slowly raised, extended finger pointing towards her forehead.

Kadence immediately turned face and dashed over to the fountain in the center of town, palms pressing to the cool ceramic edge as she gazed down into their depths to study her reflection. A small yellow star sat upon her forehead like a tattoo, a marking that she had never possessed before and had no idea how she had come to possess in the first place.

"Herman, what does this mean?" Kadence questioned as she turned her head over her shoulder, a small crowd having gathered around him, a communal gasp rising into the air as her forehead came to face them.

"My child, this is grave news..." Herman started, head hanging low as he fought for the will to continue. "This marking means.. this marking means that, unless you succeed at three impossible tasks before noon tomorrow then these three volcanoes will erupt and destroy us all."

A town meeting was called soon after the incident at town square. Kadence was informed of what the Volcanoes Spoken About in Books and Things had said and about how she was supposed to be the Bearer of Tasks Spoken About in Books and Things. It was all a bit too much for her to swallow. How could she save the town? How could she accomplish not one but three impossible tasks? And in less than a day, no less!

"Herman..." Kadence began as she stood atop the raised platform in town hall with the turtle, the rest of the townsfolk seated into the distance beyond. "How am I supposed to accomplish these tasks? I don't even know what they are!" Kadence was frustrated already. Luckily or unluckily for her Herman had the answer to at least that question, producing a small locked scroll hidden within the nape of his shell and passing it down to her. The moment she took it into her hands the lock that bound the paper together unclasped and a muffled series of gasps and whispers issued from throughout the room.

"Quiet..! Quiet, everyone... This only proves what we already suspected. Kadence, you are to go to the Valley of Valleys beyond Woods Woods. If what Books and Things have to say is correct then you must read this scroll in the Valley of Valleys. It may appear to make little sense now, but once in the Valley of Valleys the truth of your three impossible tasks will be revealed. You must then accomplish these tasks before noon tomorrow or we are all doomed. Do you understand?" Herman's voice was quite serious. How could he possibly expect her to be able to do all of this by herself?

"But Herman, why me? I'm just a little kitty, not even old enough to be married! Why am I tasked with saving everyone, and all by myself?" Kadence questioned.

Herman coughed. "It is written in Books and Things that the Bearer of Tasks Spoken About in Bo-"

"Spoken About in Books and Things, yeah yeah, go on!" Kadence interrupted and huffed impatiently.

"-right then.. the Bearer of Tasks must go alone to the Valley of Valleys and be aided by none from his or her home of origin lest the wrath of the Triad Volcanoes Spoken About in.. well, you get the drift, child." Herman finished awkwardly, shifting from one foot to the other, obviously quite nervous. Kadence let out a loud sigh before turning sheepishly towards the assembly, towards her friends and neighbors, towards those who she had known all her life, hands clasped at the small of her back. "I'll do it. I'll try."

Chapter 2: People and Places

It was less than an hour later when Kadence was ushered past the town gates, given a map, a backpack and some rations and sent on her way. By the dreary looks in everyone's eyes nobody expected Kadence to succeed. As soon as she was supplied they all gave her one final, hopeless look and turned around to head back to town, all sidling towards the part of town that held Ye Olde Drinkery and Ye Olde Brothelarium. Kadence sighed and set off into Woods Woods, quickly crossing the River River bridge and moving into the darkness.

The path through Woods Woods was long and winding. Several hours into her journey Kadence caught up to and passed an enormous bear with an enormous axe. He told Kadence that his name was Bear and that he was a lumberjack on his way to City City to cut down some trees for construction. He was rather slow moving compared to the lithe little kitten and so she passed him with no trouble and eventually left him behind. An hour later she passed an odd sight; a rather large chakat was slumbering nude beneath a copse of old Tree Trees. The neko hadn't seen a true hermaphrodite before and chakats were known for their dual-genders. Kadence couldn't help but slip a peek at both ends before smiling triumphantly and continuing on her way, pulling out the map to make sure that she was going the right way. The map said that there would be a branch in the path ahead: to go left would lead to City City while going right would lead to the Valley of Valleys. She gently placed the map back in her pack and continued onwards.

When Kadence reached the branch her eyes went wide with confusion. The path to the left was marked with an arrow signpost that pointed to the left but had the word 'Right' darkly engraved into the wood while the path to the right was marked with an arrow signpost that pointed right but had the word 'Left' etched deep into its surface. She sighed. The map said to go right, but which right? Should she trust the map or the signs? Suddenly Kadence heard a commotion in the trees above her, the rustle of leaves and the snapping of branches heralding the arrival of three slender figures on the path before her. They were all hyenas dressed in rather odd forest garb and all wearing little hats that looks like tea trays.

"Stop right there!" They all yelled at once, loud enough to cause Kadence to squeak with surprise and draw back. The center one spoke then. "We are the brothers Brothers! This is Fred -" He motioned to his left, Kadence's right. "- this is Ted -" He motioned to his right, Kadence's left. "- and I'm Georgio. Now that that's over.. your belongings or your life! We're bandits, after all!" Kadence couldn't help but squeak once more. She had heard of the famous brothers Brothers.. Fred Brother, Ted Brother and Georgio Brother.. she never thought that she would meet them here.

"Brothers Brothers, sirs, I am on a dangerous mission to save my town, Town, from the Triad Volcanoes Spoken About in Books and Things.. I am on my way to the Valley of Valleys but I don't know which way to go.. please, I beg of you, help a little kitty find her way and do a good deed today?" Kadence pleaded in her cutest of voices, quite a powerful force to reckon with.

The brothers weren't phased. They were professionals, however a feral glint appeared in Fred's eyes as he spoke. "Your townsfolk were quite stupid to build beneath the Triad Volcanoes Spoken About in Books and Things.. and it's hard to believe that such an adorable little kitten would be sent on such a dangerous mission..." He mused. "Prove it. Where's the star marking?" He questioned.

"Umm, right here!" Kadence lifted her hand and extended a finger to point towards her forehead. The three gasped in unison.

"I suppose I should have actually looked first before I asked." Fred smirked.

"I suppose you should have." Kadence huffed.

It was Ted's turn to talk next. "Either way, important mission or no, you're not getting out of here that easily.. keep your backpack and what's inside of it, I want your clothes, then I'll tell you which way leads to the Valley of Valleys." Kadence squeaked, a cherry blossom blush peppering her cheeks, one hand raising to her lips to have a finger nibbled on in a shy, cute fashion.

Georgio sighed. "Here he goes with his fetish again. Damn you and your girly clothes, Ted. But fine. Your clothes and you're free to go. Once an offer has been made the rest of us have to go along with it. Maybe it will actually benefit the other two of us one day.. we have a collection of girly clothing like you wouldn't believe."


"A little bit too much information, nyah?" Kadence questioned cutely, the three hyenas narrowing their brows disapprovingly. "Okay, okay! My clothes." She puffed out her cheeks in a wide pout before spinning about on one foot, gingerly sliding the straps of her backpack to the either side of her arm and placing it on the ground before her. She glanced back over her shoulders to find the gaze of three hungry hyenas devouring her petite form already, lower lips trembling as she reached behind her to unhook the bows that held her top so firmly to her chest, ribbon after silky ribbon falling about her feet in a shower of blue. The simple sight of her bare, lightly arched back was enough to get the hyenas panting, her lightly tanned flesh quite an exotic delicacy to behind. Next her palms slid down her sides and tugged her skirt out to the side, wriggling her hips in a rather playful fashion as the waistband of the pleated material slid down and over the curvaceous bump of her tender young rump, lacy blue panties exposed whilst clinging to her taut flesh. The hyenas' tongues had somehow escaped from their maws to hang low before them, a fun fact that made the neko kitten smile.

"Okay, time for the final event!" She cooed, enjoying giving the little show far more than she thought she would, fingertips hooking into the snug material of her panties and tugging downwards, tail lifting to dance along her back as she exposed the sumptuous flesh of her rear, the neko bending forwards ever so slightly and pronouncing that exotic rump of her as she rolled the material down, slowly peeling it away whilst even daring to expose the slender pink line of her kitten slit and the puffy, hairless lips squished between her thighs. Not to be forgotten was her most forbidden of places, the little pink star hidden beneath her lifted blue tail a featured attraction to be sure. As suddenly as the amazing view winked into existence it faded once more, the neko kitten straightening up as her panties slid down her legs, stepping gingerly from the bundle of material before turning around and showing off her front; feminine features small but a perfect fit for her petite body, the kitten standing just above the four foot mark. Her body hinted at feminine elegance with its soft, sinewy curves that weren't as of yet exaggerated, her perky pink nipples, the curly 'c' of her innie belly button and the delightful 'v' of her inner thighs all leading to her slit and sensuously feminine legs.

"Very nice. And a show. We, the brothers, owe you a bit more than promised I think. Now the clothes, if you would." Georgio smirked, the tree having scooped up their tongues and replaced them back where they belonged despite the continued exploration of her body by ravenous eyes.

"Certainly!" She winked, feeling quite playful, bending at the waist and scooping up all of her clothing before straightening up and planting one foot in front of the other, arms lifting the bundle of clothing up towards them where it was taken from her. "Now which way should I go, nyah?" She cooed, head tilting left and right.

"Go to your right, of course, silly girl. We just switched the signs, they're engraved on both sides, after all. Don't you know how to read that map?" Georgio spoke again, the three setting off down the path towards the town where Kadence had come from. She thought it a bit strange that they appeared to be heading towards the danger zone though she wasn't about to remind them after that snide comment. She hopped back to quickly gather up her backpack and slide it on, quite nude otherwise, and headed on down the right path towards the Valley of Valleys.

It was encroaching on dinner time when finally Kadence arrived at her destination. The Valley of Valleys was exactly what its namesake made it out to be: one sprawling valley with cavernous walls of sandstone rising up to either side with three smaller valleys cutting ruts even deeper into the sandy earth. The entire valley was ringed on three sides by mountains and on the other by Woods Woods; it almost felt like home if home had been destroyed and replaced by a giant hole with a few smaller holes in it. Kadence stopped to rest on a fallen log at the edge of the Valley of Valleys, removing her backpack to take out one of the ration packs she had received and unbundled it. To her delight it was a slice of Mrs. Tamler's fabulous home baked apple pie which she promptly devoured. After a few more minutes rest Kadence hopped to her feet and stepped into the valley.

It wasn't very far until the sloping path that led into the Valley of Valleys flattened out into a small clearing, a continuation of that slope visible beyond the perfect circular promenade. At the center of the clearing a pedestal rose from the dusty layer of hard sand and upon that pedestal sat an owl carved from the same tan rock that made up the entirety of the valley. As Kadence approached it crooked its head to peer at her, much to the neko's surprise, dust and grit falling from the long-since immobile statue.

"Hoo you are is the Bearer of Tasks." It spoke clearly without parting its beak, almost as if it spoke its words directly into her mind. Kadence approached slowly, the bare little kitten reaching into her backpack to pull out the small scroll she had been given by the turtle Herman. She had opened it earlier on her trek and found it to be blank, quite a disappointing fact when she had been told that it was her town's only salvation.

"And hoo, err, who are you?" Kadence questioned of the statue, coming to a stop before the raised statue. Sadly the little sandstone carving stood as tall as her once raised by its pedestal.

"And you hoo are the Bearer of Tasks comes to me with the scroll?" Questioned the owl, head tilting to the side in a questioning manner only achievable by an owl, real or fake. It held its winged arms forward as if to gather forth the scroll, and Kadence, knowing not what to do with the ancient piece of parchment, was happy to provide it. The moment she placed the scroll upon his stretched wings a bright, golden light enveloped the owl and lanced like lightning into the clear sky above.

A sudden booming voice shook the very walls of the Valley of Valleys and knocked poor Kadence back onto her bare bottom. "You hoo are the Bearer of Tasks shall complete three impossible tasks lest your life and the lives of those you care about be forfeit to the torments of the Triad Volcanoes. Your first task is to proceed into the first valley, slay the Great Tree and retrieve its heart. You will need the Tree's Heart to accomplish the second task. Now go. Time is short." The glow that had enveloped the owl faded with those last ominous words, the scroll burnt to dust by the bright light and the owl alive no longer.

Kadence blinked up at the owl from her position on the ground below, eyes wide with disbelief. She had heard of the Great Tree in tales of old, a monstrous, mobile oak with a life of its own so vicious that few who had seen it had managed to escape with their lives. She could never defeat such a creature! Unless... She had been warned that none from her village could help her, but what about strangers? If she could convince Bear to fight the Great Tree for her then perhaps she could retrieve its heart. If a lumberjack, especially one of Bear's stature, could not fell the Great Tree then surely none could! Kadence only hoped that her idea didn't backfire as she jumped to her feet and took off up the slope behind her. After all, she didn't even know if she could find Bear, never mind convince him to help her!

Chapter 3: The Bear and the Great Tree

It was nearing nightfall when finally Kadence could run no longer. Her body was covered in a delicious sheen of sweat that made her flesh sparkle in the low light, hair slick and matted to her shoulders. She had been running for over an hour and still hadn't found any trace of Bear. First she had gone down the path to City City a ways in case he had surpassed her before looping back towards Town Town, neither choice having produced the Bear she needed to complete her first task. Kadence huffed and puffed as she took a seat on a tree stump at the side of the road, curling into a little ball of flesh, hair and furry ears to think.

"Well well, what do we have here?" A familiar deep baritone perked up the kitten's ears as Kadence slowly uncurled her body to gaze up at the voice's owner. It was Bear! Kadence couldn't help but squeak and jump to her feet, the naked kitten throwing herself into a hug against his massive lower body.

"Bear!" She churred brightly up to him, chin pressing to his waist as she gazed up at his warm, friendly face. "I'm so glad to see you!" She grinned, the naked and quite disheveled looking neko nuzzling against the thick brown fur of his tummy.

"My my, it seems I missed a lot of action. Either that or this kitty can't be the same one I met earlier, you don't have any clothes.. I'm sure the one I met earlier did." He teased as she gingerly released him from the endearing hug, her energy having given out once more, the kitten flopping down to sit on the edge of the stump beneath her.

"Oh Bear, I need your help ever so much! I've been tasked with slaying the Great Tree and retrieving its heart but there's no way that I could do it alone. I ran and I ran to find you because I hoped that a great lumberjack like you could help me bring down the tree! Can you help me?" Kadence whimpered and batted her eyelashes, desperate for aid. Bear simply smiled as he gazed down at her bare body, a thick red tongue playing out onto his lips.


"No aid is given for free these days, kitten. However, I have heard of this Great Tree and I would certainly be the talk of City City if I had its head. There would be no doubt that I was the ultimate lumberjack then..." He paused, hefting his giant axe before tossing it into the earth beside him, the ground rumbling as a cloud of dust rose from the point of impact. "However..." He continued, the enormous brown bear unbuttoning his broad shorts and letting them slip to the ground, the thickest sheath that the kitten had ever seen staring back at her. "No aid is given for free these days, kitten." He winked down at her, settling his enormous paws at his waist in anticipation.

Kadence's ears folded back against her head as she gave a shy nod up to the bear and slowly rose to her feet, nose wrinkling as the musky scent of his sheath assailed her sensed. He must have been nearly nine feet tall and appeared to possess the equipment of a creature even larger. Her dainty hands rose to stroke his massive hanging orbs, each globe larger than her balled fists and quite taut against soft black skin of his sac. She leaned in close and extended her tiny tongue to rasp in a rough circle about the rim of his musky sheath, a shiver running down her spine simply from the effect his scent was having on her, a single droplet of her feminine juices drooling down her inner thighs as she rimmed around his sheath. The brown bear rumbled agreeably, one of his enormous paws stroking through her damp hair and drawing her lips closer to his groin, lips forced against the flesh of his sheath to kiss and suckle lewdly whilst her tongue rasped ever more roughly against the swollen ring of flesh.

The bear's ebon shaft slowly emerged as Kadence licked, kissed and fondled, the pillar of hardening flesh covered in dark veins that only added to what was likely a good four inch diameter even whilst quite soft.

"Oh my, nyah, you're a horse not a bear!" Kadence giggled shyly, her hands moving to support his heavy shaft as it slipped from his sheath, inch after inch of soft flesh filling her palms and fingers while her little tongue traced a lazy 's' pattern of saliva along the side of his black spire. By the time she adorned the crown of his thick head with a smattering of loving kisses he was nearly fourteen inches long and pulsating like nobody's business. Kadence pulled back for a moment to gaze at the sheer size of his shaft, a strand of saliva leaving her prone tongue connected to his ebon spire before it fell away onto his flesh.

"Oh wow. I think I can probably sit and still suckle, do you mind? I'm a little tired after all that running!" Kadence giggled, navigating her way around his shaft and plopping her bare bottom down on the moist wooden stump.

"Not in the least so long as you plan on sucking and swallowing." Bear smirked and shifted to place one of his broad, sturdy arms against a nearby tree trunk, supporting himself lazily as the kitten lifted her palms to guide the head of his shaft towards her maw. Kadence had never seen a shaft so large nor a head so thick, the bear's tip large enough to stretch from her chin most of the way up her nose in height alone. Lips pressed gingerly to the hole at the tip of his shaft just in time to receive a gush of salty precum that nearly filled her mouth, the little kitten wrinkling her nose and swallowing gulp after gulp.

"That's a good girl, now fit me in your mouth or you won't get any help from old Bear." The male offered dully in his muddy baritone voice, Kadence's eyes opening wide with surprise.

"Hmrow ahm Iah suhpposed tah fiht iht ihn mha mhouf?" Kadence asked even as she kissed and sucked against the head of his towering pillar of flesh, another gush of cum leaking from his tip and dribbling partially into her mouth and partially down her chin.

"Big bear's a softie, just stuff it in and be careful with your kitty teeth if you have any, neko girlie. If I can't fit in your mouth I might just have to find somewhere else to put it." He guffawed, a hollow sounding laugh that brought a smile to Kadence's kissing lips. Despite his words the bear spoke in a playful manner rather than a demeaning or threatening one and the little kitten couldn't help but try to oblige. She had gotten herself into this mess of sorta and now she would have to get him off!.. err, herself out of it!.. herself onto it?

"Ahm going tah bhe show mehshy!" Kadence giggled as she offered a final tender, sloppy kiss to his crown before pulling back a bit, lips parting in a wide 'o' as she let out the most adorably stereotypical 'Aaaah!', hands and lips working together to stuff his thick, fleshy head past her lips. Luckily for the bear she possessed only the two canine teeth common in humans rather than a row of feline fangs, a bit of wriggling and a wince on her part all it took to lodge him fully within her maw.

"Mmhhhrm..." She cooed, offering him as silly look as she sucked and licked his masculinity in a far more intimate environment, her hands gently stroking back and forth along his enormous spire and forcing a few inches of his ebon flesh in and out of her lips with each tug and stroke.

"Oh kitty.. your tiny tongue and mouth are just too good for this big bear.. it won't be much longer before I make up a batch of sticky bear milkshake just for you.. mmf..." Bear offered the sentiments in his own silly way, a look of guilty pleasure obvious upon his face far above, Kadence's gaze shifting from staring down the barrel of a thick, pulsating shaft to peering up at bear for approval periodically. It was quite an easy job to please the bear, really. Kadence simply suckled on the entirety of his slightly squished but still enormous head while her semi-rough tongue rasped against his flesh and her paws jerked slowly back and forth just beyond the suction of her lips. All at once the bear's warning came to fruition, a sudden tense and pulse releasing a torrent of incredibly thick, creamy bear cum directly into the neko's stuffed mouth and throat. Kadence was surprised to say the least, fingers trembling and eyes closing tight as she fought to gulp down each and every drop of bear seed, the sticky goo close to the consistency of molasses and difficult to swallow. Her fight was a lost cause; the bear's heavy orbs held far too much seed for her to swallow and she had never been the best at gulping even small drinks down in one go; she pulled away with her lips and gently dislodged his engorged head from her lips, coughing and sending a small wave of bear seed over the rim of her lips as the large male continued to groan and spurt, dollops of thick seed coating her face, dribbling down her chin and oozing down over her bare chest and nipples to pool between her thighs and slender kitten cunny on the tree stump below. When finally the flow of bear seed waned Kadence had gulped down uncounted additional mouthfuls of sticky cum and was a creamy mess from head to thighs.

"Mmmew, wow.. you must have been saving that up for a while, bear!" Kadence cooed, palms pressing to her tummy and rubbing the sticky seed into her flesh. It was fun to play with, and truly he had tasted quite nice.. and she wouldn't need to use her second rations for a while, now!

"Oh, just a few years.. thank you very much, little kitty Kadence. I needed that." He smiled warmly down to her as his shaft began to retract into his sheath, a steady trickle of white still oozing from the very tip of his member and leaving a trail of white on the leaves at the side of the path.

"Up for slaying a Great Tree now, nyah?" Kadence winked playfully as she stood, her thighs and rump sticking momentarily to the sticky wooden surface before pulling away. She was the creamiest kitty in the world right now, she had no doubt!

"Shouldn't we get you cleaned up, first?" Bear asked with a raised brow as he gazed down over the comparatively tiny kitten drenched in white.

"No time, bear, I only have until noon tomorrow and I have two more tasks after this!" The truth of the impossibility of her tasks was beginning to sink in now, but she couldn't give up, not now.

"Very well then. Climb aboard and direct me; I'm pretty full of energy right now despite that drain!" Bear grinned, lowering a paw. Kadence hopped up and climbed onto his shoulder, bare bottom resting in the valley between his shoulder and his neck as he set off at breakneck speed.

It took bear less than half the time it had taken Kadence to reach the Valley of Valleys, enormous strides and seemingly limitless energy a boon to be sure. Even hefting his great axe bear had no problem barreling down the slow decline into the valley, bypassing the sandstone owl and continuing down into the first valley.

The change in atmosphere was drastic. Sandy earth turned to mossy grass and trees sprouted up all about them as they went, a forest path created in the valley all funneling towards one point. Finally a great clearing opened up before them and at its center stood an enormous tree. It wasn't particularly tall, in fact it was shorter than most of the trees surrounding the edges of the clearing, but what was obviously the Great Tree was lacking in height it made up for in width, the trunk of the tree nearly ten feet in diameter and covered with gangly branches. As bear slowed to approach the tree shook and shuddered, a face forming in the dark wood where before there was none.

"How dare you approach the Great Tree! You will be my dinner!" The face bellow as roots uprooted and branches whipped through the air, the enormous monstrosity decimating the very ground below their feet as it came to life.

"Let me handle this, kitten!" Bear hollered as he hefted his axe. Kadence agreed completely, hopping down from his shoulder and backing away several feet to watch the show.

"Be careful, bear!" Kadence warned as the Great Tree grasped the trunk of a smaller tree with one of its roots and snapped it in half, hurling the bundle of leaves and branches directly at Bear. A quick downwards slice of his axe cut the half tree into quarters as it flew past, the twin segments careening by and missing Kadence by mere feet as they smashed into the ground and sent grass, snapped twigs and leaves flying.

"Fear the lumberjack, tree! I am Bear and you will be my trophy!" Bear roared as he launched himself forwards. For his size Bear was deceptively nimble; whipping branches scoured his fur to no avail while larger roots missed completely. Bear swung back so far with his great axe that it appeared as if he would be thrown backwards before the motion pausing, massive arms forcing the blade deep into the side of the Great Tree's trunk. The affect was devastating. Bear's axe cut through the Great Tree like a hot anything through butter, one, two, five, six, eight feet deep. With a quick jump Bear tugged the axe free and sent it flying directly into the Great Tree's agonized face, features warping as the blade cut it in twain. As suddenly as the battle has started it had ended; the land few feet of wood warped and buckled and the Great Tree fell to menace no longer. The crash of its trunk against the ground sent out a shockwave so strong that Kadence was forced to her knees to avoid being knocked back completely. From the tortured mouth of the Great Tree a small, knotted heart fell, crashing silently into the mossy ground below.

Kadence was in awe. "Wow, Bear.. that was amazing!" She squeaked as she hopped to her knees, eyes wide with adoration. Bear flexed and grinned down at the neko kitten, axe pressing downwards against the knot of a heart to ever so barely pierce it, lifting the trinket and presenting it to Kadence proudly.

"I hope the cut isn't a problem.." Kadence mused as she tugged the heart free from the axe's blade and held it close to her chest. By now the sun had almost completely disappeared from the sky leaving only a purple glow visible through the clearing in the canopy above.

"Oops, I hope it isn't a problem, either!" Bear guffawed in his own special way, drawing a smile from the neko below. "Well, a deal's a deal and the deal's done. Take your heart and do with it what you will. I have my treasure.. as well as some good memories.. so I think we're even." He winked as he hefted his axe, approaching the Great Tree's disheveled face and wedging his blade behind the head. "Now for my trophy. You'd better be off, kitten, before I decide to keep you, too!" He laughed once more, a deep, rich sound that contrasted the rather disturbing sound of splitting the Great Tree's bark to remove its head.

"I will, and thanks again, Bear!" A shiver ran down her spine as she turned away, wooden heart held close to her own. She started to run and she didn't turn back.

Chapter 3+1: Late Nights and Puzzle Cubes

Kadence was huffing by the time she reached the owl statue, the day having taken its toll on her. Not only was she tired but she felt sticky; she had already peeled most of Bear's bear gum from her skin as it had dried but the feeling didn't go away. The sun had disappeared and night had truly set in, the moon's light a dim filter over the valley. She was lucky that she was at least part feline; she could see quite well in this low light and had no trouble centering herself before the owl.

"Oh great.. owl.. thingy... Um, anyways, I have the Great Tree's heart! What must I do now?" Kadence spoke quickly, the urgency of the situation clear in the tone of her voice.

The owl slowly came to life in response to the sound of her voice, head tilting once more to gaze into the neko's eyes. "Hoo has the heart? You do? Impossible!.. ah, I see hoo speaks the truth..." The owl nodded sagely. "Hoo must listen closely now, for when hoo take up this next task I will no longer be able to assist hoo." Kadence couldn't help but giggle in response to the 'hoo's. She was tired and found it unnervingly amusing despite the owl's serious tone. "Within me there is a puzzle box that holds my brain. It holds the knowledge to stop the Triad Volcanoes while the Great Tree's heart holds the power necessary to destroy them once and for all. You have the heart, now you must possess the brain. Once the box is taken from me I will cease to exist. You must solve the puzzle quickly to receive the brain lest it reset.. it is an impossible task. No one being could solve the puzzle with only their own two hands before the timer runs out." The owl paused. Kadence felt betrayed. One impossible task after another.. it was what she should have expected, truly, but that didn't lessen the blow.

"Time grows short, Bearer of tasks. None before have possessed the heart. Perhaps you will find a way to possess the brain. Should you find a way you must proceed past the Great Tree's grave and into the second valley. There you will find a statue. Place the brain within its head and the heart within its chest. Only then will the key to your salvation be revealed.. by the way, it's 8:30 PM, you have exactly 13.5 hours to show the Triad Volcanoes proof of your victory. Goodbye." The owl let out a sudden exhalation of air, its neck went limp and then it was still.. for a moment. Just when Kadence thought that the owl might be dead it perked up, let out another burst of air and went limp once more. This time its head popped off, a surprise which Kadence wasn't ready for. The neko squeaked and flailed backwards, the owl's head smashing on the ground. From within the rubble a small box was visible. Kadence covered her lips and nose with a palm as she leaned down, squinting to avoid getting sandstone dust in her eyes as she picked up the box.

"A Rubik's Cube™!?" Kadence gasped and groaned all at once. "And it resets.. oh no, this - WILL - be impossible..." Her cheeks puffed out in an obvious pout. It was old, ornate and had funny symbols all over it, but it was a Rubik's Cube™ alright, there was no doubting that. Kadence dropped to her knees before the owl's broken head and cradled the cube against her chest along with the heart. A feeling of utter defeat set in and sent Kadence into a spiral of despair.

"You must solve the puzzle quickly to receive the brain lest it reset.. the puzzle will reset..." Kadence went over the owl's words dully. "It is an impossible task..." She sighed, hanging her head down and gazing at what remained of the owl's head. She tilted her chin upwards, then, gazing up at the sky. The stars were visible, now, winking and dancing happily through the sky, all busy in the midst of their nightly party. "No one being could solve the puzzle with only their own two hands before the timer runs.. with only their own two hands.. two hands.. but what about more?" An idea struck her. What about the thieves she had passed on her way here? No, the three of them together wouldn't be coordinated enough to solve it before the timer ran out. "Wait..." She muttered aloud once more. "What about the chakat I passed on the way here? If I can find hir then shi might be able to do it.. might.. but anything's worth a shot, I can't be negative now!" She bolted up to her feet, tugging her backpack open and tossing the heart and the cube inside. She didn't have time to worry about odds. Either she gave this idea a try or she gave up and died. Off she went!

It was nearing midnight when Kadence made it back to the spot where she thought she had seen the dozing chakat earlier. The trip had been lengthy due to her fatigue and the nature of her search. The point where she had seen hir before was quite distinct. One fallen tree, one small half-circle clearing at the edge of the road, one big boulder in said clearing. Check, check, check. The only thing missing was the chakat. Kadence let out a loud, airy sigh as she lifted her arms in a stretch only to hook her palms behind her neck in defeat.

"Could you possibly be looking for me?" A voice as smooth as velvet purred from somewhere nearby, echoing off of the wooden trees that surrounded her in the dark night.

"That depends, who is me?" Kadence questioned, voice shaking warily. She had heard of creatures who hunted by night, dangerous creatures. No smart traveler travelled at night.

"Who are you indeed who could possibly be looking for me?" A thick white tail with vibrant black spots dipped down from a tree branch just above Kadence's head and nearly scared the skin off of her. She screamed, she curled up, she did it all in quick succession before realizing what was happening.

"Such a loud little kitty, me-ow.. and the scent of sex oh so heavy, I can't help but be more than a bit turned on..." The voice was oh-so-sensuous, definitely feminine.. definitely chakat, she guessed! The tail gave it away, really. Kadence gazed directly above her head into the canopy of the tree above, smile tugging cautiously at her lips.

"Excuse me, um.. miss chakat.. I was looking for you, actually.. I need your help." Kadence didn't have time to waste and so she didn't waste any time.

"Oooh, my help..? With the scent about you my dear I think you may have to help me first, dear heavens..." The svelte voice replied, the chakat dropping from the tree above soundlessly to stand before Kadence. Even the creature's back was taller than the little kitten, her torso towering above.. though not so tall as Bear, the chakat's predatory tone caused her to shiver, goosebumps rising up against her skin. It became obvious quite quickly that the chakat wasn't kidding when shi spoke of the effects her scent had on hir, nipples perky upon hir thick, luscious breasts while hir masculine sheath had already filled out with a thick length of dribbling feline cock, barbed head drippling precum onto the grass below. Shi wasn't small, either. For hir size shi put bear to shame, likely a foot long and a little less than three inches thick.

"I.. I'll help you if I know that you can help me." Kadence said bravely. She fumbled about in her backpack, fingers trembling as she pulled out the cube. "Can you solve this, and quickly? It has a timer, if you don't solve it quick it resets.. it's supposed to be impossible with two hands, but you have at least four dexterous paws, right?" Kadence held the cube forth and the predatory snow leopard chakat snatched it away.

"Hmmm.. lucky girl.. this big kitty is quite good at games like this. I can solve your little puzzle.. but first.. I you to do something to make this worth my time, little kitty..." Shi churred, the sound strictly dominant. It sent another shiver down Kadence's spine. The chakat tossed the cube back and Kadence barely caught it, placing it quickly back within her backpack.

"So, do we have a deal, little one?" The dominant femme questioned, tone insistent. Kadence nodded her assent, slipping her arms free of the backpack once more. The chakat's lips curled into a wicked smile. "Gooooood.. let's not waste any time. Assume the position, little kitty..."


Kadence nodded and dropped silently to her knees in the cool dew-laden grass, moonlight spilling out over her peachy tanned body. There was something about this chakat that had her little kitten cunny moist at the prospect of serving hir. There was a dominance about hir and yet a femininity that made her far more sexually appealing than most males. She crept forward silently on hands and knees, one hand grasping the chakat's spiny shaft just beneath its head and guiding it towards her lips when suddenly she felt one hir forepaws smack against the back of hir head. "Ow..! What was tha-"

"Shh, silly little kitty, that's not what I meant and you know it.. turn around, chest against the ground, lift that sweet little butt into the air and lift your tail.. now." The chakat demanded. Kadence froze.

"B.. but..." The little neko stuttered, ears flattening back against her head shyly.

"I did say now.. that is, if you want any help." The smooth-voiced feline hissed. Kadence whimpered and nodded her acquiescence, ears remaining tucked back against her silky blue hair as she turned around, parading her kitten booty in front of the chakat femme before flatting her chest and cheek down against the cool ground, spreading her legs slightly as she rose nice and high on her knees to lift her rump into the air, tail lifting to show off her by now quite messy sex and her tiny tailhole.

"Oooh, little kitty.. even in the moonlight I know a treat when I see it, mrrow." The chakat purred as shi leaned in to sniff beneath her tail, giving both of her tiny entrances a little nuzzle. Kadence was trembling.. the truth was that she was a virgin. Even though she was quite the kinky kitten and had toyed herself out of her virginity her village was filled with stuffy old folk nothing like those she had met on her journey. The chakat extended her rather thick tongue and gave one long, rough lick from the bottom of Kadence's slit all the way up to her tailbase, rough, barbed tongue sparing no lack of pressure as it rasped along both of her virgin holes and drew a muffled squeak from the neko.

"Delicious, mmh, pure despite the smell about you.. except for a little bit an odd taste about your kitty, little kitty.. I'll bet you were quite a mess not long ago. Intriguing..." Shi churred as shi withdew and moved to mount her, hands settling on her shoulders while hir front paws grasped onto her waist. At least she knew she could use more than two hands... The chakat nudged hir pointed tip against her sex, nudging it gently before repositioning it under her tail. "Eeeny.. meeny.. miny.. moe." Without warning shi shifted doward and thrust forwards into her sex, pushing in hir first thrust against the neko's cervix a good six inches in. Kadence almost screamed again, back arching and fingers digging into the damp earth as those hot barbs tickled and teased her insides. It didn't take much to get her panting, the chakat giving her a few long moments to get used to having the big cat within her.

"Mrrow~, you're tight even for your size, little kitty.. lucky me." The chakat purred out as shi slowly withdrew, those barbs of hirs flaring outwards and digging into her insides even more firmly. Kadence didn't know whether she felt pain or pleasure, mind fluttering whilst she gritted her teeth. "And here comes the mating..." The chakat announced in warning as she thrust back in, wasting no time this time with her withdrawal, a steady pace of pushing and pulling causing the neko's pussy to squeeze and roil against her flesh likes waves on the ocean.

"Little kitty has a talented cunny... mraaah!" The chakat growled dominantly, leaning down to bite at the nape of her neck and draw a sharp gasp from the neko's lips, hir hips moving back and forth quite quickly now and trickling precum into her already juicy sex. Kadence felt utterly dominated but any pain she had felt from the penetration or hir spines had vanished. Her body was rocking back and forth with the chakat's motions, small, perky breasts moving with each thrust, nipples rock hard and body excited like never before. Her tongue lolled from her lips ever so cutely, wincing each time the chakat hit her limit only to let out an adorable "Nyaaah~" with each withdrawal and quickly followed thrust. Her entire face was a deep shade of red, body likely no different, the scent of her dominant mistress' arousal assailing her nose throwing her over the edge.

Kadence tensed up and let out a high-pitched mewl as she came, the chakat still thrusting vigorously into her no longer virgin kitty. When her muscles squeezed down tighter about hir invading length the chakat only thrust more vigorously, squirming inner muscles pained and pleasured by those barbs to an even greater degree.

"Here it comes little kitty, a nice bit of warmth for your tummy!" The chakat huffed as she gave a few last, rough thrusts, a roaring hiss sending hir over the edge as rope after rope of creamy cum spewed into Kadence's sex, the barbs that had been until this point quite soft firming up and locking the chakat deep within the kitten's body. Kadence let out a squeak in response to the initial feeling but could only moan as the cum kept flowing within her, womb quickly filling with seed and sending copious amounts of thick, sticky cum past the tight suction of their mating to pool on the ground beneath her quivering thighs or run down her tummy and up towards her chest and face, once more a sticky mess. The chakat gripped her waist and tugged both of them onto their sides, back paw hooking into the strap of her backpack and tossing it to one of hir hands, quickly digging out the device and fiddling with it even while locked with the kitten, hir cock pulsing every few minutes and sending another warm jet of cum into her body.

"Better get comfy, kitten, you're gonna be locked like this for a little while until I decide you're cream-filled enough.. get some rest, I'll solve this puzzle for you and you'll be good to go in the morning." The chakat's tone had changed completely.. shi sounded almost motherly as shi spoke.

"B.. but I have to.. have to.. tasks..." Kadence huffed, her mind hazy and body exhausted. She found that she had no choice. Even with the chakat lodged within her body the comfortable warmth shi offered inside and out was putting her to sleep. Her body needed it. Her mind needed it. She felt herself slipping, she could see her tasks left undone, the lava flowing.. and she was asleep.

Chapter Three Plus Two: Brains, Heart and C-C-C-Courage!

When Kadence awoke she was alone. The sun was just cresting the horizon and offered a hazy orange glow to light the little clearing. It appeared that the chakat had licked her clean, as well.. she felt sticky, but not in a the way that she had the day before. She must have been sleeping like a log.. or a rock.. neither of those really slept, though, unless you were to count them as being in a constant state of sleep. If she hadn't still been able to feel the warm, sloshing feeling in her tummy then she wouldn't have thought that the encounter had happened at all. She yawned as she turned over, the cube staring her right back, though something seemed different about it. She blinked. It appeared to be loose, as if its pieces were broken. She fumbled for it and knocked it away, piece after square piece dislodging from central cube until only a small box at its center remained. Shi had done it! Shi had solved the cube.. and Kadence hadn't even been able to thank her. She offered a cursory look upwards into the treetops, half expecting the chakat to be hovering above her with a big smile on hir face.. she was a bit disappointed that shi wasn't.

Kadence sat up gingerly, eyes going wide as she felt a sharp pain between her thighs. She groaned. Well, it was her first time after all, and the chakat had been.. delightfully rough. She winced as she drew the little box procured from the cube close. She opened the tiny box carefully, nose wrinkling and head turning away as she saw what was inside.

"Yup, brain, slimy, gross, blaaagh!" She quickly shut the box and tossed it into her backpack, pulling out a ration pack and unbundling it. Mr. Jorgensen's meatloaf. Cold. Slimy. Gross. It reminded her of the brain and put her right off breakfast.

On her way back to the Valley of Valleys Kadence noticed that she was leaking. It wasn't a big deal, really.. she kept brushing a creeping strand of seed away from her thighs, shaking her hand to flick it away and then licking her digits clean of the rest. It was distracting, though, when accompanied by the dull pain in her groin and belly. Still, she had accomplished her goal and had a bit of fun. And maybe fallen in love! Oops, did she really just think that..?

Kadence arrived at the Valley of Valleys just over an hour after she set off and wasted no time setting off into the first valley. She passed row upon row of trees at her sides before reaching the fallen Great Tree. No face. Slightly disturbing. She continued.

The drop into the next valley seemed like it would never end. When finally Kadence saw flat land before her she almost cried out in joy. Unfortunately the flatness was mistaken for having a purpose. Upon reaching the basin of the valley she continued for some time without sighting anything of interest. Then she saw it. It was huge, an obviously off in the distance. How she hadn't seen that statue before she couldn't believe. How she hadn't seen that statue from Town she didn't know! It was breathtakingly enormous, but how far away was it really? Kadence started to run.

As she closed in on the statue Kadence noticed a series of ladders scaling the sides, front and back of the statue, none truly connected to each other but all connected to the statue. She didn't like the looks of this. Kittens didn't like heights, especially neko kittens without the aid of true cat-like reflexes. She gulped. She certainly didn't like the looks of this. Beyond the statue was a towering wall and what appeared to be a large door with an exaggerated keyhole. She'd have to worry about that later, for now...

Kadence paused as she stood at the foot of the statue, figuratively and literally. It was obvious what she had to do.. she had to climb the statue and place the heart in its chest before climbing higher and placing the brain in its head. A few hundred feet? A few thousand? Why couldn't he just have the heart and brains in his feet? Kadence grimaced, tilting her head over her shoulder to make sure the backpack was secure. She had come this far. Well, come and gone and come and gone.. and come back again. She couldn't turn back now. She gritted her teeth as she approached the first ladder and took the first step. "Why heights.. mew..." She muttered as her ears back tightly against her head. The naked kitten began to climb.

A wind picked up as she scaled her way up the side of the enormous statue. It occurred to Kadence that she hadn't even really checked what the statue was supposed to be. What species was it? She kept simple questions flooding her brain to keep from thinking about the omnipresent fact that she was a good hundred feet above the ground and she hadn't quite reached the statue's chest yet. She was at its waist, maybe.. either that or its tummy. It couldn't be too much further. A chill wind had picked up this high up. As she gazed out about her she noticed something odd. Beyond the edge of the Valley of Valleys all she could see was sand. Woods Woods was gone, City City, which should have been visible from so high, was also gone. There was only sand. Sand everywhere. When had that happened? Kadence's mind must have been playing tricks on her. She swallowed a deep gulp and continued up.

By the time Kadence had reached the chest cavity the winds were tearing at the poor little kitten so brutally that her teeth were chattering and it was all she could do to put one foot above the other and keep going. She climbed into the dimply lit chunk cut from the statue's chest and collapsed, her heart racing in her chest. "Heeeiiights!" She cried in rage as she rolled over onto her hands and knees, gently sitting back on her heels as she opened her backpack and withdrew the heart, gazing about the little cavern for a place to put it. Finally she spotted an indentation in the back wall, rising gingerly onto wobbly legs and approaching.

There was something written on the wall above the heart-shaped slot. "In case of volcano: place heart here. Hum." Kadence shrugged, gently pressing the heart into the wall. Nothing happened, but the heart didn't fall out. She tried tugging on it and it wouldn't come out that way, either. "Well then!" Kadence turned about and crossed her arms crossly. She had been expecting something for all that effort, at least.. maybe a shortcut up to the head? She sighed. No such luck. Kadence fell to her knees and offered the cool sandstone floor of the cavern a kiss, it being the closest thing to ground available. Off onto the dangerous ladders she went!

The wind grew even more vicious as Kadence traversed the rest of the statue's chest, neck and made her way onto its face. She could hazard a guess now about what the statue was; a fox, perhaps, something of the like. The ladders grew further and further apart, forcing Kadence to grapple the fox's muzzle, ears and finally a spiky strand of hair as she fought her way to its pinnacle. Finally she was there. There was only one more ladder between Kadence and her goal: a hole with.. another ladder.. leading down into the statue's head. As she reached to grasp onto rung of the 'last' ladder Kadence gasped, a whip of wind hitting her wrist so hard that it left a red mark on her skin. She puffed her cheeks up and tried again, wincing and crying out as she was met by the same painful resistance.

"Okay.. you want to play rough, wind.. this little kitty's been through too much to stop now!" She hissed into the wind, most of her words lost to even her sensitive ears. She reached up and grasped the next rung with one hand, both hands, and she pulled herself up.

Climbing that final ladder took everything out of Kadence. The wind whipped and tore at her skin, little cuts forming all around her body while a stronger force smacked and belted her from side side, skin glowing bright red where it felt like she was smacked. She winced and bit down tight, eyes closing to concentrate on the task at hand. One foot. The other foot. One hand. The other hand. By the time she could feel no more rungs with her hands she was dizzy with pain, body swaying back and forth on the rickety ladder in the sky. Everything was blurry. She wasn't sure where the next ladder was. Kadence squinted her eyes in a desperate attempt to find the entrance into the statue's head, a black circle appearing weaving back and forth before her vision. She couldn't take any more of the devilish wind. Kadence was losing consciousness by the second. In a last ditch effort she extended her body and launched herself towards one of the dizzy black spots that clouded her vision and then everything went black.

Kadence's eyes fluttered open slowly, a dizzy picture forming in her head. She was somewhere dark but her eyes had already adjusted. She looked up to gauge her location and noticed only a disk of light shining down onto a patch on the ground a few feet away. She blinked, smirking ditzily. She had made it. She was inside the statue's head. She glanced about for any indication as to where the brain might be meant to go, finally spotting a very tiny altar beyond the patch of dappled sunlight. She crawled over with a groan and reached into her backpack, her body aching all over, tremulous fingers opening the brain box and plopping the brain out onto the altar. Kadence wrinkled her nose. It was a bit squished. She hoped that that wasn't her fault.

"Oh well, a notched heart and a squished brain..." She giggled, still a bit high on endorphins as she struggled to her feet. Still no response from the statue, whatever was supposed to happen. Oh well, time to go down the ladders again. She giggled again as she hooked her fingers onto the rungs of ladder leading up and out of the statue's head. She had to hurry. Everyone was counting on her, and she had already accomplished so much. The moment she reached the top of the ladder and began to climb out of the statue's head Kadence slipped, reflexes too slow and body too unresponsive to grasp onto the next rung. She was falling again, she smirked to herself. She wondered where she'd wake up this time?

Luckily for Kadence the completion of the statue had done far more than she thought. Only moments after the neko kitten slipped an enormous sandstone hand caught her limp form and lowered her slowly to the ground. Index finger extended from the massive hand to poke at the prone kitten, nudging her entire body and forcing her to roll over, sunlight streaming down against her eyelids and drawing her awake.

Passing out twice in such a short amount of time made for a very confused kitty. The statue before her was like a mirage as she opened her eyes. Its face seemed ever so close compared to the rest of it. As three images focused into one Kadence let out a squeak of surprise, the stone statue blinking down at her from only feet above, muzzle having actually dug a hole into the sandstone below. Dust rained down on her from the giant's eyelids as it blinked, the kitten coughing and brushing away at the particles even as they fell.

"Me Grokkfox. Greatest of Grokkfox. You make Grokkfox whole. You need through door? Grokkfox can let through door. Grokkfox have the key." The enormous statue rumbled the very ground around the neko kitten as he spoke, the exhalation of his breath like a warm sauna that actually made her murr. Heat was welcome! Grokkfox reached behind his back and produced a rather large silver key.. at first glance it seemed quite an appropriate fit to the door Kadence had seen behind the statue...

"Umm, thanks Grokkfox.." Kadence smiled weakly as she grasped the handle to the key. Unfortunately as Kadence grabbed it some sort of mimicking reflex was triggered in the stone giant and Grokkfox tightened his grip. No sooner had the neko's fingertips grasped the key than there was no key left, the ancient sandstone crumbling into itty bitty bits all over Kadence's bare legs. She blinked. Grokkfox blinked. Both of them were rightfully confused.

"I guess having your brain squished did make things worse, nyah..." Kadence sighed up at the giant before flopping back against the warm stone below her. She assumed that the key was supposed to get to get her into the next valley and to her final prize. All she had to do was open that door and she would be a hero. She would have completed the impossible. Three times. Well, not her really.. but because of her the tasks were accomplished and no rules were broken. Now it was over. It was really, definitely over.

"Grokkfox do bad, Grokkfox sorry..." The stone giant hung its already hung head, nearly crushing Kadence in the process. He realized his mistake quickly, however, pulling back and frowning down at her once more. "Sorry.. again..." He offered with a voice that sounded like stone rubbing stone, a dejected look upon his gravelly features.

After a minute the giant's face lit up, Kadence's brow raising curiously as he pulled away from her and turned to face the wall and door. Without a word of warning the giant lifted his leg and smashed it down upon the wall, crushing the thick sandstone barrier and the door along with it, chunks of rock turned to dust beneath his behemoth footstep. Kadence's eyes went wide. Who needed a key for a door when you had a giant, clumsy stone statue?

"Grokkfox you're brilliant! Thank you!" Kadence hopped to her feet and hugged against the back of his heel, all the while wary and prepared to jump to the side should he decide to step backwards towards her. A quick look at her outstretched arms revealed another marvel; whether the bruises and cuts the whipping wind had inflicted on her above were real or not their markings were no longer present, her skin simply a bit sandy but bereft of injury. She grinned. Perhaps everything would be alright after all!

Chapter 6: Doh!

Kadence really had no time to waste now. She dashed across the broken gravel pile while simultaneously waving a temporary goodbye to the stone giant behind her, explaining in a flurry of lost words that she had important tasks to complete and wishing him a good giant statue life. The last include was diminutive when compared to the others and so was the valley floor, both good signs for her. Two altars sat raised on a temple-like platform, a large circular orb visible upon one from a distance while the other held something smaller. She ran up the temple steps without pause, huffing from the exertion. Six, nine, twelve, twenty, thirty! Finally she reached the top and her eyes went wide, palms pressing to her lips to stifle a gasp as ears tucked back against her head in dismay. One of the sandstone boulders created by Grokkfox's stomp had landed upon one of the altars and cracked it all the way through. It wasn't an orb she had seen, it was a boulder. Kadence was aghast. She bent down close to the cracked altar as she noticed words engraved on its front, barely able to make them out through the cracks and holes in the crumbling sandstone block:

"Here lies the key to the box on the other altar. No other key will fit. Luckily the key is right here and the box is right there. Since nobody will ever reach this task we decided that we need not complicate it. Open the box with the key, bring the contents back to the Triad Volcanoes -"

It appeared that the writer continued to try to engrave beyond that point but ran out of space, the squished words illegible. Kadence sighed.

"Oh poop."

Kadence didn't have time even to think. She quickly checked that the key wasn't somehow safe under the boulder; which it clearly wasn't; before grabbing the small box on the other altar, shaking it fervently, trying to pry it open (unsuccessfully) and securing it in her backpack. She then set off at a careful dash down the steps, ramped it up to a full-on dash upon touching down on the last valley's floor and booked it back towards Town. Kadence offered a quick hello and goodbye to Grokkfox on the way after eliminating him as a possible source of help due to likely accidents, passed the fallen Great Tree which appeared to have found its nemesis in the Great Caterpillar that nommed eagerly away on its bark and hazarded but a passing glance at the spot where the wise old owl statue had once stood, now headless and beyond repair.

Chapter Lucky: Three Plus One Makes Four..some!

Kadence's eyes were on the skies as she dashed through Woods Woods, the cramps in her slender legs ignored quite pointedly as she raced against time. No familiar faces popped out at her along the way, no distractions fought for her attention. The sight of the naked speed demon neko must have been quite amusing but only the trees would have that story to tell.

By the time Kadence spotted the edge of Woods Woods she was exhausted and unable to run any further. She would be lucky to walk the rest of the way, she mused as she wobbled towards the bridge that crossed River River and marked the entrance point to Town. Lava be damned, Town could burn to the ground and her with it if she had to run one more step! A sudden rustling in the bushes caught Kadence's attention and drew her head to the left, a sudden whoosh of wind from her right side the only warning she received before a paw latched onto her wrist and tugged her into the warm embrace of a familiar but unwelcome sight.

"We meet again, lovely little kitten." It was Georgio's voice that met her ears, the hyena's breath hot in her ear. His two brothers quickly emerged from the bushes at the side of the path, eager grins upon each of their faces. "We all took a good whiff of those clothes you gave us earlier and decided that, given the chance, we should take the time to make good use of such a sumptuous treat as yourself." The canine growled heatedly, tugging her bare body closer to his own as brothers surrounded her.

"Georgio, Ted, Fred, please, I promise you can do anything you want to me and I won't fight in the least bit so long as you do three things for me..." Kadence whimpered, lips quivering. She knew that she had little time left. She was so close she could smell Mrs. Tamler's apple pies baking on the windowsill of her pie shop.

"Three things to be used as a treat by three thieving hyenas? I suppose that's a fair deal. Name them." Ted spoke up from behind her, the neko kitten tilting her head over her shoulder to gaze back at him with a weak smile. The other two hyenas sighed.

"Ted, for the last time, stop negotiating when we already have our marks right where we want them! We didn't have to do anything for her! We're supposed to be thieves, damnit, not charitable folk!" Georgia admonished. Fred simply planted his palm square on his forehead. Kadence's smile grew slightly brighter.

"But, like you said, a deal with one of you is a deal with all of you! Or something like that!" She giggled despite her situation, glancing quickly up at the bright sun above. It was close to noon. "The first thing is, I need to know what time it is. The second thing is that I need you let me go exactly at eleven fifty five AM today, just to be specific.. I have to get to the center of town or we'll all die, don't you know!" She mocked her captors some much to their chagrin. "The third thing is.. no play until you unlock a box. You should be pretty good at picking locks, such famous thieves, nyah?" She cooed into Georgio's ear, the canine a bit taken aback by the gesture.

"Fine, fine..." Georgio muttered as he reached into his jacket to pull out a portable sundial clock. "It is currently.. eleven twenty five, AM, today..." He grumbled, one of the two hyenas behind Kadence mumbling something about there not being enough time to play for his liking. "Now about this box, in your backpack I take it?" Georgio nodded to Fred who quickly tugged the backpack free from Kadence's arms, the kitten left totally bare. After a moment of rifling Fred produced the box and tossed it to Ted.

"Unlock job, Ted. Quick-like." The hyenas nodded to each other as Ted produced a series of small tools from his jacket pocket and flopped back onto his rump to begin tinkering.

It was an awkward few minutes while Ted worked. Georgio had shifted to hold both of Kadence's slender wrists far above her head with one strong paw, shifting his gaze between the sundial clock in the other, her body and Ted's tinkering. "Almost done there Ted?" Georgio question hurriedly, tapping his foot gently on the ground.

"Heard any good jokes lately, nyah?" Kadence grinned sheepishly as she waited, not at all surprised that none from the village had ventured out far enough to notice this debacle. She wondered if they were all cowering under tables or if they had left as soon as they had ushered her out of the town gates and packed up their belongings. Finally Kadence heard a click behind her, questioning mewl rising from her throat. "Got it?" She cooed.

"Got it! Time for fun!" Ted groped at the air playfully.

"Nuh-uh, prove it, first, then fun!" She poked out her cute little tongue and Ted growled, tugging open the lid of the box to expose a small scroll within before slamming the box shut once more.

"Open! Fun!" Ted demanded once more, not a bit put off by the neko's display.

"Time?" Kadence questioned, delaying for a few moments more at least.


"Eleven thirty five." Georgio grumbled. "Fifteen minutes. We'll make it count." He growled menacingly and Kadence let out a delighted 'Ooh!', still playing the part of the tease. Fortunately or unfortunately for her the optimal time to play tease and get away with it had just ended. The three hyenas directed her into the bushed at the side of the road and into a small clearing, sure to bring the neko's belongings along with them as to not attract any unwanted attention. The moment they were beyond earshot of the road Georgio spoke up once more. "Call it. Cunt." He grinned down at her.

"Mouth!" Fred chimed in.

"Butt again?" Ted rolled his eyes. "And I do all the work.. oh well, you're all lucky that I think I'd choose this tight little neko's tailhole even if given first pick!" The three hyenas cackled in response to that, the neko's ears folding back against her head shyly.

"Oh my..." She cooed, tail tucking in vain between her thighs. It looked like she was in for another first, not that she disliked tucking a finger under her tail when she played by herself...

The hyenas let Kadence free as they stripped down and she was more than a bit tempted to make a run for it. She had no reason to believe that they wouldn't honor their bargain, however, but if she ran and failed they might not be so lenient. Then they would all be crispy lava burgers, all four of them. Plus, the neko's legs burned already.. letting the hyenas take advantage of her would allow time for her legs to rest and the rest of her body to take a little bit of abuse. They weren't the most unattractive creatures, either.. silky mottled gray and black fur highlighting handsome features. She could do worse.

Georgio planted himself on his back on the ground before her, the canine's bright red shaft pulsating between his thighs as he gently jerked the flesh up and down. Ted helped her get settled down above the hyena's shaft, lifting her up by her underarms and gently lowering the neko down while Georgio made sure his tapered tip was lined up for entry. She winced gently as he slid within her tight, wet sex, the canine not nearly as large as the chakat had been, perhaps a good seven inches by a few inches thick, just big enough so that his sheath couldn't quite touch her lips and he couldn't quite hilt within her before bumping against her cervix and drawing a squeaky mewl from her lips.

"Oooh, she's so tight boys..." Georgio grinned and Kadence returned the silly smile down to him before getting a quick look at what the other two brothers were sporting. Fred was perhaps a bit bigger than Georgio, or perhaps around the same size, his vibrant red shaft dribbling profusely already as he pawed off before her. Kadence planted her hands upon Georgio's toned chest and he returned the favor by grasping onto her waist with his thick paws, the neko tilting her head over her shoulder to get a look at what Ted planned on stuffing under her feline tail. One of those palms lifted from Georgio's chest to cover her lips as she gasped, ears tucking back against her head once more as a blush filtered onto her cheeks.

Compared to his brothers Ted was a stallion. Despite his dim wits and love of all thingy girly he was packing a rather large rocket! He likely rivaled the chakat in size and Kadence had heard that canines had knots, too, a fact that didn't bother her with the other two as Georgio's wouldn't fit and she had tested and found that her maw could open quite wide, but she was genuinely unsure how well the big lummox would be able to fit beneath her tail. The other brothers seemed to notice her surprise and couldn't help but laugh.

"Ted's the biggest and he always wants the tightest hole. Don't worry, he'll treat you good." Georgio winked up at her, the neko nodding gently down to him as she lifted her tail. "Okay, boys, ten minutes now.. let's make it count!"

It was Ted's turn next it appeared. His paws grasped her hips as he wriggled closer on his knees, aiming the fat tip of his canine shaft beneath the neko's raised tail and kissing the tapered tip to her most private of places.

"Bottom's up!" Ted grunted as he began to push forward, the neko's lips parting and eyes opening wide, inch after hot inch of red flesh sinking into her little pink pucker. She didn't have time to think about the affair too much before Fred simply popped his cock into her open maw, the little kitty suckling gingerly as she began to rasp her tongue against his throbbing red meat. Her thighs and rear quivered, Georgio grinding lazily into her kitten cunny while the stallion Ted nudged his thighs closer and closer to her tailbase, finally letting out a satisfied groan when his fuzzy sheath bumped against her widely spread star.

"Ohhh wow, she's so good!" Ted's tongue lolled from his lips as the hyena began to pant, slowly withdrawing a few inches from deep within her bubble butt before sinking in once more, getting her tight tailhole used to being mated by such a big doggy dick. Georgio began to gently lift her a few inches off of his shaft before sinking her down onto his heated flesh once more to repeat the process; even Fred got in on the thrusting action, his drooling member sliding gently deeper into her maw before pulling nearly free and pushing in again, making things interesting for the little kitty's tongue. Kadence's mind swam as her body was assailed by so many feelings, unable to hold back a low murr as the three hyenas worked themselves in and out of her willing orifices.

"Hear that murr, boys? She likes it!" Georgio cackled and his brother joined in, their thrusting growing slowly more intense as her body and mind opened up to the lewd experience. The hair on Kadence's feline tail poofed up to stand on end as Ted gave one good thrust into her tailhole, the first of many, a low groan heard about Fred's shaft that only encouraged him to grind his sheath against her parted lips. Georgio sped up as well, though he didn't have the depth control that the other two had due to his position, the gentle grinding and small thrusts doing wonders for the neko kitten above and apparently enough for the hyena below as she felt several quick gushes of precum warm her inner walls.

As the minutes wore on the hyenas' thrusting grew more and more frantic; whoever had invented the term 'fuck like a bunny' had obviously never met a decent hyena! The three actually managed to make the kitten purr, electric jolts of pleasure lancing through her body and drawing squeaks and mewls from her stuffed maw as her body twitched and shook. Kadence almost didn't want their fun to end but all four knew of that they were on the clock, the little neko perhaps the least of all once they all got going.

"Eleven-ah fourty-ah -nine!" Georgio groaned, panting as he looked to the sundial clock he had placed next to his head. "Grand finale time!" The hyena huffed, all three of the canines in obvious states of bliss, not a tongue to be found in it respective mouth.. not even Kadence's! The cute little muscle poked delightedly from her lips as she licked the underside of Fred's now quivering cock and coaxed him over his limit, the hyena howling as he shot his load into her maw and the hungry kitten drank it down, lost in the moment. The next to blow was Georgio, a muffled whine surpassing his muzzle as he tossed his head back and let loose in her kitten cunny, Kadence's palms poddling loving into his chest as her body tightened up and milked him for all he was worth. Ted was the last to blow despite working over her tailhole like a champ, the canine foregoing knotting her plush little booty in order to keep the deal he had orchestrated with the petite neko, instead pushing in most of the way and allowing the thickly forming bulge to nudge roughly against her spread tailstar, gush after gush of seed flooding her body and filling her with an intense, vibrant warmth.

"Fifty!" Georgio grunted and at once the three slowly withdrew from her body with a groan, each splattering her with more and more of their sticky seed before finally their orgasms reduced to a dribble. The kitten's butt, sex, thighs, tummy and face were coated were sticky hyena seed, tailhole and cunny dribbling profusely with thick gobs of white. Kadence struggled as she fought to her feet, gulping down the last of Fred's cum and offering all three exhausted canine a genuinely warm smile before grabbing the unlocked box and dashing through the bushes towards Town.

Chapter Last: The Last Chapter

Never was there such a sight in Town and never shall there be again as there was the day that Kadence returned to town, the naked neko covered in white as she dashed towards the center of town to the shock and awe of all onlookers.

"Is that little Kadence?" They would say with an awkward glance, cheeks a rosy red.

"Has she come to save us?" Some others would ask as they prepared for their final moments.

"She looks like a cream puff and smells like Ye Olde Brothelarium!" A crazy old coot would mutter as she flashed by, a slip of white, tan and blue against the dull grays of Town.

She was panting quite loudly when she reached the center of town, a sudden explosion from high above knocking her off balance and sending her falling to her rather sore bottom.

The eruptions has begun, but she couldn't be too late! Plumes of fire, smoke and magma spewed from the tops of the mountains and the face of the Triad Volcanoes began to laugh as trails of burning red began oozing down the mountainsides and towards the town. Chaos ran rampant in the streets and the townsfolk of Town ran for cover, Kadence a solitary pillar left to support town in its greatest hour of need. The neko kitten grasped the small scroll held within the box, unfurled the parchment and giggled, palm pressing to her lips to stifle the noise before screaming at the top of her lungs and turning the small roll of paper to face the laughing face.


Kadence hollered, her tiny voice echoing from mountainside to mountainside. The face suddenly stopped laughing, a pillar of rock extending from the mountain to carry the face upon it, its eyes squinting as it drew close to the parchment to read the fine print of the order.

"Well I'll be damned." The rocky voice grumbled. "Cancel the fire! Cancel the smoke! Cancel the lava! We've got a cease and desist."

With those simple words the lava retreated back up the mountainside, the smoke was swallowed right back up into the Triad Volcanoes and the fire extinguished forever. The three impossible tasks had been accomplished and the Triad Volcanoes defeated for all time.

And that, my friends, is how Kadence saved Town.


It wasn't long after her trying ordeal that Kadence left Town forever. The little kitten had been introduced to a whole new world and had a bright new outlook on life. Plus, the kinky neko had a new-found adoration for sex (especially the butt-kind as provided by the simpleton Ted). Perhaps she would seek out Bear, or perhaps the mysterious chakat who had won her heart, or perhaps Ted and the Brothers Brothers... No matter her choice Kadence had a long road ahead of her, not as the hero of Town, but as...

Kadence, the kinky neko kitten!


A story by Kadence. All rights reserved. Thanks for reading!