A Striped Tail Chapter 8: The Lord and the Thieves

Story by Foxern on SoFurry

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First chapter that was actually freshly written as of my returning to the story. I rather enjoyed writing it. It reminded me why I like writing.Note: This story will eventually get pretty hot and heavy, but that's not it's main focus.

Stunned. She was truly and wholly stunned. She sat there on his desk, leaning against the wall. Her mouth was slightly open as she panted. He was wondering how long she was going to sit there. In the few minutes he had already dried off and gotten dressed, and she still hadn't moved. "Guess I need a new thief, this one is broken," he said as he sat down on his bed. It had not been that long, but even he had to admit that it had been...intense.

Her eyes opened slowly, his words rousing her. "Wow..." she mumbled, looking over at him. "Is that how guys kiss?"

"Are you going to be okay?" he said, unable to keep himself from smirking slightly.

"Yeah, yeah..." She waved a hand vaguely towards him. "Just made out with a naked man. First for me..."

He arched an eyebrow at her. "That was your first kiss?"

"N-no," she stammered as she sat up. "Just...my first time with...a guy." He had never seen Jersa look so sheepish...so vulnerable.

"Hm..." He watched her as she placed her hand on her chest, still breathing heavily. It had been a very spur of the moment thing, he surprised himself probably just as much as he had surprised her. He looked down at the watch, feeling it tick in his hand.

"Was it worth it?" He looked up to see her standing in front of him. Leaning down to be face to face with him. "Stealing away such passion for a watch?" She was wearing a sort of half lidded smile on her face.

"It was my fathers," he said softly and sighed.

She pressed her forehead against his, closing her eyes. "I'm sorry. But I'm not going to forgive you for stealing that kiss."

"Oh?" He saw the smile creep onto her face. "And here I thought it was a fair trade." He shifted slightly towards her. "Or do you want another?" he whispered.

Immediately she snapped up, standing straight. "N-no. I-I'm all good." Her face was bright red. "A-all good there."

He chuckled softly, smirking at her. "Is that so?" He flopped into his bed. "Shame." He watched as she fanned herself. "Yanno, you're pretty cute when you're flustered." She spun away from him so that her back was to him. It was true, though. The more time he spent with her, the cuter she was.

This was a dangerous road to go down.

The smile slowly fell from his face as he stared at her back. She was a thief. He was a Lord. He was set to rule Auser eventually. Yet here he was, laying in a bed in Has-Haven, getting feelings for a thief. A thief who under other circumstances-

"Goodnight," she said suddenly as she left the room.

"...Goodnight," he replied softly as the door closed.

What was he expecting? This wasn't some fairytail book. If he didn't watch his step, he'd be dead. Lady Cersa probably got wind of where he was by now...and if there isn't a contract on him yet, there would be soon.

He laid the watch down on the table beside his bed. He had to admit it would be nice to have not slept alone, but Jersa wasn't that type. She didn't seem too upset about the kiss, though now he really wondered why he did it. Even if she offered it as a trade for his watch...that wasn't how things worked in reality. Maybe he had read too many books...

But so far, books had been a great help to him. He had used what he read to build Mr. Ozymandias as a man that no one wanted to mess with. He wasn't sure how much longer that his whole charade would last, but he had to take the Patrition's advice...and surround himself with people he could trust. Jersa was trustworthy. But that was because of the Mistress. She wanted to impress her, and do a good job. It was good that the Mistress was on his side...at least for now. Once Lady Cersa found out where he was...he wondered how much money it would take to sway her.

Then there was Stella. Again, someone out to help him in order to impress someone else. Dr. Minsra was on his side as well, until there was a contract involved. Hopefully Stella would be up to the task of defending him from assassination attempts. But maybe Dr. Minsra had set her up for failure? He seemed to have respect for Mr. Tompkin, but would that respect reach to him as well? He had his doubts.

He needed a way to be sure Stella was on his side and wouldn't turn on him.


There was a tapping on glass that woke him up. He looked over to see the white shape of Stella on the other side of the window. He sat up, waving his hand vaguely and she moved into the room.

She looked around, as if expecting something.

"Jersa's not here," he said as he rubbed his face.

"I-I wasn't looking for them," she said immediately, folding her arms under her bust.

"Sure." He looked out the window; it was still dark outside. "Is there something you wanted?"

"How much do you know about Jersa?" she asked, eyeing him.

"I know that she was in Gruska for several years prior to a few days ago. I know she's a very capable thief and good at what she does." He yawned.

"So, nothing," she said nodding.

"I know more about her than I do you."

She looked at him before walking over and sitting down on the other side of the bed, with her back to him. "Yeah. But I probably know more about you than she does."

"Well, your good at gathering information, so I figure that-" she was shaking her head. "No? Then what?"

"I was born in Auser." He blinked back at her. "When I was twelve, cus my family is well off, they sent me here to study. You can do a lot with the training you get from the Assassin's guild...it's not just learning how to inhume people. You learn about art. History. Economics... It's like a fancy boarding school, that you just happen to learn how to kill people at."


"Yanno, we've actually hung out before. When we were young." She was staring at the floor. "Cus rich families like to have their kids play together. I never really understood that."

"Yeah..." he sighed. "Me either." He jumped slightly as she leaned back against him.

"They said that when I get back, I would really be something. But now, I can't go home." She closed her eyes.

"Cus of the war?" he asked softly. He vaguely remembered a white fruitbat when he was younger.

She smiled a bit. "Nah...cus..." She sighed softly, but smiled. "Because the reason I wanted to go back is right here."

"Stella," he said softly, trying to recall the name. She felt heavier as she leaned more against him.

"You were like...this knight in shining armor. Coolest kid in town. The leader of the pack." She placed her hand on top of his. "It's...really hard to forget your first crush," she said softly. "Do you remember yours?"

"No...I don't even remember when I really started to notice girls." He watched as she ran her fingers over the back of his hand, drawing little shapes. "I do remember playing with a little white fruitbat...but I can't put a name to the face."

"That's fine. When I saw you leaving that artificer shop I recognized you immediately...but I thought...there's no way that it was really you. And the way you spoke to me outside the palace was nothing like the Lord Foxern I knew...but then I figured out why." Her hand slid away from his slowly. "Don't worry, Jace. I'm going to protect you."

Suddenly the weight was gone, and when he looked back...so was she. He sighed softly as he got up, closing the window.


His eyes opened slowly and he reached out, grasping the pocketwatch that was sitting on the table. Slowly and lazily he pulled it towards him, clicking it open. "Not even noon," he mumbled as he rubbed his face. Eventually he sat up, dragging himself from the soft bed. His head still buzzed with all that had happened last night. What happened with Jersa was one thing...but Stella was an entirely different thing. Was it coincidence, or was she lying? More importantly, why would she lie? Some attempt to get closer to him? But then she ran before he could really say anything.

It was true, that a lot of the more well off kids he knew were sent to study abroad, some of them went to Has-Haven's assassin school. That was just how things went. He probably would have gone there, too, if not for Mr. Tompkin. I guess technically I was trained by an assassin... He pulled on clothes more suitable for outside, before exiting the room, briefcase in hand. "Skagger." The rat smiled at him.

"G'mornin, Mr. Ozymandias."

"Go and fetch the Mistress." He saw the rat wince. "I wish to have a chat with her." He tapped his chin. "Preferably over lunch."

"R-roight," he said before he scampered off a hallway. Leaving Jace alone, with Burce.

"Good morning, Burce," he said, looking at the massive tiger.

"'Mornin'," was all the response he got.

"How's the family?" That caused a reaction. He saw the tigers muscles tense.

"They're...good," he managed, staring at Jace.

"Good, good. Your parents doing well? Probably taken care of by your brothers." He moved slowly, trying to not provoke the large man.

"Me mum is sick," he said slowly, or more so it seemed that was just the way he talked.

"That's bad for this time of year." He could hear Skagger coming back up the hallway. "I do hope she gets better soon." He turned to the little rat.

"Sh-she says ya can 'ave lunch wit 'er in 'er office," he said, quite out of breath.

"Very good." He turned and walked the way that Skagger had come from. "Goodday, gentlemen. I do hope you spend your day doing something productive, rather than stalking me."


It was not hard to find her office. There were signs, so it was actually very easy. He knocked on the door. "Enter," he heard from within.

The door opened silently into a large room, decorated with dozens of random things. Probably things of note that had been stolen. He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. In the center of the room sat the Mistress. In front of her was a rather large lunch, set for two, and an empty chair.

"I do hope I'm not disturbing you," he said as he walked purposefully across the room, hanging his cloak on the empty chair and setting his briefcase beside it.

"Not at all," she said with a rather large smile. "In fact, there were things I was hoping to discuss with you."

He sat down, and began dishing food onto his plate. "Oh? Do tell."

"There are quite a few rumors flying around at the moment, Mr. Ozymandias..." She ate very small bites, taking her time and enjoying the meal.

Jace had to admit that it was all quite delicious, both the food and the view. "That tends to be the case with rumors. Do you wish to speak of one in particular?"

"Mostly I would like to know about this little rumor that you are in fact Lord Foxern," she said rather mater-o-factually. Though she continued eating, Jace could tell all her focus was on him.

"Ah yes, that one." He took a small drink from his glass. "A bit too early for wine, don't you think?"

She placed her fork down onto her plate and stared at him. "It is never too early for wine," she said coldly.

He sighed softly. "Madam, are you aware of what a body double is?"

Her eyes narrowed at him. "Surely you don't expect me to believe-"

"Surely you don't think that Lady Foxern would send her eldest, and only, son, a Mixed, into Lady Cersa's hands," he said flatly. "A woman who is rumored to run Hunts at her husbands request. A family who has been more than known for not only outlawing mixed relationships, but having the punishment for breaking said law, be death."

"That was long ago-"

"And yet here I sit," he said, leaning forward. "I'm afraid you've been in Has-Haven too long, madam. The world outside does not follow the same rules as laid out by the dear Patrician." He leaned back in his seat, taking another sip of his wine.

"So you are his...body double," she said, her voice thick with skepticism.

"I was, at her Ladyships request. Mr Tompkin and I were to assess her true motives. Lady Foxern's concern was more that she had finally broken free of the old ways, and was seeking to strengthen the two nations through marriage." He chuckled softly, though it was mirthless. "Lord Foxern is not one for marriage. He is more interested in bedding as many females as he can, as any man in his position would be."

"Then where is Lord Foxern? Why hide him from the public? It would stop this war."

"Would it?" He looked up from her food, glaring hard at her. "I don't see how it would. The gears are already turning. Lady Cersa's darker side has come to light. Lord Foxern is next to assume the throne, an assassination attempt now would cripple Auser, successful or not."

"And what makes you think that?" she said as she finally returned to her food.

"Lord Foxern is...rather weak in will. Impressionable. An assassination attempt would ruin his self-esteem and sense of safety. He would become paranoid, and distant for fear of when another would strike." He pulled more food onto his plate, talking bad about himself was making him hungry.

"I still find it hard to believe...that someone like you, no offense meant of course, could pass for Lord Foxern." She gave him a polite smile.

"Then..." He looked at his plate. "Allow me to convince you." He rolled his shoulders, slouched in his chair, roughed up his hair, undid the top button of his shirt and even skewed the collar. He changed every mannerism he could think of. Even how he was holding his fork. "This is quite a lovely lunch that you've had set up for us, Mistress."

The way stared at him, fork half way to her gaping mouth showed immediately that he had convinced her. "That..."

"Quite a show, eh?" he said with a bit of a smirk. "I spent quite a long time watching and learning his mannerisms. I'll save you the show of having to watch him eat." He snapped immediately back into the posture of Mr. Ozymandias. The truth was, he was not as slobbish as he would portray himself, but he had to show that Lord Foxern and Mr. Ozymandias were very different people.

She laughed. "My word! You are quite the actor, Mr. Ozymandias. I can see why the rumors fly about you."

"Quite," he said as he attempted to fix his hair.

"You know...you are quite the fascinating man..." She leaned forward slightly, smirking. "Jersa is quite...enamored by you. She came to me with all sorts of questions, and asked for advice in categories I quite thought she never had interest in."

"Oh? Are we dropping her facade of being a male?" He focused on the ticking of his clock, trying to not think of what sort of things Jersa was asking.

"I figure it only prudent since we both are aware." She took a slow sip. "Apparently she talks about you having a...softer side." She smiled at him over her wine glass. "A more...forceful side, even." She sipped the wine, her eyes never leaving him.

"I simply gave her what she wanted," he said before continuing his meal. Even if I wanted it just as badly...

"Ooohh really~" She licked her lips. "And what if you were to find out what I wanted?"

"It would depend on what I would receive in exchange." He was focusing very hard to keep his heartbeat slow and in time with the tick of the watch. It was...difficult for him to imagine a dragon flirting with him, let alone a dragon in such a powerful position.

"Oh my." She smirked it him. Then suddenly she sighed and leaned back in her chair. "But...I couldn't do that. As much as I would like to...it'd break her heart."

"I may beat you to that," he said quite coldly.

Now she frowned at him. "Yes. You probably will." They ate in silence for a few minutes. "But, if that is to happen, I am sure she will get over you as quickly as she has fallen for you." She bit her lip softly. "Maybe then I'll have a chance..."

"Perhaps," he said as he pushed away his empty plate, dabbing at his muzzle with a napkin. "Time will tell." He stood, giving her a small, polite, smile. "Now if you will excuse me... I have a wizard to go and see."

"Making good progress, then? I hear you have your assassin." She lifted her glass of wine, smiling at him once more.

"Yes. Time will tell if Dr. Minsra chose a good enough candidate." He bowed slightly to her, retrieved his belongings, and left without so much as another glance.

Once outside however, he nearly collapsed. That entire experience had been nerve-wracking. Not only had she spoken of Jersa in...that way, about him no less, but she also flirted with him. That was the most unbelievable part. A dragon. Flirting with a Mixed. Unheard of.

But then again, he wasn't a Mixed to her...

He was Mr. Ozymandias.

A Striped Tail Chapter 9: Danger in the Alley

The Hogs Head was at least a proper establishment. Nothing like the Broken Stool at all; the complete opposite. The only thing the two had in common was that they both served what could be considered alcohol. The owner of the bar was a rather jolly ram...

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A Striped Tail Chapter 7: Wizards

Twenty-seven blocks. They continued their insulting for twenty-seven blocks, and the only reason they stopped was Jace had told them to shut up. Of course, he may have also threatened to cut out their vocal cords if they didn't stop, but that is beyond...

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A Striped Tail Chapter 6: Value of a Clock

Sometimes sanity can be as simple as the tic of a clock. Something that brings memories of a better time, or a better place. The not-so-simple pocket watch ticked loudly as it sat upon the table beside Jace. It had taken him two hours to take apart,...

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