Unwanted Protection

Story by CalexTheNeko on SoFurry

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#3 of Shrinking/Micro

I did a raffle for Micro May on Twitter. The winner of the raffle was MosesJ over on FA and for his prize he requested a story of his dragon character Moses being shrunk down by his tigress character Olivia to be kept as a mouse. So one day Moses gets home, finds Olivia waiting for him who seems rather excited... Then the dragon suddenly finds himself shrinking smaller and smaller with an eager Olivia ready to keep him as her pet.

And this is my second entry for Micro May! And second one uploaded today! Huzzah expect lots more tiny and shrinking fun as the month goes on!Please consider supporting on PatreonOr leaving a tip on Ko-Fi

PDF story book copy of this story will be up on Patreon shortly!

Also... I have a Discord server now!Join Calex's Transformation Station on Discord!

Unwanted Protection

Moses returned home to find he had company. The dragon paused as he looked at the car sitting outside his apartment. He recognized who it belonged to. Well... He figured he might as well figure out what she wanted. With a heavy sigh the dragon worked his way up the stairs and to the front door. When he got inside he found his guest had already made herself at home.

She was currently laying on her back on his couch. A pot of tea was sitting on the coffee table that looked like it had just recently been made. Two cups sat on the table but both empty.

"Ah you're finally here!" She spoke up as sat up as Moses entered the apartment. "I wasn't sure when to expect you." It was a purple tigress that laid on the couch. Unlike Moses she didn't wear any form of clothing. She seemed to think her thick fluffy fur was enough to cover her muscular body. Considering Moses himself was only dressed in a pair of shorts he supposed he didn't have room to judge.

"You say that... And yet you somehow made the tea right on time." Moses rolled his eyes at the tigress. He knew she tended to just do as she pleased. There was no point trying to press the point further. "So what do I owe the pleasure Olivia?" He said the words dryly. It wasn't that Olivia wasn't a friend but... She was just one of those friends that tended to be rather demanding... He wasn't sure he had the patience needed to deal with her right after work.

"You're so short with me today!" Olivia complained. "Was it that bad a day at work?"

"You have no idea..." Moses sat down on the couch next to her and just let himself sink into the furniture.

"You really do work too hard." Olivia shook her head. "But... What if I told you... That I found a way you'd never have to work like that again?"

"I'd say you were delusional." Moses cracked his neck then looked at the two tea cups sitting on the table. "Do you mind if I take one?"

"Go ahead I thought you might need it!" Olivia nodded eagerly.

"Thank you..." Moses poured the tea into a cup. Truth be told he wasn't a very big tea person. He didn't even know he had a tea pot in his apartment! Then again... Perhaps Olivia had brought it. However... As tired as he was caffeine in any form was a welcome friend. "Now then... What ridiculous scheme are you going to try to pitch to me?"

"Not a scheme at all!" Olivia looked hurt. "I'm just trying to look out for you! And... I saw something while I was out shopping today..."

"Oh no...." Moses muttered as he sipped the tea. It was surprisingly flavorful He had thought it would be bitter. "So what did you decide to invest in antiques you want me to resell?" Olivia laughed at that.

"You're so pessimistic!" Olivia grinned. "You act like I was here to try to talk you into some kind of con."

"Admittedly that's not your style." Moses didn't add he figured that knocking people over the head for money was more her style. "But what else am I supposed to believe when you come in promising to make me rich?"

"I never said anything about making you rich." Olivia crossed her arms. "Honestly you jump to all sorts of conclusions I could have explained it by now if you just stopped talking."

"Fine fine!" Moses waved his hand dismissively as he drained his tea cup. "I'll be quiet, you can talk. Let me just grab a second cup of tea."

"Maybe not!" Olivia shot out a paw and grabbed Moses' hand before he could grab a second one. "I think one cup is probably more than enough."

"I think I need a lot more caffeine..." Moses whined.

"There's not even any caffeine in it!" Olivia explained.

"What?" Moses slumped against the couch. "Then why are we even drinking it?" He sat his cup down on the table and sunk into the couch. He felt... Strangely twitchy as he did. He was getting some kind of effect from the tea even if Olivia was telling the truth.

"I've been trying to explain!" Olivia went on. "I found this tea in that new health food store! It was next to the weight loss section. But after talking to the store I figured this could solve a lot of problems for you."

"What?" Now Moses was confused on a number of levels. "A weight loss tea?" He looked at his stomach. He didn't look fat. Maybe a little full bodied... And sure his tail was thick! But he was more muscular than anything! "I don't think I've put on weight." Meanwhile he still couldn't shake that twitchy sensation. He looked to Olivia. She seemed her usual big dominating self as she stared down at him. Even felt bigger than normal today. She was determined about something.

"You're not fat..." Olivia covered her muzzle with a paw to hide a laugh. "Maybe a little thick... But I said it was next to the weight loss products! It's a brand new section called Occult Health Foods!"

"I never thought you'd be the type to go in for some kind of new age spiritual foods..." Moses shifted in place. The purple dragon crossed his legs noticing that his shorts were a bit loose on him. Well! That was a good sign! Clearly if anything he had lost weight! Though that might mean he was working himself too hard.

"I wouldn't have believed it at first... But they had demonstrations in the store." Olivia suddenly sat up on her knees on the couch. She stared at Moses with her tail twitching excitedly. Her ears were alert and her whiskers arched forward. "And I saw the potential in it! I promise! I'll make sure you never have to work hard again!"

"You're kind of scaring me..." Moses muttered. Why did Olivia... Always have to be so... Olivia-ish? The big muscular tiger practically seemed to tower over him when she perched on the couch like that.

"But it's working already!" Olivia said excitedly. "I can already see the changes!"

"Changes?" Moses arched an eyebrow. "Look no kind of food no matter how healthy or unhealthy can change someone right away." He continued to have that twitchy feeling though. Maybe this was supposed to be some kind of natural energy food. He had heard of foods like that before. Things that were supposed to be high in vitamins and nutrients that gave you energy without needing caffeine. Maybe what she meant was she had just noticed him being so twitchy.

"You can be really dense sometimes you know that?" Olivia tilted her head sadly. "That's why I always feel like I have to look after you. I worry you're likely to walk headfirst into a problem without even seeing it."

"Usually I see the problem and her purple fur miles away." Moses snerked. That same twitchy feeling kept spreading... And... Was it just his imagination or were his shorts even looser? He worried he might need a belt to keep them up... Which was problematic since they had no belt loops.

"Moses..." Olivia sighed. "Look down at yourself.

"Why?" Moses did as he was asked. He looked fine. Sure his shorts felt loose and... And... Were currently sitting over his legs like a blanket. "Wait... It..." He looked back up at Olivia noticing again how large and intimidating she looked. He then looked around the room noticing everything was bigger.

"You're already down to two thirds your starting size!" Olivia smiled happily.

"I... Just... It..." Moses tried to process what was happening. There was tea... Then his shorts were giant. As was Olivia... It was taking a moment.

"It's Pygmy Tea!" Olivia explained. "It's an imported size reducing tea!"

"Olivia! Just.... What the heck!?" Moses shouted. He was now down to half his size as he sat next to her on the couch. He was slowly accepting the impossibility of the situation. "What did you do to me!"

"I mean you asked to drink the tea..." Olivia said defensively. "But good thing I stopped you from grabbing the second cup! That would have been a bit too small in my honest opinion!"

"What!? How small am I going to get!?" Moses stood up as he shouted. He slid right out of his shorts standing atop the couch naked. Even standing he wasn't eye level with Olivia. The tips of his horns and ears were roughly even with Olivia's chest... And he was getting shorter.

"Not too much smaller..." Olivia shrugged. "Just small enough to fit in my pocket... " She paused at that. "Though I don't really have pockets so I guess you'll have to get used to riding on my shoulder or head when I can't carry you."

"That... That is not acceptable!" Moses shouted. "You- You can't just come in and poison someone with magic shrinking tea!"

"I didn't poison you!" Olivia fumed. "I was trying to help you! You're always overworking yourself! This way you can just relax and stay safe!"

"How is this supposed to help me relax!?" Moses demanded. By now he had shrunk to eye level with her stomach while standing on the couch.

"Oh that's easy!" Olivia smiled. "My income really isn't enough to support to normal adults... But with you like that! You'd cost even less to keep fed and happy than a pet! So you can relax all day while I work! And I'll make sure you're always safe and well cared for."

"Cared for..." Moses took a step back. "Olivia I'm not your pet!"

"Why not?" Olivia asked. "It'll be so much easier that what you have now! No more long hours! No more struggling to make ends meet! And you don't have to be worried about being so small! I'll always be there to keep you safe." With that Olivia scooped Moses off the couch. She held him in her arms like an infant which was about the size he was now.

"But but!" Moses squirmed in her arms. She kept a firm grip on him and he couldn't get loose. Why couldn't he be one of those dragons with wings so he could fly away from her.

"I won't hear a word against this!" Olivia clucked. "I've given this a lot of thought! And I think this really is the best way I can help you!"

"I didn't ask for your help!" Moses shouted. He was now down to the size of a doll. He was starting to tire himself out trying to struggle his way free from Olivia's grip.

"But... I really just wanted to help you..." Olivia muttered. She clutched Moses to her chest like a doll as her voice dropped. She seemed hurt from his reaction.

"Oh no!" Moses tried to glare up at her. The best he could do was glare at her chest fluff. "Don't you dare! You're the one who's causing problems here! Don't you dare try to make me feel bad because you shrunk me!"

"I really thought this out though..." Olivia said slowly.

"Well think about how to fix it!" Moses said. By now the dragon was no bigger than a mouse. The twitchy sensation faded at least so it seemed he was no longer shrinking. Olivia shifted her grip on him to let him rest in on the paw of her paw-hand.

"Well about that..." She looked away. "They didn't really sell any kind of counter tea to it... I was so certain you'd like being my pet I hadn't considered the possibility of even needing one."

"OLIVIA!" Moses shouted. "What... What am I supposed to do now!? I look like a rodent!"

"I think you look cute!" Olivia stated. With her free hand she poked Moses' belly with a finger and then began to rub it.

"Gah stop! Stop that!" Moses objected and tried to turn. The worst part of this whole endeavor was... He was kind of enjoying the belly rub. She must never know. She couldn't know if he liked any part of this.

"I know you're upset..." Olivia said. "But I really am trying to help! Maybe you'll feel better about it in the morning. Come on let's go home!"

"But I am home!" Moses objected. However at his current size he was powerless to resist Olivia. She carried him out of his apartment and down the stairs. Once she got into the car she deposited him down into the cup holder.

"Now stay there! I want you to stay safe while I'm driving!" She spoke as she pulled her car out.

"And where else am I going to go?" Moses huffed. He sat down in the cup holder with his arms crossed. He didn't like submitting to being Olivia's pet but he didn't have a lot of options right now. He couldn't even take care of himself at this current size! And if he crawled out and tried to run somewhere well... He might get lost and stuck underneath the seat or something. That would me an embarrassing way to go. Instead he was forced to just sit there and mutter to himself during the entire drive. He almost didn't even notice when Olivia placed the car into park again.

"We're here!" Olivia smiled as she parked the car. She suddenly plucked Moses up by the tail and lifted him up to her head. She dropped him atop her head and began to get out of the car.

"Whoa not so fast!" Moses objected to his handling. He grabbed bits of Olivia's hair to avoid falling off. "You trying to lose me in the parking lot!?"

"I'm being careful!" Olivia explained. "Don't worry! I know exactly where you are at all times!" With the diminutive dragon atop her head Olivia headed up to her own apartment. She proceeded back to the bedroom immediately. Moses eyes grew wide as he noticed something on the bed stand next to her. It was a terrarium, one that you might keep a pet mouse in. It even had an exercise wheel.

"You're not planning to keep me in there!" He protested.

"Well not all the time!" Olivia smiled "But I thought you might appreciate having your own private bedroom you can go too! I'll work on getting you some curtains so you can block people off from seeing inside when you want to be alone! And look... I've set up a ramp so you can come and go as you please!" Olivia revealed a few pieces of plastic that made a ramp going up to the top of the terrarium. It looked like the type of thing you put in a cage to give your pets something to climb on. Outside the cage there was a small stack of books and magazines forming a staircase. It did indeed appear that Moses would be able to come and go as he pleased.

"Don't care I'm not living in a cage!" Moses crossed his arms. Having a private area would be nice... But he was refusing to engage any of Olivia's ideas that led to him being treated as a pet.

"Okay you don't have too..." Olivia muttered. "I'll get you some dinner then." She sat Moses down on night table next to the terrarium and walked off.

Moses examined his surroundings. Again he considered running off. But of course being this small what would he do? He was dependent on Olivia for basic survival right now... Until he could find a way to change back to normal size he was stuck here. He sat down and let his feet dangle off the edge of the night table. It was like sitting atop a cliff looking down. It was hard to comprehend just how much bigger the world was now.

After a few minutes Olivia had not returned and Moses was starting to panic less. As he calmed down he started to grow bored. He looked at the terrarium and the ramp that led in and out of it.

"I'm not living in there..." He shook his head. "I just want to see what it looks like." He climbed up the books and walked down into the terrarium. It was slightly bigger to him than his bedroom had been at his old apartment. He looked around... There was a bed made of cotton balls in the corner. He supposed it looked comfortable. He then looked at the exercise wheel. "Who would ever actually want to run in something like that?" He paused for a moment. "I bet it doesn't even work."

Moses slowly stepped into the exercise wheel. He took a few steps as the wheel began to spin keeping pace with him.

"Well I bet it can't go very fast..." Moses muttered as he picked up speed. Soon he was jogging as fast as he could. The wheel continued to spin and spin. He was getting a really good workout without even having to leave his room! This was actually... Pretty okay! He wondered why they didn't have any versions of this in gyms.

After several minutes he was starting to get exhausted and stopped.

"Get a good workout?" Olivia asked.

"Gah!?" Moses spun around and looked up. There was Olivia's face towering over the terrarium and looking down into it at him. She was smiling.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" Moses complained. "How long have you been there!?"

"About five minutes." Olivia shrugged. "You looked like you were in the zone... I didn't want to interrupt!"

"Just for the record!" Moses looked around. "This doesn't mean anything! I was just checking it out! I don't like this! Or this terrarium! Or being this tiny or anything!"

"I understand!" Olivia said.

"I'm serious!" Moses protested.

"Sure! Sure!" Olivia nodded. "I brought you dinner!" She set a small plate of food meant to feed a hamster down into the cage. It looked like chicken though she had cut off a very small piece of it.

Moses tore into the food hungrily. He was starved after his run! Still... Despite it being barely a bite for when he was normal sized... He found himself unable to eat it all! He was soon full and unable to take another bite.

"Heh good thing you run so much." Olivia gently petted Moses atop the head. "Otherwise you'd wind up a tummy dragon."

"Heh heh I see..." Moses began to rub against the petting finger then realized what he was doing. "HEY STOP THAT!"

After dinner there wasn't much left to do. It was late in the evening since they had been at Moses' apartment first... Or Moses supposed his former apartment. Olivia went to bed shortly after that. Moses tried to go to bed in the cotton bed but he couldn't. He just couldn't get comfortable. It was soft... But it just didn't feel right.

He climbed up the ramp and out of the terrarium and looked at Olivia sleeping soundly in her bed. It was as if she really wasn't bothered by any of this. She really did think she was helping.

Well... What was he supposed to do now? Unable to sleep and with nothing else to do he jumped from the night stand to the bed. He walked over to Olivia and considered trying to wake her up. If he couldn't sleep why should she? He held out a hand and touched her fluffy fur.

It was soft and warm.

Moses felt himself blushing as an idea formed. He slowly started to crawl up onto Olivia's body. He struggled a bit... Then suddenly he found Olivia's hand directly beneath him. He looked up at her and saw her eyes half open looking at him. She silently lifted him up and carried him up to his chest. There she gently held him there. With his head reading against her chest fluff and her paw pad covering him like a blanket Moses was overcome with feelings of warmth and softness. He felt himself blushing a bit.

Perhaps... Not every part of this lifestyle was horrible.

The End

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